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Text -- Ezekiel 22:1-8 (NET)

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The Sins of Jerusalem
22:1 The word of the Lord came to me: 22:2 “As for you, son of man, are you willing to pronounce judgment, are you willing to pronounce judgment on the bloody city? Then confront her with all her abominable deeds! 22:3 Then say, ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: O city, who spills blood within herself (which brings on her doom), and who makes herself idols (which results in impurity), 22:4 you are guilty because of the blood you shed and defiled by the idols you made. You have hastened the day of your doom; the end of your years has come. Therefore I will make you an object of scorn to the nations, an object to be mocked by all lands. 22:5 Those both near and far from you will mock you, you with your bad reputation, full of turmoil. 22:6 “‘See how each of the princes of Israel living within you has used his authority to shed blood. 22:7 They have treated father and mother with contempt within you; they have oppressed the foreigner among you; they have wronged the orphan and the widow within you. 22:8 You have despised my holy things and desecrated my Sabbaths!
Parallel   Cross Reference (TSK)   ITL  

Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Worship | Widow | Sin | Sabbath | Rulers | RELATIONSHIPS, FAMILY | Prophecy | PROFANE | Oppression | MOCK; MOCKER; MOCKING | LIGHT; LIGHTNESS | Jerusalem | Idolatry | FATHERLESS | FATHER | Crime | Children | BLOODY | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Eze 22:2 - -- The question is doubled, to awaken the prophet more fully, and to quicken him to his work.

The question is doubled, to awaken the prophet more fully, and to quicken him to his work.

Wesley: Eze 22:3 - -- The time of ripeness in her sins, and of execution of judgments on her.

The time of ripeness in her sins, and of execution of judgments on her.

Wesley: Eze 22:3 - -- For this does more defile them, and provoke God to wrath against them.

For this does more defile them, and provoke God to wrath against them.

Wesley: Eze 22:4 - -- The days of thy sorrows, and punishment.

The days of thy sorrows, and punishment.

Wesley: Eze 22:4 - -- Thou art grown up to the eldest years in sin, beyond which thou art not to go.

Thou art grown up to the eldest years in sin, beyond which thou art not to go.

Wesley: Eze 22:5 - -- Afflicted, impoverished, and ruined.

Afflicted, impoverished, and ruined.

Wesley: Eze 22:6 - -- Not one to be found of a more merciful temper.

Not one to be found of a more merciful temper.

Wesley: Eze 22:6 - -- According to their ability.

According to their ability.

Wesley: Eze 22:7 - -- In Jerusalem.

In Jerusalem.

Wesley: Eze 22:8 - -- O Jerusalem.

O Jerusalem.

Wesley: Eze 22:8 - -- All mine institutions, temple, sacrifices, feasts.

All mine institutions, temple, sacrifices, feasts.

JFB: Eze 22:2 - -- Literally, "the city of bloods"; so called on account of murders perpetrated in her, and sacrifices of children to Molech (Eze 22:3-4, Eze 22:6, Eze 2...

Literally, "the city of bloods"; so called on account of murders perpetrated in her, and sacrifices of children to Molech (Eze 22:3-4, Eze 22:6, Eze 22:9; Eze 24:6, Eze 24:9).

JFB: Eze 22:3 - -- Instead of deriving advantage from her bloody sacrifices to idols, she only thereby brought on herself "the time" of her punishment.

Instead of deriving advantage from her bloody sacrifices to idols, she only thereby brought on herself "the time" of her punishment.

JFB: Eze 22:3 - -- (Pro 8:36).

JFB: Eze 22:4 - -- The shorter period, namely, that of the siege.

The shorter period, namely, that of the siege.

JFB: Eze 22:4 - -- The longer period of the captivity. The "days" and "years" express that she is ripe for punishment.

The longer period of the captivity. The "days" and "years" express that she is ripe for punishment.

JFB: Eze 22:5 - -- They mockingly call thee, "Thou polluted one in name (Margin), and full of confusion" [FAIRBAIRN], (referring to the tumultuous violence prevalent in ...

They mockingly call thee, "Thou polluted one in name (Margin), and full of confusion" [FAIRBAIRN], (referring to the tumultuous violence prevalent in it). Thus the nations "far and near" mocked her as at once sullied in character and in actual fact lawless. What a sad contrast to the Jerusalem once designated "'the holy city!"

JFB: Eze 22:6 - -- Rather, "The princes . . . each according to his power, were in thee, to shed blood" (as if this was the only object of their existence). "Power," lit...

Rather, "The princes . . . each according to his power, were in thee, to shed blood" (as if this was the only object of their existence). "Power," literally, "arm"; they, who ought to have been patterns of justice, made their own arm of might their only law.

JFB: Eze 22:7 - -- Children have made light of, disrespected, father . . . (Deu 27:16). At Eze 22:7-12 are enumerated the sins committed in violation of Moses' law.

Children have made light of, disrespected, father . . . (Deu 27:16). At Eze 22:7-12 are enumerated the sins committed in violation of Moses' law.

Clarke: Eze 22:2 - -- Wilt thou judge the bloody city - Pronounce the sentence of death against the murderers

Wilt thou judge the bloody city - Pronounce the sentence of death against the murderers

Clarke: Eze 22:2 - -- Show her all her abominations - And a most revolting and dreadful catalogue of these is in consequence exhibited.

Show her all her abominations - And a most revolting and dreadful catalogue of these is in consequence exhibited.

Clarke: Eze 22:3 - -- Her time may come - Till now, it was my long-suffering; she has fulfilled her days - completed the time of her probation; has not mended, but is dai...

Her time may come - Till now, it was my long-suffering; she has fulfilled her days - completed the time of her probation; has not mended, but is daily worse; therefore her judgment can linger no longer.

Clarke: Eze 22:4 - -- Thou art become guilty in thy blood - Thou art guilty of blood.

Thou art become guilty in thy blood - Thou art guilty of blood.

Clarke: Eze 22:5 - -- Those that be near - Both distant as well as neighboring provinces consider thee the most abandoned of characters; and through thee many have been i...

Those that be near - Both distant as well as neighboring provinces consider thee the most abandoned of characters; and through thee many have been involved in distress and ruin.

Clarke: Eze 22:6 - -- Behold, the princes - Ye are a vile and murderous people, and your princes have been of the same character. Like people, like prince.

Behold, the princes - Ye are a vile and murderous people, and your princes have been of the same character. Like people, like prince.

Clarke: Eze 22:7 - -- In thee have they set light - The children do not reverence their parents. Parental affection and filial respect do not exist among you. The strange...

In thee have they set light - The children do not reverence their parents. Parental affection and filial respect do not exist among you. The stranger is not only not succoured, but he is oppressed. The widows and fatherless are vexed by wrongs and exactions.

Clarke: Eze 22:8 - -- Thou hast despised - All my ordinances are not only neglected, but treated with contempt; and my Sabbaths profaned. There is not only no power of go...

Thou hast despised - All my ordinances are not only neglected, but treated with contempt; and my Sabbaths profaned. There is not only no power of godliness among you, but there is no form.

TSK: Eze 22:2 - -- judge : or, plead for, Eze 20:4, Eze 23:36 bloody city : Heb. city of bloods, Eze 23:45, Eze 24:6, Eze 24:9; 2Ki 21:16, 2Ki 24:3, 2Ki 24:4; Jer 2:30,J...

judge : or, plead for, Eze 20:4, Eze 23:36

bloody city : Heb. city of bloods, Eze 23:45, Eze 24:6, Eze 24:9; 2Ki 21:16, 2Ki 24:3, 2Ki 24:4; Jer 2:30,Jer 2:34; Hos 4:2; Nah 3:1; Mat 23:35, Mat 27:25; Luk 11:50; Act 7:52

thou shalt : Eze 16:2; Isa 58:1; 1Ti 5:20

show her : Heb. make her know

her abominations : Eze 8:9-17, 16:1-63, 23:1-49

TSK: Eze 22:3 - -- sheddeth : Eze 22:27, Eze 24:6-9; Zep 3:3 that her : Eze 22:4, Eze 7:2-12, Eze 12:25; Rom 2:5; 2Pe 2:3 and maketh : 2Ki 21:2-9; Jer. 2:1-3:25

sheddeth : Eze 22:27, Eze 24:6-9; Zep 3:3

that her : Eze 22:4, Eze 7:2-12, Eze 12:25; Rom 2:5; 2Pe 2:3

and maketh : 2Ki 21:2-9; Jer. 2:1-3:25

TSK: Eze 22:4 - -- that thou : Eze 22:2; 2Ki 21:16 and thou hast : Num 32:14; Mat 23:32, Mat 23:33; 1Th 2:16 have I : Eze 5:14, Eze 5:15, Eze 16:57, Eze 21:28; Lev 26:32...

TSK: Eze 22:5 - -- infamous and much vexed : Heb. polluted of name, much in vexation, Jer 15:2, Jer 15:3

infamous and much vexed : Heb. polluted of name, much in vexation, Jer 15:2, Jer 15:3

TSK: Eze 22:6 - -- the princes : Eze 22:27; Neh 9:34; Isa 1:23; Jer 2:26, Jer 2:27, Jer 5:5, Jer 32:32; Dan 9:8; Mic 3:1-3, Mic 3:9-11; Zec 3:3 power : Heb. arm, Mic 2:1

TSK: Eze 22:7 - -- set : Exo 21:17; Lev 20:9; Deu 27:16; Pro 20:20, Pro 30:11, Pro 30:17; Mat 15:4-6; Mar 7:10 dealt : Eze 22:29, Eze 18:12; Exo 22:21, Exo 22:22; Deu 27...

TSK: Eze 22:8 - -- Eze 22:26, Eze 20:13, Eze 20:21, Eze 20:24, Eze 23:38, Eze 23:39; Lev 19:30; Amo 8:4-6; Mal 1:6-8, Mal 1:12

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Eze 22:1 - -- The fourth word of judgment Ezek. 22:1-16. The sins which have brought ruin upon Jerusalem are the sins which disgraced the pagan inhabitants of Can...

The fourth word of judgment Ezek. 22:1-16. The sins which have brought ruin upon Jerusalem are the sins which disgraced the pagan inhabitants of Canaan, whom the Israelites were to cast out (compare Lev. 18). The commission of like sins would insure like judgment.

Barnes: Eze 22:4 - -- Thy days, - i. e., of judgment; "thy years,"i. e., of visitation (compare Eze 20:25, Eze 20:39). A reproach ... a mocking - Judah shall b...

Thy days, - i. e., of judgment; "thy years,"i. e., of visitation (compare Eze 20:25, Eze 20:39).

A reproach ... a mocking - Judah shall be like the Ammonites Eze 21:28.

Barnes: Eze 22:5 - -- i. e., Countries near and afar oft shall mock thee, saying, "Ah! defiled in name; Ah! full of turbulence!"

i. e., Countries near and afar oft shall mock thee, saying, "Ah! defiled in name; Ah! full of turbulence!"

Barnes: Eze 22:6 - -- Render it: Behold the princes of Israel, each according to his might (literally "arm") have been in thee in order to shed blood. They looked to migh...

Render it: Behold the princes of Israel, each according to his might (literally "arm") have been in thee in order to shed blood. They looked to might not right.

Poole: Eze 22:2 - -- Some would have the prophet here to be questioned, whether he would, and why he would, plead for such a city. Others, that God doth forbid him to pl...

Some would have the prophet here to be questioned, whether he would, and why he would, plead for such a city. Others, that God doth forbid him to plead for it, or be solicitous about it. I rather think God doth awake: him to more vigorous reproving of this sinful people, and threatening them for sin. The question is doubled to awaken the prophet more fully, and to quicken him to his work.

The bloody city Jerusalem, which is guilty of the murders of innocent ones, of prophets and holy men.

Show her make her know, at least tell her by writing; for the prophet was at Babylon now, and could not speak to then at Jerusalem, but he might and must send word to then what their abominations were.

All her abominations all the kinds, not all individual acts of them.

Poole: Eze 22:3 - -- The city Jerusalem, sheddeth is shedding, blood; it is her present practice as well as her former, murders are committed by her, and it is said the...

The city Jerusalem,

sheddeth is shedding, blood; it is her present practice as well as her former, murders are committed by her, and it is said the city did it; it was done with public consent, and probably under pretext of judiciary process to colour it, as in Naboth’ s case, and as they would have done to Jeremiah.

In the midst of it: this aggravates their murders, and makes them more bloody, in that it was done where so many were, that should have been safety to the innocent; it was not done in a wilderness.

Her time the time of ripeness in her sins, and of execution of judgments on her for them.

May come: this they did not design, they rather took away innocents, whom they surmised were dangerous to their state, to prevent, but this hastened the punishment.

Maketh idols either maketh new images of their old idols, or repaireth the decayed beauty of them Or, taketh in new gods of their neighbours, who might hell them; but all this is against themselves, for this doth more defile them, and provoke God to wrath against them.

Poole: Eze 22:4 - -- Guilty in thy blood greatly or deeply guilty. Thou has shed in abundance, cruelly and perfidiously. Defiled thy self as a polluted thing, loathso...

Guilty in thy blood greatly or deeply guilty.

Thou has shed in abundance, cruelly and perfidiously.

Defiled thy self as a polluted thing, loathsome to be seen or touched

Thine idols dunghill gods.

Caused thy days to draw near; hastened the days of thy sorrows and punishment, of the desolation in Judea, and of thy captivity in Babylon; thou hast shortened thine own peace and my patience.

Came even unto thy years grown up now to the eldest years in sin, beyond which thou wert not to go: it is the same h effect with that went before.

Therefore for thy old sin, thou art given up to be a reproach.

A reproach to be scorned by them, to be branded as a most perfidious, irreligious, unconscionable sort of people, not worthy to live Or else to be a taunt and by-word among all nations; thus it was Psa 44:13 Jer 24:9 .

To all countries that were round about them, or, farther off, had heard of them.

Poole: Eze 22:5 - -- Those that be near as the Idumeans or Edomites, who insulted over Jerusalem when it was taken, Ammonites, and Moabites, and Philistines. Those that ...

Those that be near as the Idumeans or Edomites, who insulted over Jerusalem when it was taken, Ammonites, and Moabites, and Philistines.

Those that be far from thee the barbarous Medes, Iberians, Hyrcanians, &c., to whom thou shalt be carried captive, whose land is far off.

Infamous of a most infamous name.

Much vexed afflicted, impoverished, and ruinated above what was ever done to any city.

Poole: Eze 22:6 - -- He was in Eze 23:2 commanded to show the Jews all their abominations. Now he is directed to begin with the greatest first, either those of the roya...

He was in Eze 23:2 commanded to show the Jews all their abominations. Now he is directed to begin with the greatest first, either those of the royal family, or else such as adhered close to the interest of them, and were advanced to places of great trust; or, who were heads of families.

Every one not one to be found of a juster or more merciful temper.

To their power according to their ability and opportunity.

To shed blood for murdering all they hated, or that stood in their way.

Poole: Eze 22:7 - -- In thee in Jerusalem. Have they: it is plural, and agrees with princes, they whose better disposition, whose education and greatness, (beside the c...

In thee in Jerusalem.

Have they: it is plural, and agrees with princes, they whose better disposition, whose education and greatness, (beside the command of God,) should have advanced their venerable thoughts and deportment towards parents.

Set light by have contemned, father and mother, though God threatens to curse such as do so, Deu 27:16 .

They the princes still, as the construction in the original carrieth it.

By oppression by force and fraud, for the oppression here mentioned is made up of both; where either the fox or lion could apart, or else both joined, they have oppressed the stranger, expressly against God’ s command, Exo 22:21 .

They still the same great men, and rulers, who should, as Isa 1:17 , have defended, plead. ed for, relieved, and comforted the fatherless and widow, but contrariwise they oppress, disquiet, and make a prey of them.

Poole: Eze 22:8 - -- Thou all the land, or thou, O Jerusalem, or thou, O Zedekiah, the chief of the princes; or else, having spoken of them all in the plural, he now chan...

Thou all the land, or thou, O Jerusalem, or thou, O Zedekiah, the chief of the princes; or else, having spoken of them all in the plural, he now changeth number, and so speaks to each in particular.

Hast despised hast had very low esteem of them, as if mean and ridiculous.

Mine holy things; all my institutions, temple sacrifices, feasts, and priests, &c.

Profaned my sabbaths spent them in profane work, or bestowed them upon idols and their service.

Haydock: Eze 22:2 - -- Blood. Why dost thou cease to admonish and rebuke the people? (Worthington) --- Pronounce sentence on Jerusalem, (Haydock) for her cruelties. (Ca...

Blood. Why dost thou cease to admonish and rebuke the people? (Worthington) ---

Pronounce sentence on Jerusalem, (Haydock) for her cruelties. (Calmet)

Haydock: Eze 22:6 - -- Hath. Septuagint, "was mixed with his relations," ver. 10., &c., (Haydock) fighting against them. (Theodoret)

Hath. Septuagint, "was mixed with his relations," ver. 10., &c., (Haydock) fighting against them. (Theodoret)

Haydock: Eze 22:8 - -- Sabbaths, by servile works, and by their sinful deportment.

Sabbaths, by servile works, and by their sinful deportment.

Gill: Eze 22:1 - -- Moreover the word of the Lord came unto me..... The word of prophecy from the Lord, as the Targum, another prophecy: saying; as follows:

Moreover the word of the Lord came unto me..... The word of prophecy from the Lord, as the Targum, another prophecy:

saying; as follows:

Gill: Eze 22:2 - -- Now, thou son of man, wilt thou judge, wilt thou judge the bloody city?.... Or, "city of bloods" y? the city of Jerusalem, in which was shed the blood...

Now, thou son of man, wilt thou judge, wilt thou judge the bloody city?.... Or, "city of bloods" y? the city of Jerusalem, in which was shed the blood of the prophets sent unto her; the doubling of the word denotes the vehemency with which it was expressed: wilt thou plead for and excuse such a city as this? surely no; so some: or wilt thou do thy work and office as a prophet? hast thou courage enough to do it? will thou rebuke and reprove? as the Targum; wilt thou examine her case, judge truly, and condemn her, as thou oughtest to do? hast thou an inclination to take this affair in hand? then be directed to it, as follows:

yea, thou shalt show her all her abominations; lay them before her; convict her of them; show her the evil of them, and the punishment they deserve; every kind of sin she was guilty of; for, as for particular acts, it was impossible to reckon them; those sins that were the most flagrant, and most frequently committed, and which were abominable to the Lord, and rendered her so in his sight, are intended.

Gill: Eze 22:3 - -- Then say thou, thus saith the Lord God,.... For though the prophet was to sit as judge, yet in the name of the King of kings, under whose authority he...

Then say thou, thus saith the Lord God,.... For though the prophet was to sit as judge, yet in the name of the King of kings, under whose authority he acted:

the city sheddeth blood in the midst of it; openly and impudently, in the face of all, and in great abundance; even innocent blood, as the Targum has it: murders were frequent and common, either through quarrels, or through unrighteous judgments in courts of judicature:

that her time may come; to fill up the measure of her iniquity, and to receive the just punishment of her sins. So the Targum,

"the time of her destruction:''

and maketh idols against herself, to defile herself; being guilty, not only of murder, but of idolatry; she was an idol maker and an idol worshipper; and which was against herself, as well as against God; to her own ruin and destruction, as well as to his dishonour; and it is no wonder she should be defiled with such dunghill gods as these were, as the word used signifies. The Targum renders it, "in the midst of her"; and Kimchi interprets it, by "her", or "above her", upon the mountains and hills.

Gill: Eze 22:4 - -- Thou art become guilty in thy blood that thou hast shed,.... Not only she contracted guilt by the innocent blood she shed, but she was tried and found...

Thou art become guilty in thy blood that thou hast shed,.... Not only she contracted guilt by the innocent blood she shed, but she was tried and found guilty; her guilt was notorious, plain, and evident, as well as exceeding great, and much aggravated:

and hast defiled thyself in thine idols which thou hast made: she not only made them, in doing which she sinned; but polluted herself with them, by worshipping them; her mind and conscience were defiled with them; and which brought such a stain and pollution, as could not be removed by anything that she could do: there are both pollution and guilt in sin, and neither can be removed but by the blood of Christ; and, unless removed that way, punishment must follow:

and thou hast caused thy days to draw near, and art come even unto thy years; to full age, to ripeness for judgment; she had hastened by her sins her days of affliction and distress appointed for her, and was come to years of maturity to suffer for her sins; the years of her captivity, which would soon take place; years in which she would have no pleasure:

therefore have I made thee a reproach unto the Heathen, and a mocking to all countries; who, instead of praising them for their idolatry, would deride them for leaving the God of their fathers, which they did not; and insult over them in their affliction and distress, though they joined with them in idolatrous practices.

Gill: Eze 22:5 - -- Those that be near, and those that be far from thee, shall mock thee,.... The neighbouring nations, as the Edomites, Philistines, Moabites, and Ammoni...

Those that be near, and those that be far from thee, shall mock thee,.... The neighbouring nations, as the Edomites, Philistines, Moabites, and Ammonites; and distant ones, as the Babylonians, Medes, and Persians; all that either hear of, or see their misery, shall rejoice at it, and triumph over them:

which art infamous and much vexed; or they shall say, O thou of an infamous name and character; who hast defiled thy name, got a blot upon it, and lost thy credit by thy conduct and behaviour; and now fretting and vexing under the afflictions and calamities that lie upon thee: or whose tumults are many, as the Targum; who hast been full of noise, and factions, and tumults; thou art now come to a righteous end.

Gill: Eze 22:6 - -- Behold, the princes of Israel,.... Those that belonged to the royal family, or the nobles of the land, or the members of the grand sanhedrim of the na...

Behold, the princes of Israel,.... Those that belonged to the royal family, or the nobles of the land, or the members of the grand sanhedrim of the nation:

everyone were in thee to their power to shed blood; everyone exerted himself to the uttermost, according to his ability, to shed blood, or cause it to be shed; everyone strove, as it were, who should shed most, to exceed each other in this abominable sin.

Gill: Eze 22:7 - -- In thee have they set light by father and mother,.... Through whom they received their being from God; by whom they were brought into the world, broug...

In thee have they set light by father and mother,.... Through whom they received their being from God; by whom they were brought into the world, brought up and educated; and to whom they owed great respect, honour, and obedience; but, on the contrary, they wanted affection to their persons, showed great disrespect to their commands, and treated them with irreverence and contempt; a sin of a very heinous nature, of the first magnitude; reckoned among the very Heathens as next to contempt of God, and disobedience to him; is directly contrary to a law of God, and threatened with a curse, and a severe punishment, Exo 20:12 by the connection of the words with the preceding, the princes of Israel seem intended; the children of the nobles, and the sons and daughters of the king; who, it might have been thought, by the character they bore, the station they were in, and the politeness of their education, would have behaved in another manner; and if this sin prevailed among them, no doubt it did among those of a lower class, who are always influenced by such examples:

in the midst of thee have they dealt by oppression with the stranger; the proselyte, as the Septuagint; him that was converted to me, as the Syriac version; which is an aggravation of the sin, that it was not merely a stranger that came about civil business, but one who came from foreign parts to worship the Lord at Jerusalem, as the Ethiopian eunuch did: now, to oppress such an one, either by private frauds, or by injustice in a court of judicature; to exact upon him for food or lodging; or circumvent and overreach him in trade and commerce; or distress him by vexatious lawsuits, when ignorant of the laws and customs of the country; at a distance from his friends, and in want of money, must be a very great evil; and yet even the princes themselves in Jerusalem were guilty of it:

in thee have they vexed the fatherless and the widow; that were weak and helpless, and had none to protect them, father and husband being dead; when, according to their first rank and station as princes, they ought to have been the defenders of them; but, instead of that, distressed, afflicted, and grieved them.

Gill: Eze 22:8 - -- Thou hast despised mine holy things,.... The holy place, the temple, and the worship of it; holy persons, the priests that officiated there; holy sacr...

Thou hast despised mine holy things,.... The holy place, the temple, and the worship of it; holy persons, the priests that officiated there; holy sacrifices offered up by them; the holy word of God read and explained; and all holy ordinances there administered. These words are directed to Jerusalem, the holy city, and to the inhabitants of it, who ought to have been holy men:

and hast profaned my sabbaths; by doing their own work, and neglecting the service of God; and which was an inlet, as it usually is, to all manner of sin.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Eze 22:2 The phrase “bloody city” is used of Nineveh in Nah 3:1.

NET Notes: Eze 22:3 Heb “her time”; this refers to the time of impending judgment (see the note on “doom” in v. 4).

NET Notes: Eze 22:4 The Hebrew verb is a prophetic perfect, emphasizing that the action is as good as done from the speaker’s perspective.

NET Notes: Eze 22:5 Heb “unclean of name.”

NET Notes: Eze 22:6 Heb “Look! The princes of Israel, each according to his arm, were in you in order to shed blood.”

NET Notes: Eze 22:7 Widows and orphans are often coupled together in the OT (Deut 14:29; 16:11, 14; 24:19-21; 26:12-13; Jer 7:6; 22:3). They represented all who were poor...

Geneva Bible: Eze 22:2 Now, thou son of man, wilt thou ( a ) judge, wilt thou judge the bloody city? yea, thou shalt show her all her abominations. ( a ) Are you ready to e...

Geneva Bible: Eze 22:3 Then say thou, Thus saith the Lord GOD, The city sheddeth blood in the midst of it, that her ( b ) time may come, and maketh idols against ( c ) herse...

Geneva Bible: Eze 22:5 [Those that are] near, and [those that are] far from thee, shall mock thee, [who art] ( d ) infamous [and] much troubled. ( d ) Whose very name all m...

Geneva Bible: Eze 22:7 In thee have they set light by father and mother: in the midst of thee ( e ) have they dealt by oppression with the stranger: in thee have they oppres...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Eze 22:1-31 - --1 A catalogue of sins in Jerusalem, and the dispersion of the Jews in consequence.17 God will burn them as dross in his furnace.23 The general corrupt...

MHCC: Eze 22:1-16 - --The prophet is to judge the bloody city; the city of bloods. Jerusalem is so called, because of her crimes. The sins which Jerusalem stands charged wi...

Matthew Henry: Eze 22:1-16 - -- In these verses the prophet by a commission from Heaven sits as a judge upon the bench, and Jerusalem is made to hold up her hand as a prisoner at t...

Keil-Delitzsch: Eze 22:1-12 - -- Blood-guiltiness of Jerusalem and the burden of its sins. Eze 22:1-5 contain the principal accusation relating to bloodshed and idolatry; and Eze 22...

Constable: Eze 4:1--24:27 - --II. Oracles of judgment on Judah and Jerusalem for sin chs. 4-24 This section of the book contains prophecies th...

Constable: Eze 20:1--23:49 - --D. Israel's defective leadership chs. 20-23 This section of the book is the final collection of propheci...

Constable: Eze 20:45--22:1 - --2. Judgment of Judah's contemporary leaders 20:45-21:32 A new chapter in the Hebrew Bible begins...

Constable: Eze 22:1-31 - --3. The idolatrous rulers of Judah ch. 22 The Lord now clarified one of the primary reasons for t...

Constable: Eze 22:1-16 - --Covenant unfaithfulness 22:1-16 22:1-2 Another message came from the Lord instructing Ezekiel to remind the residents of the bloody city of Jerusalem ...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) The name Ezekiel means "(whom) God will strengthen" [GESENIUS]; or, "God will prevail" [ROSENMULLER]. His father was Buzi (Eze 1:3), a priest, and he ...


TSK: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) The character of Ezekiel, as a Writer and Poet, is thus admirably drawn by the masterly hand of Bishop Lowth: " Ezekiel is much inferior to Jeremiah ...

TSK: Ezekiel 22 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Eze 22:1, A catalogue of sins in Jerusalem, and the dispersion of the Jews in consequence; Eze 22:17, God will burn them as dross in his ...

Poole: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) BOOK OF THE PROPHET EZEKIEL THE ARGUMENT EZEKIEL was by descent a priest, and by commission a prophet, and received it from heaven, as will appea...

Poole: Ezekiel 22 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 22 A catalogue of sins committed in Jerusalem, and the dispersion of the Jews because of them, Eze 22:1-16 . God will burn them as dross in...

MHCC: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) Ezekiel was one of the priests; he was carried captive to Chaldea with Jehoiachin. All his prophecies appear to have been delivered in that country, a...

MHCC: Ezekiel 22 (Chapter Introduction) (v. 1-16) The sins of Jerusalem. (Eze 22:17-22) Israel is condemned as dross. (Eze 22:23-31) As the corruption is general, so shall be the punishmen...

Matthew Henry: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of the Prophet Ezekiel When we entered upon the writings of the prophets, which speak of the ...

Matthew Henry: Ezekiel 22 (Chapter Introduction) Here are three separate messages which God entrusts the prophet to deliver concerning Judah and Jerusalem, and all to the same purport, to show the...

Constable: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) Introduction Title and Writer The title of this book comes from its writer, Ezekiel, t...

Constable: Ezekiel (Outline) Outline I. Ezekiel's calling and commission chs. 1-3 A. The vision of God's glory ch. 1 ...

Constable: Ezekiel Ezekiel Bibliography Ackroyd, Peter R. Exile and Restoration. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1968. ...

Haydock: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) THE PROPHECY OF EZECHIEL. INTRODUCTION. Ezechiel, whose name signifies the strength of God, was of the priestly race, and of the number of t...

Gill: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO EZEKIEL This book is rightly placed after Jeremiah; since Ezekiel was among the captives in Chaldea, when prophesied; whereas Jerem...

Gill: Ezekiel 22 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO EZEKIEL 22 In this chapter a catalogue or list of the sins of the Jews is given; a comparison of them to dross is made, and they ar...

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