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Text -- Esther 1:1 (NET)

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The King Throws a Lavish Party
1:1 The following events happened in the days of Ahasuerus. (I am referring to that Ahasuerus who used to rule over a hundred and twenty-seven provinces extending all the way from India to Ethiopia.)
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Ahasuerus king of Persia after Darius
 · Ethiopia a country south of Egypt
 · India a country in the region of the Indus River

Dictionary Themes and Topics: WORLD, COSMOLOGICAL | VASHTI | Shushan | Servant | REIGN | Persia | PROVINCE | Medes | India | Government | Ethiopia | ESTHER, THE REST OF | CUSH (1) | Babylon | AHASUERUS | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

Critics Ask

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Est 1:1 - -- Many suppose this to be Darius Hystapas, for his kingdom was thus vast, and he subdued India, as Herodotus reports: and one of his wives was called At...

Many suppose this to be Darius Hystapas, for his kingdom was thus vast, and he subdued India, as Herodotus reports: and one of his wives was called Atossa, differing little from Hadassah, which is Esther's other name, Est 2:7.

Wesley: Est 1:1 - -- So seven new provinces were added to those hundred and twenty mentioned, Dan 6:1.

So seven new provinces were added to those hundred and twenty mentioned, Dan 6:1.

JFB: Est 1:1 - -- It is now generally agreed among learned men that the Ahasuerus mentioned in this episode is the Xerxes who figures in Grecian history.

It is now generally agreed among learned men that the Ahasuerus mentioned in this episode is the Xerxes who figures in Grecian history.

Clarke: Est 1:1 - -- Now it came to pass - The Ahasuerus of the Romans, the Artaxerxes of the Greeks and Ardsheer of the Persians, are the same. Some think that this Aha...

Now it came to pass - The Ahasuerus of the Romans, the Artaxerxes of the Greeks and Ardsheer of the Persians, are the same. Some think that this Ahasuerus was Darius, the son of Hystaspes; but Prideaux and others maintain that he was Artaxerxes Longimanus

Clarke: Est 1:1 - -- Reigned from India even unto Ethiopia - This is nearly the same account that is given by Xenophon. How great and glorious the kingdom of Cyrus was b...

Reigned from India even unto Ethiopia - This is nearly the same account that is given by Xenophon. How great and glorious the kingdom of Cyrus was beyond all the kingdoms of Asia, was evident from this: Ὡρισθῃ μεν πρως ἑῳ τῃ Ερυθρᾳ θαλαττῃ· προς αρκτον δε τῳ Ευξεινῳ ποντῳ· προς ἑσπεραν δε Κυπρῳ και Αιγυπτῳ· προς μεσημβριαν δε Αιθιοπιᾳ. "It was bounded on the east by the Red Sea; on the north by the Euxine Sea; on the west by Cyprus and Egypt; and on the south by Ethiopia."- Cyrop. lib. viii., p. 241, edit. Steph. 1581.

Defender: Est 1:1 - -- Ahasuerus is believed by some to be a title rather than a personal name, and most scholars agree that Ahasuerus was the Hebrew equivalent of the Greek...

Ahasuerus is believed by some to be a title rather than a personal name, and most scholars agree that Ahasuerus was the Hebrew equivalent of the Greek Xerxes, who reigned over the Persian empire during the period 486-464 b.c. Assuming this identification is correct, the events recorded in the book of Esther must have taken place in the period between the sixth and seventh chapters of Ezra, with the Artaxerxes mentioned in Ezra and Nehemiah identified then as the son of Ahasuerus."

TSK: Est 1:1 - -- Ahasuerus : Prideaux has shewn satisfactorily that Ahasuerus was the Artaxerxes Longimanus of the Greeks, agreeably to the Septuagint and Josephus. Se...

Ahasuerus : Prideaux has shewn satisfactorily that Ahasuerus was the Artaxerxes Longimanus of the Greeks, agreeably to the Septuagint and Josephus. See note on Ezr 6:14. Ezr 4:6; Dan 9:1

from India : Est 8:9; Isa 18:1, Isa 37:9

an hundred : Dan 6:1

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Est 1:1 - -- Ahasuerus - . Xerxes, the son of Darius Hystaspis. His empire is rightly described as from India even unto Ethiopia. The satrapies of Darius Hy...

Ahasuerus - . Xerxes, the son of Darius Hystaspis. His empire is rightly described as from India even unto Ethiopia. The satrapies of Darius Hystaspis reached 29 in number, and the nations under Xerxes were about 60. The 127 "provinces"include probably sub-satrapies and other smaller divisions of the great governments.

Haydock: Est 1:1 - -- In. Hebrew, "and in." In this manner the books of Scripture are usually connected. Septuagint place first the dream of Mardochai, chap. xi. 2. (C...

In. Hebrew, "and in." In this manner the books of Scripture are usually connected. Septuagint place first the dream of Mardochai, chap. xi. 2. (Calmet) ---

Assuerus. Septuagint Artaxerxes; as [in] chap xvi. 1. The former is the title of Median, the latter of the Persian, monarchs. This king reigned over both nations, and was most probably Darius Hystaspes, the third king of the Persians, (Tirinus) who subdued India, &c. (Herodotus) (Calmet) (Tirinus) ---

Some understand Cambyses, (1 Esdras iv.; Genebrard) or Xerxes (Scaliger) or Artaxerxes Longimanus, (Bellarmine; Salien) or Memnon, (Eusebius) or Ochus. (Serarius) ---

But (Calmet) the author of 3 Esdras iii. 1., and iv. 43., seems clearly declared for Hystaspes. (Tirinus) ---

Though that work be not canonical, (Du Hamel) it may claim some authority, as an ancient history. (Haydock) ---

This king gave orders for the building of the temple, 1 Esdras vi. 1, 14. ---

India. Part had been (Calmet) subject to Xerxes. (Herodotus iv. 44.) ---

Ethiopia, beyond Egypt, paid an acknowledgment. Cambyses had taken possession of this country. (Calmet) ---

Some understand a part of Arabia to be meant. (Du Hamel) ---

Seven: 120 had been regulated by Darius, the Mede, Daniel vi. 1. (Haydock) ---

The number might vary as the monarch chose. (Du Hamel) ---

Herodotus (iii. 89.) only specifies "twenty." But he speaks of large departments, to which he intimates that several others were subordinate. (Calmet) ---

Provinces. Hebrew medina, "seat of judges." (Haydock) ---

Prefecture. (Menochius)

Gill: Est 1:1 - -- Now it came to pass in the days of Ahasuerus,.... Who he was is not easy to say; almost all the kings of Persia are so named by one or another writer....

Now it came to pass in the days of Ahasuerus,.... Who he was is not easy to say; almost all the kings of Persia are so named by one or another writer. He cannot be the Ahasuerus in Dan 9:1, he was Astyages, the father of Cyaxares or Darius the Mede; but this must be one who had his royal palace in Shushan, which was never the royal city of the Medes, but of the Persians only; nor does he seem to be the Ahasuerus in Ezr 4:6, who is thought to be Cambyses, the son and successor of Cyrus; since, according to the canon of Ptolemy, he reigned but eight years, whereas this Ahasuerus at least reigned twelve, Est 3:7, though indeed some account for it by his reigning in his father's lifetime; besides, Cambyses was always an enemy to the Jews, as this was not; and yet this way go many of the Jewish writers n and so a very learned man, Nicolaus Abram o; according to Bishop Usher p, this was Darius Hystaspis, who certainly was a friend to the Jewish nation; but he is rather the Artaxerxes of Ezra and Nehemiah; and so says the Midrash q. Dr. Prideaux r thinks Ahasuerus was Artaxerxes Longimanus, which is the sense of Josephus s, and who is thought by many to be the Artaxerxes in the foresaid books. Capellus t is of opinion, that Darius Ochus is meant, to which Bishop Patrick inclines; but I rather think, with Vitringa u and others w, that Xerxes is the Ahasuerus that was the husband of Esther here spoken of; so the Arabic writers x; and as he was the son and successor of Darius Hystaspis, if he is meant by Artaxerxes in the preceding books, the history of which is carried to the thirty second year of his reign, Neh 13:6 and who reigned but four years more; this book of Esther stands in right order of time to carry on the history of the Jewish affairs in the Persian monarchy; and Mr. Broughton y owns, that the name of Xerxes, in Greek, agrees with Achasuerus in Hebrew; and in Est 10:1 his name is Achashresh, which, with the Greeks, is Axeres or Xerxes z:

this is Ahasuerus, which reigned from India even unto Ethiopia; properly so called; the Ethiopians had been subdued by Cambyses the son and successor of Cyrus a, and the Indians by Darius Hystaspis the father of Xerxes b; and both, with other great nations, were retained in subjection to him c; and many of both, as well as of other nations, were with him in his expedition into Greece d:

over an hundred and twenty and seven provinces; there were now seven provinces more under his jurisdiction than were in the times of Darius the Mede, Dan 6:1.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Est 1:1 Heb “Cush” (so NIV, NCV; KJV “Ethiopia”) referring to the region of the upper Nile in Africa. India and Cush (i.e., Ethiopia) ...

Geneva Bible: Est 1:1 Now it came to pass in the days of ( a ) Ahasuerus, (this [is] Ahasuerus which reigned, from India even unto Ethiopia, [over] an ( b ) hundred and sev...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Est 1:1-22 - --1 Ahasuerus makes royal feasts.10 Vashti, sent for, refuses to come.13 Ahasuerus, by the counsel of Memucan, puts away Vashti, and makes the decree of...

MHCC: Est 1:1-9 - --The pride of Ahasuerus's heart rising with the grandeur of his kingdom, he made an extravagant feast. This was vain glory. Better is a dinner of herbs...

Matthew Henry: Est 1:1-9 - -- Which of the kings of Persia this Ahasuerus was the learned are not agreed. Mordecai is said to have been one of those that were carried captive f...

Keil-Delitzsch: Est 1:1-8 - -- The banquet. Est 1:1-3 mark a period. משׁתּה עשׂה , which belongs to ויהי , does not follow till Est 1:3, andeven then the statement c...

Constable: Est 1:1-22 - --A. Vashti Deposed ch. 1 This chapter records the providential circumstances whereby Esther was able to r...

Constable: Est 1:1-9 - --1. The king's feast 1:1-9 Ahasuerus is the Hebrew name of the Persian king, Khshayarsha, whom we...

Guzik: Est 1:1-22 - --Esther 1 - A Queen Is Deposed Esther is the last of the historical books of the Bible, so its main character is named Esther - that is, Venus, the mor...

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Commentary -- Other

Critics Ask: Est 1:1 ESTHER —How could this book be part of the Holy Scriptures when God is not even mentioned? PROBLEM: Although the rabbis at Jamnia, in about A.D...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Esther (Book Introduction) ESTHER derives its name from the Jewess, who, having become wife of the king of Persia, employed her royal influence to effect a memorable deliverance...


TSK: Esther (Book Introduction) This Book, which derives its name from the person whose history it chiefly relates, is termed in Hebrew, מגלה [Strong’s 04039] אסתר [Str...

TSK: Esther 1 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Est 1:1, Ahasuerus makes royal feasts; Est 1:10, Vashti, sent for, refuses to come; Est 1:13, Ahasuerus, by the counsel of Memucan, puts ...

Poole: Esther 1 (Chapter Introduction) BOOK of ESTHER This book was constantly received for a part of the canon of the Scripture by the people of the Jews, whose authority herein is the ...

MHCC: Esther (Book Introduction) We find in this book, that even those Jews who were scattered in the province of the heathen, were taken care of, and were wonderfully preserved, when...

MHCC: Esther 1 (Chapter Introduction) (Est 1:1-9) The royal feast of Ahasuerus. (Est 1:10-22) Vashti's refusal to appear, The king's decree.

Matthew Henry: Esther (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of Esther How the providence of God watched over the Jews that had returned out of captivity t...

Matthew Henry: Esther 1 (Chapter Introduction) Several things in this chapter itself are very instructive and of great use; but the design of recording the story of it is to show how way was mad...

Constable: Esther (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title of this book comes from its principle character, Esther. ...

Constable: Esther (Outline) Outline I. God's preparations 1:1-2:20 A. Vashti deposed ch. 1 1. The ki...

Constable: Esther Esther Bibliography Archer, Gleason L., Jr. A Survey of Old Testament Introduction. 1964; revised ed., Chicago:...

Haydock: Esther (Book Introduction) THE BOOK OF ESTHER. INTRODUCTION. This Book takes its name from queen Esther; whose history is here recorded. The general opinion of almost all...

Gill: Esther (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO ESTHER This book has its name from the person who is the principal subject of it; it is by Clemens of Alexandria a called the Book ...

Gill: Esther 1 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO ESTHER 1 This chapter relates, how that Ahasuerus, a great king of Persia, made a feast, first for the grandees of his kingdom, and...

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