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Text -- Jonah 3:2 (NET)

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3:2 “Go immediately to Nineveh, that large city, and proclaim to it the message that I tell you.”
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Nineveh a town located on the left bank of the Tigris River in northeastern Mesopotamia (Iraq).,the capital city of Assyria

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Prophets | Preaching | PREACHER; PREACHING | Nineveh | Missions | Minister | Jonah | Conviction | Converts | Backsliders | Assyria | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

JFB: Jon 3:2 - -- Literally, "proclaim the proclamation." On the former occasion the specific object of his commission to Nineveh was declared; here it is indeterminate...

Literally, "proclaim the proclamation." On the former occasion the specific object of his commission to Nineveh was declared; here it is indeterminate. This is to show how freely he yields himself, in the spirit of unconditional obedience, to speak whatever God may please.

Clarke: Jon 3:2 - -- And preach unto it the preaching - וקרא את הקריאה vekera eth hakkeriah , "And cry the cry that I bid thee."Be my herald, and faithfully...

And preach unto it the preaching - וקרא את הקריאה vekera eth hakkeriah , "And cry the cry that I bid thee."Be my herald, and faithfully deliver my message. The word κηρυξ in Greek answers to the Hebrew קורא kore : both signifying a crier, a herald, a preacher; one that makes proclamation with a loud and earnest cry. Such was John Baptist, Isa 40:3; such was Jesus Christ, John 7:18-37; and such were all his apostles. And such earnestness becomes a ministry that has to do with immortal souls, asleep and dead in sin, hanging on the brink of perdition, and insensible of their state. The soft-speaking, gentle-toned, unmoved preacher, is never likely to awaken souls. As we preach, so the people hear; scarcely receiving any counsels that appear to have no importance by the manner in which they are delivered. But this earnestness is widely different from that noisy, blustering, screaming rant, that manifests more of the turbulence of disorderly passions, than of the real inspired influence of the Spirit of God.

Calvin: Jon 3:2 - -- The command now follows, Arise, go to Nineveh, to that great city, and preach there the preaching which I command thee. 42 God again repeats what w...

The command now follows, Arise, go to Nineveh, to that great city, and preach there the preaching which I command thee. 42 God again repeats what we have observed at the be ginning, — that Nineveh was a great city, that Jonah might provide himself with an invincible courage of mind, and come there well prepared: for it often happens, that many boldly undertake an office, but soon fail, because difficulties had not been sufficiently foreseen by them. Hence, when men find more hardships than they thought of at the beginning, they nearly faint, at least they despond. The Lord, therefore, expressly foretold Jonah how difficult would be his employment; as though he said, “I send thee, a man unknown, and of no rank, and a stranger, to denounce ruin on men, not a few in number, but on a vast multitude, and to carry on a contest with the noblest city, and so populous, that it may seem to be a region of itself.”

We now then understand why this character of the city was added; it was, that Jonah might gird up himself for the contest, that he might not afterwards fail in the middle of his course. This fear indeed frightened him at the beginning, so that he shunned the call of God; but he is not now moved in any degree by the greatness of the city, but resolutely follows where the Lord leads. We hence see, that faith, when once it gains the ascendancy in our hearts, surmounts all obstacles and despises all the greatness of the world; for it is immediately added —

TSK: Jon 3:2 - -- Nineveh : Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, was situated on the eastern bank of the river Tigris, opposite the present Mosul, about 280 miles north of ...

Nineveh : Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, was situated on the eastern bank of the river Tigris, opposite the present Mosul, about 280 miles north of Babylon, 400 ne of Damascus, in latitude 36 degrees 20 minutes n longitude 73 degrees 10 minutes e. It was not only a very ancient (Gen 10:11), but also a very great city. Strabo says that it was much larger than Babylon, the circuit of which he estimates at 385 furlongs; and, according to Diodorus Siculus, it was an oblong parallelogram, extending 150 furlongs in length, 90 in breadth, and 480 in circumference, i.e., about 20 miles long, 12 broad, and 60 in compass. This agrees with the account given here of its being ""an exceeding great city of three days’ journey,""i.e., in circuit; for 20 miles a day was the common computation for a pedestrian. It was surrounded by large walls 100 feet high, so broad that three chariots could drive abreast on them, and defended by 1,500 towers 200 feet in height. See notes on Nahum. Jon 3:3, Jon 1:2; Zep 2:13-15

preach : Jer 1:17, Jer 15:19-21; Eze 2:7, Eze 3:17; Mat 3:8; Joh 5:14

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Jon 3:2 - -- Arise, go to Nineveh that great city, and preach (or cry) unto it - God says to Jonah the self-same words which He had said before; only perhap...

Arise, go to Nineveh that great city, and preach (or cry) unto it - God says to Jonah the self-same words which He had said before; only perhaps He gives him an intimation of His purpose of mercy, in that he says no more, "cry against her,"but "cry unto her."He might "cry against"one doomed to destruction; to "cry unto her,"seems to imply that she had some interest in, and so some hope from, this cry. "The preaching that I bid thee."This is the only notice which Jonah relates that God took of his disobedience, in that He charged him to obey exactly what He commanded . "He does not say to him, why didst thou not what I commanded?"He had rebuked him in deed; He amended him and upbraided him not . "The rebuke of that shipwreck and the swallowing by the fish sufficed, so that he who had not felt the Lord commanding, might understand Him, delivering."

Jonah might have seemed unworthy to be again inspired by God. But "whom the Lord loveth, He chasteneth;"whom He chasteneth, He loveth . "The hard discipline, the severity and length of the scourge, were the earnests of a great trust and a high destination."He knew him to be changed into another man, and, by one of His most special favors, gives him that same trust which he had before deserted . "As Christ, when risen, commended His sheep to Peter, wiser now and more fervent, so to Jonah risen He commends the conversion of Nineveh. For so did Christ risen bring about the conversion of the pagan, by sending His Apostles, each into large provinces, as Jonah was sent alone to a large city". "He bids him declare not only the sentence of God, but in the same words; not to consider his own estimation or the ears of his hearers, nor to mingle soothing with severe words, and convey the message ingeniously, but with all freedom and severity to declare openly what was commanded him. This plainness, though, may be less acceptable to people or princes, is ofttimes more useful, always more approved by God. Nothing should be more sacred to the preacher of God’ s word, than truth and simplicity and inviolable sanctity in delivering it. Now alas, all this is changed into vain show at the will of the multitude and the breath of popular favor."

Poole: Jon 3:2 - -- Arise, go unto Nineveh, that great city see Amo 1:2 ; great in extent of ground, in strength of its fortifications, height and breadth of its walls, ...

Arise, go unto Nineveh, that great city see Amo 1:2 ; great in extent of ground, in strength of its fortifications, height and breadth of its walls, and multitude of its towers; great in the multitude of its numbers, and riches of its citizens, and every whit as great in the multitude of its sins: but let nothing retard or discourage thee, arise and go.

Preach publicly, plainly, boldly; cry, Amo 1:2 .

Unto it i.e. against it, publish the near approaching ruin of it, preach to them the necessity of their repentance, and awaken them to it by the terrors of the Lord.

The preaching that I bid thee either which I did bid thee at first, as Amo 1:2 , or what I shall suggest and communicate to thee when thou art come thither.

Haydock: Jon 3:2 - -- Bid thee before, or when thou shalt be there. (Calmet) --- He seems to have retired to Jerusalem. (Menochius)

Bid thee before, or when thou shalt be there. (Calmet) ---

He seems to have retired to Jerusalem. (Menochius)

Gill: Jon 3:2 - -- Arise, go unto Nineveh, that great city,.... So it is called; See Gill on Jon 1:2. The order runs in the same words as before; and the same discourage...

Arise, go unto Nineveh, that great city,.... So it is called; See Gill on Jon 1:2. The order runs in the same words as before; and the same discouragements are presented to Jonah, taken from the greatness of the city, the number of its inhabitants, its being the metropolis of the Assyrian empire, and the seat of the greatest monarch on earth, to try his faith; but these had not the like effect as before; for he had now another spirit given him, not of fear, but of a sound mind; he considered he was sent by a greater King, and that more were they that were on his side than the inhabitants of this place, who might possibly be against him:

and preach unto it the preaching that I bid thee; that he had bid him before, declaring and exposing their wickedness, and telling them that in a short time their city would be destroyed. Jonah must not be gratified with any alteration in the message; but he must go with it as it had before been given, or what he now bid, or should bid him; the word of the Lord must be spoken just as it is delivered; nothing must be added to it, or taken from it; the whole counsel of God must be declared; prophets and ministers must preach, not as men bid them, but as God bids them. The Targum is,

"prophesy against it the prophecy which I speak with thee.''

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Jon 3:2 The verb קָרָא (qara’, “proclaim”) is repeated from 1:2 but with a significant variation. The phrase i...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Jon 3:1-10 - --1 Jonah, sent again, preaches to the Ninevites.5 Upon their repentance,10 God repents.

Maclaren: Jon 3:1-10 - --Threefold Repentance And the word of the Lord came unto Jonah the second time, saying, 2. Arise, go unto Nineveh, that great city, and preach unto it...

MHCC: Jon 3:1-4 - --God employs Jonah again in his service. His making use of us is an evidence of his being at peace with us. Jonah was not disobedient, as he had been. ...

Matthew Henry: Jon 3:1-4 - -- We have here a further evidence of the reconciliation between God and Jonah, and that it was a thorough reconciliation, though the controversy betwe...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jon 3:1-4 - -- The word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time, to go to Nineveh and proclaim to that city what Jehovah would say to him. קריאה : that whi...

Constable: Jon 3:1--4:11 - --II. The obedience of the prophet chs. 3--4 The second half of this book records Jonah's obedience to the Lord fo...

Constable: Jon 3:1-4 - --A. Jonah's proclamation to the Ninevites 3:1-4 God gave Jonah a second chance to obey Him as He has many of His servants (e.g., Peter, John Mark, et a...

Guzik: Jon 3:1-10 - --Jonah 3 - Jonah Preaches Repentance in Nineveh, the City Repents A. Jonah's ministry in Nineveh. 1. (1-2) The second call to Jonah. Now the word o...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Jonah (Book Introduction) JONAH was the son of Amittai, of Gath-hepher in Zebulun (called Gittah-hepher in Jos 19:10-13), so that he belonged to the kingdom of the ten tribes, ...


TSK: Jonah 3 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Jon 3:1, Jonah, sent again, preaches to the Ninevites; Jon 3:5, Upon their repentance, Jon 3:10. God repents.

Poole: Jonah 3 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 3 Jonah, being sent again, preacheth the overthrow of Nineveh, Jon 3:1-4 . Upon their repentance, Jon 3:5-9 , God repenteth him of the evil...

MHCC: Jonah (Book Introduction) Jonah was a native of Galilee, 2Ki 14:25. His miraculous deliverance from out of the fish, rendered him a type of our blessed Lord, who mentions it, s...

MHCC: Jonah 3 (Chapter Introduction) (Jon 3:1-4) Jonah sent again to Nineveh, preaches there. (Jon 3:5-10) Nineveh is spared upon the repentance of the inhabitants.

Matthew Henry: Jonah (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of Jonah This book of Jonah, though it be placed here in the midst of the prophetical books of...

Matthew Henry: Jonah 3 (Chapter Introduction) In this chapter we have, I. Jonah's mission renewed, and the command a second time given him to go preach at Nineveh (Jon 3:1, Jon 3:2). II. Jona...

Constable: Jonah (Book Introduction) Introduction Background Jonah is the fifth of the Minor Prophets (the Book of the Twel...

Constable: Jonah (Outline) Outline I. The disobedience of the prophet chs. 1-2 A. Jonah's attempt to flee from God 1:1-...

Constable: Jonah Jonah Bibliography Allen, Leslie C. The Books of Joel, Obadiah, Jonah and Micah. New International Commentary o...

Haydock: Jonah (Book Introduction) THE PROPHECY OF JONAS. INTRODUCTION. Jonas prophesied in the reign of Jeroboam II, as we learn from 4 Kings xiv. 25., to whom also he foreto...

Gill: Jonah (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO JONAH This book, in the Hebrew copies, is called "Sepher Jonah", the Book of Jonah; by the Vulgate Latin version "the Prophecy of J...

Gill: Jonah 3 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO JONAH 3 This chapter gives an account of the renewal of Jonah's message to Nineveh, and of his faithful execution of it, Jon 3:1; a...

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