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Text -- Deuteronomy 18:1-18 (NET)

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Provision for Priests and Levites
18:1 The Levitical priests– indeed, the entire tribe of Levi– will have no allotment or inheritance with Israel; they may eat the burnt offerings of the Lord and of his inheritance. 18:2 They will have no inheritance in the midst of their fellow Israelites; the Lord alone is their inheritance, just as he had told them. 18:3 This shall be the priests’ fair allotment from the people who offer sacrifices, whether bull or sheep– they must give to the priest the shoulder, the jowls, and the stomach. 18:4 You must give them the best of your grain, new wine, and olive oil, as well as the best of your wool when you shear your flocks. 18:5 For the Lord your God has chosen them and their sons from all your tribes to stand and serve in his name permanently. 18:6 Suppose a Levite comes by his own free will from one of your villages, from any part of Israel where he is living, to the place the Lord chooses 18:7 and serves in the name of the Lord his God like his fellow Levites who stand there before the Lord. 18:8 He must eat the same share they do, despite any profits he may gain from the sale of his family’s inheritance.
Provision for Prophetism
18:9 When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, you must not learn the abhorrent practices of those nations. 18:10 There must never be found among you anyone who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, anyone who practices divination, an omen reader, a soothsayer, a sorcerer, 18:11 one who casts spells, one who conjures up spirits, a practitioner of the occult, or a necromancer. 18:12 Whoever does these things is abhorrent to the Lord and because of these detestable things the Lord your God is about to drive them out from before you. 18:13 You must be blameless before the Lord your God. 18:14 Those nations that you are about to dispossess listen to omen readers and diviners, but the Lord your God has not given you permission to do such things. 18:15 The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you– from your fellow Israelites; you must listen to him. 18:16 This accords with what happened at Horeb in the day of the assembly. You asked the Lord your God: “Please do not make us hear the voice of the Lord our God any more or see this great fire any more lest we die.” 18:17 The Lord then said to me, “What they have said is good. 18:18 I will raise up a prophet like you for them from among their fellow Israelites. I will put my words in his mouth and he will speak to them whatever I command.
Parallel   Cross Reference (TSK)   ITL  

Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Horeb a mountain; the place where the law was given to Moses
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · Levi members of the tribe of Levi
 · Levite member of the tribe of Levi
 · Levites relating to Levi and the priesthood given to him,a tribal name describing people and ceremonies as sacred
 · Levitical relating to Levi and the priesthood given to him,a tribal name describing people and ceremonies as sacred
 · levitical relating to Levi and the priesthood given to him,a tribal name describing people and ceremonies as sacred

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Witch | Prophet | Magic | Levites | Levite | LAW OF MOSES | GIVE | Fleece | Familiar spirit | Enchantments | ENCHANTMENT | EN-DOR, WITCH OF | DREAMS | DEUTERONOMY | Christ | Charmer | CRITICISM | CHRIST, OFFICES OF | Astrologer | ASTROLOGY | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , PBC , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Deu 18:1 - -- The Lord's portion or inheritance, which God had reserved to himself, as tithes and first fruits, and other oblations distinct from those which were m...

The Lord's portion or inheritance, which God had reserved to himself, as tithes and first fruits, and other oblations distinct from those which were made by fire.

Wesley: Deu 18:3 - -- The Hebrew word here rendered maw or stomach, may have another signification, and some render it the breast, others take it for the part, which lies u...

The Hebrew word here rendered maw or stomach, may have another signification, and some render it the breast, others take it for the part, which lies under the breast.

Wesley: Deu 18:6 - -- With full purpose to fix his abode, and to spend his whole time and strength in the service of God. It seems, the several priests were to come from th...

With full purpose to fix his abode, and to spend his whole time and strength in the service of God. It seems, the several priests were to come from their cities to the temple by turns, before David's time; and it is certain they did so after it. But if any of them were not contented with this attendance upon God in his tabernacle, or temple, and desired more entirely and constantly to devote himself to God's service there, he was permitted so to do, because this was an eminent act of piety joined with self - denial, to part with those great conveniences which he enjoyed in the city of his possession.

Wesley: Deu 18:8 - -- With their brethren who were in actual ministration: as they share with them in the work, so shall they in the encouragements.

With their brethren who were in actual ministration: as they share with them in the work, so shall they in the encouragements.

Wesley: Deu 18:8 - -- The reason of this law was, because he that waited on the altar, ought to live by the altar: and because it was fit he should keep his money, wherewit...

The reason of this law was, because he that waited on the altar, ought to live by the altar: and because it was fit he should keep his money, wherewith he might redeem what he sold, if afterwards he saw occasion for it. Mr. Henry adds a remarkable note here: especially considering he wrote threescore years ago. "A hearty, pious zeal to serve God and his church, tho' it may a little encroach upon a settled order, and there may be somewhat in it that looks irregular, yet ought to be gratified, and not discouraged. He that loves dearly to be employed in the service of the sanctuary: in God's name let him minster. He shall be as welcome to God as the Levites, whose course it was to minister, and should be so to them."

Wesley: Deu 18:10 - -- Foretelleth things secret or to come, by unlawful arts and practices.

Foretelleth things secret or to come, by unlawful arts and practices.

Wesley: Deu 18:10 - -- Superstitiously pronouncing some days lucky, and others unlucky. Or, an observer of the clouds or heavens, one that divineth by the motions of the clo...

Superstitiously pronouncing some days lucky, and others unlucky. Or, an observer of the clouds or heavens, one that divineth by the motions of the clouds, by the stars, or by the flying or chattering of birds, all which Heathens used to observe.

Wesley: Deu 18:10 - -- Or, a conjecturer, that discovers hidden things by a superstitious use of words or ceremonies, by observation of water or smoke or any contingencies.

Or, a conjecturer, that discovers hidden things by a superstitious use of words or ceremonies, by observation of water or smoke or any contingencies.

Wesley: Deu 18:10 - -- One that is in covenant with the devil.

One that is in covenant with the devil.

Wesley: Deu 18:11 - -- One that charmeth serpents or other cattle. Or, a fortune - teller, that foretelleth the events of men's lives by the conjunctions of the stars.

One that charmeth serpents or other cattle. Or, a fortune - teller, that foretelleth the events of men's lives by the conjunctions of the stars.

Wesley: Deu 18:11 - -- Whom they call upon by certain words or rites.

Whom they call upon by certain words or rites.

Wesley: Deu 18:11 - -- Heb. a knowing man, who by any forbidden way's undertakes the revelation of secret things.

Heb. a knowing man, who by any forbidden way's undertakes the revelation of secret things.

Wesley: Deu 18:11 - -- One that calleth up and enquireth of the dead.

One that calleth up and enquireth of the dead.

Wesley: Deu 18:13 - -- Sincerely and wholly his, seeking him and cleaving to him and to his word alone, and therefore abhorring all commerce and conversations with devils.

Sincerely and wholly his, seeking him and cleaving to him and to his word alone, and therefore abhorring all commerce and conversations with devils.

Wesley: Deu 18:14 - -- Hath not suffered thee to follow these superstitious and diabolical practices, as he hath suffered other nations to do, but hath instructed thee bette...

Hath not suffered thee to follow these superstitious and diabolical practices, as he hath suffered other nations to do, but hath instructed thee better by his word and spirit, and will more fully instruct thee by a great prophet.

Wesley: Deu 18:15 - -- Will produce and send into the world in due time.

Will produce and send into the world in due time.

Wesley: Deu 18:15 - -- Christ was truly, and in all commendable parts like him, in being both a prophet and a king and a priest and mediator, in the excellency of his minist...

Christ was truly, and in all commendable parts like him, in being both a prophet and a king and a priest and mediator, in the excellency of his ministry and work, in the glory of his miracles, in his familiar and intimate converse with God.

JFB: Deu 18:1 - -- As the tribe of Levi had no inheritance allotted them like the other tribes but were wholly consecrated to the priestly office, their maintenance was ...

As the tribe of Levi had no inheritance allotted them like the other tribes but were wholly consecrated to the priestly office, their maintenance was to arise from tithes, first-fruits, and certain portions of the oblations presented on the altar, which God having by express appointment reserved to Himself made over, after being offered, to His ministers.

JFB: Deu 18:3 - -- All who offered sacrifices of thanksgiving or peace offerings (Lev 7:31-33) were ordered to give the breast and shoulder as perquisites to the priests...

All who offered sacrifices of thanksgiving or peace offerings (Lev 7:31-33) were ordered to give the breast and shoulder as perquisites to the priests. Here "the two cheeks" or head and "the maw" or stomach, deemed anciently a great dainty, are specified. But whether this is a new injunction, or a repetition of the old with the supplement of more details, it is not easy to determine.

JFB: Deu 18:6-8 - -- It appears that the Levites served in rotation from the earliest times; but, from their great numbers, it was only at infrequent intervals they could ...

It appears that the Levites served in rotation from the earliest times; but, from their great numbers, it was only at infrequent intervals they could be called into actual service. Should any Levite, however, under the influence of eminent piety, resolve to devote himself wholly and continually to the sacred duties of the sanctuary, he was allowed to realize his ardent wishes; and as he was admitted to a share of the work, so also to a share of the remuneration. Though he might have private property, that was to form no ground for withholding or even diminishing his claim to maintenance like the other ministering priests. The reason or principle of the enactment is obvious (1Co 9:13). At the same time, while every facility was afforded for the admission of such a zealous and self-denying officer, this admission was to be in an orderly manner: he was to minister "as all his brethren"--that is, a Gershonite with Gershonites; a Merarite with Merarites; so that there might be no derangement of the established courses.

JFB: Deu 18:9-14 - -- (See on Lev 18:21; Lev 19:26; Lev 19:31; Lev 20:4). In spite of this express command, the people of Canaan, especially the Philistines, were a constan...

(See on Lev 18:21; Lev 19:26; Lev 19:31; Lev 20:4). In spite of this express command, the people of Canaan, especially the Philistines, were a constant snare and stumbling block to the Israelites, on account of their divinations and superstitious practices.

JFB: Deu 18:15-19 - -- The insertion of this promise, in connection with the preceding prohibition, might warrant the application (which some make of it) to that order of tr...

The insertion of this promise, in connection with the preceding prohibition, might warrant the application (which some make of it) to that order of true prophets whom God commissioned in unbroken succession to instruct, to direct, and warn His people; and in this view the purport of it is, "There is no need to consult with diviners and soothsayers, as I shall afford you the benefit of divinely appointed prophets, for judging of whose credentials a sure criterion is given" (Deu 18:20-22). But the prophet here promised was pre-eminently the Messiah, for He alone was "like unto Moses" (see on Deu 34:10) "in His mediatorial character; in the peculiar excellence of His ministry; in the number, variety, and magnitude of His miracles; in His close and familiar communion with God; and in His being the author of a new dispensation of religion." This prediction was fulfilled fifteen hundred years afterwards and was expressly applied to Jesus Christ by Peter (Act 3:22-23), and by Stephen (Act 7:37).

Clarke: Deu 18:1 - -- The priests the Levites - shall have no part - That is, says Rab. Maimon, they shall have no part in the spoils taken from an enemy.

The priests the Levites - shall have no part - That is, says Rab. Maimon, they shall have no part in the spoils taken from an enemy.

Clarke: Deu 18:2 - -- The Lord is their inheritance - He is the portion of their souls; and as to their bodies, they shall live by the offerings of the Lord made by fire,...

The Lord is their inheritance - He is the portion of their souls; and as to their bodies, they shall live by the offerings of the Lord made by fire, i. e., the meat-offering, the sin-offering, and the trespass-offering; and whatever was the Lord’ s right, in these or other offerings, he gave to the priests.

Clarke: Deu 18:3 - -- Offer a sacrifice - זבחי הזבח zobechey hazzebach . The word זבח zebach is used to signify, not only an animal sacrificed to the Lord...

Offer a sacrifice - זבחי הזבח zobechey hazzebach . The word זבח zebach is used to signify, not only an animal sacrificed to the Lord, but also one killed for common use. See Gen 46:1; Pro 17:1; Eze 39:17. And in this latter sense it probably should be understood here; and, consequently, the command in this verse relates to what the people were to allow the priests and Levites from the animals slain for common use. The parts to be given to the priests were

1.    The shoulder, probably cut off from the beast with the skin on; so Maimonides

2.    The two cheeks, which may include the whole head

3.    The maw - the whole of those intestines which are commonly used for food.

Clarke: Deu 18:4 - -- The first-fruit also of thy corn, of thy wine, and of thine oil, etc. - All these firstfruits and firstlings were the Lord’ s portion, and thes...

The first-fruit also of thy corn, of thy wine, and of thine oil, etc. - All these firstfruits and firstlings were the Lord’ s portion, and these he gave to the priests.

Clarke: Deu 18:8 - -- The sale of his patrimony - So we find that, though the Levites might have no part of the land by lot, yet they were permitted to make purchases of ...

The sale of his patrimony - So we find that, though the Levites might have no part of the land by lot, yet they were permitted to make purchases of houses, goods, and cattle, yea, of fields also. See the case of Abiathar, 1Ki 2:26 (note), and of Jeremiah, Jer 32:7-8 (note).

Clarke: Deu 18:10 - -- To pass through the fire - Probably in the way of consecration to Molech, or some other deity. It is not likely that their being burnt to death is h...

To pass through the fire - Probably in the way of consecration to Molech, or some other deity. It is not likely that their being burnt to death is here intended. See on Lev 18:21 (note)

Clarke: Deu 18:10 - -- Divination - קסם קסמים kosem kesamim , one who endeavors to find out futurity by auguries, using lots, etc

Divination - קסם קסמים kosem kesamim , one who endeavors to find out futurity by auguries, using lots, etc

Clarke: Deu 18:10 - -- Observer of times - מעונן meonen , one who pretends to foretell future events by present occurrences, and who predicts great political or phys...

Observer of times - מעונן meonen , one who pretends to foretell future events by present occurrences, and who predicts great political or physical changes from the aspects of the planets, eclipses, motion of the clouds, etc., etc. See on Gen 41:8 (note)

Clarke: Deu 18:10 - -- Enchanter - מנחש menachesh , from נחש nichesh , to view attentively; one who inspected the entrails of beasts, observed the flight of birds...

Enchanter - מנחש menachesh , from נחש nichesh , to view attentively; one who inspected the entrails of beasts, observed the flight of birds, etc., etc., and drew auguries thence. Some think divination by serpents is meant, which was common among the heathen

Clarke: Deu 18:10 - -- A witch - מחשף mechashsheph , probably those who by means of drugs, herbs, perfumes, etc., pretended to bring certain celestial influences to t...

A witch - מחשף mechashsheph , probably those who by means of drugs, herbs, perfumes, etc., pretended to bring certain celestial influences to their aid. See the note on Lev 19:26.

Clarke: Deu 18:11 - -- A charmer - חבר חבר chober chaber , one who uses spells; a peculiar conjunction, as the term implies, of words, or things, tying knots, etc.,...

A charmer - חבר חבר chober chaber , one who uses spells; a peculiar conjunction, as the term implies, of words, or things, tying knots, etc., for the purposes of divination. This was a custom among the heathen, as we learn from the following verses: -

Necte Tribus Nodis ternos, Amarylli, colores

Necte, Amarylli, modo; et Veneris, dic, vincula necto

Virg. Ecl. viii., ver. 77

"Knit with three Knots the fillets, knit them straight

Then say, these Knots to love I consecrate.


A consulter with familiar spirits - שאל אוב shoel ob , a Pythoness, one who inquires by the means of one spirit to get oracular answers from another of a superior order. See on Lev 19:31 (note)

Clarke: Deu 18:11 - -- A wizard - ידעני yiddeoni , a wise one, a knowing one. Wizard was formerly considered as the masculine of witch, both practising divination by...

A wizard - ידעני yiddeoni , a wise one, a knowing one. Wizard was formerly considered as the masculine of witch, both practising divination by similar means. See on Exo 22:13 (note), and Lev 19:31 (note)

Clarke: Deu 18:11 - -- Or a necromancer - דרש אל המתים doresh el hammethim , one who seeks from or inquires of the dead. Such as the witch at Endor, who profess...

Or a necromancer - דרש אל המתים doresh el hammethim , one who seeks from or inquires of the dead. Such as the witch at Endor, who professed to evoke the dead, in order to get them to disclose the secrets of the spiritual world.

Clarke: Deu 18:15 - -- The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet - Instead of diviners, observers of times, etc., God here promises to give them an infallible gui...

The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet - Instead of diviners, observers of times, etc., God here promises to give them an infallible guide, who should tell them all things that make for their peace, so that his declarations should completely answer the end of all the knowledge that was pretended to be gained by the persons already specified

Clarke: Deu 18:15 - -- Like unto me - Viz., a prophet, a legislator, a king, a mediator, and the head or chief of the people of God. This was the very person of whom Moses...

Like unto me - Viz., a prophet, a legislator, a king, a mediator, and the head or chief of the people of God. This was the very person of whom Moses was the type, and who should accomplish all the great purposes of the Divine Being. Such a prophet as had never before appeared, and who should have no equal till the consummation of the world

This prophet is the Lord Jesus, who was in the bosom of the Father, and who came to declare him to mankind. Every word spoken by him is a living infallible oracle from God himself; and must be received and obeyed as such, on pain of the eternal displeasure of the Almighty. See Deu 18:19, and Act 3:22, Act 3:23; and see the conclusion of this chapter, Deu 18:22 (note).

Calvin: Deu 18:1 - -- 1.The priests, the Levites, and all the tribe of Levi This chapter contains three principal heads; for first, God shews that there was no reason wh...

1.The priests, the Levites, and all the tribe of Levi This chapter contains three principal heads; for first, God shews that there was no reason why the Israelites should be aggrieved at paying tithes to the Levites, and at remitting the first-fruits and other oblations to the priests, since this tribe was deprived of their inheritance. Secondly, He obviates all quarrels, and prevents unlawful gains and pilferings, by assigning their just share to the priests and Levites. Thirdly, He defines how the oblations should be parted among them, and what part of the victims the priests were to take. As to the first clause, since God was as it were the lot of their inheritance, they justly claimed to themselves the right which he had transferred to them. If it were disagreeable to the people that their revenue should be tithed, God came as it were between, and declaring that it was His property in His right as King, appointed the Levites to be His stewards and collectors for receiving it. There was then no ground for any one to raise a dispute, unless he chose professedly to rob God. But this declaration often occurs; since it was of great importance that the people should be assured that God accounted as received by Himself what He had assigned to the Levites; not. only lest any portion should be withheld from them, but also that every one should willingly pay the lawful dues of God’s ministers; and again, lest any should wickedly murmur because the first-fruits and some portion of the sacrifices were appropriated for the subsistence of the priests. Another reason is also expressed, why the honor assigned to the priests should be paid without grudging; viz., because God had appointed them to be the ministers of His service; but “the laborer is worthy of his hire."

Calvin: Deu 18:3 - -- 3.And this shall be the priests’ due It is not only for the sake of the priests that God enumerates what He would have them receive, that they may ...

3.And this shall be the priests’ due It is not only for the sake of the priests that God enumerates what He would have them receive, that they may obtain what is their own without murmuring or dispute; but He also has regard to the people, lest the priests should basely and greedily take more than their due; which sacred history relates to have been done by the sons of Eli, (1Sa 2:23,) for they had advanced to such a degree of licentiousness, that, like robbers, they seized violently on whatever their lust desired. Lest therefore they should give way to this gross covetousness, God prescribes to them certain limits, to which they were to confine themselves, so that if they transgressed them, it was easy for any of the people to convict them of avarice.

Calvin: Deu 18:6 - -- 6.And if a Levite come This third head more clearly explains what is elsewhere more obscurely declared; for God seemed to curtail from the Levites wh...

6.And if a Levite come This third head more clearly explains what is elsewhere more obscurely declared; for God seemed to curtail from the Levites whatever He gave to the priests. But He now more distinctly places the priests in the first rank, yet so that they should admit the Levites on the score of their labor’s to a share of the oblations. This is the sum of the law, that the Levites who remained at home, should be content with the tithes, and touch nothing of the other offerings; but that from whithersoever they should come to the sanctuary, they were to be accounted as ministers and take their proper place. By this law then, it was provided that none should be excluded on the ground of the intermission of their duties; and that the condition of those that dwelt elsewhere should not be worse than of those who lived at Jerusalem. For although they might reside in other cities, they did not altogether cease from their ministry, since they had other duties to perform besides that of sacrificing the victims. Yet those who entirely devoted themselves to the work of the sanctuary, were endowed by God with double honor; since it was by no means just that they should be defrauded of their maintenance, who bade adieu to domestic cares and labors, and occupied themselves totally in holy offices. That this distribution was not superfluous, will best appear from the narrative of Josephus, who relates that the 226 priests seized on the tithes by violence, and deprived the Levites of their subsistence by hostile measures.

Calvin: Deu 18:9 - -- 9.When thou art come It is too well known from experience how eagerly the human race lays hold of bad examples, and how prone it is to imitate them. ...

9.When thou art come It is too well known from experience how eagerly the human race lays hold of bad examples, and how prone it is to imitate them. Especially those who come into a foreign land, accustom themselves readily to its manners and customs. This is the reason why God expressly commands the Israelites to beware, lest, when they come into the land of Canaan, they should catch any infection from its inhabitants. The doctrine, indeed, is universal in its application; but there was a necessity for providing against the danger which immediately impended. Moreover, Moses explains clearly in this passage what it is to have other gods, viz., to mix up the worship of God with things profane, since its purity is only thus maintained by banishing from it all uncongenial superstitions. The sum, therefore, is, that the people of God should abstain from all the inventions of men, whereby pure and simple religion is adulterated. In general, God wished to deter His worshippers from every fallacy whereby, from the beginning, Satan has deluded and fascinated miserable men; but He enumerates certain particular points, which by usage and custom had obtained the greatest prevalence. But in order that God’s purpose may be more apparent, it is expedient to observe what it is that displeases Him in these vices which He condemns. Since men have a natural desire after knowledge, even in the superstitious this has always proceeded from a good principle, inasmuch as God has implanted it in the minds of all, when He would distinguish our race from the lower animals. Neither in this was there anything to be reprehended, that men, being conscious of their own ignorance, conceived that they were to obtain knowledge in no other way than by consulting God. Now this was the sole object of the Gentiles when they inquired of their magicians and sorcerers, to seek from heaven that knowledge of which they perceived themselves to be destitute. Thus they undoubtedly confessed themselves to be overwhelmed with darkness, and that the light of understanding was the special gift of God. Whence also came the name of divination, because they were persuaded that secret things were not within the compass of human apprehension, but that this knowledge must come from divine inspiration. But since by his machinations the devil perverts what is right in itself, these principles implanted in us, as I have said, by nature, have been corrupted by two errors, for both an immoderate desire of knowing more than is lawful has crept into our minds, and then we have had recourse to illicit means of knowledge. From these sources, viz., foolish curiosity and unrestrained temerity or audacity, all the superstitions and errors have flowed whereby the world has been assailed. Therefore does God, by forbidding magical arts, introduce a remedy for these two diseases, which arts were perversely invented that they might search out and bring to light things which He had chosen to conceal. For the best rule of knowledge is sobriety, that it may suffice us to know as much as is expedient for us. The lust of men has carried them deeper, so that they have desired to penetrate into all the most profound secrets. But the second error on which I have touched is much worse, that they should have sought by improper means to discover hidden things. We shall soon see that God also has foretold things to come by his servants; but no further than He knew to be profitable, and only with this object, to make it manifest that He exercises special care for His church. But since men’s curiosity is insatiable, they do not consider what is useful for them, but, like Adam, desire to “be as gods,” and to know all things without exception. When God indulges not these improper desires, they address themselves to the devil, the father of lies, still, however, as I have stated, under the false disguise of God’s name. This is the origin of all the vanities whereby the world has ever been entangled. I now descend to particulars.

Calvin: Deu 18:10 - -- 10.There shall not be found among you This horrible and altogether monstrous infatuation, whereby the Gentiles had been possessed, afterwards invaded...

10.There shall not be found among you This horrible and altogether monstrous infatuation, whereby the Gentiles had been possessed, afterwards invaded the Jews also, that they should immolate and even burn their children in honor of the gods to which they had devoted themselves; although it is probable that the greater part of them were not inflamed by such an excess of madness, but satisfied their superstition more easily, by merely making their children to pass through the fire. This was with them a kind of lustration to purge away all filthiness. But their cruel zeal impelled many of them even to murder, so as not even to spare their own flesh and blood. Yet in this they pleaded the example of Abraham, as if there were any similarity between the obedience of that holy man who, led by God’s command, was ready to slay his son Isaac, and this barbarous act of violence in people who, though God prohibited and gainsaid, murdered their children. Yet in this horrible spectacle we perceive how much more fervently men engage in impious rites which their own temerity has dictated, than in efforts to worship God aright, when He openly and expressly enjoins them the thing that is good. This, indeed, ought to be the first care of parents to consecrate their children to God; but the only rite of initiation for the Jews was circumcision, and with this they should have been content. Moses then enumerates the various kinds of divination to which the heathen nations were addicted, in order to satisfy their foolish desire to know more than was lawful. I do not, however, disapprove of the view which some prefer, 282 that the generic term is first used, and the various species are then subjoined. I shall explain these briefly, and not waste time in refuting particular opinions, although it is evident that even some of the rabbis are grossly mistaken about them. The word מעונן , 283 magnonen, I willingly admit to be derived from (a word signifying) clouds; and therefore it may properly mean augurs, or judicial astrologers. There are some who are rather of opinion that its root is מגון , magnon, which in Hebrew means a place; and this etymology would not badly suit the fanatics who divine all things from the position of the stars, and assign their stations both to the planets and the signs of the zodiac for their respective aspects. At any rate this is fully agreed, that auguries, as well as frivolous observations of the stars, are here condemned, when men, in their preposterous curiosity, suppose all events and circumstances to be under the dominion of the stars. The word which follows מנחש , 284 menachesh, means a diviner or soothsayer, (ariolum,) which sufficiently appears from Gen 44:5, where Joseph pretends that he divined by his cup, because it was commonly believed that he possessed the art of soothsaying; and hence the name has been given to serpents on account of their subtlety. Some interpret the word מכשף , 285 mekasheph, a juggler, (praestigiatorem,) one who dazzles and deceives the eyes by optical illusions. Next follows the fifth 286 term, which I have translated “tying knots,” (colligans colligationes,) whereby some understand enchanters, who by magic arts gather together serpents into one place. But this, in my judgment, is a poor explanation, and I, therefore, rather agree with those who conceive the calling together of evil spirits to be alluded to. But since it may be correctly translated “collecting, or gathering an assembly,” I do not altogether reject the opinion of others, that it relates to those imaginary assemblies, to which unhappy men, whom the devil has bewitched, fancy themselves to be transported to feast and dance together, and to join in wicked conspiracies, and which are commonly called “synagogues.” In the sixth word there is no ambiguity, whereby the people are forbidden to consult a spirit of Python; for thus may we properly render the Hebrew אוב , 287 ob, as St. Luke, a faithful and competent interpreter, has done, when he relates that a spirit of Python was cast out of the damsel at the command of Paul, ( Act 16:16;) and sometimes the Scripture calls these by the name of אובות , oboth, who allure evil spirits to give replies, of which deception a remarkable example is given in sacred history, ( 1Sa 28:7,) in the case of the witch (Pythonissa) who shewed Saul Samuel, although dead. The Greeks have translated the word Python, because the delusions of Apollo Pythius were particularly famous. The seventh class (Ang., wizards) is ידעני , 288 yadgnoni, which may correctly be translated gnostics, or knowers; for I make no doubt that they adopted this honorable name for purposes of deceit, which is by no means an uncommon practice with impostors. Thus the Genethliacs, and others like them, vaunted themselves to be mathematicians. This is the craft of Satan to steal the respectable names of virtues and good things, and to make them a covering for his lies, as, for instance, he gave the name of wise men to the Chaldean and Egyptian impostors; and thus, since the Prophets are called seers, he set against them the vain prognostications of false prophets, to astonish the minds of the simple. 289 For to derive, as some do, this word from a certain bird, is too childish a conjecture; and I wonder that in such a plain matter they have been led so utterly astray, whilst they waste their acuteness upon nothing. Finally, necromancy 290 is condemned, i.e., the deceitful and delusive science of prophesying upon the answers of the dead, which some improperly restrict to those who sleep among tombs, in order to hear in their sleep the dead speaking, because foolish men have in many ways endeavored to obtain communications from the dead. But, let us learn from this passage, with how many monstrous and ridiculous fascinations Satan, whenever God loosens the chain by which he is bound, is able to bewitch unhappy men; and how great, power to deceive the father of lies obtains from the just vengeance of God, for the purpose of blinding unbelievers. As to the notion which some conceited persons entertain, that all these things are fabulous and absurd, it arises from inconsideration and presumption, because they do not reflect how severe a judgment is merited by those who wilfully extinguish the light and enwrap themselves in darkness. For God’s truth is too precious to Him, for Him to suffer it to be rejected with impunity. Certainly it would be an impudent blasphemy to deny that magical arras were ever practiced, since thus would God be accused of inadvertency, as though He had legislated 291 respecting things which did not exist. The objection that is made of its being absurd thus too highly to extol the power of Satan, as if he had the control of prophecies, which God claims for Himself alone, and as if he could cause the living to converse with the dead and change the forms of things, admits of an easy solution. With respect to vaticinations, there is no necessity for a subtle discussion as to how Satan can foreknow secret things, (on which point, as it seems to me, Augustine troubled himself too anxiously,) for this is a labor of supererogation, if we recollect that by God’s just judgment a certain kind of vaticination is permitted to the devils, in order more and more to deceive unbelievers, as will be more fully treated of elsewhere. Meanwhile, we know that unbelievers were mocked with 292 ambiguous responses by all the oracles of false gods, and at length discovered from the event that they had been beguiled by deadly artifices; and, therefore, in Isa 41:23, God justly charges every idol with ignorance of futurity. Yet this does not prevent Satan from revealing certain hidden matters, by the prediction of which he may ensnare, as by a bait, the reprobate. I admit, indeed, that in progress of time the Roman augurs abandoned the study of their art, and abused the credulity of the lower orders by nothing but gross fictions; but if in former times Satan had not led even the most sharp-sighted into error by this artifice, Xenophon, 293 the disciple of Socrates, would not have so often mentioned among the chief praises of Cyrus, 294 that he was devoted to augury, and had learnt to be so from his father. Finally, the experience of all ages teaches us that men of depraved curiosity have often received from Satan, by means of magicians, a knowledge of things which could not have been obtained naturally. As to the actual operations of Satan, whether he raises the dead, or bewitches men and beasts, or invests any substances with new forms through enchantment, we must consider that whatever miracles he appears to work are mere delusions; and, since he is the father of darkness, it is clear he has no power except upon unbelievers, whose minds are darkened, so as not to distinguish black from white. Yet we have already seen how Pharaoh’s magicians rivalled Moses in their miracles. Wherefore we need not wonder if, by God’s permission, he should disturb the elements, or afflict the reprobate with diseases and other evils, or present phantoms to their sight. On this account we should more earnestly implore of God to restrain from us an enemy armed against us with so many destructive arts.

Calvin: Deu 18:12 - -- 12.For all that do these things are an abomination First, he would have the authority of God act as a rein to guide them; and then sets before them t...

12.For all that do these things are an abomination First, he would have the authority of God act as a rein to guide them; and then sets before them that vengeance which they were soon about to see inflicted upon the heathen, nay, of which they were themselves to be the executioners and ministers. For since it could not be a matter of the slightest doubt, but that the inhabitants of the land of Canaan were rooted out from their peaceful habitations only by God’s hand, he assigns as the cause of this destruction that they had polluted themselves and their country by these blasphemous and abominable superstitions. By this striking example, then, he deters them from imitating the sins which facts themselves shewed to be thus severely punished. Thus Paul admonishes believers to seek diligently to avoid the sins which provoke God’s wrath against the disobedient. (Eph 5:6.)

Calvin: Deu 18:13 - -- 13.Thou shalt be perfect He refers to the mutual obligation of that holy covenant whereby as on the one side He had pledged Himself to the Jews, so o...

13.Thou shalt be perfect He refers to the mutual obligation of that holy covenant whereby as on the one side He had pledged Himself to the Jews, so on the other He had made them His debtors, not to prostitute themselves to idols, or to hanker after strange religions, whereby men’s minds are led astray. This perfectness, then, is opposed to all those mixtures or corruptions which withdraw us from the sincere worship of the one true God; because the simplicity which retains us in obedience to heavenly teaching, is that spiritual chastity which God requires in His Church. The context of the passage proves this with sufficient clearness, viz., that God would restrain the Jews from all licentiousness, so that being devoted to His service, they should not look this way or that way, nor be carried away by vanity and instability, but constantly abide in the pure worship which He had prescribed to them. For this reason Paul declares that he is jealous for Christ; and because he had “espoused” the Corinthians to Christ, he feared “lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve, through his subtlety,” so being ensnared by the wiles of impostors, they should fall “from the simplicity that is in Christ.” (2Co 11:2.)

Calvin: Deu 18:14 - -- 14.For these nations As God had just before been setting before them the punishment He was about to inflict upon these nations, in order to alarm and...

14.For these nations As God had just before been setting before them the punishment He was about to inflict upon these nations, in order to alarm and warn them, so now does he admonish them that the inheritance was handed over to them on this condition, that they should be mindful of so great a benefit, and beware of all pollutions; and that they succeeded the former inhabitants of the land, with a view to their being separate from them; for whence was this change, except that God might acquire to Himself a new people, and purify the land from all its defilements? Although He only mentions two classes of superstitions, yet thus, by synecdoche, He indicates them all. The sum is, that they should not be like the nations in vices and corruptions, which had been the cause of their destruction; since God had not only exterminated the men themselves, but their abominable rites also. Some divide the latter part of the verse into two clauses, “but thou shalt not do so;” and then, “Jehovah gives you the land,” which last word they supply. But I do not hesitate to think that the pronoun אתה , athah, must be thus rendered, “But as for thee;” and then I think it must be read continuously, “God hath not suffered thee to do so,” for the word נתן , nathan, is of extensive signification. The tendency of the whole is, that the prohibition of God should be of more weight with them than the example of the nations.

Calvin: Deu 18:15 - -- 15.The Lord thy God will raise up This is added by anticipation, lest the Israelites should object that they were more hardly dealt with than the res...

15.The Lord thy God will raise up This is added by anticipation, lest the Israelites should object that they were more hardly dealt with than the rest of the nations of the world; for it was always most justly considered an extraordinary blessing to hold communication with God; and indeed there can be nothing more to be desired. But an opinion had obtained currency, that men approached more closely to God by means of magical arts, by the oracles of Pythonic spirits, and by the study of augury. The people of Israel, then, would have complained of being badly treated, if they had been shut out from all prophecies and revelations. Moses meets this complaint or objection by announcing, that their access to God would be not less familiar than as if He should Himself openly come down from heaven; if only they kept the right way, and were contented with that rule which He deemed best for them. He, therefore, commands that, instead of all the imaginations of the Gentiles, the doctrine of the Prophets should alone have force among them. Thus He signifies that although God should not openly come down from heaven, yet that His will, as far as was expedient, should be surely and clearly made known to them, since He would faithfully teach them by His servants the Prophets. On this ground when, in Isaiah, He has mocked at the prophecies of false gods, He calls the Israelites His “witnesses,” (Isa 43:1,) as having made them the depositaries of His secrets and of the treasures of divine wisdom. We see, then, the way pointed out in which God would have His people inquire concerning the things necessary to salvation; and this is more plainly declared in Isa 8:19,

“And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? To the law and to the testimony.”

Nor is there any doubt that Isaiah took this doctrine from the passage before us, when he first condemns the errors which men by their curiosity invent for themselves, and then enjoins the faithful simply to give attention to the Law, and to be content with this form of instruction, unless they desired to be miserably misled. Hence we conclude that the expression, “a Prophet,” is used by enallage for a number of Prophets. For it is altogether absurd, as some do, to restrict it to Joshua or Jeremiah; since Moses is here treating of the continual manner of the Church’s government, and is not speaking of what God would do within a short time. Not at all more correct is their opinion, who apply it strictly to Christ alone; for it is well to bear in mind what I have said respecting God’s intention, viz., that no excuse should be left for the Jews, if they turned aside to familiar spirits (Pythones) or magicians, since God would never leave them without Prophets and teachers. But if He had referred them to Christ alone, the objection would naturally arise that it was hard for them to have neither Prophets nor revelations for two thousand years. Nor is there any strength in those two arguments on which some insist, that the Prophet, of whom Moses bears witness, must be more excellent than him who proclaimed him; and that the eulogium that he should be “like unto” Moses could not be applied to the ancient Prophets, since it is said elsewhere that “there arose not a Prophet since like unto” him. (Deu 34:10.) For he does not at all detract from his own dignity, by recommending that whosoever might be sent by God should be hearkened to, whether they were his equals or his inferiors; and, as to the comparison, this particle translated like (sicut) does not always denote equality. Therefore it is true that there was no Prophet like Moses, that is to say, similar to him in every respect, or in whom so many gifts were displayed; yet it is no less true, that they were all like Moses; because God set over His Church a continual succession of teachers, to execute the same office as he did. This is referred to in the words, “For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John,” (Mat 11:13, and Luk 16:16,) where we see others united as colleagues with Moses in the government of the Church, until the coming of Christ. Yet Peter aptly and elegantly accommodates this testimony to Christ, (Act 3:22,) not to the exclusion of others of God’s servants, but in order to warn the Jews that in rejecting Christ they are at the same time refusing this inestimable benefit of God; for the gift of prophecy had so flourished among His ancient people, and teachers had so been constantly appointed to succeed each other, that nevertheless there should be some interruption before the coming of Christ. Hence, in that sad dispersion which followed the return from the Babylonish captivity, the faithful complain in Psa 74:9, “We see not our signs; there is no more any prophet.” On this account Malachi exhorts the people to remember the Law given in Horeb; and immediately after adds, “Behold I send you Elijah the prophet,” etc., (Mal 4:4;) as much as to say, that the time was at hand in which a more perfect doctrine should be manifested, and a fuller light should shine. For the Apostle says truly, that

“God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son,” ( Hebrew 1:1, 2;)

and, in fact, by the appearing of the doctrine of the Gospel, the course of the prophetic doctrine was completed; because God thus fully exhibited what was promised by the latter. And this was so generally understood that even the Samaritan woman said that Messias was coming, who would tell all things. (Joh 4:25.) To this, then, what I have lately quoted as to the transition from the Law and the Prophets to the Gospel refers; and hence it is made out, that this passage was most appropriately expounded by Peter as relating to Christ; for unless the Jews chose to accuse God of falsehood, it was incumbent upon them to look to Christ, at whose hand was promised both the confirmation of doctrine and the restoration of all things. They had been for a long time destitute of Prophets, of whom Moses had testified that they should never be wanting to them, and whom he had promised as the 295 lawful ministers for retaining the people in allegiance, so that they should not turn aside to superstitions; they had, therefore, either no religion, or else that greatest of Teachers was to be expected, who in his own person (unus) would present the perfection of the prophetic office. But we must remark the peculiar circumstances whereby God restrains the evil affections of the Jews. It was no common act of His indulgence, that He should take to himself Prophets from among that people, so that they should have no need to run about to a distance in search of revelations, and at the same time that they might be taught familiarly according to their capacity. But with regard to the comparison which Moses makes between himself and other prophets, its effect is to raise their teaching in men’s estimation. They had been long accustomed to this mode of instruction, viz., to hear God speaking to them by the mouth of a man; and the authority of Moses was so fully established, that they were firmly persuaded that they were under the divine government, and that all things necessary to salvation were revealed to them.

Calvin: Deu 18:16 - -- 16.According to all that thou desiredst He pronounces them to be guilty of ingratitude if they did not quietly submit themselves to their Prophets, s...

16.According to all that thou desiredst He pronounces them to be guilty of ingratitude if they did not quietly submit themselves to their Prophets, since on this point God had complied with their own request. For in order that the prophetic office might be more reverenced and beloved by them, and lest it should fall into disrepute through their beholding the Prophet to be but a mortal, God had extracted the confession from them that nothing could be better than that He should make choice of human interpreters. At the promulgation of the Law, the visible majesty of God had shone forth, and the people, terrified at the sight, had voluntarily desired that Moses should be given to them as a teacher, and as the proclaimer of the heavenly voice. We have already seen how useful was this terror to recommend the teaching which is delivered by the mouth of man. We have abundant experience that our minds are often carried away by vain speculations. Thus we should wish to bring down God from heaven as often as any doubt creeps into them. It was necessary, therefore, that the Israelites should be convinced of their weakness, lest they should go beyond their due bounds, and that they might be led to ask for that as a great blessing which God had foreseen to be for their good, and at the same time might abandon that proud curiosity which would always have been exciting them, had it not been corrected betimes by the application of this remedy. But it would have been anything but excusable in them to have grown weary of that gift which they had judged to be so good for themselves. The sum is, that God had appeared once to obtain credit and authority for His Prophets; but that He had established that order for the government of His Church, and for the declaration of His will, which the people themselves had known by experience to be most highly advantageous to themselves.

Calvin: Deu 18:17 - -- 17.They have well spoken Moses relates how this desire of the people was approved by the judgment and the voice of God. Not as if whatever the foolis...

17.They have well spoken Moses relates how this desire of the people was approved by the judgment and the voice of God. Not as if whatever the foolish caprice of men may have urged them absurdly to ask, ought therefore to be immediately granted; but when God’s consent and, so to speak, His vote coincides with it, then whatever He shews to be pleasing to Him ought to stand firm and inviolable. Hence it follows that God, in sending the Prophets, provided for the salvation of men as was most expedient. Moreover, He asserts that when pious teachers arise, who faithfully shew the way of salvation, it is an extraordinary proof of His favor, and He takes to Himself the praise when He repeats it again, 296

“I will raise them up a Prophet.” (Deu 18:18.)

Thus also Paul teaches, —

“And how shall they preach except they be sent?”
(Rom 10:15.)

The same Apostle, too, bears witness that none will be found sufficient for this office, and that the power of teaching aright is received from God. (2Co 2:14, and 4:1.) Hence it follows that God, by a certain evidence of His presence, declares His favor towards us as often as He enlightens with the gifts of His Spirit, and raises up faithful and true teachers. Moses afterwards reminds them that God so governs His Church by the hands and the operation of men as not to derogate from Himself; for He retains this as His attribute, to suggest to the mouth, as it were, of His Prophets what they are to say; neither does He permit them to say or advance more than He has commanded. We perceive, then, that pastors were from the first appointed, not that they should themselves rule, or subject the Church to their imaginations, but only to be the organs of the Holy Spirit. And those who in these days usurp a greater power, ought to be altogether deposed from their sacrilegious despotism.

Defender: Deu 18:10 - -- The naturalistic assumptions that have prevailed in western nations during the age of science are rapidly being displaced by the revival of occultic p...

The naturalistic assumptions that have prevailed in western nations during the age of science are rapidly being displaced by the revival of occultic practices in the New Age movement. All such beliefs and practices, however, are considered demonic when they are based on deception. God classifies such practices as abominations. They are so dangerous that they were actually classified in the Mosaic laws as capital crimes (Exo 22:18)."

Defender: Deu 18:18 - -- This divine promise to Moses was eventually fulfilled in Christ (Act 3:22, Act 3:23). Christ was a greater prophet than Moses, is a greater priest tha...

This divine promise to Moses was eventually fulfilled in Christ (Act 3:22, Act 3:23). Christ was a greater prophet than Moses, is a greater priest than Aaron, and will be a greater king than David. He did indeed speak the words given Him by the Father. "As my Father hath taught me, I speak these things" (Joh 8:28). "For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, He gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak" (Joh 12:49)."

TSK: Deu 18:1 - -- shall have : Deu 10:9, Deu 12:19; Num 18:20, Num 26:62; Jos 13:33, Jos 18:7; 1Pe 5:2-4 they shall : Num 18:8, Num 18:9; Jos 13:14; 1Co 9:13, 1Co 9:14

TSK: Deu 18:2 - -- the Lord : Gen 15:1; Psa 16:5, Psa 73:24-26, Psa 84:11, Psa 119:57; Isa 61:6; Lam 3:24; 1Pe 2:5, 1Pe 2:9; Rev 1:5, Rev 1:6

TSK: Deu 18:3 - -- offer a sacrifice : Deu 12:27; Lev 7:30-34

offer a sacrifice : Deu 12:27; Lev 7:30-34

TSK: Deu 18:4 - -- firstfruit : Deu 26:9, Deu 26:10; Exo 22:29, Exo 23:19; Lev 23:10, Lev 23:17; Num 18:12-24; 2Ch 31:4-10; Neh 12:44-47 the fleece : Job 21:20

TSK: Deu 18:5 - -- Deu 10:8, Deu 17:12; Exo 28:1-14; Num 3:10, Num 16:5, Num 16:9, Num 16:10, Num 17:5-9, Num 25:13

TSK: Deu 18:6 - -- come : Num 35:2, Num 35:3 and come with : Psa 26:8, Psa 27:4, Psa 63:1, Psa 63:2, Psa 84:5, Psa 84:10; 1Ti 3:1; 1Pe 5:2 unto the place : Deu 12:5, Deu...

TSK: Deu 18:7 - -- as all his brethren : 2Ch 31:2-4

as all his brethren : 2Ch 31:2-4

TSK: Deu 18:8 - -- like portions : Lev 7:8, Lev 7:9, Lev 7:14; Neh 12:44, Neh 12:47; Luk 10:7; 1Co 9:7-14; 1Ti 5:17, 1Ti 5:18 that which cometh of the sale of his patrim...

like portions : Lev 7:8, Lev 7:9, Lev 7:14; Neh 12:44, Neh 12:47; Luk 10:7; 1Co 9:7-14; 1Ti 5:17, 1Ti 5:18

that which cometh of the sale of his patrimony : Heb. his sales by the fathers

TSK: Deu 18:9 - -- Deu 12:29-31; Lev 18:26, Lev 18:27, Lev 18:30

TSK: Deu 18:10 - -- maketh : Deu 12:31; Lev 18:21-30, Lev 20:2-5; 2Ki 16:3, 2Ki 17:17, 2Ki 21:6; 2Ch 28:3; Psa 106:37, Psa 106:38; Jer 19:4-6, Jer 32:35 that useth divina...

maketh : Deu 12:31; Lev 18:21-30, Lev 20:2-5; 2Ki 16:3, 2Ki 17:17, 2Ki 21:6; 2Ch 28:3; Psa 106:37, Psa 106:38; Jer 19:4-6, Jer 32:35

that useth divination : The precise import of the terms here used to express these unhallowed practices cannot be clearly ascertainedcaps1 . hcaps0 e that useth divination, kosaim , kesamim , seems a general term for the various species after specified; observer of times, meonain , one who pretends to foretell by the clouds, planets, etc.; enchanter menachesh , a diviner, either by means of serpents, or by inspecting the entrails of beasts, the flight of birds, etc.; a witch, mecashsheph , one who used magical fumigations, etc.; a charmer, chover chaver , one who uses spells, or a peculiar conjunction of words, or tying knots, etc.; a consulter with familiar spirits, shoel ov , a pythoness; a wizard, yidoni , a cunning man; necromancer, doresh el hammaithim one who seeks enquiries of the dead. Exo 22:18; Lev 19:26, Lev 19:31, Lev 20:26, Lev 20:27; 1Sa 28:3, 1Sa 28:7, 1Sa 28:9; 1Ch 10:13; 2Ch 33:6; Isa 8:19, Isa 8:20, Isa 47:13; Act 19:19; Gal 5:20

TSK: Deu 18:11 - -- or a necromancer : 1Sa 28:11-14

or a necromancer : 1Sa 28:11-14

TSK: Deu 18:12 - -- Deu 9:4; Lev 18:24, Lev 18:27

TSK: Deu 18:13 - -- Thou shalt : Gen 6:9, Gen 17:1; Job 1:1, Job 1:8; Psa 37:37; Mat 5:48; Phi 3:12, Phi 3:15; Rev 3:2 perfect : or, upright, or, sincere

Thou shalt : Gen 6:9, Gen 17:1; Job 1:1, Job 1:8; Psa 37:37; Mat 5:48; Phi 3:12, Phi 3:15; Rev 3:2

perfect : or, upright, or, sincere

TSK: Deu 18:14 - -- possess : or, inherit hath not suffered : Deu 18:10; Gen 20:6; Psa 147:19, Psa 147:20; Act 14:16

possess : or, inherit

hath not suffered : Deu 18:10; Gen 20:6; Psa 147:19, Psa 147:20; Act 14:16

TSK: Deu 18:15 - -- a Prophet : Deu 18:18, Deu 18:19; Joh 1:45; Act 3:22, Act 3:23, Act 7:37 like unto me : Deu 5:5, Deu 34:10; Luk 24:19; 1Ti 2:5; Heb 1:1, Heb 1:2, Heb ...

TSK: Deu 18:16 - -- in Horeb : Deu 9:10 Let me not hear : Deu 5:24-28; Exo 20:19; Heb 12:19

in Horeb : Deu 9:10

Let me not hear : Deu 5:24-28; Exo 20:19; Heb 12:19

TSK: Deu 18:17 - -- Deu 5:28

TSK: Deu 18:18 - -- raise them : Deu 18:15; Joh 1:45 like unto : Deu 5:5, Deu 33:5; Exo 40:26-29; Num 12:6-8, Num 12:13; Psa 2:6, Psa 110:4; Isa 9:6, Isa 9:7; Zec 6:12, Z...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Deu 18:1 - -- Better, "there shall not be to the priests, the Levites, yea the whole tribe of Levi, any inheritance, etc." And his inheritance - i. e., God&...

Better, "there shall not be to the priests, the Levites, yea the whole tribe of Levi, any inheritance, etc."

And his inheritance - i. e., God’ s inheritance, that which in making a grant to His people of the promised land with its earthly blessings He had reserved for Himself; more particularly the sacrifices and the holy gifts, such as tithes and first-fruits. These were God’ s portion of the substance of Israel; and as the Levites were His portion of the persons of Israel, it was fitting that the Levites should be sustained from these. On the principle here laid down, compare 1Co 9:13-14.

Barnes: Deu 18:3 - -- For "maw"read stomach, which was regarded as one of the richest and choicest parts. As the animal slain may be considered to consist of three princi...

For "maw"read stomach, which was regarded as one of the richest and choicest parts. As the animal slain may be considered to consist of three principal parts, head, feet, and body, a portion of each is by the regulation in question to be given to the priest, thus representing the consecration of the whole; or, as some ancient commentators think, the dedication of the words, acts, and appetites of the worshipper to God.

The text probably refers to peace-offerings, and animals killed for the sacrificial meals held in connection with the peace-offerings.

Barnes: Deu 18:6-8 - -- These verses presuppose that part of the Levites only will be in residence and officiating at the place of the sanctuary, the others of course dwell...

These verses presuppose that part of the Levites only will be in residence and officiating at the place of the sanctuary, the others of course dwelling at their own homes in the Levitical cities, or "sojourning"elsewhere; compare the marginal references. But if any Levite out of love for the service of the sanctuary chose to resort to it when he might reside in his own home, he was to have his share in the maintenance which was provided for those ministering in the order of their course.

Deu 18:8

Beside that which cometh of the sale of his patrimony - The Levites had indeed "no part nor inheritance with Israel,"but they might individually possess property, and in fact often did so (compare 1Ki 2:26; Jer 32:7; Act 4:36). The Levite who desired to settle at the place of the sanctuary would probably sell his patrimony when quitting his former home. The text directs that he should, notwithstanding any such private resources, duly enjoy his share of the perquisites provided for the ministers at the sanctuary, and as he was "waiting at the altar"should be "partaker with the altar"1Co 9:13.

Barnes: Deu 18:10 - -- To pass through the fire - i. e., to Moloch; compare the Lev 20:2 note. That useth divination - Compare Num 23:23 note. Observer of ...

To pass through the fire - i. e., to Moloch; compare the Lev 20:2 note.

That useth divination - Compare Num 23:23 note.

Observer of times ... enchanter - Compare Lev 19:26 note.

Witch - Rather "sorcerer,"compare the Exo 7:11 note.

Barnes: Deu 18:11 - -- A charmer - i. e., one who fascinates and subdues noxious animals or men, such as the famous serpent-charmers of the East Psa 58:4-5. A co...

A charmer - i. e., one who fascinates and subdues noxious animals or men, such as the famous serpent-charmers of the East Psa 58:4-5.

A consulter with familiar spirits ... a wizard - Compare Lev 19:31 note.

Recromancer - literally, "one who interrogates the dead."The purpose of the text is obviously to group together all the known words belonging to the practices in question. Compare 2Ch 33:6.

Barnes: Deu 18:13 - -- Perfect - As in Gen 17:1; Job 1:1; Mat 5:48. The sense is that Israel was to keep the worship of the true God wholly uncontaminated by idolatro...

Perfect - As in Gen 17:1; Job 1:1; Mat 5:48. The sense is that Israel was to keep the worship of the true God wholly uncontaminated by idolatrous pollutions.

Barnes: Deu 18:15-19 - -- The ancient fathers of the Church and the generality of modern commentators have regarded our Lord as the prophet promised in these verses. It is ev...

The ancient fathers of the Church and the generality of modern commentators have regarded our Lord as the prophet promised in these verses. It is evident from the New Testament alone that the Messianic was the accredited interpretation among the Jews at the beginning of the Christian era (compare the marginal references, and Joh 4:25); nor can our Lord Himself, when He declares that Moses "wrote of Him"Joh 5:45-47, be supposed to have any other words more directly in view than these, the only words in which Moses, speaking in his own person, gives any prediction of the kind. But the verses seem to have a further, no less evident if subsidiary, reference to a prophetical order which should stand from time to time, as Moses had done, between God and the people; which should make known God’ s will to the latter; which should by its presence render it unnecessary either that God should address the people directly, as at Sinai (Deu 18:16; compare Deu 5:25 ff), or that the people themselves in lack of counsel should resort to the superstitions of the pagan.

In fact, in the words before us, Moses gives promise both of a prophetic order, and of the Messiah in particular as its chief; of a line of prophets culminating in one eminent individual. And in proportion as we see in our Lord the characteristics of the prophet most perfectly exhibited, so must we regard the promise of Moses as in Him most completely accomplished.

Poole: Deu 18:1 - -- The offerings of the Lord made by fire by which phrase we here manifestly see that he means not burnt-offerings, which were wholly consumed by fire,...

The offerings of the Lord made by fire by which phrase we here manifestly see that he means not burnt-offerings, which were wholly consumed by fire, and no part of them eaten by the priests; but other sacrifices, whereof part was offered to the Lord by fire, and part was allotted to the priests for their food. His inheritance i.e. the Lord’ s portion or inheritance, which God had reserved to himself, as tithes and first-fruits, and other oblations distinct from those which were made by fire; and so these two branches make up the whole of that which belonged to God, and was by him given to the Levites.

Poole: Deu 18:2 - -- i.e. The Lord’ s part and right, as was now said.

i.e. The Lord’ s part and right, as was now said.

Poole: Deu 18:3 - -- A sacrifice to wit, a sacrifice of thanksgiving, or a peace-offering, as appears from Lev 7:31,33 , which is ofttimes called simply a sacrifice, as E...

A sacrifice to wit, a sacrifice of thanksgiving, or a peace-offering, as appears from Lev 7:31,33 , which is ofttimes called simply a sacrifice, as Exo 18:12 Lev 17:5,8 Nu 15:3 Deu 12:27 .

The shoulder, and the two cheeks, and the maw

Quest. How doth this agree with other texts, in which the shoulder and the breast, and those parts only, are the priest’ s due, not the cheeks and maw?


1. Who shall tie God’ s hands? what if he now makes an addition, and enlargeth the priest’ s commons? Nothing more usual than for one scripture to supply what is lacking in another, and for a latter law of God to add to a former.

2. The breast may be here omitted, because it is comprehended under the shoulder, to which it is commonly joined, and with which it was waved before the Lord.

3. The Hebrew word here rendered maw or stomach , which was reckoned among dainties by the ancients, is not to my remembrance used elsewhere, and therefore it may have another signification, and some render it the breast, others take it for the uppermost part of the stomach, which lies under the breast.

Poole: Deu 18:5 - -- To minister in the name of the Lord i.e. either by authority and commission from him, or for his honour, worship, or service.

To minister in the name of the Lord i.e. either by authority and commission from him, or for his honour, worship, or service.

Poole: Deu 18:6 - -- Either for any private occasions, or to sojourn there for a season, or rather with full purpose to fix his abode, and to spend his whole time and st...

Either for any private occasions, or to sojourn there for a season, or rather with full purpose to fix his abode, and to spend his whole time and strength in the service of God, as appears by the sale of his patrimony , mentioned Deu 18:8 . It seems probable that the several priests were to come from their cities to the temple by turns before David’ s time, and it is certain they did so after it. But if any of them were not contented with this seldom attendance upon God in his tabernacle or temple, and desired more entirely and constantly to devote himself to God’ s service there, he was permitted so to do, because this was an eminent act of piety joined with self-denial to part with those great conveniencies which he could and did enjoy in the city of his possession, and to oblige himself to more constant and laborious work about the sacrifices, &c.

Poole: Deu 18:8 - -- Like portions to wit, with their brethren who were in actual ministration; as they share with them in the work, so shall they also in the encourageme...

Like portions to wit, with their brethren who were in actual ministration; as they share with them in the work, so shall they also in the encouragements.

Beside that which cometh of the sale of his patrimony though he have an estate whereby he may subsist raised by the sale of his house in his city, and his cattle, and other movables, yet you shall not upon this ground either deny or diminish their part of your maintenance. The reason of this law was, partly because he that waited on the altar ought to live by the altar; and partly because it was fit he should keep his money, wherewith he might redeem what he sold, if afterwards he saw occasion for it. Heb. besides his sales by the fathers , i.e. of that which came to him by his fathers, or, according to his fathers , or, his father’ s house; and these words may be joined not with the word immediately foregoing, but with the former part of the verse, the next word coming in by a kind of parenthesis, in this manner and order,

Besides that which cometh by the sale of their goods, they shall have like portions to eat to what their brethren have, each of them eating according to his father’ s house, i.e. a Gershonite shall eat with his brethren the Gershonites who are then ministering, and a Merarite with the Merarites, &c., and so there shall be no disturbance nor change in the appointed courses by their accession to the number.

Poole: Deu 18:10 - -- To pass through the fire either by a superstitious lustration or purgation, or by a cruel sacrificing of them. See Lev 18:21 2Ki 17:31 23:10 2Ch 28:3...

To pass through the fire either by a superstitious lustration or purgation, or by a cruel sacrificing of them. See Lev 18:21 2Ki 17:31 23:10 2Ch 28:3 Psa 106:37 Jer 7:31 19:5 Eze 16:20,21 Eze 23:37-39 .

That useth divination i.e. foretelleth things secret or to come, Mic 3:11 , by unlawful arts and practices.

An observer of times superstitiously pronouncing some days good and lucky, and others unlucky, for such or such actions. Or,

an observer of the clouds or heavens, i.e. one that divineth by the motions of the clouds, by the stars, or by the flying or chattering of birds, all which heathens used to observe.

An enchanter or, a conjecturer , that discovers hidden things by a superstitious use of words or ceremonies, by observation of water or smoke, or any contingencies, as the meeting of a hare, &c. See Poole "Lev 19:26" .

A witch one that is in covenant with the devil, and by his help deludes their senses, or hurts their persons. See Exo 7:11 22:18 .

Poole: Deu 18:11 - -- A charmer one that charmeth serpents or other cattle, Psa 58:5 ; or, a fortune-teller that foretelleth the events of men’ s lives by the conju...

A charmer one that charmeth serpents or other cattle, Psa 58:5 ; or, a

fortune-teller that foretelleth the events of men’ s lives by the conjunctions of the stars, &c. See Poole "Lev 19:31" ; See Poole "Lev 20:6" .

A consulter with familiar spirits whom they call upon by certain words or rites to engage them in evil designs.

A wizard Heb. a knowing or cunning man , who by any superstitious or forbidden ways undertakes the revelation of secret things:

A necromancer one that calleth up and inquireth of the dead, 1Sa 28:8 Isa 8:19 .

Poole: Deu 18:12 - -- The people of the land which thou art going to possess, mentioned above, Deu 18:9 .

The people of the land which thou art going to possess, mentioned above, Deu 18:9 .

Poole: Deu 18:13 - -- Sincerely and wholly his, seeking him and cleaving to him and to his word alone, and therefore abhorring all commerce and conversations with devils ...

Sincerely and wholly his, seeking him and cleaving to him and to his word alone, and therefore abhorring all commerce and conversations with devils or their agents, such as were now mentioned.

Poole: Deu 18:14 - -- Hath not suffered thee to follow thy own vain mind, and these superstitions and diabolical practices, as he hath suffered other nations to do, Act 1...

Hath not suffered thee to follow thy own vain mind, and these superstitions and diabolical practices, as he hath suffered other nations to do, Act 14:16 , but hath instructed thee better by his word and Spirit, and thereby kept thee from such courses, and will more fully instruct thee by a great Prophet, &c. Or, hath not given to thee , to wit, such persons to consult with, but hath given thee prophets to instruct thee, and will in due time give thee an eminent Prophet, as it here follows.

Poole: Deu 18:15 - -- Will raise up i.e. will produce and send into the world in due time. A Prophet: those words may be understood secondarily concerning the succession...

Will raise up i.e. will produce and send into the world in due time.

A Prophet: those words may be understood secondarily concerning the succession of prophets which God would raise for the instruction of his church, both because this is alleged as an argument why they need not consult with diviners, &c., because they should have prophets at hand whensoever it was needful to advise them, and because this Prophet is opposed to the false prophet; and a general rule is hereupon given for the discovery of all succeeding prophets, whether they be true or false, Deu 18:20-22 ; but they are chiefly to be understood of Christ, as the following words show, which do not truly and fully agree to any other; particularly where he is said to be

like unto Moses which is simply denied concerning all other prophets, Deu 34:10 , and therefore it is not probable that it should be simply affirmed concerning all true prophets succeeding him. But Christ was truly, and in all commendable parts, like him, in being both a Prophet and a King, and a Priest and Mediator, as Moses was, in the excellency of his ministry and work, in the glory of his miracles, in his familiar and intimate converse with God, &c. And this place is expounded of Christ alone by God himself in the New Testament, Act 3:22 7:37 . See also Joh 1:45 6:14 .

Poole: Deu 18:16 - -- In the day of the assembly to wit, of that great and general congregation of all the people together.

In the day of the assembly to wit, of that great and general congregation of all the people together.

Poole: Deu 18:18 - -- Will put my words in his mouth will instruct him what to say, reveal myself and my will to him. He shall speak unto them all that I shall command hi...

Will put my words in his mouth will instruct him what to say, reveal myself and my will to him.

He shall speak unto them all that I shall command him he will faithfully execute the office and trust I commit him.

PBC: Deu 18:15 - -- "Raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken" Hear below The New Testament, partic...

"Raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken"

Hear below

The New Testament, particularly in Ac 3:22 I believe, specifically quotes this passage and the New Testament by inspiration says Moses was talking about the Lord Jesus Christ - the Prophet, the Apostle of our faith when He wrote these words prophetically.

"According to all that thou desirest of the Lord thy God in Horeb in the day of the assembly saying Let me not hear again the voice of the Lord my God, neither let me see this great fire any more that I die not'" and the LORD said unto me, they have well spoken that which they have spoken. I will raise them up a Prophet..."

and He goes on to describe it. I want you though to pick up one more thing in De 18:19:

"It shall come to pass that whosoever will not hearken unto the words which He, (this capital, upper case, Prophet) shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.

The point - this Prophet doesn't speak unauthorative words. He doesn't speak kindly recommendations that are optional for our course of life. He is One who speaks with authority. He is One who speaks with authority from the other side and says "this is heaven's word - hear these words."

Haydock: Deu 18:1 - -- To say. These denote heretics, as the following point out apostates. (Worthington)

To say. These denote heretics, as the following point out apostates. (Worthington)

Haydock: Deu 18:1 - -- Oblations. Hebrew "they shall eat the holocausts of the Lord and his inheritances." The priests shall have the parts of the sacrifices for peace al...

Oblations. Hebrew "they shall eat the holocausts of the Lord and his inheritances." The priests shall have the parts of the sacrifices for peace allotted to them, &c., tithes shall be given to support the Levites. (Haydock) ---

These parts are what God claims from the people, as their Sovereign, (Calmet) and these he assigns to his ministers. Septuagint, "The fruits of the Lord are their inheritance, they shall eat them." (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 18:3 - -- Due, ( judicium .) Moses only mentions a part, having explained the rest, Exodus xxix. 27., Leviticus vii. 32. --- Breast, ( ventriculum. ) In th...

Due, ( judicium .) Moses only mentions a part, having explained the rest, Exodus xxix. 27., Leviticus vii. 32. ---

Breast, ( ventriculum. ) In the other places pectusculum occurs. Hebrew, "the shoulder, the two cheeks, and the maw, or caul," called in Latin omasum, being the last and fattest of the four ventricles, and highly esteemed by the ancients. The cheeks or chaps are specified no where else; so that some think Moses here supplies what he had left imperfect, assigning to the priests the cheeks and tongue. Jansenius supposes that this is only a part of the breast, which appears to have two cheeks when the shoulders are cut off. But Moses here probably speaks not of the peace-offerings, but of the beasts which were killed by the Israelites at home for their own uses, &c., (Clerc) as Philo explains it, (de præm.) and Josephus ([Antiquities?] iv. 4) only specifies the right shoulder and the breast, which were given to the priests on these occasions. (Calmet) ---

Septuagint, "the shoulder, the cheeks, and the last ventricle." The victims were not, therefore, of a sacred nature; as they were only sacrificed, inasmuch as the blood was to be offered to the Lord. (Haydock) See Genesis xliii. 16.

Haydock: Deu 18:4 - -- Corn, besides those which were offered to the Lord at the feast of Pentecost. Each landholder was bound to give between the 40th and the 60th part o...

Corn, besides those which were offered to the Lord at the feast of Pentecost. Each landholder was bound to give between the 40th and the 60th part of his produce. (St. Jerome) See Exodus xxii. 29.

Haydock: Deu 18:5 - -- Stand. This was the usual posture of the priests ministering in the temple, as well as of people praying. --- Minister. Samaritan and Septuagint ...

Stand. This was the usual posture of the priests ministering in the temple, as well as of people praying. ---

Minister. Samaritan and Septuagint add, "and to bless in," &c.

Haydock: Deu 18:6 - -- Levite. In the days of Moses, all the Levites probably assisted in the service of the tabernacle, when they thought proper. But, after they should b...

Levite. In the days of Moses, all the Levites probably assisted in the service of the tabernacle, when they thought proper. But, after they should be dispersed, he encourages them to come willingly. David afterwards divided the priests and the Levites into classes, which were obliged to serve in their turns, 1 Paralipomenon xxiii., &c. Though he derogated from the words of the law, he followed the spirit of the injunction, which was intended to promote the great glory and decency of religion; and even after this regulation, (Calmet) those who desired, like Samuel, (Menochius) to consecrate their labours to the Lord for life, or for a long time, were in all probability entitled to the privileges here granted. (Calmet)

Haydock: Deu 18:8 - -- Portion. Whence this was taken, whether from the tithes in general, or from the treasury of the temple, or from the revenue of the high priest, &c.,...

Portion. Whence this was taken, whether from the tithes in general, or from the treasury of the temple, or from the revenue of the high priest, &c., does not appear. (Calmet) ---

Fathers. The Levites might possess houses, suburbs, and cattle. (Menochius) ---

Hebrew, "besides that which ariseth from the sale of his patrimony." (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 18:10 - -- Fire. This impiety is not punished with death, (Leviticus xviii. 21,) as the burning of children was, Leviticus xx. 2. (Grotius) --- It was done i...

Fire. This impiety is not punished with death, (Leviticus xviii. 21,) as the burning of children was, Leviticus xx. 2. (Grotius) ---

It was done in imitation of the latter, and became more common, as it was less cruel; the person who was thus expiated, being to pass between or to jump over fire. The council of Trullo (canon 65,) was forced to condemn this remnant of an abominable superstition. But the other inhuman worship of Moloc, and of other pagan divinities, was certainly very common, and chiefly brought down destruction upon the people of Chanaan. See Jeremias xix. 5., Ezechiel xxiii. 37., Psalm cv. 37., and 4 Kings xvii. 31. Ennius says, Pæni sunt soliti suos sacrificare puellos. See St. Augustine, City of God vii. 17.; St. Jerome in Jeremias vii. 31. (Calmet) ---

Soothsayers. The original term may also signify, "that useth divination." Both those who set up for diviners, and those who consult them, are condemned. (Haydock) ---

Hiscuni explains it of a superstitious practice, by which a person measured a stick with his finger, saying first I will go; and then I will not; and if, when he came to the end of the stick, he had to say I will go, he determined to begin his journey. See Ezechial xxi. 21. ---

Dreams. Hebrew mehonen, (Leviticus xix. 26,) may denote one who judges from the sight of the clouds, or feigns revelations. ---

Wizard. Hebrew, "witch." Septuagint, "poisoner," or one who gives things to do harm. (Rabbins)

Haydock: Deu 18:11 - -- Charmer of serpents, Psalm lvii. 6. One who makes a compact with the devil. --- Spirits. Python was the name of the serpent which Apollo slew. I...

Charmer of serpents, Psalm lvii. 6. One who makes a compact with the devil. ---

Spirits. Python was the name of the serpent which Apollo slew. It might be derived from the Hebrew patah, "to seduce," because a serpent seduced Eve, and dealers with the devil generally deceived those who consult them. Septuagint, "a belly talker," as these impostors muttered some sounds, imitating that a spirit gave answers from their belly, See Isaias xxix. 4. ---

Tellers. Hebrew, "wise men." (Haydock) ---

Those who promise great knowledge from the secrets of the caballa, or magic. ---

Dead. Necromancy was already very common. Thus the witch of Endor made the ghost of Samuel appear to Saul, 1 Kings xxviii. 7. The Rabbins say that the person took a bone, or the skull of the dead, when he intended to enquire into futurity. (Drusius)

Haydock: Deu 18:13 - -- And without spot. This is by way of explication of the word perfect . Any mixture of superstition in the worship of God is hateful to him; and tha...

And without spot. This is by way of explication of the word perfect . Any mixture of superstition in the worship of God is hateful to him; and that man who acknowledges any other spirit capable of foretelling what will come to pass, freely (Haydock) denies the Lord. (Calmet)

Haydock: Deu 18:14 - -- God, who has already informed thee how to proceed in difficult emergencies, (chap. xvii. 8,) by having recourse to the council of priests, and will a...

God, who has already informed thee how to proceed in difficult emergencies, (chap. xvii. 8,) by having recourse to the council of priests, and will also, after any death, send in due time a succession of true prophets. Hebrew, "God hath not suffered thee" to imitate those nations; (Haydock) or those prophets, whom the Lord thy God will give thee, shall not resemble these (Calmet) soothsayers (or observers of times) and diviners. (Haydock) ---

They shall be filled with my spirit. (Calmet)

Haydock: Deu 18:15 - -- Prophet. This passage plainly proves, that the Scripture may have many literal senses: for the context insinuates that God would supply the wants of...

Prophet. This passage plainly proves, that the Scripture may have many literal senses: for the context insinuates that God would supply the wants of his people, so that they should not need to go far in order to consult diviners, since they should have leaders and prophets, after the death of Moses, who might explain to them God's will, as they had desired; but, at the same time, it clearly refers to the Messias, as it is explained by St. Peter, (Acts iii. 22.; Worthington) and by St. Stephen, Acts vii. 37. The Jews, at that time, were convinced of the truth of this application: but they only denied that Christ was the Messias. They have since gone a step farther, and deny that it regards the Messias, some referring it to Josue, others to Jeremias, &c. (Ap. Munster and Fag.) But surely what other prophet could be compared with Moses? (Chap. xxxiv. 10.) What other man reunited in his person the qualifications of lawgiver, chief of God's people, mediator, &c., or who was like him? Hence prophet is written in the singular, to denote his eminent dignity. (St. Augustine, contra Faustus) ---

St. Philip recognized the claim of Jesus, as did the people after the multiplication of bread, John i. 45., and vi. 14. God the Father seems to allude to this passage, according to the remark of Tertullian, (contra Mar. iv. 22,) when he says hear ye him, (Luke ix. 35,) as St. Cyprian believes our Saviour does also, John v. 46. St. Athanasius (contra Arianos 2) condemns the error of the Jews, who would apply this passage to any other prophet but to the Messias. If they could be excused for denying him this latter claim, they surely cannot in calling in question that Jesus was a true prophet, since he has all the marks of one; (Grotius) and if they would once acknowledge this, they must soon confess that he is also the Messias, and the Son of God, as these truths are so necessarily connected. (Calmet) ---

The miracles of Moses were far exceeded by those of Jesus Christ, and the latter conversed more intimately with this eternal Father, &c. (Menochius)

Haydock: Deu 18:16 - -- Die. This promise is not recorded, Exodus xx. 19. God will send you a mediator, who shall hide the splendour of his divinity (Calmet) under the fo...

Die. This promise is not recorded, Exodus xx. 19. God will send you a mediator, who shall hide the splendour of his divinity (Calmet) under the form of a servant, Philippians ii. 7. (Haydock)

Haydock: Deu 18:18 - -- Mouth. So Christ says, The words that I speak to you, I speak not of myself, John xiv. 10.

Mouth. So Christ says, The words that I speak to you, I speak not of myself, John xiv. 10.

Gill: Deu 18:1 - -- The priests, the Levites, and all the tribe of Levi, shall have no part nor inheritance with Israel,.... That is, in the land of Canaan, in the divisi...

The priests, the Levites, and all the tribe of Levi, shall have no part nor inheritance with Israel,.... That is, in the land of Canaan, in the division of it among the tribes:

they shall eat the offerings of the Lord made by fire, and his inheritance; the meat offerings, see Lev 2:2, and whatsoever of the sin offerings and peace offerings which were the Lord's; so Ben Melech says, the flesh of the offerings which belonged to the priests was called fire offerings, after part of it was consumed by fire. All these, with other things, Num 18:8, were given, as the Targum of Jonathan expresses it, for their inheritance, in lieu of their having none in the land of Canaan.

Gill: Deu 18:2 - -- Therefore shall they have none inheritance among their brethren,.... Neither of the field, nor of the vineyard, as the above Targum, because provision...

Therefore shall they have none inheritance among their brethren,.... Neither of the field, nor of the vineyard, as the above Targum, because provision was made for them otherwise, and especially because

the Lord is their inheritance, as he hath said unto them; see Gill on Num 18:20, which as it may be understood in a spiritual sense of their interest in God, as their covenant God, and of their enjoyment of him, and communion with him; so chiefly in a temporal sense of all those things in the sacrifices which the Lord claimed to himself, and these he gave unto them; so the same Targum interprets this of the twenty four gifts of the priesthood, enumerated Num 18:1.

Gill: Deu 18:3 - -- And this shall be the priest's due from the people, from them that offer sacrifice,.... Not from the priests, as Jarchi observes, but from those that ...

And this shall be the priest's due from the people, from them that offer sacrifice,.... Not from the priests, as Jarchi observes, but from those that bring the sacrifices to the priests, particularly the peace offerings:

whether it be ox or sheep; the one of the herd, the other of the flock, creatures used in sacrifice, and takes in goats and the kids of them, rams and lambs:

and they shall give unto the priest the shoulder, and the two cheeks, and the maw; the first of these designs the upper part of the arm that joins to the neck and back, and the next the two cheeks with the tongue, as both Jarchi and Aben Ezra observe, and indeed the whole head is meant; the maw, which the Septuagint interpreters call ενυστρον, and other writers ηνυστρον, is, according to the philosopher p, the fourth and last ventricle or stomach, and which he thus describes;"after the echinus or rough tripe is that which is called ηνυστρον, the maw, which is in size larger than the echinus, and in form longer, and has many large and smooth folds;''and ηνυστρον βοος, the maw of an ox, and the belly of a swine, are reckoned by the poet q as delicious food.

Gill: Deu 18:4 - -- The firstfruit also of thy corn, and of thy wine, and of thy oil,.... This is the "terumah", or heave offering, the offering of the firstfruits; what ...

The firstfruit also of thy corn, and of thy wine, and of thy oil,.... This is the "terumah", or heave offering, the offering of the firstfruits; what the measure or quantity was is not declared, but is fixed by the Jews; See Gill on Exo 22:29,

and the first of the fleece of thy sheep shall thou give him: concerning which in the Misnah r it is said, the first of the fleece is used in the land and without the land, of which they give the weight of five shekels in Judea, which are ten shekels in Galilee; and they give white wool, and not defiled, enough to make of it a little garment. He that buys a fleece of the sheep of a Gentile, he is free from the first of the fleece; but if he buys it of his neighbour, if he leaves any of it, the seller is bound, if none the buyer is bound; if there are two sorts, russet and white, and he sells the russet but not the white, the males but not the females, everyone gives for himself. It may be observed in this account, that as much wool was to be given as would make a small garment; enough, says one of the commentators s, to make a little garment to minister in; and the least garment fit for a priest to minister in is a girdle. Jarchi's paraphrase of it is,"when thou shearest thy flock every year, give the first of it to the priest; it does not determine the quantity, but our Rabbins fix it to the sixtieth part;''with which agrees the observation of another writer t, that there is no quantity fixed for the first of the fleece from the law, but from the words of the Scribes it must not be less than the sixtieth part. There is no obligation to the first of the fleece until five sheep are shorn, and the fleece of everyone of the five must not be less than twelve shekels' weight; but if there is one fleece of them less than twelve shekels, though the five fleeces are more than sixty shekels, lo, this is free; so that, as Maimonides u says, the first of the fleece is not less than the weight of a shekel.

Gill: Deu 18:5 - -- For the Lord thy God hath chosen him out of all thy tribes,.... That is, has chosen the tribe of Levi out of all the other tribes of Israel: to sta...

For the Lord thy God hath chosen him out of all thy tribes,.... That is, has chosen the tribe of Levi out of all the other tribes of Israel:

to stand to minister in the name of the Lord; the priests to minister to the Lord by offering sacrifices, and the Levites to minister to the priests in assisting them in their service; and both their ministry were in the name of the Lord, and for his glory, and done standing; for there was no sitting in the sanctuary w; the priestly ministry was only performed standing x, whatever was done sitting was rejected y; see Heb 10:11,

him and his sons for ever; Levi and his posterity, or the posterity of the tribe of Levi, were chosen by the Lord to this service, to be employed in it as long as the ceremonial law continued, on which stood the Levitical priesthood; but both are now abolished by Christ, having their accomplishment in him, Heb 7:11.

Gill: Deu 18:6 - -- And if a Levite come from any of thy gates out of Israel, where he sojourned,.... In any of the cities through the land, for they were dispersed all o...

And if a Levite come from any of thy gates out of Israel, where he sojourned,.... In any of the cities through the land, for they were dispersed all over the country, and employed in instructing and teaching the people; and, excepting the cities which were given them to dwell in out of the various tribes, they were but sojourners:

and come with all the desire of his mind unto the place which the Lord shall choose; the city of Jerusalem, where the temple would be built, and sacrifices offered, at which the Levites were assisting to the priests, and in various parts of the service of the sanctuary; and to which they are supposed to come with an hearty good will, with great eagerness of soul, and a vehement desire of being employed in the work of the Lord. Though Jarchi interprets it of a priest, that comes and offers his freewill offerings, or what he is obliged to, and even in a ward not his own; or, as otherwise expressed, of the priests that come to the feast, who offer in the ward, and serve in the offerings that come by virtue of the feast, as the additions of the feast, though it is not in their own ward; and indeed every priest was a Levite, though every Levite was not a priest; and the description of him after given, as standing ministering in the name of the Lord, best agrees with a priest.

Gill: Deu 18:7 - -- And he shall minister in the name of the Lord his God,.... The Targum of Jonathan is,"he shall minister in the name of the Word of the Lord his God;''...

And he shall minister in the name of the Lord his God,.... The Targum of Jonathan is,"he shall minister in the name of the Word of the Lord his God;''in the name of Christ, as a type of him, as every priest and every sacrifice were: he was to be allowed to officiate, though it was not his course or turn:

as all his brethren the Levites do, which stand there before the Lord; daily offering the same sacrifices, and whatsoever are brought unto them; who might be said to stand before the Lord, because they stood at the altar of the Lord, and offered the sacrifices of the people to him; and a country Levite or priest was to be admitted to do the same thing at Jerusalem, and in the temple there, as they did; and this shows that a priest is meant by the Levite.

Gill: Deu 18:8 - -- They shall have like portions to eat,.... Equal parts of the sacrifices with the priests that usually ministered there; hence we learn, says Jarchi, t...

They shall have like portions to eat,.... Equal parts of the sacrifices with the priests that usually ministered there; hence we learn, says Jarchi, that they divided the skins and flesh of the sin offerings; perhaps even such as did not come by virtue of the feast, as the daily sacrifices, and the additions of the sabbath, and the vows, and the freewill offerings:

beside that which cometh by the sale of his patrimony: for though the priests and Levites had no inheritance divided to them in the land, yet they might buy houses and fields, and leave them to their children, and this may be called their patrimony; now it was not reasonable that they should wholly live upon this, or spend what their fathers left them; but, besides the income of that, were to have their part and portion with their brethren in the sacrifices of the sanctuary. But some interpret these words in a different way, as if they had respect to the gifts and oblations in the several wards in which the priests ministered, as they were ordered by their fathers, Eleazar, Ithamar, Samuel, David, and Solomon; so the Targums of Onkelos, Jonathan, and Jarchi. In the times of Eleazar and Ithamar, there were only eight wards or courses, which ministered in their turns, but in the days of David they were divided into twenty four; See Gill on Luk 1:8; now the ordering and fixing these in their turns is called a vendition or sale; and these country priests might partake of all sacrifices at the feast, excepting those which belonged to him whose course it was that week.

Gill: Deu 18:9 - -- When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee,.... The land of Canaan, often thus described, to express the goodness of God in b...

When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee,.... The land of Canaan, often thus described, to express the goodness of God in bestowing it on them, as a mere favour of his, without any desert of theirs; and so typical of the heavenly Canaan, or eternal life, which is the free gift of God through Christ:

thou shall not learn to do after the abominations of these nations; the seven nations which before inhabited it; they might learn, as Jarchi observes, to know how corrupt their works were, and to show to their children, that they might not do so; but they were not to learn them so as to practise them, but to have them in the utmost abhorrence, as being abominable to God, and which should be so to them; some of which are as follow.

Gill: Deu 18:10 - -- There shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire,.... To Moloch, which was a sort of lustration ...

There shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire,.... To Moloch, which was a sort of lustration by fire, two fires being made, and the child led by a priest between them, and which was an initiation of him into the religion of that deity, and devoting him to it; so Jarchi says, this is the service of Moloch, making piles of fire here and there (on this side and on that), and causing (the children) to pass between them both. Besides this they used to burn them with fire to this deity, perhaps after the performance of this ceremony; see Deu 12:31, or that useth divination: according to Aben Ezra this is a general name, and so Ben Melech, the particulars of which are what follow:

an observer of times, &c. Cicero says z, there are two sorts of divination, one is of art, the other of nature. What nation or what city is not moved by prediction, either by the entrails of beasts, or of those that interpret strange things and lightnings, or of soothsayers, or astrologers, or of lots (for these are mostly of art); or of dreams or prophecies, for these two are thought to be natural? Again he says a, the Phrygians, Pisidians, and Cilicians, pay a great respect to the signs of birds--from the beginning of the world it was that certain signs were forerunners of certain things; some in the entrails of beasts, some in birds, others in lightnings, others in marvellous things, others in the stars; some in visions and dreams, and others in the words of frantic persons. So the comedian remarks b, that if a strange black dog comes into a house, or a snake falls from the tiles through rain, or a hen crows, these, are observed as ominous, by the diviner or soothsayer. Porphyry says c, that soothsayers divine by the noise of crows and ravens; and it is said d the Arabians, from birds as from oracles, divine what shall come to pass; and that they attain to, as they say, by eating the heart and liver of dragons. Jarchi on this place asks, who is the diviner? one that lays hold on his staff, and says, shall I go? or shall I not go? that is, to such a place; and according as it fell, so judgment was made; see Hos 4:12. Now such sort of diviners and divinations are cautioned against, as not to be admitted among the people of Israel, and regarded by them:

or an observer of times: and such things the Egyptians were very inquisitive about, what month or day belonged to the gods, what day any one was born on, what shall befall him, how he will die, and what he shall be, as Herodotus e relates; and such are they who are here meant, according to R. Akiba f that count times and hours, and say such a time is beautiful (or seasonable) to go out in and trade; but the wise men say, as Jarchi observes, these are they that hold the eyes, cast a mist over people's eyes, that they cannot perceive their juggling tricks. Some think the word has the signification of clouds, and so designs such that observed them and their motions, and made their conclusions according to them; see Lev 19:26,

or an enchanter; according to Jarchi, one that remarks things as ominous; as when a morsel falls out of a man's mouth, a roe stops him in the way, or his staff falls out of his hands: the word has the signification of a serpent in it, and so may signify one that enchants them; see Psa 58:4 or makes observations by them, as portending this and that, and the other, as before observed of the snake falling from the tiles; and Horace g speaks of a serpent lying in the way, and frightening horses, as taken notice of by soothsayers:

or a witch; of whom see Exo 22:18.

Gill: Deu 18:11 - -- Or a charmer,.... That pretends to cure diseases by charms, or a charmer of serpents; according to Jarchi, one that gathers together serpents and scor...

Or a charmer,.... That pretends to cure diseases by charms, or a charmer of serpents; according to Jarchi, one that gathers together serpents and scorpions, and other animals, into one place; with which agree the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem,"which bind serpents and scorpions, and all kind of creeping things;''but, according to Aben Ezra, one that says certain words to gather demons together:

or a consulter with familiar spirits; or the inquirer of "Ob", or the bottle, which the Jews interpret of Python, or one that has the spirit of Python; see Act 16:16, a ventriloquist, one that spoke or seemed to speak out of his belly, or from under his armpits; so it is said in the Misnah h of Ob, this is Python, one that speaks out of his arm holes; agreeably to which, Jarchi says, this is that sort of witchcraft which is called Python, and he speaks from his arm holes, and brings up the dead thither: of Baal Ob, or the master of the bottle, say some Jewish writers, one way he uses is, he takes the skull of a dead man, the flesh of which is consumed from it, and he hides it and burns incense to it, and mutters words by it, and hears from it, as if from a dead man k: or a wizard: a knowing one, as the word signifies, such an one as we call a cunning man; See Gill on Lev 19:31.

or a necromancer that inquiries of the dead, or seeks instruction from them, as the Targum of Jerusalem. Aben Ezra describes him as one that goes to burying grounds, and takes the bone of a dead man, and because of his wild imagination there appears to him the likeness of forms; or as Maimonides l, better still, he is one that fasts and sleeps in graveyards, and utters words; and, according to his imagination, sees future things in dreams.

Gill: Deu 18:12 - -- For all that do these things are an abomination to the Lord,.... Not that do all these things, but whoever does any of them, as Jarchi notes; all such...

For all that do these things are an abomination to the Lord,.... Not that do all these things, but whoever does any of them, as Jarchi notes; all such persons that use such unlawful methods, or any of them, to gain knowledge; and likewise all those that consult them, and make use of them; and especially it must be very abominable in the people of Israel to encourage such persons and practices, who had the knowledge of the true God, and him to consult on all occasions; had his law and testimony to attend unto as the rule of their conduct, and his prophets to advise with in matters of difficulty; see Isa 8:20.

and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee; as well as other sins mentioned in Lev 18:24 and, as before observed from Cicero, all nations have been addicted to the arts of divination here condemned.

Gill: Deu 18:13 - -- Thou shalt be perfect with the Lord thy God. Sincerely serve and worship him, faithfully adhere to his word, laws, statutes, and ordinances, and walk ...

Thou shalt be perfect with the Lord thy God. Sincerely serve and worship him, faithfully adhere to his word, laws, statutes, and ordinances, and walk uprightly before him.

Gill: Deu 18:14 - -- For those nations which thou shall possess hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners,.... Such as are before mentioned, and did as they dir...

For those nations which thou shall possess hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners,.... Such as are before mentioned, and did as they directed them:

but as for thee, the Lord thy God hath not suffered thee so to do; or, "but thou not so" m thou shouldest not do so, not hearken to such persons, but to the Lord thy God, and to his law and testimony; nor art thou left to the deception of such persons:

the Lord thy God hath given thee: his word and statutes, as a rule to go by, which he has not given to other nations: the Targum of Jonathan adds,"the priests shall ask by Urim and Thummim, and a true prophet shall the Lord your God give unto you;''so that they had no need to hearken to such impostors and deceivers: or, "as for thee, not so are they whom the Lord thy God giveth thee" n; that is, the prophets whom the Lord would give unto them would not be like the diviners of the Heathens, who imposed on the people and deceived them; but would be men sent and inspired by God, and true and faithful in the discharge of their office; and to hearken to these they are encouraged by the promise of a very eminent one, like to Moses, in the next verse.

Gill: Deu 18:15 - -- The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a prophet,.... Not Joshua, as Aben Ezra, not Jeremiah, as Baal Haturim, nor David o, as others; nor a success...

The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a prophet,.... Not Joshua, as Aben Ezra, not Jeremiah, as Baal Haturim, nor David o, as others; nor a succession of prophets, as Jarchi; for a single person is only spoken of; and there is a dissimilitude between Moses and anyone of the prophets, and all of them in succession, Deu 34:10, but the Messiah, with whom the whole agrees; and upon this the expectation of a prophet among the Jews was raised, Joh 6:14 and is applied to him, and referred to as belonging to him in Act 3:22, who was a prophet mighty in word and deed, and not only foretold future events, as his own sufferings and death, and resurrection from the dead, the destruction of Jerusalem, and other things; but taught and instructed men in the knowledge of divine things, spake as never man did, preached the Gospel fully and faithfully, so that as the law came by Moses, the doctrine of grace and truth came by him; and he was raised up of God, called, sent, commissioned and qualified by him for the office of a prophet, as well as was raised from the dead as a confirmation of his being that extraordinary person:

from the midst of thee; he was of Israel, according to the flesh, of the tribe of Judah, and of the house of David, born of a virgin in Bethlehem, preached only in Judea, and was raised from the dead in the midst of them, and of which they were witnesses:

of thy brethren; the Israelites, of whom, as concerning the flesh, Christ came, and to whom he was sent as a prophet, and among whom he only preached:

like unto me; the Targum of Jonathan adds,"in the Holy Spirit;''which he received without measure, and in respect of which was superior to Moses, or any of the prophets: he was like to Moses in the faithful discharge of his office, in his familiar converse with God, in the miracles which he wrought; as well as in his being a Mediator, and the Redeemer of his people, as Moses was a mediator between God and the people of Israel, and the deliverer of them out of Egypt; and it is a saying of the Jews p themselves,"as was the first redeemer, so is the second:"

unto him ye shall hearken; externally attend on his ministry, internally receive his doctrine, embrace and profess it; do what is heard from him, hear him, and not another, always and in all things; see Mat 17:5.

Gill: Deu 18:16 - -- According to all that thou desiredst of the Lord thy God at Horeb,.... This was promised them, in answer to their request at Horeb or Mount Sinai, whe...

According to all that thou desiredst of the Lord thy God at Horeb,.... This was promised them, in answer to their request at Horeb or Mount Sinai, when the law was delivered to them in the terrible manner it was: in the day of the assembly; in which the tribes were gathered together to receive the law, when they were assembled at the foot of the mount for that purpose:

saying, let me not hear again the voice of the Lord my God; which was such a voice of words, attended with so much terror, that they that heard entreated the word might not be spoken to them any more, as the apostle says in Heb 12:19,

neither let me see this great fire any more, that I die not; out of which the Lord spoke; the congregation of Israel is here represented speaking as if a single person.

Gill: Deu 18:17 - -- And the Lord said unto me,.... Unto Moses, who carried the above request to the Lord: they have well spoken that which they have spoken; see Deu 5:...

And the Lord said unto me,.... Unto Moses, who carried the above request to the Lord:

they have well spoken that which they have spoken; see Deu 5:28.

Gill: Deu 18:18 - -- I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren like unto thee,.... So that it seems this promise or prophecy was first made at Mount Sinai, ...

I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren like unto thee,.... So that it seems this promise or prophecy was first made at Mount Sinai, but now renewed and repeated, and which is nowhere else recorded; see Deu 18:15 when they were not only made easy for the present by appointing Moses to receive from the Lord all further notices of his mind and will, but were assured that when it was his pleasure to make a new revelation, or a further discovery of his mind and will, in future times, he would not do it in that terrible way he had delivered the law to them; but would raise up a person of their own flesh and blood, by whom it should be delivered, which was sufficient to prevent their fears for the future:

and will put my word in his mouth; the doctrines of the Gospel, which come from God, and are the words of truth, faith, righteousness, peace, pardon, life, and salvation; and which Christ says were not his own, as man and Mediator, but his Father's, which he gave unto him, and put into his mouth, as what he should say, teach, and deliver to others; see Joh 7:16.

and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him; nor did he keep back, but faithfully declared the whole counsel of God; and as he gave him a commandment what he should say, and what he should speak, he was entirely obedient to it; see Joh 12:49.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Deu 18:1 Of his inheritance. This is a figurative way of speaking of the produce of the land the Lord will give to his people. It is the Lord’s inheritan...

NET Notes: Deu 18:2 Heb “brothers,” but not referring to actual siblings. Cf. NASB “their countrymen”; NRSV “the other members of the commun...

NET Notes: Deu 18:3 Heb “judgment”; KJV, NASB, NRSV “the priest’s due.”

NET Notes: Deu 18:4 Heb “the firstfruits of your…” (so NIV).

NET Notes: Deu 18:5 Heb “the name of the Lord.” The pronoun has been used in the translation for stylistic reasons to avoid redundancy.

NET Notes: Deu 18:6 Or “sojourning.” The verb used here refers to living temporarily in a place, not settling down.

NET Notes: Deu 18:8 Presumably this would not refer to a land inheritance, since that was forbidden to the descendants of Levi (v. 1). More likely it referred to some fam...

NET Notes: Deu 18:10 Heb “a doer of sorcery” (מְכַשֵּׁף, mikhashef). This has to do with magic or the cas...

NET Notes: Deu 18:11 Heb “a seeker of the dead.” This is much the same as “one who conjures up spirits” (cf. 1 Sam 28:6-7).

NET Notes: Deu 18:12 The translation understands the Hebrew participial form as having an imminent future sense here.

NET Notes: Deu 18:15 “from your brothers,” but not referring to actual siblings. Cf. NAB “from among your own kinsmen”; NASB “from your count...

NET Notes: Deu 18:16 The Hebrew text uses the collective singular in this verse: “my God…lest I die.”

Geneva Bible: Deu 18:1 The priests the Levites, [and] all the tribe of Levi, shall have no part nor inheritance with Israel: they shall eat the offerings of the LORD made by...

Geneva Bible: Deu 18:3 And this shall be the priest's due from the people, from them that offer a sacrifice, whether [it be] ox or sheep; and they shall give unto the priest...

Geneva Bible: Deu 18:6 And if a Levite come from any of thy gates out of all Israel, where he sojourned, and come with ( c ) all the desire of his mind unto the place which ...

Geneva Bible: Deu 18:8 They shall have like portions to eat, ( d ) beside that which cometh of the sale of his patrimony. ( d ) Not forced to live from himself.

Geneva Bible: Deu 18:10 There shall not be found among you [any one] that maketh his son or his daughter to ( e ) pass through the fire, [or] that useth divination, [or] an o...

Geneva Bible: Deu 18:13 Thou shalt be ( f ) perfect with the LORD thy God. ( f ) Without hypocrisy or mixture or false religion.

Geneva Bible: Deu 18:15 The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a ( g ) Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken; ( g ) Mean...

Geneva Bible: Deu 18:18 I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his ( h ) mouth; and he shall speak unto them all t...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Deu 18:1-22 - --1 The LORD is the priests and Levites' inheritance.3 The priests' due.6 The Levites' portion.9 The abominations of the nations are to be avoided.15 Ch...

Maclaren: Deu 18:9-22 - --Deut. 18:9-22 It is evident from the connection in which the promise of a prophet like unto Moses' is here introduced that it does not refer to Jesus ...

MHCC: Deu 18:1-8 - --Care is taken that the priests entangle not themselves with the affairs of this life, nor enrich themselves with the wealth of this world; they have b...

MHCC: Deu 18:9-14 - --Was it possible that a people so blessed with Divine institutions, should ever be in any danger of making those their teachers whom God had made their...

MHCC: Deu 18:15-22 - --It is here promised concerning Christ, that there should come a Prophet, great above all the prophets; by whom God would make known himself and his wi...

Matthew Henry: Deu 18:1-8 - -- Magistracy and ministry are two divine institutions of admirable use for the support and advancement of the kingdom of God among men. Laws concern...

Matthew Henry: Deu 18:9-14 - -- One would not think there had been so much need as it seems there was to arm the people of Israel against the infection of the idolatrous customs of...

Matthew Henry: Deu 18:15-22 - -- Here is, I. The promise of the great prophet, with a command to receive him, and hearken to him. Now, 1. Some think it is the promise of a successio...

Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 18:1-8 - -- In addition to the judicial order and the future king, it was necessary that the position of the priests and Levites, whose duties and rights had be...

Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 18:9-22 - -- The Gift of Prophecy. - The Levitical priests, as the stated guardians and promoters of the law, had to conduct all the affairs of Israel with the L...

Constable: Deu 5:1--26:19 - --IV. MOSES' SECOND MAJOR ADDRESS: AN EXPOSITION OF THE LAW chs. 5--26 ". . . Deuteronomy contains the most compre...

Constable: Deu 12:1--25:19 - --B. An exposition of selected covenant laws 12-25 Moses' homiletical exposition of the law of Israel that...

Constable: Deu 16:18--19:1 - --5. Laws arising from the fifth commandment 16:18-18:22 The fifth commandment is, "Honor your fat...

Constable: Deu 18:1-8 - --Priests and Levites 18:1-8 The Levites lived as sojourners among the other Israelites. W...

Constable: Deu 18:9-22 - --Prophets 18:9-22 The context of this section is significant as usual. Verses 1-8 deal wi...

Guzik: Deu 18:1-22 - --Deuteronomy 18 - Priests and Prophets A. The provision for priests and Levites. 1. (1-2) The inheritance of the Levites. The priests, the Levites;...

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Commentary -- Other

Critics Ask: Deu 18:10 DEUTERONOMY 18:10-22 —How can false prophets be distinguished from true prophets? PROBLEM: The Bible contains many prophecies which it calls up...

Critics Ask: Deu 18:11 DEUTERONOMY 18:10-22 —How can false prophets be distinguished from true prophets? PROBLEM: The Bible contains many prophecies which it calls up...

Critics Ask: Deu 18:12 DEUTERONOMY 18:10-22 —How can false prophets be distinguished from true prophets? PROBLEM: The Bible contains many prophecies which it calls up...

Critics Ask: Deu 18:13 DEUTERONOMY 18:10-22 —How can false prophets be distinguished from true prophets? PROBLEM: The Bible contains many prophecies which it calls up...

Critics Ask: Deu 18:14 DEUTERONOMY 18:10-22 —How can false prophets be distinguished from true prophets? PROBLEM: The Bible contains many prophecies which it calls up...

Critics Ask: Deu 18:15 DEUTERONOMY 18:10-22 —How can false prophets be distinguished from true prophets? PROBLEM: The Bible contains many prophecies which it calls up...

Critics Ask: Deu 18:16 DEUTERONOMY 18:10-22 —How can false prophets be distinguished from true prophets? PROBLEM: The Bible contains many prophecies which it calls up...

Critics Ask: Deu 18:17 DEUTERONOMY 18:10-22 —How can false prophets be distinguished from true prophets? PROBLEM: The Bible contains many prophecies which it calls up...

Critics Ask: Deu 18:18 DEUTERONOMY 18:10-22 —How can false prophets be distinguished from true prophets? PROBLEM: The Bible contains many prophecies which it calls up...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) DEUTERONOMY, the second law, a title which plainly shows what is the object of this book, namely, a recapitulation of the law. It was given in the for...


TSK: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) The book of Deuteronomy marks the end of the Pentateuch, commonly called the Law of Moses; a work every way worthy of God its author, and only less th...

TSK: Deuteronomy 18 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Deu 18:1, The LORD is the priests and Levites’ inheritance; Deu 18:3, The priests’ due; Deu 18:6, The Levites’ portion; Deu 18:9, T...

Poole: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) FIFTH BOOK of MOSES, CALLED DEUTERONOMY THE ARGUMENT Moses, in the two last months of his life, rehearseth what God had done for them, and their ...

Poole: Deuteronomy 18 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 18 The Lord is the priests’ and Levites’ inheritance. Deu 18:1,2 . Their due from the people, Deu 18:3-5 . A Levite’ s por...

MHCC: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) This book repeats much of the history and of the laws contained in the three foregoing books: Moses delivered it to Israel a little before his death, ...

MHCC: Deuteronomy 18 (Chapter Introduction) (Deu 18:1-8) A provision respecting Levites. (Deu 18:9-14) The abominations of the Canaanites to be avoided. (Deu 18:15-22) Christ the great Prophet...

Matthew Henry: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Fifth Book of Moses, Called Deuteronomy This book is a repetition of very much both of the history ...

Matthew Henry: Deuteronomy 18 (Chapter Introduction) In this chapter, I. The rights and revenues of the church are settled, and rules given concerning the Levites' ministration and maintenance (Deu 1...

Constable: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title of this book in the Hebrew Bible was its first two words,...

Constable: Deuteronomy (Outline) Outline I. Introduction: the covenant setting 1:1-5 II. Moses' first major address: a review...

Constable: Deuteronomy Deuteronomy Bibliography Adams, Jay. Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible. Phillipsburg, N.J.: Presbyt...

Haydock: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION. THE BOOK OF DEUTERONOMY. This Book is called Deuteronomy, which signifies a second law , because it repeats and inculcates the ...

Gill: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO DEUTERONOMY This book is sometimes called "Elleh hadebarim", from the words with which it begins; and sometimes by the Jews "Mishne...

Gill: Deuteronomy 18 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO DEUTERONOMY 18 This chapter gives an account of the provision made for the priests and Levites, with the reason of it, Deu 18:1, of...

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