Text -- Judges 5:1-7 (NET)

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collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)
The composer of this song.

Give him the praise who hath done the work.

When neither Deborah nor Barak had any power to compel them.

Wesley: Jdg 5:3 - -- You especially that live near, and have evil designs against Israel, know this for your caution, and terror too, if you presume to molest them.
You especially that live near, and have evil designs against Israel, know this for your caution, and terror too, if you presume to molest them.

Wesley: Jdg 5:3 - -- Who, as you see by this plain instance, is both able and resolved to defend them from all their enemies.
Who, as you see by this plain instance, is both able and resolved to defend them from all their enemies.

Wesley: Jdg 5:4 - -- Seir and Edom are the same place; and these two expressions note the same thing, even God's marching in the head of his people, from Seir or Edom, tow...
Seir and Edom are the same place; and these two expressions note the same thing, even God's marching in the head of his people, from Seir or Edom, towards the land of Canaan: while the Israelites were encompassing mount Seir, there were none of the following effects; but when once they had done that, and got Edom on their backs, then they marched directly forward towards the land of Canaan. The prophetess being to praise God for the present mercies, takes her rise higher, and begins her song with the commemoration of the ancient deliverances afforded by God to his people, the rather because of the great resemblance this had with them, in the miraculous manner of them.

Wesley: Jdg 5:4 - -- God prepared the way for his people, and struck a dread into their enemies, by earth - quakes as well as by other terrible signs.
God prepared the way for his people, and struck a dread into their enemies, by earth - quakes as well as by other terrible signs.

Wesley: Jdg 5:4 - -- That is, thou didst send storms and tempests, thunder and lightning, and other tokens of thy displeasure upon thine enemies.
That is, thou didst send storms and tempests, thunder and lightning, and other tokens of thy displeasure upon thine enemies.

Wesley: Jdg 5:5 - -- Or, flowed, with floods of water powered out of the clouds upon them, and from them flowing down in a mighty stream upon the lower grounds, and carryi...
Or, flowed, with floods of water powered out of the clouds upon them, and from them flowing down in a mighty stream upon the lower grounds, and carrying down part of the mountains with it.

Wesley: Jdg 5:5 - -- She slides into the mention of a more ancient appearance of God for his people in Sinai; it being usual in scripture repetitions of former actions, to...
She slides into the mention of a more ancient appearance of God for his people in Sinai; it being usual in scripture repetitions of former actions, to put divers together in a narrow compass. The sense is, No wonder that the mountains of the Amorites and Canaanites melted and trembled, when thou didst lead thy people toward them; for even Sinai itself could not bear thy presence, but melted in like manner before thee.

Wesley: Jdg 5:6 - -- Jael, though an illustrious woman, effected nothing for the deliverance of God's people, 'till God raised me up.
Jael, though an illustrious woman, effected nothing for the deliverance of God's people, 'till God raised me up.

Wesley: Jdg 5:6 - -- ways - Because of the Philistines and Canaanites, who, besides the public burdens which they laid upon them, waited for all opportunities to do them m...
ways - Because of the Philistines and Canaanites, who, besides the public burdens which they laid upon them, waited for all opportunities to do them mischief secretly; their soldiers watching for travellers in common roads, as is usual with such in times of war; and, because of the robbers even of their own people, who having cast off the fear of God, and there being no king in Israel to punish them, broke forth into acts of injustice and violence, even against their own brethren.

Wesley: Jdg 5:7 - -- The people forsook all their unfortified towns, not being able to protect them from military insolence.
The people forsook all their unfortified towns, not being able to protect them from military insolence.

Wesley: Jdg 5:7 - -- That is, to be to them as a mother, to instruct, and rule, and protect them, which duties a mother owes to her children.
That is, to be to them as a mother, to instruct, and rule, and protect them, which duties a mother owes to her children.
This noble triumphal ode was evidently the composition of Deborah herself.

The people have willingly offered themselves" [ROBINSON].

JFB: Jdg 5:4-5 - -- Allusion is here made, in general terms, to God's interposition on behalf of His people.
Allusion is here made, in general terms, to God's interposition on behalf of His people.

JFB: Jdg 5:4-5 - -- Represent the mountain range and plain extending along the south from the Dead Sea to the Elanitic Gulf.
Represent the mountain range and plain extending along the south from the Dead Sea to the Elanitic Gulf.

Indicates the storm to have proceeded from the south or southeast.

JFB: Jdg 5:6-8 - -- The song proceeds in these verses to describe the sad condition of the country, the oppression of the people, and the origin of all the national distr...
The song proceeds in these verses to describe the sad condition of the country, the oppression of the people, and the origin of all the national distress in the people's apostasy from God. Idolatry was the cause of foreign invasion and internal inability to resist it.
Clarke: Jdg 5:1 - -- Then sang Deborah, and Barak - There are many difficulties in this very sublime song; and learned men have toiled much to remove them. That there ar...
Then sang Deborah, and Barak - There are many difficulties in this very sublime song; and learned men have toiled much to remove them. That there are several gross mistakes in our version will be instantly acknowledged by all who can critically examine the original. Dr. Kennicott has distributed it into parts, assigned to Deborah and Barak alternately. But his division is by far too artificial. Dr. Hales has also given a version of it which, perhaps, comes nearer to the simplicity of the original; but it also leaves several difficulties behind. As these are the two best versions I have met with, I shall lay them both in parallel columns before the reader, after introducing the general description of this song, given by each of these learned men. These the reader will find at the conclusion of the chapter.

Clarke: Jdg 5:2 - -- For the avenging of Israel - See the notes, etc., at the end of the chapter, Jdg 5:28 (note).
For the avenging of Israel - See the notes, etc., at the end of the chapter, Jdg 5:28 (note).

Clarke: Jdg 5:4 - -- When thou wentest out of Seir - Here is an allusion to the giving of the law, and the manifestation of God’ s power and glory at that time; and...
When thou wentest out of Seir - Here is an allusion to the giving of the law, and the manifestation of God’ s power and glory at that time; and as this was the most signal display of his majesty and mercy in behalf of their forefathers, Deborah very properly begins her song with a commemoration of this transaction.

Clarke: Jdg 5:6 - -- The highways were unoccupied - The land was full of anarchy and confusion, being everywhere infested with banditti. No public road was safe; and in ...
The highways were unoccupied - The land was full of anarchy and confusion, being everywhere infested with banditti. No public road was safe; and in going from place to place, the people were obliged to use unfrequented paths.

Clarke: Jdg 5:7 - -- The villages ceased - The people were obliged to live together in fortified places; or in great numbers, to protect each other against the incursion...
The villages ceased - The people were obliged to live together in fortified places; or in great numbers, to protect each other against the incursions of bands of spoilers.
TSK: Jdg 5:1 - -- Sang Deborah : This verse briefly recites the subject of this inspired song, which consists of eight stanzas: The first opens with a devout thanksgiv...
Sang Deborah : This verse briefly recites the subject of this inspired song, which consists of eight stanzas: The first opens with a devout thanksgiving. The second describes the magnificent scenes at Mount Sinai, etc. The third states the apostasy and consequent punishment of the Israelites. The fourth contrasts their present happy state. The fifth censures the recreant tribes of Reuben, Gad, etc. The sixth records the defeat of the confederate kings of Canaan. The seventh contains a panegyric on Jael. And the eight describes the fond anticipations and disappointment of the mother of Sisera. Exo 15:1, Exo 15:21; Num 21:17; 1Sa 2:1; 2Ch 20:21, 2Ch 20:27; Job 38:7; Psa 18:1 *title Isa 12:1-6, Isa 25:1, Isa 26:1; Luk 1:46, Luk 1:67, Luk 1:68; Rev 15:3, Rev 15:4, Rev 19:1-3

TSK: Jdg 5:2 - -- for the avenging : Deu 32:43; 2Sa 22:47, 2Sa 22:48; Psa 18:47, Psa 48:11, Psa 94:1, Psa 97:8, Psa 136:15, Psa 136:19, Psa 136:20; Psa 149:6-9; Rev 16:...

TSK: Jdg 5:3 - -- O ye kings : Deu 32:1, Deu 32:3; Psa 2:10-12, Psa 49:1, Psa 49:2, Psa 119:46, Psa 138:4, Psa 138:5
even I : Jdg 5:7; Gen 6:17, Gen 9:9; Exo 31:6; Lev ...

TSK: Jdg 5:4 - -- Lord : Deu 33:2; Psa 68:7, Psa 68:8; Hab 3:3-6
the earth : 2Sa 22:8; Job 9:6; Psa 18:7-15
dropped : Psa 77:17

TSK: Jdg 5:5 - -- mountains : Deu 4:11; Psa 97:5, Psa 114:4; Isa 64:1-3; Nah 1:5; Hab 3:10
melted : Heb. flowed
that Sinai : Exo 19:18, Exo 20:18; Deu 4:11, Deu 4:12, D...

TSK: Jdg 5:6 - -- Shamgar : Jdg 3:31
Jael : Jdg 4:17, Jdg 4:18
the highways : Lev 26:22; 2Ch 15:5; Isa 33:8; Lam 1:4, Lam 4:18; Mic 3:12
travellers : Heb. walkers of pa...

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes: Jdg 5:1 - -- Deborah, as "a prophetess,"both composed and sang this noble ode, which, for poetic spirit and lyric fire, is not surpassed by any of the sacred son...
Deborah, as "a prophetess,"both composed and sang this noble ode, which, for poetic spirit and lyric fire, is not surpassed by any of the sacred songs in the Bible. And, as Miriam took up the first verse of the song of Moses Exo 15:21, and sang it as an antiphony, so Barak, with the chorus of men, answered the song of Deborah by singing Jdg 5:2, which is also exactly suited for an antiphon, summing up as it does the subject matter of the whole ode. Compare David’ s example 2Sa 6:15.

Barnes: Jdg 5:2 - -- Render "For the leading of the leaders in Israel (the princes), for the willingness of the people (to follow them) bless ye the Lord."See Deu 32:42 ...

Barnes: Jdg 5:4 - -- Compare Psa 68:7-9, and Hab 3:3-16. The three passages relate to the same events, and mutually explain each other. The subject of them is the triump...
Compare Psa 68:7-9, and Hab 3:3-16. The three passages relate to the same events, and mutually explain each other. The subject of them is the triumphant march of Israel, with the Lord at their head, to take possession of Canaan, and the overthrow of Sihon, Og, and the Midianites. This march commenced from Kadesh, in the immediate neighborhood of Self, and the victories which followed were an exact parallel to the victory of Deborah and Barak, accompanied as it had been with the storm which made Kishon to overflow his banks.

Barnes: Jdg 5:6 - -- Words dcscriptive of a state of weakness and fear, so that Israel could not frequent the highways. It is a graphic description of a country occupied...
Words dcscriptive of a state of weakness and fear, so that Israel could not frequent the highways. It is a graphic description of a country occupied by an enemy.

Barnes: Jdg 5:7 - -- Render the word "villages"(here and in Jdg 5:11) judgment, rule, or judges, rulers. The sense is "The princes (or magistrates) ceased in Israel,"i. ...
Render the word "villages"(here and in Jdg 5:11) judgment, rule, or judges, rulers. The sense is "The princes (or magistrates) ceased in Israel,"i. e. there was no one to do justice in the gate, or defend men from their oppressors.
Deborah was the composer of this song as may be gathered from Jud 5:7 .

Poole: Jdg 5:2 - -- Praise ye the Lord give him the praise who hath done the work.
For the avenging of Israel or, for taking vengeance , to wit, upon his and their en...
Praise ye the Lord give him the praise who hath done the work.
For the avenging of Israel or, for taking vengeance , to wit, upon his and their enemies, by Israel , or for Israel , for Israel’ s benefit, or for the injuries and violences offered by them to Israel. The people ; chiefly Zebulun and Naphtali, below, Jud 5:18 4:6 , and others hereafter mentioned.
Willingly offered themselves when neither Deborah nor Barak had any power to compel them.

Poole: Jdg 5:3 - -- You especially that live near to Israel, and have evil minds and designs against Israel, know this for your instruction, and caution, and terror too...
You especially that live near to Israel, and have evil minds and designs against Israel, know this for your instruction, and caution, and terror too, if you shall presume to molest them.
To the Lord God of Israel who, as you see by this plain instance, is both able and resolved to defend them from all their enemies.

Poole: Jdg 5:4 - -- Seir and
Edom are the same place; and these two expressions note the same thing, even God’ s marching in the head of his people from Seir or E...
Seir and
Edom are the same place; and these two expressions note the same thing, even God’ s marching in the head of his people from Seir or Edom towards the land of Canaan. Whilst the Israelites were encompassing Mount Seir, there were none of the following effects; but when once they had done that, and got Edom on their backs, then they marched directly forwards towards the land of Canaan. The prophetess being to praise God for the present mercy, takes her rise higher, and begins her song with the commemoration of the former and ancient deliverances afforded by God to his people, the rather because of the great resemblance this had with them, in the extraordinary and miraculous manner of them.
The earth either,
1. The inhabitants of the earth or land; or,
2. The earth, properly taken, as the following passages are; God prepared the way for his people, and struck a dread into their enemies by earthquakes, as well as by other terrible signs.
The clouds also dropped water i.e. thou didst send most dreadful showers of rain, storms and tempests, thunder and lightning, and other tokens of thy displeasure, upon thine enemies; as may appear by comparing this with other parallel texts.

Poole: Jdg 5:5 - -- Melted or flowed , with floods of water poured out of the clouds upon them, and from them flowing down in a mighty stream upon the lower grounds, an...
Melted or flowed , with floods of water poured out of the clouds upon them, and from them flowing down in a mighty stream upon the lower grounds, and carrying down some part of the mountain with it, as is usual in excessive showers.
She slides into the mention of another and a more ancient appearance of God for his people, to wit, in Sinai; it being usual in Scripture repetitions of former actions to put divers together into a narrow compass, and in few words. The sense is, No wonder that the mountains of the Amorites and Canaanites melted and trembled when thou didst lead thy people towards them; for even Sinai itself could not bear thy presence, but melted in like manner before thee. Or, as that Sinai did upon a like manifestation of thyself; so there is only a defect of the particle as , which I have showed to be frequent.

Poole: Jdg 5:6 - -- In the days of Shamgar whilst Shamgar lived, who was, if not a judge, yet an eminent person for strength and valour, Jud 3:31 .
In the days of Jael:...
In the days of Shamgar whilst Shamgar lived, who was, if not a judge, yet an eminent person for strength and valour, Jud 3:31 .
In the days of Jael: Jael, though an illustrious woman, and of great authority and influence upon the people, did effect nothing for the deliverance of God’ s people till God raised me up, &c.
Through by-ways partly because of the Canaanites, who, besides the public burdens and tributes which they laid upon them, waited for all opportunities of doing them mischief secretly; their soldiers watching for travellers in common roads, as is usual with such in times of war; and partly because of the robbers even of their own people, who having cast off the fear and worship of God, and there being no king or ruler in Israel to restrain or punish them, and being also many of them reduced to great want, through the oppression of the Canaanites, it is not strange, if, in those times of public disorder and ataxy, divers of the Israelites themselves did break forth into acts of injustice and violence, even against their own brethren, whom they could meet with in convenient places, which made travellers seek for by-paths.

Poole: Jdg 5:7 - -- The villages ceased the people forsook all their unfortified towns, as not being able to protect them from military insolence.
A mother i.e. to be ...
The villages ceased the people forsook all their unfortified towns, as not being able to protect them from military insolence.
A mother i.e. to be to them as a mother, to instruct, and rule, and protect them, which duties a mother oweth to her children as far as she is able.
Haydock: Jdg 5:1 - -- Meroz. Where this land of Meroz was, which is here laid under a curse, we cannot find: nor is there mention of it any where else in holy writ. In t...
Meroz. Where this land of Meroz was, which is here laid under a curse, we cannot find: nor is there mention of it any where else in holy writ. In the spiritual sense, they are cursed who refuse to assist the people of God in their warfare against their spiritual enemies. (Challoner) ---
Eusebius seems to have thought that Merom, a body of water, and the village of Meroz (Haydock) were the same place, 12 miles from Sebaste. The inhabitants were surely under an obligation of assisting their brethren; and these, it appears, lived in the vicinity, and neglected their duty. Septuagint (Alexandrian) reads Mazor. Some stars are styled Mazzaroth, Job xxxviii. 32. ---
Angel, Michael; or the high priest, or Barac, Debbora, &c. See chap. ii. 1. (Calmet) ---
Protestants, "Curse ye Meroz, (said the angel of the Lord) course ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof." ---
To help. Protestants, "to the help of the Lord against the mighty." Septuagint, "our helper is the Lord in the mighty warriors." He assists their endeavours, which would otherwise prove unsuccessful. (Haydock) ---
The Jews thin that Barac cursed Meroz, the star or the angel of the Chanaanites, who protected Sisara. (Chaldean) See Serarius, q. 15. Others say that he was an ally of the general, who was excommunicated by Barac, at the sound of 400 trumpets. But these opinions only deserve contempt. (Calmet)

Haydock: Jdg 5:1 - -- Debbora probably composed this most flowery and animated canticle, ver. 3, 7. (Calmet)
Debbora probably composed this most flowery and animated canticle, ver. 3, 7. (Calmet)

Haydock: Jdg 5:2 - -- Lord. Hebrew may have different senses: "bless the Lord for having avenged Israel, the people willingly exposing themselves, or shewing their conc...
Lord. Hebrew may have different senses: "bless the Lord for having avenged Israel, the people willingly exposing themselves, or shewing their concurrence." Roman Septuagint, "What was hidden has been disclosed in Israel, when the people shewed their good will, bless the Lord." Pora, which the Vulgate has not expressed, commonly means to disclose, liberate, &c.; ethondob signifies to give freely, to expose one's self, &c. Septuagint and Theodotion together, (Calmet) and the Alexandrian copy have, "bless the Lord, for that leaders have risen up in Israel, and the people have shewn their good will." These two things were to be greatly desired, as a general can do but little without an obedient army, and the latter is, in a manner, useless, without a head. Both had been wanting in Israel for some time, and even still, some of the tribes seem to be blamed for not co-operating with zeal, ver. 15, &c. This verse is repeated as a kind of chorus, ver. 9. The zeal and concord of the little troop, which had met the formidable army of Sisara, deserved the highest applause. (Haydock) ---
Men bless God when they give him thanks; superiors bless by imparting some spiritual benefit. (Worthington)

Haydock: Jdg 5:3 - -- Kings. She invites all who have authority, whether in or out of Israel, to attend unto the dispensations of Providence. God alternatively cherishes...
Kings. She invites all who have authority, whether in or out of Israel, to attend unto the dispensations of Providence. God alternatively cherishes and corrects his people. David makes a similar appeal to all kings and judges, Psalm ii. 10. ---
It is I. She dwells with a degree of rapture on the thought that God had shewn his power so wonderfully, and had effected his gracious purpose by the hand of a woman! (Haydock) ---
She directed Barac. (Worthington)

Haydock: Jdg 5:4 - -- Edom. Sinai, where God gave his law amid thunder and lightning, was situated in Idumea. (Calmet) ---
God displayed his glory on this mountain, and...
Edom. Sinai, where God gave his law amid thunder and lightning, was situated in Idumea. (Calmet) ---
God displayed his glory on this mountain, and also on Mount Seir, Deuteronomy xxxiii. 2. Some believe that Debbora compares the wonders which attended the late victory, with those which God wrought when he led his victorious bands though the desert, and conquered the countries of Sehon, &c. (Haydock) ---
He provided for the wants of his people, even in the most desolate regions, giving them water out of the hard (Calmet) rock of Horeb or Sinai, (Haydock) and causing all nature to change her appearance at his approach, Psalm lxvii. 8., and Exodus xix. 18. (Calmet)

Haydock: Jdg 5:6 - -- The paths rested. The ways to the sanctuary of God were unfrequented; and men walked in the bye-ways of error and sin. (Challoner) ---
Though Samg...
The paths rested. The ways to the sanctuary of God were unfrequented; and men walked in the bye-ways of error and sin. (Challoner) ---
Though Samgar and Jehel were so remarkable for their valour, as they had manifested on a late occasion, yet they did not prevent the incursions of the enemy both on the south and north. (Haydock) ---
The merchants durst not travel, as usual, through the country. (Drusius) ---
God had threatened the faithless Israel with this punishment, Leviticus xxvi. 22., and Lamentations i. 4., and Isaias xxiii. 8. (Calmet) ---
They that went by them formerly without apprehension, are now forced to seek out bye-ways. (Haydock) ---
Thus was justly punished the negligence of those who observed not the festivals of the Lord, nor frequented his tabernacle. (Menochius)

Haydock: Jdg 5:7 - -- Valiant. Hebrew is also translated, "the villages ceased," as no one thought himself in safety out of the strong cities. ---
Until. Hebrew, "unti...
Valiant. Hebrew is also translated, "the villages ceased," as no one thought himself in safety out of the strong cities. ---
Until. Hebrew, "until I, Debbora, arose, that I arose, a mother," &c. The Holy Ghost obliges her to declare her own praises. She deserved the glorious title of "mother of her country." ---
Mother denotes an authority, mixed with sweetness: such had been exercised by Debbora, in deciding the controversies of the people, (Calmet) and in directing them to follow the right path. (Haydock)
Gill: Jdg 5:1 - -- Then sang Deborah and Barak the son of Abinoam,.... Deborah is first mentioned, because she was, as Kimchi says, the root or foundation of the work, t...
Then sang Deborah and Barak the son of Abinoam,.... Deborah is first mentioned, because she was, as Kimchi says, the root or foundation of the work, the chief person in it, both in the direction of the war, and in the composition of this song; and indeed, as Ben Gersom observes, she alone composed it, see Jdg 5:7; and the verb is singular: "then sang Deborah"; and after her, and in her words, sung also Barak; he joined with her, not in making the song, but in singing it; and so likewise the people of Israel joined with her in singing it, as they did with Moses at the Red sea; and this song was sung
on that day; not on the precise day on which the victory was obtained over Sisera and his army, but on occasion of that memorable day, and what followed upon it:
saying; the following divine hymn or song, penned by Deborah, under divine inspiration, as the sublimity of the style, the fine and noble thoughts and sentiments that are in it, the beautiful and elegant phrases in which they are expressed, abundantly show; no Sappho, or any Grecian poetess, nor indeed any poet whatever, uninspired, being equal to the writer of this poem.

Gill: Jdg 5:2 - -- Praise ye the Lord for the avenging of Israel,.... The injuries done to Israel by any of their enemies, and particularly what wrongs had been done the...
Praise ye the Lord for the avenging of Israel,.... The injuries done to Israel by any of their enemies, and particularly what wrongs had been done them by Jabin, king of Canaan, for twenty years past; though some understand it of the vengeance God took on Israel for their sins; and though praise is not given directly for that, yet inasmuch as, when that was the case, there were some whose spirits were stirred up to engage voluntarily in the deliverance of them from the oppression of their enemies, it was matter of praise:
when the people willingly offered themselves: to go and fight for Israel against their enemies, particularly those of the tribes of Zebulun and Naphtali, Jdg 5:18; though not excluding others that joined, who could not have been forced to it, had they not freely offered themselves; and which was owing to the secret influence of divine Providence on their hearts, moving and drawing them to this service; and therefore praise was due to the Lord on this account, who works in the hearts of men both to will and to do, as in things spiritual and religious, so in things natural and civil.

Gill: Jdg 5:3 - -- Hear, O ye kings; give ear, O ye princes,.... Not only the neighbouring ones, but all the kings and princes of the earth, far and near, then and in su...
Hear, O ye kings; give ear, O ye princes,.... Not only the neighbouring ones, but all the kings and princes of the earth, far and near, then and in succeeding ages; Deborah desires and wishes that all potentates might hear of the wonderful works of God done for his people, that they might learn to know there is one that is higher than they, to whom all the amazing things done in the world are to be ascribed; and be cautious how they oppressed the people of God, since sooner or later he would avenge them on them. The Targum restrains this to the kings that came with Sisera and the governors with Jabin; but if there were any such, as it is not improbable there were, see Jdg 5:19; yet it is most likely that they were slain with them: there are some, as Kimchi observes, who think this respects the people of Israel, who were all the sons of kings; but the first sense is best:
I, even I, will sing unto the Lord, I will sing praise to the Lord God of Israel: which are the words of Deborah particularly, and the repetitions serve to express how cordial, earnest, and vehement she was in her praise and thankfulness to God; thereby setting an example to others, encouraging them to the same practice, and directing persons of every rank and quality to give praise only to Jehovah, the self-existing, everlasting, and unchangeable Being; to him who is the Lord and God of Israel in a peculiar manner, and not to any of the gods of the Gentiles.

Gill: Jdg 5:4 - -- Lord, when thou wentest out of Seir, when thou marchedst out of the fields of Edom,.... Here properly begins the song, what goes before being but a pr...
Lord, when thou wentest out of Seir, when thou marchedst out of the fields of Edom,.... Here properly begins the song, what goes before being but a preface to it; and it begins with an apostrophe to the Lord, taking notice of some ancient appearances of God for his people, which were always matter of praise and thankfulness; and the rather are they taken notice of here, because of some likeness between them and what God had now wrought; and this passage refers either to the giving of the law on Sinai, as the Targum and Jarchi; see Deu 33:2; or rather, as Aben Ezra, Kimchi, and others, to the Lord's going before Israel, after they had encompassed the land of Edom, and marched from thence towards the land of Canaan, when they fought with Sihon and Og, kings of the Amorites, and conquered them; which struck terror into all the nations round about them, and the prophecies of Moses in his song began to be fulfilled, Exo 15:14; and which dread and terror are expressed in the following figurative phrases:
the earth trembled; and the like figure Homer a uses at the approach of Neptune, whom he calls the shaker of the earth, perhaps borrowed from hence; it may design the inhabitants of it, the Amorites, Moabites, Edomites, Philistines, Canaanites, and others:
and the heavens dropped, the clouds also dropped water; which, as it may literally refer to the storm and tempest of rain that might be then as now, see Jdg 4:15, so may figuratively express the panic great personages, comparable to the heavens and the clouds in them were thrown into, when their hearts melted like water, or were like clouds dissolved into it.

Gill: Jdg 5:5 - -- The mountains melted from before the Lord,.... The inhabitants of them, through fear, the Lord going before Israel in a pillar of cloud and fire, and ...
The mountains melted from before the Lord,.... The inhabitants of them, through fear, the Lord going before Israel in a pillar of cloud and fire, and delivering mighty kings and their kingdoms into their hand:
even that Sinai from before the Lord God of Israel; or, "as that Sinai", the note of similitude being wanting; and the sense is, the mountains melted, just as the famous mountain Sinai in a literal sense did, when it trembled and quaked at the presence of God on it; the tokens of it, the fire and smoke, thunders, lightnings, and tempests there seen and heard; and which being observed, would call to mind the benefit Israel then received, which required praise and thankfulness, as well as would serve to express the awe and reverence of God due unto him.

Gill: Jdg 5:6 - -- In the days of Shamgar, the son of Anath,.... Of whom see Jdg 3:31; who succeeded Ehud as a judge, but lived not long, and did not much; at least wrou...
In the days of Shamgar, the son of Anath,.... Of whom see Jdg 3:31; who succeeded Ehud as a judge, but lived not long, and did not much; at least wrought not a perfect deliverance of the children of Israel; but during his time till now, quite through the twenty years of Jabin's oppression, things were as they are after described:
in the days of Jael; the wife of Heber the Kenite, spoken of in the preceding chapter, Jdg 4:17, who appears to be a woman of masculine spirit, and endeavoured to do what good she could to Israel, though not a judge among them, as Jarchi suggests; and who before this affair of Sisera had signalized herself by some deeds of hers in favour of Israel, and against their enemies; yet far from putting a stop to the outrages committed; for in the times of both these persons:
the highways were unoccupied, and the travellers walked through byways; the public roads were so infested with thieves and robbers, who stopped all they met with, and robbed them of what they had, that travellers and merchants with their carriages were obliged either to quit their employments, and not travel at all; or, if they did, were obliged to go in private roads, and roundabout ways, to keep clear of those rapparees the highways and public roads abounded with.

Gill: Jdg 5:7 - -- The inhabitants of the villages ceased,.... Not only did those Canaanitish robbers go upon the highway, and robbed all they met with, which made trave...
The inhabitants of the villages ceased,.... Not only did those Canaanitish robbers go upon the highway, and robbed all they met with, which made travelling difficult and dangerous; but entered into the villages and unwalled towns, and broke into houses and plundered them; so that the inhabitants of them were obliged to quit their dwellings, and go into the fortified cities for security; by which means the villages were left empty, and in time fell to ruin, and ceased:
they ceased in Israel: for they were the villages which belonged to the Israelites that were plundered, and not those that belonged to any of the Canaanites; and these were the unhappy circumstances Israel were under
until that I Deborah arose, that I arose a mother in Israel; until it pleased God to raise her up, and endow her in a very wonderful and extraordinary manner with gifts qualifying her to be a nursing mother to Israel, to teach and instruct them in the mind and will of God, to administer judgement and justice to them, to protect and defend them, and in all which she discovered a maternal affection for them; and as a good judge and ruler of a people may be called the father of them, so she, being a woman, is with propriety called a mother in Israel, having an affectionate concern for them as her children: now, till she arose, there was no perfect salvation and deliverance wrought for them, since the death of Ehud, even throughout the days of Shamgar and Jael; which is observed to excite praise and thankfulness on the present occasion, which hereby became the more illustrious.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Jdg 5:5 Heb “this one of Sinai.” The phrase is a divine title, perhaps indicating that the Lord rules from Sinai.

NET Notes: Jdg 5:7 Heb “mother.” The translation assumes that the image portrays Deborah as a protector of the people. It is possible that the metaphor point...
Geneva Bible: Jdg 5:2 Praise ye the LORD for the avenging of Israel, when the ( a ) people willingly offered themselves.
( a ) That is, the two tribes of Zebulun and Napht...

Geneva Bible: Jdg 5:6 In the days of Shamgar the son of Anath, in the days of Jael, the highways were ( b ) unoccupied, and the travellers walked through byways.
( b ) For...

Geneva Bible: Jdg 5:7 [The inhabitants of] the villages ceased, they ceased in Israel, until that I Deborah arose, that I arose a ( c ) mother in Israel.
( c ) Miraculousl...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Jdg 5:1-31
MHCC -> Jdg 5:1-5; Jdg 5:6-11
MHCC: Jdg 5:1-5 - --No time should be lost in returning thanks to the Lord for his mercies; for our praises are most acceptable, pleasant, and profitable, when they flow ...

MHCC: Jdg 5:6-11 - --Deborah describes the distressed state of Israel under the tyranny of Jabin, that their salvation might appear more gracious. She shows what brought t...
Matthew Henry -> Jdg 5:1-5; Jdg 5:6-11
Matthew Henry: Jdg 5:1-5 - -- The former chapter let us know what great things God had done for Israel; in this we have the thankful returns they made to God, that all ages of th...

Matthew Henry: Jdg 5:6-11 - -- Here, I. Deborah describes the distressed state of Israel under the tyranny of Jabin, that the greatness of their trouble might make their salvation...
Keil-Delitzsch: Jdg 5:1 - --
The historical introduction (" Then sang Deborah and Barak the son of Abinoam on that day, saying ") takes the place of a heading, and does not mean...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jdg 5:2 - --
2 That the strong in Israel showed themselves strong,
That the people willingly offered themselves,
Praise ye the Lord!
The meaning of פּרע a...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jdg 5:3 - --
3 Hear, ye kings; give ear, ye princes!
I, to the Lord will I sing,
Will sing praise to the Lord, the God of Israel.
4 Lord, when Thou wentest o...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jdg 5:4-5 - --
To give the Lord the glory for the victory which had been gained through His omnipotent help over the powerful army of Sisera, and to fill the heath...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jdg 5:6-7 - --
6 In the days of Shamgar, the son of Anath,
In the days of Jael, the paths kept holiday,
And the wanderers of the paths went crooked ways.
7 The...
Constable -> Jdg 3:7--17:1; Jdg 4:1--5:31; Jdg 5:1-31; Jdg 5:1; Jdg 5:1--7:25; Jdg 5:1-31; Jdg 5:2; Jdg 5:3-5; Jdg 5:6-8

Constable: Jdg 4:1--5:31 - --C. The third apostasy chs. 4-5
Chapters 4 and 5 are complementary versions of the victory God gave Israe...

Constable: Jdg 5:1-31 - --2. Deborah's song of victory ch. 5
One writer called this song "the finest masterpiece of Hebrew...

Constable: Jdg 5:1 - --Introduction 5:1
The writer credited Deborah with composing this song (cf. v. 7) even th...

Constable: Jdg 5:1--7:25 - --A. Previous Failures vv. 5-7
Jude cited three examples of failure from the past to warn his readers of t...

Constable: Jdg 5:1-31 - --1. The example of certain Israelites v. 5
Jude's introductory words were polite (cf. 2 Peter 1:1...

Constable: Jdg 5:2 - --Call to praise 5:2
This opening verse gives the reason as well as the call to bless the ...

Constable: Jdg 5:3-5 - --God's former salvation 5:3-5
Deborah called all people of consequence to pay attention t...