Text -- Hebrews 9:26 (NET)

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Robertson: Heb 9:26 - -- Else must he often have suffered ( epei edei auton pollakis pathein ).
A common elliptical use of epei after which one must supply "if that were tr...
Else must he often have suffered (
A common elliptical use of

Robertson: Heb 9:26 - -- Since the foundation of the world ( apo katabolēs kosmou ).
See Heb 4:3 for this phrase. The one sacrifice of Christ is of absolute and final value...

Robertson: Heb 9:26 - -- At the end ( epi sunteleiāi ).
Consummation or completion as in Mat 13:39. which see.
At the end (
Consummation or completion as in Mat 13:39. which see.

Robertson: Heb 9:26 - -- Hath he been manifested ( pephanerōtai ).
Perfect passive indicative of phaneroō , permanent state. See "the primitive hymn or confession of fait...

Robertson: Heb 9:26 - -- To put away sin ( eis athetēsin tēs hamartias ).
See Heb 7:18 for the word athetēsis . "The sacrifice of Christ dealt with sin as a principle: ...
To put away sin (
See Heb 7:18 for the word
Vincent: Heb 9:26 - -- Since the foundation of the world ( ἀπὸ καταβολῆς κόσμου )
For, from the foundation of the world, sin required atonemen...
Since the foundation of the world (
For, from the foundation of the world, sin required atonement by sacrifice; and, therefore, if Christ had been a victim like others, which must be offered repeatedly, he would have had to suffer repeatedly from the foundation of the world. If his sacrifice, like the animal atonements, had availed for a time only, he would have been obliged to repeat his offering whenever that time expired; and, since his atonement was designed to be universal, it would have been necessary for him to appear repeatedly upon earth, and to die repeatedly from the foundation of the world. Comp. 1Pe 1:20; Rev 13:8.

Vincent: Heb 9:26 - -- In the end of the world ( ἐπὶ συντελείᾳ τῶν αἰώνων )
In N.T συντέλεια consummation , always with ...
In the end of the world (
In N.T

Vincent: Heb 9:26 - -- To put away sin ( εἰς ἀθίτησιν τῆς ἁμαρτίας )
Lit. for the putting away of sin . For ἀθέτη...
To put away sin (
Lit. for the putting away of sin . For
Wesley: Heb 9:26 - -- This supposes, That by suffering once he atoned for all the sins which had been committed from the foundation of the world. That he could not have ato...
This supposes, That by suffering once he atoned for all the sins which had been committed from the foundation of the world. That he could not have atoned for them without suffering.

Wesley: Heb 9:26 - -- The sacrifice of Christ divides the whole age or duration of the world into two parts, and extends its virtue backward and forward, from this middle p...
The sacrifice of Christ divides the whole age or duration of the world into two parts, and extends its virtue backward and forward, from this middle point wherein they meet to abolish both the guilt and power of sin.
In that case.

JFB: Heb 9:26 - -- Rather as Greek, "It would have been necessary for Him often to suffer." In order to "offer" (Heb 9:25), or present Himself often before God in the he...
Rather as Greek, "It would have been necessary for Him often to suffer." In order to "offer" (Heb 9:25), or present Himself often before God in the heavenly holiest place, like the legal high priests making fresh renewals of this high priestly function. He would have had, and would have often to suffer. His oblation of Himself before God was once for all (that is, the bringing in of His blood into the heavenly Holy of Holies), and therefore the preliminary suffering was once for all.

JFB: Heb 9:26 - -- The continued sins of men, from their first creation, would entail a continual suffering on earth, and consequent oblation of His blood in the heavenl...
The continued sins of men, from their first creation, would entail a continual suffering on earth, and consequent oblation of His blood in the heavenly holiest place, since the foundation of the world, if the one oblation "in the fulness of time" were not sufficient. PHILO [The Creation of the World, p. 637], shows that the high priest of the Hebrews offered sacrifices for the whole human race. "If there had been greater efficacy in the repetition of the oblation, Christ necessarily would not have been so long promised, but would have been sent immediately after the foundation of the world to suffer, and offer Himself at successive periods" [GROTIUS].

JFB: Heb 9:26 - -- For all; without need of renewal. Rome's fiction of an UNBLOODY sacrifice in the mass, contradicts her assertion that the blood of Christ is present i...
For all; without need of renewal. Rome's fiction of an UNBLOODY sacrifice in the mass, contradicts her assertion that the blood of Christ is present in the wine; and also confutes her assertion that the mass is propitiatory; for, if unbloody, it cannot be propitiatory; for without shedding of blood there is no remission (Heb 9:22). Moreover, the expression "once" for all here, and in Heb 9:28, and Heb 10:10, Heb 10:12, proves the falsity of her view that there is a continually repeated offering of Christ in the Eucharist or mass. The offering of Christ was a thing once done that it might be thought of for ever (compare Note, see on Heb 10:12).

JFB: Heb 9:26 - -- Greek, "at the consummation of the ages"; the winding up of all the previous ages from the foundation of the world; to be followed by a new age (Heb 1...
Greek, "at the consummation of the ages"; the winding up of all the previous ages from the foundation of the world; to be followed by a new age (Heb 1:1-2). The last age, beyond which no further age is to be expected before Christ's speedy second coming, which is the complement of the first coming; literally, "the ends of the ages"; Mat 28:20 is literally, "the consummation of the age," or world (singular; not as here, plural, ages). Compare "the fulness of times," Eph 1:10.

JFB: Heb 9:26 - -- Greek, "been manifested" on earth (1Ti 3:16; 1Pe 1:20). English Version has confounded three distinct Greek verbs, by translating all alike, Heb 9:24,...
Greek, "been manifested" on earth (1Ti 3:16; 1Pe 1:20). English Version has confounded three distinct Greek verbs, by translating all alike, Heb 9:24, Heb 9:26, Heb 9:28, "appear." But, in Heb 9:24, it is "to present Himself," namely, before God in the heavenly sanctuary; in Heb 9:26, "been manifested" on earth: in Heb 9:28, "shall be seen" by all, and especially believers.

JFB: Heb 9:26 - -- Abolish; doing away sin's power as well by delivering men from its guilt and penalty, so that it should be powerless to condemn men, as also from its ...
Abolish; doing away sin's power as well by delivering men from its guilt and penalty, so that it should be powerless to condemn men, as also from its yoke, so that they shall at last sin no more.

JFB: Heb 9:26 - -- Singular number; all the sins of men of every age are regarded as one mass laid on Christ. He hath not only droned for all actual sins, but destroyed ...
Singular number; all the sins of men of every age are regarded as one mass laid on Christ. He hath not only droned for all actual sins, but destroyed sin itself. Joh 1:29, "Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin (not merely the sins: singular, not plural) of the world."

JFB: Heb 9:26 - -- Greek, "by (through) His own sacrifice"; not by "blood of others" (Heb 9:25). ALFORD loses this contrast in translating, "by His sacrifice."
Greek, "by (through) His own sacrifice"; not by "blood of others" (Heb 9:25). ALFORD loses this contrast in translating, "by His sacrifice."
Clarke: Heb 9:26 - -- For then must he often have suffered - In the counsel of God, Christ was considered the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, Rev 13:8, so th...
For then must he often have suffered - In the counsel of God, Christ was considered the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, Rev 13:8, so that all believers before his advent were equally interested in his sacrificial death with those who have lived since his coming. Humanly speaking, the virtue of the annual atonement could not last long, and must be repeated; Christ’ s sacrifice is ever the same; his life’ s blood is still considered as in the act of being continually poured out. See Rev 5:6

Clarke: Heb 9:26 - -- The end of the world - The conclusion of the Jewish dispensation, the Christian dispensation being that which shall continue till the end of time
The end of the world - The conclusion of the Jewish dispensation, the Christian dispensation being that which shall continue till the end of time

Clarke: Heb 9:26 - -- To put away sin - Εις αθετησιν ἁμαρτιας· To abolish the sin-offerings; i.e. to put an end to the Mosaic economy by his one o...
To put away sin -
Calvin -> Heb 9:26
Calvin: Heb 9:26 - -- 26.For then must he often have suffered, === etc. He shows how great an absurdity follows, if we do not count it enough that an expiation has been m...
26.For then must he often have suffered, === etc. He shows how great an absurdity follows, if we do not count it enough that an expiation has been made by the one sacrifice of Christ. For he hence concludes that he must have died often; for death is connected with sacrifices. How this latter supposition is most unreasonable; it then follows that the virtue of the one sacrifice is eternal and extends to all ages. And he says since the foundation of the world, or from the beginning of the world 158 for in all ages from the beginning there were sins which needed expiation. Except then the sacrifice of Christ was efficacious, no one of the fathers would have obtained salvation; for as they were exposed to God’s wrath, a remedy for deliverance would have failed them, had not Christ by suffering once suffered so much as was necessary to reconcile men to God from the beginning of the world even to the end. Except then we look for many deaths, we must be satisfied with the one true sacrifice.
And hence it is evident how frivolous is the distinction, in the acuteness of which the Papists take so much delight; for they say that the sacrifice of Christ on the cross was bloody, but that the sacrifice of the mass which they pretend to offer daily to God, is unbloody. Were this subtle evasion adopted, then the Spirit of God would be accused of inadvertence, having not thought of such a thing; for the Apostle assumes it here as an admitted truth, that there is no sacrifice without death. I care nothing that ancient writers have spoken thus; for it is not in the power of men to invent sacrifices as they please. Here stands a truth declared by the Holy Spirit, that sins are not expiated by a sacrifice except blood be shed. Therefore the notion, that Christ is often offered, is a device of the devil.
===But now once in the end of the world, === etc. He calls that the end of the world or the consummation of the ages, which Paul calls “the fullness of time,” (Gal 4:4;) for it was the maturity of that time which God had determined in his eternal purpose; and thus cut off is every occasion for men’s curiosity, that they may not dare to inquire why it was no sooner, or why in that age rather than in another. For it behooves us to acquiesce in God’s secret purpose, the reason for which appears clear to him, though it may not be evident to us. In short, the Apostle intimates that Christ’s death was in due time, as he was sent into the world for this end by the Father, in whose power is the lawful right to regulate all things as well as time, and who ordains their succession with consummate wisdom, though often hid from us
This consummation is also set in opposition to the imperfection of past time; for God so held his ancient people in suspense, that it might have been easily concluded that things had not yet reached a fixed state. Hence Paul declares that the end of the ages had come upon us, (1Co 10:11;) by which he means that the kingdom of Christ contained the accomplishment of all things. But since it was the fullness of time when Christ appeared to expiate sins, they are guilty of offering him an atrocious insult, who seek to renew his sacrifice, as though all things were not completed by his death. He then appeared once for all; for had he done so once or twice, there must have been something defective in the first oblation; but this is inconsistent with fullness.
===To put away, or to destroy sin, etc. 159 This agrees with Daniel’s prophecy, in which the sealing up and the abolition of sins are promised, and in which it is also declared that there would be an end to sacrifices, (Dan 9:24;) for to what purpose are expiations when sins are destroyed? But this destruction is then only effected, when sins are not imputed to those who flee to the sacrifice of Christ; for though pardon is to be sought daily, as we daily provoke God’s wrath; yet as we are reconciled to God in no other way than by the one death of Christ, sin is rightly said to be put away or destroyed by it.
TSK -> Heb 9:26
TSK: Heb 9:26 - -- the foundation : Mat 25:34; Joh 17:24; 1Pe 1:20; Rev 13:8, Rev 17:8
in : Heb 1:2; Isa 2:2; Dan 10:14; Mic 4:1; 1Co 10:11; Gal 4:1; Eph 1:10; 1Pe 1:20
the foundation : Mat 25:34; Joh 17:24; 1Pe 1:20; Rev 13:8, Rev 17:8
in : Heb 1:2; Isa 2:2; Dan 10:14; Mic 4:1; 1Co 10:11; Gal 4:1; Eph 1:10; 1Pe 1:20
he appeared : Heb 9:12, Heb 7:27, Heb 10:4, Heb 10:10; Lev 16:21, Lev 16:22; 2Sa 12:13, 2Sa 24:10; Job 7:21; Dan 9:24; Joh 1:29; 1Pe 2:24, 1Pe 3:18; 1Jo 3:5
the sacrifice : Heb 9:14, Heb 10:12, Heb 10:26; Eph 5:2; Tit 2:14

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes -> Heb 9:26
Barnes: Heb 9:26 - -- For then must he often have suffered - That is, if his blood had no more efficacy than what the Jewish high priest offered, and which was so of...
For then must he often have suffered - That is, if his blood had no more efficacy than what the Jewish high priest offered, and which was so often repeated, it would have been necessary that Christ should have often died.
But now once - Once for all; once in the sense that it is not to be repeated again -
In the end of the world - In the last dispensation or economy; that under which the affairs of the world will be wound up; see the phrase fully explained in Heb 1:2 note, and Act 2:17 note; 1Co 10:11, and Isa 2:2.
Hath he appeared - He has been manifested in human form.
To put away sin -
(1) To remove the punishment due to sin, or to provide a way of pardon; and,
(2)\caps1 t\caps0 o remove the stain of sin from the soul; see the notes on Heb 9:14.
By the sacrifice of himself - see the notes on Heb 1:3; Heb 2:14; Heb 7:27.
Poole -> Heb 9:26
Poole: Heb 9:26 - -- For then must he often have sufferedepei the consequent is drawn ab impossibili; if he had often offered himself, he must have often suffered, but...
For then must he often have suffered
Since the foundation of the world from the fall of Adam at the beginning of the world, ever since sin needed a sacrifice: but his once suffering as a sacrifice for it was of eternal virtue in God’ s purpose, answering and satisfying God’ s justice; one death of the Second Adam for the sin said penalty of the first, in the efficacy and virtue of his death, which was everlasting. The often and annual sacrificing of the Aaronical priests, and entering of the holy of holiest with the blood of beasts, was to show the Jews their weakness, and to instruct them in, and lead them to, this one sacrifice once to be offered, of eternal avail, as is subjoined.
But now: but Christ the gospel High Priest was not only God-man, manifested to be so, and exhibited as such an officer by his work, but was manifested to be such by promise, and in types and figures from Adam’ s fall; but now showed it clearly in his suffering work, 1Ti 3:16 .
Once in the end of the world the days of Christ’ s ministry on earth under the fourth monarchy, called the last time, 1Jo 2:18 , the ends of the world, 1Co 10:11 , the fulness of the time, Gal 4:4 , God’ s set and best time for his appearance; and it was but once that he appeared in these days, performing this work.
Hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself then he sacrificed himself, offered up his blood to God within the veil, taking away by his own blood, which God required, the guilt, stain, and power of all sin, justifying believers from any condemnation by it, by what he did and suffered in their stead for their good, who fly from it for refuge to him, Isa 53:1-12 Dan 9:24 Rom 7:24,25 1Jo 3:5 .
PBC -> Heb 9:26
PBC: Heb 9:26 - -- " to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself"
The death of Christ, the manner of his death, and the object of it, were the subjects of prophecy, and...
" to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself"
The death of Christ, the manner of his death, and the object of it, were the subjects of prophecy, and according to the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God. He was the seed of the woman, that was to bruise the serpent’s head, and by death destroy him that had the power of death, and deliver those, who through fear of death, were subject to bondage, and were the slaves of sin and death. It was not a mere voluntary offering, for there was a needs be for it, for without it there was no redemption. " And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance." Heb 9:15. The first testament was not dedicated without blood. " For when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people according to the law, he took the blood of calves and goats, with water and scarlet wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book and all the people, saying, This is the blood of the testament which God hath enjoined unto you." And under this testament without the shedding of blood is no re-remission, for almost every thing under the law was purged by blood. All the offerings and sacrifices under the law were typical, or a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of things, and these sacrifices and offerings, which were made continually every year, can not put away sin, or make the comers thereto perfect. Where sin is put away, there is no further remembrance of sin, or no further offering for sin, but in the repetition of these offerings there is a remembrance of sin again every year. " The Holy Ghost this signifying, that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest, while as the first tabernacle was yet standing." Under the law the priest standeth daily ministering, and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never put away sin. Christ, by his one offering, has made an end of sin, has perfected forever them that were sanctified, and hath obtained for us eternal redemption. His blood is the blood of the New Testament, or covenant; by it sin is put away, and freely forgiven. " Now, where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin." The atonement is made, the redemption price is paid, the debt of his redeemed is paid, and they are purchased by his blood; Ac 20:28.
Eld. Gregg Thompson
Haydock -> Heb 9:26
Haydock: Heb 9:26 - -- He came at the end of the ages, as it were in the last age of the world, to the putting away or abrogating of sin. (Witham) ---
Though less, viz. a...
He came at the end of the ages, as it were in the last age of the world, to the putting away or abrogating of sin. (Witham) ---
Though less, viz. a single tear, might have satisfied the justice of God, nothing less than his own precious blood could satisfy the charity of Jesus Christ. By his death, as St. Augustine observes, Christ has bound the devil in a chain, so that he can tempt us no further than we are able to resist: he may bark, he may tempt, he may solicit us; but he can bite none, except those that wilfully cast themselves within his reach. (Serm. 1. post Trin.)
Gill -> Heb 9:26
Gill: Heb 9:26 - -- For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world,.... For if it was necessary that he should often offer up himself now, which i...
For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world,.... For if it was necessary that he should often offer up himself now, which is the same as to suffer, since the sacrifice of himself, the same was necessary before; seeing sin was in the world from the beginning, and the saints from the foundation of the world had their sins expiated by the sacrifice of Christ; but the truth is, Christ's sufferings were but once, though the virtue of them is always, both before and after; nor can he suffer more, or again, because of his power over death and the grave, and because he has effectually obtained what he suffered for:
but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself; this is to be understood, not of his appearance in heaven, of which mention is made in Heb 9:24 but of his incarnation on earth, called an appearance; not as though his human nature was a mere phantom or apparition, for it was a real thing; or as if he was then manifested to be what he really was before; for before his incarnation he was not truly and actually man; but this is said with respect to the manifestation of his invisible deity; or of him as the Son of God in human nature; and in regard to the types of the old law, under which he was hid; and with respect to the prophecies of his coming; and it designs the same thing with his descent from heaven, and coming into this world, in which he appeared in fashion as a man, as a mean man, as an afflicted one; yea, he looked like a sinful man, bearing the infirmities and sins of his people; his appearance was but to a very few, and for a little time; and the time of it was, "in the end of the world"; the same with the last days; the last age of the world; the end of the Jewish economy; at the close of their civil and ecclesiastical state, according to Hab 2:3 & so the Jews expect their Messiah

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Heb 9:1-28
TSK Synopsis: Heb 9:1-28 - --1 The description of the rites and bloody sacrifices of the law;11 which are far inferior to the dignity and perfection of the blood and sacrifice of ...
Combined Bible -> Heb 9:23-28
Combined Bible: Heb 9:23-28 - --Great Sacrifice
(Hebrews 9:23-28)
Our present passage is so exceeding full that it is expedient we should reduce our intr...
MHCC -> Heb 9:23-28
MHCC: Heb 9:23-28 - --It is evident that the sacrifices of Christ are infinitely better than those of the law, which could neither procure pardon for sin, nor impart power ...
Matthew Henry -> Heb 9:23-28
Matthew Henry: Heb 9:23-28 - -- In this last part of the chapter, the apostle goes on to tell us what the Holy Ghost has signified to us by the legal purifications of the patterns ...
Barclay -> Heb 9:23-28
Barclay: Heb 9:23-28 - --The writer to the Hebrews, still thinking of the supreme efficacy of the sacrifice which Jesus made, begins with a flight of thought which, even fo...
Constable: Heb 5:11--11:1 - --III. The High Priestly Office of the Son 5:11--10:39
The transition from exposition (4:15-5:10) to exhortation (...

Constable: Heb 7:1--10:19 - --C. The Son's High Priestly Ministry 7:1-10:18
The great resource of Christians when tempted to apostatiz...

Constable: Heb 8:1--9:28 - --2. The work of our high priest chs. 8-9
The writer developed in this new section of the text top...