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Text -- Genesis 25:8 (NET)

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25:8 Then Abraham breathed his last and died at a good old age, an old man who had lived a full life. He joined his ancestors.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Abraham a son of Terah; the father of Isaac; ancestor of the Jewish nation.,the son of Terah of Shem

Dictionary Themes and Topics: SHEOL | Rebekah | MARRIAGE | Isaac | Immortality | GHOST | GENESIS, 1-2 | GATHER | ESCHATOLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT | Death | DIE | Abraham | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

Bible Query , Critics Ask

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Gen 25:8 - -- So God had promised him. His death was his discharge from the burdens of his age: it was also the crown of the glory of his old age.

So God had promised him. His death was his discharge from the burdens of his age: it was also the crown of the glory of his old age.

Wesley: Gen 25:8 - -- A good man, though he should not die old, dies full of days, satisfied with living here, and longing to live in a better place.

A good man, though he should not die old, dies full of days, satisfied with living here, and longing to live in a better place.

Wesley: Gen 25:8 - -- His body was gathered to the congregation of the dead, and his soul to the congregation of the blessed. Death gathers us to our people. Those that are...

His body was gathered to the congregation of the dead, and his soul to the congregation of the blessed. Death gathers us to our people. Those that are our people while we live, whether the people of God, or the children of this world, to them death will gather us.

Clarke: Gen 25:8 - -- Then Abraham gave up the ghost - Highly as I value our translation for general accuracy, fidelity, and elegance, I must beg leave to dissent from th...

Then Abraham gave up the ghost - Highly as I value our translation for general accuracy, fidelity, and elegance, I must beg leave to dissent from this version. The original word יגוע yigva , from the root גוע gava , signifies to pant for breath, to expire, to cease from breathing, or to breathe one’ s last; and here, and wherever the original word is used, the simple term expired would be the proper expression. In our translation this expression occurs Gen 25:8, Gen 25:17; Gen 35:29; Gen 44:33; Job 3:11; Job 10:18; Job 11:20; Job 13:19; Job 14:10; Lam 1:19; in all of which places the original is גוע gava . It occurs also in our translation, Jer 15:9, but there the original is נפחה נפשה naphecah naphshah , she breathed out her soul; the verb גוע gava not being used. Now as our English word ghost, from the Anglo-Saxon gast , an inmate, inhabitant, guest, (a casual visitant), also a spirit, is now restricted among us to the latter meaning, always signifying the immortal spirit or soul of man, the guest of the body; and as giving up the spirit, ghost, or soul, is an act not proper to man, though commending it to God, in our last moments, is both an act of faith and piety; and as giving up the ghost, i.e., dismissing his spirit from his body, is attributed to Jesus Christ, to whom alone it is proper, I therefore object against its use in every other case

Every man since the fall has not only been liable to death, but has deserved it, as all have forfeited their lives because of sin. Jesus Christ, as born immaculate, and having never sinned, had not forfeited his life, and therefore may be considered as naturally and properly immortal. No man, says he, taketh it - my life, from me, but I lay it down of myself; I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again: therefore doth the Father love me, because I lay down my life that I might take it again, Joh 10:17, Joh 10:18. Hence we rightly translate Mat 27:50, αφηκε το πνευμα, he gave up the ghost; i.e., he dismissed his spirit that he might die for the sin of the world. The Evangelist St. Joh 19:30, makes use of an expression to the same import, which we translate in the same way, παρεδωκε το πνευμα, he delivered up his spirit. We translate Mar 15:37, and Luk 23:46, he gave up the ghost, but not correctly, because the word in both these places is very different, εξεπνευσε, he breathed his last, or expired, though in the latter place (Luk 23:46) there is an equivalent expression, O Father, into thy hands παρατιθεμαι το πνευμα μου, I commit my spirit, i.e., I place my soul in thy hand; proving that the act was his own, that no man could take his life away from him, that he did not die by the perfidy of his disciple, or the malice of the Jews, but by his own free act. Thus He Laid Down his life for the sheep. Of Ananias and Sapphira, Act 5:5, Act 5:10, and of Herod, Act 12:23, our translation says they gave up the ghost; but the word in both places is εξεψυξε, which simply means to breathe out, to expire, or die; but in no case, either by the Septuagint in the Old or any of the sacred writers in the New Testament, is αφηκε το μνευμα or παρεδωκε το πνευμα, he dismissed his spirit or delivered up his spirit, spoken of any person but Christ. Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob, etc., breathed their last; Ananias, Sapphira, and Herod expired; but none, Jesus Christ excepted, gave up the ghost, dismissed, or delivered up his own spirit, and was consequently free among the dead. Of the patriarchs, etc., the Septuagint uses the word εκλειπων, failing, or κατεπαυσε, he ceased or rested

Clarke: Gen 25:8 - -- An old man - Viz., one hundred and seventy-five, the youngest of all the patriarchs; and full of years. The word years is not in the text; but as ou...

An old man - Viz., one hundred and seventy-five, the youngest of all the patriarchs; and full of years. The word years is not in the text; but as our translators saw that some word was necessary to fill up the text, they added this in italics. It is probable that the true word is ימים yamim , days, as in Gen 35:29; and this reading is found in several of Kennicott’ s and De Rossi’ s MSS., in the Samaritan text, Septuagint, Vulgate, Syriac, Arabic, Persic, and Chaldee. On these authorities it might be safely admitted into the text

Clarke: Gen 25:8 - -- Being full of days, or full of years - To be satiated with days or life, has been in use among different nations to express the termination of life,...

Being full of days, or full of years - To be satiated with days or life, has been in use among different nations to express the termination of life, and especially life ended without reluctance. It seems to be a metaphor taken from a guest regaled by a plentiful banquet, and is thus used by the Roman poets. Lucretius, lib. iii., ver. 947, ridiculing those who were unreasonably attached to life, and grievously afflicted at the prospect of death, addresses them in the following manner: -

Tempus Abire tibi est

Epist. l. ii., ver. 216

Thou hast eaten, drunk, and play’ d E nough

then why So stark reluctant to leave off, and D ie

The poet Statius uses abire paratum Plenum vita , "prepared to depart, being Full of Life,"in exactly the same sense: -

Dubio quem non in turbine reru

Deprendet suprema dies; sed abire paratum

Acts Plenum

Quid mortem congemis, ac fies

Nam si grata fuit tibi vita anteacta, priorque

Et non omnia pertusum congesta quasi in va

Commoda perfluxere, atque ingrata interiere

Cur non, ut Plenus Vitae Conviva, Recedis

Fond mortal, what’ s the matter, thou dost sigh

Why all these fears because thou once must die

For if the race thou hast already ru

Was pleasant, if with joy thou saw’ st the sun

If all thy pleasures did not pass thy min

As through a sieve, but left some sweets behind

Why dost thou not then, like a T hankful G uest

Rise cheerfully from life’ s A bundant Feast


Et nec opinanti mors ad caput astitit ante

Quam Satur, ac Plenus possis discedere rerum

Ib. ver. 972

And unexpected hasty death destroys

Before thy greedy mind is F ull of J oys . Idem

Horace makes use of the same figure: -

Inde fit, ut raro, qui se vixisse beatu

Dicat, et exacto Contentus tempore vita

Cedat, ut Conviva Satur, reperire queamus

Sat. l. i. Sat. i. ver. 117

From hence how few, like S ated G uests

depart From life’ s F ull B anquet with a cheerful heart


The same image is expressed with strong ridicule in his last Epistle -

Lusisti satis, edisti satis, atque bibisti

Vita. Sylv. l. ii., Villa Surrentina, ver. 128

The man whose mighty soul is not immersed in dubious whirl of secular concerns, His final hour ne’ er takes him by surprise, But, Full of Life, he stands Prepared to Die

It was the opinion of Aristotle that a man should depart from life as he should rise from a banquet. Thus Abraham died Full of days, and Satisfied with life, but in a widely different spirit from that recommended by the above writers - He left life with a hope full of immortality, which they could never boast; for He saw the day of Christ, and was glad; and his hope was crowned, for here it is expressly said, He was gathered to his fathers; surely not to the bodies of his sleeping ancestors, who were buried in Chaldea and not in Canaan, nor with his fathers in any sense, for he was deposited in the cave where his Wife alone slept; but he was gathered to the spirits of just men made perfect, and to the Church of the first-born, whose names are written in heaven; Heb 12:23.

Calvin: Gen 25:8 - -- 8.Then Abraham gave up the ghost 20 They are mistaken who suppose that this expression denotes sudden death, as intimating that he had not been worn ...

8.Then Abraham gave up the ghost 20 They are mistaken who suppose that this expression denotes sudden death, as intimating that he had not been worn out by long disease, but expired without pain. Moses rather means to say that the father of the faithful was not exempt from the common lot of men, in order that our minds may not languish when the outward man is perishing; but that, by meditating on that renovation which is laid up as the object of our hope, we may, with tranquil minds, suffer this frail tabernacle to be dissolved. There is therefore no reason why a feeble, emaciated body, failing eyes, tremulous hands, and the lost use of all our members, should so dishearten us, that we should not hasten, after the example of our father, with joy and alacrity to our death. But although Abraham had this in common with the human race, that he grew old and died; yet Moses, shortly afterwards, puts a difference between him and the promiscuous multitude of men as to manner of dying; namely, that he should die in a good old age, and satisfied with life. Unbelievers, indeed, often seem to participate in the same blessing; yea, David complains that they excelled in this kind of privilege; and a similar complaint occurs in the book of Job, namely, that they fill up their time happily, till in a moment they descend into the grave. 21 But what I said before must be remembered, that the chief part of a good old age consists in a good conscience and in a serene and tranquil mind. Whence it follows, that what God promises to Abraham, can only apply to those who truly cultivate righteousness: for Plato says, with equal truth and wisdom, that a good hope is the nutriment of old age; and therefore old men who have a guilty conscience are miserably tormented, and are inwardly racked as by a perpetual torture. But to this we must add, what Plato knew not, that it is godliness which causes a good old age to attend us even to the grave, because faith is the preserver of a tranquil mind. To the same point belongs what is immediately added, he was full of days, so that he did not desire a prolongation of life. We see how many are in bondage to the desire of life; yea, nearly the whole world languishes between a weariness of the present life and an inexplicable desire for its continuance. That satiety of life, therefore, which shall cause us to be ready to leave it, is a singular favor from God.

And was gathered to his people. I gladly embrace the opinion of those who believe the state of our future life to be pointed out in this form of expression; provided we do not restrict it, as these expositors do, to the faithful only; but understand by it that mankind are associated together in death as well as in life. 22 It may seem absurd to profane men, for David to say, that the reprobate are gathered together like sheep into the grave; but if we examine the expression more closely, this gathering together will have no existence if their souls are annihilated. 23 The mention of Abraham’s burial will presently follow. Now he is said to be gathered to his fathers, which would be inconsistent with fact if human life vanished, and men were reduced to annihilation: wherefore the Scripture, in speaking thus, shows that another state of life remains after death, so that a departure out of the world is not the destruction of the whole man.

Defender: Gen 25:8 - -- Abraham died at 175 years of age (Gen 25:7), which by this time was considered a very great age, even though his father Terah had lived to 205. Human ...

Abraham died at 175 years of age (Gen 25:7), which by this time was considered a very great age, even though his father Terah had lived to 205. Human longevity had greatly declined since the Flood but was still significantly greater than in the modern world.

Defender: Gen 25:8 - -- Since none of his people had been buried in this location, this phrase clearly indicates the belief that "his people" were still alive somewhere. In f...

Since none of his people had been buried in this location, this phrase clearly indicates the belief that "his people" were still alive somewhere. In fact, this place of departed spirits was later called "Abraham's bosom" (Luk 16:22)."

TSK: Gen 25:8 - -- gave : Gen 25:17, Gen 35:18, Gen 49:33; Act 5:5, Act 5:10, Act 12:23 good : Gen 15:15, Gen 35:28, Gen 35:29, Gen 47:8, Gen 47:9, Gen 49:29; Jdg 8:32; ...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Gen 25:1-11 - -- - The Death of Abraham 1. קטוּרה qeṭûrâh , "Qeturah, incense." 2. זמרן zı̂mrān , "Zimran, celebrated in song." יק...

- The Death of Abraham

1. קטוּרה qeṭûrâh , "Qeturah, incense."

2. זמרן zı̂mrān , "Zimran, celebrated in song." יקשׁן yāqshān , "Joqshan, fowler." מדן medān , "Medan, judge." מדין mı̂dyān , "Midian, one who measures." לאבק yı̂shbāq , "Jishbaq, he leaves." שׁוּח shûach , "Shuach, pit."

3. לטוּשׁם leṭûshı̂ym , "Letushim, hammered, sharpened." לאמים le'umı̂ym , "Leummim, peoples."

4. עיפה ‛êypâh , "‘ Ephah, darkness." עפר ‛êper , "‘ Epher, dust." אבידע 'ǎbı̂ydā‛ , "Abida‘ , father of knowledge." אלדעה 'eldā‛âh , "Elda‘ ah, knowing?"

Another family is born to Abraham by Keturah, and portioned off, after which he dies and is buried.

Gen 25:1-6

Added and took a wife. - According to the laws of Hebrew composition, this event may have taken place before that recorded in the close of the previous chapter. Of this law we have several examples in this very chapter. And there is nothing contrary to the customs of that period in adding wife to wife. We cannot say that Abraham was hindered from taking Keturah in the lifetime of Sarah by any moral feeling which would not also have hindered him from taking Hagar. It has been also noticed that Keturah is called a concubine, which is thought to imply that the proper wife was still living; and that Abraham was a very old man at the death of Sarah. But, on the other hand, it is to be remembered that these sons were in any case born after the birth of Isaac, and therefore after Abraham was renewed in vital powers. If this renewal of vigor remained after the birth of Isaac, it may have continued some time after the death of Sarah, whom he survived thirty-eight years. His abstinence from any concubine until Sarah gave him Hagar is against his taking any other during Sarah’ s lifetime. His loneliness on the death of Sarah may have prompted him to seek a companion of his old age. And if this step was delayed until Isaac was married, and therefore separated from him, an additional motive would impel him in the same direction. He was not bound to raise this wife to the full rights of a proper wife, even though Sarah were dead. And six sons might be born to him twenty-five years before his death. And if Hagar and Ishmael were dismissed when he was about fifteen years old, so might Keturah when her youngest was twenty or twenty-five. We are not warranted, then, still less compelled, to place Abraham’ s second marriage before the death of Sarah, or even the marriage of Isaac. It seems to appear in the narrative in the order of time.

Gen 25:2

The endeavors to ascertain the tribes that descended from these six sons of Keturah have not been very successful. Zimran has been compared with Ζαβράμ Zabram (Ptol. vi. 7, 5), situated west of Mecca on the Red Sea. Jokshan with the Κασσανῖται Kassanitai (Ptol. vi. 7, 6), and with the tribe Jakish among the Himyarites in South Arabia. Medan with Μοδιάνα Modiana on the east coast of the Aelanitic Gulf. Midian is found in two localities west of the Aelanitic Gulf and east of the Salt Sea. Among the former, Moses afterward found refuge. The latter are probably east of Abraham’ s residence. Ishbak is compared with Shobek, a place in Idumaea. Shuah probably belongs to the same region. He may be the ancestor of Bildad the Shuhite Job 2:11. Of these, Midian alone appears to be ascertained. The others may have been absorbed in that congeries of tribes, the Arabs.

Gen 25:3-4

Sheba, Dedan, and Asshurim are recurring names Gen 10:7, Gen 10:22, Gen 10:28, describing other tribes of Arabs equally unknown. The three sons of Dedan may be traced in the tribe Asir of the south of Hejaz, the Beni Leits of Hejaz, and the Beni Lam of the borders of Mesopotamia. Of the sons of Midian, Epha is mentioned in Isa 60:6 along with Midian. Epher is compared with Beni Ghifar in Hejaz, Henok with Hanakye north of Medinah, Abida with the Abide, and Eldaah with the Wadaa. These conjectures of Burckhardt are chiefly useful in showing that similar names are still existing in the country. There are here six sons of Abraham, seven grandsons, and three great-grandsons, making sixteen descendants by Keturah. If there were any daughters, they are not noticed. It is not customary to mention females, unless they are connected with leading historical characters. These descendants of Abraham and Keturah are the third contribution of Palgites to the Joktanites, who constituted the original element of the Arabs, the descendants of Lot and Ishmael having preceded them. All these branches of the Arab nation are descended from Heber.

Gen 25:5-6

Abraham makes Isaac his heir Gen 24:36. He gives portions to the sons of the concubines during his lifetime, and sends them away to the East. Ishmael had been portioned off long before Gen 21:14. The East is a general name for Arabia, which stretched away to the southeast and east of the point where Abraham resided in the south of Palestine. The northern part of Arabia, which lay due east of Palestine, was formerly more fertile and populous than now. The sons of Keturah were probably dismissed before they had any children. Their notable descendants, according to custom, are added here before they are dismissed from the main line of the narrative.

Gen 25:7-11

The death of Abraham. His years were a hundred and seventy-five. He survived Sarah thirty-eight years, and Isaac’ s marriage thirty-five. His grandfather lived a hundred and forty-eight years, his father two hundred and five, his son Isaac a hundred and eighty, and his grandson Jacob a hundred and forty-seven; so that his years were the full average of that period. "Expired"- breathed his last. "In a happy old age,"in external and internal blessedness Gen 15:15. "Old and full"- having attained to the standard length of life in his days, and being satisfied with this life, so that he was ready and willing to depart. "Gathered to his peoples"Gen 15:15. To be gathered is not to cease to exist, but to continue existing in another sphere. His peoples, the departed families, from whom he is descended, are still in being in another not less real world. This, and the like expression in the passage quoted, give the first fact in the history of the soul after death, as the burial is the first step in that of the body.

Gen 25:9-10

Isaac and Ishmael, - in brotherly cooperation. Ishmael was the oldest son, dwelt in the presence of all his brethren, and had a special blessing. The sons of Keturah were far away in the East, very young, and had no particular blessing. Ishmael is therefore properly associated with Isaac in paying the last offices to their deceased father. The burying-place had been prepared before. Its purchase is here rehearsed with great precision as a testimony of the fact. This burial-ground is an earnest of the promised possession.

Gen 25:11

This verse is an appendix to the history of Abraham, stating that the blessing of God, which he had enjoyed until his death, now descended upon his son Isaac, who abode at Beer-lahai-roi. The general name "God"is here employed, because the blessing of God denotes the material and temporal prosperity which had attended Abraham, in comparison with other men of his day. Of the spiritual and eternal blessings connected with Yahweh, the proper name of the Author of being and blessing, we shall hear in due time.

The section now completed contains the seventh of the documents commencing with the formula, "these are the generations."It begins in the eleventh chapter and ends in the twenty-fifth, and therefore contains a greater number of chapters and amount of matter than the whole of the preceding narrative. This is as it should be in a record of the ways of God with man. In the former sections, things anterior and external to man come out into the foreground; they lie at the basis of his being, his mental and moral birth. In the present section, things internal to man and flowing from him are brought into view. These are coincident with the growth of his spiritual nature. The latter are no less momentous than the former for the true and full development of his faculties and capacities.

In the former sections the absolute being of God is assumed; the beginning of the heavens and the earth asserted. The reconstruction of skies and land and the creation of a new series of plants and animals are recorded. This new creation is completed by the creating of man in the image of God and after his likeness. The placing of man in a garden of fruit trees prepared for his sustenance and gratification; the primeval command, with its first lessons in language, physics, ethics, and theology; the second lesson in speaking when the animals are named; and the separation of man into the male and the female, are followed by the institutions of wedlock and the Sabbath, the fountain-heads of sociality with man and God, the foreshadows of the second and first tables of the law. The fall of man in the second lesson of ethics; the sentence of the Judge, containing in its very bosom the intimation of mercy; the act of fratricide, followed by the general corruption of the whole race; the notices of Sheth, of calling on the name of Yahweh begun at the birth of Enosh, of Henok who walked with God, and of Noah who found grace in his sight; the flood sweeping away the corruption of man while saving righteous Noah; and the confusion of tongues, defeating the ambition of man, while preparing for the replenishing of the earth and the liberties of men - these complete the chain of prominent facts that are to be seen standing in the background of man’ s history. These are all moments, potent elements in the memory of man, foundation-stones of his history and philosophy. They cannot be surmounted or ignored without absurdity or criminality.

In the section now completed the sacred writer descends from the general to the special, from the distant to the near, from the class to the individual. He dissects the soul of a man, and discloses to our view the whole process of the spiritual life from the newborn babe to the perfect man. Out of the womb of that restless selfish race, from whom nothing is willingly restrained which they have imagined to do, comes forth Abram, with all the lineaments of their moral image upon him. The Lord calls him to himself, his mercy, his blessing, and his service. He obeys the call. That is the moment of his new birth. The acceptance of the divine call is the tangible fact that evinces a new nature. Henceforth he is a disciple, having yet much to learn before he becomes a master, in the school of heaven. From this time forward the spiritual predominates in Abram; very little of the carnal appears.

Two sides of his mental character present themselves in alternate passages, which may be called the physical and the metaphysical, or the things of the body and the things of the soul. In the former only the carnal or old corrupt nature sometimes appears; in the latter, the new nature advances from stage to stage of spiritual growth unto perfection. His entrance into the land of promise is followed by his descent into Egypt, his generous forbearance in parting with Lot, his valorous conduct in rescuing him, and his dignified demeanor toward Melkizedec and the king of Sodom. The second stage of its spiritual development now presents itself to our view; on receiving the promise, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, thy exceeding great reward, he believes in the Lord, who counts it to him for righteousness, and enters into covenant with him. This is the first fruit of the new birth, and it is followed by the birth of Ishmael. On hearing the authoritative announcement, I am God Almighty; walk before me and be perfect, he performs the first act of that obedience which is the keystone of repentance, by receiving the sign of covenant, and proceeds to the high functions of holding communion and making intercession with God. These spiritual acts are followed by the destruction of the cities of the Jordan vale, with the preservation of Lot, the sojourning in Gerar, the birth of Isaac, and the league with Abimelek. The last great act of the spiritual life of Abraham is the surrender of his only son to the will of God, and this again is followed by the death and burial of Sarah, the marriage of Isaac, and the second marriage of Abraham.

It is manifest that every movement in the physical and ethical history of Abraham is fraught with instruction of the deepest interest for the heirs of immortality. The leading points in spiritual experience are here laid before us. The susceptibilities and activities of a soul born of the Spirit are unfolded to our view. These are lessons for eternity. Every descendant of Abraham, every collateral branch of his family, every contemporary eye or ear-witness, might have profited in the things of eternity by all this precious treasury of spiritual knowledge. Many of the Gentiles still had, and all might have had, a knowledge of the covenant with Noah, and a share in its promised blessings. This would not have precluded, but only promoted, the mission of Abraham to be the father of the seed in whom all the families of man should effectually be blessed. And in the meantime it would have caused to be circulated to the ends of the earth that new revelation of spiritual experience which was displayed in the life of Abraham for the perfecting of the saints.

Poole: Gen 25:8 - -- His soul was not required of him, as it was of that fool, Luk 12:20 ; not forced from him by sharp and violent diseases, but was quietly, easily, ...

His soul was not required of him, as it was of that fool, Luk 12:20 ; not forced from him by sharp and violent diseases, but was quietly, easily, and cheerfully yielded up by him into the hands of his merciful God and Father, as the word intimates, in a good old age; good, both graciously, his hoary head being found in the way of righteousness; and naturally, free from the manifold infirmities and calamities of old age. Of which see Ecc 12:1 , &c.

Full of years in the Hebrew it is only full, or satisfied; but you must understand, with days or years, as the phrase is fully expressed, Gen 35:29 1Ch 23:1 29:28 Job 42:17 Jer 6:11 . When he had lived as long as he desired, being in some sort weary of life, and desirous to be dissolved; or full of all good, as the Chaldee renders it; satisfied, as it is said of Naphtali, Deu 33:23 , with favour, and full with the blessing of the Lord upon himself, and upon his children; he

was gathered to his people to his godly progenitors, the former patriarchs, the congregation of the just in heaven, Heb 12:23 ; in regard of his soul: for it cannot be meant of his body, which was not joined with them in the place of burial, as the phrase is, Isa 14:20 , but buried in a strange land, where only Sarah’ s body lay. And it is observed, that this phrase is used of none but good men, of which the Jews were so fully persuaded, that from this very expression used concerning Ishmael here below, Gen 25:17 , they infer his repentance and salvation. See this phrase, Gen 15:15 49:29 Num 20:24 27:13 Jud 2:10 .

Haydock: Gen 25:8 - -- Good old age. Because well spent: though he lived not so long as many of the wicked; decaying not by any violent disorder, but dropping off like a...

Good old age. Because well spent: though he lived not so long as many of the wicked; decaying not by any violent disorder, but dropping off like a ripe apple. ---

Being full. The Hebrew does not express of what; but the Samaritan, Chaldean, Septuagint, Syriac, and Arabic agree with the Vulgate. See chap. xxxv. 29. (Haydock) ---

Days, not years, as Protestants wrongfully interpolate. (Kennicott) ---

His people, the saints of ancient days, in limbo; while his body was placed near the remains of his wife, by the pious attention of his two chief sons, attended by their other brethren. (Haydock) ---

The life of Abraham was a pattern of all virtues, but particularly of faith; and it was an abridgment of the law. His equal was no where found, Ecclesiasticus xliv. 20. (Calmet)

Gill: Gen 25:8 - -- Then Abraham gave up the ghost,.... Very readily and cheerfully, without any previous sickness or present pain, but through the decay of nature by rea...

Then Abraham gave up the ghost,.... Very readily and cheerfully, without any previous sickness or present pain, but through the decay of nature by reason of old age, in a very easy quiet manner:

and died in a good old age, an old man; for quantity, in those times few arriving to a greater; for quality, not attended with those inconveniences and disadvantages with which old age generally is, and therefore called evil:

and full of years; in the original it is only, "and full"; the Targum of Jonathan adds, "of all good"; temporal and spiritual, with which he was filled and satisfied; or he had had enough of life, and was willing to depart, and was full of desires after another and better world:

and was gathered to his people; which is to be understood not of his interment, there being only the body of Sarah in the sepulchre in which he was laid; but of the admission of his soul into the heavenly state upon its separation from the body, when it was at once associated with the spirits of just men made perfect. The Arabic writers f say that he died in the month of Nisan, others say Adar, in the year of the world 3563; but, according to Bishop Usher, he died A. M. 2183, and before Christ 1821.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Gen 25:8 Heb “And he was gathered to his people.” In the ancient Israelite view he joined his deceased ancestors in Sheol, the land of the dead.

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Gen 25:1-34 - --1 The sons of Abraham by Keturah.5 The division of his goods.7 His age, death, and burial.11 God blesses Isaac.12 The generations of Ishmael.17 His ag...

Maclaren: Gen 25:8 - --Genesis 25:8 Full of years' does not seem to me to be a mere synonym for longevity. That would be an intolerable tautology, for we should then have th...

MHCC: Gen 25:1-10 - --All the days, even of the best and greatest saints, are not remarkable days; some slide on silently; such were these last days of Abraham. Here is an ...

Matthew Henry: Gen 25:1-10 - -- Abraham lived, after the marriage of Isaac, thirty-five years, and all that is recorded concerning him during the time lies here in a very few verse...

Keil-Delitzsch: Gen 25:7-8 - -- Abraham died at the good old age of 175, and was "gathered to his people." This expression, which is synonymous with "going to his fathers"(Gen 15:1...

Constable: Gen 11:27--Exo 1:1 - --II. PATRIARCHAL NARRATIVES 11:27--50:26 One of the significant changes in the emphasis that occurs at this point...

Constable: Gen 11:27--25:12 - --A. What became of Terah 11:27-25:11 A major theme of the Pentateuch is the partial fulfillment of the pr...

Constable: Gen 25:1-11 - --18. Abraham's death 25:1-11 Before Abraham died, he made sure that God's covenantal blessing wou...

Constable: Gen 25:7-11 - --Abraham's death and Isaac's blessing 25:7-11 Isaac would have been 75 years old and Jaco...

Guzik: Gen 25:1-34 - --Genesis 25 - Abraham's Death; Jacob and Esau Born to Isaac A. Abraham's latter life and death. 1. (1-4) Abraham marries again and has many children ...

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Commentary -- Other

Bible Query: Gen 25:8 Q: In Gen 25:8,17 and Gen 49:33, how did the patriarchs "give up the ghost"? A: This is a rough translation of the Hebrew word gâva’, which liter...

Critics Ask: Gen 25:8 GENESIS 25:8 —Did the Hebrews have a concept of life after death at such an early point in their history? PROBLEM: Critical scholars assert tha...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Genesis (Book Introduction) GENESIS, the book of the origin or production of all things, consists of two parts: the first, comprehended in the first through eleventh chapters, gi...

JFB: Genesis (Outline) THE CREATION OF HEAVEN AND EARTH. (Gen 1:1-2) THE FIRST DAY. (Gen 1:3-5) SECOND DAY. (Gen 1:6-8) THIRD DAY. (Gen 1:9-13) FOURTH DAY. (Gen 1:14-19) FI...

TSK: Genesis (Book Introduction) The Book of Genesis is the most ancient record in the world; including the History of two grand and stupendous subjects, Creation and Providence; of e...

TSK: Genesis 25 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Gen 25:1, The sons of Abraham by Keturah; Gen 25:5, The division of his goods; Gen 25:7, His age, death, and burial; Gen 25:11, God bless...

Poole: Genesis 25 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 25 Abraham’ s sons by Keturah, Gen 25:1-4 . Isaac inherits his father’ s estate, Gen 25:5 . Provision for the other sons, Gen 25:...

MHCC: Genesis (Book Introduction) Genesis is a name taken from the Greek, and signifies " the book of generation or production;" it is properly so called, as containing an account of ...

MHCC: Genesis 25 (Chapter Introduction) (Gen 25:1-10) Abraham's family by Keturah, His death and burial. (Gen 25:11-18) God blesses Isaac The descendants of Ishmael. (Gen 25:19-26) The bir...

Matthew Henry: Genesis (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The First Book of Moses, Called Genesis We have now before us the holy Bible, or book, for so bible ...

Matthew Henry: Genesis 25 (Chapter Introduction) The sacred historian, in this chapter, I. Takes his leave of Abraham, with an account, I. Of his children by another wife (Gen 25:1-4). 2. Of hi...

Constable: Genesis (Book Introduction) Introduction Title Each book of the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Old Testam...

Constable: Genesis (Outline) Outline The structure of Genesis is very clear. The phrase "the generations of" (toledot in Hebrew, from yalad m...

Constable: Genesis Bibliography Aalders, Gerhard Charles. Genesis. The Bible Student's Commentary series. 2 vols. Translated by William Hey...

Haydock: Genesis (Book Introduction) THE BOOK OF GENESIS. INTRODUCTION. The Hebrews now entitle all the Five Books of Moses, from the initial words, which originally were written li...

Gill: Genesis (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO GENESIS This book, in the Hebrew copies of the Bible, and by the Jewish writers, is generally called Bereshith, which signifies "in...

Gill: Genesis 25 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO GENESIS 25 This chapter contains an account of Abraham's marriage with another woman, and of the children he had by her and of thei...

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