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Text -- Deuteronomy 33:28 (NET)

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33:28 Israel lives in safety, the fountain of Jacob is quite secure, in a land of grain and new wine; indeed, its heavens rain down dew.
Parallel   Cross Reference (TSK)   ITL  

Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · Jacob the second so of a pair of twins born to Isaac and Rebeccaa; ancestor of the 12 tribes of Israel,the nation of Israel,a person, male,son of Isaac; Israel the man and nation

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Wine | Simeon, The tribe of | SIMEON (1) | Religion | Moses | Moab | Israel | INTERCESSION | Grain | God | GOD, 2 | FOUNTAIN | Death | DEUTERONOMY | Bless | Benedictions | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Deu 33:28 - -- Either Tho' they be alone, and have no confederates to defend them, but have all the world against them, yet my single protection shall be sufficient ...

Either Tho' they be alone, and have no confederates to defend them, but have all the world against them, yet my single protection shall be sufficient for them. Or, Distinct and separated from all other nations, with whom I will not have them mingle themselves.

Wesley: Deu 33:28 - -- That is, the posterity of Jacob, which flowed from him as waters from a fountain, in great abundance. The fountain is here put for the river or stream...

That is, the posterity of Jacob, which flowed from him as waters from a fountain, in great abundance. The fountain is here put for the river or streams which flow from it, as Jacob or Israel who is the fountain is often put for the children of Israel.

Wesley: Deu 33:28 - -- That is, those heavens or that air which hangs over his land.

That is, those heavens or that air which hangs over his land.

JFB: Deu 33:26-29 - -- The chapter concludes with a congratulatory address to Israel on their peculiar happiness and privilege in having Jehovah for their God and protector.

The chapter concludes with a congratulatory address to Israel on their peculiar happiness and privilege in having Jehovah for their God and protector.

JFB: Deu 33:26-29 - -- An evident allusion to the pillar of cloud and fire, which was both the guide and shelter of Israel.

An evident allusion to the pillar of cloud and fire, which was both the guide and shelter of Israel.

JFB: Deu 33:28 - -- The posterity of Israel shall dwell in a blessed and favored land.

The posterity of Israel shall dwell in a blessed and favored land.

Clarke: Deu 33:28 - -- Israel then shall dwell - alone - This people shall not be incorporated with any other people under heaven. A prophecy which continues to be fulfill...

Israel then shall dwell - alone - This people shall not be incorporated with any other people under heaven. A prophecy which continues to be fulfilled to the very letter. Every attempt to unite them with any other people has proved absolutely ineffectual

Clarke: Deu 33:28 - -- The fountain of Jacob - His offspring, shall possess a most fertile land; such was Palestine.

The fountain of Jacob - His offspring, shall possess a most fertile land; such was Palestine.

Calvin: Deu 33:28 - -- 28.Israel then shall dwell in safety alone 328 The beginning of the verse is by no means obscure, for Moses promises in it to the elect people what a...

28.Israel then shall dwell in safety alone 328 The beginning of the verse is by no means obscure, for Moses promises in it to the elect people what all have naturally a great desire for, viz., peace or tranquillity; for he is said to dwell confidently alone, who: fears no danger, whom no care harasses, and who needs no garrison, or defense. This, indeed, God never vouchsafed altogether to the Israelites, that they should inhabit their land in security and without the fear of enemies, inasmuch as their ingratitude did not allow of it; and therefore the prophets, in enumerating the blessings of Christ’s kingdom, declare that every one should “dwell beneath his own vine, and his own fig-tree.”

For “the fountain of Jacob,” some have the word eye, 329 and suppose it to be used metaphorically for his vision; as though it were said, that the quiet and peaceful habitation referred to was to be expected by the people from the vision of their father Jacob. Others, however, more correctly read the words “fountain of Jacob,” in apposition (with Israel,) inasmuch as all the tribes derived their origin from that one father. In this way the “fountain” will not be only the actual source; but the rivulet, or stream, which flows down from it.

In conclusion, Moses promises that the very sky of the Holy Land should be propitious, and benignant.

TSK: Deu 33:28 - -- Israel : Exo 33:16; Num 23:9; Jer 23:6, Jer 33:16; Eze 34:25; Rev 21:27, Rev 22:14, Rev 22:15 the fountain : Deu 8:7, Deu 8:8; Psa 68:26; Pro 5:15-18;...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Deu 33:28 - -- The fountain of Jacob shall be upon a land of corn and wine - The King James Version does not preserve the symmetry of the clauses. Render it: ...

The fountain of Jacob shall be upon a land of corn and wine - The King James Version does not preserve the symmetry of the clauses. Render it: "Israel shall dwell in safety; alone shall the fountain of Jacob be"(compare Psa 68:26; Isa 48:1); "in a land,"etc.

Poole: Deu 33:28 - -- Alone either, 1. Though they be alone, and have no confederates to defend them, but have all the world against them, yet my single protection shall ...

Alone either,

1. Though they be alone, and have no confederates to defend them, but have all the world against them, yet my single protection shall be sufficient for them. Or,

2. Distinct and separated from all other nations, with whom I will not have them to mingle themselves. See Num 23:9 Ezr 9:1,2 .

The fountain of Jacob i.e. the posterity of Jacob, which flowed from him its waters from a fountain, in great abundance. Compare Psa 68:26 Isa 48:1 . The fountain is here put for the river or streams which flow from it, as Psa 94:10 ; as the root is put for the branch , 2Ch 22:10 Isa 11:10 Rev 5:5 ; and as Jacob or Israel, who is the fountain , is oft put for the children of Israel. Or, the eye (for so the Hebrew word oft signifies)

of Jacob i.e. of the people of Israel; and so the sense is, They who now only hear of the land of promise shall shortly see it, which I am not suffered to do, and shall enjoy it, which is oft signified by seeing, as Psa 4:6 27:13 34:12 Ecc 2:1 3:13 .

His heavens i.e. those heavens or that air which hangs over his land.

Haydock: Deu 33:28 - -- Alone, without standing in need of the assistance of any other but God. See Numbers xxiii. 9. (Haydock) --- Some of the ancient Germans would have...

Alone, without standing in need of the assistance of any other but God. See Numbers xxiii. 9. (Haydock) ---

Some of the ancient Germans would have no communication with any other nation; and they depopulated the country around, to keep all at a distance. (Calmet) ---

The Chinese seem to be at present nearly of the same disposition, as well as those who inhabit Japan, &c. ---

The eye of Jacob. His posterity, by whom he sees the transactions of the world. (Haydock) ---

Hebrew the fountain, is taken in the same sense. The country which his descendants enjoyed, was well watered with springs, Numbers xxiv. 7. ---

Dew, it will be so abundant. Chaldean, The heavens will drop down dew, chap. xxxii. 2.

Gill: Deu 33:28 - -- Israel then shall dwell in safety alone,.... The Canaanites being thrust out of their land, and Israel put into the possession of it, should dwell in ...

Israel then shall dwell in safety alone,.... The Canaanites being thrust out of their land, and Israel put into the possession of it, should dwell in safety, or "confidently" l; without fear of enemies, though surrounded with them on all hands; and though alone, a separate people, distinct from all others their neighbours round about them; see Num 23:9. So the spiritual Israel dwell in the eternal God, their mansion, or dwelling place; in Christ, their rock; and in a strong city, the church, where they are in the utmost safety. God is all around them; Christ is their refuge, strong hold, and tower; the Holy Spirit in the midst of them is mighty; angels are their guardians, and the church their strong city, whose walls and bulwarks are salvation: here they dwell confidently and securely; though they have sometimes their fears, they have no just reason for them; and when faith is in exercise, are free from them, casting all their care on the Lord, and having confidence in him; where they are alone, not solitary; all the three divine Persons dwell with them, and also angels and saints their fellow citizens; but independent of others, having large provisions in Christ, in the covenant, and in the house of God; and are a separate and distinct people now, and will be to all eternity; See Gill on Num 23:9,

the fountain of Jacob shall be upon a land of corn and wine; that is, the Israelites that spring from Jacob, as streams of water from a fountain; see Isa 48:1; these shall be or dwell upon the land of Canaan, a land abounding with corn and wine, and all good things, Deu 8:7; or "in" or "by the fountain of Jacob" m; in a well watered land, there they should dwell. So the spiritual Israel of God dwell in and by Christ, the fountain of gardens, the well of living waters, of life and salvation, in whom all fulness of grace dwells for their supply: or "the eye of Jacob" n is or shall be on a land, &c. that is, the Israelites had their eye on the good land of Canaan, and would quickly not only be in sight, but in possession of it. Every true Israelite has a spiritual eye, which is the eve of faith, the evidence of things not seen, which looks to and upon that better country, the land afar off, heaven and eternal happiness, and expects and waits for the full, enjoyment of it:

also his heavens shall drop down dew: the heavens over the land of Canaan should drop down dew upon it, and make it fruitful to bring forth corn and wine, which was Jacob's blessing, Gen 27:28. Thus the Lord in the heavens drops down the dew of grace, and the blessings of it, upon his people, which make them revive as the corn, and grow as the vine; and Christ's heavenly ministers drop the dew of Gospel doctrine upon them, to the great refreshment of them, Deu 32:3.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Deu 33:28 Or perhaps “drizzle, showers.” See note at Deut 32:2.

Geneva Bible: Deu 33:28 Israel then shall dwell in safety alone: ( r ) the fountain of Jacob [shall be] upon a land of corn and wine; also his heavens shall drop down dew. (...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Deu 33:1-29 - --1 The majesty of God.6 The blessings of the twelve tribes.26 The excellency of Israel.

MHCC: Deu 33:26-29 - --None had such a God as Israel. There is no people like the Israel of God. What is here said of the church of Israel is to be applied to the spiritual ...

Matthew Henry: Deu 33:26-29 - -- These are the last words of all that ever Moses, that great writer, that great dictator, either wrote himself or had written from his dictation; the...

Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 33:26-29 - -- The conclusion of the blessing corresponds to the introduction. As Moses commenced with the glorious fact of the founding of the kingdom of Jehovah ...

Constable: Deu 31:1--34:12 - --VII. MOSES' LAST ACTS chs. 31--34 Having completed the major addresses to the Israelites recorded to this point ...

Constable: Deu 33:1-29 - --D. Moses' blessing of the tribes ch. 33 After receiving the reminder of his death and as one of his final official acts as Israel's leader, Moses pron...

Guzik: Deu 33:1-29 - --Deuteronomy 33 - Moses Blesses the Tribes A. Introduction to the blessing of the tribes. 1. (1) Now this is the blessing . . . Now this is the ble...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) DEUTERONOMY, the second law, a title which plainly shows what is the object of this book, namely, a recapitulation of the law. It was given in the for...


TSK: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) The book of Deuteronomy marks the end of the Pentateuch, commonly called the Law of Moses; a work every way worthy of God its author, and only less th...

TSK: Deuteronomy 33 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Deu 33:1, The majesty of God; Deu 33:6, The blessings of the twelve tribes; Deu 33:26, The excellency of Israel.

Poole: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) FIFTH BOOK of MOSES, CALLED DEUTERONOMY THE ARGUMENT Moses, in the two last months of his life, rehearseth what God had done for them, and their ...

Poole: Deuteronomy 33 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 33 The majesty of God, Deu 33:1-5 . Blessings prophesied of the twelve tribes, Deu 33:6-25 . The excellency of Israel, Deu 33:26-29 . He ...

MHCC: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) This book repeats much of the history and of the laws contained in the three foregoing books: Moses delivered it to Israel a little before his death, ...

MHCC: Deuteronomy 33 (Chapter Introduction) (Deu 33:1-5) The glorious majesty of God. (v. 6-23) The blessings of the twelve tribes. (Deu 33:24, Deu 33:25) Strength to believers. (Deu 33:26-29...

Matthew Henry: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Fifth Book of Moses, Called Deuteronomy This book is a repetition of very much both of the history ...

Matthew Henry: Deuteronomy 33 (Chapter Introduction) Yet Moses has not done with the children of Israel; he seemed to have taken final leave of them in the close of the foregoing chapter, but still he...

Constable: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title of this book in the Hebrew Bible was its first two words,...

Constable: Deuteronomy (Outline) Outline I. Introduction: the covenant setting 1:1-5 II. Moses' first major address: a review...

Constable: Deuteronomy Deuteronomy Bibliography Adams, Jay. Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible. Phillipsburg, N.J.: Presbyt...

Haydock: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION. THE BOOK OF DEUTERONOMY. This Book is called Deuteronomy, which signifies a second law , because it repeats and inculcates the ...

Gill: Deuteronomy (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO DEUTERONOMY This book is sometimes called "Elleh hadebarim", from the words with which it begins; and sometimes by the Jews "Mishne...

Gill: Deuteronomy 33 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO DEUTERONOMY 33 This chapter relates the blessings Moses pronounced upon the people of Israel a little before his death; first, in g...

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