Text -- Isaiah 65:1 (NET)

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Wesley: Isa 65:1 - -- _This in the primary sense of this text, is a prophecy of the conversion of the Gentiles, upon the rejection of the Jews; for their contempt and cruci...
_This in the primary sense of this text, is a prophecy of the conversion of the Gentiles, upon the rejection of the Jews; for their contempt and crucifying of Christ, cannot be doubted by any, who will not arrogate to themselves a greater ability to interpret the prophesies of the Old Testament, than St. Paul had, who, Rom 10:20, expressly so interprets it, and applies it, which shews the vanity of the Jews in their other interpretations of it.

The word signifies properly a diligent enquiry in things relating to God.

Wesley: Isa 65:1 - -- That in times past made no enquiry after me; l am now found by them that formerly sought me not.
That in times past made no enquiry after me; l am now found by them that formerly sought me not.

Wesley: Isa 65:1 - -- I invited whole nations by the preaching of my gospel to behold me, and that with importunity, doubling my words upon them, and this I did unto a nati...
I invited whole nations by the preaching of my gospel to behold me, and that with importunity, doubling my words upon them, and this I did unto a nation not called by my name, with whom I was not in covenant.
JFB: Isa 65:1 - -- Hebrew, "I have granted access unto Me to them," &c. (so Eze 14:3, "Should I be inquired of"; Eph 2:18).

JFB: Isa 65:1 - -- Rom 10:20 renders this, "I was made manifest." As an instance of the sentiment in the clause, "I am sought," &c., see Joh 12:21; of the sentiment in t...
Rom 10:20 renders this, "I was made manifest." As an instance of the sentiment in the clause, "I am sought," &c., see Joh 12:21; of the sentiment in this clause, Act 9:5. Compare as to the Gentile converts, Eph 2:12-13.

JFB: Isa 65:1 - -- That is, the Gentiles. God retorts in their own words (Isa 63:19) that their plea as being exclusively "called by His name" will not avail, for God's ...
Clarke -> Isa 65:1
Clarke: Isa 65:1 - -- I am sought of them that asked not for me "I am made known to those that asked not for me"- נדרשתי nidrashti , εμφανης εγενομη...
I am sought of them that asked not for me "I am made known to those that asked not for me"-
Calvin -> Isa 65:1
Calvin: Isa 65:1 - -- 1.I have manifested myself The Prophet now passes on to another doctrine; for he shews that God has good reason for rejecting and casting off the Jew...
1.I have manifested myself The Prophet now passes on to another doctrine; for he shews that God has good reason for rejecting and casting off the Jews. It is because they have profited nothing by either warnings or threatenings to be brought back from their errors into the right way. But that they might not think that the Lord’s covenant would on that account be made void, he adds that he will have another people which formerly was no people, and that where he was formerly unknown, his name Shall be well known and highly celebrated. The Jews looked on this as monstrous, and reckoned it to be altogether inconsistent with the covenant which the Lord made with Abraham, (Gen 17:7,) if such a benefit were extended to any others than his posterity. But the Prophet intended to strip them of the foolish confidence of imagining that God was bound to the posterity of Abraham; for the Lord had not restricted himself to them but on an absolute condition, and if this were violated by them, they would be deprived, like covenant-breakers and traitors, of all the advantage derived from the covenant. Nor was this promise made to Abraham alone, and to those who were descended from him, but to all who should be ingrafted by faith into his family. But it will be more convenient to begin with the second verse, in which he explains the cause of the rejection, that we may more fully understand the Prophet’s design. 198
TSK -> Isa 65:1
TSK: Isa 65:1 - -- I am sought : Isa 2:2, Isa 2:3, Isa 11:10, Isa 55:5; Psa 22:27; Rom 9:24-26, Rom 9:30, Rom 10:20; Eph 2:12, Eph 2:13
Behold : Isa 40:9, Isa 41:27, Isa...

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes -> Isa 65:1
Barnes: Isa 65:1 - -- I am sought of them that asked not for me - That is, by the Gentiles. So Paul applies it in Rom 10:20. Lowth translates the word which is rende...
I am sought of them that asked not for me - That is, by the Gentiles. So Paul applies it in Rom 10:20. Lowth translates the word which is rendered, ‘ I am sought,’ by ‘ I am made known.’ Noyes, ‘ I have heard.’ The Septuagint renders it,
I am found of them - Paul has rendered this Rom 10:20,
I said, Behold me, behold me - I offered them my favor, and invited them to partake of salvation. Paul has omitted this in his quotation.
Unto a nation - This does not refer to any particular nation, but to people who had never been admitted to favor with God.
That was not called by my name - (See the notes at Isa 63:19).
Poole -> Isa 65:1
Poole: Isa 65:1 - -- I am sought: the word signifies properly a diligent inquiry in things relating to God, 2Ch 14:4 Psa 34:4 Jer 37:7 . I am diligently inquired of by t...
I am sought: the word signifies properly a diligent inquiry in things relating to God, 2Ch 14:4 Psa 34:4 Jer 37:7 . I am diligently inquired of by them that asked not for me ; that in times before made no inquiry after me (as the Gentiles, who are said to be without God in the world , Eph 2:12 ). As seeking may more strictly relate to prayer, as the word is used, Isa 55:6 , so this word translated asked may also be so taken, and is so, 1Sa 1:20 22:13 , but (possibly) it is better interpreted more generally.
I am found of them that sought me not yea, I was found of them before they sought me; those who formerly did not seek me now seek me; but they were found of me before they
sought me I prevented them by my grace, sending my Son to preach peace to those that were afar off , Eph 2:17 , and my apostles to entreat them to be reconciled to God, 2Co 5:20 , and my Spirit to convince the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment , Joh 16:8 .
I said, Behold me, behold me, unto a nation that was not called by my name I invited whole nations by the preaching of my gospel to behold me; and I invited them with importunity, doubling my words upon them; and this I did unto a
nation not called by my name with whom I was not in covenant, and which did not profess any relation to me, which none of the Gentiles could pretend unto. The prophet speaks of a thing to come many years after as if it were a thing then done, to signify the certainty of it. God doth the same thing yet in every soul that is converted. But the text is manifestly to be interpreted of the conversion of the Gentiles.
Haydock: Isa 65:1 - -- Plains. Hebrew Sharon, in the land of Basan. ---
Achor, near Jericho, called after Achan, (Calmet) who perhaps was more correctly styled Achor, ...
Plains. Hebrew Sharon, in the land of Basan. ---
Achor, near Jericho, called after Achan, (Calmet) who perhaps was more correctly styled Achor, Josue vii. 26., and Osee ii. 15. (Haydock)

Haydock: Isa 65:1 - -- Me. God answers the preceding prayer, and announces the rejection of the synagogue, alluding to the armies which prevailed in the days of the Machab...
Me. God answers the preceding prayer, and announces the rejection of the synagogue, alluding to the armies which prevailed in the days of the Machabees. ---
Not. St. Paul explains this of the conversion of the Gentiles, Romans x. 20. (Calmet) ---
It cannot regard the Jews, who are spoken of in the next verse. (Worthington)
Gill -> Isa 65:1
Gill: Isa 65:1 - -- I am sought of them that asked not for me,.... That this is a prophecy of the calling and conversion of the Gentiles is not to be doubted, since the A...
I am sought of them that asked not for me,.... That this is a prophecy of the calling and conversion of the Gentiles is not to be doubted, since the Apostle Paul has quoted it, and applied it to that case, Rom 10:20 and is here mentioned as an aggravation of the sin of the Jews, in rejecting Christ, when the Gentiles received him; and was the reason of their being rejected of God, and the Gospel being taken away from them, and given to another people, and of the Lord's removing his presence from the one to the other. The Gentiles are described as those that "asked not for" Christ, or after him, as the apostle supplies it; they had not asked for him, nor after him, nor anything about him; nor of him "before" this time, as the Vulgate Latin version renders it; they were without Christ, the promises and prophecies concerning him; and so had no knowledge of him, nor made any inquiry about him, who or what he was; they did not ask after his coming, or for it; did not desire it, or him, and were in no expectation of it; they asked no favour of him, nor saw any need of him, or worth in him; and yet now he was "sought of them"; or, as the apostle has it, "was made manifest unto them"; and so the Septuagint version; that is, he was manifested to them in the Gospel, and by the ministry of it; which is a revelation of him, of salvation by him, of justification by his righteousness, of peace and pardon by his blood, of atonement by his sacrifice, and of eternal life through him; and the words will bear to be rendered, "I was preached unto them": for from this word are derived others g, which signify an expounder, and an interpretation, or exposition; and this was matter of fact, that Christ was preached to the Gentiles upon the Jews' rejection of him, which is one branch of the mystery of godliness, 1Ti 3:16 and upon this he was sought of them: they sought him early and earnestly, and desired to have him and his Gospel preached to them again and again, Act 13:42 they sought after the knowledge of him, and for an interest in him, and for all grace from him, righteousness, salvation, and eternal life; and for all the supplies of grace, as all sensible sinners do; this they did as soon as he was made manifest to them by the word, and especially as soon as he was revealed in them, or made manifest in their hearts by his Spirit:
I am found of them that sought me not; that had not sought him before the Gospel came to them; they sought the world, and the thing, of it, "for after all these things do the Gentiles seek"; they sought after the wisdom of the world, the vain philosophy of it; "the Greeks seek after wisdom"; and at most and best they only sought after morality and outward righteousness, but not after Christ, till he was set up in the Gospel as an ensign to them, Isa 11:10, but being preached in it, they were set a seeking after him, and "found" him in it, of whom it is full; in the doctrines, promises, and ordinances of it; in whom they found righteousness, life, and salvation, food, and plenty of it, rest, spiritual and eternal, and everlasting glory and happiness:
I said, behold me, behold unto a nation that was not called by my name; which still describes the Gentiles, who formerly were not called the people of God, even those who now are, Hos 2:23, this Christ says to them in the Gospel, whose eyes he opens by his Spirit, to behold the glory of his person, the riches of his grace, his wondrous love and condescension, the abundance of blessings in him, and the complete salvation he has wrought out for sinners; and the words are repeated to show that Christ is only to be beheld, and is always to be looked unto; as well as it declares the heartiness of Christ, and his willingness that sinners should look unto him, and be saved; and all this is a proof of the preventing grace of God in the conversion of men, he is first in it; before they ask anything of him, or about him, or his Son, he manifests himself; he reveals Christ, bestows his grace, and presents them with the blessings of his goodness. R. Moses the priest, as Aben Ezra observes, interprets this of the nations of the world; and that the sense is,
"even to the Gentiles that are not called by my name I am preached;''
which agrees with the apostle's sense of them; See Gill on Rom 10:20.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Isa 65:1-25
TSK Synopsis: Isa 65:1-25 - --1 The calling of the Gentiles, and the rejection of the Jews, for their incredulity, idolatry, and hypocrisy.8 A remnant shall be saved.11 Judgments o...
MHCC -> Isa 65:1-7
MHCC: Isa 65:1-7 - --The Gentiles came to seek God, and find him, because they were first sought and found of him. Often he meets some thoughtless trifler or profligate op...
Matthew Henry -> Isa 65:1-7
Matthew Henry: Isa 65:1-7 - -- The apostle Paul (an expositor we may depend upon) has given us the true sense of these verses, and told us what was the event they pointed at and w...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Isa 65:1-2
Keil-Delitzsch: Isa 65:1-2 - --
After the people have poured out their heart before Jehovah, He announces what they may expect from Him. But instead of commencing with a promise, a...
Constable -> Isa 56:1--66:24; Isa 63:1--66:24; Isa 63:1--65:17; Isa 63:7--65:1; Isa 65:1-16; Isa 65:1-7
Constable: Isa 56:1--66:24 - --V. Israel's future transformation chs. 56--66
The last major section of Isaiah deals with the necessity of livin...

Constable: Isa 63:1--66:24 - --C. Recognition of divine ability chs. 63-66
The third and final subdivision of this last part of the boo...

Constable: Isa 63:1--65:17 - --1. God's faithfulness in spite of Israel's unfaithfulness 63:1-65:16
Isaiah proceeded to glorify...

Constable: Isa 63:7--65:1 - --The delayed salvation 63:7-64:12
If the Lord was capable of defeating Israel's enemies, ...

Constable: Isa 65:1-16 - --The divine response 65:1-16
The Lord responded, through the prophet, to the viewpoint ex...