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Text -- Job 19:1-12 (NET)

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Job’s Reply to Bildad
19:1 Then Job answered: 19:2 “How long will you torment me and crush me with your words? 19:3 These ten times you have been reproaching me; you are not ashamed to attack me! 19:4 But even if it were true that I have erred, my error remains solely my concern! 19:5 If indeed you would exalt yourselves above me and plead my disgrace against me, 19:6 know then that God has wronged me and encircled me with his net.
Job’s Abandonment and Affliction
19:7 “If I cry out, ‘Violence!’ I receive no answer; I cry for help, but there is no justice. 19:8 He has blocked my way so I cannot pass, and has set darkness over my paths. 19:9 He has stripped me of my honor and has taken the crown off my head. 19:10 He tears me down on every side until I perish; he uproots my hope like one uproots a tree. 19:11 Thus his anger burns against me, and he considers me among his enemies. 19:12 His troops advance together; they throw up a siege ramp against me, and they camp around my tent.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Job a man whose story is told in the book of Job,a man from the land of Uz in Edom

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Complaint | Job | Afflictions and Adversities | Persecution | Blasphemy | SUBVERT | SIEGE | Net | PLEAD | ERR; ERROR | DARK; DARKNESS | CROWN | FENCE | GLORY | HARD; HARDINESS; HARDDINESS; HARDLY | GOLD | BUILDER | more
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Verse Notes / Footnotes
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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Job 19:1 Job is completely stunned by Bildad’s speech, and feels totally deserted by God and his friends. Yet from his despair a new hope emerges with a ...

NET Notes: Job 19:2 The LXX adds to the verse: “only know that the Lord has dealt with me thus.”

NET Notes: Job 19:3 The second half of the verse uses two verbs, the one dependent on the other. It could be translated “you are not ashamed to attack me” (se...

NET Notes: Job 19:4 The word מְשׁוּגָה (mÿshugah) is a hapax legomenon. It is derived from שׁו...

NET Notes: Job 19:5 Job’s friends have been using his shame, his humiliation in all his sufferings, as proof against him in their case.

NET Notes: Job 19:6 The word מְצוּדוֹ (mÿtsudo) is usually connected with צוּד (tsud, “...

NET Notes: Job 19:7 The Niphal is simply “I am not answered.” See Prov 21:13b.

NET Notes: Job 19:8 Some commentators take the word to be חָשַׁךְ (hasak), related to an Arabic word for “thorn hedge.R...

NET Notes: Job 19:9 The images here are fairly common in the Bible. God has stripped away Job’s honorable reputation. The crown is the metaphor for the esteem and d...

NET Notes: Job 19:10 Heb “like a tree.” The words “one uproots” are supplied in the translation for clarity.

NET Notes: Job 19:11 This second half of the verse is a little difficult. The Hebrew has “and he reckons me for him like his adversaries.” Most would change th...

NET Notes: Job 19:12 Heb “they throw up their way against me.” The verb סָלַל (salal) means “to build a siege ramp” o...

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