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Text -- Hebrews 6:15 (NET)

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6:15 And so by persevering, Abraham inherited the promise.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Abraham a son of Terah; the father of Isaac; ancestor of the Jewish nation.,the son of Terah of Shem

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Probation | Perseverance | Patience | OATH | LONGSUFFERING | HAVE | God | Faith | Covenant | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Combined Bible , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Heb 6:15 - -- Having patiently endured ( makrothumēsas ). First aorist active participle of makrothumos (makros ,thumos , long spirit) illustrating makrothumi...

Having patiently endured ( makrothumēsas ).

First aorist active participle of makrothumos (makros ,thumos , long spirit) illustrating makrothumia of Heb 6:12.

Robertson: Heb 6:15 - -- He obtained ( epetuchen ). Second aorist (effective) active indicative of epetugchanō , old verb with genitive. God was true to his word and Abraha...

He obtained ( epetuchen ).

Second aorist (effective) active indicative of epetugchanō , old verb with genitive. God was true to his word and Abraham was faithful.

Vincent: Heb 6:15 - -- After he had patiently endured ( μακροθυμήσας ) Pointing back to μακροθυμία long-suffering , Heb 6:12.

After he had patiently endured ( μακροθυμήσας )

Pointing back to μακροθυμία long-suffering , Heb 6:12.

Vincent: Heb 6:15 - -- He obtained ( ἐπέτυχεν ) The compounded preposition ἐπὶ has the force of upon: to light or hit upon . The verb indic...

He obtained ( ἐπέτυχεν )

The compounded preposition ἐπὶ has the force of upon: to light or hit upon . The verb indicates that Abraham did not personally receive the entire fulfillment of the promise, but only the germ of its fulfillment. It was partially fulfilled in the birth of Isaac. See Rom 4:18.

The security of the divine promise illustrated by the analogy of human practice.

Wesley: Heb 6:15 - -- Thirty years.

Thirty years.

Wesley: Heb 6:15 - -- Isaac, the pledge of all the promises.

Isaac, the pledge of all the promises.

JFB: Heb 6:15 - -- Thus relying on the promise.

Thus relying on the promise.

Clarke: Heb 6:15 - -- He obtained the promise - Isaac was supernaturally born; and in his birth God began to fulfill the promise: while he lived, he saw a provision made ...

He obtained the promise - Isaac was supernaturally born; and in his birth God began to fulfill the promise: while he lived, he saw a provision made for the multiplication of his seed; and, having continued steadfast in the faith, he received the end of all the promises in the enjoyment of an eternal glory. And the inference from this is: If we believe and prove faithful unto death, we shall also inherit the promises; and this is what is implied in the apostle’ s exhortation, Heb 6:12 : Be not slothful, but followers of them, etc.

TSK: Heb 6:15 - -- Heb 6:12; Gen 12:2, Gen 12:3, Gen 15:2-6, Gen 17:16, Gen 17:17, Gen 21:2-7; Exo 1:7; Hab 2:2, Hab 2:3; Rom 4:17-25

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Heb 6:15 - -- And so, after he had patiently endured - After he had waited for a long time. He did not faint or grow weary, but he persevered in a confident ...

And so, after he had patiently endured - After he had waited for a long time. He did not faint or grow weary, but he persevered in a confident expectation of the fulfillment of what God had so solemnly promised.

He obtained the promise - Evidently the promise referred to in the oath - that he would have a numerous posterity. The apostle intimates that he had waited for that a long time; that his faith did not waver, and that in due season the object of his wishes was granted. To see the force of this, we are to remember:

(1)\caps1     t\caps0 hat when he was called by God from Haran, and when the promise of a numerous posterity was made to him, he was seventy-five years old; Gen 12:1-5.

(2)    Twenty-four years elapsed after this, during which he was a sojourner in a strange land, before the manner in which this promise would be fulfilled was made known to him; Gen. 17:1-16.

(3)    It was only when he was an hundred years old, and when he had persevered in the belief of the truth of the promise against all the natural improbabilities of its accomplishment, that he received the pledge of its fulfillment in the birth of his son Isaac; Gen 21:1-5.

(4)    The birth of that son was a pledge that the other blessings implied in the promise would be granted, and in that pledge Abraham may be said to have "received the promise."

He did not actually see the numerous posterity of which he was to be the honored ancestor, nor the Messiah who was to descend from him, nor the happy influences which would result to mankind from the fulfillment of the promise. But he saw the certainty that all this would occur; he saw by faith the Messiah in the distance Joh 8:56, and the numerous blessings which would result from his coming. It was a remarkable instance of faith, and one well suited to the purpose of the apostle. It would furnish ample encouragement to the Christians to whom he wrote, to persevere in their course, and to avoid the dangers of apostasy. If Abraham persevered when "appearances"were so much against the fulfillment of what had been promised, then Christians should persevere under the clearer light and with the more distinct promises of the gospel.

Poole: Heb 6:15 - -- And so, after he had patiently endured: Abraham’ s carriage was suitable to this sworn promise, his soul did patiently wait for it full thirty y...

And so, after he had patiently endured: Abraham’ s carriage was suitable to this sworn promise, his soul did patiently wait for it full thirty years, enduring and suffering many temptations about it; yet he overcame all, and continued firm in the covenant to the end; his faith extended his soul in a patient expectation of its accomplishment, without doubting or murmuring, knowing God would fulfil it in the best time: he was a long-breathed believer, Joh 8:56 Rom 4:20,21 Jas 1:2,3 .

He obtained the promise he did not fall short of any piece of the promise, but fully possessed it at last, both in Isaac, the type of the blessed Seed, and the Messiah himself, as to all the spiritual and eternal good promised in him and by him in the heavenly Canaan, Mat 22:32 .

Gill: Heb 6:15 - -- And so, after he had patiently endured,.... He waited long for a son, from whom the Messiah was to spring, after he had had the promise of one; and he...

And so, after he had patiently endured,.... He waited long for a son, from whom the Messiah was to spring, after he had had the promise of one; and he endured many afflictions with patience, in his journeys from place to place, throughout his life to the end:

he obtained the promise; he was greatly blessed in temporal things; he lived to see the son of the promise, and his sons; he saw the day of Christ by faith, and now inherits the heavenly glory, which is the thing chiefly designed.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Heb 6:15 Grk “he”; in the translation the referent (Abraham) has been specified for clarity.

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Heb 6:1-20 - --1 He exhorts not to fall back from the faith;11 but to be stedfast,12 diligent, and patient to wait upon God;13 because God is most sure in his promis...

Combined Bible: Heb 6:12-15 - --Perseverance    (Hebrews 6:12-15)    Two exhortations were set before the Hebrew Christians in the 6th chapter of this epistle

MHCC: Heb 6:11-20 - --The hope here meant, is a sure looking for good things promised, through those promises, with love, desire, and valuing of them. Hope has its degrees,...

Matthew Henry: Heb 6:9-20 - -- The apostle, having applied himself to the fears of the Hebrews, in order to excite their diligence and prevent their apostasy, now proceeds to appl...

Barclay: Heb 6:13-20 - --God made more than one promise to Abraham. Gen 12:7tells us of the one made when he called him out of Ur and sent him into the unknown and to the pro...

Constable: Heb 5:11--11:1 - --III. The High Priestly Office of the Son 5:11--10:39 The transition from exposition (4:15-5:10) to exhortation (...

Constable: Heb 6:13-20 - --B. The Basis for Confidence and Steadfastness 6:13-20 Again the change in genre, this time from exhortation to exposition, signals a new literary unit...

College: Heb 6:1-20 - --HEBREWS 6 2. On to Maturity (6:1-3) 1 Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again the found...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Hebrews (Book Introduction) The Epistle to the Hebrews By Way of Introduction Unsettled Problems Probably no book in the New Testament presents more unsettled problems tha...

JFB: Hebrews (Book Introduction) CANONICITY AND AUTHORSHIP.--CLEMENT OF ROME, at the end of the first century (A.D), copiously uses it, adopting its words just as he does those of the...


TSK: Hebrews 6 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Heb 6:1, He exhorts not to fall back from the faith; Heb 6:11, but to be stedfast, Heb 6:12. diligent, and patient to wait upon God; Heb ...

Poole: Hebrews 6 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 6

MHCC: Hebrews (Book Introduction) This epistle shows Christ as the end, foundation, body, and truth of the figures of the law, which of themselves were no virtue for the soul. The grea...

MHCC: Hebrews 6 (Chapter Introduction) (Heb 6:1-8) The Hebrews are urged to go forward in the doctrine of Christ, and the consequences of apostacy, or turning back, are described. (Heb 6:9...

Matthew Henry: Hebrews (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Epistle to the Hebrews Concerning this epistle we must enquire, I. Into the divine authority of it...

Matthew Henry: Hebrews 6 (Chapter Introduction) In this chapter the apostle proceeds to persuade the Hebrews to make a better proficiency in religion than they had done, as the best way to preven...

Barclay: Hebrews (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTER TO THE HEBREWS God Fulfils Himself In Many Ways Religion has never been the same thing to all men. "God," as Tennyson sai...

Barclay: Hebrews 6 (Chapter Introduction) The Necessity Of Progress (Heb_6:1-3) Crucifying Christ Again (Heb_6:4-8) The Brighter Side (Heb_6:9-12) The Sure Hope (Heb_6:13-20)

Constable: Hebrews (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical background The writer said that he and those to whom he wrote ...

Constable: Hebrews (Outline)

Constable: Hebrews Hebrews Bibliography Andersen, Ward. "The Believer's Rest (Hebrews 4)." Biblical Viewpoint 24:1 (April 1990):31...

Haydock: Hebrews (Book Introduction) THE EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO THE HEBREWS. INTRODUCTION. The Catholic Church hath received and declared this Epistle to be part of ...

Gill: Hebrews (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO HEBREWS That this epistle was written very early appears from hence, that it was imitated by Clement of Rome, in his epistle to the...

Gill: Hebrews 6 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO HEBREWS 6 In this chapter the apostle exhorts the believing Hebrews not to rest in the rudiments of the Christian religion they had...

College: Hebrews (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION It is difficult to overestimate the significance of Hebrews for understanding the nature of the new covenant. No other document in the N...

College: Hebrews (Outline) OUTLINE I. JESUS IS SUPERIOR TO THE ANGELS - 1:1-14 A. The Preeminence of the Son - 1:1-4 B. The Son Superior to the Angels - 1:5-14 II. ...

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