Text -- Isaiah 53:9 (NET)

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Wesley -> Isa 53:9
Wesley: Isa 53:9 - -- This was a farther degree of humiliation. He saith, he made his grave, because this was Christ's own act, and he willingly yielded up himself to death...
This was a farther degree of humiliation. He saith, he made his grave, because this was Christ's own act, and he willingly yielded up himself to death and burial. And that which follows, with the wicked, does not denote the sameness of place, as if he should be buried in the same grave with other malefactors, but the sameness of condition.
JFB: Isa 53:9 - -- Rather, "His grave was appointed," or "they appointed Him His grave" [HENGSTENBERG]; that is, they intended (by crucifying Him with two thieves, Mat 2...
Rather, "His grave was appointed," or "they appointed Him His grave" [HENGSTENBERG]; that is, they intended (by crucifying Him with two thieves, Mat 27:38) that He should have His grave "with the wicked." Compare Joh 19:31, the denial of honorable burial being accounted a great ignominy (see on Isa 14:19; Jer 26:23).

JFB: Isa 53:9 - -- Rather, "but He was with a rich man," &c. GESENIUS, for the parallelism to "the wicked," translates "ungodly" (the effect of riches being to make one ...
Rather, "but He was with a rich man," &c. GESENIUS, for the parallelism to "the wicked," translates "ungodly" (the effect of riches being to make one ungodly); but the Hebrew everywhere means "rich," never by itself ungodly; the parallelism, too, is one of contrast; namely, between their design and the fact, as it was ordered by God (Mat 27:57; Mar 15:43-46; Joh 19:39-40); two rich men honored Him at His death, Joseph of Arimathæa, and Nicodemus.

JFB: Isa 53:9 - -- Hebrew, "deaths." LOWTH translates, "His tomb"; bamoth, from a different root, meaning "high places," and so mounds for sepulture (Eze 43:7). But all ...
Hebrew, "deaths." LOWTH translates, "His tomb"; bamoth, from a different root, meaning "high places," and so mounds for sepulture (Eze 43:7). But all the versions oppose this, and the Hebrew hardly admits it. Rather translate, "after His death" [HENGSTENBERG]; as we say, "at His death." The plural, "deaths," intensifies the force; as Adam by sin "dying died" (Gen 2:17, Margin); that is, incurred death, physical and spiritual. So Messiah, His substitute, endured death in both senses; spiritual, during His temporary abandonment by the Father; physical, when He gave up the ghost.

JFB: Isa 53:9 - -- Rather, as the sense demands (so in Job 16:17), "although He had done no," &c. [HENGSTENBERG], (1Pe 2:20-22; 1Jo 3:5).
Rather, as the sense demands (so in Job 16:17), "although He had done no," &c. [HENGSTENBERG], (1Pe 2:20-22; 1Jo 3:5).
Clarke -> Isa 53:9
Clarke: Isa 53:9 - -- With the rich in his death "With the rich man was his tomb"- It may be necessary to introduce Bishop Lowth’ s translation of this verse before ...
With the rich in his death "With the rich man was his tomb"- It may be necessary to introduce Bishop Lowth’ s translation of this verse before we come to his very satisfactory criticisms: -
And his grave was appointed with the wicked
But with the rich man was his tomb
Although he had done no wrong
Neither was there any guile in his mouth
Among the various opinions which have been given on this passage, I have no doubt in giving my assent to that which makes the
The most simple tombs or monuments of old consisted of hillocks of earth heaped up over the grave; of which we have numerous examples in our own country, generally allowed to be of very high antiquity. The Romans called a monument of this sort very properly tumulus; and the Hebrews as properly
Odyss. sii. 14
"A rising tomb, the silent dead to grace
Fast by the roarings of the main we place
The rising tomb a lofty column bore
And high above it rose the tapering oar.
The tomb therefore might with great propriety be called the high place. The Hebrews might also call such a tomb
"It should be observed that the word
The exact completion of this prophecy will be fully shown by adding here the several circumstances of the burial of Jesus, collected from the accounts of the evangelists: -
"There was a rich man of Arimathea, named Joseph, a member of the sanhedrin, and of a respectable character, who had not consented to their counsel and act; he went to Pilate and begged the body of Jesus: and he laid it in his own new tomb, which had been hewn out of the rock, near to the place where Jesus was crucified; having first wound it in fine linen with spices, as the manner of the Jews was to bury the rich and great.
It has been supposed that
| |||
Yea, his death was appointed among the wicked
And with a rich man, his tomb
By these alterations it is supposed the text would be freed from all embarrassment. But see the preceding notes of Bishop Lowth, and the various readings of De Rossi, in loc.
Calvin -> Isa 53:9
Calvin: Isa 53:9 - -- 9.And he laid open to wicked men his grave Jerome renders it, “And he gave wicked men for burial;” as if the Prophet spake of the punishment by w...
9.And he laid open to wicked men his grave Jerome renders it, “And he gave wicked men for burial;” as if the Prophet spake of the punishment by which the Lord took vengeance for the sin of wicked men, who crucified Christ. But he rather speaks of the death of Christ, and of the fruit of it, and says nothing about that revenge. Others think that the particle
And to the rich man his death I consider the singular
I consider the word grave to be here used metaphorically, because wicked and violent men might be said to have overwhelmed him. If it be objected that Christ had an honorable burial, I reply, that burial was the commencement of a glorious resurrection; but at present the Prophet speaks of death, which is often denoted by “the grave.” I consider this, therefore, to be the real meaning, though I wish to leave every person free to form his own opinion.
Though he did no iniquity
Neither was there deceit in his mouth In two words he describes the perfect innocence of Christ; namely, that he never offended either in deed or in word. That this cannot be said of any mortal man is universally acknowledged, and hence it follows that it applies to Christ alone.
Defender -> Isa 53:9
Defender: Isa 53:9 - -- This passage could also be read, "they planned His grave (to be) with the wicked, but it was with a rich man [Joseph of Arimathea] in His death." Once...
This passage could also be read, "they planned His grave (to be) with the wicked, but it was with a rich man [Joseph of Arimathea] in His death." Once He died, God allowed no more wicked eyes to see Him, or hands to touch Him."
TSK -> Isa 53:9
TSK: Isa 53:9 - -- made : Mat 27:57-60; Mar 15:43-46; Luk 23:50-53; Joh 19:38-42; 1Co 15:4
death : Heb. deaths
deceit : 2Co 5:21; Heb 4:15, Heb 7:26; 1Pe 2:22; 1Jo 3:5
made : Mat 27:57-60; Mar 15:43-46; Luk 23:50-53; Joh 19:38-42; 1Co 15:4
death : Heb. deaths

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes -> Isa 53:9
Barnes: Isa 53:9 - -- And he made his grave with the wicked - Jerome renders this, Et dabit impios pro sepultura et divitem pro morte sua . The Septuagint renders ...
And he made his grave with the wicked - Jerome renders this, Et dabit impios pro sepultura et divitem pro morte sua . The Septuagint renders it, ‘ I will give the wicked instead of his burial (
1. To give, as:
\tx720 \tx1080 (a) to give the hand to a victor;
(b) to give into the hand of anyone, that is, the power;
© to give, that is, to turn the back;
(d) to give, that is, to yield fruit as a tree;
(e) to give, that is, to show compassion:
(f) to give honor, praise, etc.:
(g) to give into prison, or into custody.
2. To sit, place, put, lay;
\tx720 \tx1080 (a) to set before anyone;
(b) to set one over any person or thing;
© to give one’ s heart to anything; that is, to apply the mind, etc.
3. To make;
\tx720 \tx1080 (a) to make or constitute one as anything;
(b) to make a thing as something else.
The notion of giving, or giving over, is the essential idea of the word, and not that of making, as our translation would seem to imply; and the sense is, that he was given by design to the grave of the wicked, or it was intended that he should occupy such a grave. The meaning then would be:
And his grave was appointed with the wicked;
But he was with a rich man in his death -
Although he had done no wrong,
Neither was there any guile in his mouth.
But who gave, or appointed him? I answer:
1. The word may either here be used impersonally, as in Psa 72:15. ‘ to him shall be given,’ margin, ‘ one shall give,’ Ecc 2:21, meaning, that someone gave, or appointed his grave with the wicked; that is, his grave was appointed with the wicked; or,
2. The phrase ‘ my people’ (
3. God gave, or appointed his grave with the wicked.
It seems to me that it is to be regarded as used impersonally, meaning that his grave was appointed with the wicked; and then the sense will be, that it was designed that he should be buried with the wicked, without designating the person or persons who intended it. So it is correctly rendered by Lowth and Noyes, ‘ His grave was appointed with the wicked.’
With the wicked - It was designed that he should be buried with the wicked. The sense is, that it was not only intended to put him to death, but also to heap the highest indignity on him. Hence, it was intended to deny him an honorable burial, and to consign him to the same ignominious grave with the violators of the laws of God and man. One part of an ignominious punishment has often been to deny to him who has been eminent in guilt an honorable burial. Hence, it was said of Ahab 1Ki 21:19, that the dogs should lick his blood; and of Jezebel that the dogs should eat her 1Ki 21:23. Thus of the king of Babylon Isa 14:19, that he should ‘ be cast out of his grave as an abominable branch’ (see the note on that place). Hence, those who have been especially guilty are sometimes quartered, and their heads and other parts of the body suspended on posts, or they are hung in chains, and their flesh left to be devoured by the fowls of heaven.
So Josephus (Ant. iv. 8. 6), says, ‘ He that blasphemeth God, let him be stoned; and let him hang on a tree all that day, and then let him be buried in an ignominious and obscure manner.’ The idea here is, that it was intended to cast the highest possible indignity on the Messiah; not only to put him to death, but even to deny him the privilege of an honorable burial, and to commit him to the same grave with the wicked. How remarkably was this fulfilled! As a matter of course, since he was put to death with wicked people, he would naturally have been buried with them, unless there had been some special interposition in his case. He was given up to be treated as a criminal; he was made to take the vacated place of a murderer - Barabbas - on the cross; he was subjected to the same indignity and cruelty to which the two malefactors were; and it was evidently designed also that he should be buried in the same manner, and probably in the same grave. Thus in Joh 19:31, it is said thai the Jews, because it was the preparation, in order that their bodies should not remain on the cross on the Sabbath day, ‘ besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away;’ intending evidently that their death should be hurried in the same cruel manner, and that they should be buried in the same way. Who can but wonder at the striking accuracy of the prediction!
And with the rich - (
He appeals to Job 27:19, in proof of this. But it is evident that the place in Job, ‘ The rich man shall lie down, but he shall not be gathered,’ may be understood as speaking of a rich man as he is commonly found; and the word there does not mean proud, or wicked, but it means a rich man who is without religion. In all places where the word occurs in the Bible, the primary idea is that of a rich man - though he may be righteous or wicked, pious or impious, a friend of God or an enemy. That is to be determined by the connection. And the natural and proper idea here is that of a man who is wealthy, though without any intimation with regard to his moral character. It is rather implied that the man referred to would have a character different from ‘ the wicked,’ with whom his grave was appointed. Several interpreters, however, of the highest charactor, have supposed that the word here refers to the ungodly, and means, that in his death he was associated with the ungodly.
Thus Calvin supposes that it refers to the Scribes and Pharisees, and the impious and violent Romans who rushed upon him to take his life. Luther remarks that it means, ‘ a rich man; one who gives himself to the pursuit of wealth; that is, an ungodly man.’ But the objection is insuperable that the word in the Bible never is used in this sense, to denote simply a wicked or an ungodly man. It may denote a rich man who is ungodly - but that must be determined by the connection. The simple idea in the word is that of wealth, but whether the person referred to be a man of fair or unfair, pure or impure character, is to be determined by other circumstances than the mere use of the word. So the word ‘ rich’ is used in our language, and in all languages. The principal reason why it has here been supposed to mean ungodly is, that the parallelism is supposed to require it. But this is not necessary. It may be designed to intimate that there was a distinction between the design which was cherished in regard to his burial, and the fact. It was intended that he should have been interred with the wicked; but in fact, he was with the rich in his death.
In his death - Margin, ‘ Deaths’ (
1. It is opposed to all the ancient versions.
2. There is no evidence that the word
The exact fulfillment of this may be seen in the account which is given of the manner of the burial of the Saviour by Joseph of Arimathea (Mat 27:57-60. Joseph was a rich man. He took the body, and wound it in a clean linen cloth, and laid it in his own new tomb, a tomb hewn out of a rock - that is, a grave designed for himself; such as a rich man would use, and where it was designed that a rich man should be laid. He was buried with spices Joh 19:39-40; embalmed with a large quantity of myrrh and aloes, ‘ about a hundred pound weight,’ in the mode in which the rich were usually interred. How different this from the interment of malefactors! How different from the way in which he would have been buried if he had been interred with them as it had been designed! And how very striking and minutely accurate this prophecy in circumstances which could not possibly have been the result of conjecture! How could a pretended prophet, seven hundred years before the event occurred, conjecture of one who was to be executed as a malefactor, and with malefactors, and who would in the ordinary course of events be buried with malefactors, conjecture that he would be rescued from such an ignominious burial by the interposition of a rich man, and buried in a grave designed for a man of affluence, and in the manner in which the wealthy are buried?
Because - (
He had done no violence - The precise sense of the expression is, that he had not by harsh and injurious conduct provoked them to treat him in this manner, or deserved this treatment at their hands. In accordance with this, and evidently with this passage in his eye, the apostle Peter says of the Lord Jesus, ‘ who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth’ 1Pe 2:20-22.
Neither was any deceit in his mouth - He was no deceiver, though he was regarded and treated as one. He was perfectly candid and sincere, perfectly true and holy. No one can doubt but this was exactly fulfilled in the Lord Jesus; and however it may be accounted for, it was true to the life, and it is applicable to him alone. Of what other dweller on the earth can it be said that there was no guile found in his mouth? Who else has lived who has always been perfectly free from deceit?
Poole -> Isa 53:9
Poole: Isa 53:9 - -- He made his grave with the wicked and although he did not die for his own, but only for his people’ s sins, yet he was willing to die like a mal...
He made his grave with the wicked and although he did not die for his own, but only for his people’ s sins, yet he was willing to die like a malefactor, or like a sinner, as all other men are, and to be put into the grave, as they used to be; which was a further degree of his humiliation. He saith, he made his grave , because this was Christ’ s own act, and he willingly yielded up himself to death and burial. And that which follows, with the wicked , doth not note the sameness of place, as if he should be buried in the same grave with ether malefactors, but the sameness of condition; as when David prayeth, Psa 26:9 , Gather not my soul (to wit, by death) with sinners, he doth not mean it of the same grave, but of the same state of the dead.
With the rich in his death: this passage is thought by many to signify that Christ should be buried in the sepulchre of Joseph, who is said to be both rich , Mat 27:57 , and honourable , Mar 15:43 , which they conceive to be intimated as a token of favour and honour showed to him; which to me seems not probable, partly because this disagrees with the former clause, which confessedly speaks of the dishonour which was done to him; and partly because the burial of Christ, whatsoever circumstances it was attended with, is ever mentioned in Scripture as a part of his humiliation, Ac 2 24,27 . And it seems more reasonable, and more agreeable to the usage of the Holy Scripture, that this clause should design the same thing with the former, and that by rich he means the same persons whom he now called wicked , not as if all rich men were or must needs be wicked, but because for the most part they are so; upon which ground riches and rich men do commonly pass under an ill name in Scripture; of which see Psa 37:10 49:6 Luk 6:24 18:24 Jam 1:11 5:1 .
In his death Heb. in or at (or after, as this particle is frequently taken, as hath been already noted) his deaths ; for Christ’ s death might well be called deaths, in the plural number, because he underwent many kinds of death, and many deadly dangers and pains, which are frequently called by the name of death in Scripture, of which instances have been formerly given; and he might say, with no less truth than Paul did, 1Co 15:31 , I die daily , and 2Co 11:23 . I was in deaths oft. Because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth : this some suppose to be added as a reason of the last branch of the foregoing clause, why God so overruled matters by his providence, that Christ should not be buried in the same grave, or in the same ignominious manner, as malefactors were, but in a more honourable manner, in Joseph’ s own tomb. But the last part of the foregoing clause cannot, without violence, be pulled asunder from the former, wherewith it is so closely joined, not only by a conjunction copulative, and, but also by being under the government of the same verb; and therefore this latter clause of the verse, if thus rendered, must be added as the reason of what is said to be done in the former. And so the sense of the place may be thus conceived, This was all the reward of the unspotted innocency of all his words and actions, to be thus ignominiously used. But these words may well be and are otherwise rendered, both by Jewish and Christian interpreters, either thus, although he had done , &c., or rather thus, not for (as these two same particles placed in the very same order are rendered by our translator, and others, Job 16:17 ) any violence (or injury , or iniquity ) which he had done, nor for any deceit which was in his mouth ; not for his own sins, but, as hath been said before, for his people’ s sins; in which translation there is nothing supplied but what is most frequent in Scripture also.
Haydock -> Isa 53:9
Haydock: Isa 53:9 - -- Death. Hebrew, "and he made his grave with the wicked men, and with the rich man, in his death." (Haydock) ---
Grave and death seem to be tran...
Death. Hebrew, "and he made his grave with the wicked men, and with the rich man, in his death." (Haydock) ---
Grave and death seem to be transposed; and we might better read, "He was taken up with wicked men in his death, and with a rich man was his sepulchre." This indeed is only a conjecture, but well grounded in the context. See Josue xxiv. 19. (Kennicott) ---
Septuagint, "and I will give the wicked for his grave, and the rich men for his death." (Haydock) ---
The rich man may denote the small number of Jews who embraced the faith. (Calmet) ---
They esteemed themselves rich, and were highly favoured by God; yet they were blinded, (Haydock) and given up to the Romans, in punishment of their deicide, Matthew xxvii. 25. The Church is gathered both from Jews and Gentiles, ver. 10. (Calmet) (St. Jerome) ---
"He will send to hell the wicked," (Chaldean) who slew him. (Menochius) ---
Christ was buried where malefactors were generally, yet honourably, in the tomb of Joseph [of Arimathea]. (Worthington) (Matthew xxvii. 57.)
Gill -> Isa 53:9
Gill: Isa 53:9 - -- And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death,.... These words are generally supposed to refer to a fact that was afterwards d...
And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death,.... These words are generally supposed to refer to a fact that was afterwards done; that Christ, who died with wicked men, as if he himself had been one, was buried in a rich man's grave. Could the words admit of the following transposition, they would exactly agree with it, "and he made his grave with the rich; and with the wicked in his death"; for he died between two thieves, and was buried in the sepulchre of Joseph of Arimathaea, a rich man. Or the meaning perhaps in general is, that, after his death, both rich men and wicked men were concerned in his sepulchre, and about his grave; two rich men, Nicodemus and Joseph, in taking down his body from the cross, in embalming it, and in laying it in the tomb of the latter; and wicked men, Roman soldiers, were employed in guarding the sepulchre, that his disciples might not take away the body. Or the sense is, "he" the people, the nation of the Jews, through whose enmity against him he suffered death, "gave", intended, and designed, that "his grave" should be with "the wicked"; and therefore accused him to the Roman governor, and got him condemned capitally, and condemned to a Roman death, crucifixion, that he might be buried where such sort of persons usually were; and then it may be supplied, "but he made it"; that is, God ordered and appointed, in his overruling providence, that it should be "with the rich in his death", as it was. Aben Ezra observes, that the word
because he had done no violence: or injury to any man's person or property; had not been guilty of rapine and oppression, theft and robbery; murder and cruelty; he had not been a stirrer up of sedition, an encourager of mobs, riots, and tumults, to the harm of the civil government:
neither was any deceit in his mouth: no false doctrine was delivered by him; he was no deceiver of the people, as he was charged; he did not attempt to seduce them from the true worship of God, or persuade them to believe anything contrary to the law of Moses, and the prophets; he was no enemy to church or state, nor indeed guilty of any manner of sin, nor given to any arts of trick and dissimulation; see 1Pe 2:22. Some render the words, "though" y "he had done no violence", &c. and connect them with the following.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes: Isa 53:9 If the second line is antithetical, then עַל (’al) is probably causal here, explaining why the servant was buried in a rich ma...
Geneva Bible -> Isa 53:9
Geneva Bible: Isa 53:9 ( n ) And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither [was any] deceit in his mouth.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Isa 53:1-12
TSK Synopsis: Isa 53:1-12 - --1 The prophet, complaining of incredulity, excuses the scandal of the cross,4 by the benefit of his passion,10 and the good success thereof.
MHCC -> Isa 53:4-9
MHCC: Isa 53:4-9 - --In these verses is an account of the sufferings of Christ; also of the design of his sufferings. It was for our sins, and in our stead, that our Lord ...
Matthew Henry -> Isa 53:4-9
Matthew Henry: Isa 53:4-9 - -- In these verses we have, I. A further account of the sufferings of Christ. Much was said before, but more is said here, of the very low condition to...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Isa 53:9
Keil-Delitzsch: Isa 53:9 - --
After this description in Isa 53:7 of the patience with which He suffered, and in Isa 53:8 of the manner in which He died, there follows a retrospec...
Constable: Isa 40:1--55:13 - --IV. Israel's calling in the world chs. 40--55
This part of Isaiah picks up a theme from chapters 1-39 and develo...

Constable: Isa 49:1--55:13 - --B. God's atonement for Israel chs. 49-55
In the previous section (chs. 40-48), Isaiah revealed that God ...

Constable: Isa 52:13--54:1 - --2. Announcement of salvation 52:13-53:12
The second segment of the section in Isaiah dealing wit...