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Text -- 2 Samuel 20:12 (NET)

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20:12 Amasa was squirming in his own blood in the middle of the path, and this man had noticed that all the soldiers stopped. Having noticed that everyone who came across Amasa stopped, the man pulled him away from the path and into the field and threw a garment over him.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Amasa son of David's sister Abigail and Jether the Ishmaelite,prince of Ephraim under Ahaz

Dictionary Themes and Topics: War | Sheba | SAMUEL, BOOKS OF | Rebellion | Joab | JUDAH, KINGDOM OF | Israel | Insurrection | David | CAUSEWAY; CAUSEY | Bichri | Amasa | Abishai | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: 2Sa 20:12 - -- Wondering at the spectacle, and enquiring into the author and occasion of it.

Wondering at the spectacle, and enquiring into the author and occasion of it.

Wesley: 2Sa 20:12 - -- Perceiving, that it both incensed them against Joab and hindered the king's service.

Perceiving, that it both incensed them against Joab and hindered the king's service.

Wesley: 2Sa 20:12 - -- But the covering of blood with a cloth cannot stop its cry to God for vengeance.

But the covering of blood with a cloth cannot stop its cry to God for vengeance.

JFB: 2Sa 20:11-13 - -- It is a striking proof of Joab's unrivalled influence over the army, that with this villainous murder perpetrated before their eyes they unanimously f...

It is a striking proof of Joab's unrivalled influence over the army, that with this villainous murder perpetrated before their eyes they unanimously followed him as their leader in pursuit of Sheba. A soldier conjoined his name with David's, and such a magic spell was in the word "Joab," that all the people "went on"--Amasa's men as well as the rest. The conjunction of these two names is very significant. It shows that the one could not afford to do without the other--neither Joab to rebel against David, nor David to get rid of Joab, though hating him.

Clarke: 2Sa 20:12 - -- Amasa wallowed in blood - It is very likely that Amasa did not immediately die; I have known instances of persons living several hours after their b...

Amasa wallowed in blood - It is very likely that Amasa did not immediately die; I have known instances of persons living several hours after their bowels had been shed out.

TSK: 2Sa 20:12 - -- 2Sa 17:25; Psa 9:16, Psa 55:23; Pro 24:21, Pro 24:22

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: 2Sa 20:12 - -- All the people ... - i. e., the levies which Amanda had been leading to Jerusalem; they were irresolute as to what they should do, and the stop...

All the people ... - i. e., the levies which Amanda had been leading to Jerusalem; they were irresolute as to what they should do, and the stoppage at Amasa’ s body very nearly led to their refusing to follow Joab. But upon the prompt removal and hiding of the body they passed on and followed Joab, their old captain.

Poole: 2Sa 20:12 - -- Wallowed Heb. rolled himself , being in the pangs of death; yet having so much life left as to move himself a little, though not to raise himself up...

Wallowed Heb. rolled himself , being in the pangs of death; yet having so much life left as to move himself a little, though not to raise himself up from his place.

In blood in his own blood, which was shed there.

All the people to wit, the soldiers which were upon their march.

Stood still wondering at the spectacle, and inquiring into the author and occasion of it.

He removed Amasa out of the highway into the field perceiving that it both incensed them against Joab, and hindered the king’ s present service.

Haydock: 2Sa 20:12 - -- A certain. Hebrew, "the man" stationed by Joab, near the body, to inform those who passed, that he had been justly slain. Josephus, ([Antiquities?]...

A certain. Hebrew, "the man" stationed by Joab, near the body, to inform those who passed, that he had been justly slain. Josephus, ([Antiquities?] vii. 10,) who observes, that this crime of Joab proceeded from envy, and was less deserving of excuse than the murder of Abner. (Haydock)

Gill: 2Sa 20:12 - -- And Amasa wallowed in blood in the midst of the highway,.... By which it seems, that though the wound was mortal, and of which he died, that as yet th...

And Amasa wallowed in blood in the midst of the highway,.... By which it seems, that though the wound was mortal, and of which he died, that as yet there was life in him, and through the pain he was in, and the pangs of death on him, he rolled himself about in his own blood in the high road, where the fact was committed:

and when the man saw that all the people stood still; gazing at the shocking sight, and could not be prevailed upon to go on:

he removed Amasa out of the highway into the field; which was adjoining to it:

and cast a cloth upon him; that the body might not be seen:

when he saw that everyone that came by him stood still; and so retarded the people in their march, to prevent which he took the above method, and it was a very prudent one.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 2Sa 20:12 Heb “Amasa.” For stylistic reasons the name has been replaced by the pronoun (“him”) in the translation.

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: 2Sa 20:1-26 - --1 By occasion of the quarrel, Sheba makes a party in Israel.3 David's ten concubines are put in confinement for life.4 Amasa, made captain over Judah,...

MHCC: 2Sa 20:4-13 - --Joab barbarously murdered Amasa. The more plot there is in a sin, the worse it is. Joab contentedly sacrificed the interest both of the king and the k...

Matthew Henry: 2Sa 20:4-13 - -- We have here Amasa's fall just as he began to rise. He was nephew to David (2Sa 17:25), had been Absalom's general and commander-in-chief of his reb...

Keil-Delitzsch: 2Sa 20:1-22 - -- Sheba's Rebellion. - 2Sa 20:1. There happened to be a worthless man there, named Sheba , a Benjaminite. He blew the trumpet, and said, "We have no ...

Constable: 2Sa 9:1--20:26 - --VI. DAVID'S TROUBLES chs. 9--20 Chapters 9-20 contrast with chapters 2-8 in that this later section is negative ...

Constable: 2Sa 13:1--20:26 - --C. David's Rejection and Return chs. 13-20 This is the longest literary section in the Court History of ...

Constable: 2Sa 15:1--20:26 - --2. Absalom's attempt to usurp David's throne chs. 15-20 Absalom was never Yahweh's choice to suc...

Constable: 2Sa 20:1-22 - --The rebellion of Sheba 20:1-22 "The account of Sheba's rebellion against David serves as...

Guzik: 2Sa 20:1-26 - --2 Samuel 20 - The Rebellion of Sheba A. David returns to Jerusalem and to an insurrection. 1. (1-2) Sheba's rebellion. And there happened to be th...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: 2 Samuel (Book Introduction) THE FIRST AND SECOND BOOKS OF SAMUEL. The two were, by the ancient Jews, conjoined so as to make one book, and in that form could be called the Book o...


TSK: 2 Samuel 20 (Chapter Introduction) Overview 2Sa 20:1, By occasion of the quarrel, Sheba makes a party in Israel; 2Sa 20:3, David’s ten concubines are put in confinement for life; ...

Poole: 2 Samuel 20 (Chapter Introduction) SAMUEL CHAPTER 20 By occasion of this quarrel Sheba stirreth up Israel to sedition, 2Sa 20:1,2 . David’ s ten concubines are shut up in perpet...

MHCC: 2 Samuel (Book Introduction) This book is the history of the reign of king David. It relates his victories, the growth of the prosperity of Israel, and his reformation of the stat...

MHCC: 2 Samuel 20 (Chapter Introduction) (2Sa 20:1-3) Sheba's rebellion. (2Sa 20:4-13) Amasa slain by Joab. (2Sa 20:14-22) Sheba takes refuge in Abel. (2Sa 20:23-26) David's officers.

Matthew Henry: 2 Samuel (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Second Book of Samuel This book is the history of the reign of king David. We had in the foregoing ...

Matthew Henry: 2 Samuel 20 (Chapter Introduction) How do the clouds return after the rain! No sooner is one of David's troubles over than another arises, as it were out of the ashes of the former, ...

Constable: 2 Samuel (Book Introduction) Introduction Second Samuel continues the history begun in 1 Samuel. Please see my comments regarding 2 Samuel's title, d...

Constable: 2 Samuel (Outline) Outline (Continued from notes on 1 Samuel) V. David's triumphs chs. 1-8 ...

Constable: 2 Samuel 2 Samuel Bibliography Achtemeier, Paul J., and Elizabeth Achtemeier. The Old Testament Roots of Our Faith. Phil...

Haydock: 2 Samuel (Book Introduction) THE SECOND BOOK OF SAMUEL; otherwise called, THE SECOND BOOK OF KINGS. INTRODUCTION. This Book contains the transactions of David till the end ...

Gill: 2 Samuel (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 2 SAMUEL This book, in many copies of the Hebrew Bible, is carried on without any new title put unto it; the reason of it is, becau...

Gill: 2 Samuel 20 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO SECOND SAMUEL 20 This chapter gives an account of a new rebellion raised by Sheba, 2Sa 20:1; of David's shutting up his concubines ...

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