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Text -- Ecclesiastes 12:11 (NET)

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12:11 The words of the sages are like prods, and the collected sayings are like firmly fixed nails; they are given by one shepherd.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Words | Word of God | Wisdom | TEACH; TEACHER; TEACHING | Speaking | SHEPHERD | Oxgoad | NAIL | MASTER | Investigation | Instruction | Goads | GOAD | EDUCATION | DEAD | ASSEMBLIES, MASTERS OF | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Ecc 12:11 - -- Piercing into men's dull minds, which make powerful and abiding impressions in them.

Piercing into men's dull minds, which make powerful and abiding impressions in them.

Wesley: Ecc 12:11 - -- By the teachers of God's church, appointed of God for that work.

By the teachers of God's church, appointed of God for that work.

Wesley: Ecc 12:11 - -- From Christ, the great Shepherd of the church in all ages.

From Christ, the great Shepherd of the church in all ages.

JFB: Ecc 12:8-12 - -- A summary of the first part.

A summary of the first part.

JFB: Ecc 12:8-12 - -- Resumption of the sentiment with which the book began (Ecc 1:2; 1Jo 2:17).

Resumption of the sentiment with which the book began (Ecc 1:2; 1Jo 2:17).

JFB: Ecc 12:11 - -- Piercing deeply into the mind (Act 2:37; Act 9:5; Heb 4:12); evidently inspired words, as the end of the verse proves.

Piercing deeply into the mind (Act 2:37; Act 9:5; Heb 4:12); evidently inspired words, as the end of the verse proves.

JFB: Ecc 12:11 - -- Rather, on account of the Hebrew genders, (The words) "are fastened (in the memory) like nails" [HOLDEN].

Rather, on account of the Hebrew genders, (The words) "are fastened (in the memory) like nails" [HOLDEN].

JFB: Ecc 12:11 - -- Rather, "the masters of collections (that is, collectors of inspired sayings, Pro 25:1), are given ('have published them as proceeding' [HOLDEN]) from...

Rather, "the masters of collections (that is, collectors of inspired sayings, Pro 25:1), are given ('have published them as proceeding' [HOLDEN]) from one Shepherd," namely, the Spirit of Jesus Christ [WEISS], (Eze 37:24). However, the mention of "goads" favors the English Version, "masters of assemblies," namely, under-shepherds, inspired by the Chief Shepherd (1Pe 5:2-4). SCHMIDT translates, "The masters of assemblies are fastened (made sure) as nails," so Isa 22:23.

Clarke: Ecc 12:11 - -- The words of the wise - Doctrines of faith, illustrated by suitable language, are as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies, בעלי אספו...

The words of the wise - Doctrines of faith, illustrated by suitable language, are as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies, בעלי אספות baaley asuphoth , the masters of collections, those who had made the best collections of this kind, the matter of which was of the most excellent nature; every saying sinking as deeply into the mind, by the force of the truth contained in it, as a nail well pointed does into a board, when impelled by the hammer’ s force. These masters of collections have been supposed to be public persons appointed by the prince himself, the sole shepherd, to see that nothing was put into the people’ s hands but what would be profitable for them to read; and that, when any wise man gave public instructions, a good scribe sat by to take down the words; and then the master examined what he had written, to see that it was upright, and that the words were doctrines of truth. These were something like our licensers of the press; but the existence of such is little more than conjecture

After all, masters of assemblies may mean public teachers; that which was written, the oracles of God, out of which they instructed the people; the one Shepherd, God Almighty, from whom they received their authority and unction to preach the truth; and by the energy of whose Spirit the heavenly teaching was fastened in their hearts, as a well-driven nail in a sound piece of wood.

TSK: Ecc 12:11 - -- as goads : Jer 23:29; Mat 3:7; Act 2:37; 2Co 10:4; Heb 4:12 masters : Joh 3:10 given : Gen 49:24; Psa 23:1, Psa 80:1; Isa 40:11; Eze 34:23; Joh 10:14;...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Ecc 12:8-14 - -- This passage is properly regarded as the Epilogue of the whole book; a kind of apology for the obscurity of many of its sayings. The passage serves ...

This passage is properly regarded as the Epilogue of the whole book; a kind of apology for the obscurity of many of its sayings. The passage serves therefore to make the book more intelligible and more acceptable.

Here, as in the beginning of the book Ecc 1:1-2, the Preacher speaks of himself Ecc 12:8-10 in the third person. He first repeats Ecc 12:8 the mournful, perplexing theme with which his musings began Ecc 1:2; and then states the encouraging practical conclusion Ecc 12:13-14 to which they have led him. It has been pointed out that the Epilogue assumes the identity of the Preacher with the writer of the Book of Proverbs.

Ecc 12:11

literally, Words of wise men are as goads, and as nails driven in (by) masters of assemblies; they are given from one shepherd: "goads,"because they rouse the hearer and impel him to right actions; "nails"(perhaps tent-spikes), because they remain fixed in the memory: "masters of assemblies"are simply "teachers"or "preachers"(see Ecc 1:1 note), instructors of such assemblies as Wisdom addresses Pro 1:20.

One shepherd - i. e., God, who is the supreme Giver of wisdom Pro 2:6, and the chief Shepherd Jer 23:1-4. Compare 1Co 2:12-13.

Ecc 12:12

By these - i. e., "By the words of wise men."

Books - Rather, "Writings."Probably the proverbs current in the Preacher’ s age, including, though not especially indicating, his own.

The Preacher protests against the folly of protracted, unprofitable, meditation.

Ecc 12:13

literally, "The conclusion of the discourse"(or "word,"= words, Ecc 1:1), "the whole, let us hear."

The whole duty of man - Rather, the whole man. To revere God and to obey Him is the whole man, constitutes man’ s whole being; that only is conceded to Man; all other things, as this book teaches again and again, are dependent on a Higher Incomprehensible Being.

Ecc 12:14

Judgment with - Rather, judgment (which shall be held) upon etc.: i. e., an appointed judgment which shall take place in another world, as distinct from that retribution which frequently follows man’ s actions in the course of this world, and which is too imperfect (compare Ecc 2:15; Ecc 4:1; Ecc 7:15; Ecc 9:2, ...) to be described by these expressions. He that is fully convinced that there is no solid happiness to be found in this world, and that there is a world to come wherein God will adjudge people to happiness or misery respectively, as they have made their choice and acted here, must necessarily subscribe to the truth of Solomon’ s conclusion, that true religion is the only way to true happiness.

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Poole: Ecc 12:11 - -- The words of the wise not of secularly or politicly wise men, but of the spiritually wise and holy men of God; of which, and not of the former, this ...

The words of the wise not of secularly or politicly wise men, but of the spiritually wise and holy men of God; of which, and not of the former, this whole context treats.

As goads, and as nails piercing into men’ s dull minds and hard hearts, and quickening and provoking them to the practice of all their duties.

Fastened which do not only amuse and startle men for the present, as the wise and grave counsels of moral philosophers frequently do, but make powerful and abiding impressions in them; which is the peculiar effect of God’ s word.

By the masters of assemblies by the teachers of God’ s church and people, whether prophets or others, appointed by God for that work.

Which are given from one shepherd from God, or from Jesus Christ, the great Shepherd and Teacher of the church in all ages, by whose Spirit the ancient prophets, as well as other succeeding teachers, were inspired and taught, Jer 3:15 1Pe 1:11 2Pe 1:21 . And this clause seems to be added partly as the reason of that admirable harmony and agreement which is amongst all the men of God in all ages and places, because they are all taught by one Master, and guided by the same hand; and partly to oblige us to the greater attention and reverence to all their doctrines and counsels, which we are to receive as the word of God, and not of men only, as it is said, 1Th 2:13 .

Haydock: Ecc 12:11 - -- In. The ground, (Haydock) to keep a tent in its proper place. He seemed before to have placed the wise on the same level with fools, chap. vi. 8, 1...

In. The ground, (Haydock) to keep a tent in its proper place. He seemed before to have placed the wise on the same level with fools, chap. vi. 8, 11., and vii. 1. (Calmet) ---

Shepherd. God, or Solomon. The Jews explain it of Moses, and his successors, who taught the people.

Gill: Ecc 12:11 - -- The words of the wise are as goads,.... As the goad teacheth the ox; so the Targum. Not the words of the wise philosophers of that age, or of ages be...

The words of the wise are as goads,.... As the goad teacheth the ox; so the Targum. Not the words of the wise philosophers of that age, or of ages before, or since; but of the inspired penmen of the Scriptures, as Moses, David, Solomon, and of others since; and of all good men, whose doctrines are agreeably to them; these are like "goads" or "pricks", sharp pointed sticks or staves, with which men push and prick their cattle, when driving them from place to place, or ploughing with them: and of a similar use are the doctrines of the word, when attended with a divine efficacy; these are a means of pricking sinners to the heart; and of laying open their vileness and sinfulness to them; and of repentance and contrition; and of awakening them from a sleep in sin to a sense of their danger; and even of killing them, as to their own sense and apprehension of things, and, with respect to their hopes of life, by their own works; as the Philistines were slain by Shamgar with an ox goad, Jdg 3:31; see Act 2:37; and these are also of use to the saints, as goads, to stir them up, when slothful, to the discharge of duty; and to awaken them, when drowsy, out of their carnal security; and to correct them for their faults, by sharp reproofs and rebukes; as well as to excite them to go on to perfection, who are apt to sit still and lie down; and to direct them to walk straight on, without turning to the right hand or left;

and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies; like these are the truths and doctrines of the word, when they have a place in the heart, and become the "ingrafted word" there; when they are "planted" e in the soul, as the word signifies; when they are fixed in the mind and memory, and dwell and abide there: and when as nails, driven into anything, fasten what they are drove into; so these are the means of fastening souls; of causing them to cleave to God and Christ; to the church, and his people, and to one another; and to the Gospel, and their profession of it; hence they are not like children, tossed to and fro, wavering and unstable: of all which "the masters of the assemblies" are the instruments; that is, ministers and pastors of churches. As there were assemblies for religious worship under the law, in which the prophets, priests, and Levites, assisted; so there are assemblies or churches under the Gospel dispensation, which are gathered and meet together for the service of God, and over these the ministers of the word preside; these are set over the churches in the Lord, and have the rule of them; though they are not to lord it over God's heritage, or have the dominion over their faith; but are helpers of their joy, and useful in the above things, through their ministry. Some choose to render "masters of collections", or "gatherings" f; and think it may respect their gathering truths out of the sacred writings, as the bee gathers honey out of the flowers; in allusion to those that gathered together the choice and pithy sentences and sayings of others, like the men of Hezekiah, Pro 25:1; or to undershepherds, gathering the sheep into the fold g, by the order of the principal one; who made use of goads, to drive away thieves or wild beasts; and nails, to preserve the sheepfold whole. And others think that not the words, but the of the assemblies themselves, are compared to "nails", and read them, "and the masters of the assemblies are as nails fastened" h; are well established, firm and sure; see Isa 22:23; and others take it to be no other than an epithet of the nails themselves, and render it, "as nails fixed, which are binders"; that is, great binding nails, which, being fixed in boards, bind, compact, and hold them together; to which the words of the wise may be compared, being the means of compacting and holding together the church of God, comparable to a sheepfold; hence mention is made of the shepherd in the next clause: or of fixing the attention of the minds of men unto them, and of retaining them in memory, and to which they speak of as first principles, and never swerve from them i; but, that not ministers, the instruments, but the principal and efficient cause, may have the glory, is added,

which are given from one Shepherd; not Zerubbabel, as Grotius; nor Moses, as the Targum, Jarchi, and Alshech; but Christ, the one Shepherd, set over the flock; and under whom the masters of assemblies, or pastors of churches, are, Eze 37:23; from whom they have their gifts and qualifications, their mission and commissions; and are given to the churches, as pastors and teachers, to feed them, Eph 4:10; and from whom they have their food, the Gospel and the doctrines of it, to feed the flocks with, assigned to their care, Joh 17:8; though this is to be understood not to the exclusion of God, the Father of Christ, by whom all Scripture is inspired; nor of the Spirit, by whom holy men of God spake as they were moved, 2Ti 3:16.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Ecc 12:11 Or “goads”; NCV “sharp sticks used to guide animals.” For further information see M. A. Fishbane, Biblical Interpretation, 29&...

Geneva Bible: Ecc 12:11 The words of the wise [are] as goads, and as nails ( x ) fastened [by] the masters of assemblies, [which] are given from one ( y ) shepherd. ( x ) Wh...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Ecc 12:1-14 - --1 The Creator is to be remembered in due time.8 The preacher's care to edify.13 The fear of God is the chief antidote of vanity.

MHCC: Ecc 12:8-14 - --Solomon repeats his text, VANITY OF VANITIES, ALL IS VANITY. These are the words of one that could speak by dear-bought experience of the vanity of th...

Matthew Henry: Ecc 12:8-12 - -- Solomon is here drawing towards a close, and is loth to part till he has gained his point, and prevailed with his hearers, with his readers, to seek...

Keil-Delitzsch: Ecc 12:11 - -- From the words of Koheleth the author comes to the words of the wise man in general; so that what he says of the latter finds its application to him...

Constable: Ecc 11:7--Sos 1:1 - --IV. THE WAY OF WISDOM 11:7--12:14 In 1:12-6:9, Solomon demonstrated that all work is ultimately futile for two r...

Constable: Ecc 12:8-14 - --B. The Concluding Summary 12:8-14 In conclusion Solomon repeated his original thesis (v. 8; cf. 1:2) and his counsel in view of life's realities (vv. ...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Ecclesiastes (Book Introduction) The Hebrew title is Koheleth, which the speaker in it applies to himself (Ecc 1:12), "I, Koheleth, was king over Israel." It means an Assembler or Con...

JFB: Ecclesiastes (Outline) INTRODUCTION. (Ecc. 1:1-18)

TSK: Ecclesiastes 12 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Ecc 12:1, The Creator is to be remembered in due time; Ecc 12:8, The preacher’s care to edify; Ecc 12:13, The fear of God is the chief ...

Poole: Ecclesiastes 12 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 12 Early piety recommended before old age come on and death be near: old age described, and death, Ecc 12:1-7 . The conclusion: all is vani...

MHCC: Ecclesiastes (Book Introduction) The name of this book signifies " The Preacher." The wisdom of God here preaches to us, speaking by Solomon, who it is evident was the author. At the...

MHCC: Ecclesiastes 12 (Chapter Introduction) (Ecc 12:1-7) A description of the infirmities of age. (Ecc 12:8-14) All is vanity: also a warning of the judgment to come.

Matthew Henry: Ecclesiastes (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of Ecclesiastes We are still among Solomon's happy men, his happy servants, that stood contin...

Matthew Henry: Ecclesiastes 12 (Chapter Introduction) The wise and penitent preacher is here closing his sermon; and he closes it, not only lie a good orator, but like a good preacher, with that which ...

Constable: Ecclesiastes (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title of this book in the Hebrew text is all of verse 1. The Se...

Constable: Ecclesiastes (Outline)

Constable: Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes Bibliography Archer, Gleason L., Jr. "The Linguistic Evidence for the Date of Ecclesiastes'." Jour...

Haydock: Ecclesiastes (Book Introduction) ECCLESIASTES. INTRODUCTION. This Book is called Ecclesiastes, or the preacher, (in Hebrew, Coheleth ) because in it Solomon, as an excelle...

Gill: Ecclesiastes (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO ECCLESIASTES This book has been universally received into the canon of the Scriptures, by Jews and Christians. The former, indeed, ...

Gill: Ecclesiastes 12 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO ECCLESIASTES 12 This chapter begins with advice to young men, which is continued from the preceding; and particularly to remember t...

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