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Text -- 3 John 1:5 (NET)

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The Charge to Gaius
1:5 Dear friend, you demonstrate faithfulness by whatever you do for the brothers (even though they are strangers).
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Dictionary Themes and Topics: JOHN, THE SECOND AND THIRD EPISTLES OF | JOHN, THE EPISTLES OF, PART 4-9 | INN | Hospitality | GAIUS | Elder | Beloved | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: 3Jo 1:5 - -- A faithful work ( piston ). Either thus or "thou makest sure,"after an example in Xenophon quoted by Wettstein (poiein pista ) and parallel to kaina...

A faithful work ( piston ).

Either thus or "thou makest sure,"after an example in Xenophon quoted by Wettstein (poiein pista ) and parallel to kaina poieō in Rev 21:5. But it is not certain.

Robertson: 3Jo 1:5 - -- In whatsoever thou doest ( ho ean ergasēi ). Indefinite relative with modal ean (= an ) and the first aorist middle subjunctive of ergazomai . S...

In whatsoever thou doest ( ho ean ergasēi ).

Indefinite relative with modal ean (= an ) and the first aorist middle subjunctive of ergazomai . See Col 3:23 for both poieō and ergazomai in the same sentence.

Robertson: 3Jo 1:5 - -- And strangers withal ( kai touto xenous ). "And that too"(accusative of general reference as in 1Co 6:6; Phi 1:28; Eph 2:8). This praise of hospitali...

And strangers withal ( kai touto xenous ).

"And that too"(accusative of general reference as in 1Co 6:6; Phi 1:28; Eph 2:8). This praise of hospitality (Rom 12:13; 1Pe 4:9; 1Ti 3:2; 1Ti 5:10; Tit 1:8; Heb 13:2) shows that in 2Jo 1:10 John has a peculiar case in mind.

Vincent: 3Jo 1:5 - -- Thou doest faithfully ( πιστὸν ποιεῖς ) Rev., thou doest a faithful work . A third interpretation is thou givest a ...

Thou doest faithfully ( πιστὸν ποιεῖς )

Rev., thou doest a faithful work . A third interpretation is thou givest a pledge or guaranty , and a fourth, akin to this, thou makest sure . The Rev. is best. There is no parallel to justify the third and fourth.

Vincent: 3Jo 1:5 - -- Thou doest ( ἐργάσῃ ) Or lit., according to the eymology, workest (ἔργον work ). See on Jam 2:9. The distinction between ...

Thou doest ( ἐργάσῃ )

Or lit., according to the eymology, workest (ἔργον work ). See on Jam 2:9. The distinction between this verb and others signifying to do , such as ποιεῖν , πράσσειν , δρᾶν , which last does not occur in the New Testament, is not sharply maintained in Attic Greek. In certain connections the difference between them is great, in others, it is hardly perceptible. On ποιεῖν and πρα.σσειν , see on Joh 3:21. Ἐργάζομαι , like πράσσειν , contemplates the process rather than the end of action, carrying the ideas of continuity and repetition . It means to labor , to be active , to perform , with the idea of continued exertion, and therefore is used of servants, or of those who have an assigned business or office. See Mat 21:28; Mat 25:26; Luk 13:14; Joh 5:17; Joh 6:27; Joh 9:4; 1Th 2:9. For the phrase ἐργάσῃ εἰς thou doest toward (Rev.), see Mat 26:10.

Vincent: 3Jo 1:5 - -- And to strangers ( καὶ εἰς τοὺς ξένους ) The best texts read, instead of εἰς τοὺς to the (strangers), το...

And to strangers ( καὶ εἰς τοὺς ξένους )

The best texts read, instead of εἰς τοὺς to the (strangers), τοῦτο , that ; so that the sentence is, literally, " to them that are brethren, and that strangers." For the phrase and that , compare 1Co 6:6; Phi 1:28; Eph 2:8.

Wesley: 3Jo 1:5 - -- Uprightly and sincerely.

Uprightly and sincerely.

JFB: 3Jo 1:5 - -- An act becoming a faithful man.

An act becoming a faithful man.

JFB: 3Jo 1:5 - -- A distinct Greek word from the former "doest": translate, "workest": whatsoever work, or labor of love, thou dost perform. So Mat 26:10, "She hath wro...

A distinct Greek word from the former "doest": translate, "workest": whatsoever work, or labor of love, thou dost perform. So Mat 26:10, "She hath wrought a good work upon me."

JFB: 3Jo 1:5 - -- The oldest manuscripts, "and that (that is, and those brethren) strangers." The fact of the brethren whom thou didst entertain being "strangers," enha...

The oldest manuscripts, "and that (that is, and those brethren) strangers." The fact of the brethren whom thou didst entertain being "strangers," enhances the love manifested in the act.

Clarke: 3Jo 1:5 - -- Thou doest faithfully - Πιστον ποιεις . Kypke thinks that πιστον is put here for πιστιν, and that the phrase signifies t...

Thou doest faithfully - Πιστον ποιεις . Kypke thinks that πιστον is put here for πιστιν, and that the phrase signifies to keep or preserve the faith, or to be bound by the faith, or to keep one’ s engagements. Thou hast acted as the faith - the Christian religion, required thee to act, in all that thou hast done, both to the brethren at home, and to the strangers - the itinerant evangelists, who, in the course of their travels, have called at thy house. There is not a word here about the pilgrims and penitential journeys which the papists contrive to bring out of this text.

TSK: 3Jo 1:5 - -- Mat 24:45; Luk 12:42, Luk 16:10-12; 2Co 4:1-3; Col 3:17; 1Pe 4:10,1Pe 4:11

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: 3Jo 1:5 - -- Beloved, thou doest faithfully - In the previous verses the writer had commended Gaius for his attachment to truth, and his general correctness...

Beloved, thou doest faithfully - In the previous verses the writer had commended Gaius for his attachment to truth, and his general correctness in his Christian life. He now speaks more particularly of his acts of generous hospitality, and says that he had fully, in that respect, done his duty as a Christian.

Whatsoever thou doest - In all your contact with them, and in all your conduct toward them. The particular thing which led to this remark was his hospitality; but the testimony respecting his general conduct had been such as to justify this commendation.

To the brethren - Probably to Christians who were well known to him - perhaps referring to Christians in his own church.

And to strangers - Such as had gone to the church of which he was a member with a letter of commendation from John. Compare the Rom 12:13 note, and Heb 13:2 note.

Poole: 3Jo 1:5 - -- Charity to Christians is reckoned fidelity to Christ, being shown to them upon the Christian account, which is intimated to have been done by this p...

Charity to Christians is reckoned fidelity to Christ, being shown to them upon the Christian account, which is intimated to have been done by this pious person, who so kindly treated

the brethren, and strangers i.e. even though they were strangers.

Gill: 3Jo 1:5 - -- Beloved, thou doest faithfully,.... Or a faithful thing, and as became a faithful man, a believer in Christ; in all his beneficence and charity he act...

Beloved, thou doest faithfully,.... Or a faithful thing, and as became a faithful man, a believer in Christ; in all his beneficence and charity he acted the upright part; he did not do it in an hypocritical way, to be seen of men, and gain applause from them, but from a principle of love, and with a view to the glory of God:

whatsoever thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers; which may design either different persons; and by "brethren" may be meant the poor brethren of the church that. Gaius belonged to, and others that were well known to him; and by "the strangers", not unconverted persons, but such of the saints as came from foreign parts, and travelled about to spread the Gospel, and enlarge the interest of Christ: or else the same persons may be intended, for the words may be read, as they are in the Alexandrian copy, and some others, and in the Vulgate Latin version, "what thou doest to the brethren, and this to strangers"; that is, as the Arabic version renders it, "to strange brethren"; or, as the Syriac version, "to the brethren, and especially them that are strangers"; so that Gaius was a very hospitable man, one that entertained and lodged strangers, and used them very civilly and courteously, with great liberality, and with much integrity and sincerity.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 3Jo 1:5 When the author tells Gaius “you demonstrate faithfulness by whatever you do” he is commending him for his faithful service to the traveli...

Geneva Bible: 3Jo 1:5 Beloved, thou doest ( b ) faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers; ( b ) As becomes a believer and a Christian.

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: 3 John - --1 He commends Gaius for his piety,5 and hospitality,7 to true preachers;9 complaining of the unkind dealing of ambitious Diotrephes on the contrary si...

MHCC: 3Jo 1:1-8 - --Those who are beloved of Christ, will love the brethren for his sake. Soul prosperity is the greatest blessing on this side heaven. Grace and health a...

Matthew Henry: 3Jo 1:3-8 - -- In these verses we have, I. The good report that the apostle had received concerning this friend of his: The brethren came and testified of the tru...

Barclay: 3Jo 1:5-8 - --Here we come to John's main object in writing. A group of travelling missionaries is on its way to the church of which Gaius is a member, and John u...

Barclay: 3Jo 1:5-8 - --Further, this passage tells us about the wandering missionaries who gave up home and comfort to carry afield the word of God. In 3Jo 1:7Paul says th...

Constable: 2Jo 1:4--3Jo 1:5 - --A. Practicing the Truth vv. 4-6 John wrote this epistle to urge his readers to continue to be obedient to God by responding positively to the truth of...

Constable: 2Jo 1:7--3Jo 1:10 - --B. Protecting the Truth vv. 7-11 Next John moved on to his second purpose. He wrote to encourage his readers to resist the false teachers who were dis...

Constable: 3 John - --C. Demetrius' Opportunity for Love v. 12 John urged Gaius to show hospitable love to Demetrius to give G...

Constable: 3Jo 1:5--Jud 1:7 - --A. Gaius' Love vv. 5-8 John commended Gaius for his love of the brethren to encourage him to continue practicing this virtue. v. 5 John loved Gaius as...

College: 3 John - -- 3 JOHN 1 The elder, To my dear friend Gaius, whom I love in the truth. 2 Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go we...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: 3 John (Book Introduction) THIRD JOHN ABOUT a.d. 85 TO 90 By Way of Introduction Certainly 3 John is addressed to an individual, not to a church, though which Gaius we do ...

JFB: 3 John (Book Introduction) AUTHENTICITY.--That these two Epistles were written by the same author appears from their similarity of tone, style, and sentiments. That John, the be...

TSK: 3 John 1 (Chapter Introduction) Overview 3Jo 1:1, He commends Gaius for his piety, 3Jo 1:5, and hospitality, 3Jo 1:7, to true preachers; 3Jo 1:9, complaining of the unkind dealin...

Poole: 3 John 1 (Chapter Introduction) JOHN CHAPTER 1

MHCC: 3 John (Book Introduction) This epistle is addressed to a converted Gentile. The scope is to commend his stedfastness in the faith, and his hospitality, especially to the minist...

Matthew Henry: 3 John (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Third Epistle of John Christian communion is exerted and cherished by letter. Christians are to be ...

Matthew Henry: 3 John 1 (Chapter Introduction) In this epistle the apostle congratulates Gaius upon the prosperity of his soul (3Jo 1:1, 3Jo 1:2), upon the fame he had among good Christians (3Jo...

Barclay: 3 John (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE SECOND AND THIRD LETTERS OF JOHN The very shortness of these two letters is the best guarantee of their genuineness. They are ...

Barclay: 3 John 1 (Chapter Introduction) The Teacher's Joy (3Jo_1:1-4) Christian Hospitality (3Jo_1:5-8) The Christian Adventurers (3Jo_1:5-8 Continued) Love's Appeal (3Jo_1:9-15)

Constable: 3 John (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical background Third John is probably the most personal letter in ...

Constable: 3 John (Outline) Outline I. Introduction vv. 1-4 II. The importance of love vv. 5-12 A. G...

Constable: 3 John 3 John Bibliography Alexander, W. "The Third Epistle of John." In The Speaker's Commentary: New Testament. Edit...

Haydock: 3 John (Book Introduction) THE THIRD EPISTLE OF ST. JOHN, THE APOSTLE. INTRODUCTION. St. John commends Gaius for his faith, charity, and hospitality towards strangers an...

Gill: 3 John (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 3 JOHN This epistle was written by the Apostle John, who calls himself an "elder", as in the preceding, and is inscribed to a frien...

College: 3 John (Outline) OUTLINE I. GREETING - 1 II. GAIUS ADMONISHED - 2-8 A. Walking in the Truth - 2-4 B. Faithful in Working Together - 5-8 1. Faithful Act...

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