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Text -- Acts 26:17 (NET)

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26:17 I will rescue you from your own people and from the Gentiles, to whom I am sending you
Parallel   Cross Reference (TSK)   ITL  

Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Gentile a non-Jewish person

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Sin | Self-defense | Sanctification | Readings, Select | Prisoners | Paul | PAUL, THE APOSTLE, 4 | Missions | Minister | Gentiles | FESTUS; PORCIUS | Defense | Damascus | Court | Converts | BARNABAS | Agrippa II. | APOSTLE | ANANIAS (1) | ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, 8-12 | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Combined Bible , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey


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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Act 26:17 - -- Delivering thee ( exairoumenos se ). Present middle participle of exaireō , old verb and usually so rendered, but the old Greek also uses it for "c...

Delivering thee ( exairoumenos se ).

Present middle participle of exaireō , old verb and usually so rendered, but the old Greek also uses it for "choose"as also in lxx (Isaiah 48:10). The papyri give examples of both meanings and either makes good sense here. God was continually rescuing Paul "out of the hands of Jews and Gentiles and Paul was a chosen vessel"(Act 9:15). Modern scholars are also divided.

Vincent: Act 26:17 - -- The people The Jews.

The people

The Jews.

Wesley: Act 26:17 - -- The Jews and the Gentiles, to whom, both Jews and Gentiles, I now send thee - Paul gives them to know, that the liberty he enjoys even in bonds, was p...

The Jews and the Gentiles, to whom, both Jews and Gentiles, I now send thee - Paul gives them to know, that the liberty he enjoys even in bonds, was promised to him, as well as his preaching to the Gentiles. I, denotes the authority of the sender. Now, the time whence his mission was dated. For his apostleship, as well as his conversion, commenced at this moment.

JFB: Act 26:16-18 - -- Here the apostle appears to condense into one statement various sayings of his Lord to him in visions at different times, in order to present at one v...

Here the apostle appears to condense into one statement various sayings of his Lord to him in visions at different times, in order to present at one view the grandeur of the commission with which his Master had clothed him [ALFORD].

JFB: Act 26:16-18 - -- Putting him on a footing with those "eye-witnesses and ministers of the word" mentioned in Luk 1:2.

Putting him on a footing with those "eye-witnesses and ministers of the word" mentioned in Luk 1:2.

JFB: Act 26:16-18 - -- Referring to visions he was thereafter to be favored with; such as Act 18:9-10; Act 22:17-21; Act 23:11; 2Co 12:1-10, &c. (Gal 1:12).

Referring to visions he was thereafter to be favored with; such as Act 18:9-10; Act 22:17-21; Act 23:11; 2Co 12:1-10, &c. (Gal 1:12).

JFB: Act 26:17 - -- The Jews.

The Jews.

JFB: Act 26:17 - -- He was all along the object of Jewish malignity, and was at that moment in the hands of the Gentiles; yet he calmly reposes on his Master's assurances...

He was all along the object of Jewish malignity, and was at that moment in the hands of the Gentiles; yet he calmly reposes on his Master's assurances of deliverance from both, at the same time taking all precautions for safety and vindicating all his legal rights.

JFB: Act 26:17 - -- The emphatic "I" here denotes the authority of the Sender [BENGEL].

The emphatic "I" here denotes the authority of the Sender [BENGEL].

Clarke: Act 26:17 - -- Delivering thee from the people - From the Jews - and from the Gentiles, put here in opposition to the Jews; and both meaning mankind at large, wher...

Delivering thee from the people - From the Jews - and from the Gentiles, put here in opposition to the Jews; and both meaning mankind at large, wheresoever the providence of God might send him. But he was to be delivered from the malice of the Jews, that he might be sent with salvation to the Gentiles.

Calvin: Act 26:17 - -- 17.Delivering thee He is armed in this place against all fear, which was prepared for him; and also he is prepared to bear the cross; notwithstanding...

17.Delivering thee He is armed in this place against all fear, which was prepared for him; and also he is prepared to bear the cross; notwithstanding, seeing he addeth immediately that Paul should come to lighten the blind, to reconcile those to God which were estranged from him, and to restore salvation to those which were lost; it is a marvel why he doth not also promise that they shall on the other side receive him joyfully, who shall by means of him receive such and so great benefits. But the unthankfulness of the world is noted out unto us in this place, because the ministers of eternal salvation are far otherwise rewarded, as frantic men do rail upon their physicians. And Paul is admonished, that whithersoever he shall come, a great part of those to whom he shall study to do good shall hate him, and seek his overthrow. And he saith plainly, that he is appointed to be a witness both to Jews and Gentiles, lest that turn to his reproach, because he made the gospel common to both alike. For the Jews had conceived such deadly hatred against him for this cause, because it grieved them that the Gentiles should be made their fellows. And though they made a show that this did proceed of zeal, because they would not have the covenant which God made with the posterity of Abraham profaned, by being translated unto strangers, yet mere ambition did prick them forward, because they alone would be excellent, all other being underlings. But in the person of one man, all godly teachers are encouraged to do their duty, that they be not hindered or kept back with the malice of men from offering the grace of God unto miserable men, though they be unworthy. −

TSK: Act 26:17 - -- Delivering : Act 9:23-25, Act 9:29, Act 9:30, Act 13:50, Act 14:5, Act 14:6, Act 14:19, Act 14:20, Act 16:39, Act 17:10,Act 17:14, Act 18:10,Act 18:12...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Act 26:17 - -- Delivering thee from the people - From the Jewish people. This implied that he would be persecuted by them, and that the Lord Jesus would inter...

Delivering thee from the people - From the Jewish people. This implied that he would be persecuted by them, and that the Lord Jesus would interpose to rescue him.

And from the Gentiles - This also implied that he would be persecuted and opposed by them - a prospect which was verified by the whole course of his ministry. Yet in all he experienced, according to the promise, the support and the protection of the Lord Jesus. This was expressed in a summary manner in Luk 9:16.

Unto whom now I send thee - Act 22:21. As the opposition of the Jews arose mainly from the fact that he had gone among the Gentiles, it was important to bring this part of his commission into full view before Agrippa, and to show that the same Saviour who had miraculously converted him had commanded him to go and preach to them.

Poole: Act 26:17 - -- From the people from this people of the Jews, so in some copies it is expressed; howsoever, by the antithesis, and from the Gentiles it is plainly ...

From the people from this people of the Jews, so in some copies it is expressed; howsoever, by the antithesis,

and from the Gentiles it is plainly to be understood: and God undertakes no less hereby, than to deliver Paul, and all his faithful servants, from all evils and enemies. But how is this performed? And where is the promise? St. Paul was sorely persecuted by the Jews, and at last put to death by the Gentiles. But so long as it would be a mercy, and a true deliverance to Paul, God wrought many such for him; and that, rather than fail, miraculously too; no chains, no iron gates could detain him. When he had finished his course, and done the work he was sent for, it would not have been a deliverance, to have been kept longer from his reward, and the prize he had ran for.

Haydock: Act 26:17 - -- Delivering thee, &c. That is, from many attempts, both of the Jews and Gentiles, against thee. (Witham)

Delivering thee, &c. That is, from many attempts, both of the Jews and Gentiles, against thee. (Witham)

Gill: Act 26:17 - -- Delivering thee from the people,.... That is, the people of the Jews, as they are distinguished from the Gentiles; and so the Syriac version, and two ...

Delivering thee from the people,.... That is, the people of the Jews, as they are distinguished from the Gentiles; and so the Syriac version, and two of Beza's copies, and two of Stephens's, read; for the Lord knew, that as soon as ever Saul was converted and professed his name, and preached his Gospel, the people of the Jews would immediately become his implacable enemies, and seek to destroy him; wherefore he promises him before hand deliverance, and security from them:

and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee; to both Jews and Gentiles; to the Jews first, and then to the Gentiles; which method the apostle observed, and which course he steered, until the Jews put away the Gospel from them; and then he turned to the Gentiles, to whom he chiefly preached, as their apostle, and was saved from many dangers among them, as is here promised.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Act 26:17 The antecedent of the relative pronoun is probably both the Jews (“your own people”) and the Gentiles, indicating the comprehensive commis...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Act 26:1-32 - --1 Paul, in the presence of Agrippa, declares his life from his childhood;12 and how miraculously he was converted, and called to his apostleship.24 Fe...

Combined Bible: Act 26:17 - --notes on verse 12     

MHCC: Act 26:12-23 - --Paul was made a Christian by Divine power; by a revelation of Christ both to him and in him; when in the full career of his sin. He was made a ministe...

Matthew Henry: Act 26:12-23 - -- All who believe a God, and have a reverence for his sovereignty, must acknowledge that those who speak and act by his direction, and by warrant from...

Barclay: Act 26:12-18 - --This passage is full of interest. (i) The Greek word apostolos (652) literally means, one who is sent forth. For instance, an ambassador is an apos...

Constable: Act 9:32--Rom 1:1 - --III. THE WITNESS TO THE UTTERMOST PART OF THE EARTH 9:32--28:31 Luke next recorded the church's expansion beyond...

Constable: Act 19:21--Rom 1:1 - --D. The extension of the church to Rome 19:21-28:31 "The panel is introduced by the programmatic statemen...

Constable: Act 23:33--27:1 - --3. Ministry in Caesarea 23:33-26:32 Paul's ministry in Caesarea was from prison. Luke devoted ab...

Constable: Act 25:23--27:1 - --Paul's defense before Agrippa 25:23-26:32 This is the longest of Paul's five defenses. I...

Constable: Act 26:1-23 - --Paul's speech to the dignitaries 26:1-23 Paul was not on trial here. When he had appealed to Caesar (25:11), he had guaranteed that his next trial wou...

College: Act 26:1-32 - --ACTS 26 9. Paul's Appearance before Agrippa (25:23-26:32) Paul's Address to Agrippa (26:1-23) a 14 Or Hebrew b 23 Or Messiah Now Paul had one f...

McGarvey: Act 26:12-18 - --12-18. (12) " Whereupon, as I was going to Damascus, with authority and commission from the high priests, (13) at midday, O King, I saw in the way a l...

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Commentary -- Other

Contradiction: Act 26:17 57. Did the voice tell Paul what he was to do on the spot (Acts 26:16-18), or was he commanded to go to Damascus to be told what to do (Acts 9:7; 22...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Acts (Book Introduction) THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES By Way of Introduction But for the Acts we should know nothing of the early apostolic period save what is told in the Epi...

JFB: Acts (Book Introduction) THIS book is to the Gospels what the fruit is to the tree that bears it. In the Gospels we see the corn of wheat falling into the ground and dying: in...


TSK: Acts (Book Introduction) The Acts of the Apostles is a most valuable portion of Divine revelation; and, independently of its universal reception in the Christian church, as an...

TSK: Acts 26 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Act 26:1, Paul, in the presence of Agrippa, declares his life from his childhood; Act 26:12, and how miraculously he was converted, and c...

Poole: Acts 26 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 26

MHCC: Acts (Book Introduction) This book unites the Gospels to the Epistles. It contains many particulars concerning the apostles Peter and Paul, and of the Christian church from th...

MHCC: Acts 26 (Chapter Introduction) (Act 26:1-11) Paul's defence before Agrippa. (Act 26:12-23) His conversion and preaching to the Gentiles. (Act 26:24-32) Festus and Agrippa convince...

Matthew Henry: Acts (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Acts of the Apostles We have with an abundant satisfaction seen the foundation of our holy religion...

Matthew Henry: Acts 26 (Chapter Introduction) We left Paul at the bar, and Festus, and Agrippa, and Bernice, and all the great men of the city of Caesarea, upon the bench, or about it, waiting ...

Barclay: Acts (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES A Precious Book In one sense Acts is the most important book in the New Testament. It is the simple truth t...

Barclay: Acts 26 (Chapter Introduction) The Defence Of A Changed Man (Act_26:1-11) Surrender For Service (Act_26:12-18) A Task Accepted (Act_26:19-23) A King Impressed (Act_26:24-31)

Constable: Acts (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title "Acts of the Apostles" is very ancient. The Anti-Marcioni...

Constable: Acts (Outline) Outline I. The witness in Jerusalem 1:1-6:7 A. The founding of the church 1:1-2:46 ...

Constable: Acts Acts Bibliography Albright, William Foxwell. The Archaeology of Palestine. 1949. Revised ed. Pelican Archaeolog...

Haydock: Acts (Book Introduction) THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. INTRODUCTION. St. Luke, who had published his gospel, wrote also a second volume, which, from the first ages, hath bee...

Gill: Acts (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO ACTS This book, in some copies, is called, "The Acts of the holy Apostles". It contains an history of the ministry and miracles of ...

College: Acts (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION As early as the second century the title "The Acts of the Apostles" was given to this document. Before that time the work probably circu...


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