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Text -- Daniel 4:1 (NET)

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4:1 “King Nebuchadnezzar, to all peoples, nations, and language groups that live in all the land: Peace and prosperity!
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon who took Judah into exile

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Testimony | Rulers | Proclamation | Nebuchadnezzar | Heathen | Government | GREETING | Dream | Daniel | Converts | Babylon | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Dan 4:1 - -- Daniel here sets down another strange relation in the words of the king's own proclamation, sent to all his vast kingdoms, and questionless put into t...

Daniel here sets down another strange relation in the words of the king's own proclamation, sent to all his vast kingdoms, and questionless put into the king's archives, and court - rolls.

Wesley: Dan 4:1 - -- All health and happiness; this was always the form of salutation among the eastern nations.

All health and happiness; this was always the form of salutation among the eastern nations.

JFB: Dan 4:1 - -- The usual salutation in the East, shalom, whence "salaam." The primitive revelation of the fall, and man's alienation from God, made "peace" to be fel...

The usual salutation in the East, shalom, whence "salaam." The primitive revelation of the fall, and man's alienation from God, made "peace" to be felt as the first and deepest want of man. The Orientals (as the East was the cradle of revelation) retained the word by tradition.

Clarke: Dan 4:1 - -- Nebuchadnezzar the king, unto all people - This is a regular decree, and is one of the most ancient on record; and no doubt was copied from the stat...

Nebuchadnezzar the king, unto all people - This is a regular decree, and is one of the most ancient on record; and no doubt was copied from the state papers of Babylon. Daniel has preserved it in the original language.

Calvin: Dan 4:1 - -- Some join these verses to the end of the third chapter, but there is no reason for this; and it will clearly appear from the context that the edict i...

Some join these verses to the end of the third chapter, but there is no reason for this; and it will clearly appear from the context that the edict is here set forth in the king’s name, and other events are inserted. Daniel, therefore, here, speaks in the person of the king; he afterwards narrates what happened to the king, and then returns to his own person. Those who separate these three verses from the context of the fourth chapter, do not seem to have sufficiently considered the intention and words of the Prophet. This passage may seem harsh and rough, when Daniel introduces the king of Babylon as speaking — then speaks in his own name — and afterwards returns to the person of the; king. But since this variety does not render the sense either doubtful or obscure, there is no reason why it should trouble us. We now see how all the sentences which we shall explain in their places are mutually united.

The contents of this chapter are as follow: Nebuchadnezzar was sufficiently instructed in the worship of the God of Israel as one God, and was compelled at the time to confess this; yet he did not depart from his own superstitions; his conceptions of the true God were but momentary, and hence he suffered the punishment due to such great ingratitude. But God intended him to become more and more blinded, as he is accustomed to treat the reprobate and even his elect at times. When men add sin to sin, God loosens his reins and allows them to destroy themselves. Afterwards he either extends his hand towards them, or withdraws them by his hidden virtue, or reduces them to order by his rod, and completely humbles them. He treated the king of Babylon in this way. We shall afterwards discuss the dream; but we must here briefly notice the king’s admonition, that he might feel himself without excuse when he was so utterly broken down. God indeed might justly punish him as soon as he saw he was not truly converted; but before he inflicted the final chastisement — as we shall see in its place — he wished to admonish him, if there were any hope of his repentance. Although he seemed to receive with the greatest modesty what God had manifested by his dream through Daniel’s interpretation of it, yet he professed with his mouth what he did not really possess. And he shews this sufficiently, because, when he ought to be afraid and cautious, he does not lay aside his pride, but glories in himself as a king of kings, and in Babylon as the queen of the whole world! Since, then, he spoke so confidently after being admonished by the Prophet, we perceive how little he had profited by his dream. But God wished in this way to render him more inexcusable, and although he did not bring forth fruit immediately, yet a long time afterwards, when God touched his mind, he very properly recognized this punishment to have been divinely inflicted. Hence this dream was a kind of entrance and preparation for repentance, and as seed seems to lie putrid in the earth before it brings forth its fruit, and God sometimes works by gentle processes, and provides for the teaching, which seemed for a long time useless, becoming both efficacious and fruitful.

I now come to the words themselves; the preface to the edict is, Nebuchadnezzar the king to all peoples, nations, and languages, which dwell in the whole earth, namely, under his sway. He does not mean this to be extended to Scythia, or Gaul, or other distant regions; but since his empire extended far and wide, he spoke boastingly. Thus we see the Romans, whose sway did not reach near so far, called Rome itself the seat of the empire of the whole world! Here Nebuchadnezzar now predicts. the magnificence and mightiness of his own monarchy. Hence he sends his edict to all peoples, and nations, and languages, which dwell on the earth He afterwards adds, it seemed to me good to relate the signs and wonders which the mighty God hath wrought with me No doubt he feels himself to have paid the penalty of his ingratitude, since he had so punctiliously ascribed the glory to one true God, and yet had relapsed into his own superstitions, and had never really said farewell to them. We see how often King Nebuchadnezzar was chastised before he profited by the rod of the Almighty. Hence we need not be surprised if God often strikes us with his hand, since the result of experience proves us to be dull, and, to speak truly, utterly slothful. When God, therefore, wishes to lead us to repentance, he is compelled to repeat his blows continually, either because we are not moved when he chastises us with his hand, or we seem roused for the time, and then we return again to our former torpor. He is therefore compelled to redouble his blows. And we perceive this in the narrative before us, as in a glass. But the singular benefit of God was this, Nebuchadnezzar, after God had often chastised him, yielded at length. It is unknown whether or not this confession proceeded front true and genuine repentance: I must leave it in doubt. Yet without the slightest doubt Daniel recited this edict, to shew the king so subdued at length, as to confess the God of Israel to be the only God, and to bear witness to this among all people under his sway.

Meanwhile we must remark, how this edict of the king of Babylon receives the testimony of the Spirit; for Daniel has no other object or purpose in relating the edict, than to shew the fruit of conversion in King Nebuchadnezzar. Hence, without doubt, King Nebuchadnezzar bore witness to his repentance when he celebrated the God of Israel among all people, and when he proclaimed a punishment to all who spoke reproachfully against God. Hence this passage is often cited by Augustine against the Donatists. 204 For they wished to grant an act of impunity to themselves, when they disturbed the Church with rashness and corrupted pure doctrine, and even permitted themselves to attack it like robbers. For some were then discovered to have been slain by them, and others mutilated in their limbs. Since, then, they allowed themselves to act so licentiously and still desired to commit crimes with impunity, yet they held this principle as of first importance. No punishment ought to be inflicted on those who differ from others in religious doctrine; as we see in these days, how some contend far too eagerly about this subject. What they desire is clear enough. If any one carefully observes them, he will find them impious despisers of God; they wish to render everything uncertain in religion, and as far as they can they strive to tear away all the principles of piety. With the view then of vomiting forth their poison, they strive eagerly for freedom from punishment, and deny the right of inflicting punishment on heretics and blasphemers.

Such is that dog Castalio 205 and his companions, and all like him, such also were the Donatists; and hence, as I have mentioned, Augustine cites this testimony in many places, and shews how ashamed Christian princes ought to be of their slothfulness, if they are indulgent to heretics and blasphemers, and do not vindicate God’s glory by lawful punishments, since King Nebuchadnezzar who was never truly converted: yet promulgated this decree by a kind of secret instinct. At all events, it ought to be sufficient for men of moderate and quiet tastes to know how King Nebuchadnezzar’s edict was praised by the approval of the Holy Spirit. If this be so, it follows that kings are bound to defend the worship of God, and to execute vengeance upon those who profanely despise it, and on those who endeavor to reduce it to nothing, or to adulterate the true doctrine by their errors, and so dissipate the unity of the faith and disturb the Church’s peace. This is clear enough from the Prophet’s context; for Nebuchadnezzar says at first, it pleases me to relate the signs and wonders which God has prepared for me He had already explained how wonderfully God had treated him; but this had passed away. Now God seizes him a second and even a third time, and then he confesses it to be his boast to explain the wonderful signs of God. He afterwards breaks forth into the exclamation, How mighty are his signs! How remarkable his miracles! His kingdom, is a kingdom of an age, and his dominion is from age to age Without doubt Nebuchadnezzar wished to excite his subjects to the attentive perusal of this edict, and to the acknowledgment of its value, and thus to subject themselves to the true and only God. He calls him The High God, meaning, doubtless, the God of Israel; meanwhile, we do not know whether he cast away his superstitions. I however incline to the opposite conjecture, since he did not put off his errors, but was compelled to give glory to the Most High God. He so acknowledged the God of Israel as to join inferior deities with him as allies and companions, just as all unbelievers, while admitting one supreme deity, imagine a multitude of others. So also Nebuchadnezzar confessed Israel’s God to be Most High; yet, he did not correct the idolatry which still flourished under his sway; nay, he mingled and confused the false gods with the God of Israel. Thus he did not leave behind his own corruption’s. He celebrates indeed with magnificence the glory of the supreme God, but this is not sufficient without; abolishing all superstitions, and promoting that religion alone which is prescribed by the word of God, and causing his pure and perfect worship to flourish.

TSK: Dan 4:1 - -- Nebuchadnezzar : This is a regular decree, and one of the most ancient extant; and no doubt contains the exact words of Nebuchadnezzar, copied out by ...

Nebuchadnezzar : This is a regular decree, and one of the most ancient extant; and no doubt contains the exact words of Nebuchadnezzar, copied out by Daniel from the state papers of Babylon, and preserved in the original language.

unto all : Dan 3:4, Dan 3:29, Dan 7:14; Est 3:12, Est 8:9; Zec 8:23; Act 2:6

Peace : Dan 6:25, Dan 6:27; 1Ch 12:18; Ezr 4:17, Ezr 5:7; Rom 1:7; Eph 1:2; 1Ti 1:2; 1Pe 1:2

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Dan 4:1 - -- Nebuchadnezzar the king, unto all people ... - The Syriac here has, "Nebuchadnezzar the king wrote to all people, etc."Many manuscripts in the ...

Nebuchadnezzar the king, unto all people ... - The Syriac here has, "Nebuchadnezzar the king wrote to all people, etc."Many manuscripts in the Chaldee have שׁלח shâlach , "sent,"and some have כתב ke thab , "wrote;"but neither of these readings are probably genuine, nor are they necessary. The passage is rather a part of the edict of the king than a narrative of the author of the book, and in such an edict the comparatively abrupt style of the present reading would be what would be adopted. The Septuagint has inserted here a historical statement of the fact that Nebuchadnezzar did actually issue such an edict: "And Nebuchadnezzar the king wrote an encyclical epistle - ἐπιστολὴν ἐγκύκλιον epistolēn egkuklion - to all those nations in every place, and to the regions, and to all the tongues that dwell in all countries, generations and generations: ‘ Nebuchadnezzar the king,’ "etc. But nothing of this is in the original.

Unto all people, nations, and languages that dwell in all the earth - That is, people speaking all the languages of the earth. Many nations were under the scepter of the king of Babylon; but it would seem that he designed this as a general proclamation, not only to those who were embraced in his empire, but to all the people of the world. Such a proclamation would be much in accordance with the Oriental style. Compare the note at Dan 3:4.

Peace be multiplied unto you - This is in accordance with the usual Oriental salutation. Compare Gen 43:23; Jdg 6:23; 1Sa 25:6; Psa 122:7; Luk 10:5; Eph 6:23; 1Pe 1:2. This is the salutation with which one meets another now in the Oriental world - the same word still being retained, "Shalom,"or "Salam."The idea seemed to be, that every blessing was found in peace, and every evil in conflict and war. The expression included the wish that they might be preserved from all that would disturb them; that they might be contented, quiet, prosperous, and happy. When it is said "peace be multiplied,"the wish is that it might abound, or that they might be blessed with the numberless mercies which peace produces.

Poole: Dan 4:1 - -- Peace be multiplied unto you i.e. all health and happiness: this was always the form of greeting and salutation among the Eastern nations, comprehend...

Peace be multiplied unto you i.e. all health and happiness: this was always the form of greeting and salutation among the Eastern nations, comprehending peace, plenty, with uninterrupted joy and felicity in all comfortable enjoyments: and from them it came derived down to the penmen of the New Testament, and notes more, even peace with God in Jesus Christ, spiritual and everlasting. Now the reason hereof was, that war being the root of all misery, especially where all government was tyrannical, and when once it brake forth, it made all desolate; therefore peace was as heaven in comparison of the hell of war, which made the heathens paint Plutus the god of riches in the bosom of peace.

Haydock: Dan 4:1 - -- Palace. He continues the edict, having subdued all his enemies. (Calmet) --- Daniel recites his words. The king had the dream in the 34th year o...

Palace. He continues the edict, having subdued all his enemies. (Calmet) ---

Daniel recites his words. The king had the dream in the 34th year of his reign, which continued in all forty-three, including the seven of absence. (Worthington)

Gill: Dan 4:1 - -- Nebuchadnezzar the king,..... This and the two following verses are annexed to the preceding chapter in the Hebrew Bible, and in the Septuagint and Vu...

Nebuchadnezzar the king,..... This and the two following verses are annexed to the preceding chapter in the Hebrew Bible, and in the Septuagint and Vulgate Latin versions; as if the author of the division of the chapters thought that Nebuchadnezzar proposed by this public proclamation to celebrate the praise of the Lord, on account of the wonderful deliverance of the three Jews from the fiery furnace; whereas they are a preface to a narrative of a dream, and an event which concerned himself, and most properly begin a new chapter, as they do in the Syriac and Arabic versions. The edict begins, not with pompous and extravagant titles, as was the manner of the eastern monarchs, and still is, but only plainly "Nebuchadnezzar the king"; for he was now humbled under the mighty hand of God; whether his conversion was real is not evident; yet, certain it is, he expresses himself in stronger language concerning the divine Being and his works, and under a deeper sense of his sovereignty and majesty, than ever he did before. This proclamation is directed

unto all people, nations, and languages, that dwell in all the earth; belonging to his kingdom, as Aben Ezra; and these were many; besides the Babylonians, Assyrians, and Chaldeans, also the Medes and Persians, the Egyptians, the Jews, and the nations round about them; and also the Spaniards, Moors, and Thracians, with others: but there is no reason to limit this to his own subjects, though first designed; for it was his desire that all people whatever in the known world might read, hear, and consider, what the grace of God had done unto him, with him, and for him, and learn to fear and reverence him:

peace be multiplied unto you: a wish for all kind of outward happiness and prosperity, and an increase of it; thus it becomes a prince to wish for all his subjects, and even for all the world; for there cannot be a greater blessing than peace, nor a greater judgment than war. This phrase is borrowed from the common salutation in eastern countries, and is used often in the New Testament for spiritual and eternal peace.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Dan 4:1 Aram “May your peace increase!”

Geneva Bible: Dan 4:1 Nebuchadnezzar the king, unto all people, nations, and languages, that dwell in all the ( o ) earth; Peace be multiplied unto you. ( o ) Meaning, as ...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Dan 4:1-37 - --1 Nebuchadnezzar confesses God's kingdom,4 makes relation of his dreams, which the magicians could not interpret.8 Daniel hears the dream.19 He interp...

MHCC: Dan 4:1-18 - --The beginning and end of this chapter lead us to hope, that Nebuchadnezzar was a monument of the power of Divine grace, and of the riches of Divine me...

Matthew Henry: Dan 4:1-3 - -- Here is, I. Something of form, which was usual in writs, proclamations, or circular letters, issued by the king, Dan 4:1. The royal style which Nebu...

Keil-Delitzsch: Dan 4:1-3 - -- (3:31-33) These verses form the introduction (Note: The connection of these verses with the third chapter in the Hebrew, Greek, and Latin Bibles is...

Constable: Dan 2:1--7:28 - --II. The Times of the Gentiles: God's program for the world chs. 2--7 Daniel wrote 2:4b-7:28 in the Aramaic langu...

Constable: Dan 4:1-37 - --C. Nebuchadnezzar's pride and humbling ch. 4 We have seen that in the first three chapters of Daniel Kin...

Constable: Dan 4:1-3 - --1. Nebuchadnezzar's introductory doxology 4:1-3 4:1 The fact that Nebuchadnezzar addressed what follows to everyone living on the earth, even though h...

Guzik: Dan 4:1-37 - --Daniel 4 - The Fall and Rise of Nebuchadnezzar A. Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the tree. 1. (1-3) The opening of Nebuchadnezzar's decree. Nebuchadnez...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Daniel (Book Introduction) DANIEL, that is, "God is my judge"; probably of the blood royal (compare Dan 1:3, with 1Ch 3:1, where a son of David is named so). Jerusalem may have ...


TSK: Daniel 4 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Dan 4:1, Nebuchadnezzar confesses God’s kingdom, Dan 4:4, makes relation of his dreams, which the magicians could not interpret; Dan 4:...

Poole: Daniel (Book Introduction) BOOK OF DANIEL THE ARGUMENT IN Daniel and his prophecy, observe these things for the better understanding of this book, and the mind of God in it...

Poole: Daniel 4 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 4 Nebuchadnezzar acknowledgeth God’ s eternal dominion, Dan 4:1-3 . He relateth a dream which the magicians could not interpret, Dan 4...

MHCC: Daniel (Book Introduction) Daniel was of noble birth, if not one of the royal family of Judah. He was carried captive to Babylon in the fourth year of Jehoiachin, B. C. 606, whe...

MHCC: Daniel 4 (Chapter Introduction) (v. 1-18) Nebuchadnezzar acknowledges the power of Jehovah. (Dan 4:19-27) Daniel interprets his dream. (Dan 4:28-37) The fulfilment of it.

Matthew Henry: Daniel (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of the Prophet Daniel The book of Ezekiel left the affairs of Jerusalem under a doleful aspect...

Matthew Henry: Daniel 4 (Chapter Introduction) The penman of this chapter is Nebuchadnezzar himself: the story here recorded concerning him is given us in his own words, as he himself drew it up...

Constable: Daniel (Book Introduction) Introduction Background In 605 B.C. Prince Nebuchadnezzar led the Babylonian army of h...

Constable: Daniel (Outline) Outline I. The character of Daniel ch. 1 A. Historical background 1:1-2 ...

Constable: Daniel Daniel Bibliography Albright, William F. From Stone Age to Christianity. 2nd ed. New York: Doubleday Press, Anc...

Haydock: Daniel (Book Introduction) THE PROPHECY OF DANIEL. INTRODUCTION. DANIEL, whose name signifies "the judgment of God," was of the royal blood of the kings of Juda, and one o...

Gill: Daniel (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO DANIEL This book is called, in the Vulgate Latin version, "the Prophecy of Daniel"; and in the Syriac and Arabic versions "the Prop...

Gill: Daniel 4 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO DANIEL 4 This chapter was written by Nebuchadnezzar himself; and was either taken out of his archives, or given by him to Daniel, w...

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