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Text -- Joshua 13:1 (NET)

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The Lord Speaks to Joshua
13:1 When Joshua was very old, the Lord told him, “You are very old, and a great deal of land remains to be conquered.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Joshua a son of Eliezer; the father of Er; an ancestor of Jesus,the son of Nun and successor of Moses,son of Nun of Ephraim; successor to Moses,a man: owner of the field where the ark stopped,governor of Jerusalem under King Josiah,son of Jehozadak; high priest in the time of Zerubbabel

Dictionary Themes and Topics: YEAR | Joshua | JOSHUA (2) | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Jos 13:1 - -- Therefore delay not to do the work which I have commanded thee to do. It is good for those that are stricken in years, to be remembered that they are ...

Therefore delay not to do the work which I have commanded thee to do. It is good for those that are stricken in years, to be remembered that they are so: that they may be quickened to do the work of life, and prepare for death which is coming on apace.

JFB: Jos 13:1 - -- He was probably above a hundred years old; for the conquest and survey of the land occupied about seven years, the partition one; and he died at the a...

He was probably above a hundred years old; for the conquest and survey of the land occupied about seven years, the partition one; and he died at the age of one hundred ten years (Jos 24:29). The distribution, as well as the conquest of the land, was included in the mission of Joshua; and his advanced age supplied a special reason for entering on the immediate discharge of that duty; namely, of allocating Canaan among the tribes of Israel--not only the parts already won, but those also which were still to be conquered.

Clarke: Jos 13:1 - -- Joshua was old - He is generally reputed to have been at this time about a hundred years of age: he had spent about seven years in the conquest of t...

Joshua was old - He is generally reputed to have been at this time about a hundred years of age: he had spent about seven years in the conquest of the land, and is supposed to have employed about one year in dividing it; and he died about ten years after, aged one hundred and ten years. It is very likely that he intended to subdue the whole land before he made the division of it among the tribes; but God did not think proper to have this done. So unfaithful were the Israelites that he appears to have purposed that some of the ancient inhabitants should still remain to keep them in check, and that the respective tribes should have some labor to drive out from their allotted borders the remains of the Canaanitish nations

Clarke: Jos 13:1 - -- There remaineth yet very much land to be possessed - That is, very much when compared with that on the other side Jordan, which was all that could a...

There remaineth yet very much land to be possessed - That is, very much when compared with that on the other side Jordan, which was all that could as yet be said to be in the hands of the Israelites.

Calvin: Jos 13:1 - -- 1.Now Joshua was old, etc 127 Since we have seen above that the land was pacified by the subjugation of thirty-one kings, it is probable that some ce...

1.Now Joshua was old, etc 127 Since we have seen above that the land was pacified by the subjugation of thirty-one kings, it is probable that some cessation now took place for the purpose of resting from their fatigues, lest the people should be worn out by continual service. Nor could that justly be blamed, provided they rested only for a time and continued always intent on the goal set before them. But lest that intermission which was given for the purpose of recruiting new vigor might prove an occasion of sloth, the Lord employs a new stimulus to urge them to proceed. For he orders the whole inheritance to be divided into tribes, and the whole line of the Mediterranean coast which was possessed by the enemy to be put into the lot. A division of this kind might indeed seem absurd and ludicrous, nay, a complete mockery, seeing they were dealing among themselves with the property of others just as if it had been their own. But the Lord so appointed for the best of reasons. First, they might have cast away the hope of the promise and been contented with their present state. Nay, although after the lot was cast they had security in full for all that God had promised, they by their own cowardice, as far as in them lay, destroyed the credit of his words. Nor was it owing to any merit of theirs that his veracity did not lie curtailed and mutilated. The allocation by lot must therefore have been to them an earnest of certain possession so as to keep them always in readiness for it. Secondly, Those who happened to have their portion assigned in an enemy’s country, inasmuch as they were living in the meanwhile as strangers on precarious hospitality beyond their own inheritance, must have acted like a kind of task-masters spurring on the others. And it surely implied excessive stupor to neglect and abandon what had been divinely assigned to them.

We now see to what intent the whole land behooved to be divided by lot, and the seat of each tribe allocated. It was also necessary that this should be done while Joshua was alive, because after his death the Israelites would have been less inclined to obedience, for none of his successors possessed authority sufficient for the execution of so difficult a task. Moreover, as God had already by the mouth of Moses commanded it to be done, had he not performed the business thus committed to him, the whole work might have gone to wreck when the lawful minister was removed. Although the exact time is not stated, still it is probable that as there was no hope that while Joshua continued alive the people would again take up arms with the view of giving a wider extent to their boundaries, he then only attempted to divide the land, as if he were proclaiming and promising, by a solemn attestation, that the distribution would certainly be carried into effect, because the truth of God could not fail in consequence of the death of any man.

TSK: Jos 13:1 - -- am 2560, bc 1444, An, Ex, Is, 47 Joshua : Jos 14:10, Jos 23:1, Jos 23:2, Jos 24:29; Gen 18:11; 1Ki 1:1; Luk 1:7 to be possessed : Heb. to possess it, ...

am 2560, bc 1444, An, Ex, Is, 47

Joshua : Jos 14:10, Jos 23:1, Jos 23:2, Jos 24:29; Gen 18:11; 1Ki 1:1; Luk 1:7

to be possessed : Heb. to possess it, Deu 31:3

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Jos 13:1 - -- Joshua is bidden to allot the whole of the promised land among the twelve tribes in faith that God would perfect in due time that expulsion of the C...

Joshua is bidden to allot the whole of the promised land among the twelve tribes in faith that God would perfect in due time that expulsion of the Canaanites which Joshua himself could not carry further (see Jos 11:23).

Poole: Jos 13:1 - -- Thou art old therefore delay not to do the work which I have appointed and commanded thee to do. To be possessed to be conquered, and so possessed...

Thou art old therefore delay not to do the work which I have appointed and commanded thee to do.

To be possessed to be conquered, and so possessed by the people.

Haydock: Jos 13:1 - -- Age. Josue was now 100 years old. He lived ten more, (Calmet) having governed the people in all 17. (Haydock) --- During the first seven years, h...

Age. Josue was now 100 years old. He lived ten more, (Calmet) having governed the people in all 17. (Haydock) ---

During the first seven years, he had performed all that could be expected from an able general, and he probably designed to conquer the whole country before he divided it. But God, who chose to leave some of the ancient inhabitants in the country, to try the fidelity of his people, &c., ordered him to proceed to the distribution, that the different tribes might take care to exterminate those idolaters, who might be found in their territory. ---

Lot. Hebrew, "to be possessed." Only the country east of the Jordan was yet divided.

Gill: Jos 13:1 - -- Now Joshua was old, and stricken in years,.... How old he was cannot be said precisely, but it is very probable he was now about an hundred years of ...

Now Joshua was old, and stricken in years,.... How old he was cannot be said precisely, but it is very probable he was now about an hundred years of age, for he lived to be an hundred ten; and the land of Canaan was seven years in dividing, as the Jews generally say, and it seems as if he did not live long after that:

and the Lord said unto him: either spoke to him out of the tabernacle, or appeared to him in a dream or vision:

thou art old, and stricken in years, and there remaineth yet very much land to be possessed: that is, very much of the land of Canaan, which God had promised to Abraham, yet remained unconquered by Joshua, and unpossessed by the children of Israel; and the old age of Joshua is observed, to intimate to him that through it, and the infirmities of it, he was unable to go out to war, and to finish this work, which must be left to be done by others hereafter; and that he should with all expedition set about another work he was capable of doing, before he died, which was the division of the land among the tribes of Israel.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Jos 13:1 Heb “was old, coming into the days.” This expression, referring to advancing in years, also occurs in the following clause.

Geneva Bible: Jos 13:1 Now Joshua was old [and] ( a ) stricken in years; and the LORD said unto him, Thou art old [and] stricken in years, and there remaineth yet very much ...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Jos 13:1-33 - --1 The bounds of the land not yet conquered.8 The inheritance of the two tribes and half.14 The Lord and his sacrifices are the inheritance of Levi.15 ...

Maclaren: Jos 13:1-6 - --Joshua 13:1-6 Joshua was now a very old man and had occupied seven years in the conquest. His work was over, and now he had only to take steps to secu...

MHCC: Jos 13:1-6 - --At this chapter begins the account of the dividing of the land of Canaan among the tribes of Israel by lot; a narrative showing the performance of the...

Matthew Henry: Jos 13:1-6 - -- Here, I. God puts Joshua in mind of his old age, v. 1. 1. It is said that Joshua was old and stricken in years, and he and Caleb were at this time...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jos 13:1-14 - -- Introduction to the Division of the Land. - Jos 13:1-7. Command of the Lord to Joshua to distribute the land of Canaan by lot among the nine tribes ...

Constable: Jos 5:13--13:1 - --C. Possession of the land 5:13-12:24 Before Israel entered the land of Canaan, God had been preparing fo...

Constable: Jos 13:1--21:45 - --II. THE DIVISION OF THE LAND chs. 13--21 Chapters 13-24 describe how Joshua divided the land and the results of ...

Constable: Jos 13:1-7 - --A. The land yet to be possessed 13:1-7 13:1 Joshua was probably in his 80s at this time. 13:2 The Philistines were not native Canaanite peoples. They...

Guzik: Jos 13:1-33 - --Joshua 13 - The Remaining Land; Allotments East of the Jordan A. God's command to Joshua regarding the land remaining to be conquered. 1. (1) God sp...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Joshua (Book Introduction) JOSHUA. The title of this book is derived from the pious and valiant leader whose achievements it relates and who is commonly supposed to have been it...


TSK: Joshua (Book Introduction) The Book of Joshua is one of the most important documents in the Old Testament. The rapid conquest of the Promised Land, and the actual settlement of...

TSK: Joshua 13 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Jos 13:1, The bounds of the land not yet conquered; Jos 13:8, The inheritance of the two tribes and half; Jos 13:14, The Lord and his sac...

Poole: Joshua (Book Introduction) BOOK OF JOSHUA THE ARGUMENT IT is not material to know who was the penman of this book, whether Joshua, as seems most probable from Jos 24:26 , o...

Poole: Joshua 13 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 13 God makes known to Joshua the bounds of the land not yet conquered, Jos 13:1-6 ; commands it to be divided among the nine tribes and a h...

MHCC: Joshua (Book Introduction) Here is the history of Israel's passing into the land of Canaan, conquering and dividing it, under the command of Joshua, and their history until his ...

MHCC: Joshua 13 (Chapter Introduction) (Jos 13:1-6) Bounds of the land not yet conquered. (v. 7-33) Inheritance of Reuben.

Matthew Henry: Joshua (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of Joshua I. We have now before us the history of the Jewish nation in this book and those tha...

Matthew Henry: Joshua 13 (Chapter Introduction) At this chapter begins the account of the dividing of the land of Canaan among the tribes of Israel by lot, a narrative not so entertaining and ins...

Constable: Joshua (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The name of this book in Hebrew, Greek, and English comes from the ...

Constable: Joshua (Outline) Outline I. The conquest of the land chs. 1-12 A. Preparations for entering Canaan chs. 1-2 ...

Constable: Joshua Joshua Bibliography Aharoni, Yohanan. "The Province-List of Judah." Vetus Testamentum 9 (1959):225-46. ...

Haydock: Joshua (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION. THE BOOK OF JOSUE. This book is called Josue , because it contains the history of what passed under him, and, according to the comm...

Gill: Joshua (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO JOSHUA The Jews distinguish the prophets into former and latter; the first of the former prophets is Joshua, or Sepher Joshua, the ...

Gill: Joshua 13 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO JOSHUA 13 In this chapter Joshua is informed by the Lord, or put in mind, that part of the land of Canaan remained unconquered, and...

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