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Text -- Daniel 11:42 (NET)

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11:42 He will extend his power against other lands; the land of Egypt will not escape.
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 · Egypt descendants of Mizraim

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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
JFB , Clarke , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

JFB: Dan 11:42-43 - -- The latter two, being the allies of the first, served under Antiochus when he conquered Egypt. Antitypically, Egypt, though it held out long under the...

The latter two, being the allies of the first, served under Antiochus when he conquered Egypt. Antitypically, Egypt, though it held out long under the Mamelukes, in A.D. 1517 fell under the Turks. Algiers, Tunis, and other parts of Africa, are still under them.

JFB: Dan 11:42-43 - -- Following him (Exo 11:8, Margin; Jdg 4:10).

Following him (Exo 11:8, Margin; Jdg 4:10).

Clarke: Dan 11:42 - -- He shall stretch forth his hand - He - the Ottoman emperors, have stretched forth the hand, not only on European, but also upon Asiatic and African ...

He shall stretch forth his hand - He - the Ottoman emperors, have stretched forth the hand, not only on European, but also upon Asiatic and African countries. Egypt - has not escaped; it is a province of the Turkish government, as are also Fez, Morocco, Algiers, and many other African countries. And as the prophecy says they "got power over the silver and gold, and the precious things of Egypt,"so it was; for when Selim conquered Egypt, a.d. 1517, he took all its spoils; and the immense sums drawn from it to the present day, and the wretchedness of the land in consequence, are almost incredible

Clarke: Dan 11:42 - -- The Libyans and the Ethiopians - The Cushim - unconquered Arabs, all sought their friendship; and many of them are tributary to the present time.

The Libyans and the Ethiopians - The Cushim - unconquered Arabs, all sought their friendship; and many of them are tributary to the present time.

TSK: Dan 11:42 - -- stretch forth : Heb. send forth and : Eze 29:14; Zec 10:10,Zec 10:11, Zec 14:17; Rev 11:8

stretch forth : Heb. send forth

and : Eze 29:14; Zec 10:10,Zec 10:11, Zec 14:17; Rev 11:8

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Dan 11:42 - -- He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries - Margin, send forth. Significant of war and conquest. The idea is, that he would be an...

He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries - Margin, send forth. Significant of war and conquest. The idea is, that he would be an invader of foreign lands - a characteristic which it is not necessary to show pertained to Antiochus.

And the land of Egypt shall not escape - Moab and Edom, and the land of Ammon would escape, but Egypt would not. We have seen in the exposition of this chapter (see the notes at Dan 11:25-28) that he, in fact, subdued Memphis and the best portions of Egypt, and even obtained possession of the person of the king.

Poole: Dan 11:42 - -- Though Egypt (and the adjacent countries) long stood out under the Mamelukes, yet was forced to submit to the Ottoman, anno 1517.

Though Egypt (and the adjacent countries) long stood out under the Mamelukes, yet was forced to submit to the Ottoman, anno 1517.

Gill: Dan 11:42 - -- He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries,.... Before mentioned, and take possession of them and rule over them, as the Turk does to thi...

He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries,.... Before mentioned, and take possession of them and rule over them, as the Turk does to this day:

and the land of Egypt shall not escape; the hands of the Turk by whom it was taken from the Mamalucs; and is now a province of the Turkish empire, and governed by a Turkish basha, with twenty four princes under him a. This was not true of Antiochus, who, after he had been checked by the Romans, never entered into Egypt, and much less became master of it, as the Turk now is.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Dan 11:42 Heb “hand.”

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Dan 11:1-45 - --1 The overthrow of Persia by the king of Grecia.5 Leagues and conflicts between the kings of the south and of the north.30 The invasion and tyranny of...

MHCC: Dan 11:31-45 - --The remainder of this prophecy is very difficult, and commentators differ much respecting it. From Antiochus the account seems to pass to antichrist. ...

Matthew Henry: Dan 11:21-45 - -- All this is a prophecy of the reign of Antiochus Epiphanes, the little horn spoken of before (Dan 8:9) a sworn enemy to the Jewish religion, and a...

Keil-Delitzsch: Dan 11:40-43 - -- The last Undertakings of the Hostile King, and His End By the words קץ בּעת , which introduce these verses, the following events are placed ...

Constable: Dan 8:1--12:13 - --III. Israel in relation to the Gentiles: God's program for Israel chs. 8--12 Two things signal the beginning of ...

Constable: Dan 10:1--12:13 - --C. Daniel's most detailed vision of the future chs. 10-12 We have observed that God's method of revealin...

Constable: Dan 11:36--12:5 - --3. The distant future 11:36-12:4 In the revelation given to Daniel about the 70 sevens (years, 9...

Constable: Dan 11:40-45 - --The attack against the ruler 11:40-45 11:40 Finally the very end time will arrive (cf. vv. 27, 35; 12:4, 9). Then this king will be the focus of attac...

Guzik: Dan 11:1-45 - --Daniel 11 - Antiochus and Antichrist Revisited Introduction 1. This chapter contains one of the most specifically fulfilled prophecies of the Bible,...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Daniel (Book Introduction) DANIEL, that is, "God is my judge"; probably of the blood royal (compare Dan 1:3, with 1Ch 3:1, where a son of David is named so). Jerusalem may have ...


TSK: Daniel 11 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Dan 11:1, The overthrow of Persia by the king of Grecia; Dan 11:5, Leagues and conflicts between the kings of the south and of the north;...

Poole: Daniel (Book Introduction) BOOK OF DANIEL THE ARGUMENT IN Daniel and his prophecy, observe these things for the better understanding of this book, and the mind of God in it...

Poole: Daniel 11 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 11 The overthrow of Persia by the king of Greeks, whose empire shall be divided, Dan 11:1-4 . Leagues and conflicts between the kings of th...

MHCC: Daniel (Book Introduction) Daniel was of noble birth, if not one of the royal family of Judah. He was carried captive to Babylon in the fourth year of Jehoiachin, B. C. 606, whe...

MHCC: Daniel 11 (Chapter Introduction) The vision of the Scriptures of truth.

Matthew Henry: Daniel (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of the Prophet Daniel The book of Ezekiel left the affairs of Jerusalem under a doleful aspect...

Matthew Henry: Daniel 11 (Chapter Introduction) The angel Gabriel, in this chapter, performs his promise made to Daniel in the foregoing chapter, that he would " show him what should befal his pe...

Constable: Daniel (Book Introduction) Introduction Background In 605 B.C. Prince Nebuchadnezzar led the Babylonian army of h...

Constable: Daniel (Outline) Outline I. The character of Daniel ch. 1 A. Historical background 1:1-2 ...

Constable: Daniel Daniel Bibliography Albright, William F. From Stone Age to Christianity. 2nd ed. New York: Doubleday Press, Anc...

Haydock: Daniel (Book Introduction) THE PROPHECY OF DANIEL. INTRODUCTION. DANIEL, whose name signifies "the judgment of God," was of the royal blood of the kings of Juda, and one o...

Gill: Daniel (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO DANIEL This book is called, in the Vulgate Latin version, "the Prophecy of Daniel"; and in the Syriac and Arabic versions "the Prop...

Gill: Daniel 11 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO DANIEL 11 In this chapter the angel makes good his promise to Daniel, that he would show him what was written in the Scripture of t...

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