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Text -- Exodus 3:1-19 (NET)

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3:1 Now Moses was shepherding the flock of his father-in-law Jethro, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the far side of the desert and came to the mountain of God, to Horeb. 3:2 The angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from within a bush. He looked– and the bush was ablaze with fire, but it was not being consumed! 3:3 So Moses thought, “I will turn aside to see this amazing sight. Why does the bush not burn up?” 3:4 When the Lord saw that he had turned aside to look, God called to him from within the bush and said, “Moses, Moses!” And Moses said, “Here I am.” 3:5 God said, “Do not approach any closer! Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.” 3:6 He added, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” Then Moses hid his face, because he was afraid to look at God. 3:7 The Lord said, “I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt. I have heard their cry because of their taskmasters, for I know their sorrows. 3:8 I have come down to deliver them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up from that land to a land that is both good and spacious, to a land flowing with milk and honey, to the region of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites. 3:9 And now indeed the cry of the Israelites has come to me, and I have also seen how severely the Egyptians oppress them. 3:10 So now go, and I will send you to Pharaoh to bring my people, the Israelites, out of Egypt.” 3:11 Moses said to God, “Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh, or that I should bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” 3:12 He replied, “Surely I will be with you, and this will be the sign to you that I have sent you: When you bring the people out of Egypt, you and they will serve God on this mountain.” 3:13 Moses said to God, “If I go to the Israelites and tell them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’– what should I say to them?” 3:14 God said to Moses, “I am that I am.” And he said, “You must say this to the Israelites, ‘I am has sent me to you.’” 3:15 God also said to Moses, “You must say this to the Israelites, ‘The Lord– the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob– has sent me to you. This is my name forever, and this is my memorial from generation to generation.’ 3:16 “Go and bring together the elders of Israel and tell them, ‘The Lord, the God of your fathers, appeared to me– the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob– saying, “I have attended carefully to you and to what has been done to you in Egypt, 3:17 and I have promised that I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt to the land of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites, to a land flowing with milk and honey.”’ 3:18 “The elders will listen to you, and then you and the elders of Israel must go to the king of Egypt and tell him, ‘The Lord, the God of the Hebrews, has met with us. So now, let us go three days’ journey into the wilderness, so that we may sacrifice to the Lord our God.’ 3:19 But I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go, not even under force.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Abraham a son of Terah; the father of Isaac; ancestor of the Jewish nation.,the son of Terah of Shem
 · Amorites members of a pre-Israel Semitic tribe from Mesopotamia
 · Canaanite residents of the region of Canaan
 · Egypt descendants of Mizraim
 · Egyptians descendants of Mizraim
 · Hebrew a person descended from Heber; an ancient Jew; a Hebrew speaking Jew,any Jew, but particularly one who spoke the Hebrew language
 · Hittite a person/people living in the land of Syro-Palestine
 · Hivite a person/people descended from Canaan son of Ham son of Noah
 · Horeb a mountain; the place where the law was given to Moses
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · Jacob the second so of a pair of twins born to Isaac and Rebeccaa; ancestor of the 12 tribes of Israel,the nation of Israel,a person, male,son of Isaac; Israel the man and nation
 · Jebusite resident(s) of the town of Jebus (Jerusalem)
 · Jethro priest of Midian; father-in-law of Moses
 · Midian resident(s) of the region of Midian
 · Moses a son of Amram; the Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them The Law of Moses,a Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them the law
 · Perizzite a people of ancient Canaan in the later territory of Ephraim
 · Pharaoh the king who ruled Egypt when Moses was born,the title of the king who ruled Egypt in Abraham's time,the title of the king who ruled Egypt in Joseph's time,the title of the king who ruled Egypt when Moses was born,the title of the king who refused to let Israel leave Egypt,the title of the king of Egypt whose daughter Solomon married,the title of the king who ruled Egypt in the time of Isaiah,the title Egypt's ruler just before Moses' time

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Moses | BUSH | Angel | GOD, NAMES OF | Rulers | GENESIS, 1-2 | Communion | Israel | Religion | God | Quotations and Allusions | GOD, 2 | Revelation | LAW IN THE OLD TESTAMENT | Fire | FAITHFUL; FAITHFULNESS | Honey | Milk | Prayer | Burning Bush | more
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Verse Notes / Footnotes
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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Exo 3:1 “Horeb” is another name for Mount Sinai. There is a good deal of foreshadowing in this verse, for later Moses would shepherd the people of...

NET Notes: Exo 3:2 The construction uses the suffixed negative אֵינֶנּוּ (’enennu) to convey the subject of t...

NET Notes: Exo 3:3 The verb is an imperfect. Here it has the progressive nuance – the bush is not burning up.

NET Notes: Exo 3:4 Heb “And he said”; the referent (Moses) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

NET Notes: Exo 3:5 The causal clause includes within it a typical relative clause, which is made up of the relative pronoun, then the independent personal pronoun with t...

NET Notes: Exo 3:6 The clause uses the Hiphil infinitive construct with a preposition after the perfect tense: יָרֵא מֵה&...

NET Notes: Exo 3:7 Two new words are introduced now to the report of suffering: “affliction” and “pain/suffering.” These add to the dimension of ...

NET Notes: Exo 3:8 Each people group is joined to the preceding by the vav conjunction, “and.” Each also has the definite article, as in other similar lists ...

NET Notes: Exo 3:9 Heb “seen the oppression with which the Egyptians oppress them.” The word for the oppression is now לַחַץ (l...

NET Notes: Exo 3:10 These instructions for Moses are based on the preceding revelation made to him. The deliverance of Israel was to be God’s work – hence, &#...

NET Notes: Exo 3:11 The imperfect tense אֵלֵךְ (’elekh) carries the modal nuance of obligatory imperfect, i.e., “that I sh...

NET Notes: Exo 3:12 This sign is also a promise from God – “you will serve God on this mountain.” It is given to Moses here as a goal, but a goal alread...

NET Notes: Exo 3:13 The imperfect tense here has a deliberative nuance (“should”), for Moses is wondering what would be best to say when the Israelites want p...

NET Notes: Exo 3:14 Or “Thus you shall say” (also in the following verse). The word “must” in the translation conveys the instructional and impera...

NET Notes: Exo 3:15 The repetition of “generation” in this expression serves as a periphrasis for the superlative: “to the remotest generation” (G...

NET Notes: Exo 3:16 The second object for the verb is the passive participle הֶעָשׂוּי (he’asuy). To say that ...

NET Notes: Exo 3:17 See the note on this list in 3:8.

NET Notes: Exo 3:18 Here a cohortative with a vav (ו) follows a cohortative; the second one expresses purpose or result: “let us go…in order that we may...

NET Notes: Exo 3:19 Heb “and not with a mighty hand.” This expression (וְלֹא בְּיָד ח&...

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