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Text -- Exodus 24:3 (NET)

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24:3 Moses came and told the people all the Lord’s words and all the decisions. All the people answered together, “We are willing to do all the words that the Lord has said,”
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Moses a son of Amram; the Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them The Law of Moses,a Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them the law

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Young Men | Word of God | Theocracy | SEPTUAGINT, 1 | SACRIFICE, IN THE OLD TESTAMENT, 2 | SACRIFICE, IN THE NEW TESTAMENT, 1 | Revelation | Pentateuch | MOSES | LAW, JUDICIAL | LAW IN THE OLD TESTAMENT | Israel | Instability | Government | GENESIS, 1-2 | EXODUS, THE BOOK OF, 2 | ETHICS, III | Decision | COVENANT, THE NEW | COVENANT, BOOK OF THE | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Exo 24:3 - -- He laid before them all the precepts, in the foregoing chapters, and put it to them, whether they were willing to submit to these laws or no? And all ...

He laid before them all the precepts, in the foregoing chapters, and put it to them, whether they were willing to submit to these laws or no? And all the people answered, All the words which the Lord hath said we will do - They had before consented in general to be under God's government; here they consent in particular to these laws now given.

JFB: Exo 24:3-4 - -- The rehearsal of the foregoing laws and the ten commandments, together with the promises of special blessings in the event of their obedience, having ...

The rehearsal of the foregoing laws and the ten commandments, together with the promises of special blessings in the event of their obedience, having drawn forth from the people a unanimous declaration of their consent, it was forthwith recorded as the conditions of the national covenant. The next day preparations were made for having it (the covenant) solemnly ratified, by building an altar and twelve pillars; the altar representing God, and the pillars the tribes of Israel--the two parties in this solemn compact--while Moses acted as typical mediator.

Clarke: Exo 24:3 - -- Moses - told the people all the words of the Lord - That is, the ten commandments, and the various laws and ordinances mentioned from the beginning ...

Moses - told the people all the words of the Lord - That is, the ten commandments, and the various laws and ordinances mentioned from the beginning of the 20th to the end of the 23d chapter.

TSK: Exo 24:3 - -- all the judgments : Exod. 21:1-23:33; Deu 4:1, Deu 4:5, Deu 4:45, Deu 5:1, Deu 5:31, Deu 6:1, Deu 11:1 All the words : Exo 24:7, Exo 19:8; Deu 5:27, D...

all the judgments : Exod. 21:1-23:33; Deu 4:1, Deu 4:5, Deu 4:45, Deu 5:1, Deu 5:31, Deu 6:1, Deu 11:1

All the words : Exo 24:7, Exo 19:8; Deu 5:27, Deu 5:28; Jos 24:22; Gal 3:19, Gal 3:20

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Poole: Exo 24:3 - -- Moses came down from the mount to the people, after he had received the laws from God. All the words which the Lord hath said will we do: this they...

Moses came down from the mount to the people, after he had received the laws from God.

All the words which the Lord hath said will we do: this they so readily and rashly promise, because they were not sensible of their own weakness, and because they did not understand the comprehensiveness, and spirituality, and strictness of God’ s law, but thought it consisted only in the external performances and abstinences expressed.

Gill: Exo 24:3 - -- And Moses came and told the people all the words of the Lord, and all the judgments,.... Which according to Jarchi were the seven commands given to th...

And Moses came and told the people all the words of the Lord, and all the judgments,.... Which according to Jarchi were the seven commands given to the sons of Noah, the laws concerning the sabbath, and honouring parents, the red heifer, and the judgments at Marah; but all these they were acquainted with before, excepting that of the red heifer, and the law, for that was not yet delivered to Moses, nor were these the ten commands, for they had heard them from the Lord themselves; but they doubtless were the judgments, or judicial laws, which he was ordered to set before the people, contained in the two preceding chapters, which were chiefly of the judicial kind, and related to the civil polity of the people of Israel:

and all the people answered with one voice; one speaking for, and in the name of the rest, or they all lift up their voice together, and being unanimous in their sentiments, expressed them in the same words:

and said, all the words which the Lord hath said will we do; that is, they would be careful to observe all the laws, statutes, judgments, and commands which the Lord had enjoined them; and less than this they could not say, for they had promised Moses, that if he would draw nigh to God, and hear what he should say, and deliver it to them, they would hearken to it, and obey it, as if they had heard God himself speak it; only they entreated the Lord would speak no more to them, as he did the ten commands, it being so terrible to them.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Exo 24:3 The verb is the imperfect tense (נַעֲשֶׂה, na’aseh), although the form could be classified as a ...

Geneva Bible: Exo 24:3 ( b ) And Moses came and told the people all the words of the LORD, and all the judgments: and all the people answered with one voice, and said, All t...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Exo 24:1-18 - --1 Moses is called up into the mountain.3 The people promise obedience.4 Moses builds an altar, and twelve pillars.6 He sprinkles the blood of the cove...

Maclaren: Exo 24:1-12 - --Exodus 24:1-12 An effort is needed to feel what a tremendous and unique fact is narrated in these words. Next to the incarnation, it is the most wonde...

MHCC: Exo 24:1-8 - --A solemn covenant was made between God and Israel. Very solemn it was, typifying the covenant of grace between God and believers, through Christ. As s...

Matthew Henry: Exo 24:1-8 - -- The first two verses record the appointment of a second session upon mount Sinai, for the making of laws, when an end was put to the first. When a c...

Keil-Delitzsch: Exo 24:3-4 - -- The ceremony described in Exo 24:3-11 is called "the covenant which Jehovah made with Israel"(Exo 24:8). It was opened by Moses, who recited to the ...

Constable: Exo 15:22--Lev 1:1 - --II. THE ADOPTION OF ISRAEL 15:22--40:38 The second major section of Exodus records the events associated with Go...

Constable: Exo 19:1--24:12 - --B. The establishment of the Mosaic Covenant 19:1-24:11 The Lord had liberated Israel from bondage in Egy...

Constable: Exo 24:1-11 - --5. The ratification of the Covenant 24:1-11 "The great event in chapter 24 is the climax of the Book of Exodus."413 24:1-8 The remaining verses in thi...

Guzik: Exo 24:1-18 - --Exodus 24 - The Covenant Is Made A. The "signing" of the Mosaic covenant. 1. (1-3) Moses relates all the words of the LORD and all the jud...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Exodus (Book Introduction) EXODUS, a "going forth," derives its name from its being occupied principally with a relation of the departure of the Israelites from Egypt, and the i...

JFB: Exodus (Outline) INCREASE OF THE ISRAELITES. (Exo. 1:1-22) BIRTH AND PRESERVATION OF MOSES. (Exo 2:1-10) there went a man of the house of Levi, &c. Amram was the hus...

TSK: Exodus (Book Introduction) The title of this Book is derived from the Septuagint; in which it is called ΕΞΟΔΟΣ , " Exodus;" or, as it is in the Codex Alexandrinus, ΕÎ...

TSK: Exodus 24 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Exo 24:1, Moses is called up into the mountain; Exo 24:3, The people promise obedience; Exo 24:4, Moses builds an altar, and twelve pilla...

Poole: Exodus (Book Introduction) SECOND BOOK OF MOSES CALLED EXODUS. THE ARGUMENT. AFTER the death of Joseph, who had sent for his father’ s house into Egypt, the children o...

Poole: Exodus 24 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 24 Moses, Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu are commanded to appear before the Lord, Exo 24:1 . Who was to come near the Lord, Exo 24:2 . Moses build...

MHCC: Exodus (Book Introduction) The Book of Exodus relates the forming of the children of Israel into a church and a nation. We have hitherto seen true religion shown in domestic lif...

MHCC: Exodus 24 (Chapter Introduction) (Exo 24:1-8) Moses is called up into the mountain, The people promise obedience. (Exo 24:9-11) The glory of the Lord appears. (Exo 24:12-18) Moses g...

Matthew Henry: Exodus (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Second Book of Moses, Called Exodus Moses (the servant of the Lord in writing for him as well as ...

Matthew Henry: Exodus 24 (Chapter Introduction) Moses, as mediator between God and Israel, having received divers laws and ordinances from God privately in the three foregoing chapters, in this c...

Constable: Exodus (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The Hebrew title of this book (we'elleh shemot) originated from the...

Constable: Exodus (Outline) Outline I. The liberation of Israel 1:1-15:21 A. God's preparation of Israel and Moses chs. ...

Constable: Exodus Exodus Bibliography Adams, Dwayne H. "The Building Program that Works (Exodus 25:4--36:7 [31:1-11])." Exegesis ...

Haydock: Exodus (Book Introduction) THE BOOK OF EXODUS. INTRODUCTION. The second Book of Moses is called Exodus from the Greek word Exodos, which signifies going out; becaus...

Gill: Exodus (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO EXODUS This book is called by the Jews Veelleh Shemoth, from the first words with which it begins, and sometimes Sepher Shemoth, an...

Gill: Exodus 24 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO EXODUS 24 In this chapter we have an account that Moses was ordered to come up to the Lord alone, Exo 24:1, but that before he did ...

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