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Text -- Isaiah 10:32 (NET)

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10:32 This very day, standing in Nob, they shake their fist at Daughter Zion’s mountain– at the hill of Jerusalem.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Jerusalem the capital city of Israel,a town; the capital of Israel near the southern border of Benjamin
 · Nob a town 5 or 6 kilometers NE of Jerusalem
 · Zion one of the hills on which Jerusalem was built; the temple area; the city of Jerusalem; God's people,a town and citidel; an ancient part of Jerusalem

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Nob | Assyria | Isaiah | Oppression | DAUGHTER | PALESTINE, 2 | HAND | ISAIAH, 1-7 | OLIVES, MOUNT OF | PALESTINE, 3 | more
Table of Contents

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Isa 10:32 The consonantal text (Kethib) has “a mountain of a house (בֵּית, bet), Zion,” but the marginal reading (Qere...

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