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Text -- Isaiah 45:6 (NET)

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45:6 I do this so people will recognize from east to west that there is no God but me; I am the Lord, I have no peer.
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Isa 45:6 - -- That all nations may know it by my foretelling these things so long before, and by the wonderful success that I shall give thee, and by my over - ruli...

That all nations may know it by my foretelling these things so long before, and by the wonderful success that I shall give thee, and by my over - ruling thine heart and counsels, to the deliverance of my people.

JFB: Isa 45:6 - -- From the rising to the setting of the sun, that is, from east to west, the whole habitable world. It is not said, "from north to south," for that woul...

From the rising to the setting of the sun, that is, from east to west, the whole habitable world. It is not said, "from north to south," for that would not imply the habitable world, as, "from east to west" does (Ezr 1:1, &c.). The conquest of Jerusalem by Babylon, the capital of the world, and the overthrow of Babylon and restoration of the Jews by Cyrus, who expressly acknowledged himself to be but the instrument in God's hands, were admirably suited to secure, throughout the world, the acknowledgment of Jehovah as the only true God.

Calvin: Isa 45:6 - -- 6.Therefore they shall know He means that this favor shall be so remarkable as to be acknowledged and admired by all nations. This was not indeed imm...

6.Therefore they shall know He means that this favor shall be so remarkable as to be acknowledged and admired by all nations. This was not indeed immediately fulfilled; for, although the fame of that victory was spread far and wide, yet few understood that the God of Israel was the author of it; but it was immediately made known to the neighbors, and was communicated by one nation to another, till the report of it was spread throughout the whole world. He does not predict what shall happen immediately, but what shall happen afterwards, though these things were long concealed. God therefore did not permit the remembrance of this transaction to fade away, but determined that it should be handed down in permanent records, that it might be celebrated in all ages, and by the most distant nations, to the very end of the world. We must therefore remember what I formerly remarked, that the Prophet interweaves earlier and later events, because the return of the people was the prelude to a future redemption, and that he thus speaks of a perfect restoration of the Church. Besides, when it happens that the illustrious works of God are buried by the ingratitude and malice of men, still it does not cease to be true, that they shall be visible to the whole world; for they shine openly and brightly, though the blind do not see them.

TSK: Isa 45:6 - -- Isa 37:20; 1Sa 17:46, 1Sa 17:47; Psa 46:10, Psa 83:18, Psa 102:15, Psa 102:16; Eze 38:23, Eze 39:21; Mal 1:11

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Isa 45:6 - -- That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west - This phrase is evidently used here to designate the whole world. Kimchi says...

That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west - This phrase is evidently used here to designate the whole world. Kimchi says, that the reason why the north and the south are not mentioned here is, that the earth from the east to the west is perfectly inhabitable, but not so from the north to the south. That this was accomplished, see Ezr 1:1 ff Cyrus made public proclamation that Yahweh had given him all the kingdoms of the earth, and had commanded him to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. The purpose of all this arrangement was, to secure the acknowledgment of the truth that Yahweh was the only true God, as extensively as possible. Nothing could be better adapted to this than the actual course of events. For,

1. The conquest of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar was an event which would be extensively known throughout all nations.

2. Babylon was then the magnificent capital of the pagan world, and the kingdom of which it was the center was the most mighty kingdom of the earth.

3. The fact of the conquest of Babylon, and the manner in which it was done, would be known all over that empire, and would attract universal attention. Nothing had ever occurred more remarkable; nothing more fitted to excite the wonder of mankind.

4. The hand of Yahweh was so manifest in this, and the prophecies which had been uttered were so distinctly fulfilled, that Cyrus himself acknowledged that it was of Yahweh. The existence, the name, and the truth of Yahweh became known as far as the name and exploits of Cyrus; and there was a public recognition of the true God by him who had conquered the most mighty capital of the world, and whose opinions and laws were to enter into the constitution of the Medo-Persian empire that was to succeed.

Poole: Isa 45:6 - -- That they may know that all nations may know it by my foretelling of these things so long beforehand, and by the wonderful success that I shall give ...

That they may know that all nations may know it by my foretelling of these things so long beforehand, and by the wonderful success that I shall give thee, and by my overruling thins heart, and counsels, and victories, to the deliverance of my people according to my promise.

Gill: Isa 45:6 - -- That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west,.... That all the inhabitants of the world, from east to west, which takes in the hab...

That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west,.... That all the inhabitants of the world, from east to west, which takes in the habitable part of the world, that from north to south not being entirely so; that all within this compass, by hearing what great things God did by Cyrus, and for his people, might know, own, and acknowledge,

that there is none besides me: I am the Lord, and there is none else; or, "besides me there is nothing" l; all creatures are nonentities in comparison of God; and he fills up all places, and everything lives, and moves, and has its being in him; and there is no God, the Lord, the eternal Jehovah, but the one true God, Father, Son, and Spirit.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Isa 45:6 Heb “they” (so KJV, ASV); TEV, CEV “everyone”; NLT “all the world.”

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Isa 45:1-25 - --1 God calls Cyrus for his church's sake.5 By his omnipotency he challenges obedience.20 He convinces the idols of vanity by his saving power.

MHCC: Isa 45:5-10 - --There is no God beside Jehovah. There is nothing done without him. He makes peace, put here for all good; and creates evil, not the evil of sin, but t...

Matthew Henry: Isa 45:5-10 - -- God here asserts his sole and sovereign dominion, as that which he designed to prove and manifest to the world in all the great things he did for Cy...

Keil-Delitzsch: Isa 45:4-7 - -- A second and third object are introduced by a second and third למען . "For the sake of my servant Jacob, and Israel my chosen, I called thee h...

Constable: Isa 40:1--55:13 - --IV. Israel's calling in the world chs. 40--55 This part of Isaiah picks up a theme from chapters 1-39 and develo...

Constable: Isa 40:1--48:22 - --A. God's grace to Israel chs. 40-48 These chapters particularly address the questions of whether God cou...

Constable: Isa 44:23--48:1 - --3. The Lord's redemption of His servant 44:23-47:15 Isaiah began this section of the book dealin...

Constable: Isa 45:1-13 - --The instrument of redemption 45:1-13 This section begins with God's promise to Cyrus (vv. 1-8; cf. Ps. 2: 110) and concludes with a vindication of God...

Guzik: Isa 45:1-25 - --Isaiah 45 - "Look to Me and Be Saved" A. Looking to the God who chose Cyrus. 1. (1-3) God's calling and mission for Cyrus. Thus says the...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Isaiah (Book Introduction) ISAIAH, son of Amoz (not Amos); contemporary of Jonah, Amos, Hosea, in Israel, but younger than they; and of Micah, in Judah. His call to a higher deg...

JFB: Isaiah (Outline) PARABLE OF JEHOVAH'S VINEYARD. (Isa. 5:1-30) SIX DISTINCT WOES AGAINST CRIMES. (Isa. 5:8-23) (Lev 25:13; Mic 2:2). The jubilee restoration of posses...

TSK: Isaiah (Book Introduction) Isaiah has, with singular propriety, been denominated the Evangelical Prophet, on account of the number and variety of his prophecies concerning the a...

TSK: Isaiah 45 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Isa 45:1, God calls Cyrus for his church’s sake; Isa 45:5, By his omnipotency he challenges obedience; Isa 45:20, He convinces the idol...

Poole: Isaiah (Book Introduction) THE ARGUMENT THE teachers of the ancient church were of two sorts: 1. Ordinary, the priests and Levites. 2. Extraordinary, the prophets. These we...

Poole: Isaiah 45 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 45 Cyrus’ s work and strength foretold, Isa 45:1-4 . God hath all power, Isa 45:5-12 ; will assist Cyrus, Isa 45:13,14 . The mystery o...

MHCC: Isaiah (Book Introduction) Isaiah prophesied in the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. He has been well called the evangelical prophet, on account of his numerous and...

MHCC: Isaiah 45 (Chapter Introduction) (Isa 45:1-4) The deliverance of the Jews by Cyrus. (Isa 45:5-10) God calls for obedience to his almighty power. (Isa 45:11-19) The settlement of his...

Matthew Henry: Isaiah (Book Introduction) An Exposition, With Practical Observations, of The Book of the Prophet Isaiah Prophet is a title that sounds very great to those that understand it, t...

Matthew Henry: Isaiah 45 (Chapter Introduction) Cyrus was nominated, in the foregoing chapter, to be God's shepherd; more is said to him and more of him in this chapter, not only because he was t...

Constable: Isaiah (Book Introduction) Introduction Title and writer The title of this book of the Bible, as is true of the o...

Constable: Isaiah (Outline) Outline I. Introduction chs. 1-5 A. Israel's condition and God's solution ch. 1 ...

Constable: Isaiah Isaiah Bibliography Alexander, Joseph Addison. Commentary on the Prophecies of Isaiah. 1846, 1847. Revised ed. ...

Haydock: Isaiah (Book Introduction) THE PROPHECY OF ISAIAS. INTRODUCTION. This inspired writer is called by the Holy Ghost, (Ecclesiasticus xlviii. 25.) the great prophet; from t...

Gill: Isaiah (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO ISAIAH This book is called, in the New Testament, sometimes "the Book of the Words of the Prophet Esaias", Luk 3:4 sometimes only t...

Gill: Isaiah 45 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO ISAIAH 45 This chapter contains prophecies concerning Cyrus, the deliverer of the Jews from captivity; and concerning the grace, ri...

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