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Text -- Job 11:1-16 (NET)

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Zophar’s First Speech to Job
11:1 Then Zophar the Naamathite spoke up and said: 11:2 “Should not this abundance of words be answered, or should this talkative man be vindicated? 11:3 Will your idle talk reduce people to silence, and will no one rebuke you when you mock? 11:4 For you have said, ‘My teaching is flawless, and I am pure in your sight.’ 11:5 But if only God would speak, if only he would open his lips against you, 11:6 and reveal to you the secrets of wisdom– for true wisdom has two sides– so that you would know that God has forgiven some of your sins. 11:7 “Can you discover the essence of God? Can you find out the perfection of the Almighty? 11:8 It is higher than the heavens– what can you do? It is deeper than Sheol– what can you know? 11:9 Its measure is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea. 11:10 If he comes by and confines you and convenes a court, then who can prevent him? 11:11 For he knows deceitful men; when he sees evil, will he not consider it? 11:12 But an empty man will become wise, when a wild donkey’s colt is born a human being. 11:13 “As for you, if you prove faithful, and if you stretch out your hands toward him, 11:14 if iniquity is in your hand– put it far away, and do not let evil reside in your tents. 11:15 For then you will lift up your face without blemish; you will be securely established and will not fear. 11:16 For you will forget your trouble; you will remember it like water that has flowed away.
Parallel   Cross Reference (TSK)   ITL  

Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Naamathite a resident of the town of Naamah
 · Sheol the place of the dead
 · Zophar a Naamathite man who was a friend of Job

Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , PBC , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable

Critics Ask

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Job 11:1 - -- How hard is it, to preserve calmness, in the heat of disputation! Eliphaz began modestly: Bildad was a little rougher: But Zophar falls upon Job witho...

How hard is it, to preserve calmness, in the heat of disputation! Eliphaz began modestly: Bildad was a little rougher: But Zophar falls upon Job without mercy. "Those that have a mind to fall out with their brethren, and to fall foul upon them, find it necessary, to put the worst colours they can upon them and their performances, and right or wrong to make them odious."

Wesley: Job 11:2 - -- Truly, sometimes it should not. Silence is the best confutation of impertinence, and puts the greatest contempt upon it.

Truly, sometimes it should not. Silence is the best confutation of impertinence, and puts the greatest contempt upon it.

Wesley: Job 11:3 - -- Both concerning thy own innocency, and concerning the counsels and ways of God.

Both concerning thy own innocency, and concerning the counsels and ways of God.

Wesley: Job 11:3 - -- Our friendly and faithful counsels, Job 6:14-15, Job 6:25-26.

Our friendly and faithful counsels, Job 6:14-15, Job 6:25-26.

Wesley: Job 11:4 - -- Concerning God and his providence.

Concerning God and his providence.

Wesley: Job 11:4 - -- I am innocent before God; I have not sinned either by my former actions, or by my present expressions. But Zophar perverts Job's words, for he did not...

I am innocent before God; I have not sinned either by my former actions, or by my present expressions. But Zophar perverts Job's words, for he did not deny that he was a sinner, but only that he was an hypocrite.

Wesley: Job 11:5 - -- Plead with thee according to thy desire: he would soon put thee to silence. We are commonly ready with great assurance to interest God in our quarrels...

Plead with thee according to thy desire: he would soon put thee to silence. We are commonly ready with great assurance to interest God in our quarrels. But they are not always in the right, who are most forward, to appeal to his judgment, and prejudge it against their antagonists.

Wesley: Job 11:6 - -- The unsearchable depths of God's wisdom in dealing with his creatures.

The unsearchable depths of God's wisdom in dealing with his creatures.

Wesley: Job 11:6 - -- That they are far greater (the word double being used indefinitely for manifold, or plentiful) than that which is manifested. The secret wisdom of God...

That they are far greater (the word double being used indefinitely for manifold, or plentiful) than that which is manifested. The secret wisdom of God is infinitely greater than that which is revealed to us by his word or works: the greatest part of what is known of God, is the least part of those perfections that are in him. And therefore thou dost rashly in judging so harshly of his proceedings with thee, because thou dost not comprehend the reasons of them, and in judging thyself innocent, because thou dost not see thy sins; whereas the all - knowing God sees innumerable sins in thee, for which he may utterly destroy thee.

Wesley: Job 11:7 - -- Discover all the depths of his wisdom, and the reasons of his actions?

Discover all the depths of his wisdom, and the reasons of his actions?

Wesley: Job 11:10 - -- A person or family.

A person or family.

Wesley: Job 11:10 - -- Its a prison, or in the hands of an enemy.

Its a prison, or in the hands of an enemy.

Wesley: Job 11:10 - -- Whether it pleaseth God to scatter a family, or to gather them together from their dispersions.

Whether it pleaseth God to scatter a family, or to gather them together from their dispersions.

Wesley: Job 11:10 - -- Or, who can contradict him, charge him with injustice in such proceedings?

Or, who can contradict him, charge him with injustice in such proceedings?

Wesley: Job 11:11 - -- Though men know but little of God, yet God knows man exactly. He knoweth that every man in the world is guilty of much vanity and folly, and therefore...

Though men know but little of God, yet God knows man exactly. He knoweth that every man in the world is guilty of much vanity and folly, and therefore seeth sufficient reason for his severity against the best men.

Wesley: Job 11:11 - -- He perceiveth the wickedness of evil men, though it be covered with the veil of religion.

He perceiveth the wickedness of evil men, though it be covered with the veil of religion.

Wesley: Job 11:11 - -- Shall he only see it as an idle spectator, and not observe it as a judge to punish it?

Shall he only see it as an idle spectator, and not observe it as a judge to punish it?

Wesley: Job 11:12 - -- That since the fall is void of all true wisdom, pretends to be wise, and able to pass a censure upon all God's ways and works.

That since the fall is void of all true wisdom, pretends to be wise, and able to pass a censure upon all God's ways and works.

Wesley: Job 11:12 - -- Ignorant, and dull, and stupid, as to divine things, and yet heady and untractable.

Ignorant, and dull, and stupid, as to divine things, and yet heady and untractable.

Wesley: Job 11:13 - -- To seek God; turning thy bold contentions with God into humble supplications.

To seek God; turning thy bold contentions with God into humble supplications.

Wesley: Job 11:15 - -- Which denotes chearfulness, and holy boldness.

Which denotes chearfulness, and holy boldness.

Wesley: Job 11:15 - -- Having a clear and unspotted conscience.

Having a clear and unspotted conscience.

Wesley: Job 11:15 - -- Shall have a strong and comfortable assurance of God's favour.

Shall have a strong and comfortable assurance of God's favour.

Wesley: Job 11:16 - -- Thou shalt remember it no more, than men remember a land - flood, which as it comes, so it goes away suddenly.

Thou shalt remember it no more, than men remember a land - flood, which as it comes, so it goes away suddenly.

JFB: Job 11:3 - -- Rather, "vain boasting" (Isa 16:6; Jer 48:30). The "men" is emphatic; men of sense; in antithesis to "vain boasting."

Rather, "vain boasting" (Isa 16:6; Jer 48:30). The "men" is emphatic; men of sense; in antithesis to "vain boasting."

JFB: Job 11:3 - -- Upbraidest God by complaints, "shall no man make thee ashamed?"

Upbraidest God by complaints, "shall no man make thee ashamed?"

JFB: Job 11:4 - -- Purposely used of Job's speeches, which sounded like lessons of doctrine (Deu 32:2; Pro 4:2).

Purposely used of Job's speeches, which sounded like lessons of doctrine (Deu 32:2; Pro 4:2).

JFB: Job 11:4 - -- Addressed to God. Job had maintained his sincerity against his friends suspicions, not faultlessness.

Addressed to God. Job had maintained his sincerity against his friends suspicions, not faultlessness.

JFB: Job 11:6 - -- Rather, "they are double to [man's] wisdom" [MICHAELIS]. So the Hebrew is rendered (Pro 2:7). God's ways, which you arraign, if you were shown their s...

Rather, "they are double to [man's] wisdom" [MICHAELIS]. So the Hebrew is rendered (Pro 2:7). God's ways, which you arraign, if you were shown their secret wisdom, would be seen vastly to exceed that of men, including yours (1Co 1:25).

JFB: Job 11:6 - -- Rather, "God consigns to oblivion in thy favor much of thy guilt."

Rather, "God consigns to oblivion in thy favor much of thy guilt."

JFB: Job 11:7 - -- Rather, "Penetrate to the perfections of the Almighty" (Job 9:10; Psa 139:6).

Rather, "Penetrate to the perfections of the Almighty" (Job 9:10; Psa 139:6).

JFB: Job 11:8 - -- The "wisdom" of God (Job 11:6). The abruptness of the Hebrew is forcible: "The heights of heaven! What canst thou do" (as to attaining to them with th...

The "wisdom" of God (Job 11:6). The abruptness of the Hebrew is forcible: "The heights of heaven! What canst thou do" (as to attaining to them with thy gaze, Psa 139:8)?

JFB: Job 11:8 - -- Namely, of His perfections.

Namely, of His perfections.

JFB: Job 11:10 - -- Rather, as in Job 9:11, "pass over," as a storm; namely, rush upon in anger.

Rather, as in Job 9:11, "pass over," as a storm; namely, rush upon in anger.

JFB: Job 11:10 - -- In prison, with a view to trial.

In prison, with a view to trial.

JFB: Job 11:10 - -- The parties for judgment: hold a judicial assembly; to pass sentence on the prisoners.

The parties for judgment: hold a judicial assembly; to pass sentence on the prisoners.

JFB: Job 11:11 - -- (Psa 94:11).

JFB: Job 11:11 - -- So as to punish it. Rather, from the connection, Job 11:6, "He seeth wickedness also, which man does not perceive"; literally, "But no (other, save He...

So as to punish it. Rather, from the connection, Job 11:6, "He seeth wickedness also, which man does not perceive"; literally, "But no (other, save He) perceiveth it" [UMBREIT]. God's "wisdom" (Job 11:6), detects sin where Job's human eye cannot reach (Job 11:8), so as to see any.

JFB: Job 11:12 - -- Hollow.


JFB: Job 11:12 - -- "wants to consider himself wise"; opposed to God's "wisdom" (see on Job 11:11); refuses to see sin, where God sees it (Rom 1:22).

"wants to consider himself wise"; opposed to God's "wisdom" (see on Job 11:11); refuses to see sin, where God sees it (Rom 1:22).

JFB: Job 11:12 - -- A proverb for untamed wildness (Job 39:5, Job 39:8; Jer 2:24; Gen 16:12; Hebrew, "a wild-ass man"). Man wishes to appear wisely obedient to his Lord, ...

A proverb for untamed wildness (Job 39:5, Job 39:8; Jer 2:24; Gen 16:12; Hebrew, "a wild-ass man"). Man wishes to appear wisely obedient to his Lord, whereas he is, from his birth, unsubdued in spirit.

JFB: Job 11:13 - -- The apodosis to the "If" is at Job 11:15. The preparation of the heart is to be obtained (Pro 16:1) by stretching out the hands in prayer for it (Psa ...

The apodosis to the "If" is at Job 11:15. The preparation of the heart is to be obtained (Pro 16:1) by stretching out the hands in prayer for it (Psa 10:17; 1Ch 29:18).

JFB: Job 11:14 - -- Rather, "if thou wilt put far away the iniquity in thine hand" (as Zaccheus did, Luk 19:8). The apodosis or conclusion is at Job 11:15, "then shalt th...

Rather, "if thou wilt put far away the iniquity in thine hand" (as Zaccheus did, Luk 19:8). The apodosis or conclusion is at Job 11:15, "then shalt thou," &c.

JFB: Job 11:15 - -- Zophar refers to Job's own words (Job 10:15), "yet will I not lift up my head," even though righteous. Zophar declares, if Job will follow his advice,...

Zophar refers to Job's own words (Job 10:15), "yet will I not lift up my head," even though righteous. Zophar declares, if Job will follow his advice, he may "lift up his face."

JFB: Job 11:15 - -- (Deu 32:5).

JFB: Job 11:15 - -- Literally, "run fast together," like metals which become firm and hard by fusion. The sinner on the contrary is wavering.

Literally, "run fast together," like metals which become firm and hard by fusion. The sinner on the contrary is wavering.

JFB: Job 11:16 - -- Just as when the stream runs dry (Job 6:17), the danger threatened by its wild waves is forgotten (Isa 65:16) [UMBREIT].

Just as when the stream runs dry (Job 6:17), the danger threatened by its wild waves is forgotten (Isa 65:16) [UMBREIT].

Clarke: Job 11:1 - -- Zophar the Naamathite - Of this man and his friends, see Job 2:11. He is the most inveterate of Job’ s accusers, and generally speaks without f...

Zophar the Naamathite - Of this man and his friends, see Job 2:11. He is the most inveterate of Job’ s accusers, and generally speaks without feeling or pity. In sour godliness he excelled all the rest. This chapter and the twentieth comprehends all that he said. He was too crooked to speak much in measured verse.

Clarke: Job 11:2 - -- Should not the multitude of words be answered? - Some translate, "To multiply words profiteth nothing.

Should not the multitude of words be answered? - Some translate, "To multiply words profiteth nothing.

Clarke: Job 11:2 - -- And should a man full of talk be justified - איש שפתים ish sephathayim , "a man of lips,"a proper appellation for a great talker: he is "a ...

And should a man full of talk be justified - איש שפתים ish sephathayim , "a man of lips,"a proper appellation for a great talker: he is "a man of lips,"i.e., his lips are the only active parts of his system.

Clarke: Job 11:3 - -- Should thy lies make men hold their peace? - This is a very severe reproof, and not justified by the occasion

Should thy lies make men hold their peace? - This is a very severe reproof, and not justified by the occasion

Clarke: Job 11:3 - -- And when thou mockest - As thou despisest others, shall no man put thee to scorn? Zophar could never think that the solemn and awful manner in which...

And when thou mockest - As thou despisest others, shall no man put thee to scorn? Zophar could never think that the solemn and awful manner in which Job spoke could be called bubbling, as some would translate the term לעג laag . He might consider Job’ s speech as sarcastic and severe, but he could not consider it as nonsense.

Clarke: Job 11:4 - -- My doctrine is pure - לקחי likchi , "my assumptions."What I assume or take as right, and just, and true, are so; the precepts which I have form...

My doctrine is pure - לקחי likchi , "my assumptions."What I assume or take as right, and just, and true, are so; the precepts which I have formed, and the practice which I have founded on them, are all correct and perfect. Job had not exactly said, My doctrine and way of life are pure, and I am clean in thine eyes; but he had vindicated himself from their charges of secret sins and hypocrisy, and appealed to God for his general uprightness and sincerity: but Zophar here begs the question, in order that he may have something to say, and room to give vent to his invective.

Clarke: Job 11:5 - -- But O that God would speak - How little feeling, humanity, and charity is there in this prayer!

But O that God would speak - How little feeling, humanity, and charity is there in this prayer!

Clarke: Job 11:6 - -- The secrets of wisdom - All the depths of his own counsels; the heights, lengths, and breadths, of holiness. That they are double to that which is, ...

The secrets of wisdom - All the depths of his own counsels; the heights, lengths, and breadths, of holiness. That they are double to that which is, תושיה tushiyah , which we translate that which is, is a word frequent in Job and in the Book of Proverbs, and is one of the evidences brought in favor of Solomon as the author of this book. It signifies substance or essence, and is translated by a great variety of terms; enterprise, completeness, substance, the whole constitution, wisdom, law, sound wisdom, solid complete happiness, solidity of reason and truth, the complete total sum, etc., etc. See Taylor’ s Hebrew and English Concord., under ישה . In this place the versions are various. Coverdale, following the Vulgate, translates: That he might shewe the (out of his secrite wissdome) how manyfolde his lawe is. The Septuagint, ὁτι διπλους εσται των κατα σε, that it is double to what it is with thee. Mr. Good translates, "For they are intricacies to Iniquity."This is a meaning never before given to תושיה tushiyah , and a meaning which even his own learned note will not make generally prevalent. Perhaps Zophar is here, in mind, comparing the wisdom which has been revealed with the wisdom not revealed. The perfection and excellence of the Divine nature and the purity of his law, are, in substance and essence, double or manifold to the revelation already made

Clarke: Job 11:6 - -- Less than thine iniquity deserveth - Mr. Good translates, And the knowledge hath withdrawn from thee because of thy sins; and represents Zophar as p...

Less than thine iniquity deserveth - Mr. Good translates, And the knowledge hath withdrawn from thee because of thy sins; and represents Zophar as praying that God would reveal to him the secrets of wisdom, and the knowledge which he had withdrawn from him because of his transgressions. That Zophar intends to insinuate that God afflicted Job because of his iniquities, is evident; and that he thought that God had inflicted less chastisement upon him than his sins deserved, is not less so; and that, therefore, Job’ s complaining of harsh treatment was not at all well founded.

Clarke: Job 11:7 - -- Canst thou by searching find out God? - What is God? A Being self-existent, eternal, infinite, immense, without bounds, incomprehensible either by m...

Canst thou by searching find out God? - What is God? A Being self-existent, eternal, infinite, immense, without bounds, incomprehensible either by mind, or time, or space. Who then can find this Being out? Who can fathom his depths, ascend to his heights, extend to his breadths, and comprehend the infinitude of his perfections?

Clarke: Job 11:8 - -- It is as high as heaven - High as the heavens, what canst thou work? Deep below sheol, (the invisible world), what canst thou know? Long beyond the ...

It is as high as heaven - High as the heavens, what canst thou work? Deep below sheol, (the invisible world), what canst thou know? Long beyond the earth, and broad beyond the sea, is its measure. These are instances in the immensity of created things, and all out of the reach of human power and knowledge; and if these things are so, how incomprehensible must he be, who designed, created, preserves, and governs the whole

We find the same thought in Milton: -

"These are thy glorious works, Parent of good

Almighty! Thine this universal frame

How wondrous fair! Thyself how wondrous then!"

Clarke: Job 11:10 - -- If he cut off - As he is unlimited and almighty, he cannot be controlled. He will do whatsoever he pleases; and he is pleased with nothing but what ...

If he cut off - As he is unlimited and almighty, he cannot be controlled. He will do whatsoever he pleases; and he is pleased with nothing but what is right. Who then will dare to find fault? Perhaps Zophar may refer to Job’ s former state, his losses and afflictions. If he cut off, as he has done, thy children; if he shut up, as he has done, thyself by this sore disease; or gather together hostile bands to invade thy territories and carry away thy property; who can hinder him? He is sovereign, and has a right to dispose of his own property as he pleases.

Clarke: Job 11:11 - -- He knoweth vain men - מתי שוא methey shau , "men of falsehood.

He knoweth vain men - מתי שוא methey shau , "men of falsehood.

Clarke: Job 11:11 - -- He seeth wickedness - He sees as well what is in man, as what man does; and of his actions and propensities he cannot be an indifferent spectator.

He seeth wickedness - He sees as well what is in man, as what man does; and of his actions and propensities he cannot be an indifferent spectator.

Clarke: Job 11:12 - -- For vain man would be wise - The original is difficult and uncertain, ואיש נבוב ילבב veish nabub yillabeb , "And shall the hollow man a...

For vain man would be wise - The original is difficult and uncertain, ואיש נבוב ילבב veish nabub yillabeb , "And shall the hollow man assume courage,"or "pride himself?"Or, as Mr. Good rather paraphrases it, Will he then accept the hollow-hearted person? The Chaldee gives two renderings: An eloquent man shall become wiser in his heart, and the colt of the wild ass is born as the son of man. Or, The wise man shall ponder it; and the refractory youth, who at last becomes prudent, shall make a great man. Coverdale - A vayne body exalteth him self; and the son of man is like a wylde asse’ s foale. Houbigant translates thus: - A man who hath understanding will become prudent; but he who is as the wild ass hath no heart, i.e., sense. According to this critic, the meaning is this: - A man of sense, should he at any time transgress, will learn wisdom from it; but a man of a brutish mind, uncultivated and unreflecting, will plunge yet deeper into iniquity

Clarke: Job 11:12 - -- Though man be born like a wild ass’ s colt - Is translated by Mr. Good, Or shall the wild ass colt assume the man? This is making a sense, but ...

Though man be born like a wild ass’ s colt - Is translated by Mr. Good, Or shall the wild ass colt assume the man? This is making a sense, but such as I fear the original will never allow. There is no end to the translations of this verse, and conjectures relative to its meaning. I shall conclude with the Vulgate - Vir vanus in superbiam erigitur, et tanquam pullum onagri se liberum natum putat , "Vain man is puffed up with pride; and he supposes himself to be born free like the wild ass’ s colt."Man is full of self-conceit; and imagines himself born to act as he pleases, to roam at large, to be under no control, and to be accountable to none for his actions.

Clarke: Job 11:13 - -- If thou prepare thine heart - Make use of the powers which God has given thee, and be determined to seek him with all thy soul

If thou prepare thine heart - Make use of the powers which God has given thee, and be determined to seek him with all thy soul

Clarke: Job 11:13 - -- And stretch out thine hands toward him - Making fervent prayer and supplication, putting away iniquity out of thy hand, and not permitting wickednes...

And stretch out thine hands toward him - Making fervent prayer and supplication, putting away iniquity out of thy hand, and not permitting wickedness to dwell in thy tabernacle; then thou shalt lift up thy face without a blush, thou wilt become established, and have nothing to fear, Job 11:14, Job 11:15

There is a sentiment in Pro 16:1, very similar to that in the Job 11:13, which we translate very improperly: -

לאדם מערכי לב leadam maarchey leb

To man are the preparations of the heart

ומהוה מענה לשון umeyehovah maaneh lashon

But from Jehovah is the answer to the tongue

It is man’ s duty to pray; it is God’ s prerogative to answer. Zophar, like all the rest, is true to his principle. Job must be a wicked man, else he had not been afflicted. There must be some iniquity in his hand, and some wickedness tolerated in his family. So they all supposed.

Clarke: Job 11:16 - -- Because thou shalt forget thy misery - Thou shalt have such long and complete rest, that thou shalt scarcely remember thy labor

Because thou shalt forget thy misery - Thou shalt have such long and complete rest, that thou shalt scarcely remember thy labor

Clarke: Job 11:16 - -- As waters that pass away - Like as the mountain floods, which sweep every thing before them, houses, tents, cattle, and the produce of the field, an...

As waters that pass away - Like as the mountain floods, which sweep every thing before them, houses, tents, cattle, and the produce of the field, and are speedily absorbed by the sandy plains over which they run, so shalt thou remember thy sufferings: they were wasting and ruinous for the time, but were soon over and gone.

Defender: Job 11:7 - -- This rhetorical question by Zophar does at least indicate his realization that God was the infinite Creator, even though he had little understanding o...

This rhetorical question by Zophar does at least indicate his realization that God was the infinite Creator, even though he had little understanding of His grace and love."

Defender: Job 11:8 - -- Comparing the infinitude of God to heaven indicates that Zophar had a realistic concept of the magnitude of the universe. Some critics claim that the ...

Comparing the infinitude of God to heaven indicates that Zophar had a realistic concept of the magnitude of the universe. Some critics claim that the Bible teaches that the stars were affixed to a celestial dome of some kind, and this reference clearly shows otherwise."

TSK: Job 11:1 - -- Zophar : Job 2:11, Job 20:1

Zophar : Job 2:11, Job 20:1

TSK: Job 11:2 - -- the multitude : Job 16:3, Job 18:2; Psa 140:11; Pro 10:19; Act 17:18; Jam 1:19 full of talk : Heb. of lips

the multitude : Job 16:3, Job 18:2; Psa 140:11; Pro 10:19; Act 17:18; Jam 1:19

full of talk : Heb. of lips

TSK: Job 11:3 - -- thy lies : or, thy devices, Job 13:4, Job 15:2, Job 15:3, Job 24:25 mockest : Job 12:4, Job 13:9, Job 17:2, Job 34:7; Psa 35:16; Jer 15:17; Jud 1:18 m...

TSK: Job 11:4 - -- For thou : Job 6:10, Job 10:7; 1Pe 3:15 I am clean : Job 6:29, Job 6:30, Job 7:20, Job 9:2, Job 9:3, Job 14:4, Job 34:5, Job 34:6, Job 35:2

TSK: Job 11:5 - -- Job 23:3-7, Job 31:35, Job 33:6-18, Job 38:1, Job 38:2, Job 40:1-5, Job 40:8, Job 42:7

TSK: Job 11:6 - -- show thee : Job 15:8, Job 15:11, Job 28:28; Deu 29:29; Psa 25:14; Dan 2:28, Dan 2:47; Mat 13:35; Rom 16:25, Rom 16:26; 1Co 2:9-11; Eph 3:5 God exactet...

TSK: Job 11:7 - -- Canst : Job 5:9, Job 26:14, Job 37:23; Psa 77:19, Psa 145:3; Ecc 3:11; Isa 40:28; Mat 11:27; Rom 11:33; 1Co 2:10, 1Co 2:16; Eph 3:8

TSK: Job 11:8 - -- It is as high as heaven : Heb. the heights of heaven, Job 22:12, Job 35:5; 2Ch 6:18; Psa 103:11, Psa 148:13; Pro 25:2, Pro 25:3; Isa 55:9 deeper : Job...

It is as high as heaven : Heb. the heights of heaven, Job 22:12, Job 35:5; 2Ch 6:18; Psa 103:11, Psa 148:13; Pro 25:2, Pro 25:3; Isa 55:9

deeper : Job 26:6; Psa 139:6-8; Amo 9:2; Eph 3:18, Eph 3:19

TSK: Job 11:9 - -- longer : Job 28:24, Job 28:25; Psa 65:5-8, Psa 139:9, Psa 139:10

TSK: Job 11:10 - -- If he cut off : or, If he make a change, Job 5:18, Job 9:4, Job 9:12, Job 9:13, Job 12:14, Job 34:29; Isa 41:27; Dan 4:35 shut up : Job 38:8; Deu 32:3...

If he cut off : or, If he make a change, Job 5:18, Job 9:4, Job 9:12, Job 9:13, Job 12:14, Job 34:29; Isa 41:27; Dan 4:35

shut up : Job 38:8; Deu 32:30; Psa 31:8; Rev 3:7

hinder him : Heb. turn him away

TSK: Job 11:11 - -- he knoweth : Psa 94:11; Jer 17:9, Jer 17:10; Joh 2:24, Joh 2:25; Heb 4:13; Rev 2:23 he seeth : Job 22:13, Job 22:14; Psa 10:11, Psa 10:14, Psa 35:22; ...

TSK: Job 11:12 - -- For vain : Heb. For empty, Psa 62:9, Psa 62:10, Psa 73:22, Psa 92:6; Ecc 3:18; Rom 1:22; Jam 2:20 would : Job 5:13, Job 12:2, Job 12:3, Job 28:28; Pro...

TSK: Job 11:13 - -- prepare : Job 5:8, Job 8:5, Job 8:6, Job 22:21, Job 22:22; 1Sa 7:3; 2Ch 12:14, 2Ch 19:3; Psa 78:8; Luk 12:47 stretch : Psa 68:31, Psa 88:9, Psa 143:6

TSK: Job 11:14 - -- iniquity : Job 4:7, Job 22:5; Isa 1:15 put it far : Job 22:23, Job 34:32; Eze 18:30, Eze 18:31; Jam 4:8 let not : Psa 101:2; Zec 5:3, Zec 5:4

TSK: Job 11:15 - -- lift up : Job 10:15, Job 22:26; Gen 4:5, Gen 4:6; Psa 119:6, Psa 119:7; 2Co 1:12; 1Ti 2:8; 1Jo 2:28; 1Jo 3:19-22 thou shalt be : Psa 27:1, Psa 46:1, P...

TSK: Job 11:16 - -- Because : Gen 41:51; Pro 31:7; Ecc 5:20; Isa 54:4, Isa 65:16; Joh 16:21; Rev 7:14-17 as waters : Job 6:15; Gen 9:11; Isa 12:1, Isa 12:2, Isa 54:9

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Job 11:2 - -- Should not the multitude of words be answered? - As if all that Job had said had been mere words; or as if he was remarkable for mere garrulity...

Should not the multitude of words be answered? - As if all that Job had said had been mere words; or as if he was remarkable for mere garrulity.

And should a man full of talk be justified - Margin, as in Hebrew "of lips."The phrase is evidently a Hebraism, to denote a great talker - a man of mere lips, or empty sound. Zophar asks whether such a man could be justified or vindicated. It will be recollected that taciturnity was with the Orientals a much greater virtue than with us, and that it was regarded as one of the proofs of wisdom. The wise man with them was he who sat down at the feet of age, and desired to learn; who carefully collected the maxims of former times; who diligently observed the course of events; and who deliberated with care on what others had to say. Thus, Solomon says, "In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin: but he that refraineth his lips is wise;"Pro 10:19; so Jam 1:19, "let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak."It was supposed that a man who said much would say some foolish or improper things, and hence, it was regarded as a proof of prudence to be distinguished for silence. In Oriental countries, and it may be added also, in all countries that we regard as uncivilized, it is unusual and disrespectful to be hasty in offering counsel, to be forward to speak, or to be confident and bold in opinion; see the notes at Job 32:6-7. It was for reasons such as these that Zophar maintained that a man who was full of talk could not be justified in it; that there was presumptive proof that he was not a safe man, or a man who could be vindicated in all that he said.

Barnes: Job 11:3 - -- Should thy lies - Margin, "devices."Rosenmuller renders this, "should men bear thy boastings with silence?"Dr. Good, "before thee would man-kin...

Should thy lies - Margin, "devices."Rosenmuller renders this, "should men bear thy boastings with silence?"Dr. Good, "before thee would man-kind keep silence?"Vulgate, "tibi soli tacebunt homines?""Shall men be silent before thee alone? The Septuagint tenders the whole passage, "he who speaketh much should also hear in turn; else the fine speaker ( εὔλαλος eulalos ) thinketh himself just. - Blessed be the short-lived offspring of woman. Be not profuse of words, for there is no one that judges against thee, and do not say that I am pure in works and blameless before him?"How this was made out of the Hebrew, or what is its exact sense, I am unable to say. There can be no doubt, I think, that our present translation is altogether too harsh, and that Zophar by no means designs to charge Job with uttering lies. The Hebrew word commonly used for lies, is wholly different from that which is used here. The word here ( בד bad ) denotes properly "separation;"then a part; and in various combinations as a preposition, "alone separate.""besides."Then the noun means empty talk, vain boasting; and then it may denote lies or falsehood. The leading idea is that of separation or of remoteness from anything, as from prudence, wisdom, propriety, or truth. It is a general term, like our word "bad,"which I presume has been derived from this Hebrew word ( בד bad ), or from the Arabic "bad."In the plural ( בדים badı̂ym ) it is rendered "liars"in Isa 44:25; Jer 50:36; "lies"in Job 11:3; Isa 16:6; Jer 48:30; and "parts"in Job 41:12. It is also often rendered "staves,"Exo 27:6; Exo 25:14-15, Exo 25:28, et sap, at. That it may mean "lies"here I admit, but it may also mean talk that is aside from propriety, and may refer here to a kind of discourse that was destitute of propriety, empty, vain talk.

And when thou mockest - That-is, "shalt thou be permitted to use the language of reproach and of complaint, and no one attempt to make thee sensible of its impropriety?"The complaints and arguments of Job he represented as in fact mocking God.

Shall no man make thee ashamed? - Shall no one show thee the impropriety of it, and bring thy mind to a sense of shame for what it has done? This was what Zophar now proposed to do.

Barnes: Job 11:4 - -- My doctrine is pure - The Septuagint instead of the word "doctrine"here reads "deeds," ἔργοις ergois ; the Syriac, "thou sayest...

My doctrine is pure - The Septuagint instead of the word "doctrine"here reads "deeds," ἔργοις ergois ; the Syriac, "thou sayest I have acted justly."But the word used here ( לקח leqach ) means properly "fair speech"or "taking arguments,"that by which one is "taken"or captivated, from לקח lâqach , "to take."Then it means doctrine, or instruction, Pro 1:5; Pro 9:9. Here it means the views which Job had expressed. Dr. Good supposes that it means "conduct,"a word which would suit the connection, but the Hebrew is not used in this sense.

And I am clean in thine eyes - In the eyes of God, or in his sight. This was a false charge. Job had never maintained that he was perfect (compare the notes at Job 9:20); he had only maintained that he was not such a sinner as his friends maintained that he was, a hypocrite, and a man eminent for guilt. His lack of absolute perfection he was ever ready to admit and mourn over.

Barnes: Job 11:5 - -- But oh that God would speak - Hebrew, "and truly, who will give that God should speak."It is the expression of an earnest wish that God would a...

But oh that God would speak - Hebrew, "and truly, who will give that God should speak."It is the expression of an earnest wish that God would address him, and bring him to a proper sense of his ill desert. The meaning is, that if God should speak to him he would by no means find himself so holy as he now claimed to be.

Barnes: Job 11:6 - -- And that he would show thee the secrets of wisdom - The hidden things that pertain to wisdom. The reference here is to the wisdom of God himsel...

And that he would show thee the secrets of wisdom - The hidden things that pertain to wisdom. The reference here is to the wisdom of God himself. The sense is this, "you now think yourself pure and holy. You have confidence in your own wisdom and integrity. But this apprehension is based on a short-sighted view of God, and on ignorance of him. If he would speak and show you his wisdom; if he would express his sense of what purity is, you would at once see how far you have come from perfection, and would be overwhelmed with a sense of your comparative vileness and sin."

That they are double to that which is - Noyes renders this,"his wisdom which is unsearchable."Dr. Good, strangely enough, "for they are intricacies to iniquity."The expression, as it stands in our common version, is not very intelligible; and indeed it is difficult, to attach any idea to it. Of the words used in the Hebrew, the sense is not difficult. The word כפלים kı̂playı̂m , "double,"is from כפל kâphal "to fold,""to double;"and means a doubling Job 41:5; and then two folds, or double folds, and the sense here is, that the wisdom of God is "double-fold;"that is, complicated, inexplicable, or manifold. It is not spread out and plain, but is infolded, so that it requires to be unrolled to be understood. The word rendered "that which is"( תשׁיה tûshı̂yâh ), means properly a setting upright, uprightness - from ישׁע yâsha‛ . Hence, it means help, deliverance, Job 6:13; purpose, undertaking, see the notes at Job 5:12; and then counsel, wisdom, understanding, Job 12:16; Isa 28:29. It means here, I suppose, "understanding;"and the idea is, that the wisdom of God is "double of understanding;"that is, it is so infolded, so complex, that it greatly surpasses our comprehension. What we see is a small part of it; and the "secrets"of his wisdom - the parts of his wisdom which are not unfolded, are far above our grasp. His wisdom is like a vast roll or volume, only the first and a very small part of which is unrolled so that we can read it. But who can look into that that remains unopened, and penetrate between the involutions, so as to perceive and read it all? It is but little that is now unrolled of the mighty volume - the remainder will be unfolded as years and ages shall pass on, and the entire unfolding of the book will be reserved for eternity.

Know, therefore, that God exacteth of thee less than thine iniquity deserveth - The word here rendered "exacteth"( ישׁה yasheh ) more properly means "to forget"- from נשׁה nâshâh . It also means to loan on usury, or to borrow; but the sense here is rather that of forgetting. It is not used in the sense of exacting. The true meaning is, "know, therefore, that for thee God hath caused to be forgotten a part of thy iniquity."That is, he has treated you as if he had caused a part of your sins to be out of mind, or as if they were not remembered. Instead of treating you, as you complain, with severity, he has by no means inflicted on you the calamities which you deserve. The ground of this unfeeling assertion is the abstract proposition that God is infinitely wiser than human beings; that he has a deeper insight into human guilt than people can have; and that if he should disclose to us all that he sees of the heart, we should be amazed at the revelations of our own sins. This sentiment is undoubtedly true, and accords almost cxactly with what Job had himself said Job 9:19-22, but there is something very harsh and severe in the manner in which Zophar applies it.

Barnes: Job 11:7 - -- Canst then, by searching, find out God? - In order to illustrate the sentiment which he had just expressed, that the secrets of divine wisdom m...

Canst then, by searching, find out God? - In order to illustrate the sentiment which he had just expressed, that the secrets of divine wisdom must be far above our comprehension, Zophar introduces here this sublime description of God - a description which seems to have the form and force of a proverb. It seems to have been a settled opinion that man could not find out the Almighty to perfection by his own powers - a sentiment, which is as true now, as it was then, and which is of the utmost importance in all our inquiries about the Creator. The sentiment is expressed in a most beautiful manner; and the language itself is not unworthy of the theme. The word "searching," חקר chêqer , is from חקר châqar to search, to search out, to examine; and the primary sense, according to Gesenius, lies in searching in the earth by boring or digging - as for metals. Then it means to search with diligence and care. Here it means that by the utmost attention in examining the works of God, it would be impossible for man to find out the Almighty to perfection. All the investigations which have been made of God, have fallen short of the object; and at the present time it is as true as it was in the days of Job, that we cannot, by searching, find him out. Of much that pertains to him and his plans we must be content to remain in ignorance, until we are admitted to the revelations of a higher world - happy and thankful now that we are permitted to know so much of him as we do, and that we are apprized of the existence of one infinite and perfect mind. It is an inexpressible privilege to know "anything"of God; and it is proof of the exalted nature of man, that he is now capable of becoming in any degree acquainted with the divine nature.

Barnes: Job 11:8 - -- It is as high as heaven - That is, the knowledge of God; or the subject is as high as heaven. The idea is, that man is incompetent to examine, ...

It is as high as heaven - That is, the knowledge of God; or the subject is as high as heaven. The idea is, that man is incompetent to examine, with accuracy, an object that is as far off as the heavens; and that as the knowledge of God must be of that character, it is vain for him to attempt to investigate it fully. There is an energy in the Hebrew which is lost in our common translation. The Hebrew is abrupt and very emphatic: "The heights of the heavens!"It is the language of one looking up with astonishment at the high heavens, and over-powered with the thought that the knowledge of God must be higher even than those distant skies. Who can hope to understand it? Who can be qualified to make the investigation? It is a matter of simple but sublime truth, that God must be higher than these heavens; and when we take into view the amazing distances of many of the heavenly bodies, as now known by the aid of modern astronomy, we may ask with deeper emphasis by far than Zophar did. "Can we, by searching, find out God?"

Deeper than hell - Hebrew "Than Sheol"- משׁאול meshe 'ôl . The Septuagint renders this, "the heaven is high, what canst thou do? And there are things deeper than in Hades - βαθύτερα τῶν ἐν ᾃδου bathutera tōn en Hadou - what dost thou know?"On the meaning of the word Sheol, see Isa 5:14, note; Isa 14:9, note. It seems to have been supposed to be as deep as the heavens are high; and the idea here is, that it would be impossible for man to investigate a subject that was as profound as Sheol was deep. The idea is not that God was in Sheol, but that the subject was as profound as the abode of departed spirits was deep and remote. It is possible that the Psalmist may have had this passage in his eye in the similar expression, occurring in Ps. 139:

If I ascend into heaven, thou art there;

If I make my bed in hell, behold thou art there.

Barnes: Job 11:9 - -- The measure thereof is longer than the earth - The measure of the knowledge of God. The extent of the earth would be one of the longest measure...

The measure thereof is longer than the earth - The measure of the knowledge of God. The extent of the earth would be one of the longest measures known to the ancients. Yet it is now impossible to ascertain what ideas were attached, in the time of Job, to the extent of the earth - and it is not necessary to know this in order to understand this expression. It is morally certain that the prevailing ideas were very limited, and that a small part of the earth was then known. The general belief seems to have been, that it was a vast plain, surrounded by water - but how supported, and what were its limits, were evidently matters to them unknown. The earliest knowledge which we have of geography, as understood by the Arabs, represents the earth as wholly encompassed by an ocean, like a zone. This was usually characterized as a "Sea of Darkness;"an appellation usually given to the Atlantic; while to the Northern Sea was given the name of "The Sea of Pitchy Darkness."Edrisi imagined the land to be floating in the sea, and only part appearing above, like an egg in a basin of water. If these views prevailed so late as the tenth and eleventh centuries of the Christian era, it is reasonable to conclude that the views of the figure and size of the earth must have been extremely limited in the time of Job. On the ancient views of geography, see the notes at Job 26:7-10, and the maps there, also Murray’ s Encyclopaedia of Geography, Book I, and Eschenberg’ s Manual of Classical Literature, by Prof. Fiske, Part I.

And broader than the sea - What was the idea of the breadth of the sea, which was supposed to surround the earth, it is now wholly impossible to determine. Probably there were no ideas on the subject that could be regarded as settled and definite. The ancients had no means of ascertaining this, and they perhaps supposed that the ocean extended to an unlimited extent - or, perhaps, to the far distant place where the sky and the water appeared to meet. At all events it was an illustration then, as it is now, of a vast distance, and is not inappropriately used here to denote the impossibility of fully understanding God. This illustration would be far more striking then than now. We have crossed the ocean; and we do not deem it an impracticable thing to explore the remotest seas. But not so the ancients. They kept close to the shore. They seldom ventured out of sight of land. The enterprise of exploring and crossing the vast ocean, which they supposed encompassed the globe, was regarded by them as wholly impracticable - and equally so they correctly supposed it was to find out God.

Barnes: Job 11:10 - -- If he cut off - Margin, "Make a change."But neither of these phrases properly expresses the sense of the original. The whole image here is prob...

If he cut off - Margin, "Make a change."But neither of these phrases properly expresses the sense of the original. The whole image here is probably that of arresting a criminal and bringing him to trial, and the language is taken from the mode of conducting a prosecution. The word rendered "cut off"- יחלף yachâlop , from חלף châlaph - means properly to pass along; to pass on; then to pass against anyone, to rush on, to assail; and in a remote sense in the Piel and the Hiphil, to cause to pass on or away, that is, to change. This is the sense expressed in the margin. The idea is not that of cutting off, but is that of making a rush upon a man, for the purpose of arresting him and bringing him to trial. There are frequent references to such trials in the book of Job. The Chaldee renders this, "if he pass on and shut up the heavens with clouds"- but the paraphrasist evidently did not understand the passage.

And shut up - That is, imprison or detain with a view to trial. Some such detention is always practiced of necessity before trial.

Or gather together - Gather together the parties for trial; or rather call the individual into court for trial. The word קהל qâhal means properly to call together, to convoke, as a people; and is used to denote the custom of assembling the people for a trial - or, as we would say, to "call the court,"which is now the office of a crier.

Then who can hinder him? - Margin, "Who can turn him away?"He has all power, and no one can resist him. No one can deliver the criminal from his hands. Zophar here is in fact repeating in another form what Job had himself said (Job 9:3 ff), and the sentiment seems to be proverbial. The idea here is, that if God should call a man into judgment, and hold him guilty, he could neither answer nor resist him. God is so great; he so intimately knows the human heart; he has so thorough an acquaintance with all our past sins, that we cannot hope to answer him or escape. Zophar argues on this principle: "God holds you to be guilty. He is punishing you accordingly. You do not feel it so, or suppose that you deserve all this. But he sees your heart, and knows all your life. If he holds you to be guilty, it is so. You cannot answer him, and you should so regard it, and submit."

Barnes: Job 11:11 - -- For he knoweth vain men - He is intimately acquainted with the heart; he knows human beings altogether. The word "vain"here ( שׁוא shâv...

For he knoweth vain men - He is intimately acquainted with the heart; he knows human beings altogether. The word "vain"here ( שׁוא shâv' ), means properly vanity, emptiness, falsehood, a lie, iniquity. "Men of vanity,"here may mean people whose opinions are valueless, or it may mean people of deceit, falsehood, hypocrisy. Most probably it means the latter, and the indirect reference may be to such men as Job. The sense is, that God is intimately acquainted with such men. They cannot deceive him, and their wickedness will be found out.

Will he not then consider it? - Various ways have been proposed of explaining this. By some it is supposed to mean, "He seeth iniquity, where they do not observe it;"that is, he perceives it, where people do not themselves. This would express a thought which would accord well with the connection, but it is doubtful whether the Hebrew will bear this construction. By another explanation it is supposed to mean, as in our common version, "Will not God observe it, and bring it to trial? Will he suffer it to pass unnoticed?"This makes good sense, and the Hebrew will admit of this interpretation. But there is another view still, which is preferable to either. According to this it means, that God perceives the iniquity in man, though he does not seem to notice it; see the notes at Job 11:6. He appears to pass over a part of it, but he sees it notwithstanding, and is intimately acquainted with all the depravity of the heart. The main reference here is to Job, and the object is to show him that he was guilty, though he had asserted his innocence in so decided a manner. Though he seemed to himself to be innocent, yet Zophar labors to show him that he must be guilty, and that he had seen but a small part of his sins.

Barnes: Job 11:12 - -- For vain man - Margin, "empty." נבוב nâbûb , according to Gesenius, from the root נבב nâbab , to bore through, and then...

For vain man - Margin, "empty." נבוב nâbûb , according to Gesenius, from the root נבב nâbab , to bore through, and then to be hollow; metaphorical, "empty,""foolish."The Septuagint, strangely enough, renders this,"but man floats about with words."The Hebrew here means, manifestly, hollow, empty; then insincere and hypocritical. Zophar refers to a hollow-hearted man, who, though he was in fact like a wild ass’ s colt, attempted to appear mild and gentle, and to have a heart. The meaning is, that man by nature has a spirit untamed and unsubdued, and that with this, he assumes the appearance of gentleness and tenderness, and attempts to appear as if he was worthy of love and affection. God, seeing this hollow-heartedness, treats him accordingly. The reference here is to men like Job, and Zophar undoubtedly meant to say that he was hollow-hearted and insincere, and yet that he wished to appear to be a man having a heart, or, having true piety.

Would be wise - Various interpretations have been given to this expression. The most simple and obvious seems to be the true one, though I have not seen it noticed by any of the commentators. The word rendered "would be wise"( ילבב yı̂lâbēb ) is from לבב lâbab , or לב lêb , meaning "heart,"and the sense here, as it seems to me, is, "vain, hollow, and insincere, man would wish to seem to have a heart;"that is, would desire to appear sincere, or pious. Destitute of that truly, and false and hollow, he would nevertheless wish to appear different, and would put on the aspect of sincerity and religion. This is the most simple exposition, and this accords with the drift of the passage exactly, and expresses a sentiment which is unquestionably true. Gesenius, however, and some others render it, "but man is hollow and wanteth understanding; yea, man is born like a wild ass’ s colt, signifying the weakness and dullness of the human understanding in comparison with the divine wisdom."Others render it, "but the foolish man becometh wise when the wild ass’ s colt shall become a man,"that is, never, a most forced and unnatural construction. Dr. Good renders it:

Will he then accept the hollow-hearted person?

Or shall the wild ass-colt assume the man?

Schultens and Dathe translate it:

Let then vain man be wise,

And the wild ass’ s colt become a man.

Though man be born - Though man by nature, or in connection with his birth, is untamed, lawless, rebellious. The wild ass is a striking image of that which is untamed and unsubdued; compare the notes at Job 39:5. Thus, Jeremiah describes it, "a wild ass used to the wilderness, that snuffeth up the wind at her pleasure,"Jer 2:24. Thus, it is said of Ishmael Gen 16:12, "and he will be a wild man," אדם פרא pârâ' 'âdâm - a wild ass of a man. So Job 39:5 :

Who hath sent out the wild ass free?

Or who hath loosed the bands of the wild ass?

It is not quite easy for us to understand these allusions, for with us the ass is the proverbial image of stupidity, dullness, obstinacy, and immobility. But it was not so with the ancients. It is mentioned as distinguished for velocity, for wildness, and for an unsubdued spirit. Thus, Oppian, as quoted by Bochart, Hieroz. Lib. i. c. ix. p. 63, says:

< Kraipnon , aellopodēn , kraterōnuchon , ocutaton thein .

"Swift, rapid, with strong hoofs, and most fleet in his course."

And Aristotle mentions wild asses as τήν ταχυτῆτα διαφέροντες tēn tachutēta diapherontes , Hist. Lib. vi. 6 c. 36. So Aelian says of them, ὤκιστοι δραμεῖν ōkistoi dramein , fleet in their course. And Xenophon says of them, πολὺ τοῦ ἵππου θᾶττον ἔτρεχον polu tou hippou thatton etrechon , they run much swifter than a horse. In describing the march of the younger Cyrus through Syria, he says, "The wild ass, being swifter of foot than our horses, would, in gaining ground upon them, stand still and look around; and when their pursuers got nearly up to them, they would start off, and repeat the same trick; so that there remained to the hunters no other method of taking them but by dividing themselves into dispersed parties which succeeded each other in the chase;"compare Bochart, Hieroz. P. I. Lib. iii. c. xvi. pp. 867-879. A similar statement is made by Aelian (Lib. xiv. cap. 10, as quoted by Bochart), "The wild asses of Maurusius ὄνοι Μανρούσιοι onoi Maurousioi are most fleet in their course, and at the commencement of their course they seem to be borne along by the winds, or as on the wings of a bird.""In Persia,"says the Editor of the Pictorial Bible, "the wild ass is prized above all other animals as an object of chase, not only from its fleetness, but the delicacy of its flesh, which made it an article of luxury even at the royal tables."

"They are now most abundantly found in the deserts of Tartary, and of the countries between the Tigris and the Indus, more particularly in the central parts of the regions thus defined. We know that they were also anciently found in the regions of Mesopotamia, Asia Minor, Syria, and Arabia Deserta; but from these regions they seem to have been, in the course of ages, almost entirely expelled or extirpated."Pict. Bib. on Job 39:5. The idea in the passage before us is, that man at his birth has a strong resemblance to a wild and untamed animal; and the passage undoubtedly indicates the early belief of the native proneness of man to wander away from God, and of his possessing by nature an insubmissive spirit.

Barnes: Job 11:13 - -- If thou prepare thine heart - Zophar now proceeds to state that if Job even yet would return to God, he might hope for acceptance. Though he ha...

If thou prepare thine heart - Zophar now proceeds to state that if Job even yet would return to God, he might hope for acceptance. Though he had sinned, and though he was now, as he supposed, a hollow-hearted and an insincere man, yet, if he would repent, he might expect the divine favor. In this he accords with the sentiment of Eliphaz, and he concludes his speech in a manner not a little resembling his; see Job 5:17-27.

And stretch out thine hands toward him - In the attitude of supplication. To stretch out or spread forth the hands, is a phrase often used to denote the act of supplication; see 1Ti 2:8, and the notes of Wetstein on that place. Horace, 3 Carm. xxiii. 1, Coelo supinas si tuleris manus . Ovid, M. ix. 701, Ad sidera supplex Cressa manus tollens. Trist. i. 10, 21, Ipsc gubernator, tollens ad sidera palmas ; compare Livy v. 21. Seneca, Ep. 41; Psa 63:4; Psa 134:2; Psa 141:2; Ezr 9:5.

Barnes: Job 11:14 - -- If iniquity be in thine hand - If you have in your possession anything that has been unjustly obtained. If you have oppressed the poor and the ...

If iniquity be in thine hand - If you have in your possession anything that has been unjustly obtained. If you have oppressed the poor and the fatherless, and have what properly belongs to them, let it be restored. This is the obvious duty of one who comes to God to implore his favor; compare Luk 19:8.

Barnes: Job 11:15 - -- For then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot - That is, thy face shall be bright, clear, and cheerful. Thus, we speak of a bright and happ...

For then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot - That is, thy face shall be bright, clear, and cheerful. Thus, we speak of a bright and happy countenance. Zophar undoubtedly designs to show what his appearance would be, contrasted with what it then was. Now his countenance was dejected and sad. It was disfigured by tears, and terror, and long continued anguish. But if he would put away iniquity, and return to God, his face would be cheerful again, and he would be a happy man.

Yea, thou shalt be steadfast, and shalt not fear - The word rendered "steadfast"( מצק mutsaq ) is from יצק yâtsaq , to pour, to pour out, and is applied to liquids, or to metals which are fused and poured into a mould, and which then become hard. Hence, it is used in the sense of firm, solid, intrepid. "Gesenius."Schultens supposes that the reference here is to metallic mirrors, made by casting, and then polished, and that the idea is, that his face would shine like such a mirror. But it may be doubted whether this interpretation is not too refined. The other and more common explanation well suits the sense, and should probably be retained.

Barnes: Job 11:16 - -- And remember it as waters that pass away - As calamity that has completely gone by, or that has rolled on and will return no more. The comparis...

And remember it as waters that pass away - As calamity that has completely gone by, or that has rolled on and will return no more. The comparison is beautiful. The water of the river is borne by us, and returns no more. The rough, the swollen, the turbid stream, we remember as it foamed and dashed along, threatening to sweep everything away; but it went swiftly by, and will never come back. So with afflictions. They are soon gone. The most intense pain soon subsides. The days of sorrow pass quickly away. There is an outer limit of suffering, and even ingenuity cannot prolong it far. The man disgraced, and whose life is a burden, will soon die. On the checks of the solitary prisoner doomed to the dungeon for life, a "mortal paleness"will soon settle down, and the comforts of approaching death will soothe the anguish of his sad heart. The rack of torture cheats itself of its own purpose, and the exhausted sufferer is released. "The excess (of grief) makes it soon mortal.""No sorrow but killed itself much sooner."Shakespeare. When we look back upon our sorrows, it is like thinking of the stream that was so much swollen, and was so impetuous. Its waters rolled on, and they come not back again; and there is a kind of pleasure in thinking of that time of danger, of that flood that was then so fearful, and that has now swept on to come back no more. So there is a kind of peaceful joy in thinking of the days of sorrow that are now fled forever; in the assurance that those sad times will never, never recur again.

Poole: Job 11:2 - -- Dost thou think to carry thy cause by thy long and tedious discourses, consisting of empty words, without weight or reason? Shall we by our silence ...

Dost thou think to carry thy cause by thy long and tedious discourses, consisting of empty words, without weight or reason? Shall we by our silence seem to approve of thy errors? or shall we think thy cause the better, because thou usest more words than we do?

Poole: Job 11:3 - -- Thy lies i.e. thy false opinions and assertions, both concerning thyself and thy own innocency, and concerning the counsels and ways of God, make men...

Thy lies i.e. thy false opinions and assertions, both concerning thyself and thy own innocency, and concerning the counsels and ways of God, make men hold their peace; as if thy arguments were unanswerable.

When thou mockest both God, Job 10:3 , and us, and our friendly and faithful counsels, Job 6:14,15,25,26 ,

shall no man make thee ashamed by discovering thy errors and follies?

Poole: Job 11:4 - -- My doctrine concerning God and his providence. Pure , i.e. true and certain. I am clean in thine eyes I am innocent before God; I have not sinned,...

My doctrine concerning God and his providence. Pure , i.e. true and certain.

I am clean in thine eyes I am innocent before God; I have not sinned, either by my former actions, or by my present expressions. Thou standest wholly upon thy justification. But Zophar aggravates and perverts Job’ s words, for he did not deny that he was a sinner in God’ s sight, Job 7:20,21 9:2,3 10:14 , but only that he was a hypocrite or ungodly man, as they made him.

Poole: Job 11:5 - -- i.e. Plead with thee, according to thy desire, Job 9:32 , &c. He would soon put thee to silence and shame.

i.e. Plead with thee, according to thy desire, Job 9:32 , &c. He would soon put thee to silence and shame.

Poole: Job 11:6 - -- The secrets of wisdom i.e. the unknown and unsearchable depths of God’ s wisdom and counsels in dealing with his creatures. That they are doubl...

The secrets of wisdom i.e. the unknown and unsearchable depths of God’ s wisdom and counsels in dealing with his creatures.

That they are double to that which is i.e. that they are far more and greater (the word double being used indefinitely for manifold, or plentiful, as Isa 40:2 61:7 Jer 17:18 Zec 9:12 ) than that which hath a being or existence, i.e. the secret wisdom of God is infinitely greater than that which is revealed to us by his word or works. The greatest part of what is known of God, is the least part of those perfections that are in him. And therefore thou dost rashly and foolishly in passing such a bold censure upon God’ s ways, and judging so harshly of his proceedings with thee, because thou dost not comprehend the reasons of them, and in judging thyself innocent, because thou dost not see thy sins; whereas the all-knowing God sees innumerable sins in thee, for which he may utterly destroy thee, though thou discernest them not. But the words are and must be rendered, either thus, that he hath double , i.e. abundant, wisdom, for so this Hebrew word signifies, Job 6:13 12:16 Pro 2:7 3:21 ; or,

that they are double to or in , that being or essence , to wit, to God, of whom he is here speaking; or, to the being , i.e. to God, who calls himself by the name I am , Exo 3:14 , which signifies being ; and who appropriates being to himself, Isa 45:18 , I am, and there is none else besides me ; as elsewhere he is said to be the only wise , and only Potentate , and only immortal being, 1Ti 1:17 6:15,16 . God exacteth of thee less than thine iniquity deserveth , Heb. God lends , or gives , or forgives , thee part of thine iniquity , or of thy punishment ; so far is he from dealing worse than thou deservest, as thou dost most falsely and wickedly accuse him.

Poole: Job 11:7 - -- Find out God i.e. discover all the depths of his wisdom, and the reasons of all his actions.

Find out God i.e. discover all the depths of his wisdom, and the reasons of all his actions.

Poole: Job 11:8 - -- Thou canst not measure the heights of the visible heavens, much less of the Divine perfections. What canst thou do to wit, to find him out? What ...

Thou canst not measure the heights of the visible heavens, much less of the Divine perfections.

What canst thou do to wit, to find him out?

What canst thou know concerning him and his ways, which are far out of thy sight and reach?

Poole: Job 11:9 - -- Longer than the earth from one end to the other. Broader than the sea which is called the great and wide sea , Psa 104:25 .

Longer than the earth from one end to the other.

Broader than the sea which is called the great and wide sea , Psa 104:25 .

Poole: Job 11:10 - -- If he cut off to wit, a person or a family. Shut up in a prison , or in the hands of an enemy. This shutting up is opposed to the opening of the p...

If he cut off to wit, a person or a family. Shut up in a prison , or in the hands of an enemy. This shutting up is opposed to the opening of the prison doors, and to that enlargement which God is elsewhere said to give to men.

Gather together either,

1. In a way of judgment, as a like word is used, Psa 26:9 , Gather not my soul with sinners . Or rather,

2. In a way of mercy, as this word is generally used in Scripture; this being every where promised by God to his people as an eminent mercy, that he would gather them together . So this is opposed to the former actions, and the sense of the place is, whether it pleaseth God to scatter a family, or to gather them together from their dispersions.

Who can hinder him from doing what he pleaseth and designeth with his own creatures? who can restrain him, either by giving law to him, or by force and power? or, who can contradict or answer him , or object against him, or retort or return upon him , i.e. charge him with injustice in such proceedings? which sense may seem to agree best both with the scope of the place and state of the question between him and Job; which was not whether any man could resist God’ s power, but whether he could question his justice; and with the following verse.

Poole: Job 11:11 - -- He knoweth vain men: though men know but little of God, and therefore are very unfit judges of all his counsels and actions; yet God knows man exactl...

He knoweth vain men: though men know but little of God, and therefore are very unfit judges of all his counsels and actions; yet God knows man exactly, and his vanity, or falsehood , or folly , or rashness; for all these this word signifies. He knoweth that every man in the world is guilty of much vanity and folly, and therefore seeth sufficient reason for his severity against the best men, such as thou, O Job, fanciest thyself to be; and if thou wert so, thou hast no reason to wonder at or quarrel with his proceedings; and if thy quarrel be that he shuts thee up , or cuts thee off , when he gathers others under his wing and protection, whom thou thinkest or knowest to be worse than thyself, while thou dost impeach his justice, thou dost but betray thy own vanity and folly; for he knows both whom he chastiseth, and whom he spareth, and why he doth it, though he do not acquaint thee with the reasons of all his actions.

He seeth wickedness also as he knoweth the vanity of all men, so he exactly perceiveth the wickedness of evil men, though it be covered with the veil of religion. He seeth thy evil heart, which discovers itself by such wicked and scandalous speeches against the justice and goodness of his providence, which gives him just cause to continue and increase thy miseries. Though thou art partial, and flatterest thyself with a conceit of thy own integrity, yet he knoweth thy hypocrisy and wickedness.

Will he not then consider it? shall he only see it as an idle spectator, and not observe it as a judge, to requite and punish it?

Poole: Job 11:12 - -- Or, Yet , or But, vain or empty man (that foolish creature, that since the fall is void of all true wisdom and solid knowledge and judgment of ...

Or, Yet , or But, vain or empty man (that foolish creature, that since the fall is void of all true wisdom and solid knowledge and judgment of the things of God) would be wise, i.e. pretends to be, and would be thought, wise, and able to pass a censure upon all God’ s ways and works. Or thus, But vain man is foolish , or without heart , i.e. without understanding, unable to judge aright of the ways and things of God. For a verb very like this and coming from the same root, signifies to have one’ s heart taken away , Son 4:9 .

Though man be born and man is born , i. e. he is by his birth such: this evil is now natural and hereditary, and therefore common to all men; and therefore it is not strange if Job partake of the common distemper.

Like a wild ass’ s colt i.e. ignorant, and dull, and stupid, as to the knowledge of Divine things, and withal heady and untractable; and therefore very incompetent to judge of these high affairs.

Poole: Job 11:13 - -- O Job, thy business is not to quarrel with thy Maker, or his works, but to address thyself to him. Prepare thine heart to wit, to seek God, as it ...

O Job, thy business is not to quarrel with thy Maker, or his works, but to address thyself to him.

Prepare thine heart to wit, to seek God, as it is expressed, 2Ch 19:3 30:19 Psa 78:8 . If thou prepare thy heart by sincere repentance for all thy hard speeches of God, and sins against him, and with a pure and upright heart seek unto him; without which thy prayers will be in vain. Or,

If thou directest or rectifiest, thine heart , turning thy bold contentions with God into humble and sincere supplications to him.

Stretch out thine hands i.e. pray, which is here described by its usual gesture; as Job 15:25 Psa 88:9 .

Towards him i.e. to God, as appears both from the nature of the thing, and from the context.

Poole: Job 11:14 - -- Either, 1. If thou hast in thine hand or possession any good, got by injury or oppression, as it seems they supposed that he had. Or, 2. More gene...


1. If thou hast in thine hand or possession any good, got by injury or oppression, as it seems they supposed that he had. Or,

2. More generally, If thou allowest thyself in any sinful practices. The hand is put for action, whereof it is the instrument.

Put it far away keep thyself at a great distance, not only from such actions, but also from the very occasions and appearances of them.

Let not wickedness dwell let it not have a quiet and settled abode, or allowance, in thy habitation, i.e. either in thyself, or in thy family; whose sins Job was obliged as far as he could to prevent or reform; as he had done, Job 1:5 . He saith

tabernacles because anciently the habitations of great men consisted of several tents or tabernacles, as we see, Gen 24:67 31:33 .

Poole: Job 11:15 - -- Then shalt thou lift up thy face which notes cheerfulness, and holy boldness and confidence; as a dejected countenance notes grief and shame. See Gen...

Then shalt thou lift up thy face which notes cheerfulness, and holy boldness and confidence; as a dejected countenance notes grief and shame. See Gen 4:5,6 2Sa 2:22 Job 22:26 Luk 21:28 .

Without spot or, being without spot ; so it is only an ellipsis of the verb substantive, which is most frequent. And this fitly follows as the ground of his confidence, because he should in this case have a clear and unspotted conscience, and a sense of his own innocency. Or, without blemish , as the word properly signifies, i.e. without any sense of guilt, or any shame consequent upon it, either from God or men. The ground of the expression is this, that when men’ s faces are spotted with dirt, they are ashamed to show them. And Job was charged by his friends as having many spots upon him, yea, such as were not the spots of God’ s children.

Stedfast or, firm , or fixed ; either,

1. As to his outward condition, which should be constantly prosperous. Or rather,

2. As to his mind, which should have strong and comfortable assurance of God’ s favour, and of his own safety and happiness. For this steadfastness is opposed unto that fear which is incident to wicked men; who, even when they are free from actual miseries, yet ofttimes are tormented with the dread of them.

Poole: Job 11:16 - -- Thou shalt be free from fear, because thy great and settled prosperity shall banish out of thy mind all those sad and irksome thoughts of thy former...

Thou shalt be free from fear, because thy great and settled prosperity shall banish out of thy mind all those sad and irksome thoughts of thy former calamities, which naturally engender fears of the continuance or return of them. Persons blessed with eminent deliverances, and a happy settlement, are frequently said in Scripture to

forget their former sorrows, as Gen 41:51 Isa 54:4 Joh 16:21 ; not that they simply forget them, but because they have no sad or frightful remembrance of them; for remembering and forgetting in Scripture do not simply note acts of the mind, but also affections and practices suitable to them, as is well known.

Remember it as waters that pass away thou shalt remember them no more than men remember either a land-flood, which as it comes, so it goes away, suddenly, and leaves few or no footsteps or memorials behind it; or the waters of a river, which as soon as they are out of sight are out of mind, because of the new waters which immediately come in their stead.

PBC: Job 11:6 - -- " that he would shew thee the secrets of wisdom" HENRY: Zophar despairs to convince Job himself, and therefore desires God would convince him of two...

" that he would shew thee the secrets of wisdom"


Zophar despairs to convince Job himself, and therefore desires God would convince him of two things which it is good for every one of us duly to consider, and under all our afflictions cheerfully to confess:—

1. The unsearchable depth of God’s counsels. Zophar cannot pretend to do it, but he desires that God himself would show Job so much of the secrets of the divine wisdom as might convince him that they are at least double to that which is, Job 11:6. Note,

2. There are secrets in the divine wisdom, arcana imperii—state- secrets. God’s way is in the sea. Clouds and darkness are round about him. He has reasons of state which we cannot fathom and must not pry into.

3. By employing ourselves in adoring the depth of those divine counsels of which we cannot find the bottom we shall very much tranquillize our minds under the afflicting hand of God. GILL:

…as he that teacheth man knowledge, must have knowledge himself; so he that gives wisdom to the wise, must have infinite wisdom himself; for such is the wisdom of God, it is unsearchable; there is no tracing it; it has a bayov, "a depth", which is unfathomable,

Ro 11:33; Job 11:6-9. No, says Job, "secret things belong not to us, but things revealed," De 29:29.


...there are "secrets" or mysteries in this wisdom of God, 1Co 2:6-7; Mt 13:11


God’s ways, which you arraign, if you were shown their secret wisdom, would be seen vastly to exceed that of men, including yours (1Co 1:25).


It is through faith "that He would show thee the secrets of wisdom, that they are double to that which is" (Job 11:6). By the "secrets of wisdom" is meant the hidden ways of God’s providence. Divine providence has two faces: the one of rigor, the other of clemency; sense looks upon the former only, faith enjoys the latter.

Faith not only looks beneath the surface of things and sees the sweet orange beneath the bitter rind, but it looks beyond the present and anticipates the blessed sequel.

" double to that which is"


What we know of God is nothing to what we cannot know. What is hidden is more than double to what appears, Eph 3:9.


Compare Hab 3:3-4

The operations of his power, compared with what he could have done, were rather the hiding of it than the discovery of it; the secrets of his power, as well as of his wisdom, are double to that which is, Job 11:6.

" God exacteth of thee less than thine iniquity deserveth."


God knows a great deal more evil of us than we do of ourselves; so some understand it. When God gave David a sight and sense of sin he said that he had in the hidden part made him to know wisdom, Ps 51:6.

Haydock: Job 11:1 - -- Naamathite. Septuagint, "the Minean," in Arabia Felix, or rather of the Meonim, not far from the Themanites, Judges x. 11. Sophar was probably a ...

Naamathite. Septuagint, "the Minean," in Arabia Felix, or rather of the Meonim, not far from the Themanites, Judges x. 11. Sophar was probably a descendant of Sepho, styled by Septuagint Sophar, (Genesis xxxvi. 11., and 1 Paralipomenon i. 36.) brother of Thaman, and grandson of Eliphaz, the son of Esau. (Calmet) ---

He speaks with greater insolence than the two others, (Pineda) and inveighs against Job, insisting that he can be punished thus only for his crimes. (Calmet)

Haydock: Job 11:2 - -- Much. The speeches of Job seemed tedious to him, because he was not of his opinion. (Menochius) --- He might have applied to himself and his frien...

Much. The speeches of Job seemed tedious to him, because he was not of his opinion. (Menochius) ---

He might have applied to himself and his friends the fault of talking too much, as they all spoke many things to no purpose, whereas Job went straight to the point. (Worthington)

Haydock: Job 11:3 - -- Men. Hebrew, "shall thy lies make men keep silence?" Septuagint, "Blessed be the short-lived son of a woman. Speak not much, for there is no one t...

Men. Hebrew, "shall thy lies make men keep silence?" Septuagint, "Blessed be the short-lived son of a woman. Speak not much, for there is no one to give sentence against thee." (Haydock) ---

Mocked, by not acquiescing to their solid arguments, (Menochius) and speaking with much animation. (Pineda)

Haydock: Job 11:4 - -- Sight. Job had just said the reverse, chap. ix. 2. (St. Chrysostom)

Sight. Job had just said the reverse, chap. ix. 2. (St. Chrysostom)

Haydock: Job 11:6 - -- Law. Hebrew Thushiya, (Haydock) "the essence" of any thing. Hence it is explained, "law, strength, comfort," &c. We might translate, "and that t...

Law. Hebrew Thushiya, (Haydock) "the essence" of any thing. Hence it is explained, "law, strength, comfort," &c. We might translate, "and that the reality of thy crimes deserved double punishment," &c. The obligations of the natural, and also of the written law of Moses, with which Job was (Calmet) perhaps (Haydock) acquainted, (chap. xxii. 22.) are very numerous and difficult. The ways of Providence are not easily understood, though some are obvious enough. He rewards and punishes. (Calmet) ---

Septuagint, "for it is double of what has come against thee, and then thou wouldst know that thy sins are justly requited." Protestants, "that they are double to that which is: Know, therefore, that God exacteth of thee less than thine iniquity deserveth, " 1 Esdras ix. 13. (Haydock)

Haydock: Job 11:7 - -- Perfectly? If not, it is rash to find fault. (Menochius)

Perfectly? If not, it is rash to find fault. (Menochius)

Haydock: Job 11:11 - -- It? to inflict punishment. Septuagint, "he will not overlook." (Haydock)

It? to inflict punishment. Septuagint, "he will not overlook." (Haydock)

Haydock: Job 11:12 - -- Is. Hebrew, "is he heart? or wise, (Calmet) he who is born like a," &c. Shall he assert his independence, or pretend to be wise? (Haydock) ---...

Is. Hebrew, "is he heart? or wise, (Calmet) he who is born like a," &c. Shall he assert his independence, or pretend to be wise? (Haydock) ---

The Hebrews place wisdom in the heart, as we do courage, chap. xii. 3., and Proverbs ii. 2., &c. (Calmet)

Haydock: Job 11:13 - -- But. Hebrew, "If thou direct thy heart, &c. Thou mayst lift up thy face," (ver. 15.; Haydock) without fear, 2 Kings ii. 22. (Calmet)

But. Hebrew, "If thou direct thy heart, &c. Thou mayst lift up thy face," (ver. 15.; Haydock) without fear, 2 Kings ii. 22. (Calmet)

Haydock: Job 11:14 - -- Iniquity. Of this Job was not conscious, and therefore could not confess it. (Worthington)

Iniquity. Of this Job was not conscious, and therefore could not confess it. (Worthington)

Haydock: Job 11:15 - -- Without. Septuagint, "as clean water, thou shalt pass away corruption, and shalt not fear."

Without. Septuagint, "as clean water, thou shalt pass away corruption, and shalt not fear."

Gill: Job 11:1 - -- Then answered Zophar the Naamathite,.... The third of Job's friends, that came to visit him; see Gill on Job 2:11; and who perhaps might be the younge...

Then answered Zophar the Naamathite,.... The third of Job's friends, that came to visit him; see Gill on Job 2:11; and who perhaps might be the youngest, since his turn was to speak last; and he appears to have less modesty and prudence, and more fire and heat in him; than his other friends; though he might be the more irritated by observing, that their arguments were baffled by Job, and had no manner of effect on him, to cause him to recede from his first sentiments and conduct:

and said; as follows.

Gill: Job 11:2 - -- Should not the multitude of words be answered?.... Zophar insinuates, that Job was a mere babbler, a talkative man, that had words, but no matter; sai...

Should not the multitude of words be answered?.... Zophar insinuates, that Job was a mere babbler, a talkative man, that had words, but no matter; said a great deal, but there was nothing in what he said; that his words were but wind, yea, in effect that he was a fool, who is commonly full of words, and is known by the multitude of them; and whereas he might think to bear down all before him in this way, and to discourage persons from giving him an answer; this Zophar suggests should not be the case, nor would he be deterred hereby from giving one, which he now undertook: some supply it, as Bar Tzemach, "should not a man of a multitude of words" s, &c. a verbose man, a dealer in many words, and nothing else, should not he be "answered?" if he uses nothing but words, and there is no argument in them, they seem not to deserve an answer, unless it be to show the emptiness of them, expose a man's folly, and pull down his pride and vanity:

and should a man full of talk be justified? or "a man of lips" t, an eloquent man, or one that affects to be so; a man of a fine speech, who artfully colours things, and makes a show of wisdom and truth, when there are neither in what he says; is such a man to be justified? he would seem to be in his own eyes at least, if not in the eyes of others, if not answered; he would be thought to have carried his point, to have had the better of the argument, and to have got the victory by dint of words and power of oratory; for this is not to be understood of justification before God; for as no man is heard and accepted by him for his "much speaking", as was the opinion of the Heathens, so neither are any justified on account of their many words, any more than their many works; since, in a multitude of words there are often not only much folly and weakness, but vanities and sins, Pro 10:19; there is indeed a sense in which a man is justified by his words, Mat 12:37; when he confesses Christ, and professes to be justified by his righteousness, and believes in that, and pleads it as his justifying righteousness; he is justified by that righteousness; which is contained in the confession and profession of his faith; but this is not here meant.

Gill: Job 11:3 - -- Should thy lies make men hold their peace?.... By which he means, either lies in common, untruths wilfully told, which are sins of a scandalous nature...

Should thy lies make men hold their peace?.... By which he means, either lies in common, untruths wilfully told, which are sins of a scandalous nature, which good men will not dare to commit knowingly; and to give a man, especially such a man, the lie, is very indecent; and to charge a man falsely with it is very injurious: or else doctrinal ones, errors in judgment, falsehoods concerning God and things divine; which not only are not of the truth, for no lie is of the truth, but are against it; and indeed where the case is notorious in either sense, men should not be silent, or be as men deaf and dumb, as the word u signifies, as if they did not hear the lies told them, or were unconcerned about them, or connived at them: David would not suffer a liar to be near him, nor dwell in his house, Psa 101:7; a common liar ought to be reproved and rejected; and doctrinal liars and lies should be opposed and resisted; truth should be contended for, and nothing be done against it, but everything for it: it is criminal to be silent at either sort of lies; nor should the bold and blustering manner in which they are told frighten men from a detection of them, which perhaps is what may be hinted at here w; some render the words x, "should thine iniquity frighten men?" they are not so strong and nervous as to appear unanswerable, and deter men from undertaking a reply unto them:

and, when thou mockest, shall no man make thee ashamed? here Job is represented as a mocker of God, which is inferred from Job 10:3; and at his friends, and the arguments they used, and the advice they gave, which is concluded from his words in Job 6:25; and as one hardened, who was not, and could not be made ashamed of what he had said against either, by anything that had been offered for his reproof and conviction: to make a mock of God, or a jest of divine things, or scoff at good men, is very bad; indeed it is the character of the worst of men; and such should be made ashamed, if possible, by exposing their sin and folly; and if not here, they will be covered with shame hereafter, when they shall appear before God, the Judge of all, who will not be mocked, and shall see the saints at the right hand of Christ, whom they have jeered and scoffed at: but this was not Job's true character; he was no mocker of God nor of good men; in this he was wronged and injured, and had nothing of this sort to be made ashamed of.

Gill: Job 11:4 - -- For thou hast said,.... What follows is produced to support the charge, especially of lying, which seems to be founded on what he had said in Job 6:10...

For thou hast said,.... What follows is produced to support the charge, especially of lying, which seems to be founded on what he had said in Job 6:10,

my doctrine is pure; free from error, unadulterated, unmixed, not blended with Heathenish principles and human doctrines; but tending to purity of heart and life, as every word of God, and doctrine that comes from him, is pure, yea, very pure, like silver purified seven times; and such was Job's doctrine which he "received" from God, "took" y up and professed, taught and delivered to others, so far as was agreeable to the will of God, and the revelation he had then made: and it appears that Job had very clear and sublime notions of God, of his being and perfections, of his works of nature, providence, and grace; of Christ his living Redeemer, of redemption and justification by him, and of the resurrection of the dead; and had purer and better notions of divine things than his friends had, and spoke better things of God than they did, God himself being witness, Job 42:7; some interpret this of the purity of his life and conversation: he is further charged with saying:

and I am clean in thine eyes: speaking to God, as Jarchi observes; and indeed so he was, and every believer is, in an evangelic sense; as to the new man, which is created in righteousness and true holiness, is without sin, and cannot commit it; and as washed from all sin in the blood of Christ, and as clothed with his righteousness, in which the saints are faultless before the throne, and are unblamable and irreprovable in the sight of God: but Zophar's meaning is, that Job had asserted that he was entirely free from sin in himself, was wholly without it, and did not commit any; and had appealed to God, as knowing it to be true; and which he seems to have grounded on what he had said, Job 10:7; through a mistake of his sense; which was not that he was free from sin entirely, but from any gross notorious sin, or from a wicked course of living, and particularly from the sin of hypocrisy, his friends suggested he was guilty of; otherwise he confesses himself a sinner, and prays for the pardon of his sins, and disclaims perfection in himself; see Job 7:20; and indeed there is no creature in itself clean in the sight of God, either angels or men; every man is naturally unclean; no good man is without sin, without the being, indwelling, and commission of it; nor will any truly gracious man say he is; he knows otherwise, and acknowledges it; he that says he is must be an ignorant man, or a vain and pharisaical man; yea, must not say the truth: some have suspected the first part of the words to be Job's, "and I am clean": and the other Zophar's explaining them; that is, "in thine eyes" z; in his own apprehension, as if he had a high and conceited opinion of himself.

Gill: Job 11:5 - -- But O that God would speak,.... To Job, and stop his mouth, so full of words; convict him of his lies, reprove him for his mocks and scoffs, and make ...

But O that God would speak,.... To Job, and stop his mouth, so full of words; convict him of his lies, reprove him for his mocks and scoffs, and make him ashamed of them; refute his false doctrine and oppose it, and show him his folly and vanity in imagining it to be pure, and in conceit thinking himself to be free from sin, and even in the sight of God himself: Zophar seems by this wish to suggest, that what his friends had as yet spoke had had no effect upon Job, and signified nothing; and that he despaired of bringing him to any true sense of himself and his case, but that God only could do it; and therefore he entreats he would take him in hand, and speak unto him; as he had by his providences in afflicting him, so by his spirit in teaching and instructing him; and he adds:

and open his lips against thee; or rather, "with thee", or "to thee" a; converse with thee; speak out his mind freely; disclose the secrets of his wisdom, as in Job 11:6, and that for thy good; fully convince thee of thy sins, mistakes, and follies: for, notwithstanding all the heat and warmth of Zophar's spirit, yet, being a good man, as it cannot be thought he should wilfully and knowingly slander Job, and put a false gloss on his words, so neither could he desire any hurt or injury to be done him, or that God would deal with him as an enemy; only convince and reprove him for his sin, and justify himself and his own conduct, which he imagined Job had arraigned.

Gill: Job 11:6 - -- And that he would show thee the secrets of wisdom,.... Either of sound doctrine, in opposition to his own doctrine he had such a vain opinion of; and ...

And that he would show thee the secrets of wisdom,.... Either of sound doctrine, in opposition to his own doctrine he had such a vain opinion of; and then he would see, as he thought, that it was not so pure as he imagined it to be: the Gospel, and the doctrines of it, are the wisdom of God, the produce of it, and in which it is displayed; as in the doctrines of election to grace and glory, of redemption by Christ, of justification by his righteousness, and pardon by his blood; by which all the divine perfections are glorified, the justice and holiness of God, as well as his grace and mercy: and there are "secrets" or mysteries in this wisdom of God, 1Co 2:6; of mysterious doctrines, which, though revealed, yet the "modus", or manner of them, is not to be searched out and understood; such is the trinity of Persons in the Godhead, the union of the two natures in Christ, the saint's union to God and communion with him, the resurrection of the dead, &c. and these and such like them are only shown by the Lord; men cannot come at them of themselves, by their own natural reason and understanding; it is God that reveals them, in his word, and by his spirit, and gives his people an increasing knowledge of them, 1Co 2:9; or it may be rather the secrets of the wisdom of Divine Providence, in the government of the world, and the ordering of all things in it according to the counsel of God, may be here meant; there is a great display of the wisdom of God in Providence, and there are secrets in it undiscoverable by creatures; his ways are past finding out, they are in the deep waters, and his footsteps are not known, nor to be traced; though sometimes he makes his judgments manifest, and his mind in them; and what he does now, which men know not, he shows them hereafter; especially his own people, and particularly when in the sanctuary of the Lord, and in the way of their duty, when everything appears right and beautiful they before were ready to complain of; see Rom 11:33; and then it is seen:

that they are double to that which is! or to "wisdom" b; as the word is rendered in Pro 2:7; that is, to human wisdom; and then the sense is, that the secrets of divine wisdom displayed, whether in the doctrines of grace or in the methods of Providence, being shown and made manifest, would appear to be "double"; that is, vastly, yea, infinitely to exceed the wisdom of men; and that these, which men are apt to arraign as weak and wrong, are the effects of the highest wisdom, or they then appear so "to a man of wisdom" c; so the supply may be made, as is in Mic 6:9; or else the sense is, were Job let in to the secret wisdom of God more, and into the purity and holiness of his law, which some understand by "that which is", or "wisdom", and render it "according to the law" d and see what that requires, and how much short he comes of it, and what and how many were his transgressions and violations of it; it then would be plain to him, that the punishment that God, in wisdom, and according to his righteous law, might inflict upon him, would be double; or, greatly, yea, infinitely exceed those afflictions he was now exercised with, and therefore he had no reason to complain; to which agrees what follows:

know therefore that God exacteth of thee less than thine iniquities deserve; or punishes, afflicts, or chastises, less than the deserts of sin; see Ezr 9:13; some render it, "God exacteth of thee something of thine iniquity"; so Junius and Tremellius; according to which version the sense is, that sins are debts, and these many; and that payment of part of the debt of punishment for them is only required, which is not truth; for, though there is a debt of punishment due to justice for sin, yet it is not part of it only that is required of the sinner, but the whole, if any; for indeed no part of it is exacted of God's people, since the whole has been exacted of Christ, and he has answered and paid the whole debt, and blotted out the handwriting against them; wherefore the word used has rather the signification of forgetfulness, and may be rendered, either "God hath caused", or "suffered thee to forget part of thine iniquity" e; or thou couldest never say that thou wert clean in his eye, and free from sin; or, "God himself has forgot part of thine iniquity" f; in that he has afflicted thee so mildly, and with so much lenity; or, "hath forgotten thee for thine iniquity" g; forsook him, hid his face from him, laid his hand on him, and sorely chastised him, so that he seemed to be forgotten by him, or he to forget to be gracious to him; all which were owing to his sins, these were the causes of it; or, "will condemn thee for thine iniquity" h.

Gill: Job 11:7 - -- Canst thou by searching find out God?.... God is not to be found out by human search; that there is a God may be found out by inquiring into the book ...

Canst thou by searching find out God?.... God is not to be found out by human search; that there is a God may be found out by inquiring into the book of nature, by considering the creatures that are made, who all proclaim some first cause or maker of them, who is God; but then it cannot be found out what God is, his nature, being, and perfections: an Heathen philosopher i, being asked by a certain king what God was, required a day to give in his answer; when that was up he desired a second, and still went on asking more; and being demanded the reason of his dilatoriness, replied, the more he had considered the question, the more obscure it was to him: the world by wisdom, or the wiser part of the Heathen world, knew not God; though they knew there was one, they knew not who and what he was; and therefore in some places altars were erected to the unknown God, Act 17:23, and though some of the perfections of God may be investigated from the works of nature, such as the power, wisdom, and goodness of God, Rom 1:19; yet not all his perfections, such as his grace, mercy, &c. proclaimed and displayed in Christ; nor indeed his counsels, purposes, and decrees, which lie in his eternal mind, are the thoughts of his heart, the deep things of God, which none but the Spirit of God searches, knows, and reveals; and since Zophar's request was, that God should show to Job "the secrets of wisdom", these may be meant here, either evangelical wisdom, the wisdom of God in a mystery hid in his heart from everlasting, and the mysterious truths and doctrines or it, things which eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man to conceive of; these are not to be found out by human search, but are by the revelation of God; or else the reasons of the proceedings of God in Providence, which are out of the reach of men, dark, intricate, mysterious, unsearchable, and past finding out:

canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection? to the uttermost of his nature and perfections; all his attributes, the last of them, and the extremity thereof: that God is perfect and entire, wanting nothing, and is possessed of all perfections, may be found out, or otherwise he would not be God; but his essence and attributes, being infinite, can never be traced and comprehended by finite minds; there are some perfections of God we have no idea of, but are lost in confusion and amazement as soon as we think of them and reason about them, as his eternity and immensity particularly; for, when we have rolled over in our minds millions and millions of ages, we are as far off from eternity as when we began; and when we have pervaded all worlds, and every space and place, we have got no further into immensity than at first; we are confounded when we think of a Being without beginning and without bounds, unoriginated, and unlimited; yea, even it is but a small part of the works of God in creation that is known by men, or of God in and by them; nay, by divine revelation, which gives the clearest and most enlarged view of him, whereby he has proclaimed his name, a God gracious and merciful, &c. yet it is only his back parts that are shown, not his face; it is only through a glass, darkly, we now see; indeed, in the other world, we shall see him face to face, and as he is, yet then never comprehend his essence: and, after all, it is only in Christ that God is to be found, to saving purposes; in him is the most glorious display of him; being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person; and not only all his perfections are in him, as a divine Person, but they are glorified by him as Mediator; every step in salvation is taken in Christ, and every blessing of grace comes through him; what of the divine Presence and communion with God is enjoyed is by him; and he will be the medium of the enjoyment of God, and of all the glory and happiness of the saints in the world to come.

Gill: Job 11:8 - -- It is as high as heaven; what canst thou do?.... Or, "is higher than the heavens" i; either the wisdom of God and the secrets of it; the perfection o...

It is as high as heaven; what canst thou do?.... Or, "is higher than the heavens" i; either the wisdom of God and the secrets of it; the perfection of his wisdom, by which he has made the heavens; or evangelical wisdom, hid in his heart, and which the highest of creatures, the angels, come at the knowledge of only by revelation; and therefore, what can man do to find it out, unless God reveals it? or wisdom displayed in dark providences, which can never be accounted for until the judgments of God are made manifest: or else, "he that is God", as the Vulgate Latin version, is "higher than the heavens"; the heaven is his throne on which he sits, and therefore he must be higher than that; the heavens, and heaven of heavens, cannot contain him; he fills up the infinite space beyond them; how is it possible therefore to find him out, to comprehend him?

deeper than hell; what canst thou know? meaning, neither the grave nor the place of the damned, for both which "Sheol" is sometimes used, but the centre or lowest part of the earth; there is a depth in God, in his essence, in his thoughts, in his wisdom, displayed in nature, providence, and grace, that is unfathomable; we can know nothing of it but what he is pleased to make known; see Psa 92:5; the Targum of the verse is,"in the height of heaven, what canst thou do? in the law, which is deeper than hell, what canst thou know?''

Gill: Job 11:9 - -- The measure thereof is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea. Length is generally ascribed to the earth, and width to the sea; the ends of ...

The measure thereof is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea. Length is generally ascribed to the earth, and width to the sea; the ends of the earth are used for a great distance, and the sea is called the great and wide sea; see k Psa 72:1; but God and his perfections, particularly his wisdom and understanding, are infinite, Psa 147:5; and will admit of no dimensions; as his love, so his wisdom, has an height which cannot be reached, a depth that cannot be fathomed, and a length and breadth immeasurable; see Eph 3:18; from hence it appears that God is omniscient, omnipresent, and incomprehensible; and since he is to be found in Christ, and in him only, it is in vain for us to seek for him elsewhere: next the sovereignty of God is discoursed of.

Gill: Job 11:10 - -- If he cut off,.... The horns, power, dominion, and authority of the wicked; or the spirits of princes, or kingdoms and states, whole nations, as he di...

If he cut off,.... The horns, power, dominion, and authority of the wicked; or the spirits of princes, or kingdoms and states, whole nations, as he did the seven nations of Canaan; or families, as Job's, his servants, and his children; or particular persons, by diseases, or by judgments, by famine, sword, and pestilence; there is none can hinder him; he will do what he pleases: or, as others render it, "if he changes" l; if he makes revolutions in governments, changes in families, and in the estates of men, as in Job's; or changes men's countenances by death, and sends them out of time into eternity, there is no opposing him: or, "if he passes through" m, as the word is sometimes used; see Isa 8:8; if he comes out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth, and goes through a kingdom and nation, making or suffering to be made devastations everywhere, as he went through the land of Egypt and smote all the firstborn in it, there is no stopping him: or, "if he passes on" n, or "from" hence, or goes away; see 1Sa 11:3; or departs from a people or particular person, even his own people, and hides his face from them, and is long, at least as they think, before he returns; who can behold him, or find him out, or cause him to show himself? see Job 23:3; or, "if he subverts" o and overturns things, or should reduce the world and all things in it to a chaos, as at the deluge, or as he overturned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, or should set on fire the whole course of nature, and burn up the whole world and all in it, and reduce it to ashes, as he will; there is none can stay his hand, and obstruct him in his designs and measures:

and shut up; should he do so; shut up in a civil sense, either in a prison, as Gersom, or in the hands of an enemy, by giving them unto them, to be enclosed and straitened by them, there is none can deliver; Psa 31:8; or to shut them up as he did Noah in the ark, by protecting them by his power and providence, and so appear to be on their side, and for them; who then can be against them? or what does it signify if any are, if the Lord shuts them up and keeps them close? or in a spiritual sense, if he concludes men in sin, and shuts them up in unbelief, and under the law; who but himself can set them free? or, if good men are shut up in their frames, and straitened in their souls, that they cannot come forth in the lively exercise of grace, and free discharge of duty; there is no opening for them till he pleases, Psa 88:8,

or gather together, then who can hinder him? either gathers them into one place, in a civil sense; or in a gracious manner, with great mercies and everlasting kindness to himself, to have communion with him; to his son, to participate of the blessings of his grace, and to his church and people, to enjoy all spiritual privileges with them; or, gathers men at and by death; see Job 34:14; and as he will gather them at the last day, even all nations, before him, the tares, and burn them and his wheat, and put them into his garner; and when he does any and every of these things, who can hinder him or turn him back from doing what he pleases: Job says much the same in Job 9:12; the Targum is,

"if he passes through and shuts up the heavens with clouds, and gathers armies, who can turn him back?"

Gill: Job 11:11 - -- For he knoweth vain men,.... Or, "men of vanity" p, as all men are; men of low degree are vanity, and men of high degree a lie, and they are both ligh...

For he knoweth vain men,.... Or, "men of vanity" p, as all men are; men of low degree are vanity, and men of high degree a lie, and they are both lighter than vanity, Psa 62:9; and the Lord knows them, and knows them to be so; he knows all men, and all that is in them; he knows the vanity of their minds, and the vain thoughts that are in them; all their vain and idle words, and their vain lives and conversations; and therefore it is no wonder he does the above things at his pleasure:

he seeth wickedness also; the wickedness of their hearts and lives, their secret and open wickedness, their wicked thoughts, words, and actions; or, "men of wickedness"; even wicked men; they are all seen by him; nothing is or can be hid from him; he is God omniscient, the searcher of the hearts and trier of the reins of the children of men:

will he not then consider it? so as to punish or correct for it? he will: or, "he does not consider" q; he seems as if he did not; as if he took no notice of wicked men, and of their wickedness, because he does not immediately punish or correct for it; or, he has no need to take any time to consider thereof, he sees and knows at once what it is, and what men are: Gersom reads this clause in connection with the former; "he sees the men of wickedness", and him who does "not consider" the ways of the Lord; or, the man does not consider that God sees him; so Ben Melech.

Gill: Job 11:12 - -- For vain man would be wise,.... Or "hollow" r, empty man; empty of all that is good, though full of all unrighteousness; without God, the knowledge, l...

For vain man would be wise,.... Or "hollow" r, empty man; empty of all that is good, though full of all unrighteousness; without God, the knowledge, love, and fear of him; without Christ, the knowledge of him, faith in him, and love to him; destitute of the Spirit, and of his grace, having no good thing in him: yet such a man "would be wise"; not desirous of true wisdom, but would be thought to be wise; he in conceit thinks himself that he is very wise, and he would fain have others think so of him; or is, or "may", or "will be wise" s; may be made wise by the chastisements of God through afflictions, being sanctified to him by the grace of God; though he is a vain man, and also is what is after said of him; afflicting dispensations are sometimes teaching ones, and in the school of afflictions many useful lessons are learnt, whereby men become wiser; see Psa 94:12; though some understand the word in a very different sense, and interpret it bold, audacious, proud, and haughty; man takes heart t, and lifts up himself against God, stretches his hand, and hardens his heart against him:

though man be born like a wild ass's colt; foolish and stupid, without understanding of divine and spiritual things; given to lust and wantonness, to serve divers lusts and pleasures; not subject to the yoke of the law of God, stubborn, refractory, and untameable, but by the grace of God; the ass, and especially the wild ass, and the colt of one, being a very stupid creature, and a very lustful and wanton one, chooses to be free, will not bear the yoke, but ranges about in desert places; see Job 39:5; some render the words, "and a wild ass's colt is", or "may be born a man" u; that is, one that is by his first birth, and by his life and conversation, like a wild ass's colt, is or may be born again, and be made a new man, as Jarchi also interprets it, and so become a wise, knowing, and good man, which is a great truth; but whether the truth in this text, is not so clear: the Targum seems to incline this way;"a refractory, youth that grows wise shall become a great man.''

Gill: Job 11:13 - -- If thou prepare thine heart, and stretch out thine hands towards him. In this and the following verses Zophar proceeds to give some advice to Job; whi...

If thou prepare thine heart, and stretch out thine hands towards him. In this and the following verses Zophar proceeds to give some advice to Job; which, if taken, would issue in his future happiness, but otherwise it would be ill with him; he advises him to pray to God with an heart prepared for such service; so some render the last clause in the imperative, "stretch out thine hands w towards him"; that is, towards God; for, though not expressed, is implied, whose immensity, sovereignty, and omniscience, Zophar had been discoursing of; and, though stretching out the hands is sometimes a gesture of persons in distress and mournful circumstances, thereby signifying their grief and sorrow, and of others in great danger, in order to lay up anything for safety; and of conquered persons resigning themselves up into the hands of the conqueror; and of such who are desirous of being in friendship, alliance, and association with others; yet it is also sometimes used as for the whole of religious worship, Psa 44:20; so particularly for prayer, Psa 88:9; and this was what all Job's friends advised him to, to humble himself before God, to pray for the forgiveness of his sins, and for the removal of his afflictions and deliverance from them; see Job 5:8; in order to which it is proper the "heart should be prepared"; as it is requisite it should be to every good work by the grace of God so to this: and then may it be said to be prepared for such service, when the spirit of God is given as a spirit of grace and supplication, whereby the heart is impressed with a sense of its wants, and so knows what to pray for; and arguments and fit words are put into the mind and mouth, and it knows how to pray as it should; and is enabled to approach the throne of grace with sincerity, fervency, and in the exercise of faith, being sprinkled from an evil conscience by the blood of Jesus, and resigned to the divine will, in all its petitions it is directed to make: now this is the work of God, to prepare the heart; the preparation of the heart, as well as the answer of the tongue, is from the Lord; he is prayed to for it, and it is affirmed he will do it, Pro 16:1; but it is here represented as if it was man's act, which is said not to suggest any power in man to do it of himself; at least this is not the evangelic sense of such phrases; for Zophar might be of a more legal spirit, and not so thoroughly acquainted with the evangelic style; but this might be said, to show the necessity of such a preparation, and to stir up to a concern for it, and to expect and look for it from and by the grace of God.

Gill: Job 11:14 - -- If iniquity be in thine hand,.... For, as the heart must be prepared for the stretching out of the hand in prayer to God, so it is not any hand that ...

If iniquity be in thine hand,.... For, as the heart must be prepared for the stretching out of the hand in prayer to God, so it is not any hand that is to be stretched out or lifted up unto God; not hands full of blood, or defiled with sin, but holy hands; see Isa 1:15, 1Ti 2:8; it is not said, if iniquity be in thine heart, or on thy conscience,

put it far away; for sin cannot be put away out of the heart, it will have a place there as long as we live; though it should not be regarded, cherished, and nourished there; if so, God will not hear prayer, Psa 66:18; and nothing can put away or remove afar off guilt from the conscience but the blood of Jesus; which, being sprinkled, purifies the heart and purges the conscience from dead works; but it is said, if it is in thine hand, which is the instrument of action, and may signify the commission of sin, and a series and course of sinning, which Job's friends suspected he was privately guilty of; and therefore advise him to leave off such a sinful course, and abstain from all appearance of evil, and live a holy and godly conversation:

and let not wickedness dwell in thy tabernacles; in any room or apartment of his house; some restrain this, and iniquity in the former clause, to ill gotten goods, obtained by rapine and oppression, which he is advised to restore to those that had been injured by him; but there is no need to limit it to any sin: besides, wickedness may be put for wicked men, and the sense be, that, as he should not indulge to any iniquity himself, so neither should he suffer wicked men to dwell in his house, but make a general reformation in himself and in his family.

Gill: Job 11:15 - -- For then shall thou lift up thy face without spot,.... Either before men, being in all good conscience, walking in all the commandments and ordinances...

For then shall thou lift up thy face without spot,.... Either before men, being in all good conscience, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord, blameless, exercising a conscience void of offence towards God and men; and so be able to say as Samuel did, "whose ass have I taken?" &c. 1Sa 12:3; or rather before God, as in Job 21:26; using an holy boldness and an humble confidence with him at the throne of grace, in the view of the blood, righteousness, and sacrifice of his living Redeemer he had knowledge of, as every true believer may; who, though he is not without spot in himself, yet, being washed in the blood of Christ, and clothed in his righteousness, he is all fair, and without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing; and may stand before the throne without fault, and appear before God, and in his sight, unblamable and irreprovable:

yea, thou shalt be steadfast: firm and solid, rooted and grounded in the love of God; having a firm persuasion of interest in it, and that nothing shall separate from it; being built on the foundation of Christ, and established in the exercise of faith on him; the affections being steady towards him, and fixedly set on divine and heavenly things; continuing steadfast in the doctrines of grace, and not carried about with strange doctrines, or every wind of doctrine; as well as constant and immovable in the work of the Lord, always employed in his service, and doing his will, from which nothing can move; not reproach, affliction, and persecution; and to be thus steady and fixed is a great privilege:

and shalt not fear; evil tidings of evil times; of wars and rumours of wars, famine, pestilence, earthquakes, and other judgments; of changes and revolutions in kingdoms and states, or of what is coming upon the world, according to promise and prophecy, the heart being fixed and well established, trusting in the Lord; nor be afraid of evil men or devils, or any enemies whatever, nor of death, the king of terrors, that being one of the believer's blessings, and a friend of his; nor of hell and damnation, or the second death, or wrath to come; from all which the saints are secure.

Gill: Job 11:16 - -- Because thou shall forget thy misery,.... Former afflictions and distresses; having an abundance of prosperity and happiness, and long continued; and...

Because thou shall forget thy misery,.... Former afflictions and distresses; having an abundance of prosperity and happiness, and long continued; and so, in process of time, the miseries and distresses before endured are forgotten; thus it was with Joseph in his advanced state, and therefore he called one of his sons Manasseh, Gen 41:51; and as it is with convinced and converted persons and believers in Christ, who, under first convictions and awakenings, are filled with sorrow and distress, on a view of their miserable estate by nature; but when Christ is revealed to them as their Saviour and Redeemer, and the love of God is shed abroad in their hearts, and they have faith and hope in Jesus, and a comfortable view of heaven and happiness, and eternal life, by him, they forget their spiritual poverty, and remember their misery no more, unless it be to magnify the riches of the grace of God; see Pro 31:6;

and remember it as waters that pass away; either the waters of the stream in a river, which, when gone, are seen and remembered no more or as waters occasioned by floods in the winter season, which when over, and summer is come, are gone and are no more discerned; and as they pass from the places where they were, so from the minds of men: or it may be respect is had to the waters of Noah's flood, which, according to the divine promise and oath, should no more go over the earth, Gen 9:15; and being past and gone, and no fear or danger of their returning, are forgotten.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Job 11:1 Zophar begins with a strong rebuke of Job with a wish that God would speak (2-6); he then reflects for a few verses on the unsearchable wisdom of God ...

NET Notes: Job 11:2 The word is literally “be right, righteous.” The idea of being right has appeared before for this word (cf. 9:15). The point here is that ...

NET Notes: Job 11:3 The construction shows the participle to be in the circumstantial clause: “will you mock – and [with] no one rebuking.”

NET Notes: Job 11:4 The word translated “teaching” is related etymologically to the Hebrew word “receive,” but that does not restrict the teaching...

NET Notes: Job 11:5 Job had expressed his eagerness to challenge God; Zophar here wishes that God would take up that challenge.

NET Notes: Job 11:6 Heb “God causes to be forgotten for you part of your iniquity.” The meaning is that God was exacting less punishment from Job than Job des...

NET Notes: Job 11:7 The abstract תַּכְלִית (takhlit) from כָּלָה (kalah, “...

NET Notes: Job 11:8 Or “deeper than hell.” The word “Sheol” always poses problems for translation. Here because it is the opposite of heaven in th...

NET Notes: Job 11:10 The verb means “turn him back.” Zophar uses Job’s own words (see 9:12).

NET Notes: Job 11:11 Some commentators do not take this last clause as a question, but simply as a statement, namely, that when God sees evil he does not need to ponder or...

NET Notes: Job 11:12 As A. B. Davidson (Job, 84) says, the one thing will happen when the other happens – which is never. The word “empty” נָ...

NET Notes: Job 11:13 This is the posture of prayer (see Isa 1:15). The expression means “spread out your palms,” probably meaning that the one praying would fa...

NET Notes: Job 11:14 Many commentators follow the Vulgate and read the line “if you put away the sin that is in your hand.” They do this because the imperative...

NET Notes: Job 11:15 The form מֻצָק (mutsaq) is a Hophal participle from יָצַק (yatsaq, “to pour”)....

NET Notes: Job 11:16 The perfect verb forms an abbreviated relative clause (without the pronoun) modifying “water.”

Geneva Bible: Job 11:2 Should not the multitude of words be answered? and should a man ( a ) full of talk be justified? ( a ) Should he persuade by his great talk that he i...

Geneva Bible: Job 11:4 For thou hast said, ( b ) My doctrine [is] pure, and I am clean in thine eyes. ( b ) He charges Job with this, that he should say, that the thing whi...

Geneva Bible: Job 11:6 And that he would shew thee the ( c ) secrets of wisdom, that [they are] double to that which is! Know therefore that God exacteth of thee [less] than...

Geneva Bible: Job 11:8 [It is] as high as heaven; what canst thou do? ( d ) deeper than hell; what canst thou know? ( d ) That is, this perfection of God, and if man is not...

Geneva Bible: Job 11:10 If he cut off, and ( e ) shut up, or gather together, then who can hinder him? ( e ) If God should turn the state of things and establish a new order...

Geneva Bible: Job 11:12 For vain man would be wise, though man be born [like] a wild ( f ) ass's colt. ( f ) That is, without understanding, so that whatever gifts he has af...

Geneva Bible: Job 11:13 If thou ( g ) prepare thine heart, and stretch out thine hands toward him; ( g ) If you repent, pray to him.

Geneva Bible: Job 11:14 If iniquity [be] in thine ( h ) hand, put it far away, and let not wickedness dwell in thy tabernacles. ( h ) Renounce your own evil works and see th...

Geneva Bible: Job 11:15 For then shalt thou lift up thy ( i ) face without spot; yea, thou shalt be stedfast, and shalt not fear: ( i ) He declares the quietness of conscien...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Job 11:1-20 - --1 Zophar reproves Job for justifying himself.5 God's wisdom is unsearchable.13 The assured blessing of repentance.

MHCC: Job 11:1-6 - --Zophar attacked Job with great vehemence. He represented him as a man that loved to hear himself speak, though he could say nothing to the purpose, an...

MHCC: Job 11:7-12 - --Zophar speaks well concerning God and his greatness and glory, concerning man and his vanity and folly. See here what man is; and let him be humbled. ...

MHCC: Job 11:13-20 - --Zophar exhorts Job to repentance, and gives him encouragement, yet mixed with hard thoughts of him. He thought that worldly prosperity was always the ...

Matthew Henry: Job 11:1-6 - -- It is sad to see what intemperate passions even wise and good men are sometimes betrayed into by the heat of disputation, of which Zophar here is an...

Matthew Henry: Job 11:7-12 - -- Zophar here speaks very good things concerning God and his greatness and glory, concerning man and his vanity and folly: these two compared together...

Matthew Henry: Job 11:13-20 - -- Zophar, as the other two, here encourages Job to hope for better times if he would but come to a better temper. I. He gives him good counsel (Job 11...

Keil-Delitzsch: Job 11:1-6 - -- 1 Then began Zophar the Naamathite, and said: 2 Shall the torrent of words remain unanswered, And shall the prater be in the right? 3 Shall thy v...

Keil-Delitzsch: Job 11:7-9 - -- 7 Canst thou find out the nature of Eloah, And penetrate to the foundation of the existence of the Almighty? 8 It is as the heights of heaven-what...

Keil-Delitzsch: Job 11:10-12 - -- 10 When He passes by and arrests And calls to judgment, who will oppose Him? 11 For He knoweth the men devoid of principle, And seeth wickedness ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Job 11:13-15 - -- 13 But if thou wilt direct thy heart, And spread out thy hands to Him - 14 If there is evil in thy hand, put it far away, And let not wickedness...

Keil-Delitzsch: Job 11:16-20 - -- 16 For thou shalt forget thy grief, Shalt remember it as waters that flow by. 17 And thy path of life shall be brighter than mid-day; If it be da...

Constable: Job 4:1--14:22 - --B. The First Cycle of Speeches between Job and His Three Friends chs. 4-14 The two soliloquies of Job (c...

Constable: Job 11:1-20 - --5. Zophar's first speech ch. 11 Zophar took great offense at what Job had said. He responded vic...

Constable: Job 11:1-6 - --Zophar's rebuke of Job 11:1-6 Four things about Job bothered Zophar: his loquacity (v. 2...

Constable: Job 11:7-12 - --Zophar's praise of God's wisdom 11:7-12 Eliphaz and Bildad had spoken mainly of God's ju...

Constable: Job 11:13-20 - --Zophar's appeal to Job 11:13-20 Three steps would bring Job back to where he should be, ...

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Commentary -- Other

Critics Ask: Job 11:7 JOB 11:7 —Can God be known by humans? PROBLEM: Job seems to imply that God cannot be known by human reason. Paul also declared that God’s jud...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Job (Book Introduction) JOB A REAL PERSON.--It has been supposed by some that the book of Job is an allegory, not a real narrative, on account of the artificial character of ...


TSK: Job (Book Introduction) A large aquatic animal, perhaps the extinct dinosaur, plesiosaurus, the exact meaning is unknown. Some think this to be a crocodile but from the desc...

TSK: Job 11 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Job 11:1, Zophar reproves Job for justifying himself; v.5, God’s wisdom is unsearchable; v.13, The assured blessing of repentance.

Poole: Job 11 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 11 Zophar’ s reproof: Job’ s words too many, and false, even to mockery, in justifying himself, Job 11:1-4 . Should God speak, hi...

MHCC: Job (Book Introduction) This book is so called from Job, whose prosperity, afflictions, and restoration, are here recorded. He lived soon after Abraham, or perhaps before tha...

MHCC: Job 11 (Chapter Introduction) (Job 11:1-6) Zophar reproves Job. (Job 11:7-12) God's perfections and almighty power. (Job 11:13-20) Zophar assures Job of blessings if he repented.

Matthew Henry: Job (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of Job This book of Job stands by itself, is not connected with any other, and is therefore to...

Matthew Henry: Job 11 (Chapter Introduction) Poor Job's wound's were yet bleeding, his sore still runs and ceases not, but none of his friends bring him any oil, any balm; Zophar, the third, p...

Constable: Job (Book Introduction) Introduction Title This book, like many others in the Old Testament, got its name from...

Constable: Job (Outline) Outline I. Prologue chs. 1-2 A. Job's character 1:1-5 B. Job's calamitie...

Constable: Job Job Bibliography Andersen, Francis I. Job. Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries series. Leicester, Eng. and Downe...

Haydock: Job (Book Introduction) THE BOOK OF JOB. INTRODUCTION. This Book takes its name from the holy man, of whom it treats; who, according to the more probable opinion, was ...

Gill: Job (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO JOB This book, in the Hebrew copies, generally goes by this name, from Job, who is however the subject, if not the writer of it. In...

Gill: Job 11 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO JOB 11 In this chapter Zophar the Naamathite, Job's third friend, attacks him, and the with great acrimony and severity, and with m...

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