Text -- Deuteronomy 24:10 (NET)

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Wesley -> Deu 24:10
Wesley: Deu 24:10 - -- To prevent both the poor man's reproach by having his wants exposed, and the creditor's greediness which might be occasioned by the sight of something...
To prevent both the poor man's reproach by having his wants exposed, and the creditor's greediness which might be occasioned by the sight of something which he desired, and the debtor could not spare.
JFB -> Deu 24:10-13
JFB: Deu 24:10-13 - -- The course recommended was, in kind and considerate regard, to spare the borrower's feelings. In the case of a poor man who had pledged his cloak, it ...
The course recommended was, in kind and considerate regard, to spare the borrower's feelings. In the case of a poor man who had pledged his cloak, it was to be restored before night, as the poor in Eastern countries have commonly no other covering for wrapping themselves in when they go to sleep than the garment they have worn during the day.
Calvin -> Deu 24:10
Calvin: Deu 24:10 - -- 10.When thou dost lend thy brother anything He provides against another iniquity in reclaiming a pledge, viz., that the creditor should ransack the h...
10.When thou dost lend thy brother anything He provides against another iniquity in reclaiming a pledge, viz., that the creditor should ransack the house and furniture of his brother, in order to pick out the pledge at his pleasure. For, if this option were given to the avaricious rich, they would be satisfied with no moderation, but would seize upon all that was best, as if making an assault on the very entrails of the poor: in a word, they would ransack men’s houses, or at any rate, whilst they contemptuously refused this or that, they would fill the wretched with rebuke and shame. God, therefore, will have no pledge reclaimed, except what the debtor of his own accord, and at his own convenience, shall bring out of his house, lie even proceeds further, that the creditor shall not take back any pledge which he knows to be necessary for the poor: for example, if he should pledge the bed on which he sleeps, or his counterpane, or cloak, or mantle. For it is not just that lie should be stripped, so as to suffer from cold, or to be deprived of other aids, the use of which he could not forego without loss or inconvenience. A promise, therefore, is added, that this act of humanity will be pleasing to God, when the poor shall sleep in the garment which is restored to him. He speaks even more distinctly, and says: The poor will bless thee, and it shall be accounted to thee for righteousness. For God indicates that He hears the prayers of the poor and needy, lest the rich man should think the bounty thrown away which lie confers upon a lowly individual. We must, indeed, be more than iron-hearted, unless we are disposed to such liberality as this, when we understand that, although the poor have not the means of repaying us in this world, still they have the power of recompensing us before God, i e. , by obtaining grace for us through their prayers. An implied threat is also conveyed, that if the poor man should sleep inconveniently, or catch cold through our fault, God. will hear his groans, so that our cruelty will not be unpunished. But if the poor man, upon whom we have had compassion, should be ungrateful, yet, even though he is silent, our kindness will cry out to God; whilst, on the other hand, our tyrannical harshness will suffice to provoke God’s vengeance, although he who has been treated unkindly should patiently swallow his wrong. To be unto righteousness 108 is equivalent to being approved by God, or being an acceptable act; for since the keeping of the Law is true righteousness, this praise is extended to particular acts of obedience. Although it must be observed that this righteousness fails and vanishes, unless we universally fulfill whatever God enjoins. It is, indeed, a part of righteousness to restore a poor man’s pledge; but if a mall be only beneficent in this respect., whilst in other matters he robs his brethren; or if, whilst free from avarice, he exercises violence, is given to lust or gluttony, the particular righteousness, although pleasing in itself to God, will not come into account. In fact, we must hold fast the axiom, that no work is accounted righteous before God, unless il, proceeds from a man of purity and integrity; whereas there is none such to be found. Consequently, no works are imputed unto righteousness, except because God deigns to bestow His gratuitous favor on believers. In itself, indeed, it would be true, that whatever act of obedience to God we perform, it is accounted for righteousness, i e. , if the whole course of our life corresponded to it, whereas no work proceeds from us which is not corrupted by some defect. Thus, we must fly to God’s mercy, in order that, being reconciled to us, He may also accept our work.
What he had previously prescribed respecting the poor, lie afterwards applies to widows alone, yet so as to recommend all poor persons to us under their name; and this we gather both from the beginning of the verse (17,) in which lie instructs them to deal fairly and justly with strangers and orphans, and also from the reason which is added, viz., that they should reflect that they were bondmen in the land of Egypt; for their condition there did not suffer them proudly to insult the miserable; and it is natural that he should be the more affected with the ills of others who has experienced the same. Since, then, this reason is a general one, it is evident also that the precept is general, that we should be humane towards all that are in want.
TSK -> Deu 24:10

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Barnes -> Deu 24:10-13
Barnes: Deu 24:10-13 - -- Compare Exo 22:25-27. Deu 24:13 Righteousness unto thee - Compare Deu 6:25 note.
Poole -> Deu 24:10
Poole: Deu 24:10 - -- To prevent both the poor man’ s reproach, by having his wants exposed to view, and the creditor’ s insolence and greediness, which might b...
To prevent both the poor man’ s reproach, by having his wants exposed to view, and the creditor’ s insolence and greediness, which might be occasioned by the sight of something which he desired, and the debtor could not spare.
Haydock -> Deu 24:10
Haydock: Deu 24:10 - -- Pledge. This was left to the choice of the debtor, provided he gave sufficient. The Athenian and Roman laws allowed a person to search his neighbou...
Pledge. This was left to the choice of the debtor, provided he gave sufficient. The Athenian and Roman laws allowed a person to search his neighbour's house, for what he had lost: but he was to enter covered only with a short garment round his middle, (Calmet) to prevent his taking away any thing which did not belong to him.
Gill -> Deu 24:10
Gill: Deu 24:10 - -- When thou dost lend thy brother anything,.... Any sum of money he stands in need of, or demanded a debt of him, as Jarchi; money he is indebted to the...
When thou dost lend thy brother anything,.... Any sum of money he stands in need of, or demanded a debt of him, as Jarchi; money he is indebted to thee, which is the sense of the Septuagint version; and he is not able to pay it, but offers something: in pawn till he can pay it:
thou shall not go into his house to fetch his pledge; which would be an exercise of too much power and authority, to go into a neighbour's house, and take what was liked; and besides, as no doubt he would take the best, so he might take that which the poor man could not spare: and indeed, according to the Jewish canons k, he could not take any pledge at all, but with the knowledge, and by the leave, of the sanhedrim, or court of judicature.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes -> Deu 24:10
NET Notes: Deu 24:10 Heb “his pledge.” This refers to something offered as pledge of repayment, i.e., as security for the debt.
Geneva Bible -> Deu 24:10
Geneva Bible: Deu 24:10 When thou dost lend thy brother any thing, thou shalt not go ( e ) into his house to fetch his pledge.
( e ) As though you would appoint what to have...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Deu 24:1-22
TSK Synopsis: Deu 24:1-22 - --1 Of divorce.5 A new married man goes not to war.6 Of pledges.7 Of man-stealers.8 Of leprosy.10 Of pledges.14 The hire is to be given.16 Of justice.19...
MHCC -> Deu 24:5-13
MHCC: Deu 24:5-13 - --It is of great consequence that love be kept up between husband and wife; that they carefully avoid every thing which might make them strange one to a...
Matthew Henry -> Deu 24:5-13
Matthew Henry: Deu 24:5-13 - -- Here is, I. Provision made for the preservation and confirmation of love between new-married people, Deu 24:5. This fitly follows upon the laws conc...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Deu 24:10-11
Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 24:10-11 - --
Warning against oppressing the Poor . - Deu 24:10, Deu 24:11. If a loan of any kind was lent to a neighbour, the lender was not to go into his hous...
Constable: Deu 5:1--26:19 - --IV. MOSES' SECOND MAJOR ADDRESS: AN EXPOSITION OF THE LAW chs. 5--26
". . . Deuteronomy contains the most compre...

Constable: Deu 12:1--25:19 - --B. An exposition of selected covenant laws 12-25
Moses' homiletical exposition of the law of Israel that...

Constable: Deu 24:8--26:1 - --9. Laws arising from the ninth commandment 24:8-25:19
The ninth commandment is, "You shall not b...