Text -- Amos 4:5 (NET)

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Wesley: Amo 4:5 - -- As all the rest of your will - worship, so this also is against the express law, Lev 2:11. However, do so at your peril, try whether it will end in go...
As all the rest of your will - worship, so this also is against the express law, Lev 2:11. However, do so at your peril, try whether it will end in good.

Publickly persuaded your people to voluntary sacrifices.
JFB: Amo 4:5 - -- Literally, "burn incense"; that is, "offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving with burnt incense and with leavened bread." The frankincense was laid on the m...
Literally, "burn incense"; that is, "offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving with burnt incense and with leavened bread." The frankincense was laid on the meat offering, and taken by the priest from it to burn on the altar (Lev 2:1-2, Lev 2:8-11). Though unleavened cakes were to accompany the peace offering sacrifice of animals, leavened bread was also commanded (Lev 7:12-13), but not as a "meat offering" (Lev 2:11).
Clarke -> Amo 4:5
Clarke: Amo 4:5 - -- Over a sacrifice of thanksgiving - To the senseless metal, and the unfeeling stock and stone images, from which ye never did, and never could receiv...
Over a sacrifice of thanksgiving - To the senseless metal, and the unfeeling stock and stone images, from which ye never did, and never could receive any help. Proceed yet farther, and bring free-will offerings; testify superabundant gratitude to your wooden and metallic gods, to whom ye are under such immense imaginary obligations! Proclaim and publish these offerings, and set forth the perfections of the objects of your worship; and see what they can do for you, when I, Jehovah, shall send drought, and blasting, and famine, and pestilence, and the sword among you.
Calvin -> Amo 4:5
Calvin: Amo 4:5 - -- And burn incense with the leaven of thank offering He speaks of peace-offerings; sacrifices of thanksgiving were wont to be offered with leaven; but w...
And burn incense with the leaven of thank offering He speaks of peace-offerings; sacrifices of thanksgiving were wont to be offered with leaven; but with other sacrifices they presented cakes and unleavened bread. It was lawful in peace-offerings to offer leaven. However sedulous, then, the Israelites were in performing these rites, the Prophet intimates that they were in no way approved by God inasmuch as they had departed from the pure command of the law. Some take leaven in a bad sense, as meaning a vicious and impure sacrifice, which the law required to be free from leaven; but this view seems not suitable here; for nothing is here condemned in the Israelites, but that they had departed from what the law prescribed, that they had presumptuously changed the place of the temple, and also raised up a new priesthood. They were in other things careful and diligent enough; but this defection was the chief abomination. It could not then be, that God would approve of deprivations; for obedience, as it is said elsewhere, is of more account before him than all sacrifices, (1Sa 15:22) Proclaim, he says,
Bring forth then, and proclaim voluntary offerings; that is, “Appoint solemn assemblies with great pomp; yet this would be nothing else than to add sin to sin: ye are acting wickedly for this reason, — because the very beginning is impious.”
But the last part of the verse must be noticed, For so it has pleased you, O children of Israel, saith the Lord Jehovah. By saying that the Israelites loved to do these things, he reprobates their presumption in devising at their own will new modes of worship; as though he said, “I require no sacrifices from you except those offered at Jerusalem; but ye offer them to me in a profane place. Regard then your sacrifices as offered to yourselves, and not to me.” We indeed know how hypocrites ever make God a debtor to themselves; when they undertake any labor in their frivolous ceremonies, they think that God is bound to them. But God denies that this work was done for him, for he had not enjoined it in his law. “It has thus pleased you,” he says, “ Vous faites cela pour votre plaisir et bien mettez le sur vos comptes “. We then see what Amos meant here by saying, ‘It has so pleased you, O children of Israel:’ it is, as if he had said, “Ye ought to have consulted me, and simply to have obeyed my word, to have regarded what pleased me, what I have commanded; but ye have despised my word, neglected my law, and followed what pleased yourselves, and proceeded from your own fancies. Since, then, your own will is your law, seek a recompense from yourselves, for I allow none of these things. What I require is implicit submission, I look for nothing else but obedience to my law; as ye render not this but according to your own will, it is no worship of my name.”
TSK -> Amo 4:5
TSK: Amo 4:5 - -- offer a sacrifice : Heb. offer by burning, Lev 7:12, Lev 7:13, Lev 23:17
proclaim : Lev 22:18-21; Deu 12:6, Deu 12:7; Mat 6:2
for : Psa 81:12; Mat 15:...

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Barnes -> Amo 4:5
Barnes: Amo 4:5 - -- And offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving with leaven - But amid this boastful service, all was self-will. In little or great, the calf-worship at ...
And offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving with leaven - But amid this boastful service, all was self-will. In little or great, the calf-worship at Bethel, or the use of leaven in the sacrifice, they did as they willed. The prophet seems to have joined purposely the fundamental change, by which Jeroboam substituted the worship of nature for its God, and a minute alteration of the ritual, to show that one and the same temper, self-will, reigned in all, dictated all they did. The use of leaven in the things sacrificed was forbidden, out of a symbolic reason, that is, not in itself, but as representing something else. The Eastern leaven, like that used in France, consisting of what is sour, had the idea of decay and corruption connected with it. Hence, it was unfit to be offered to God. For whatever was the object of any sacrifice, whether of atonement or thanksgiving, perfection in its kind was essential to the idea of offering. Hence, it was expressly forbidden. "No meat offering, which ye shall bring unto the Lord, shall be made with leaven, for ye shall burn no leaven in an offering of the Lord made by fire"(Lev 2:11; add. Lev 6:17). At other times it is expressly commanded, that "unleavened bread"should be used. In two cases only, in which the offering was not to be burned, were offerings to be made of leavened bread:
(1) the two loaves of first-fruits at Pentecost Lev 23:17, and
(2) an offering with which the thank offering was accompanied, and which was to be the priest’ s Lev 7:13-14.
The special meat offering of the thank offering was to be without leaven Lev 7:12. To "offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving with leaven"was a direct infringement of God’ s appointment. It proceeded from the same frame of mind, as the breach of the greatest. Self-will was their only rule. What they willed, they kept; and what they willed, they brake. Amos bids them then go on, as they did in their willfulness, breaking God’ s commands of set purpose, and keeping them by accident.
Rup.: "This is a most grave mode of speaking, whereby He now saith, ‘ Come and do so and so, and He Himself who saith this, hateth those same deeds of theirs. He so speaketh, not as willing, but as abandoning not as inviting, but as expelling; not in exhortation but in indignation. He subjoins then, (as the case required,) ‘ for so ye loved.’ As if He said, ‘ I therefore say, ‘ come to Bethel’ where is your god, your calf, because ‘ so ye loved,’ and hitherto ye have come. I therefore say, ‘ transgress,’ because ye do transgress, and ye will to transgress. I say, ‘ come to Gilgal,’ where were idols (Jdg 3:19, English margin) long before Jeroboam’ s calves, because ye come and ye will to come. I say, ‘ multiply transgressions,’ because ye do multiply it, and yet will to multiply it. I say, ‘ bring your sacrifices,’ because ye offer them and ye will to offer them, to whom ye ought not. I say, ‘ offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving with leaven,’ because ye so do, and ye will do it, leavened as ye are with ‘ the old leaven of malice and wickedness,’ against the whole authority of the holy and spiritual law, which forbiddeth to offer in sacrifice anything leavened.
This pleaseth your gods, that ye be leavened, and without ‘ the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth’ 1Co 5:8. To them then ‘ sacrifice the sacrifice of thanksgiving with leaven,’ because to Me ye, being sinners, cannot offer a seemly sacrifice of praise. And so doing, ‘ proclaim and publish the free offerings,’ for so ye do, and so ye will to do, honoring the sacrifices which ye offer to your calves with the same names, whereby the authority of the law nameth those which are offered unto Me; ‘ burnt offerings,’ and ‘ peace offerings;’ and ‘ proclaim’ them ‘ with the sound of trumpet and harp, with timbrel and dancing, with strings and organ, upon the well turned cymbals and the loud cymbals’ Psa 150:1-6, that so ye may be thought to have sung louder and stronger than the tribe of Judah or the house of David in the temple of the Lord, because ye are more.’ All these things are said, not with the intention of one willing, but with the indignation of one forsaking, as in many other instances. As that which the same Lord said to His betrayer; ‘ what thou doest, do quickly’ Joh 13:27. And in the Revelations we read, ‘ He that is unjust, let him be unjust still; and he that is filthy, let him be filthy still’ Rev 22:11. These things, and the rest of the like sort, are not the words of one commanding, or, of His own Will, conceding, but permitting and forsaking. ‘ For He was not ignorant, (Wisdom saith) (Wisdom Rev 12:10) that they were a naughty generation, and their malice was inbred, and that their cogitation never would be changed. ‘ "
Proclaim and publish the free offerings - o : "Account much of what ye offer to God, and think that ye do great things, as though ye honored God condignly, and were under no obligation to offer such gifts. The whole is said in irony. For some there are, who appreciate magnificently the gifts and services which they offer to God, and think they have attained to great perfection, as though they made an adequate return to the divine benefits, not weighing the infinite dignity of the Divine Majesty, the incomparable greatness of the divine benefits, the frailty of their own condition and the imperfection of their service. Against whom is that which the Saviour saith, ‘ When ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants, we have done that which was our duty to do’ Luk 17:10. Hence, David saith ‘ all things come of Thee, and of Thine own have we given Thee.’ 1Ch 19:14."
Poole -> Amo 4:5
Poole: Amo 4:5 - -- Offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving with leaven as all the rest of your will-worship, so this also is against the express law, Lev 2:11 , but yet you w...
Offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving with leaven as all the rest of your will-worship, so this also is against the express law, Lev 2:11 , but yet you will persist in it; and do so at your peril, try whether it end in good to you.
Proclaim and publish the free-offerings publicly, frequently, and earnestly persuade your people to voluntary sacrifices, in which you think to please me; but you offer them all to idols; this your religion is impiety.
This liketh you as you invented it, so it pleaseth you, and you will not be reclaimed.
Ye children of Israel ye idolatrous, apostate Israelites.
Saith the Lord God for these you shall be punished by the Lord your God.
Haydock -> Amo 4:5
Haydock: Amo 4:5 - -- With. Hebrew mechamets, (Haydock) also "without leaven." It was expressly forbidden, (Leviticus ii. 11.) though not in the first fruits, Leviticu...
With. Hebrew mechamets, (Haydock) also "without leaven." It was expressly forbidden, (Leviticus ii. 11.) though not in the first fruits, Leviticus xxiii. 17. ---
It, to beg that God would remember you, Numbers x. 10. Hence the Pharisees did so when they gave alms, (Matthew vi. 2.; Calmet) but out of ostentation. (Haydock) ---
Septuagint, "And they read the law of their own invention, (Theodoret) or of God, out of the land, (which the Jews were not to do; St. Chrysostom, or. 3. c. Jud. Const. Apost. vi. 24.) and proclaimed praise or confession." (Haydock)
Gill -> Amo 4:5
Gill: Amo 4:5 - -- And offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving with leaven,.... Which some observe was contrary to the law, which forbids all leaven in a meat offering; or "bu...
And offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving with leaven,.... Which some observe was contrary to the law, which forbids all leaven in a meat offering; or "burning" it in any offering, Lev 2:11; which the word t here used suggests was done by these idolaters, as well as eaten by them, their priests not liking to eat unleavened bread; but; though it was forbidden in the meat offering, was allowed, yea, ordered, with the sacrifice of thanksgiving, Lev 7:13. So Abarbinel understands it here, as what was according, to law, but ironically commanded to be offered to idols:
and proclaim and publish the free offerings; let all know of them when you make your freewill offerings, and invite them to partake of them:
for this liketh you, O ye children of Israel, saith the Lord God; or ye love to offer such sacrifices to your idols, rather than to the Lord God; preferring these to him, and delighting more in the worship of them than of him.

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TSK Synopsis -> Amo 4:1-13
TSK Synopsis: Amo 4:1-13 - --1 He reproves Israel for oppression,4 for idolatry,6 and for their incorrigibleness.
Maclaren -> Amo 4:4-13
Maclaren: Amo 4:4-13 - --Smitten In Vain
Come to Beth-el, and transgress; at Gilgal multiply transgression; and bring your sacrifices every morning, and your tithes after thr...
MHCC -> Amo 4:1-5
MHCC: Amo 4:1-5 - --What is got by extortion is commonly used to provide for the flesh, and to fulfil the lusts thereof. What is got by oppression cannot be enjoyed with ...
Matthew Henry -> Amo 4:1-5
Matthew Henry: Amo 4:1-5 - -- It is here foretold, in the name of God, that oppressors shall be humbled and idolaters shall be hardened. I. That proud oppressors shall be humbled...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Amo 4:4-5
Keil-Delitzsch: Amo 4:4-5 - --
After this threat directed against the voluptuous women of the capital, the prophecy turns again to all the people. In bitter irony, Amos tells them...
Constable: Amo 1:3--7:1 - --II. Prophetic messages that Amos delivered 1:3--6:14
The Book of Amos consists of words (oracles, 1:3-6:14) and ...

Constable: Amo 3:1--6:14 - --B. Messages of Judgment against Israel chs. 3-6
After announcing that God would judge Israel, Amos deliv...

Constable: Amo 4:1-13 - --2. The second message on women, worship, and stubbornness ch. 4
This message consists of seven p...