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Text -- Joel 3:17 (NET)

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The Lord’s Presence in Zion
3:17 You will be convinced that I the Lord am your God, dwelling on Zion, my holy mountain. Jerusalem will be holy– conquering armies will no longer pass through it.
Parallel   Cross Reference (TSK)   ITL  

Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Jerusalem the capital city of Israel,a town; the capital of Israel near the southern border of Benjamin
 · Zion one of the hills on which Jerusalem was built; the temple area; the city of Jerusalem; God's people,a town and citidel; an ancient part of Jerusalem

Dictionary Themes and Topics: TRADE | Joel | JOEL (2) | Israel | God | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Joe 3:17 - -- Very graciously present with you, and ever watching over you, and delighting to save you.

Very graciously present with you, and ever watching over you, and delighting to save you.

Wesley: Joe 3:17 - -- After her enemies are destroyed and the remnant is saved, and the Messiah is come; for to him and his days these things ultimately refer.

After her enemies are destroyed and the remnant is saved, and the Messiah is come; for to him and his days these things ultimately refer.

Wesley: Joe 3:17 - -- The church of Christ.

The church of Christ.

Wesley: Joe 3:17 - -- No profane or unclean person shall pass through it, or be found in it any more for ever.

No profane or unclean person shall pass through it, or be found in it any more for ever.

JFB: Joe 3:17 - -- Experimentally by the proofs of favors which I shall vouchsafe to you. So "know" (Isa 60:16; Hos 2:20).

Experimentally by the proofs of favors which I shall vouchsafe to you. So "know" (Isa 60:16; Hos 2:20).

JFB: Joe 3:17 - -- As peculiarly your God.

As peculiarly your God.

JFB: Joe 3:17 - -- To attack, or to defile, the holy city (Isa 35:8; Isa 52:1; Zec 14:21). Strangers, or Gentiles, shall come to Jerusalem, but it shall be in order to w...

To attack, or to defile, the holy city (Isa 35:8; Isa 52:1; Zec 14:21). Strangers, or Gentiles, shall come to Jerusalem, but it shall be in order to worship Jehovah there (Zec 14:16).

Clarke: Joe 3:17 - -- So shall ye know - By the judgments I execute on your enemies, and the support I give to yourselves, that I am the all-conquering Jehovah; and that ...

So shall ye know - By the judgments I execute on your enemies, and the support I give to yourselves, that I am the all-conquering Jehovah; and that I have again taken up my residence in Jerusalem. All this may refer, ultimately, to the restoration of the Jews to their own land; when holiness to the Lord shall be their motto; and no strange god, or impure people, shall be permitted to enter the city, or even pass through it; they shall have neither civil nor religious connections with any who do not worship the true God in spirit and in truth. This, I think, must refer to Gospel times. It is a promise not ye fulfilled.

Calvin: Joe 3:17 - -- This is a confirmation of the preceding doctrine, ye shall know, he says, that I am your God. The Prophet intimates that the favor of God had bee...

This is a confirmation of the preceding doctrine, ye shall know, he says, that I am your God. The Prophet intimates that the favor of God had been so hidden during the afflictions of the people, that they could not but think that they were forsaken by God. His word ought indeed to be sufficient for us in the greatest evils; for though God may cast us into the deepest gulfs, yet when he shines upon us by his word, it ought to be a consolation abundantly available to sustain our souls. But yet, unless God really appears, we are confounded, and ask where is his power. For this reason the Prophet now says, that the faithful shall at length know, that is, really know him as their God.

There is a twofold knowledge, — the knowledge of faith, received from his word, — and the knowledge of experience, as we say, derived from actual enjoyment. The faithful ever acknowledge that salvation is laid up for them in God; but sometimes they stagger and suffer grievous torments in their minds, and are tossed here and there. However it may be with them, they certainly do not by actual enjoyment know God to be their Father. The Prophet therefore now treats of real knowledge, when he says, that they shall know that they have a God, — how are they to know this? By experience. Now this passage teaches us, that though God should not put forth his hand manifestly to help us, we ought yet to entertain good hope of his favor; for the Prophet spoke for this end, — that the godly might, before the event or the accomplishment of the prophecy should come, look to God and cast on him all their cares. Then the faithful, before they had real knowledge, knew God to be their Father, and hence hesitated not to flee to him though what the Prophet testified had not yet been visibly accomplished.

Dwelling in Zion, the mountain of my holiness: This has been designedly added, that the faithful might know, that God made not a covenant in vain with Abraham, that mount Zion had not in vain been chosen, that they might there call on God; for we must have our attention called to the promises, otherwise all doctrine will become frigid. Now we know that all the promises have been founded on a covenant, that is, because God had adopted the people, and afterwards deposited his covenant in the hand of David, and then he designated mount Zion as his sanctuary. Since, then, all the promises flow from this fountain, it was necessary to call the attention of the Jews to the covenant: and this is the reason why the Prophet says now that God dwells in Zion; for otherwise this doctrine would no doubt only lead to superstition. God, indeed, we know, cannot be included within the circumference of any place, much less could he be confined to the narrow limits of the temple; but he dwelt on mount Zion on account of his own law, because he made a covenant with Abraham, and afterwards with David.

It then follows, And Jerusalem shall be holy, and aliens shall not pass through it any more. While he declares that Jerusalem shall be holy, he exempts it at the same time from profanation. We know that it is a common mode of speaking in Scripture, and what often occurs, that God’s heritage is holy, and also, that they profaned it. Hence, when the people were exposed as a prey to the pleasure of their enemies, the heritage of God became forsaken and polluted, profane men trod Jerusalem as it were under foot. But now the Prophet exempts the holy city from this pollution, as though he said, “The Lord will not allow his people to be thus miserably harassed, and will show that this city has been chosen by him, and that he has in it his dwelling. Aliens then shall no more pass through it — Why? For it is first the holy city of God, and then, of his Church.

But as this promise extends to the whole kingdom of Christ, God doubtless makes here a general promise, that he will be the protector of his Church, that it may not be subject to the will of enemies; and yet we see that it often happens otherwise. But this ought to be imputed to our sins, for we make the breaches. God would, indeed be a wall and a rampart to us, as it is said elsewhere, (Isa 26:1;) but we betray his Church by our sins. Hence aliens occupy a place in it: Ye we see at this day; for Antichrist, as it has been foretold, has now for ages exercised dominion in God’s sanctuary. Since it is so, we ought to mourn at seeing God’s holy Church profaned. Let us yet know, that God will take care to gather his elect, and to cleanse them from every pollution and defilement. It follows —

TSK: Joe 3:17 - -- shall ye : Joe 3:21, Joe 2:27; Psa 9:11, Psa 76:2; Isa 12:6; Eze 48:35; Mic 4:7; Zep 3:14-16 my : Dan 11:45; Oba 1:16; Zec 8:3 Jerusalem : Isa 4:3; Je...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Joe 3:17 - -- God Himself wondrously joins on His own words to those of the prophet, and speaks to His own people; "so (literally, and) ye shall know,"by experien...

God Himself wondrously joins on His own words to those of the prophet, and speaks to His own people; "so (literally, and) ye shall know,"by experience, by sight, face to face, what ye now believe, "that I am the Lord your God, dwelling in Zion, My holy mountain."So He saith in the second Psalm, "Then shall he speak unto them"Psa 2:5-6 (the enemies of His Christ) "in His wrath, and vex them in His sore displeasure; And I have set My king on My holy hill of Zion;"and, "Behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them, their God"Rev 21:3, dwelling with them and in them, by an unvarying, blissful, hallowing presence, never withdrawn, never hidden, never shadowed, but ever shining upon them. "Your God,"your own, as much as if possessed by none besides, filling all with gladness, yet fully possessed by each, as though there were none besides, so that each may say, "Thou art my Portion, O Lord"Psa 119:57; Lam 3:24; my "Lord, and my God"Joh 20:28, as He saith, "I am thy exceeding great Reward"Gen 15:1.

And Jerusalem shall be holy - Literally, "holiness"as John saith, "He carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, having the glory of God"Rev 21:10-11.

And there shall no stranger pass through her anymore - " Without,"says John, "are dogs and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie"Rev 22:15. None alien from her shall pass through her, so as to have dominion over her, defile or oppress her.

This special promise is often repeated. "It shall be called the way of holiness, the unclean shall not pass over it"Isa 35:8. "Henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean"Isa 52:1. "The wicked shall no more pass through thee"Nah 1:15. "In that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the Lord of hosts". "And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth"Rev 21:27. These promises are, in their degree and in the image and beginning, made good to the Church here, to be fully fulfilled when it shall be "a glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but holy and without blemish"Eph 5:27. Here they do not pass through her, so as to overcome; "the gates of hell shall not prevail against her."However near, as hypocrites, they come to her, they feel in themselves that they "are not of her"1Jo 2:19. There they shall be severed from her forever. : "Heretics came, armed with fantastic reasons and deceitful arguments; but they could not pass through her, repelled by the truth of the word, overcome by reason, cast down by the testimonies of Scripture and by the glow of faith."They fell backward to the ground before her. They "go out from her, because they are not of her"1Jo 2:19. They who are not of her can mingle with her, touch her sacraments, but their power and virtue they partake not. They are inwardly repelled.

Poole: Joe 3:17 - -- So by these effects of my presence with my people, by my anger against their enemies, by punishing them by each other, overthrowing oppressors, by fu...

So by these effects of my presence with my people, by my anger against their enemies, by punishing them by each other, overthrowing oppressors, by fulfilling what is foretold, shall ye, ye that suffer for my sake, but hope in my word, and support yourselves on my strength,

know by most comfortable and unquestionable experience,

that I am the Lord your God that I have remembered my covenant for you, and acted according to the power and mercy of an almighty and all-gracious God.

Dwelling in Zion very graciously present with you, and ever watching over you, and delighting to save you, as a man would do his dwellinghouse.

My holy mountain which is chosen and separated from all others to be the place of his habitation, as Psa 2:6 , which he loves above all places.

Then after these things are finished, when enemies are destroyed, and the remnant is saved, and the Messiah is come, (for to him and his days do these things finally and ultimately refer,) and the gospel is preached,

shall Jerusalem the church of Christ, the spiritual Jerusalem,

be holy be much more holy and pure than now, being made so by the word and Spirit, and afflictions too.

There shall no strangers pass through her any more no profane and unclean persons shall pass through it as formerly, and bring their strange fashions, rites, worship, or doctrine; though they have done it formerly, as in Solomon’ s days, and Ahaz’ s and Manasseh’ s time, they shall do so no more for ever.

Haydock: Joe 3:17 - -- No more, for a long time. Antiochus and the Romans again profaned the temple. But the Church of Christ is always holy.

No more, for a long time. Antiochus and the Romans again profaned the temple. But the Church of Christ is always holy.

Gill: Joe 3:17 - -- So shall ye know that I am the Lord your God dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain,.... The church of God, which is his dwelling place; and will appear ...

So shall ye know that I am the Lord your God dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain,.... The church of God, which is his dwelling place; and will appear more manifestly to be so at this time, when Christ the Lamb will stand on Mount Zion, with an 144,000, having his Father's name in their foreheads, Rev 14:1; and which presence of the Lord will be clearly discerned by his people; by the destruction of their enemies, and by his protection of them; by his being their hope and strength, their refuge and their fortress; they will experimentally know his divine inhabitation among them:

then shall Jerusalem be holy; or "holiness" s; not Jerusalem, literally taken, as Kimchi; though, it being now rebuilt, will be inhabited by holy persons, the converted Jews, and so all manner of holiness practised in it; but rather the whole church of God everywhere, consisting of holy persons, made so through the holiness of Christ imputed to them, and the sanctifying grace of his Spirit wrought in them; not that they will be perfectly holy in themselves, as the saints will in the New Jerusalem state, Rev 21:2; but they will be greatly so; holiness will be predominant and universal among men; there will be more real saints, and fewer hypocrites will be in the churches; see Isa 4:3;

and there shall no strangers pass through her any more; to hurt and annoy the church of God; for there shall be none in these times to molest, disturb, and hurt, in all the holy mountain of the Lord, Isa 11:9; or to pollute her with false doctrine, superstitious worship, or morality; or her communion shall not be interrupted and made uncomfortable, or she be pestered with hypocrites and ungodly persons, strangers to God and godliness, to Christ, his Spirit, and the power of religion; see Isa 52:1.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Joe 3:17 Heb “strangers” or “foreigners.” In context, this refers to invasions by conquering armies.

Geneva Bible: Joe 3:17 So shall ye know that I [am] the LORD your God dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain: then shall Jerusalem be holy, and there shall no strangers pass ( k...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Joe 3:1-21 - --1 God's judgments against the enemies of his people.9 God will be known in his judgment.18 His blessing upon the church.

MHCC: Joe 3:9-17 - --Here is a challenge to all the enemies of God's people. There is no escaping God's judgments; hardened sinners, in that day of wrath, shall be cut off...

Matthew Henry: Joe 3:9-17 - -- What the psalmist had long before ordered to be said among the heathen (Psa 96:10) the prophet here will have in like manner to be published to al...

Keil-Delitzsch: Joe 3:15-17 - -- "Sun and moon have become black, and the stars have withdrawn their shining. Joe 3:16. And Jehovah roars out of Zion, and He thunders out of Jerus...

Constable: Joe 2:28--Amo 1:1 - --IV. A far future day of the Lord: another human invasion and deliverance 2:28--3:21 The preceding promises fores...

Constable: Joe 3:1-17 - --B. God's judgment on Israel's enemy nations 3:1-17 God's judgment on unbelievers would accompany the spi...

Constable: Joe 3:9-17 - --2. The description of judgment 3:9-17 This pericope contains a call to the nations to prepare for war (vv. 9-11), a statement by the Lord (vv. 12-13),...

Guzik: Joe 3:1-21 - --Joel 3 - Judgment in the Valley of Decision A. A warning to the nations. 1. (1-3) A promise to bring back scattered and mistreated Israel. "F...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Joel (Book Introduction) JOEL (meaning "one to whom Jehovah is God," that is, worshipper of Jehovah) seems to have belonged to Judah, as no reference occurs to Israel; whereas...


TSK: Joel (Book Introduction) It is generally supposed, that the prophet Joel blends two subjects of affliction in one general consideration, or beautiful allegory; and that, under...

TSK: Joel 3 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Joe 3:1, God’s judgments against the enemies of his people; Joe 3:9, God will be known in his judgment; Joe 3:18, His blessing upon the...

Poole: Joel (Book Introduction) THE ARGUMENT Since so many undeterminable points of less moment occur in our prophet, as of what tribe he was, whether his father were a prophet, w...

Poole: Joel 3 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 3 God’ s judgments against the enemies of his people, Joe 3:1-17 . His blessing upon the church, Joe 3:18-21 . Though our dividing t...

MHCC: Joel (Book Introduction) From the desolations about to come upon the land of Judah, by the ravages of locusts and other insects, the prophet Joel exhorts the Jews to repentanc...

MHCC: Joel 3 (Chapter Introduction) (Joe 3:1-8) God's judgments in the latter days. (Joe 3:9-17) The extent of these judgments. (Joe 3:18-21) The blessings the church shall enjoy.

Matthew Henry: Joel (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of the Prophet Joel We are altogether uncertain concerning the time when this prophet prophesi...

Matthew Henry: Joel 3 (Chapter Introduction) In the close of the foregoing chapter we had a gracious promise of deliverance in Mount Zion and Jerusalem; now this whole chapter is a comment upo...

Constable: Joel (Book Introduction) Introduction Title and Writer The title of this book is the name of its writer, as is ...

Constable: Joel (Outline) Outline I. Introduction 1:1 II. A past day of the Lord: a locust invasion 1:2-20 ...

Constable: Joel Joel Bibliography Allen, Leslie C. The Books of Joel, Obadiah, Jonah and Micah. The New International Commentar...

Haydock: Joel (Book Introduction) THE PROPHECY OF JOEL. INTRODUCTION. Joel , whose name, according to St. Jerome, signifies the Lord God, (or, as others say, the coming down...

Gill: Joel (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO JOEL In some Hebrew Bibles this prophecy is called "Sepher Joel", the Book of Joel; in the Vulgate Latin version, the Prophecy of J...

Gill: Joel 3 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO JOEL 3 This chapter, which some make the fourth, contains a prophecy of God's judgments on all the antichristian nations at the tim...

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