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Text -- 2 Corinthians 13:14 (NET)

13:14 [[EMPTY]]
Parallel   Cross Reference (TSK)   ITL  
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Vincent , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey , Lapide

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Vincent: 2Co 13:14 - -- The grace, etc. The most complete benediction of the Pauline epistles. In most of the epistles the introductory benedictions are confined to gra...

The grace, etc.

The most complete benediction of the Pauline epistles. In most of the epistles the introductory benedictions are confined to grace and peace . In the pastoral epistles mercy is added. In the closing benedictions uniformly grace .

JFB: 2Co 13:14 - -- The benediction which proves the doctrine of the Divine Trinity in unity. "The grace of Christ" comes first, for it is only by it we come to "the love...

The benediction which proves the doctrine of the Divine Trinity in unity. "The grace of Christ" comes first, for it is only by it we come to "the love of God" the Father (Joh 14:6). The variety in the order of Persons proves that "in this Trinity none is afore or after other" [Athanasian Creed].

JFB: 2Co 13:14 - -- Joint fellowship, or participation, in the same Holy Ghost, which joins in one catholic Church, His temple, both Jews and Gentiles. Whoever has "the f...

Joint fellowship, or participation, in the same Holy Ghost, which joins in one catholic Church, His temple, both Jews and Gentiles. Whoever has "the fellowship of the Holy Ghost," has also "the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ," and "the love of God"; and vice versa. For the three are inseparable, as the three Persons of the Trinity itself [CHRYSOSTOM]. The doctrine of the Trinity was not revealed clearly and fully till Christ came, and the whole scheme of our redemption was manifested in Him, and we know the Holy Three in One more in their relations to us (as set forth summarily in this benediction), than in their mutual relations to one another (Deu 29:29).

JFB: 2Co 13:14 - -- Omitted in the oldest manuscripts. Probably added subsequently for the exigencies of public joint worship.

Omitted in the oldest manuscripts. Probably added subsequently for the exigencies of public joint worship.

Clarke: 2Co 13:14 - -- The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ - All the favor and beneficence that come from and through the Redeemer of the world; as the Lord, the ruler and ...

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ - All the favor and beneficence that come from and through the Redeemer of the world; as the Lord, the ruler and governor of all things; as Jesus, the Savior of all men by his passion and death; as Christ, the distributer of all that Divine unction which enlightens, comforts, harmonizes, and purifies the mind. May this most exalted, glorious, and all-sufficient Savior, be ever with you

Clarke: 2Co 13:14 - -- And the love of God - God, your Maker, in that infinite love which induced him to create the world, and form man in his own image and in his own lik...

And the love of God - God, your Maker, in that infinite love which induced him to create the world, and form man in his own image and in his own likeness, that he might be capable of knowing, loving, and enjoying him for ever; and God in the fullest manifestations of that love which caused him to give his only begotten Son, to the end that they who believe on him should not perish, but have everlasting life. May this God of love, and this love of God, be ever with you

Clarke: 2Co 13:14 - -- And the communion of the Holy Ghost - May that Holy Spirit, that Divine and eternal energy which proceeds from the Father and the Son; that heavenly...

And the communion of the Holy Ghost - May that Holy Spirit, that Divine and eternal energy which proceeds from the Father and the Son; that heavenly fire that gives light and life, that purifies and refines, sublimes and exalts, comforts and invigorates, make you all partakers with himself

Κοινωνια, which we translate fellowship and communion, signifies properly participation; having things in common; partaking with each other. This points out the astonishing privileges of true believers: they have communion with God’ s Spirit; share in all its gifts and graces; walk in its light; through him they have the fullest confidence that they are of God, that he is their father and friend, and has blotted out all their iniquities: this they know by the Spirit which he has given them. And is it possible that a man shall be a partaker with the Holy Ghost, and not know it! that he shall be full of light and love, and not know it! that he shall have the spirit of adoption, by which he can cry, Abba! Father! and yet know nothing of his relationship to God, but by inference from indirect proofs! In a word, that he shall have the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost with him, and all the while know nothing certain of the grace, as to his portion in it; feel nothing warming from the love, as to its part in him; and nothing energetic from the communion, as to his participation in the gifts and graces of this Divine energy! This is all as absurd as it is impossible. Every genuine Christian, who maintains a close walk with God, may have as full an evidence of his acceptance with God as he has of his own existence. And the doctrine that explains away this privilege, or softens it down to nothing, by making the most gracious and safe state consistent with innumerable doubts and fears and general uncertainty, is not of God. It is a spurious gospel, which, under the show of a voluntary humility, not only lowers, but almost annihilates, the standard of Christianity

This text, as well as that, Mat 3:16, Mat 3:17, and that other, Mat 28:19, strongly marks the doctrine of the holy Trinity. See the note on Mat 28:19. And had not the apostle been convinced that there was a personality in this ever-blessed and undivided Trinity, he could not have expressed himself thus. And had not our Lord intended to be understood in this way, he would not have given such a commission to his apostles, to baptize the nations in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. The doctrine is the teaching of God, let men make of it what they please. And the genuine Church of God have ever received and understood it in this way

Clarke: 2Co 13:14 - -- Amen - This word is wanting, as usual, in almost every MS. of authority. Amen seems to have been anciently added at the conclusion of books, exactly...

Amen - This word is wanting, as usual, in almost every MS. of authority. Amen seems to have been anciently added at the conclusion of books, exactly as we add the word, finis , both merely signifying the end

As to the inscription, it is wanting, either in whole or in part, in almost all the ancient MSS. The principal forms in which it exists are the following

- To the Corinthians, the second

- The second to the Corinthians is completed

- The second to the Corinthians is finished

- To the Corinthians, the second, written from Philippi

- Written from Philippi by Titus

- Written from Philippi by Titus and Luke

- By Titus, Barnabas, and Luke

- The Second Epistle to the Corinthians was written from Philippi of Macedonia, and sent by Titus, Syriac

- The End of the Epistle. It was written from the city of Philippi by Titus and Luke. Praise be to God for ever, Arabic

- In the Vulgate there is no subscription; nor in the Ethiopic

- Written in Philippi of Macedonia, and sent by Titus and Luke, Coptic

- The Second Epistle to the Corinthians is ended; which was written from Philippi of Macedonia, by Titus and Luke, Syr. Philox

It has been often remarked that no dependence can be placed on many of the subscriptions to the sacred books, which are found in MSS. and versions, because those subscriptions were not written by the authors of those books, but were afterwards added by the transcribers or copiers, who followed either tradition or their own judgment. It is generally allowed that this second epistle was written from Macedonia; and probably from the city of Philippi, in that province. See the introduction and preface to this epistle

Finished the correction for a new edition, Dec. 13th, 1831. A. C

Calvin: 2Co 13:14 - -- 14.The grace of the Lord Jesus He closes the Epistle with a prayer, which contains three clauses, in which the sum of our salvation consists. In the ...

14.The grace of the Lord Jesus He closes the Epistle with a prayer, which contains three clauses, in which the sum of our salvation consists. In the first place, he desires for them the grace of Christ; secondly, the love of God; and, thirdly, the communion of the Spirit The term grace does not here mean unmerited favor, but is taken by metonymy, to denote the whole benefit of redemption. The order, however, may appear to be here inverted, because the love of God is placed second, while it is the source of that grace, and hence it is first in order. I answer, that the arrangement of terms in the Scriptures is not always so very exact; but, at the same time, this order, too, corresponds with the common form of doctrine, which is contained in the Scriptures — that

when we were enemies to God,
we were reconciled by the death of his Son, (Rom 5:10,)

though the Scripture is wont to speak of this in two ways. For it sometimes declares what I have quoted from Paul — that there was enmity between us and God, before we were reconciled through Christ. On the other hand, we hear what John says — that

God so loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten Son, etc. (Joh 3:16.)

The statements are apparently opposite; but it is easy to reconcile them; because in the one case we look to God, and in the other to ourselves. For God, viewed in himself, loved us before the creation of the world, and redeemed us for no other reason than this — because he loved us. As for us, on the other hand, as we see in ourselves nothing but occasion of wrath, that is, sin, we cannot apprehend any love of God towards us without a Mediator. Hence it is that, with respect to us, the beginning of love is from the grace of Christ. According to the former view of the matter, Paul would have expressed himself improperly, had he put the love of God before the grace of Christ, or, in other words, the cause before the effect; but according to the latter, it were a suitable arrangement to begin with the grace of Christ, which was the procuring cause of God’s adopting us into the number of his sons, and honoring us with his love, whom previously he regarded with hatred and abhorrence on account of sin.

The fellowship of the Holy Spirit is added, because it is only under his guidance, that we come to possess Christ, and all his benefits. He seems, however, at the same time, to allude to the diversity of gifts, of which he had made mention elsewhere, (2Co 12:11;) because God does not give the Spirit to every one in a detached way, but distributes to each according to the measure of grace, that the members of the Church, by mutually participating, one with another, may cherish unity.

Defender: 2Co 13:14 - -- This is the only one of Paul's epistles which he closes with such a full Trinitarian benediction. Nevertheless, it fully reveals his faith in the tri-...

This is the only one of Paul's epistles which he closes with such a full Trinitarian benediction. Nevertheless, it fully reveals his faith in the tri-unity of the Godhead, a doctrine absolutely unique to Christianity among all the varied religions and philosophies of the world. It is also a doctrine vital to the true Christian life, for each person is vitally involved in the creation, redemption, guidance and ultimate glorification of each believer."

TSK: 2Co 13:14 - -- The grace : Num 6:23-27; Mat 28:19; Joh 1:16, Joh 1:17; Rom 1:7, Rom 16:20,Rom 16:24; 1Co 16:23; Rev 1:4, Rev 1:5 the love : Rom 5:5, Rom 8:39; Eph 6:...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: 2Co 13:14 - -- The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ - see the note, Rom 16:20. This verse contains what is usually called the apostolic benediction - the form w...

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ - see the note, Rom 16:20. This verse contains what is usually called the apostolic benediction - the form which has been so long, and which is almost so universally used, in dismissing religious assemblies. It is properly a prayer, and it is evident that the optative εἴῃ eiē , "May the grace,"etc., is to be supplied. It is the expression of a desire that the favors here referred to may descend on all for whom they are thus invoked.

And the love of God - May the love of God toward you be manifest. This must refer especially to the Father, as the Son and the Holy Spirit are mentioned in the other members of the sentence. The "love of God"here referred to is the manifestation of his goodness and favor in the pardon of sin, in the communication of his grace, in the comforts and consolations which he imparts to his people, in all that constitutes an expression of love. The love of God brings salvation; imparts comfort; pardons sin; sanctifies the soul; fills the heart with joy and peace; and Paul here prays that all the blessings which are the fruit of that love may be with them.

And the communion of the Holy Ghost - compare note, 1Co 10:16. The word "communion"( κοινωνία koinōnia ) means properly participation, fellowship, or having anything in common; Act 2:42; Rom 15:26; 1Co 1:9; 1Co 10:16; 2Co 6:14; 2Co 8:4; 2Co 9:13; Gal 2:9; Eph 3:9; 1Jo 1:3. This is also a wish or prayer of the apostle Paul; and the desire is either that they might partake of the views and feelings of the Holy Spirit; that is, that they might have fellowship with him; or that they might all in common partake of the gifts and graces which the Spirit of God imparts. He gives love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith Gal 5:22, as well as miraculous endowments; and Paul prays that these things might be imparted freely to all the church in common, that all might participate in them; all might share them.

Amen - This word is missing, says Clarke, in almost every ms. of any authority. It was however early affixed to the Epistle.

In regard to this closing verse of the Epistle, we may make the following remarks:

(1) It is a prayer; and if it is a prayer addressed to God, it is no less so to the Lord Jesus and to the Holy Spirit. If so, it is right to offer worship to the Lord Jesus and to the Holy Spirit.

\caps1 (2) t\caps0 here is a distinction in the divine nature; or there is the existence of what is usually termed three persons in the Godhead. If not. why are they mentioned in this manner? If the Lord Jesus is not divine and equal with the Father, why is he mentioned in this connection? How strange it would be for Paul, an inspired man, to pray in the same breath, "the grace of a man or an angel"and "the love of God"be with you! And if the "Holy Spirit"be merely an influence of God or an attribute of God, how strange to pray that the "love of God"and the participation or fellowship of an "influence of God,"or an "attribute of God"might be with them!

\caps1 (3) t\caps0 he Holy Spirit is a person, or has a distinct personality. He is not an attribute of God, nor a mere divine influence. How could prayer be addressed to an attribute, or an influence? But here, nothing can be plainer than that there were favors which the Holy Spirit, as an intelligent and conscious agent, was expected to bestow. And nothing can be plainer than that they were favors in some sense distinct from those which were conferred by the Lord Jesus, and by the Father. Here is a distinction of some kind as real as that between the Lord Jesus and the Father; here are favors expected from him distinct from those conferred by the Father and the Son; and there is, therefore, here all the proof that there can be, that there is in some respects a distinction between the persons here referred to and that the Holy Spirit is an intelligent, conscious agent.

\caps1 (4) t\caps0 he Lord Jesus is not inferior to the Father, that is, he has an equality with God. If he were not equal, how could he be mentioned, as he here is, as bestowing favors like God, and especially why is he mentioned first? Would Paul, in invoking blessings, mention the name of a mere man or an angel before that of the eternal God?

\caps1 (5) t\caps0 he passage, therefore, furnishes a proof of the doctrine of the Trinity that has not yet been answered, and, it is believed, cannot be. On the supposition that there are three persons in the adorable Trinity, united in essence and yet distinct in some respects, all is plain and clear. But on the supposition that, the Lord Jesus is a mere man, an angel, or an archangel, and that the Holy Spirit is an attribute, or an influence from God, how unintelligible, confused, strange does all become! That Paul, in the solemn close of the Epistle, should at the same time invoke blessings from a mere creature, and from God, and from an attribute, surpasses belief. But that he should invoke blessings from him who was the equal with the Father, and from the Father himself, and from the Sacred Spirit sustaining the same rank, and in like manner imparting important blessings, is in accordance with all that we should expect, and makes all harmonious and appropriate.

\caps1 (6) n\caps0 othing could be a more proper close of the Epistle; nothing is a more appropriate close of public worship, than such an invocation. It is a prayer to the ever-blessed God, that all the rich influences which he gives as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, may be imparted; that all the benefits which God confers in the interesting relations in which he makes himself known to us may descend and bless us. What more appropriate prayer can be offered at the close of public worship? How seriously should it be pronounced, as a congregration is about to separate, perhaps to come together no more! With what solemnity should all join in it, and how devoutly should all pray, as they thus separate, that these rich and inestimable blessings may rest upon them! With hearts uplifted to God it should be pronounced and heard; and every worshiper should leave the sanctuary deeply feeling that what he most needs as he leaves the place of public worship; as he travels on the journey of life; as he engages in its duties or meets its trials; as he looks at the grave and eternity, is the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the blessings which the Holy Spirit imparts in renewing, and sanctifying, and comforting His people. What more appropriate prayer than this for the writer and reader of these notes! May that blessing rest alike upon us, though we may be strangers in the flesh, and may those divine and heavenly influences guide us alike to the same everlasting kingdom of glory.

In regard to the subscription at the end of this Epistle, it may be observed, that it is missing in a great part of the most ancient mss., and is of no authority whatever; see the notes at the end of the Epistle to the Romans, and 1 Corinthians. In this case, however, this subscription is in the main correct, since there is evidence that it was written from Macedonia, and not improbably from Philippi. See the introduction to this Epistle.

Poole: 2Co 13:14 - -- The free love of our Lord Jesus Christ shown in the application of his redemption; that grace which floweth from him as the Fountain of grace, or...

The free love of our Lord Jesus Christ shown in the application of his redemption; that grace which floweth from him as the Fountain of grace, or cometh by him as the Mediator between God and man; the actual love of God; that good-will by which God the Father embraceth creatures in Christ, and for his sake; and all the gracious communications of the Holy Spirit of God, (by which he strengtheneth, quickeneth, or comforteth the souls of God’ s people),

be with you all Whether you value me or not, I heartily wish you well, and all the best things. In this text is an eminent proof of the Trinity, all the Persons being distinctly named in it (as in the commission about baptism). The apostle calleth the Father, God; the Son, Lord: he attributeth love to the Father; (moved by which he sent his only begotten Son into the world, Joh 3:16 ); grace to the Son, who loved us freely, and died for the fellowship or

communion of the Holy Ghost by whom the Father and Son communicate their love and grace to the saints.

Amen is here used as a particle of wishing or desiring the thing before mentioned; it is the same with: Let it so be. Whether added by the apostle, or subjoined by the church of Corinth, upon the reading this Epistle among them, (as some think), is not material.

The second (epistle) to the Corinthians was written from Philippi ( a city) of Macedonia, by Titus and Lucas

If the subscriptions to the apostolical Epistles were parts of the text and holy writ, we have it here determined, who that other brother was, mentioned 2Co 8:22 , sent along with Titus to carry this letter, and the benevolence of the churches of Macedonia. But it is observed, that even in this subscription there is a certain evidence, that the subscriptions of the Epistles are no part of canonical writ; for in some Greek copies it is said to be sent by Paul and Timothy; whereas Paul was the writer of it, not the messenger, and in Macedonia when it was sent; and Timothy is joined with him in the writing, 2Co 1:1 .

Gill: 2Co 13:14 - -- The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.... Meaning either the love of Christ; see 2Co 8:9 which is the same with that of his Father's, is as early, and of...

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.... Meaning either the love of Christ; see 2Co 8:9 which is the same with that of his Father's, is as early, and of the same nature, being a love of complacency and delight; and which, as it is without beginning, will be without end. This is the ground and foundation of all he has done and underwent for his people; of his becoming their surety; of his incarnation, obedience, sufferings, and death in their room and stead; an interest in which, though they always have, yet they have not always an abiding sense of it with them, which is what the apostle here prays for: or else by the grace of Christ is meant the fulness of grace that is in him as Mediator; which is desired to be with the saints as the object of their trust and dependence; to be strong in, draw living water with joy out of, receive and derive daily from; not forsake it, and hew out broken cisterns, but continually apply to, and make use of it, as the fountain of gardens, the well of living waters, and streams from Lebanon; to be with them as a supply to their wants, to furnish them with every thing they stand in need of, and to enable them to do his will and work: or else the redeeming grace of Christ is particularly designed, and the intent of the petition is, that they might see their interest in it, and in all the branches of it; as that they were redeemed by his blood from sin, law, and wrath, had all their sins expiated and forgiven through his sacrifice, and were justified from all things by his righteousness.

And the love of God; the Father, as the Arabic version adds very justly, as to the sense, though it is not in the text; meaning the love of God to his people, which is eternal, from everlasting to everlasting, free and undeserved, special and peculiar, is dispensed in a sovereign way, is unchangeable, abides for ever, is the source and spring of all the blessings both of grace and glory. Now when this is entreated to be with all the saints, it does not suppose that it is ever from them, or that it can be taken away from them, but whereas they may be without a comfortable sense of it, and a view of interest in it, the apostle prays, that in this respect it might be with them; that they might be directed into it, have it shed abroad in their hearts, and they be rooted and grounded in it, and comprehend for themselves the height, and depth, and length, and breadth of it.

And the communion of the Holy Ghost; either a larger communication of the gifts and graces of the Spirit of God, called "the supply of the Spirit", Phi 1:19 necessary to carry on the good work of grace, and perform it to the end; or else that communion and fellowship which the Spirit of God leads the saints into with the Father, by shedding abroad his love in their hearts, and with the Son, by taking of the things of Christ, and showing them to them; and also that nearness which the spirits of believers have with the Spirit of God, when he witnesses to their spirits that they are the children of God, becomes the earnest of the inheritance in their hearts, and seals them up unto the day of redemption: all which is requested by the apostle, to

be, says he,

with you all; or "with your company", or "congregations", as the Arabic version reads it, with all the saints; for their interest in the love of the Father, in the grace of the Son, and in the favour of the Spirit, is the same, whatever different sense and apprehensions they may have thereof. This passage contains no inconsiderable proof of a trinity of persons in the Godhead, to whom distinct things are here ascribed, and of them asked, equal objects of prayer and worship. "Amen" is by way of assent and confirmation, and as expressive of faith in the petitions, and of earnest desire to have them fulfilled. According to the subscription at the end of this epistle, it was written by the apostle when he was at Philippi, a city of Macedonia, and transcribed by Titus and Lucas, and by them sent or carried to the Corinthians; which seems to be agreeable to what is suggested in the epistle itself, though these subscriptions are not to he depended upon. The Syriac version only mentions Luke; and some copies read, by Titus, Barnabas, and Luke.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 2Co 13:14 Most witnesses, especially later ones (א2 D Ψ Ï lat sy bo), conclude this letter with ἀμήν (amhn, “amen...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: 2Co 13:1-14 - --1 He threatens severity, and the power of his apostleship, against obstinate sinners.5 And, advising them to a trial of their faith,7 and to a reforma...

MHCC: 2Co 13:11-14 - --Here are several good exhortations. God is the Author of peace and Lover of concord; he hath loved us, and is willing to be at peace with us. And let ...

Matthew Henry: 2Co 13:11-14 - -- Thus the apostle concludes this epistle with, I. A valediction. He gives them a parting farewell, and takes his leave of them for the present, with ...

Barclay: 2Co 13:1-14 - --In this last chapter of the severe letter Paul finishes with four things. (i) He finishes with a warning. He is coming again to Corinth and this time...

Constable: 2Co 13:11-14 - --V. CONCLUSION 13:11-14 Paul concluded this letter with an exhortation, a salutation, and a benediction. He inten...

Constable: 2Co 13:14 - --B. The salutation 13:13 The love of the body of Christ elsewhere reached out to enfold the Corinthians i...

Constable: 2Co 13:14 - --C. The benediction 13:14 This so-called "Trinitarian benediction" is one of the most widely quoted verse...

College: 2Co 13:1-14 - --2 CORINTHIANS 13 3. Harsh Treatment for Sinners Warned (13:1-4) 13:1 This will be my third visit to you. Paul's first visit to Corinth was the fou...

McGarvey: 2Co 13:14 - --The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with you all . [This is the full apostolic benedicti...

Lapide: 2Co 13:1-14 - --CHAPTER 13 SYNOPSIS OF THE CHAPTER i. There were some at Corinth who had abandoned themselves to impurity, others who were proud and contentious (x...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) Second Corinthians From Macedonia a.d. 54 Or 55 By Way of Introduction The Pauline authorship is admitted by all real scholars, though there is ...

JFB: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) THE following reasons seem to have induced Paul to write this Second Epistle to the Corinthians: (1) That he might explain the reasons for his having ...


TSK: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) The most remarkable circumstance in this Epistle, observes Mr. Scott, is the confidence of the Apostle in the goodness of his cause, and in the power ...

TSK: 2 Corinthians 13 (Chapter Introduction) Overview 2Co 13:1, He threatens severity, and the power of his apostleship, against obstinate sinners; 2Co 13:5, And, advising them to a trial of ...

Poole: 2 Corinthians 13 (Chapter Introduction) CORINTHIANS CHAPTER 13

MHCC: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) The second epistle to the Corinthians probably was written about a year after the first. Its contents are closely connected with those of the former e...

MHCC: 2 Corinthians 13 (Chapter Introduction) (2Co 13:1-6) The apostle threatens obstinate offenders. (2Co 13:7-10) He prays for their reformation. (2Co 13:11-14) And ends the epistle with a sal...

Matthew Henry: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Second Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians In his former epistle the apostle had signified his i...

Matthew Henry: 2 Corinthians 13 (Chapter Introduction) In this chapter the apostle threatens to be severe against obstinate sinners, and assigns the reason thereof (2Co 13:1-6); then he makes a suitable...

Barclay: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTERS TO THE CORINTHIANS The Greatness Of Corinth A glance at the map will show that Corinth was made for greatness. The south...

Barclay: 2 Corinthians 13 (Chapter Introduction) A Warning, A Wish, A Hope And A Blessing (2Cor 13)

Constable: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical background First Corinthians did not dispel the problems in th...

Constable: 2 Corinthians (Outline) Outline I. Introduction 1:1-11 A. Salutation 1:1-2 B. Thanksgiving for c...

Constable: 2 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Bibliography Alford, Henry. The Greek Testament. 4 vols. Reprint ed. Grand Rapids: Baker Book Hou...

Haydock: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) THE SECOND EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO THE CORINTHIANS. INTRODUCTION. The subject and design of this second Epistle to the Corinthian...

Gill: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 2 CORINTHIANS This epistle, according to the subscription at the end of it, was written from Philippi of Macedonia; and though the ...

Gill: 2 Corinthians 13 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 2 CORINTHIANS 13 In this chapter the apostle continues his resolution to come to the Corinthians, and to threaten with severity the...

College: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION Studying 2 Corinthians plunges the modern reader back to the real, tumultuous world of early Christianity. The simple ideals of sharing ...

College: 2 Corinthians (Outline) OUTLINE I. OPENING - 1:1-2 II. THANKSGIVING - 1:3-11 A. GOD COMFORTS - 1:3-7 B. GOD DELIVERS - 1:8-11 III. DEFENSE OF INTEGRITY - 1:12...

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