Text -- Ezekiel 48:29-35 (NET)

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About five miles in compass.

Wesley: Eze 48:35 - -- From the day of the Lord's restoring this people, and rebuilding their city, and their thankful, holy, and pure worshipping of God there, from that da...
From the day of the Lord's restoring this people, and rebuilding their city, and their thankful, holy, and pure worshipping of God there, from that day it shall be said of Jerusalem.

Wesley: Eze 48:35 - -- The Lord who as his name alone is Jehovah, so is the only true God, faithful to his promise, rich in mercy, glorious in majesty, righteous in his judg...
The Lord who as his name alone is Jehovah, so is the only true God, faithful to his promise, rich in mercy, glorious in majesty, righteous in his judgments, wise and holy in his government, whose presence makes us happy, whose withdrawing from us leaves us to misery. This God will by his favour and presence, bring the confluence of all good to persons, families, and cities; this God will be there to dwell, govern, defend, prosper, and crown. Such is to be the case of earthly Jerusalem, such shall be for ever the case of the heavenly Jerusalem. Such is the case of every true believer, who may, wherever he is, in his way of duty, still write Jehovah - Shammah, My God is here. And 'tis best to be where he is 'till he bring us within the gates of the glorious city, where inconceivable light and love from the immediate presence of God, give every one an eternal demonstration that God is here: to him be glory for ever.
JFB: Eze 48:31 - -- (Rev 21:12, &c.). The twelve gates bear the names of the twelve tribes to imply that all are regarded as having an interest in it.
(Rev 21:12, &c.). The twelve gates bear the names of the twelve tribes to imply that all are regarded as having an interest in it.

JFB: Eze 48:35 - -- Jehovah-Shammah. Not that the city will be called so in mere name, but that the reality will be best expressed by this descriptive title (Jer 3:17; Je...
Clarke: Eze 48:30 - -- These are the goings out - Each of the four sides of the city was four thousand five hundred cubits long. There were three gates on each side, as me...
These are the goings out - Each of the four sides of the city was four thousand five hundred cubits long. There were three gates on each side, as mentioned below; and the whole circumference of the city was eighteen thousand cubits. See the map, plan B. dddd
The rector of New Haven College, in New England, supposes the preceding representations to refer to the happy state of the Church in what is called the Millennium. Leaving this period out of the question, the following observations are worthy of notice: -
"The Jews, for whom this vision was intended, would conceive their country to be divided to the twelve tribes, in lots of a regular and mathematical form; and not confused or intermixed, as in Joshua’ s time. Their city laid out larger than before; and exactly foursquare, with regular suburbs; the temple and appendages much more commodious for their sacrifices, and the habitations of the priests and Levites regularly formed round about the temple. So that this whole plan of the division of the country, laying out of the city, temple, and all the appendages, appears to be perfectly regular and uniform, as if it were drawn all at one time, and by one hand, who had power to effect it; and therefore conveyed to the Jews the most complete idea they were capable of conceiving of the most perfect church, commonwealth, city, temple, and conveniences, for Divine worship
I. The Holy Land, as described chap. 47 and 48, according to the original grant, being about two hundred and fifty miles long, north and south, and about one hundred and fifty miles wide, is divided, by parallel lines east and west, to the twelve tribes, each of them having a portion twenty miles wide. Only between Judah and Benjamin there is a holy portion near ten miles wide; in the middle of which is the holy oblation, twenty-five thousand cubits; that is, about ten miles square for the priests, Levites, city, and temple, Eze 45:1; Eze 48:8; the two ends are for the prince, Eze 45:7, etc
II. The holy oblation, lying in the middle of the holy portion, is twenty-five thousand cubits square, which is near ten miles; of which ten thousand cubits, or four miles, are taken off from the north side for a habitation for the priests, and as much for the Levites on the south side, Eze 45:4, Eze 45:5, and Eze 48:20; and five thousand cubits in the middle for the city portion, Eze 45:6; in the middle of which is the city, four thousand five hundred cubits square, which is nearly two miles, Eze 48:15, Eze 48:16. Round about this is left two hundred and fifty cubits, near thirty rods, for suburbs, Eze 48:17. The remaining ten thousand cubits on the east side, and the ten thousand cubits on the west side, are for the profit of those who serve the city, out of all the tribes, Eze 48:18, Eze 48:19. The sanctuary is in the midst of the city, Eze 48:8
III. The sanctuary or temple, and its appendages, were entirely surrounded with a wall six cubits high and six cubits thick, Eze 40:5; and five hundred cubits long on each side, Eze 42:15, etc., and Eze 45:2. In the middle square stands the temple, which was surrounded by a wall one hundred cubits long on each side, Eze 41:13, and six cubits thick, Eze 41:5. The side-chambers on the outside four cubits, Eze 41:5. The Holy of Holies, at the west end, was twenty cubits square on the inside, Eze 41:4. The holy place or outer court at the east end, was forty cubits, Eze 41:12. The length of the porch on the north side was twenty cubits; the breadth was eleven cubits, Eze 40:49; and the width of the separate place on the south side twenty cubits. On each side of the temple, towards the four gates in the outer wall, stood two courts, eight in the whole, each one hundred cubits square, Eze 40:19, Eze 40:23, Eze 40:27. In each of these were thirty-six little chambers or buildings, about six cubits square, viz., six at the entrance of the gate, Eze 40:7, Eze 40:17, Eze 40:20, etc., and thirty on the pavement, Eze 40:17, etc., which were for lodgings for the priests, for hanging up their garments, and their part of the sacrifices, Eze 42:13.
Calmet has constructed a map to show the position of the tribes, and the quantum of space each was to possess. As this will give a better view of the subject than any written description can, I have inserted one constructed for this work, which, consulting the places said to be connected with the possessions of the different tribes, shows that the tribes did not all possess the same quantum of space, five of the southern tribes possessing only one half as much as those of the north.

Clarke: Eze 48:35 - -- The name of the city from that day shall be, The Lord is there - It would have been better to have retained the original words: -
יהוה שמה
The name of the city from that day shall be, The Lord is there - It would have been better to have retained the original words: -
This is an allusion to the shechinah, or symbol of the Divine Presence, which was in the first, but most certainly was not in the second temple; but Ezekiel tells us that the Divine Presence should be in the city of which he speaks; and should be there so fully and so powerfully, that it should give name to the city itself; and that the very name, Jehovah shammah, should remind all men of the supereminently glorious Being who had condescended to make this city his habitation
Two points must be considered here: -
1. That the prophet intended that, when they should be restored, they should build the temple, and divide the land as he here directs, if the thing could be found to be practicable
2. That he had another temple, another holy city, another Promised Land, in view. The land of Immanuel, the city of the New Jerusalem; and his temple, the Christian Church, which is the house of the living God, 1Ti 3:15, in which the presence of Christ shall ever be found; and all its inhabitants, all that believe on his name, shall be temples of the Holy Ghost. Nor can there be any reasonable doubt that the prophet here, by the Spirit of God, not only points out the return of the Israelites from the Babylonish captivity, and what was to befall them previously to the advent of Jesus Christ; but also the glorious spread of the Gospel in the earth, and the final conversion of the tribes of Israel by the preaching of that Gospel
In conclusion, I think it necessary to state, that there are but few of the prophets of the Old Testament who have left a more valuable treasure to the Church of God than Ezekiel. It is true, he is in several places obscure; but there is a great proportion of the work that is in the highest degree edifying; and several portions that for the depth of the salvation predicted, and the accuracy and minuteness of the description, have nothing equal to them in the Old Testament Scriptures. On such portions, I have felt it my duty to be very particular, that I might be able to point out spiritual beauties and excellencies in this book which are beyond all praise; while I passed slightly over prophecies and symbols which I did not fully understand; but have left to time, by the fulfillment of the events, to prove to successive generations with what heavenly wisdom this much neglected prophet has spoken. And I take this opportunity to recommend this book to the serious perusal of every pious man; and while he wonders at the extent of the wisdom by which Ezekiel has fathomed the depth of so many Divine mysteries, let him give God the glory for this additional testimony to the unsearchable riches of Christ, and that plenary salvation which he has purchased for, and freely offers to, the vilest of the vile, and to the whole of the descendants of Adam
Masoretic Note
Number of verses, 1, 273
Middle verse, Eze 26:1
Masoretic sections, 29.
Eze 47:13-22; Num 34:2, Num 34:13; Josh. 13:1-21:45

TSK: Eze 48:30 - -- the goings : Eze 48:16, Eze 48:32-35; Rev 21:16
four : It is certainly most obvious to interpret these measures, not of cubits, but of the measuring r...
the goings : Eze 48:16, Eze 48:32-35; Rev 21:16
four : It is certainly most obvious to interpret these measures, not of cubits, but of the measuring reed which the prophet’ s conductor had in his hand; according to which, the city would be about thirty-six miles in circumference, and nine miles on each side of the square; which was nearly nine times larger than the greatest extent to which Jerusalem ever attained (See note on Eze 42:15, and see note on Eze 42:16.) The large dimensions of the city and land were perhaps intended to intimate the extensive and glorious propagation of the gospel in the times predicted; and the land was not called Canaan, nor the city Jerusalem, probably because they were figurative of spiritual blessings to the church and to Israel.

TSK: Eze 48:31 - -- Isa 26:1, Isa 26:2, Isa 54:12, Isa 60:11; Rev 21:12, Rev 21:13, Rev 21:21, Rev 21:25

TSK: Eze 48:35 - -- and the name : Gen 22:14; Jer 33:16; Zec 14:21
The Lord : Heb. JEHOVAH shammah, Exo 15:26, Exo 17:15; Jdg 6:24; Psa 46:5, Psa 48:3, Psa 48:14, Psa 68:...

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes: Eze 48:30 - -- The goings out of the city - The gates described in Eze 48:31. "Measures"(reeds) concern the sides. Divide the verses thus: Eze 48:30. "And the...
The goings out of the city - The gates described in Eze 48:31. "Measures"(reeds) concern the sides. Divide the verses thus: Eze 48:30. "And these are the goings out of the city. Eze 48:31. On the north side 4500 measures: and the gates of the city after the names of the tribes of Israel: three gates northward etc."

Barnes: Eze 48:35 - -- The circuit of the city walls, a square of 4500 reeds, was 18,000 reeds, not quite 37 English miles. The circuit of Jerusalem in the time of Josephu...
The circuit of the city walls, a square of 4500 reeds, was 18,000 reeds, not quite 37 English miles. The circuit of Jerusalem in the time of Josephus was reckoned by him to be about four miles.
The name ... - The manner of expressing a spiritual meaning by giving a name to a city, a people, or the like, is familiar to the prophets (see Eze 43:15 note). Jerome explains it: "The name of the city shall be no longer Jerusalem ("the vision of peace"), but Adonai-shama ("the Lord is there") (rather, Jehovah-shammah, "Jehovah is there"), because Yahweh will never again withdraw from it, as He once withdrew, but will hold it as His everlasting possession."The visible presence of God’ s glory, once represented in the tabernacle and in the temple, had departed, and should not return in the same form. Yet Ezekiel in "visions of God"sees a temple reconstructed to receive the glory of the divine presence, a prophetic vision fulfilled in Emmanuel ("God with us"), who tabernacled among men Joh 1:14. Compare Rom 9:25; Rev 21:2-3.
\brdrb \brdrs \brdrw30 \brsp20
Poole: Eze 48:29 - -- This is the land whose south bounds are here repeated, the north bounds Eze 48:1 .
Ye shall divide by lot not casting lots, but assigning the share...
This is the land whose south bounds are here repeated, the north bounds Eze 48:1 .
Ye shall divide by lot not casting lots, but assigning the shares.
These are their portions these above described are the particular shares of each tribe.

Poole: Eze 48:30 - -- Now the prophet hath a general topography of the city, which lay four-square. The first side mentioned is the north, for there he began to describe ...
Now the prophet hath a general topography of the city, which lay four-square. The first side mentioned is the north, for there he began to describe the land, or because it was nearest the temple. It was, as Eze 48:16 , which see, four thousand five hundred cubits, i.e. about a mile and one third of a mile.

Poole: Eze 48:31 - -- So then it is probable these gates were built at equal distance from the corners and from each other.
So then it is probable these gates were built at equal distance from the corners and from each other.

Poole: Eze 48:35 - -- Round measuring all four squares.
Eighteen thousand measures , or cubits, at which proportioned measures it was about five miles in compass; if the ...
Round measuring all four squares.
Eighteen thousand measures , or cubits, at which proportioned measures it was about five miles in compass; if the measures were reeds, it would be thirty miles and three hundred and twenty-five yards in compass of the walls, which cannot be conceived credible; whereas the other is the proportion the city might have been built to, if the sins of the Jews had not prevented.
The name , by which it shall be called, known, and which shall be the honour of it and its glory. From that day; from the day of the Lord’ s restoring this people, and rebuilding their city, and re-establishing his worship, and their thankful, holy, and pure worshipping of God there, from the day that such unmatched mercy produceth a suitable return unto God, from that day it shall be said of Jerusalem,
The Lord is there ; the Lord, who, as his name alone is Jehovah, so is the only true God, faithful to promise, rich in mercy, glorious in majesty, righteous in his judgments, wise and holy in his government, whose presence makes us happy, whose withdrawing from us leaves us to misery. This God will, by his favour and presence, repel enemies and protect his people, bring with him the confluence of all good to persons, families, and cities; this God will be there to dwell, govern, defend, prosper, and crown. The people is blessed that is in such case, for their God is the Lord, Psa 144:15 . Such was the case of typical, earthly Jerusalem, though not long; such is and shall be for ever the case of the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of God, the true church and temple of God. Such is the case of every true sincere believer, who may, wherever he is in his way of duty, still write, Jehovah-shammah, My God is here; and it is best to be where he is, till he bring me within the gates of the glorious city, where inconceivable light and love from the immediate presence of God give every one an eternal demonstration that
Haydock: Eze 48:30 - -- Out, or gates. (Haydock) ---
There were three on each of the four sides. (Calmet)
Out, or gates. (Haydock) ---
There were three on each of the four sides. (Calmet)

Haydock: Eze 48:35 - -- The Lord is there. This name is here given to the city; that is, the Church of Christ; because the Lord is always with her till the end of the world...
The Lord is there. This name is here given to the city; that is, the Church of Christ; because the Lord is always with her till the end of the world, Matthew xxviii. 20. (Challoner) ---
He always adorns the Church triumphant [in heaven]; (Apocalypse xxii.) but has deserted the synagogue, Matthew xxiii. 38. (Worthington) ---
Jerusalem certainly never bore this name, nor is it requisite that she should, if the prophecy had been literally understood. It would suffice, if she could justly claim such a prerogative. See Isaias vii. 14., and 2 Kings xii. 25. The Church of Christ possesses God for ever. (Calmet)
Gill: Eze 48:29 - -- This is the land which ye shall divide by lot unto the tribes of Israel for inheritance,.... This is the land, as thus described; and these the tribes...
This is the land which ye shall divide by lot unto the tribes of Israel for inheritance,.... This is the land, as thus described; and these the tribes of Israel, or the Israelites indeed, who shall have their respective shares in it, as thus allotted to them for their inheritance; which is not of a worldly, but spiritual nature; and a goodly heritage it is, a place and a name better than sons and daughters; namely, a place in the house and church of God; and a right to enjoy all the ordinances of it:
and these are their portions, saith the Lord God; which he has appointed to them, of his grace bestows on them, and of which they may be assured, since he has said it: no mention is made of any cities of refuge in this division of the land, as in Joshua's time, because now the antitype of them is come, the Messiah, to whom all sensible sinners are directed to flee; and there is no other asylum for them, nor salvation in any other but in him; and besides, in this period there will be no manslayers, nor any that will hurt and destroy in all the holy mountain; and so no need of cities of refuge, Isa 11:9.

Gill: Eze 48:30 - -- And these are the goings out of the city,.... The gates of it, as Jarchi and Kimchi interpret it, by which they went out of it, and into it; and also ...
And these are the goings out of the city,.... The gates of it, as Jarchi and Kimchi interpret it, by which they went out of it, and into it; and also the sides of it. The Lord here returns to the city again, to give an account of its circumference and name:
on the north side four thousand and five hundred measures; the north side of the city measured so many measures; that is, reeds, as Jarchi explains it.

Gill: Eze 48:31 - -- And the gates of the city shall be after names of the tribes of Israel,.... According to number of them, twelve, and called by their names; the names ...
And the gates of the city shall be after names of the tribes of Israel,.... According to number of them, twelve, and called by their names; the names of the several tribes being written on them; see Rev 21:12, this shows that all true Israelites indeed, Israel not after the flesh, but after the Spirit, have a right of entrance into, and communion with, the church of God; even the whole Israel of God, whom he has chosen for himself; Christ has redeemed by his blood, and the Spirit calls by his grace, and sanctifies; these are all, be they Jews or Gentiles, fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God: these gates, though twelve, with respect to the twelve tribes that enter in at them, and the twelve apostles of the Lamb that direct unto them, and whose doctrine they embrace and profess that go in by them; yet are but one in the main, which is Christ, faith in him, and a profession of it, and a professed subjection to his Gospel and ordinances, Joh 10:1,
three gates northward; for those that lay on that side to enter in at:
one gate of Reuben, one gate of Judah, and one gate of Levi: these tribes, and so the rest, were not placed according to their encampment about the tabernacle in the wilderness, or as they were placed by Joshua in the land of Canaan; which shows that the tribes literally considered are not intended. Levi had a gate, though it had not a portion in the manner the other tribes had.

Gill: Eze 48:32 - -- And at the east side four thousand and five hundred,.... Measures or reeds: this side was equal to the north, as the rest were to this; the whole city...
And at the east side four thousand and five hundred,.... Measures or reeds: this side was equal to the north, as the rest were to this; the whole city in its circumference making an equilateral square:
and three gates; which were as follow:
one gate of Joseph, one gate of Benjamin, one gate of Dan; Joseph is here as having a gate, though he is not mentioned as having a portion; but his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, who are here omitted; which made room for Levi's name to be inserted; and Dan, who had his portion first, is here placed in the middle, no order being observed; the whole being mystical and spiritual.

Gill: Eze 48:33 - -- The south side of the city measured just the same as the north and east sides did:
and three gates; were on that side, as on the others:
one gat...
The south side of the city measured just the same as the north and east sides did:
and three gates; were on that side, as on the others:
one gate of Simeon, one gate of Issachar, one gate of Zebulun; at which these tribes entered, or those they represent.

Gill: Eze 48:34 - -- At the west side four thousand and five hundred,.... Measures or reeds; so many were the length of this side; the same with north, south, and east, an...
At the west side four thousand and five hundred,.... Measures or reeds; so many were the length of this side; the same with north, south, and east, and made a foursquare; and such the city was, as the New Jerusalem is said to be, Rev 21:16,
with their three gates: one gate of Gad, one gate of Asher, one gate of Naphtali; the situation of these gates on all sides, east, west, north, and south, show that in the latter day people will flock from all quarters to the church of Christ, and that there will be an open and free access of all persons into it; see Isa 2:2.

Gill: Eze 48:35 - -- It was round about eighteen thousand measures,.... Putting the numbers together which each side made, the circumference of the city was eighteen thous...
It was round about eighteen thousand measures,.... Putting the numbers together which each side made, the circumference of the city was eighteen thousand measures; which, according to Cornelius a Lapide, were thirty two thousand miles; which shows that no city literally taken can be here meant, but mystically and spiritually the church of Christ, which will be of great extent in the latter day; and a large one it had need to be, to hold all nations that will flow into it; it will be spread all over the world; the world will become the church; the kingdoms of it will become Christ's; the little stone will become a great mountain, and fill the whole earth; the kingdom and interest of Christ, which is his church, will be from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth; even from the rising of the sun to the setting of the same. Some Jewish writers a, not knowing what to make of these large measures, say that they have respect to the eighteen thousand worlds God is said b to make, which these were a similitude, figure, or exemplar of; but those Jews are nearer the true sense of them, who say c that this is to be understood of Jerusalem above, or as it will be in future time, in the world to come, the dispensation of the Messiah, Gal 4:26,
and the name of the city from that day shall be, the Lord is there; the Gospel church has other names, as Jerusalem, Mount Zion, the Lord our righteousness, Hephzibah and Beulah, a city not forsaken, Heb 12:22, but here it is called "Jehovah Shammah", the Lord is there, or dwells there; which is to be understood of his presence in it; not in a general way, as he is in all places, and with all his creatures, continually, constantly, and everywhere working in a providential manner; but of his gracious presence in a special way and manner: in this sense Jehovah, Father, Son, and Spirit, are in the Gospel church, and will be more manifestly in the latter day; Jehovah the Father, as the Father of Christ, blessing them with all spiritual blessings in him; granting them his presence in him, and communion with him, through him; as their Father providing all good things for them, and as the God of all grace unto them: Jehovah the Son, as the master of the family taking care of it, as a son in his own house, and the first born among his brethren; as the prophet in the midst of his church, teaching and instructing; as the high priest in the midst of the golden candlesticks, lighting and trimming them; as the King in Zion, to rule and govern, protect and defend it; showing himself in all the glories of his person, and the riches of his grace, according to his promise, Mat 28:20. Jehovah the Spirit is here to qualify men with gifts for the ministry, to apply the word, and make it useful; as a Spirit of grace and supplication, and to help the Lord's people in the exercise of grace, and discharge of duty; and to be their comforter and remembrancer. Jehovah here does and will display his glorious perfections; his power in the preservation of his saints; his wisdom in the guidance and direction of them; his truth and faithfulness in the performance of promises to them; his purity and holiness in the sanctification of them; his love, grace, and mercy, in the large discoveries made unto them; in short, he will appear all glorious to them, and will be the glory in the midst of them, Psa 46:5, Zec 2:5 the date from whence this will commence is "that day"; either from the beginning of the Gospel dispensation, that famous day made by the rising of the sun of righteousness; or from the day and date of Christ's promise of his presence, Mat 28:20 or from the time the Gospel church state was set up; or from the day this city will be rebuilt and restored, the Lord will more visibly and manifestly grant his presence to the inhabitants of it, and never more depart from them; see Isa 42:12, The Targum is,
"the name of the city which is separated from the day, the Lord will cause his Shechaniah to dwell there.''
The Jews d produce this place to show that Jerusalem is called Jehovah, and say, do not read Shammah, "there", but Shemah, "its name"; and the Socinians from hence would disprove the incommunicableness of the name Jehovah to a creature, but without effect; since this city is not called simply Jehovah, but with an additional epithet; and this is to be understood, not in a divided, but compound sense, as the altar in Exo 17:15, and the mount in Gen 22:14.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Eze 48:1-35
TSK Synopsis: Eze 48:1-35 - --1 The portions of the twelve tribes;8 of the sanctuary;15 of the city and suburbs;21 and of the prince.23 The portions of the twelve tribes.30 The dim...
MHCC -> Eze 48:1-35
MHCC: Eze 48:1-35 - --Here is a description of the several portions of the land belonging to each tribe. In gospel times, behold all things are become new. Much is wrapped ...
Matthew Henry -> Eze 48:31-35
Matthew Henry: Eze 48:31-35 - -- We have here a further account of the city that should be built for the metropolis of this glorious land, and to be the receptacle of those who woul...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Eze 48:1-29; Eze 48:30-35
Keil-Delitzsch: Eze 48:1-29 - --
The division of the land, like the definition of the boundaries (Eze 47:15), commences in the north, and enumerates the tribes in the order in which...

Keil-Delitzsch: Eze 48:30-35 - --
Size, Gates, and Name of the City
To complete the whole picture of the future land of Israel, what has been stated in Eze 48:15 and Eze 48:16 con...
Constable -> Eze 33:1--48:35; Eze 40:1--48:35; Eze 47:1--48:35; Eze 47:13--Dan 1:1; Eze 48:23-29; Eze 48:30-35
Constable: Eze 33:1--48:35 - --IV. Future blessings for Israel chs. 33--48
"This last major division of the book focuses on the restoration of ...

Constable: Eze 40:1--48:35 - --C. Ezekiel's vision of the return of God's glory chs. 40-48
The Book of Ezekiel begins with a vision of ...

Constable: Eze 47:1--48:35 - --5. Topographical aspects of the Millennium chs. 47-48
God promised Abraham that He would give a ...

Constable: Eze 47:13--Dan 1:1 - --The boundaries and principles of allotment of the land 47:13-48:35
"There are two special areas of attention in this passage: (1) the concern that God...

Constable: Eze 48:23-29 - --Tribal allotments in the south 48:23-29
The tribal allotments south of this spec...