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Text -- 2 Timothy 3:17 (NET)

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3:17 that the person dedicated to God may be capable and equipped for every good work.
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , PBC , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: 2Ti 3:17 - -- The man of God ( ho tou theou anthrōpos ). See note on 1Ti 6:11.

The man of God ( ho tou theou anthrōpos ).

See note on 1Ti 6:11.

Robertson: 2Ti 3:17 - -- May be complete ( hina ēi artios ). Final clause with hina and present subjunctive of eimi . Artios is old word (from root arō , to fit), spe...

May be complete ( hina ēi artios ).

Final clause with hina and present subjunctive of eimi . Artios is old word (from root arō , to fit), specially adapted, here only in N.T.

Robertson: 2Ti 3:17 - -- Furnished completely ( exērtismenos ). Perfect passive participle of exartizō , rare verb, to furnish (fit) fully (perfective use of ex ), in N....

Furnished completely ( exērtismenos ).

Perfect passive participle of exartizō , rare verb, to furnish (fit) fully (perfective use of ex ), in N.T. only here and Act 21:5. In Josephus. For katartizō , see note on Luk 6:40; 2Co 13:11.

Vincent: 2Ti 3:17 - -- Perfect ( ἄρτιος ) N.T.o . lxx. Rev. complete; but the idea is rather that of mutual, symmetrical adjustment of all that goes to make t...

Perfect ( ἄρτιος )

N.T.o . lxx. Rev. complete; but the idea is rather that of mutual, symmetrical adjustment of all that goes to make the man: harmonious combination of different qualities and powers. Comp. κατάρτισις perfecting , 2Co 13:9 : καταρτισμός perfecting (as accomplished), Eph 4:12 : καταρτίσαι make perfect or bring into complete adjustment , Heb 13:21.

Vincent: 2Ti 3:17 - -- Thoroughly furnished ( ἐξηρτισμένος ) The same root as ἄρτιος . It fills out the idea ἄρτιος ; fitted out . ...

Thoroughly furnished ( ἐξηρτισμένος )

The same root as ἄρτιος . It fills out the idea ἄρτιος ; fitted out . Only here and Act 11:5 (note). o Class.

Vincent: 2Ti 3:17 - -- Unto all good works ( πρὸς πᾶν ἔργον ἀγαθὸν ) More correctly, every good work . Any writing which can produce ...

Unto all good works ( πρὸς πᾶν ἔργον ἀγαθὸν )

More correctly, every good work . Any writing which can produce such profitable results vindicates itself as inspired of God. It is to be noted that the test of the divine inspiration of Scripture is here placed in its practical usefulness.

Wesley: 2Ti 3:17 - -- He that is united to and approved of God.

He that is united to and approved of God.

Wesley: 2Ti 3:17 - -- Blameless himself, and throughly furnished - By the scripture, either to teach, reprove, correct, or train up others.

Blameless himself, and throughly furnished - By the scripture, either to teach, reprove, correct, or train up others.

JFB: 2Ti 3:17 - -- (See on 1Ti 6:11).

(See on 1Ti 6:11).

JFB: 2Ti 3:17 - -- Greek, "thoroughly perfected," and so "perfect." The man of God is perfectly accoutred out of Scripture for his work, whether he be a minister (compar...

Greek, "thoroughly perfected," and so "perfect." The man of God is perfectly accoutred out of Scripture for his work, whether he be a minister (compare 2Ti 4:2 with 2Ti 3:16) or a spiritual layman. No oral tradition is needed to be added.

Clarke: 2Ti 3:17 - -- That the man of God - The preacher of righteousness, the minister of the Gospel, the person who derives his commission from God, and always appears ...

That the man of God - The preacher of righteousness, the minister of the Gospel, the person who derives his commission from God, and always appears as his herald and servant

Clarke: 2Ti 3:17 - -- May be perfect - Αρτιος· From αρω, to fit or adapt. It properly signifies an integer or whole number in arithmetic, to which nothing ne...

May be perfect - Αρτιος· From αρω, to fit or adapt. It properly signifies an integer or whole number in arithmetic, to which nothing needs to be added to make it complete

Clarke: 2Ti 3:17 - -- Throughly furnished - Εξηρτισμενος· From εξ, intensive, and αρτιος, complete; see above. Not only complete in himself as to...

Throughly furnished - Εξηρτισμενος· From εξ, intensive, and αρτιος, complete; see above. Not only complete in himself as to his integrity, religious knowledge, faith in Jesus, and love to God and man, but that he should have all those qualifications which are necessary to complete the character, and insure the success of a preacher, of the Gospel. Timothy was to teach, reprove, correct, and instruct others; and was to be to them a pattern of good works

From what the apostle says here concerning the qualifications of a Christian minister, we may well exclaim: Who is capable of these things? Is it such a person as has not intellect sufficient for a common trade or calling? No. A preacher of the Gospel should be a man of the soundest sense, the most cultivated mind, the most extensive experience, one who is deeply taught of God, and who has deeply studied man; one who has prayed much, read much, and studied much; one who takes up his work as from God, does it as before God, and refers all to the glory of God; one who abides under the inspiration of the Almighty, and who has hidden the word of God in his heart, that he might not sin against him. No minister formed by man can ever be such as is required here. The school of Christ, and that alone, can ever form such a preacher.

Calvin: 2Ti 3:17 - -- 17.That the man of God may be perfect. Perfect means here a blameless person, one in whom there is nothing defective; for he asserts absolutely, that...

17.That the man of God may be perfect. Perfect means here a blameless person, one in whom there is nothing defective; for he asserts absolutely, that the Scripture is sufficient for perfection. Accordingly, he who is not satisfied with Scripture desires to be wiser than is either proper or desirable.

But here an objection arises. Seeing that Paul speaks of the Scriptures, which is the name given to the Old Testament, how does he say that it makes a man thoroughly perfect? for, if it be so, what was afterwards added by the apostles may be thought superfluous. I reply, so far as relates to the substance, nothing has been added; for the writings of the apostles contain nothing else than a simple and natural explanation of the Law and the Prophets, together with a manifestation of the things expressed in them. This eulogium, therefore, is not inappropriately bestowed on the Scriptures by Paul; and, seeing that its instruction is now rendered more full and clear by the addition of the Gospel, what can be said but that we ought assuredly to hope that the usefulness, of which Paul speaks, will be much more displayed, if we are willing to make trial and receive it?

Defender: 2Ti 3:17 - -- The word used here for "perfect" (Greek ) is found nowhere else in the New Testament. It basically means "new" or "fresh," which most expositors inter...

The word used here for "perfect" (Greek ) is found nowhere else in the New Testament. It basically means "new" or "fresh," which most expositors interpret as "complete." However, perhaps it refers to our ultimate perfection in Christ, when "we shall be like him" (1Jo 3:2), with all sin removed and the age-long effects of the curse taken away. He has promised: "Behold, I make all things new" (Rev 21:5), and that must include us as well, even our bodies (Phi 3:20, Phi 3:21). We shall then, indeed, be as fresh and perfect as Adam was when he was first created - even more so - perfected in Christ. No doubt, the "man of God" shall be as perfect then as "the law of the Lord is perfect" (Psa 19:7), for the Holy Scriptures are now, and will eternally be, our spiritual food (Mat 4:4; Mat 24:35).

Defender: 2Ti 3:17 - -- "Throughly furnished" is one word in the Greek, meaning "completely equipped." We need nothing more than God's complete Word for our complete life."

"Throughly furnished" is one word in the Greek, meaning "completely equipped." We need nothing more than God's complete Word for our complete life."

TSK: 2Ti 3:17 - -- the man : Psa 119:98-100; 1Ti 6:11 thoroughly furnished : or, perfected, 2Ti 2:21; Neh 2:18; Act 9:36; 2Co 9:8; Eph 2:10; Tit 2:14, Tit 3:1; Heb 10:24

the man : Psa 119:98-100; 1Ti 6:11

thoroughly furnished : or, perfected, 2Ti 2:21; Neh 2:18; Act 9:36; 2Co 9:8; Eph 2:10; Tit 2:14, Tit 3:1; Heb 10:24

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: 2Ti 3:17 - -- That the man of God may be perfect - The object is not merely to convince and to convert him; it is to furnish all the instruction needful for ...

That the man of God may be perfect - The object is not merely to convince and to convert him; it is to furnish all the instruction needful for his entire perfection. The idea here is, not that any one is absolutely perfect, but that the Scriptures have laid down the way which leads to perfection, and that, if any one were perfect, he would find in the Scriptures all the instruction which he needed in those circumstances. There is no deficiency in the Bible for man, in any of the situations in which he may be placed in life; and the whole tendency of the book is to make him who will put himself fairly under its instructions, absolutely perfect.

Thoroughly furnished unto all good works - Margin, "perfected."The Greek means, to bring to an end; to make complete. The idea is, that whatever good work the man of God desires to perform, or however perfect he aims to be, he will find no deficiency in the Scriptures, but will find there the most ample instructions that he needs. He can never advance so far, as to become forsaken of his guide. He can never make such progress, as to have gone in advance of the volume of revealed truth, and to be thrown upon his own resources in a region which was not thought of by the Author of the Bible. No new phase of human affairs can appear in which it will not direct him; no new plan of benevolence can be started, for which he will not find principles there to guide him; and he can make no progress in knowledge or holiness, where he will not feel that his holy counsellor is in advance of him still, and that it is capable of conducting him even yet into higher and purer regions. Let us, then, study and prize the Bible. It is a holy and a safe guide. It has conducted millions along the dark and dangerous way of life, and has never led one astray. The human mind, in its investigations of truth, has never gone beyond its teachings; nor has man ever advanced into a region so bright that its light has become dim, or where it has not thrown its beams of glory on still far distant objects. We are often in circumstances in which we feel that we have reached the outer limit of what man can teach us; but we never get into such circumstance in regard to the Word of God.

How precious is the book divine,

By, inspiration given!

Bright as a lamp its doctrines shine.

To guide our souls to heaven.

It sweetly cheers our drooping hearts.

In this dark vale of tears:

Life, light, and joy, it still imparts,

And quells our rising fears.

This lamp, through all the tedious night.

Of life, shall guide our way;

Till we behold the clearer light.

Of an eternal day.

Poole: 2Ti 3:17 - -- That the man of God may be perfect that both ministers and all godly men may be as perfect as they can be in the state of mortality, fitted for the d...

That the man of God may be perfect that both ministers and all godly men may be as perfect as they can be in the state of mortality, fitted for the duties of their several callings and places.

Throughly furnished unto all good works and be prepared to every work which is good, acceptable and well-pleasing unto God, whether it be a work of piety, or justice and charity. The Scripture, as to all, is so full a direction, that Christians need not go down to the Philistines to whet their tools, nor be beholden to unwritten traditions, or to the writings of pagan philosophers, for directions what to do, how to worship God, or manage any part of their conversation, either as to their general calling, or as to their particular relations.

PBC: 2Ti 3:17 - -- Scripture intends to insulate the believer from invasive and contagious error, but it also aims to equip the believer with the knowledge to reach out ...

Scripture intends to insulate the believer from invasive and contagious error, but it also aims to equip the believer with the knowledge to reach out to people who are caught in error and show them a better way of thinking and living. Insulation does not equate with isolation. Too often we have interpreted Biblical insulation as isolation and have rationalized our failure to get involved in the world around us in any way. God provides the insulation necessary to protect ourselves from the contagious sins and philosophies of the world, but He commands us to take our faith into that world, for He has many children out there who need to hear and know about His way of thinking and living. " Come out from her, my people" can only be our call if we reach outside the world inside the four walls of our churches to others.


Gill: 2Ti 3:17 - -- That the man of God may be perfect,.... By the man of God may be meant everyone that in a special relation belongs to God; who is chosen by God the Fa...

That the man of God may be perfect,.... By the man of God may be meant everyone that in a special relation belongs to God; who is chosen by God the Father, redeemed by the Son, and called by the Spirit; but more especially a minister of the Gospel; for as it was usual to call a prophet under the Old Testament by this name, it seems to be transferred from thence to a minister of the New Testament, see 1Ti 6:11 and the design of the Scriptures and the end of writing them are, that both preachers of the word, and hearers of it, might have a perfect knowledge of the will of God; that the former might be a complete minister of the Gospel, and that nothing might be wanting for the information of the latter:

thoroughly furnished unto all good works, or "every good work"; particularly to the work of the ministry, which is a good one; and to every part and branch of it, a thorough furniture for which lies in the holy Scriptures; from whence, as scribes well instructed in the kingdom of heaven, do Gospel ministers bring forth things new and old, both for delight and profit: though this may be also applied to all good works in common, which the Scriptures point unto, give directions about, as well as show where strength is to be had to perform them.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 2Ti 3:17 This word is positioned for special emphasis; it carries the sense of “complete, competent, able to meet all demands.”

Geneva Bible: 2Ti 3:17 That the ( e ) man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. ( e ) The Prophets and expounders of God's will are properly and d...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: 2Ti 3:1-17 - --1 He advertises him of the times to come;6 describes the enemies of the truth;10 propounds unto him his own example;16 and commends the holy scripture...

MHCC: 2Ti 3:14-17 - --Those who would learn the things of God, and be assured of them, must know the Holy Scriptures, for they are the Divine revelation. The age of childre...

Matthew Henry: 2Ti 3:10-17 - -- Here the apostle, to confirm Timothy in that way wherein he walked, I. Sets before him his own example, which Timothy had been an eye-witness of, ha...

Barclay: 2Ti 3:14-17 - --Paul concludes this section with an appeal to Timothy to remain loyal to all the teaching he had received. On his mother's side Timothy was a Jew, a...

Constable: 2Ti 3:14--4:6 - --B. Conduct in the last days 3:14-4:5 Paul identified two of Timothy's duties in the last days to impress...

Constable: 2Ti 3:14-17 - --1. Adherence to the truth 3:14-17 3:14-15 In his personal life Timothy should continue living as he had rather than turning aside to follow the exampl...

College: 2Ti 3:1-17 - --2 TIMOTHY 3 C. THE CHARACTER OF THE LAST DAYS (3:1-9) 1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of the...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: 2 Timothy (Book Introduction) Second Timothy From Rome Probably Early Autumn of 67 or Spring of 68

JFB: 2 Timothy (Book Introduction) PLACE OF WRITING.--Paul, in the interval between his first and second imprisonment, after having written First Timothy from Macedonia or Corinth [BIRK...


TSK: 2 Timothy 3 (Chapter Introduction) Overview 2Ti 3:1, He advertises him of the times to come; 2Ti 3:6, describes the enemies of the truth; 2Ti 3:10, propounds unto him his own exampl...

Poole: 2 Timothy 3 (Chapter Introduction) TIMOTHY CHAPTER 3

MHCC: 2 Timothy (Book Introduction) The first design of this epistle seems to have been, to apprize Timothy of what had occurred during the imprisonment of the apostle, and to request hi...

MHCC: 2 Timothy 3 (Chapter Introduction) (2Ti 3:1-9) The apostle foretells the rise of dangerous enemies to the gospel. (2Ti 3:10-13) Proposes his own example to Timothy. (2Ti 3:14-17) And ...

Matthew Henry: 2 Timothy (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Second Epistle of St. Paul to Timothy This second epistle Paul wrote to Timothy from Rome, when he ...

Matthew Henry: 2 Timothy 3 (Chapter Introduction) I. The apostle forewarns Timothy what the last days would be, with the reasons thereof (2Ti 3:1-9). II. Prescribes various remedies against them (...

Barclay: 2 Timothy (Book Introduction) A GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTERS OF PAUL The Letters Of Paul There is no more interesting body of documents in the New Testament than the letter...

Barclay: 2 Timothy 3 (Chapter Introduction) Times Of Terror (2Ti_3:1) The Qualities Of Godlessness (2Ti_3:2-5) The Qualities Of Godlessness (2Ti_3:2-5 Continued) The Qualities Of Godlessnes...

Constable: 2 Timothy (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical Background Assuming Paul visited Nicapolis as he planned (Titu...

Constable: 2 Timothy (Outline) Outline I. Salutation 1:1-2 II. Thanksgiving for faithful fellow workers 1:3-18 ...

Constable: 2 Timothy 2 Timothy Bibliography Bailey, Mark L. "A Biblical Theology of Paul's Pastoral Epistles." in A Biblical Theolog...

Haydock: 2 Timothy (Book Introduction) THE SECOND EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO TIMOTHY. INTRODUCTION. The main subject and design of this epistle is much the same as the for...

Gill: 2 Timothy (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 2 TIMOTHY That this epistle was written to Timothy, while he was at Ephesus, where the apostle in his former epistle had desired hi...

Gill: 2 Timothy 3 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 2 TIMOTHY 3 In this chapter the apostle delivers out a prophecy of the last days, showing how perilous the times will be, describin...

College: 2 Timothy (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION DATE AND PLACE OF ORIGIN In 2 Timothy Paul finds himself in a Roman prison. Onesiphorus had searched for Paul and found him in Rome (1:...

College: 2 Timothy (Outline) OUTLINE I. SALUTATION - 1:1-2 II. THANKSGIVING - 1:3-5 III. PAUL'S APPEAL FOR ENDURANCE IN FACING SUFFERING - 1:6-2:13 A. An Appeal for L...

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