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Text -- 2 Chronicles 23:14 (NET)

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23:14 Jehoiada the priest sent out the officers of the units of hundreds, who were in charge of the army, and ordered them, “Bring her outside the temple to the guards. Put the sword to anyone who follows her.” The priest gave this order because he had decided she should not be executed in the Lord’s temple.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Jehoiada a chief priest; father of Benaiah, head of David's body guard,chief priest under Athaliah and Joash,a prince of the house of Aaron who defected to David with his men,a man who was a counselor of King David,a chief priest in the time of Jeremiah,son of Eliashib the high priest in Nehemiah's time

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Jehoiada | Revivals | Joash | Women | Zeal | Israel | Athaliah | FORTH | GENEALOGY, 1-7 | RANGE | Covenant | more
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Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 2Ch 23:14 Heb “for the priest had said, ‘Do not put her to death in the house of the Lord.’”

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