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Text -- Ezekiel 5:17 (NET)

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5:17 I will send famine and wild beasts against you and they will take your children from you. Plague and bloodshed will overwhelm you, and I will bring a sword against you. I, the Lord, have spoken!”
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Eze 5:17 - -- Of your children, friends, and your own life.

Of your children, friends, and your own life.

Wesley: Eze 5:17 - -- Thy land shall be the common road for pestilence and blood. Tho' this prophecy was to be accomplished presently, in the destruction of Jerusalem by th...

Thy land shall be the common road for pestilence and blood. Tho' this prophecy was to be accomplished presently, in the destruction of Jerusalem by the Chaldeans; yet it may well be supposed to look forward, to the final destruction of it by the Romans, when God made a full end of the Jewish nation, and caused his fury to rest upon them.

JFB: Eze 5:17 - -- Perhaps meaning destructive conquerors (Dan 7:4). Rather, literal "beasts," which infest desolated regions such as Judea was to become (compare Eze 34...

Perhaps meaning destructive conquerors (Dan 7:4). Rather, literal "beasts," which infest desolated regions such as Judea was to become (compare Eze 34:28; Exo 23:29; Deu 32:24; 2Ki 17:25). The same threat is repeated in manifold forms to awaken the careless.

JFB: Eze 5:17 - -- Civil war.

Civil war.

Clarke: Eze 5:17 - -- So will I send upon you famine and evil beasts, and they shall bereave thee - Wild beasts always multiply in depopulated countries. In England, wolv...

So will I send upon you famine and evil beasts, and they shall bereave thee - Wild beasts always multiply in depopulated countries. In England, wolves abounded when the country was thinly peopled, it is now full of inhabitants, and there is not one wolf in the land. Nebuchadnezzar and his Chaldeans may be called here evil beasts. He is often compared to a lion, Jer 4:7; Dan 7:14; on account of the ravages made by him and his Chaldean armies.

Calvin: Eze 5:17 - -- Here God speaks generally concerning certain adversities — I will send evil upon them, he says, but immediately afterwards he adds the kind of ev...

Here God speaks generally concerning certain adversities — I will send evil upon them, he says, but immediately afterwards he adds the kind of evil, of which he had not yet spoken. Hence, under the name of evil he embraces all adversities, as if he had said that he intended to exact the penalty from the wicked, not in one or two ways only, but by those numberless troubles which surround us, and to which we are subject; so that there would be no bounds to his wrath, unless men should cease to provoke his anger. This is the reason, then, why he now speaks generally concerning evil; but as I have said he adds the kind of evil — An evil beast shall come upon thee, and so I will bereave thee Although only one form of evil is expressed, yet it is by no means doubtful that for the sake of example God mentions this, that they might understand that all injuries are in his hand. And these are numberless. If we look upwards, how many deaths hang over us from that direction? If we look at the earth, how many poisons? how many wild and fierce beasts, how many serpents, swords, pitfalls, stumbling-blocks, precipices, falls of houses, throwings of stones and darts? In short, we cannot stir a step without ten deaths meeting us. So God here speaks of wild beasts only for the purpose of showing that they were at hand, and that by them he would execute his judgments. Now, therefore, we understand why Ezekiel first spoke of the genus, and afterwards came to the species.

And at length he adds, I will bereave or deprive them, namely, that he will deprive fathers of their sons, and sons of their fathers; and he will do that, not only by cruel and savage beasts, but by various other ways. Again he repeats — pestilence and blood shall pass over thee. He had not spoken of blood before, unless under the name of the sword, which he repeats again: but he heaps together, as I have said, various forms of speech, so that those should be at length awakened who had been too slow, and were afterwards turning themselves willingly away from all sense of the wrath of God. Hence he says, pestilence and blood shall pass through thee. Then, I will bring a sword, says he, upon thee When he spoke of blood, he really intended a sword, but, as I have already said, this did not cause either the Israelites or Jews instantly to tremble at such threats. What, therefore, was in itself sufficiently clear and easy, ought to be impressed in various ways. With this view he adds again, I Jehovah have spoken For he turns away the Jews and Israelites from looking at himself, and shows them that he was not the author of the threats, but that he faithfully delivers what he had received from God’s hand, and what he was commanded to utter against them.

TSK: Eze 5:17 - -- and evil : Eze 14:15, Eze 14:21, Eze 33:27, Eze 34:25-28; Exo 23:29; Lev 26:22; Deu 32:24; 2Ki 17:25; Jer 15:3 and pestilence : Eze 5:12, Eze 14:19, E...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Poole: Eze 5:17 - -- Evil beasts Heb. evil beast : either the king of Babylon, which, like a ravenous and insatiable beast, tore and devoured all. Or, literally, lions, ...

Evil beasts Heb. evil beast : either the king of Babylon, which, like a ravenous and insatiable beast, tore and devoured all. Or, literally, lions, bears, &c., which are one of his four sore judgments, Eze 14:21 .

Bereave thee of your children, friends, and your own life; when you flee to mountains and caves, for fear of the Chaldees, where you seek your safety you shall find your death, and be torn to pieces. Thy land shall be the common road and highway for pestilence and blood, as the Hebrew denotes, and they shall lodge in thy cities, in Jerusalem, as if they were the appointed receptacles for these guests. Here are the four sore plagues which God wastes nations with, all sent out against the Jews, and their commission signed from heaven with a witness, Ourself. I have spoken it, saith the Lord.

Gill: Eze 5:17 - -- So will I send upon you famine, and evil beasts,.... Famine is repeated for the further confirmation of it; and "evil beasts" are added, by whom are m...

So will I send upon you famine, and evil beasts,.... Famine is repeated for the further confirmation of it; and "evil beasts" are added, by whom are meant, not the Chaldeans, comparable to such; but literally lions, wolves, hears, &c. which are threatened the Jews, in case of disobedience, Lev 26:22; and which sometimes were sent, 2Ki 17:24;

and they shall bereave thee; that is, of her children, whom the evil beasts should destroy; they not being able to defend themselves against them, as men can:

and pestilence and blood shall pass through thee, and I will bring the sword upon thee; the pestilence, famine, sword, which is meant by blood, and evil beasts, are the Lord's four sore judgments; see Eze 14:21.

I the Lord have spoken it: who was able to perform it, and did, both at the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar and by Titus.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Eze 5:17 Heb “will pass through you.” This threat recalls the warning of Lev 26:22, 25 and Deut 32:24-25.

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Eze 5:1-17 - --1 Under the type of hair,5 is shewn the judgment of Jerusalem for their rebellion;12 by famine, sword, and dispersion.

MHCC: Eze 5:5-17 - --The sentence passed upon Jerusalem is very dreadful, the manner of expression makes it still more so. Who is able to stand in God's sight when he is a...

Matthew Henry: Eze 5:5-17 - -- We have here the explanation of the foregoing similitude: This is Jerusalem. Thus it is usual in scripture language to give the name of the thing ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Eze 5:10-17 - -- Further Execution of this Threat Eze 5:10. Therefore shall fathers devour their children in thy midst, and children shall devour their fathers: ...

Constable: Eze 4:1--24:27 - --II. Oracles of judgment on Judah and Jerusalem for sin chs. 4-24 This section of the book contains prophecies th...

Constable: Eze 4:1--7:27 - --A. Ezekiel's initial warnings chs. 4-7 In this section, Ezekiel grouped several symbolic acts that pictu...

Constable: Eze 4:1--5:17 - --1. Dramatizations of the siege of Jerusalem chs. 4-5 The Lord had shut Ezekiel's mouth (3:26), s...

Constable: Eze 5:5-17 - --The interpretation of these acts 5:5-17 Evidently Ezekiel's verbal explanation of this drama came at the very end of the drama, at the time of the rea...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) The name Ezekiel means "(whom) God will strengthen" [GESENIUS]; or, "God will prevail" [ROSENMULLER]. His father was Buzi (Eze 1:3), a priest, and he ...


TSK: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) The character of Ezekiel, as a Writer and Poet, is thus admirably drawn by the masterly hand of Bishop Lowth: " Ezekiel is much inferior to Jeremiah ...

TSK: Ezekiel 5 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Eze 5:1, Under the type of hair, Eze 5:5, is shewn the judgment of Jerusalem for their rebellion; Eze 5:12, by famine, sword, and dispers...

Poole: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) BOOK OF THE PROPHET EZEKIEL THE ARGUMENT EZEKIEL was by descent a priest, and by commission a prophet, and received it from heaven, as will appea...

Poole: Ezekiel 5 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 5 Under the type of the prophet’ s hair, Eze 5:1-4 , is showed God’ s judgment upon Jerusalem, Eze 5:5-11 , by pestilence, by fam...

MHCC: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) Ezekiel was one of the priests; he was carried captive to Chaldea with Jehoiachin. All his prophecies appear to have been delivered in that country, a...

MHCC: Ezekiel 5 (Chapter Introduction) (Eze 5:1-4) A type of hair, showing the judgments about to come upon the Jews. (Eze 5:5-17) These awful judgments are declared.

Matthew Henry: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of the Prophet Ezekiel When we entered upon the writings of the prophets, which speak of the ...

Matthew Henry: Ezekiel 5 (Chapter Introduction) In this chapter we have a further, and no less terrible, denunciation of the judgments of God, which were coming with all speed and force upon the ...

Constable: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) Introduction Title and Writer The title of this book comes from its writer, Ezekiel, t...

Constable: Ezekiel (Outline) Outline I. Ezekiel's calling and commission chs. 1-3 A. The vision of God's glory ch. 1 ...

Constable: Ezekiel Ezekiel Bibliography Ackroyd, Peter R. Exile and Restoration. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1968. ...

Haydock: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) THE PROPHECY OF EZECHIEL. INTRODUCTION. Ezechiel, whose name signifies the strength of God, was of the priestly race, and of the number of t...

Gill: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO EZEKIEL This book is rightly placed after Jeremiah; since Ezekiel was among the captives in Chaldea, when prophesied; whereas Jerem...

Gill: Ezekiel 5 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO EZEKIEL 5 This chapter is of the same argument with the former; and contains a type of Jerusalem's destruction; an explanation of t...

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