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Text -- Jeremiah 7:13 (NET)

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7:13 You also have done all these things, says the Lord, and I have spoken to you over and over again. But you have not listened! You have refused to respond when I called you to repent!
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
JFB , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

JFB: Jer 7:13 - -- Implying unwearied earnestness in soliciting them (Jer 7:25; Jer 11:17; 2Ch 36:15).

Implying unwearied earnestness in soliciting them (Jer 7:25; Jer 11:17; 2Ch 36:15).

Calvin: Jer 7:13 - -- The Prophet confirms by an example what he said yesterday, — that the Jews deceived themselves in thinking that they were covered by the shadow of ...

The Prophet confirms by an example what he said yesterday, — that the Jews deceived themselves in thinking that they were covered by the shadow of the Temple, while yet they disclosed themselves, and when the whole world were witness of their impious rebellion. He therefore mentions what had before happened. The Ark of the Covenant, as it is well known, had long rested in Shiloh. Now the Temple did not excel in dignity on its own account, but on account of the Ark of the Covenant and the altar. It was indeed splendidly adorned; but the holiness of the Temple was derived from the Ark of the Covenant, the altar, and the sacrifices. This Ark had been in Shiloh. 196 Hence Jeremiah shews how foolish were the Jews in being proud, because they had among them the Ark of the Covenant and the altar, for the first place, where sacrifices had been offered to God, was not preserved in safety. This is the import of the whole.

But he did not in vain say, Even go to Shiloh The כי , ki, here, though commonly a causal particle, seems to be taken as explanatory. If yet it be viewed only as an affirmative, I do not object, “Well, go to Shiloh.” But the language in this case is ironical, “Ye glory in the Temple; forsooth! go to Shiloh.” And God calls it his place — my place, in order that the Jews might understand that it had nothing superior in itself. The Ark of the Covenant had indeed been removed into Mount Sion, and there God had chosen a perpetual habitation for himself; but the other place was superior as to antiquity. This is the reason why he calls it “my place, “and adds, Where I made my name to dwell, that is, where I designed the Ark to be: for the Ark of the Covenant and the altar, with all their furniture, were properly the name of God; nor was it by chance that all the tribes had placed the Ark in Shiloh; but it was God’s will to be there worshipped for a time. Hence he says, that the place was sacred before Jerusalem; and therefore he says at the first, בראשונה , berashune; that is, the Shilomites are not only equal with you, but antiquity brings them a greater honor: if then a comparison is made, they excel you as to what is ancient.

See, he says, what I did to that place for the iniquity of my people Israel. He calls here Israel his people, not for honor’s sake, but that he might again remind the Jews that they were only equal to the Israelites; and yet that it profited all the tribes nothing, that they were wont to assemble there to worship God. 197 For when we reason from example, we must always see that there be no material difference. Jeremiah then shews that the Israelites were equal to the Jews, and that if the Jews claimed a superiority, the claim was neither just nor right, for Israel were also the people of God, inasmuch as it was God’s will to fix there the Ark of the Covenant, that sacrifices might be there offered to him; and then antiquity was in its favor, for it was a holy place before it was known that God had chosen Mount Sion as a situation for his Temple.

Hence he draws this conclusion, Now, then, as ye have done all these works, that is, as ye have become like the Israelites, therefore, etc. But he first amplifies their crime, — that they had not only imitated the wickedness of the twelve tribes, but had also perversely despised all warnings, I spake to you, he says, and rose up early By this metaphor he intimates, that he was as solicitous for preserving the kingdom of Judah, as parents are wont to be for the safety of their children: for as a father rises early to see what is necessary for his family, so also God says, that he rose early, inasmuch as he had been assiduous in exhorting them. He appropriates to his own person what properly belonged to his prophets: but as he had roused them by his Spirit and employed them in their work, he justly claims to himself whatever he had done by them as his instruments: and it was an exaggeration of their guilt, that they were slothful, nay, stupid, when God sedulously labored for their safety.

He adds, I spoke, and ye heard not; I cried to you, and ye did not answer, he inveighs more at large against their hardness; for had he only once warned them, some pretense might have been made; but as God, by rising early every day, labored to restore them to himself, and as he had not only employed instruction, but also crying, (for by crying he doubtless means exhortations and threatenings, which ought to have produced greater effect upon them,) there appeared in this contumacy the highest degree of mad audacity. The meaning is, — that God had tried all means to restore the Jews to a sound mind, but that they were wholly irreclaimable; for he had called them not only once, but often; and he had also endued his prophets with power to labor strenuously in the discharge of their office: he had not only shewed by them what was useful and necessary, but he had cried, that is, had employed greater vehemence, in order to correct their tardiness. Since then God, in using all these means, could effect nothing, what remained for them was miserably to perish, as they willfully sought their own destruction.

TSK: Jer 7:13 - -- and I spake : Jer 7:25, Jer 11:7, Jer 25:3, Jer 35:15, Jer 44:4; 2Ch 36:15, 2Ch 36:16; Neh 9:29, Neh 9:30 and I called : Pro 1:24; Isa 50:2, Isa 65:12...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Jer 7:13 - -- Rising up early and speaking - A proverbial expression for "speaking zealously and earnestly."It is used only by Jeremiah.

Rising up early and speaking - A proverbial expression for "speaking zealously and earnestly."It is used only by Jeremiah.

Poole: Jer 7:13 - -- These works either the same, or as bad, or worse than they did at Shiloh; or particularly those mentioned Jer 7:9 . Rising up early a metaphor take...

These works either the same, or as bad, or worse than they did at Shiloh; or particularly those mentioned Jer 7:9 .

Rising up early a metaphor taken from persons that are diligent in their business, they use to rise up early: q.d. I did not only speak by my prophets, but they in my name used all diligence to reclaim you, Jer 11:7,8 25:3,4 , calling earnestly unto you; by which he means his exhortations and menaces, which ought to have had some efficacy upon them; but you slighted, and disregarded, and would not come at my call, Pro 1:24 . See Poole "2Ch 36:15" , See Poole "2Ch 36:16" , and See Poole "Isa 1:2" .

Haydock: Jer 7:13 - -- Early. Sparing no opportunity of reclaiming you. (Calmet)

Early. Sparing no opportunity of reclaiming you. (Calmet)

Gill: Jer 7:13 - -- And now, because ye have done all these works, saith the Lord,.... Meaning evil works, such as theft, murder, adultery, perjury, and idolatry, mention...

And now, because ye have done all these works, saith the Lord,.... Meaning evil works, such as theft, murder, adultery, perjury, and idolatry, mentioned Jer 7:8 or the same which were done by the people of Israel, on account of which the tabernacle at Shiloh was left:

and I spake unto you, rising up early; that is, by his servants the prophets, whom he sent unto them, and by whom he spoke, as the Targum paraphrases it, and as it is in Jer 7:25, which shows the Lord's great concern for this people, his early care of them, in sending his servants betimes to warn, rebuke, and reclaim them:

and speaking, but ye heard not; would not listen to the words of the prophets, and of the Lord by them; but turned a deaf ear to them, which aggravates their stubbornness, obstinacy, and wickedness, that so much respect should be shown them, so much pains should be taken with them, and that so early, and yet to no purpose:

and I called you, but ye answered not; this call was by the external ministry of the prophets, and was with great vehemence in them, but not with divine energy; however, it was sufficient to leave the Jews without excuse; and their inattention to it exposes their hardness and wilful obstinacy; see Pro 1:24.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Jer 7:13 Heb “I called to you and you did not answer.” The words “to repent” are not in the text but are supplied in the translation fo...

Geneva Bible: Jer 7:13 And now, because ye have done all these works, saith the LORD, and I spoke to you, ( e ) rising early and speaking, but ye heard not; and I called you...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Jer 7:1-34 - --1 Jeremiah is sent to call to true repentance, to prevent the Jews' captivity.8 He rejects their vain confidence,12 by the example of Shiloh.17 He thr...

MHCC: Jer 7:1-16 - --No observances, professions, or supposed revelations, will profit, if men do not amend their ways and their doings. None can claim an interest in free...

Matthew Henry: Jer 7:1-15 - -- These verses begin another sermon, which is continued in this and the two following chapters, much to the same effect with those before, to reason t...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 7:1-15 - -- The vanity of trusting in the temple. - Jer 7:1. "The word that came to Jeremiah from Jahveh, saying, Jer 7:2. Stand in the gate of the house ...

Constable: Jer 2:1--45:5 - --II. Prophecies about Judah chs. 2--45 The first series of prophetic announcements, reflections, and incidents th...

Constable: Jer 2:1--25:38 - --A. Warnings of judgment on Judah and Jerusalem chs. 2-25 Chapters 2-25 contain warnings and appeals to t...

Constable: Jer 7:1--10:25 - --2. Warnings about apostasy and its consequences chs. 7-10 This is another collection of Jeremiah...

Constable: Jer 7:1--8:4 - --Aspects of false religion 7:1-8:3 All the messages in this section deal with departure f...

Constable: Jer 7:1-15 - --Jeremiah's Temple Sermon 7:1-15 This message demonstrates a structure that is quite typical of many others in the Book of Jeremiah (cf. 11:1-17; 17:19...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Jeremiah (Book Introduction) JEREMIAH, son of Hilkiah, one of the ordinary priests, dwelling in Anathoth of Benjamin (Jer 1:1), not the Hilkiah the high priest who discovered the ...


TSK: Jeremiah 7 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Jer 7:1, Jeremiah is sent to call to true repentance, to prevent the Jews’ captivity; Jer 7:8, He rejects their vain confidence, Jer 7:...

Poole: Jeremiah (Book Introduction) BOOK OF THE PROPHET JEREMIAH THE ARGUMENT IT was the great unhappiness of this prophet to be a physician to, but that could not save, a dying sta...

Poole: Jeremiah 7 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 7 . A call to true repentance, Jer 7:1-7 ; and not, living in theft, murder, adultery, perjury, &c.. to trust in the outward worship and tem...

MHCC: Jeremiah (Book Introduction) Jeremiah was a priest, a native of Anathoth, in the tribe of Benjamin. He was called to the prophetic office when very young, about seventy years afte...

MHCC: Jeremiah 7 (Chapter Introduction) (v. 1-16) Confidence in the temple is vain. (Jer 7:17-20) The provocation by persisting in idolatry. (Jer 7:21-28) God justifies his dealings with t...

Matthew Henry: Jeremiah (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah The Prophecies of the Old Testament, as the Epistles of the New, are p...

Matthew Henry: Jeremiah 7 (Chapter Introduction) The prophet having in God's name reproved the people for their sins, and given them warning of the judgments of God that were coming upon them, in ...

Constable: Jeremiah (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title of this book derives from its writer, the late seventh an...

Constable: Jeremiah (Outline) Outline I. Introduction ch. 1 A. The introduction of Jeremiah 1:1-3 B. T...

Constable: Jeremiah Jeremiah Bibliography Aharoni, Yohanan, and Michael Avi-Yonah. The Macmillan Bible Atlas. Revised ed. London: C...

Haydock: Jeremiah (Book Introduction) THE PROPHECY OF JEREMIAS. INTRODUCTION. Jeremias was a priest, a native of Anathoth, a priestly city, in the tribe of Benjamin, and was sanct...

Gill: Jeremiah (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO JEREMIAH The title of the book in the Vulgate Latin version is, "the Prophecy of Jeremiah"; in the Syriac and Arabic versions, "the...

Gill: Jeremiah 7 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO JEREMIAH 7 In this chapter the Lord, by the prophet, calls the people of the Jews to repentance and reformation; reproves them for ...

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