Text -- Deuteronomy 32:6 (NET)

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Wesley: Deu 32:6 - -- Fools and double fools! Fools indeed, to disoblige one, on whom you so entirely depend! Who hath bewitched you! To forsake your own mercies for lying ...
Fools and double fools! Fools indeed, to disoblige one, on whom you so entirely depend! Who hath bewitched you! To forsake your own mercies for lying vanities! Bought thee - That hath redeemed thee from Egyptian bondage.

Wesley: Deu 32:6 - -- Not only in a general by creation, but in a peculiar manner by making thee his peculiar people.
Not only in a general by creation, but in a peculiar manner by making thee his peculiar people.

Wesley: Deu 32:6 - -- That is, renewed and confirmed his favour to thee, and not taken it away, which thou hast often provoked him to do.
That is, renewed and confirmed his favour to thee, and not taken it away, which thou hast often provoked him to do.
Or emancipated thee from Egyptian bondage.

Advanced the nation to unprecedented and peculiar privileges.
Calvin -> Deu 32:6
Calvin: Deu 32:6 - -- 6.Do ye thus requite the Lord In order to expose the ingratitude of the people to greater infamy, he now begins to commemorate the benefits whereby G...
6.Do ye thus requite the Lord In order to expose the ingratitude of the people to greater infamy, he now begins to commemorate the benefits whereby God had laid them under obligation to Himself: for the more liberally God deals with us, the more earnest ought to be the piety awakened in our hearts; nay, His goodness, as soon as we have tasted of it, ought to draw us at once to Him. Now God, although he has been always bountiful towards the whole human race, had, in a peculiar manner showered down an immense abundance of His bounty upon that people; this, then, Moses alleges, and shows how basely ungrateful they had been. He first expostulates with them interrogatively, asking them whether this was a fitting return for God’s especial blessings; and then proceeds to enumerate them. He inquires of them, then, whether God was not their father, from the time when He had honored them with the distinction of His adoption: and under this single head he comprehends many things, because from this source proceeded whatever blessings God had conferred upon them. Not, however, to examine every point with the accuracy it deserves, what more binding obligation could be imagined than that God should have chosen one nation for Himself out of the whole world, whose father He should be by special privilege? For, although all human beings, since they were created in the image of God, are sometimes called His children, still to be accounted His children was the special privilege of the sons of Abraham. And, in order to prove that this was not a natural, but an acquired dignity, Moses immediately afterwards explains in what way God was their Father: viz., that he purchased, made, and prepared them. The foundation and origin, then, was the gratuitous good pleasure of God, when He took them to be His own peculiar people. Elsewhere, indeed, His second purchase of them is mentioned, when He redeemed them from Egypt; here, however, Moses goes back farther, viz., to the covenant made with Abraham, whereby they were separated from other nations, as will presently more clearly appear. I reject, as not in harmony with the context, the translation which some give of the word,
In the same sense it is added, that they were made by God: which does not. refer to the general creation, but only to the privilege of adoption, whereby they became God’s new work, and in which another form was imparted to them; in which sense also He is called their framer, or Maker. Elsewhere, also, when the Prophet says,
“Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves,” (Psa 100:3,)
he undoubtedly magnifies that special prerogative, whereby God had distinguished the sons of Abraham above all other races. For, since the fall of Adam had brought disgrace upon all his posterity, God restores those, whom He separates as His own, so that their condition may be better than that of all other nations. At the same time it must be remarked, that this grace of renewal is effaced in many who have afterwards profaned it. Consequently the Church is called God’s work and creation, in two senses, i.e., generally with respect to its outward calling, and specially with respect to spiritual regeneration, as far as regards the elect; for the covenant of grace is common to hypocrites and true believers. On this ground all whom God gathers into His Church, are indiscriminately said to be renewed and regenerated: but the internal renovation belongs to believers only; whom Paul, therefore, calls God’s “workmanship, created unto good works, which God hath prepared,” etc. (Eph 2:10.) The same is the tendency of the third word, which may, however, be taken for to “establish;” 255 although I have preferred to follow the more received sense, viz, that God had prepared His people, as the artificer fashions and fits his work.
TSK -> Deu 32:6
TSK: Deu 32:6 - -- requite : Deu 32:18; Isa 1:2; 2Co 5:14, 2Co 5:15; Tit 2:11-14
O foolish : Psa 74:18; Jer 4:22, Jer 5:21; Gal 3:1-3
thy father : Exo 4:22; Isa 63:16; L...
requite : Deu 32:18; Isa 1:2; 2Co 5:14, 2Co 5:15; Tit 2:11-14
O foolish : Psa 74:18; Jer 4:22, Jer 5:21; Gal 3:1-3
thy father : Exo 4:22; Isa 63:16; Luk 15:18-20; Joh 8:41; Rom 8:15; Gal 3:26, Gal 4:6; 1Jo 3:1
hath bought : Exo 15:16; Psa 74:2; Isa 43:3, Isa 43:4; Act 20:28; 1Co 6:20; 2Pe 2:1
made thee : Job 10:8; Psa 95:6, Psa 100:3, Psa 149:2; Isa 27:11, Isa 43:7, Isa 44:2

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Barnes -> Deu 32:1-42
Barnes: Deu 32:1-42 - -- Song of Moses If Deu 32:1-3 be regarded as the introduction, and Deu 32:43 as the conclusion, the main contents of the song may be grouped und...
Song of Moses
If Deu 32:1-3 be regarded as the introduction, and Deu 32:43 as the conclusion, the main contents of the song may be grouped under three heads, namely,
(1) Deu 32:4-18, the faithfulness of God, the faithlessness of Israel;
(2) Deu 32:19-33, the chastisement and the need of its infliction by God;
(3) Deu 32:34-42, God’ s compassion upon the low and humbled state of His people.
The Song differs signally in diction and idiom from the preceding chapters; just as a lyrical passage is conceived in modes of thought wholly unlike those which belong to narrative or exhortation, and is uttered in different phraseology.
There are, however, in the Song numerous coincidences both in thoughts and words with other parts of the Pentateuch, and especially with Deuteronomy; while the resemblances between it and Ps. 90: "A Prayer of Moses,"have been rightly regarded as important.
The Song has reference to a state of things which did not ensue until long after the days of Moses. In this it resembles other parts of Deuteronomy and the Pentateuch which no less distinctly contemplate an apostasy (e. g. Deu 28:15; Lev 26:14), and describe it in general terms. If once we admit the possibility that Moses might foresee the future apostasy of Israel, it is scarcely possible to conceive how such foresight could be turned to better account by him than by the writing of this Song. Exhibiting as it does God’ s preventing mercies, His people’ s faithlessness and ingratitude, God’ s consequent judgments, and the final and complete triumph of the divine counsels of grace, it forms the summary of all later Old Testament prophecies, and gives as it were the framework upon which they are laid out. Here as elsewhere the Pentateuch presents itself as the foundation of the religious life of Israel in after times. The currency of the Song would be a standing protest against apostasy; a protest which might well check waverers, and warn the faithful that the revolt of others was neither unforeseen nor unprovided for by Him in whom they trusted.
That this Ode must on every ground take the very first rank in Hebrew poetry is universally allowed.
Introduction. Heaven and earth are here invoked, as elsewhere (see the marginal references), in order to impress on the hearers the importance of what is to follow.
He is the Rock, his work is perfect - Rather, the Rock, perfect is his work. This epithet, repeated no less than five times in the Song Deu 32:15, Deu 32:18, Deu 32:30-31, represents those attributes of God which Moses is seeking to enforce, immutability and impregnable strength. Compare the expression "the stone of Israel"in Gen 49:24; and see 1Sa 2:2; Psa 18:2; Mat 16:18; Joh 1:42. Zur, the original of "Rock,"enters frequently into the composition of proper names of the Mosaic time, e. g., Num 1:5-6, Num 1:10; Num 2:12; Num 3:35, etc. Our translators have elsewhere rendered it according to the sense "everlasting strength"Isa 26:4, "the Mighty One"Isa 30:29; in this chapter they have rightly adhered to the letter throughout.
Render: "It"(i. e. "the perverse and crooked generation") "hath corrupted itself before Him (compare Isa 1:4); they are not His children, but their blemish:"i. e., the generation of evil-doers cannot be styled God’ s children, but rather the shame and disgrace of God’ s children. The other side of the picture is thus brought forward with a brevity and abruptness which strikingly enforces the contrast.
Hath bought thee - Rather perhaps, "hath acquired thee for His own,"or "possessed thee:"compare the expression "a peculiar people,"margin "a purchased people,"in 1Pe 2:9.
That is, while nations were being constituted under God’ s providence, and the bounds of their habitation determined under His government (compare Act 17:26), He had even then in view the interests of His elect, and reserved a fitting inheritance "according to the number of the children of Israel;"i. e., proportionate to the wants of their population. Some texts of the Greek version have "according to the number of the Angels of God;"following apparently not a different reading, but the Jewish notion that the nations of the earth are seventy in number (compare Gen 10:1 note), and that each has its own guardian Angel (compare Ecclus. 17:17). This was possibly suggested by an apprehension that the literal rendering might prove invidious to the many Gentiles who would read the Greek version.
These verses set forth in figurative language the helpless and hopeless state of the nation when God took pity on it, and the love and care which He bestowed on it.
In the waste howling wilderness - literally, "in a waste, the howling of a wilderness,"i. e., a wilderness in which wild beasts howl. The word for "waste"is that used in Gen 1:2, and there rendered "without form."
Compare Exo 19:4. The "so,"which the King James Version supplies in the next verse, should he inserted before "spreadeth,"and omitted from Deu 32:12. The sense is, "so He spread out His wings, took them up,"etc.
With him - i. e., with God. The Lord alone delivered Israel; Israel therefore ought to have served none other but Him.
i. e., God gave Israel possession of those commanding positions which carry with them dominion over the whole land (compare Deu 33:29), and enabled him to draw the richest provision out of spots naturally unproductive.
Breed of Bashan - Bashan was famous for its cattle. Compare Psa 22:12; Eze 39:18.
Fat of kidneys of wheat - i. e., the finest and most nutritious wheat. The fat of the kidneys was regarded as being the finest and tenderest, and was therefore specified as a part of the sacrificial animals which was to be offered to the Lord: compare Exo 29:13, etc.
The pure blood of the qrape - Render, the blood of the grape, even wine. The Hebrew word seems (compare Isa 27:2) a poetical term for wine.
Jesbarun - This word, found again only in Deu 33:5, Deu 33:26, and Isa 44:2, is not a diminutive but an appellative (containing an allusion to the root, "to be righteous"); and describes not the character which belonged to Israel in fact, but that to which Israel was called. Compare Num 23:21. The prefixing of this epithet to the description of Israel’ s apostasy contained in the words next following is full of keen reproof.
They provoked him to jealousy - The language is borrowed from the matrimonial relationship, as in Deu 31:16.
Devils - Render, destroyers. The application of the word to the false gods points to the trait so deeply graven in all pagan worship, that of regarding the deities as malignant, and needing to be propitiated by human sufferings.
Not to God - Rather, "not God,"i. e., which were not God; see the margin and Deu 32:21. Compare Deu 13:7; Deu 29:25.
The anger of God at the apostasy of His people is stated in general terms in this verse; and the results of it are described, in words as of God Himself, in the next and following verses. These results consisted negatively in the withdrawal of God’ s favor Deu 32:20, and positively in the infliction of a righteous retribution.
Daughters - The women had their full share in the sins of the people. Compare Isa 3:16 ff; Isa 32:9 ff; Jer 7:18; Jer 44:15 ff.
I will see what their end shall be - Compare the similar expression in Gen 37:20.
God would mete out to them the same measure as they had done to Him. Through chosen by the one God to be His own, they had preferred idols, which were no gods. So therefore would He prefer to His people that which was no people. As they had angered Him with their vanities, so would He provoke them by adopting in their stead those whom they counted as nothing. The terms, "not a people,"and "a foolish nation,"mean such a people as, not being God’ s, would not be accounted a people at all (compare Eph 2:12; 1Pe 2:10), and such a nation as is destitute of that which alone can make a really "wise and understanding people"Deu 4:6, namely, the knowledge of the revealed word and will of God (compare 1Co 1:18-28).
Burning heat - i. e., the fear of a pestilential disease. On the "four sore judgments,"famine, plague, noisome beasts, the sword, compare Lev 26:22; Jer 15:2; Eze 5:17; Eze 14:21.
Rather, I would utterly disperse them, etc., were it not that I apprehended the provocation of the enemy, i. e., that I should be provoked to wrath when the enemy ascribed the overthrow of Israel to his own prowess and not to my judgments. Compare Deu 9:28-29; Eze 20:9, Eze 20:14, Eze 20:22.
Behave themselves strangely - Rather, misunderstand it, i. e., mistake the cause of Israel’ s ruin.
The defeat of Israel would be due to the fact that God, their strength, had abandoned them because of their apostasy.
Our enemies - i. e., the enemies of Moses and the faithful Israelites; the pagan, more especially those with whom Israel was brought into collision, whom Israel was commissioned to "chase,"but to whom, as a punishment for faithlessness, Israel was "sold,"Deu 32:30. Moses leaves the decision, whether "their rock"(i. e. the false gods of the pagan to which the apostate Israelites had fallen away) or "our Rock"is superior, to be determined by the unbelievers themselves. For example, see Exo 14:25; Num. 23; 24; Jos 2:9 ff; 1Sa 4:8; 1Sa 5:7 ff; 1Ki 20:28. That the pagan should thus be constrained to bear witness to the supremacy of Israel’ s God heightened the folly of Israel’ s apostasy.
Their vine - i. e., the nature and character of Israel: compare for similar expressions Psa 80:8, Psa 80:14; Jer 2:21; Hos 10:1.
Sodom ... Gomorrah - Here, as elsewhere, and often in the prophets, emblems of utter depravity: compare Isa 1:10; Jer 23:14,
Gall - Compare Deu 29:18 note.
Rather: "Vengeance is mine and recompence, at the time when their foot slideth.
Repent himself for - Rather, have compassion upon. The verse declares that God’ s judgment of His people would issue at once in the punishment of the wicked, and in the comfort of the righteous.
None shut up, or left - A proverbial phrase (compare 1Ki 14:10) meaning perhaps "married and single,"or "guarded and forsaken,"but signifying generally "all men of all sorts."
Render: For I lift up my hand to heaven and say, As I live forever, if I whet, etc. On Deu 32:40, in which God is described as swearing by Himself, compare Isa 45:23; Jer 22:5; Heb 6:17. The lifting up of the hand was a gesture used in making oath (compare Gen 14:22; Rev 10:5).
From the beginning of revenges upon the enemy - Render, (drunk with blood) from the head (i. e. the chief) of the princes of the enemy.
Poole -> Deu 32:6
Poole: Deu 32:6 - -- Hath bought thee that hath redeemed and rescued thee from Egyptian bondage.
Made thee i.e. advanced thee, as that word is used, 1Sa 12:6 Est 6:6 Ps...
Hath bought thee that hath redeemed and rescued thee from Egyptian bondage.
Made thee i.e. advanced thee, as that word is used, 1Sa 12:6 Est 6:6 Psa 95:6 149:2 Isa 43:7 . Made thee , not only in a general and common way, by creation or production; but in a peculiar manner, by adoption, or making thee his peculiar people and children.
Established thee i.e. renewed and confirmed his grace and favour to thee, and not taken it away from thee, which thou hast oft provoked him to do.
Haydock -> Deu 32:6
Haydock: Deu 32:6 - -- Possessed thee, as his peculiar inheritance. (Menochius) ---
Hebrew, "has purchased thee, made thee, and established thee." (Calmet) ---
The Sept...
Possessed thee, as his peculiar inheritance. (Menochius) ---
Hebrew, "has purchased thee, made thee, and established thee." (Calmet) ---
The Septuagint render this last word like the Vulgate as they seem to have read, ibnoc. (Calmet)
Gill -> Deu 32:6
Gill: Deu 32:6 - -- Do you thus requite the Lord, O foolish people and unwise,.... This is also a proper character of the Jews in the times of Christ, who are often by hi...
Do you thus requite the Lord, O foolish people and unwise,.... This is also a proper character of the Jews in the times of Christ, who are often by him called "fools", Mat 23:17; being very ignorant of the Scriptures, and of the prophecies in them respecting him, setting up their own traditions on a level with the word of God, or above it; they were ignorant of the law of God, and the meaning of it; of the righteousness of God, of the righteousness of his nature, and of what the law required, as well as of the righteousness of Christ, and of him as a spiritual Redeemer, and of salvation by him; and a most egregious instance of their folly, and of want of wisdom, was their ingratitude to him, in disesteeming and rejecting him; which is what is here referred to and meant by ill-requiting him, though not expressed till Deu 32:15; and a most sad requital of him it was indeed, that he should come to them, his own, in so kind and gracious a manner, and yet be rejected by them; that he should become man, and yet for that reason be charged with blasphemy, for making himself God; horrid ingratitude, to infer the one from the other! and because he appeared as a servant, disowned him as the Son of God; and because he came in the likeness of sinful flesh to take away sin, they traduced him as a sinner:
is not he thy Father, that hath bought thee? hath he not made thee,
and established thee? Moses, in order to aggravate this their ingratitude, rehearses the various instances of divine goodness to them, from the beginning of them as nation; it was the Lord that was the founder of them as a nation, whose Son, when sent unto them, was rejected by them; it was he that bought them, or redeemed them from Egyptian bondage, that made or formed them into a body politic, or civil commonwealth, that established and settled them in the land of Canaan: this is expressed in general terms; particular instances of the goodness of God to them are after enumerated: or if this is to be understood of Christ himself, who was rejected by them, it is true of some among them, in a spiritual and evangelic sense, and so, by a figure, the whole is put for a part, as sometimes the part is for the whole: Christ, the everlasting Father of the world to come, had many children in the Jewish nation, for whose sake he became incarnate, and whom he came to seek and to save; and whom he "bought" with his precious blood, and whom, by his Spirit and grace, he "made" new creatures, the children of God, kings and priests unto God; and "established" them in the faith of him, and upon him, the sure foundation; or whom he fashioned, beautified, and adorned with his righteousness, and with the graces of his Spirit.

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TSK Synopsis -> Deu 32:1-52
TSK Synopsis: Deu 32:1-52 - --1 Moses song, which sets forth God's mercy and vengeance.46 He exhorts them to set their hearts upon it.48 God sends him up to mount Nebo, to see the ...
MHCC -> Deu 32:3-6
MHCC: Deu 32:3-6 - --" He is a Rock." This is the first time God is called so in Scripture. The expression denotes that the Divine power, faithfulness, and love, as revea...
Matthew Henry -> Deu 32:1-6
Matthew Henry: Deu 32:1-6 - -- Here is, I. A commanding preface or introduction to this song of Moses, Deu 32:1, Deu 32:2. He begins, 1. With a solemn appeal to heaven and earth c...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Deu 32:1-43
Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 32:1-43 - --
The Song of Moses. - In accordance with the object announced in Deu 31:19, this song contrasts the unchangeable fidelity of the Lord with the perver...
Constable -> Deu 31:1--34:12; Deu 32:1-43
Constable: Deu 31:1--34:12 - --VII. MOSES' LAST ACTS chs. 31--34
Having completed the major addresses to the Israelites recorded to this point ...