Text -- Isaiah 31:5-9 (NET)

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collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)
Wesley: Isa 31:5 - -- Which come from above, and so cannot be kept off; which fly swiftly, and engage resolutely, when their young ones are in danger.
Which come from above, and so cannot be kept off; which fly swiftly, and engage resolutely, when their young ones are in danger.

The destroying angel shall pass over Jerusalem.

Wesley: Isa 31:8 - -- Heb. shall melt away, a great part of them being destroyed by the angel; and the hearts of the rest melting for fear.
Heb. shall melt away, a great part of them being destroyed by the angel; and the hearts of the rest melting for fear.

Sennacherib shall flee away, from Jerusalem, to his strong city of Nineveh.

Of the Lord's ensign, which he hath lifted up against them.

Wesley: Isa 31:9 - -- Who is, and will appear to be in Zion, like a fire to defend his people, and to consume their enemies.
Who is, and will appear to be in Zion, like a fire to defend his people, and to consume their enemies.
JFB: Isa 31:5 - -- As in the image of "the lion," the point of comparison is the fearless might of Jehovah; so in that of the birds, it is His solicitous affection (Deu ...

JFB: Isa 31:5 - -- Rather, "which defend" their young with their wings; "to fly" is a secondary meaning of the Hebrew word [MAURER]. "Hovering over" to protect their you...
Rather, "which defend" their young with their wings; "to fly" is a secondary meaning of the Hebrew word [MAURER]. "Hovering over" to protect their young [G. V. SMITH].

JFB: Isa 31:5 - -- As the destroying angel passing over, so as to spare the blood-marked houses of the Israelites on the first passover (Exo 12:13, Exo 12:23, Exo 12:27)...

JFB: Isa 31:6 - -- The power and love of Jehovah, just mentioned, are the strongest incentives for returning to Him (Eze 16:62-63; Hos 6:1).
The power and love of Jehovah, just mentioned, are the strongest incentives for returning to Him (Eze 16:62-63; Hos 6:1).

JFB: Isa 31:6 - -- The change of person marks that when they return to the Lord, He will address them in more direct terms of communion in the second person; so long as ...
The change of person marks that when they return to the Lord, He will address them in more direct terms of communion in the second person; so long as they were revolters, God speaks of them, as more at a distance, in the third person, rather than to them.

JFB: Isa 31:7 - -- In the day of trial the idols will be found to render no help and will therefore be cast away. Compare as to the future restoration and conversion of ...
In the day of trial the idols will be found to render no help and will therefore be cast away. Compare as to the future restoration and conversion of Israel simultaneously with the interposition of Jehovah in its defense, Zec 12:9-14; Zec 13:1-2.

JFB: Isa 31:8 - -- Sennacherib, representative of some powerful head of the ungodly in the latter ages [HORSLEY].
Sennacherib, representative of some powerful head of the ungodly in the latter ages [HORSLEY].

JFB: Isa 31:8 - -- Rather, "shall be subject to slavery"; literally, "shall be liable to tribute," that is, personal service (Deu 20:11; Jos 9:21) [MAURER]. Or, not so w...

JFB: Isa 31:9 - -- Rather, "shall pass beyond his strongholds"; he Shall not stop to take refuge in it through fear (Jdg 20:47; Jer 48:28) [GESENIUS].

The banner of Jehovah protecting the Jews [MAURER].

JFB: Isa 31:9 - -- "light" and "fire," namely, of Jehovah's altar at Jerusalem (Isa 29:1). Perhaps "furnace," as distinguished from "fire," may mean that His dwelling-pl...
"light" and "fire," namely, of Jehovah's altar at Jerusalem (Isa 29:1). Perhaps "furnace," as distinguished from "fire," may mean that His dwelling-place (His hearth) was at Jerusalem (compare Isa 4:5); or else the fiery furnace awaiting all the enemies who should attack Jerusalem.
The times of purity and happiness which shall follow the defeat of the enemies of Jehovah's people (Isa 32:1-8). The period of wrath before that happy state (Isa 32:9-14). The assurance of the final prosperity of the Church is repeated (Isa 32:15-20).
Clarke: Isa 31:5 - -- Passing over "Leaping forward"- The generality of interpreters observe in this place an allusion to the deliverance which God vouchsafed to his peop...
Passing over "Leaping forward"- The generality of interpreters observe in this place an allusion to the deliverance which God vouchsafed to his people when he destroyed the first-born of the Egyptians, and exempted those of the Israelites sojourning among them by a peculiar interposition. The same word is made use of here which is used upon that occasion, and which gave the name to the feast which was instituted in commemoration of that deliverance,
"As the mother birds hovering over their young
So shall Jehovah God of hosts protect Jerusalem
Protecting and delivering, passing over, and rescuing her.
This difficulty is, I think, well solved by Vitringa, whose remark is the more worthy of observation, as it leads to the true meaning of an important word, which hitherto seems greatly to have been misunderstood, though Vitringa himself, as it appears to me, has not exactly enough defined the precise meaning of it. He says, "
"- But Ajax his broad shield displayed
And screened his brother with a mighty shade.
Il. 1:3
Which the scholiast explains by

Clarke: Isa 31:6 - -- Have deeply revolted "Have so deeply engaged in revolt"- All the ancient Versions read תעמיקו taamiku , in the second person, instead of ה...
Have deeply revolted "Have so deeply engaged in revolt"- All the ancient Versions read

Clarke: Isa 31:7 - -- Which your own hands have made unto you for a sin "The sin, which their own hands have made"- The construction of the word חטא chet , sin , in t...
Which your own hands have made unto you for a sin "The sin, which their own hands have made"- The construction of the word

Clarke: Isa 31:8 - -- Then shall the Assyrian fall, etc. - Because he was to be discomfited by the angel of the Lord, destroying in his camp, in one night, upwards of one...
Then shall the Assyrian fall, etc. - Because he was to be discomfited by the angel of the Lord, destroying in his camp, in one night, upwards of one hundred and eighty thousand men; and Sennacherib himself fell by the hands of the princes, his own sons. Not mighty men, for they were not soldiers; not mean men, for they were princes.
Calvin: Isa 31:5 - -- 5.As birds that fly This is the second comparison, by which the Prophet shews how great care the Lord takes of us, and how earnestly he is bent on ma...
5.As birds that fly This is the second comparison, by which the Prophet shews how great care the Lord takes of us, and how earnestly he is bent on making us happy. It is taken from birds, which are prompted by astonishing eagerness to preserve their young; for they almost kill themselves with hunger, and shrink from no danger, that they may defend and preserve their young. Moses makes use of the same comparison when, reproaching the people for their ingratitude, he compares the Lord to an eagle
“laying her nest, spreading her wings, and fluttering over her young.” (Deu 32:11.)
Christ also remonstrates with Jerusalem,
“How often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen gathereth her chickens, and ye would not!”
(Mat 23:37.)
The sum of this passage is, that the Lord will be sufficiently powerful to defend his people, for whom he has a special love and a peculiar care. What Moses relates that God did, Isaiah promises that he will always do; for he will never forsake those whom he has once received into his favor. Lest any one therefore should imagine that this statement related only to the men of a single age, he expressly declares that God will spread his wings to defend Jerusalem. Nor is it unnecessarily that he mentions not only Mount Zion but its hill; for on that “hill” was built the temple in which God desired that men should call upon him. Wherever therefore the worship of God is pure, let us know that salvation will be certain; for men cannot call upon him in vain.
“Let us be his people, and, on the other hand, he will be our God.” (Lev 26:12.)

Calvin: Isa 31:6 - -- 6.Return This verse is explained in various ways; for the Hebrew commentators explain it thus, “Return to the Lord, for you have multiplied revolts...
6.Return This verse is explained in various ways; for the Hebrew commentators explain it thus, “Return to the Lord, for you have multiplied revolts.” But, in my opinion, the meaning is more simple: “Return according as you have made a deep revolt; 318 for
It ought first to be observed, that the Prophet does not lessen the guilt of the people. They who need to be brought back to the Lord must first be made to have a deep and painful conviction of their guilt; for they who flatter themselves in their iniquities are very far from obtaining pardon, and therefore there is nothing better than to lay open the alarming nature of the disease, when a remedy must be applied. Yet, that their hearts may not be led to despair, they must be encouraged and comforted by holding out to them the mercy of God; for Satan aims at nothing else than to cut us off from all hope of pardon. Accordingly, Isaiah declares that, although by their wickedness they have sunk down to hell, God is ready to forgive; for not in vain does the Lord invite us to repentance, but he likewise offers pardon. Hence also, to such exhortations the Scripture always adds promises of grace, that, whenever we are called to repentance, we may know that the hope of pardon is also held out to us.
As you have made a deep revolt Instead of this rendering, the word
O children of Israel In calling them by this name, he does not intend to shew them respect, but reproaches them for their ingratitude; for they were degenerate sons 321 who had revolted from the faith and obedience of their fathers, and therefore this title contains an indirect reproach. Yet he means that the Lord had not forgotten the covenant which he made with their fathers, though they had departed widely from him by their treachery; for he declares, that he will acknowledge them to be “the children of Israel,” and will fulfill all that he promised to Abraham and the other patriarchs, if they return to him with all their heart.

Calvin: Isa 31:7 - -- 7.For in that day He continues the subject which he began in the former verse. Yet there is this difference, that in the former verse he exhorted to ...
7.For in that day He continues the subject which he began in the former verse. Yet there is this difference, that in the former verse he exhorted to repentance, but now he points out the fruits of repentance, which, we know, is the customary way of teaching in Scripture; for, since repentance is concealed within us, and has its root in the heart, it must be made known by the practical result, and by works, as “a tree shews by its fruits” (Mat 7:17) its inherent goodness; and therefore he points out repentance by works which are the fruit of it. 322
Shall cast away the idols When he speaks of “idols” only, it is by a figure of speech frequently employed in Scripture, in which a part is taken for the whole; for the Prophet undoubtedly intended to speak of the whole of man’s conversion, but, as it would have been tedious to enumerate all the kinds, under one of them he includes all the rest. Now, the beginning of repentance is the change of the heart; and next we must come to outward fruits, that is, to works. Above all, we must observe the object which the Prophet had in view in discoursing about repentance. It was because the Lord had promised salvation near at hand; and, that they might be capable of it, he exhorts them to repentance. Hence it ought to be observed that, when we persevere in being wicked, we resist God by our wickedness, and thus restrain his grace from assisting us; and, therefore, that the way may be open for God’s assistance, he demands that we shall repent.
He calls them The idols of his silver and the idols of his gold, because, as we have formerly seen, 323 they who sincerely repent are affected by deep grief for their sin, so that the traces of their superstitions, which are stamped with the highest dishonor of God, cannot be beheld by them without the greatest horror. On this account they abhor them, and do not dread the loss of “gold or silver,” to testify their conversion and their faith; for he who has sincerely renounced superstitions does not spare any expense in order to possess the pure worship of God. This is what the Prophet intended to express by calling them “gold and silver” rather than wood and stone. However excellent anything may be, the loss of it is a happy event when we are cleansed from such base and abominable pollutions. Those who retain them, though they profess to be Christians, shew that they are still involved in the remains of superstition; and hence it is evident that their hearts are not truly or completely reformed. In this matter we must listen to none of the excuses which we frequently hear from the lips of hypocrites, who cannot absolutely renounce idolatry, “What could I do? How could I live? I am aware that this revenue, this ‘gold,’ is detestable in the sight of God, because it arises from idolatry; but in some way or other my life must be supported.” Away with such fooleries! say I; for where the conversion of the heart is real, that which cannot be retained without insulting or dishonoring God is instantly thrown away.
Which your own hands have made The Prophet urges them to make a more full acknowledgment of their sin; for, when men are accused, they generally throw the blame on some other person, and do not willingly allow it to fall on themselves, or acknowledge that it is chargeable upon them; in like manner as the common people willingly accuse the priests, but no man is willing to acknowledge his own guilt. The Prophet therefore bids them look to “their own hands,” that they may know that they have committed so great a crime. He reminds them, at the same time, how grossly they have been deceived by their unbelief in making gods to themselves; and hence we ought to conclude that God rejects everything that is of our contrivance, and that he cannot accept as good that worship which has originated with ourselves.
I consider

Calvin: Isa 31:8 - -- 8.Then the Assyrian The copulative ו ( vau) is better translated as an adverb of time: “ Then the Assyrian shall fall down;” that is, “When...
8.Then the Assyrian The copulative
By the sword not of a man 325 The Prophet means that the deliverance of the Church is God’s own work, that the Jews may know that, although no earthly power is visible, God’s secret power is sufficient to deliver them. If therefore enemies are subdued, if their rage is restrained, let us know that it proceedeth from the Lord. By various methods, indeed, he represses the force and violence of wicked men, but by his own hand alone he delivers his Church; for, while the Lord makes use of human means, he preserves his own people miraculously and by extraordinary methods, which may be seen to have happened since the beginning of the world, and which we may even now behold, if we are not blind. And yet this does not hinder the Lord from employing his servants to deliver the Church; but he employs them in such a manner that his own hand is peculiarly and illustriously displayed in it.
We know that this prediction of Isaiah was fulfilled when the Assyrian army was destroyed, and Sennacherib was put to flight; for “not by the arm of man” was he destroyed, but the Lord displayed his power, that it might be known that he alone is the deliverer of his Church. (2Kg 19:35; Isa 37:36.) By delivering Jerusalem at that time from the siege, God thus exhibited, as in a picture, spiritual redemption. He alone, therefore, will destroy our spiritual enemies. In vain shall we resort to other aids or remedies, or rely on our own strength, which is nothing; but let us have the direction and assistance of God, and we shall come off victorious.
And his young men shall melt away 326 He means that the power of the Lord displayed against the Assyrians will be so great that the hearts of young men, who in other circumstances are wont to be fierce, shall be altogether softened and melt like wax; for young men, having less experience than old men, are on that account more fierce and impetuous. God will easily restrain such fierceness, when he shall determine to deliver his people from the hands of their enemies. For this reason Isaiah has especially mentioned “young men;” as if he had said, “the very flower or strength.”

Calvin: Isa 31:9 - -- 9.He shall pass to his stronghold for fear 327 He now speaks of Sennacherib himself, who, trembling, shall betake himself in base and shameful flight...
9.He shall pass to his stronghold for fear 327 He now speaks of Sennacherib himself, who, trembling, shall betake himself in base and shameful flight to his “stronghold” or fortress, Nineveh, as to his nest. (2Kg 19:36.) The Prophet adds that “his princes,” or military officers, whose duty it is to encourage the rest of the soldiers, will be so timid that they shall not venture to join the ranks or await the battle, but shall “flee away from the standard.”
Saith Jehovah, who hath a fire in Zion At length he declares that he is God’s herald in making this proclamation, that the Jews may not, as they are accustomed to do, dispute or hesitate as to the accomplishment of it, or afterwards forget so great a blessing, and ascribe it to fortune. If we read, as some do, Whose fire is in Zion, the meaning will be, that God has abundance of fiery power to consume his enemies. But I think that the relative
When the Prophet calls him “a fire,” some consider it to refer to sacrifices; but such an interpretation appears to me to be feeble and unnatural. I have no doubt that he says either that “the Lord has a fire” to consume the Assyrian, or that “God himself is a fire,” and that he thus makes an implied comparison of the Assyrian to straw or chaff. He says that this “fire” is kindled and kept alive “in Zion and Jerusalem,” that is, in the midst of his people, in order to intimate that the persecution of the Church of God by wicked men shall not pass unpunished; for they shall one day feel that he is their Judge, and shall know by experience that he assists his people, who thought that they had been left without all assistance.
In a word, against wicked men, who have maintained unceasing hostility against the Church, vengeance is prepared; and the Lord will not only avenge himself, but will also avenge his people. Let us therefore enjoy this consolation; and though it may appear as if we were defenceless and exposed to every danger, yet let us be fully convinced that the Lord will be “a fire” to our adversaries.
Defender -> Isa 31:5
Defender: Isa 31:5 - -- One might interpret this in terms of the end-time invasion of Israel by the Beast, with the city being delivered by armies flying from heaven with the...
One might interpret this in terms of the end-time invasion of Israel by the Beast, with the city being delivered by armies flying from heaven with the returning Christ (Rev 19:14). The near fulfillment, however, would seem to be when the angel of the Lord destroyed the army of the Assyrians who were besieging Jerusalem (2Ki 19:35)."
TSK: Isa 31:5 - -- birds : Isa 10:14; Exo 19:4; Deu 32:11; Psa 46:5, Psa 91:4
defending : Psa 37:40
passing : Or rather, as Bp. Lowth renders, ""leaping forward,""pasoac...
birds : Isa 10:14; Exo 19:4; Deu 32:11; Psa 46:5, Psa 91:4
defending : Psa 37:40
passing : Or rather, as Bp. Lowth renders, ""leaping forward,""

TSK: Isa 31:6 - -- Turn : Isa 55:7; Jer 3:10,Jer 3:14, Jer 3:22, Jer 31:18-20; Hos 14:1-3; Joe 2:12, Joe 2:13; Act 3:19; Act 26:20
deeply : Isa 1:4, Isa 29:15, Isa 48:8;...

TSK: Isa 31:7 - -- in that : Isa 2:20, Isa 30:22; Deu 7:25; Eze 36:25; Hos 14:8
his idols of gold : Heb. the idols of his gold
for a sin : 1Ki 12:28-30; Hos 8:11

TSK: Isa 31:8 - -- shall the : Isa 10:16-19, Isa 10:33, Isa 10:34, Isa 14:25, Isa 29:5, Isa 30:27-33, Isa 37:35; 2Ki 19:34-37; 2Ch 32:21; Hos 1:7
he shall flee : Isa 37:...
shall the : Isa 10:16-19, Isa 10:33, Isa 10:34, Isa 14:25, Isa 29:5, Isa 30:27-33, Isa 37:35; 2Ki 19:34-37; 2Ch 32:21; Hos 1:7
he shall flee : Isa 37:37, Isa 37:38
from the sword : or, for fear of the sword
discomfited : or, tributary. Heb. for melting, or tribute.

TSK: Isa 31:9 - -- he shall pass over to his strong hold for fear : Heb. his rock shall pass away for fear. or, his strength. the ensign. Isa 11:10, Isa 18:3
whose fir...

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes: Isa 31:5 - -- As birds flying - This is another comparison indicating substantially the same thing as the former, that Yahweh would protect Jerusalem. The id...
As birds flying - This is another comparison indicating substantially the same thing as the former, that Yahweh would protect Jerusalem. The idea here is, that He would do it in the same manner as birds defend their young by hovering over them, securing them under their wings, and leaping forward, if they are suddenly attacked, to defend them. Our Saviour has used a similar figure to indicate his readiness to have defended and saved the same city Mat 23:27, and it is possible that he may have had this passage in his eye. The phrase ‘ birds flying,’ may denote the "rapidity"with which birds fly to defend their young, and hence, the rapidity with which God would come to defend Jerusalem; or it may refer to the fact that birds, when their young are attacked, fly, or flutter around them to defend them; they will not leave them.
And passing over -

Barnes: Isa 31:6 - -- Turn ye unto him - In view of the fact that he will assuredly defend Jerusalem, commit yourselves unto him rather than seek the aid of Egypt. ...
Turn ye unto him - In view of the fact that he will assuredly defend Jerusalem, commit yourselves unto him rather than seek the aid of Egypt.
Have deeply revolted - For the meaning of this phrase, see the note at Isa 29:15.

Barnes: Isa 31:7 - -- For in that day - That is, in the invasion of Sennacherib, and the events that shalt be consequent thereon. Every man shall cast away his ...
For in that day - That is, in the invasion of Sennacherib, and the events that shalt be consequent thereon.
Every man shall cast away his idols - (see the note at Isa 30:22; compare the note at Isa 2:20).
For a sin - Or rather, the sin which your own hands have made. The sense is, that the making of those idols had been a sin, or sin itself. It had been "the"sin, by way of eminence, which was chargeable upon them.

Barnes: Isa 31:8 - -- Then shall the Assyrian fall with the sword - The sword is often used as an instrument of punishment. It is not meant here literally that the s...
Then shall the Assyrian fall with the sword - The sword is often used as an instrument of punishment. It is not meant here literally that the sword would be used, but it is employed to denote that complete destruction would come upon them.
Not of a mighty man - The idea here is, that the army should not fall by the valor of a distinguished warrior, but that it should be done by the direct interposition of God (see Isa 37:36).
Of a mean man - Of a man of humble rank. His army shall not be slain by the hand of mortals.
But he shall flee - The Assyrian monarch escaped when his army was destroyed, and fled toward his own land; Isa 37:37.
From the sword - Margin, ‘ For fear of.’ The Hebrew is ‘ From the face of the sword;’ and the sense is, that he would flee in consequence of the destruction of his host, here represented as destroyed by the sword of Yahweh.
And his young men - The flower and strength of his army.
Shall be discomfited - Margin, ‘ For melting;’ or ‘ tribute,’ or ‘ tributary.’ Septuagint,

Barnes: Isa 31:9 - -- And he shall pass over - Margin, ‘ His rock shall pass away for fear.’ The Hebrew would bear this, but it does not convey a clear id...
And he shall pass over - Margin, ‘ His rock shall pass away for fear.’ The Hebrew would bear this, but it does not convey a clear idea. The sense seems to be this. The word rendered ‘ stronghold’ (Hebrew, ‘ His rock’ ) denotes his fortifications, or the places of strength in which he trusted. Probably the Assyrian monarch had many such places which he regarded as perfectly secure, both in the limits of his own kingdom, and on the line of his march toward Judea. Those places would naturally be made strong, in order to afford a refuge in case of a defeat. The idea here is, that so great would be his alarm at the sudden destruction of his army and the failure of his plans, that in his flight he would "pass over"or "beyond"these strong places; he would not even stop to take refuge there and reorganize his scattered forces, but would flee with alarm "beyond"them, and make his way to his own capital. This appears to have been most strikingly fulfilled (see Isa 37:37).
And his princes - Those, perhaps, that ruled over his dependent provinces.
Shall be afraid of the ensign - That is, of any standard or banner that they saw. They would suppose that it was the standard of an enemy. This denotes a state of great consternation, when all the princes and nobles under the command of the Assyrian would be completely dismayed.
Whose fire is in Zion ... - That is, whose altar is there, and always burns there. That was the place where he was worshipped, and it was a place, therefore, which he would defend. The meaning is, that they would be as certainly destroyed as the God whose altar was in Jerusalem was a God of truth, and would defend the place where he was worshipped.
And his furnace ... - (see the note at Isa 29:1). Where his altar continually burns. The word rendered ‘ furnace’ (
Poole: Isa 31:5 - -- As birds flying which come from above, and so cannot be kept off; which fly swiftly, and engage themselves Valiantly and resolutely, when they percei...
As birds flying which come from above, and so cannot be kept off; which fly swiftly, and engage themselves Valiantly and resolutely, when they perceive that their young ones are in eminent danger. He seems to allude, and to oppose this, to those boasting expressions of the Assyrian, Isa 10:14 : compare Deu 32:11,12 Mt 23:37 .
Passing over the destroying angel shall pass over Jerusalem untouched, and shall fall upon the Assyrians. He seems to allude to the history of God’ s passing over and sparing the houses of the Israelites, when he slew the Egyptians, in which this word is constantly used, Exo 12:12,23,27 .

Poole: Isa 31:6 - -- Turn ye unto him let the consideration of this gracious promise engage you to repent of your carnal policies, in seeking and trusting to Egypt for he...
Turn ye unto him let the consideration of this gracious promise engage you to repent of your carnal policies, in seeking and trusting to Egypt for help, and sincerely to return to God.
The children of Israel either,
1. The Israelites, strictly so called, who are now utterly destroyed for their apostacy; and therefore take heed that you do not follow their example. Or,
2. You Jews, who are the children of Israel; which title he here gives them, partly to admonish them of their great and many obligations to God, and partly to aggravate the sin of their apostacy.
Have deeply revolted in neglecting and forsaking him, and seeking to Egypt for help; which he calls a deep revolt , partly because it was a heinous sin, being contrary to God’ s express command, and highly dishonourable to God; and partly because it was carried on with deep dissimulation, and with a public profession of cleaving to God, and with a design of seeking deep to hide this their counsel from the Lord , wherewith he charged this people, Isa 29:15 .

Poole: Isa 31:7 - -- For when the Assyrian shall invade your land, you shall find the vanity of those idols to which you have trusted; and therefore shall cast them away...
For when the Assyrian shall invade your land, you shall find the vanity of those idols to which you have trusted; and therefore shall cast them away with indignation, and be forced to seek to me for help. So this is added as an argument to persuade them to practise his counsel of turning to God. Which your own hands have made unto you for a sin; which you have made as instruments of your sin of idolatry. Or, which your sinful hands (by a common Hebraism, called hands of sin) have made for you. Or, the sin (as an idol is called, Deu 9:21 ) which your hands have made for you. So there is only a transposition of one word, which is very usual in the Hebrew text.

Poole: Isa 31:8 - -- Then when you have cast away your idols, and seriously sought to me for help; both which things were performed by Hezekiah.
With the sword, not of a...
Then when you have cast away your idols, and seriously sought to me for help; both which things were performed by Hezekiah.
With the sword, not of a mighty man; and the sword, not of a mean man by the sword, not of any man, either mean or mighty, but of an angel.
From the sword from, or for fear of, that plague which so strangely and suddenly destroyed his army.
His young men Heb. his choice young men ; his guards and valiant commanders and soldiers.
Shall be discomfited Heb. shall melt away , a great part of them being destroyed by the angel; and the hearts of the rest melting for fear.

Poole: Isa 31:9 - -- He shall pass over to his strong hold Sennacherib shall flee away, with all speed, from Jerusalem, to his strong city of Nineveh, Isa 37:37 . Or, as ...
He shall pass over to his strong hold Sennacherib shall flee away, with all speed, from Jerusalem, to his strong city of Nineveh, Isa 37:37 . Or, as it is in the margin, and as the words lie in the Hebrew text, his rock (i.e. his strength, the greatest champions of his army, to whom he trusted) shall pass away (shall flee with all speed from Jerusalem)
for fear lest the sword of the destroying angel should overtake them.
Of the ensign either,
1. Of any ensign. This dreadful judgment shall strike them with such a terror, that they shall not dare to look any enemy in the face. Or,
2. Of the Lord’ s ensign, which he hath lifted up against them.
Whose fire is in Zion: so the sense is either,
1. Whose fire is continually burning upon the altar in Zion; which signifies his presence and residence there. Or rather,
2. Who is and will appear to be in Zion, like a fire, to defend his people, and to consume their enemies; for which end God promiseth that he would be unto Jerusalem a wall of fire round about , Zec 2:5 , &c.; and that he would make the governor of Judah like a hearth of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheaf ; and that they should devour all the people round about . Possibly these and the following words may be thus rendered, and that very agreeably to the Hebrew words, who will be a fire (to wit, a consuming fire) to him (to the king of Assyria, of whom he is here speaking) in Zion , (from whence he will send forth that fire which shall consume his army: or, for Zion ; for Zion’ s sake ; for the prefix here rendered in frequently signifies for , as hath been proved,) and a furnace to him in or for Jerusalem . But this I only propose, leaving it to the judgment of the intelligent reader. His furnace in Jerusalem ; the same thing repeated in other words.
Haydock: Isa 31:5 - -- Over. He will protect Jerusalem, notwithstanding the menaces of Sennacherib, as he did his people from the destroying angel.
Over. He will protect Jerusalem, notwithstanding the menaces of Sennacherib, as he did his people from the destroying angel.

Haydock: Isa 31:6 - -- Revolted. Let your conversion bear proportion (Calmet) with your sins. (Haydock)
Revolted. Let your conversion bear proportion (Calmet) with your sins. (Haydock)

Idols. Their worship was afterwards more severely prohibited, chap. xxx. 21.

Haydock: Isa 31:8 - -- Flee not. Hebrew, "flee to himself," lo. Septuagint and Vulgate have read la, "not." The angel destroyed the army, and the king was slain at h...
Flee not. Hebrew, "flee to himself," lo. Septuagint and Vulgate have read la, "not." The angel destroyed the army, and the king was slain at his return. ---
Tributaries. Ninive being afterwards subject to the Chaldeans, &c. (Calmet) ---
Hebrew, "shall melt." (Vatable)

Haydock: Isa 31:9 - -- Strength. Hebrew, "rock," the king. ---
Jerusalem, to protect it, (Calmet) and punish the guilty. (Chaldean)
Strength. Hebrew, "rock," the king. ---
Jerusalem, to protect it, (Calmet) and punish the guilty. (Chaldean)
Gill: Isa 31:5 - -- As birds flying, so will the Lord of hosts defend Jerusalem,.... As the preceding metaphor expresses the mighty power of God, this his tenderness and ...
As birds flying, so will the Lord of hosts defend Jerusalem,.... As the preceding metaphor expresses the mighty power of God, this his tenderness and affection, as well as his speed and swiftness in the deliverance of his people. As birds in the air, at a distance, especially the eagle, have their eye upon their nests, and their young ones in them, and when in danger fly to their assistance, and hover over them, and about them, to keep off those that would hurt them, or carry them away; so the Lord, on high, sees his people when in distress, and hastens to help them, and does surround, protect, and defend them: thus the Lord did, when Sennacherib with his army besieged Jerusalem; who boasted, with respect to other nations, that he had "found as a nest the riches of the people", and that "there was none that moved the wing against him", Isa 10:14 to which it is thought the allusion is here:
defending also he will deliver it; from present distress, the siege of the Assyrian army:
and passing over he will preserve it; passing over the city of Jerusalem to the army of the king of Assyria, that lay encamped against it; and smiting that by an angel with a sudden destruction, preserved the city from the ruin it was threatened with. The allusion is rightly thought to be to the Lord's passing over the houses of the Israelites, when he destroyed the firstborn in Egypt, Exo 12:23 where the same word is used as here, and nowhere else.

Gill: Isa 31:6 - -- Turn ye unto him,.... From the Egyptians, to whom they sought for help, unto the Lord, they had neglected; from evil ways and practices, idolatry and...
Turn ye unto him,.... From the Egyptians, to whom they sought for help, unto the Lord, they had neglected; from evil ways and practices, idolatry and impiety, by repentance and reformation; to the true worship of God, to his word and ordinances, statutes and commands. The Targum is,
"turn to the law;''
which they had rejected and broken. These are the words of the prophet, a call of his to the people to repentance, to which they might be induced by the gracious declaration of the Lord unto them, in the preceding verses, promising them preservation and safety:
from whom the children of Israel have deeply revolted: or, "made deep a revolt" u; had gone very far back from God, and deep into sin and ruin, that their recovery was difficult; and yet their return was absolutely necessary, which ought to be done both speedily and heartily. Some think reference is had to the deep schemes they had laid, those political ones, at least, which they thought were such, in applying to Egypt for help, when they, as it is said, Isa 29:15 sought "deep to hide their counsel front the Lord"; in doing which they deeply departed from him, and are here called to return to him. This is said not of the ten tribes, that were gone into captivity, but of the Jews, who were the posterity of Israel also; which is mentioned, to put them in mind of their descent, as an aggravation of their sin, and as an argument for their return.

Gill: Isa 31:7 - -- For in that day,.... When deliverance shall be wrought; when men shall be convinced of the vanity and insufficiency of their idols to help them, and o...
For in that day,.... When deliverance shall be wrought; when men shall be convinced of the vanity and insufficiency of their idols to help them, and of their sin in worshipping them; when they shall be brought to repentance for it, and turn to the Lord as an evidence of it:
every man shall cast away his idols of silver, and his idols of gold; with contempt and abhorrence of them, as the word w signifies; every man "his" own idol, and even those that were of the greatest value, which were made of gold and silver:
which your own hands have made unto you for a sin; their idols were the work of their own hands, and were made by them in order to commit sin with, the sin of idolatry; or sin may be put for the punishment of sin, which is the issue and consequence of such practices: or it may be rendered, "which your hands of sin", or "sinful hands, have made" x; it was a sin to make such idols, especially with a view to worship them; it was a sin to worship them; and the fruit of it was deserved punishment.

Gill: Isa 31:8 - -- Then shall the Assyrian fall with the sword, not of a mighty man,.... That is, the Assyrian army under Sennacherib their king, which besieged Jerusale...
Then shall the Assyrian fall with the sword, not of a mighty man,.... That is, the Assyrian army under Sennacherib their king, which besieged Jerusalem in Hezekiah's time; which, as soon as the people were brought to a sense of their sin, and repentance for it, and cast away their idols as a proof of it, were utterly destroyed; but not in battle, not by the sword of Hezekiah, or any of his valiant generals:
and the sword, not of a mean man, shall devour him; neither the sword of a general, nor of a private soldier, nor indeed of any man, but of an angel; see 2Ki 19:35,
but he shall flee from the sword; from the drawn sword of the angel, who very probably appeared in such a form as in 1Ch 21:16 which Sennacherib king of Assyria seeing, as well as the slaughter made in his army by him, fled from it; in the Hebrew text it is added, "for himself" y; he fled for his life, for his own personal security; see 2Ki 19:36,
and his young men shall be discomfited; his choice ones, the flower of his army: or "melt away" z, through fear; or die by the stroke of the angel upon them: the sense of becoming "tributary" seems to have no foundation.

Gill: Isa 31:9 - -- And he shall pass over to his strong hold for fear,.... This is said of the king of Assyria, departing in haste from the siege of Jerusalem, to some s...
And he shall pass over to his strong hold for fear,.... This is said of the king of Assyria, departing in haste from the siege of Jerusalem, to some strong hold in his own country, particularly his strong city Nineveh, for fear of the angel, and destruction following him; nor could he think himself safe, until he had got there. Some render it (and the original will bear it), "and his rock shall pass over for fear" a; his mighty men, his men of valour, in whom he trusted, and put his confidence, who were his strength, on which he depended; these, as many as were left of them, fled away. So the Targum,
"his princes shall flee for fear;''
though these are expressed in the next clause:
and his princes shall be afraid of the ensign; any ensign or standard they saw, supposing it to be a detachment of the Jews in pursuit of them; or not daring afterwards to face any enemy with their banners displayed: or rather were terrified at the sight of the standard erected by the angel in the air, and at the slaughter of their companies under them in the camp:
saith the Lord, whose fire is in Zion, and his furnace in Jerusalem; who keeps house there, and therefore will defend it. Some, as Aben Ezra and others, think reference is had to the altar of the Lord, where the fire was kept continually burning, and sacrifices were offered up to him, and therefore being the place of his worship, he would take care of it; but rather it seems to denote the fire of God's wrath, to defend his people, and destroy his enemies, Zec 2:5. The Targum is,
"whose lustre is in Zion to them that do the law, and a burning furnace of fire to them that transgress his word.''
The Jews, in their Talmud b, interpret the "fire" of hell, and the "furnace" of the gate of hell.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes: Isa 31:5 The only other occurrence of this verb is in Exod 12:13, 23, 27, where the Lord “passes over” (i.e., “spares”) the Israelite h...

NET Notes: Isa 31:6 Heb “Return to the one [against] whom the sons of Israel made deep rebellion.” The syntax is awkward here. A preposition is omitted by ell...

NET Notes: Isa 31:7 Heb “the idols of their idols of silver and their idols of gold which your hands made for yourselves [in] sin.” חָט...

NET Notes: Isa 31:9 The “fire” and “firepot” here symbolize divine judgment, which is heating up like a fire in Jerusalem, waiting to be used agai...
Geneva Bible: Isa 31:6 Turn ye to [him from] whom the children of Israel have ( f ) deeply revolted.
( f ) He touches their conscience that they might earnestly feel their ...

Geneva Bible: Isa 31:7 For in that day every man shall ( g ) cast away his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which your own hands have made to you [for] a sin.
( g ) ...

Geneva Bible: Isa 31:8 ( h ) Then shall the Assyrian fall with the sword, not of man; and the sword, not of men, shall devour him: but he shall flee from the sword, and his ...

Geneva Bible: Isa 31:9 And he shall pass over to his ( i ) strong hold for fear, and his princes shall be afraid of the ensign, saith the LORD, whose ( k ) fire [is] in Zion...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Isa 31:1-9
TSK Synopsis: Isa 31:1-9 - --1 The prophet shews the folly and danger of trusting to Egypt, and forsaking God.6 He exhorts to conversion.8 He shews the fall of Assyria.
Maclaren -> Isa 31:9
Maclaren: Isa 31:9 - --The Lord's Furnace
The Lord, whose fire is in Zion, and His furnace in Jerusalem.'--Isaiah 31:9.
THIS very remarkable characterisation of God stands ...
MHCC -> Isa 31:1-5; Isa 31:6-9
MHCC: Isa 31:1-5 - --God will oppose the help sought from workers of iniquity. Sinners may be convicted of folly by plain and self-evident truths, which they cannot deny, ...

MHCC: Isa 31:6-9 - --They have been backsliding children, yet children; let them return, and their backslidings shall be healed, though they have sunk deep into misery, an...
Matthew Henry -> Isa 31:1-5; Isa 31:6-9
Matthew Henry: Isa 31:1-5 - -- This is the last of four chapters together that begin with woe; and they are all woes to the sinners that were found among the professing people of ...

Matthew Henry: Isa 31:6-9 - -- This explains the foregoing promise of the deliverance of Jerusalem; she shall be fitted for deliverance, and then it shall be wrought for her; for ...
Keil-Delitzsch: Isa 31:5 - --
Jehovah suddenly arrests the work of punishment, and the love which the wrath enfolds within itself begins to appear. "Like fluttering birds, so wi...

Keil-Delitzsch: Isa 31:6 - --
On the ground of this half terrible, half comforting picture of the future, the call to repentance is now addressed to the people of the prophet's o...

Keil-Delitzsch: Isa 31:7 - --
The first is, that idolatry would one day be recognised in all its abomination, and put away. "For in that day they will abhor every one their silv...

Keil-Delitzsch: Isa 31:8-9 - --
The second motive is, that Israel will not be rescued by men, but by Jehovah alone; so that even He from whom they have now so deeply fallen will pr...
Constable: Isa 7:1--39:8 - --III. Israel's crisis of faith chs. 7--39
This long section of the book deals with Israel's major decision in Isa...

Constable: Isa 13:1--35:10 - --B. God's sovereignty over the nations chs. 13-35
This major section of the book emphasizes the folly of ...

Constable: Isa 28:1--33:24 - --3. The folly of trusting the nations chs. 28-33
Chapters 28-35 are somewhat similar to chapters ...