Text -- Joshua 15:1-32 (NET)

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Wesley: Jos 15:1 - -- For the general understanding of this, it must be known That casting lots was transacted with great seriousness and solemnity, in God's presence, with...
For the general understanding of this, it must be known That casting lots was transacted with great seriousness and solemnity, in God's presence, with prayer and appeal to him for the decision of the matter. That although exact survey of this land was not taken 'till Jos 18:4-5, yet there was, and must needs be a general description of it, and a division thereof into nine parts and an half; which, as far as they could guess, were equal either in quantity or quality. That the lot did not at this time so unchangeably determine each tribe, that their portion could neither be increased or diminished; as is manifest, because after Judah's lot was fixed, Simeon's lot was taken out of it, Jos 19:9, though after the land was more distinctly known and surveyed, it is likely the bounds were more certain and fixed. That the lot determined only in general what part of the land belonged to each tribe, but left the particulars to be determined by Joshua and Eleazar. For the manner of this, it is probably conceived, that there was two pots, into one of which were put the names of all the tribes, each in a distinct paper, and into the other the names of each portion described; then Eleazar or some other person, drew out first the name of one of the tribes out of one pot, and then the name of one portion out of the other, and that portion was appropriated to that tribe. And with respect to these pots, in the bottom of which the papers lay, these lots are often said to come up, or come forth.

Wesley: Jos 15:1 - -- Whose lot came out first by God's disposition, as a note of his preeminency above his brethren.
Whose lot came out first by God's disposition, as a note of his preeminency above his brethren.

Wesley: Jos 15:1 - -- Which lay south - east from Judah's portion. Judah and Joseph were the two sons of Jacob, on whom Reuben's forfeited birthright devolved. Judah had th...
Which lay south - east from Judah's portion. Judah and Joseph were the two sons of Jacob, on whom Reuben's forfeited birthright devolved. Judah had the dominion entailed upon him, and Joseph the double portion. Therefore these two tribes are first seated: and on them the other seven attended.

Wesley: Jos 15:2 - -- Heb. the tongue: either a creek or arm of that sea; or a promontory, which by learned authors is sometimes called a tongue. Every sea is salt, but thi...
Heb. the tongue: either a creek or arm of that sea; or a promontory, which by learned authors is sometimes called a tongue. Every sea is salt, but this had an extraordinary saltness, the effect of that fire and brimstone which destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah: the ruins of which lie buried at the bottom of this dead water, which never was moved itself by any tides, nor had any living thing in it.

That is, the place where Jordan runs into the salt - sea.

Wesley: Jos 15:6 - -- A place so called, not from Bohan's dwelling there, (for the Reubenites had no portion on this side Jordan) but from some notable exploit which he did...
A place so called, not from Bohan's dwelling there, (for the Reubenites had no portion on this side Jordan) but from some notable exploit which he did there, though it is not recorded in scripture.

Wesley: Jos 15:8 - -- Properly; for the line went from Jordan and the salt sea, to the higher grounds nigh Jerusalem; and therefore the line is said to go down, Jos 18:16, ...
Properly; for the line went from Jordan and the salt sea, to the higher grounds nigh Jerusalem; and therefore the line is said to go down, Jos 18:16, because there it takes a contrary course, and goes downward to Jordan and the sea.

A very pleasant place, but afterward made infamous.

Of the city of the Jebusites, which was anciently called Jebussi.

Wesley: Jos 15:8 - -- It may seem hence, that Jerusalem properly, or at least principally, belonged to Benjamin; and yet it is ascribed to Judah also; either because a part...
It may seem hence, that Jerusalem properly, or at least principally, belonged to Benjamin; and yet it is ascribed to Judah also; either because a part of the city was allotted to Judah; or because the Benjamites desired the help and conjunction of this powerful tribe of Judah, for the getting and keeping of this most important place. And when the Benjamites had in vain attempted to drive out the Jebusites, this work was at last done by the tribe of Judah, who therefore had an interest in it by the right of war; as Ziglag which belonged to the tribe of Simeon, being gotten from the Philistines by David, was joined by him to his tribe of Judah, 1Sa 27:6.

Not that of Edom, but another so called from some resemblance it had to it.

Wesley: Jos 15:13 - -- Or, Kirjath - arba. Not the city, which was the Levites, but the territory of it, Jos 21:13.
Or, Kirjath - arba. Not the city, which was the Levites, but the territory of it, Jos 21:13.

Wesley: Jos 15:14 - -- That is, from the said territory, from their caves and forts in it. These giants having either recovered their cities, or defended themselves in the m...
That is, from the said territory, from their caves and forts in it. These giants having either recovered their cities, or defended themselves in the mountains.

Wesley: Jos 15:14 - -- Either the same who are mentioned, Num 13:33, and so they were long - lived men, such as mainly were in those times and places: or their sons, called ...
Either the same who are mentioned, Num 13:33, and so they were long - lived men, such as mainly were in those times and places: or their sons, called by their father's names, which is very usual.

Wesley: Jos 15:15 - -- sepher - This clause seems to be added to distinguish this from the other Debir subdued by Joshua, Jos 10:38-39.
sepher - This clause seems to be added to distinguish this from the other Debir subdued by Joshua, Jos 10:38-39.

Wesley: Jos 15:16 - -- Which is to be understood with some conditions, as, if he were one who could marry her by God's law; and if she were willing; for though parents had a...
Which is to be understood with some conditions, as, if he were one who could marry her by God's law; and if she were willing; for though parents had a great power over their children, they could not force them to marry any person against their own wills. He might otherwise be an unfit and unworthy person; but this was a divine impulse, that Othniel's valour might be more manifest, and so the way prepared for his future government of the people, Jdg 3:9.

Wesley: Jos 15:18 - -- Or, as she went, namely, from her father's house to her husband's, as the manner was.
Or, as she went, namely, from her father's house to her husband's, as the manner was.

Wesley: Jos 15:18 - -- She persuaded her husband, either, That he would ask: or rather, That he would suffer her to ask, as she did.
She persuaded her husband, either, That he would ask: or rather, That he would suffer her to ask, as she did.

Wesley: Jos 15:18 - -- That she might address herself to her father in an humble posture, and as a suppliant, which he understood by her gesture.
That she might address herself to her father in an humble posture, and as a suppliant, which he understood by her gesture.

Wesley: Jos 15:19 - -- That is, a dry land, much exposed to the south wind, which in those parts was very hot and drying, as coming from the deserts of Arabia.
That is, a dry land, much exposed to the south wind, which in those parts was very hot and drying, as coming from the deserts of Arabia.

Wesley: Jos 15:19 - -- That is, a field, wherein are springs of water, which in that country were of great price; she begs a well moistened field, which also might give some...
That is, a field, wherein are springs of water, which in that country were of great price; she begs a well moistened field, which also might give some relief to that which was dry and barren.

Wesley: Jos 15:19 - -- Or two fields, one above and the other below that south and dry ground which she complained of, that by this means it might be watered on both sides.
Or two fields, one above and the other below that south and dry ground which she complained of, that by this means it might be watered on both sides.

Wesley: Jos 15:32 - -- Here are thirty seven or thirty eight cities named before; how then are they only reckoned twenty nine? There were only twenty nine of them, which eit...
Here are thirty seven or thirty eight cities named before; how then are they only reckoned twenty nine? There were only twenty nine of them, which either, properly belonged to Judah; the rest fell to Simeon's lot; or Were cities properly so called, that is, walled cities, or such as had villages under them, as it here follows; the rest being great, but unwalled towns, or such as had no villages under them.
JFB: Jos 15:1 - -- In what manner the lot was drawn on this occasion the sacred historian does not say; but it is probable that the method adopted was similar to that de...
In what manner the lot was drawn on this occasion the sacred historian does not say; but it is probable that the method adopted was similar to that described in Jos 18:10. Though the general survey of the country had not been completed, some rough draft or delineation of the first conquered part must have been made, and satisfactory evidence obtained that it was large enough to furnish three cantons, before all the tribes cast lots for them; and they fell to Judah, Ephraim, and the half-tribe of Manasseh. The lot of Judah came first, in token of the pre-eminence of that tribe over all the others; and its destined superiority thus received the visible sanction of God. The territory, assigned to it as a possession, was large and extensive, being bounded on the south by the wilderness of Zin, and the southern extremity of the Salt Sea (Num 34:3-5); on the east, by that sea, extending to the point where it receives the waters of the Jordan; on the north, by a line drawn nearly parallel to Jerusalem, across the country, from the northern extremity of the Salt Sea to the southern limits of the Philistine territory, and to the Mediterranean; and on the west this sea was its boundary, as far as Sihor (Wady El-Arish).

JFB: Jos 15:2 - -- Hebrew, "tongue." It pushes its waters out in this form to a great distance [ROBINSON].
Hebrew, "tongue." It pushes its waters out in this form to a great distance [ROBINSON].

JFB: Jos 15:3 - -- Hebrew, "the ascent of scorpions"; a pass in the "bald mountain" (see on Jos 11:17), probably much infested by these venomous reptiles.
Hebrew, "the ascent of scorpions"; a pass in the "bald mountain" (see on Jos 11:17), probably much infested by these venomous reptiles.

JFB: Jos 15:6 - -- Now Ain Hajla, a fine spring of clear and sweet water, at the northern extremity of the Dead Sea, about two miles from the Jordan [ROBINSON].
Now Ain Hajla, a fine spring of clear and sweet water, at the northern extremity of the Dead Sea, about two miles from the Jordan [ROBINSON].

JFB: Jos 15:6 - -- The sepulchral monument of a Reubenite leader, who had been distinguished for his bravery, and had fallen in the Canaanite war.
The sepulchral monument of a Reubenite leader, who had been distinguished for his bravery, and had fallen in the Canaanite war.

JFB: Jos 15:7 - -- A rising ground in the wilderness of Jericho, on the south of the little brook that flowed near Jericho (Jos 16:1).
A rising ground in the wilderness of Jericho, on the south of the little brook that flowed near Jericho (Jos 16:1).

JFB: Jos 15:7 - -- "the fountain of the sun"; "either the present well of the apostle, below Bethany, on the road to Jericho, or the fountain near to St. Saba" [ROBINSON...
"the fountain of the sun"; "either the present well of the apostle, below Bethany, on the road to Jericho, or the fountain near to St. Saba" [ROBINSON].

JFB: Jos 15:7 - -- "the fuller's fountain," on the southeast of Jerusalem, below the spot where the valleys of Jehoshaphat and Hinnom unite.
"the fuller's fountain," on the southeast of Jerusalem, below the spot where the valleys of Jehoshaphat and Hinnom unite.

JFB: Jos 15:14 - -- Rather three chiefs of the Anakim race. This exploit is recorded to the honor of Caleb, as the success of it was the reward of his trust in God.
Rather three chiefs of the Anakim race. This exploit is recorded to the honor of Caleb, as the success of it was the reward of his trust in God.

JFB: Jos 15:15 - -- "oracle." Its former name, Kirjath-sepher, signifies "city of the book," being probably a place where public registers were kept.
"oracle." Its former name, Kirjath-sepher, signifies "city of the book," being probably a place where public registers were kept.

JFB: Jos 15:16-20 - -- This offer was made as an incentive to youthful bravery (see on 1Sa 17:25); and the prize was won by Othniel, Caleb's younger brother (Jdg 1:13; Jdg 3...

JFB: Jos 15:18-19 - -- That is, when about to remove from her father's to her husband's house. She suddenly alighted from her travelling equipage--a mark of respect to her f...
That is, when about to remove from her father's to her husband's house. She suddenly alighted from her travelling equipage--a mark of respect to her father, and a sign of making some request. She had urged Othniel to broach the matter, but he not wishing to do what appeared like evincing a grasping disposition, she resolved herself to speak out. Taking advantage of the parting scene when a parent's heart was likely to be tender, she begged (as her marriage portion consisted of a field which, having a southern exposure, was comparatively an arid and barren waste) he would add the adjoining one, which abounded in excellent springs. The request being reasonable, it was granted; and the story conveys this important lesson in religion, that if earthly parents are ready to bestow on their children that which is good, much more will our heavenly Father give every necessary blessing to them who ask Him.|| 06224||1||43||0||@@CITIES OF JUDAH.==== (Jos. 15:21-63)

JFB: Jos 15:18-19 - -- There is given a list of cities within the tribal territory of Judah, arranged in four divisions, corresponding to the districts of which it consisted...
There is given a list of cities within the tribal territory of Judah, arranged in four divisions, corresponding to the districts of which it consisted--the cities in the southern part (Jos 15:21-32), those in the lowlands (Jos 15:33-47), those in the highlands (Jos 15:48-60), and those in the desert (Jos 15:61-62). One gets the best idea of the relative situation of these cities by looking at the map.
Clarke -> Jos 15:1; Jos 15:1; Jos 15:1; Jos 15:2; Jos 15:3; Jos 15:3; Jos 15:3; Jos 15:4; Jos 15:4; Jos 15:5; Jos 15:6; Jos 15:6; Jos 15:7; Jos 15:7; Jos 15:8; Jos 15:8; Jos 15:8; Jos 15:9; Jos 15:10; Jos 15:12; Jos 15:13; Jos 15:14; Jos 15:15; Jos 15:16; Jos 15:18; Jos 15:18; Jos 15:18; Jos 15:19; Jos 15:19; Jos 15:19; Jos 15:19; Jos 15:24; Jos 15:28; Jos 15:30; Jos 15:31; Jos 15:32
Clarke: Jos 15:1 - -- This then was the lot of the tribe of - Judah - The geography of the sacred writings presents many difficulties, occasioned by the changes which the...
This then was the lot of the tribe of - Judah - The geography of the sacred writings presents many difficulties, occasioned by the changes which the civil state of the promised land has undergone, especially for the last two thousand years. Many of the ancient towns and villages have had their names so totally changed, that their former appellations are no longer discernible; several lie buried under their own ruins, and others have been so long destroyed that not one vestige of them remains. On these accounts it is very difficult to ascertain the situation of many of the places mentioned in this and the following chapters. But however this may embarrass the commentator, it cannot affect the truth of the narrative. Some of the principal cities in the universe, cities that were the seats of the most powerful empires, are not only reduced to ruins, but so completely blotted out of the map of the world that their situation cannot be ascertained. Where is Babylon? Where are Nineveh, Carthage, Thebes, Tyre, Baalbec, Palmyra, and the so far-famed and greatly celebrated Troy? Of the former and the latter, so renowned by historians and poets, scarcely a vestige, properly speaking, remains; nor can the learned agree on the spot once occupied by the buildings of those celebrated cities! Should this circumstance invalidate the whole history of the ancient world, in which they made so conspicuous a figure? And can the authenticity of our sacred historian be impaired, because several of the places he mentions no longer exist? Surely no: nor can it be called in question but by the heedless and superficial, or the decidedly profane. Although some of the cities of the holy land are destroyed, and it would be difficult to ascertain the geography of several, yet enough remain, either under their ancient names, or with such decisive characteristics, that through their new names their ancient appellatives are readily discernible. It is natural to suppose that the division mentioned here was made after an accurate survey of the land, which might have been made by proper persons accompanying the conquering army of the Israelites. Nine tribes and a half were yet to be accommodated, and the land must be divided into nine parts and a half. This was no doubt done with the utmost judgment and discretion, the advantages and disadvantages of each division being carefully balanced. These were the portions which were divided by lot; and it appears that Judah drew the first lot; and, because of the importance and pre-eminence of this tribe, this lot is first described

Clarke: Jos 15:1 - -- By their families - It is supposed that the family divisions were not determined by lot. These were left to the prudence and judgment of Joshua, Ele...
By their families - It is supposed that the family divisions were not determined by lot. These were left to the prudence and judgment of Joshua, Eleazar, and the ten princes, who appointed to each family a district in proportion to its number, etc., the general division being that alone which was determined by the lot

Clarke: Jos 15:1 - -- To the border of Edom - The tribe of Judah occupied the most southerly part of the land of Canaan. Its limits extended from the extremity of the Dea...
To the border of Edom - The tribe of Judah occupied the most southerly part of the land of Canaan. Its limits extended from the extremity of the Dead Sea southward, along Idumea, possibly by the desert of Sin, and proceeding from east to west to the Mediterranean Sea, and the most eastern branch of the river Nile, or to what is called the river of Egypt. Calmet very properly remarks, that Joshua is particular in giving the limits of this tribe, as being the first, the most numerous, most important; that which was to furnish the kings of Judea; that in which pure religion was to be preserved, and that from which the Messiah was to spring.

Clarke: Jos 15:2 - -- From the bay that looketh southward - These were the southern limits of the tribe of Judah, which commenced at the extremity of the lake Asphaltites...
From the bay that looketh southward - These were the southern limits of the tribe of Judah, which commenced at the extremity of the lake Asphaltites or Dead Sea, and terminated at Sihor or the river of Egypt, and Mediterranean Sea; though some think it extended to the Nile.

Clarke: Jos 15:3 - -- Maaleh-acrabbim - The ascent of the Mount of Scorpions, probably so called from the multitude of those animals found in that place
Maaleh-acrabbim - The ascent of the Mount of Scorpions, probably so called from the multitude of those animals found in that place

Clarke: Jos 15:3 - -- Kadesh-barnea - This place was called Enmishpat, Gen 14:7. It was on the edge of the wilderness of Paran, and about twenty-four miles from Hebron. H...
Kadesh-barnea - This place was called Enmishpat, Gen 14:7. It was on the edge of the wilderness of Paran, and about twenty-four miles from Hebron. Here Miriam, the sister of Moses and Aaron, died; and here Moses and Aaron rebelled against the Lord; hence the place was called Meribah-Kadesh, or the contention of Kadesh

Karkaa - Supposed to be the Coracea of Ptolemy, in Arabia Petraea. - Calmet.

Toward Azmon - This was the last city they possessed toward Egypt

Clarke: Jos 15:4 - -- The river of Egypt - The most eastern branch of the river Nile. See on Jos 13:3 (note). But there is much reason to doubt whether any branch of the ...
The river of Egypt - The most eastern branch of the river Nile. See on Jos 13:3 (note). But there is much reason to doubt whether any branch of the Nile be meant, and whether the promised land extended to that river. On this subject it is impossible to decide either way.

Clarke: Jos 15:5 - -- The east border was the Salt Sea - The Salt Sea is the same as the Dead Sea, lake Asphaltites, etc. And here it is intimated that the eastern border...
The east border was the Salt Sea - The Salt Sea is the same as the Dead Sea, lake Asphaltites, etc. And here it is intimated that the eastern border of the tribe of Judah extended along the Dead Sea, from its lowest extremity to the end of Jordan, i.e., to the place where Jordan falls into this sea.

Clarke: Jos 15:6 - -- Beth-hogla - A place between Jericho and the Dead Sea, belonging to the tribe of Benjamin, Jos 18:21, though here serving as a frontier to the tribe...
Beth-hogla - A place between Jericho and the Dead Sea, belonging to the tribe of Benjamin, Jos 18:21, though here serving as a frontier to the tribe of Judah

Clarke: Jos 15:6 - -- Stone of Bohan - This must have been some remarkable place, probably like the stone of Jacob, which afterwards became Bethel; but where it was situa...
Stone of Bohan - This must have been some remarkable place, probably like the stone of Jacob, which afterwards became Bethel; but where it was situated is uncertain.

Clarke: Jos 15:7 - -- The valley of Achor - Debir mentioned in this verse is unknown. The valley of Achor had its name from the punishment of Achan. See the account, Jos ...
The valley of Achor - Debir mentioned in this verse is unknown. The valley of Achor had its name from the punishment of Achan. See the account, Jos 7:24 (note), etc

Clarke: Jos 15:7 - -- En-shemesh - The fountain of the sun; it was eastward of Jerusalem, on the confines of Judah and Benjamin.
En-shemesh - The fountain of the sun; it was eastward of Jerusalem, on the confines of Judah and Benjamin.

Clarke: Jos 15:8 - -- The valley of the son of Hinnom - Who Hinnom was is not known, nor why this was called his valley. It was situated on the east of Jerusalem; and is ...
The valley of the son of Hinnom - Who Hinnom was is not known, nor why this was called his valley. It was situated on the east of Jerusalem; and is often mentioned in Scripture. The image of the idol Molech appears to have been set up there; and there the idolatrous Israelites caused their sons and daughters to pass through the fire in honor of that demon, 2Ki 23:10. It was also called Tophet, see Jer 7:32. When King Josiah removed the image of this idol from this valley, it appears to have been held in such universal execration, that it became the general receptacle of all the filth and impurities which were carried out of Jerusalem; and it is supposed that continual fires were there kept up, to consume those impurities and prevent infection. From the Hebrew words

Clarke: Jos 15:8 - -- The same is Jerusalem - This city was formerly called Jebus; a part of it was in the tribe of Benjamin; Zion, called its citadel, was in the tribe o...
The same is Jerusalem - This city was formerly called Jebus; a part of it was in the tribe of Benjamin; Zion, called its citadel, was in the tribe of Judah

Clarke: Jos 15:8 - -- The valley of the giants - Of the Rephaim. See the notes on Gen 6:4; Gen 14:5; Deu 2:7, Deu 2:11. On this subject, a very intelligent clergyman favo...
The valley of the giants - Of the Rephaim. See the notes on Gen 6:4; Gen 14:5; Deu 2:7, Deu 2:11. On this subject, a very intelligent clergyman favors me with his opinion in the following terms: -
"The boundary between Judah and Benjamin went up from the valley of Hinnom on the east to the top of the hill southward, leaving Jebusi (or Jerusalem) to the northwest adjoining to Benjamin. This mount (Jebusi) lay between the two tribes, which the Jebusites possessed till the time of David. At the 63d verse here, it is said Judah could not drive out these people; and in Jdg 1:21, the same is said of the Benjamites. Each tribe might have attacked them at various times. There were various mounts or tops to these hills. Mount Zion and Moriah, where the temple stood, was in the tribe of Judah; Psa 78:68, Psa 78:69; Psa 87:2. "In Deu 33:12 it is said of Benjamin, the Lord shall dwell by him, i.e., near him, or beside his borders, between his shoulders; the line might be circular between the two hills or tops so as in part to encompass Mount Zion in the tribe of Judah, on which the temple stood. Benjamin’ s gate, (mentioned Jer 37:12, Jer 37:13; Jer 38:7), was the gate leading out of the city, into the tribe of Benjamin. So the gate of Ephraim, (2Ki 14:13), was a gate which led towards the tribe of Ephraim. We give names to roads, etc., in the same way now. "Mount Calvary, (which was on the outside of the gate), seems to have been in the tribe of Benjamin. Query. Whether Calvary or Golgotha was so called from skulls being scattered about there, (as say some), or rather from the figure of the rock being shaped like a man’ s skull, with one face of it nearly perpendicular? I incline to this latter opinion. I believe the Jews did not suffer human bones, even of malefactors, to lie about."- J. C.

Clarke: Jos 15:9 - -- Baalah, which is Kirjath-jearim - This place was rendered famous in Scripture, in consequence of its being the residence of the ark, for twenty year...
Baalah, which is Kirjath-jearim - This place was rendered famous in Scripture, in consequence of its being the residence of the ark, for twenty years after it was sent back by the Philistines; see 1 Samuel 5:1-7:2.

Clarke: Jos 15:10 - -- Beth-shemesh - The house or temple of the sun. It is evident that the sun was an object of adoration among the Canaanites; and hence fountains, hill...
Beth-shemesh - The house or temple of the sun. It is evident that the sun was an object of adoration among the Canaanites; and hence fountains, hills, etc., were dedicated to him. Beth-shemesh is remarkable for the slaughter of its inhabitants, in consequence of their prying curiously, if not impiously, into the ark of the Lord, when sent back by the Philistines. See 1Sa 6:19.

Clarke: Jos 15:15 - -- Kirjath-sepher - The city of the book. Why so named is uncertain. It was also called Debir, and Kirjath-sannah. See Jos 15:49.
Kirjath-sepher - The city of the book. Why so named is uncertain. It was also called Debir, and Kirjath-sannah. See Jos 15:49.

Clarke: Jos 15:16 - -- Will I give Achsah my daughter - In ancient times fathers assumed an absolute right over their children, especially in disposing of them in marriage...
Will I give Achsah my daughter - In ancient times fathers assumed an absolute right over their children, especially in disposing of them in marriage; and it was customary for a king or great man to promise his daughter in marriage to him who should take a city, kill an enemy, etc. So Saul promised his daughter in marriage to him who should kill Goliath, 1Sa 17:25; and Caleb offers his on this occasion to him who should take Kirjath-sepher. Profane writers furnish many similar examples.

Clarke: Jos 15:18 - -- As she came - As she was now departing from the house of her father to go to that of her husband
As she came - As she was now departing from the house of her father to go to that of her husband

Clarke: Jos 15:18 - -- She moved him - Othniel, to ask of her father a field, one on which she had set her heart, as contiguous to the patrimony already granted
She moved him - Othniel, to ask of her father a field, one on which she had set her heart, as contiguous to the patrimony already granted

Clarke: Jos 15:18 - -- She lighted off her ass - ותצנח vattitsnach , she hastily, suddenly alighted, as if she had forgotten something, or was about to return to her...
She lighted off her ass -

Give me a blessing - Do me an act of kindness. Grant me a particular request

Clarke: Jos 15:19 - -- Thou hast given me a south land - Which was probably dry, or very ill, watered
Thou hast given me a south land - Which was probably dry, or very ill, watered

Clarke: Jos 15:19 - -- Give me also springs of water - Let me have some fields in which there are brooks or wells already digged
Give me also springs of water - Let me have some fields in which there are brooks or wells already digged

Clarke: Jos 15:19 - -- The upper springs, and the nether springs - He gave her even more than she requested; he gave her a district among the mountains and another in the ...
The upper springs, and the nether springs - He gave her even more than she requested; he gave her a district among the mountains and another in the plains well situated and well watered. There are several difficulties in this account, with which I shall not trouble the reader. What is mentioned above appears to be the sense.

Clarke: Jos 15:24 - -- Ziph - There were two cities of this name in the tribe of Judah, that mentioned here, and another Jos 15:55. One of these two is noted for the refug...
Ziph - There were two cities of this name in the tribe of Judah, that mentioned here, and another Jos 15:55. One of these two is noted for the refuge of David when persecuted by Saul; and the attempts made by its inhabitants to deliver him into the hands of his persecutor. See 1Sa 23:14-24.

Clarke: Jos 15:28 - -- Beer-sheba - A city, famous in the book of Genesis as the residence of the patriarchs Abraham and Jacob, Gen 22:19; Gen 28:10; Gen 46:1. See the not...

Clarke: Jos 15:30 - -- Hormah - A place rendered famous by the defeat of the Hebrews by the Canaanites. See Num 14:45, Deu 1:44.

Clarke: Jos 15:31 - -- Ziklag - The Philistines seem to have kept possession of this city till the time of David, who received it from Achish, king of Gath, 1Sa 27:6; afte...
Ziklag - The Philistines seem to have kept possession of this city till the time of David, who received it from Achish, king of Gath, 1Sa 27:6; after which time it remained in the possession of the kings of Judah.

Clarke: Jos 15:32 - -- All the cities are twenty and nine, with their villages - But on a careful examination we shall find thirty-eight; but it is supposed that nine of t...
All the cities are twenty and nine, with their villages - But on a careful examination we shall find thirty-eight; but it is supposed that nine of these are excepted; viz., Beersheba, Moladah, Hazarshual, Baalah, Azem, Hormah, Ziklag, Ain, and Rimmon, which were afterwards given to the tribe of Simeon. This may appear satisfactory, but perhaps the truth will be found to be this: Several cities in the promised land are expressed by compound terms; not knowing the places, different translations combine what should be separated, and in many cases separate what should be combined. Through this we have cities formed out of epithets. On this ground we have thirty-eight cities as the sum here, instead of twenty-nine.
Calvin: Jos 15:1 - -- 1. I have already premised, that I would not be very exact in delineating the site of places, and in discussing names, partly because I admit that I...
1. I have already premised, that I would not be very exact in delineating the site of places, and in discussing names, partly because I admit that I am not well acquainted with topographical or chorographic science, and partly because great labor would produce little fruit to the reader; 144 nay, perhaps the greater part of readers would toil and perplex themselves without receiving any benefit. With regard to the subject in hand, it is to be observed, that the lot of the tribe of Judah not only falls on elevated ground, the very elevation of the territory, indicating the dignity of the future kingdom, but a similar presage is given by its being the first lot that turns up. What had already been obtained by arms, they begin to divide. The names of the ten tribes are cast into the urn. Judah is preferred to all the others. Who does not see that it is raised to the highest rank, in order that the prophecy of Jacob may be fulfilled? Then within the limits here laid down, it is well known that there were rich pastures, and vineyards celebrated for their productiveness and the excellence of their wines. In this way, while the lot corresponds with the prophecy of Jacob, it is perfectly clear that it did not so happen by chance; the holy patriarch had only uttered what was dictated by the Spirit.
If any are better skilled in places, a more minute investigation will be pleasant and useful to them. But lest those who are less informed feel it irksome to read unknown names, let them consider that they have obtained knowledge of no small value, provided they bear in mind the facts to which I have briefly and summarily adverted — that the tribe of Judah was placed on elevated ground, that it might be more conspicuous than the others, until the scepter should arise from it — and that a region of fruitful vineyards and rich pastures was assigned to his posterity — and, finally, all this was done, in order that the whole people might recognize that there was nothing of the nature of chance in the turning up of a lot, which had been foretold three centuries before. Besides, it is easy for the unlearned to infer from the long circuit described, that the territory thus allocated to one tribe was of great extent. 145 For although some diminution afterwards took place, its dominions always continued to be the largest.
It is necessary, however, to bear in mind what I formerly observed, that nothing else was determined by the lot than that the boundary of the children of Judah was to be contiguous to the land of Edom and the children of Sin, and that their boundary, in another direction, was to be the river of Egypt and the Mediterranean Sea — that those who had been selected to divide the country proceeded according to the best of their judgment, in proportioning the quantity of territory allotted to the number of their people, without extending their boundaries any farther — and that they followed the same method in other cases, as vicinity or other circumstances demanded.
Any error into which they fell, did not at all affect the general validity of their decision. For as they were not ashamed partly to recall any partition that might have been made without sufficient consideration, so the people in their turn, while they acknowledged that they had acted in the matter with the strictest good faith and honesty, submitted the more willingly to whatever they determined. Thus, notwithstanding any particular error, their general arrangements received full effect.
It will be worth while to make one remark on the city Jebus, whose name was afterwards Jerusalem. Although it had been already chosen, by the secret counsel of God, for his sanctuary, and the seat of the future kingdom, it however continued in the possession of the enemy down to the time of David. In this long exclusion from the place on which the sanctity, excellence, and glory of the rest of the land were founded, there was a clear manifestation of the divine curse inflicted to punish the people for their sluggishness: since it was virtually the same as if the land had been deprived of its principal dignity and ornament. But on the other hand, the wonderful goodness of God was conspicuous in this, that the Jebusites who, from the long respite which had been given them, seemed to have struck their roots most deeply, were at length torn up, and driven forth from their secure position.

Calvin: Jos 15:13 - -- 13.And unto Caleb the son of Jephunneh, etc Were we to judge from the actual state of matters, it would seem ridiculous repeatedly to celebrate an im...
13.And unto Caleb the son of Jephunneh, etc Were we to judge from the actual state of matters, it would seem ridiculous repeatedly to celebrate an imaginary grant from which Caleb received no benefit while Joshua was alive. But herein due praise is given both to the truth of God, and to the faith of his saint in resting on his promise. Therefore, although sneering men, and the inhabitants of the place itself, if the rumor had reached them, might have derided the vain solicitude of Caleb, and the empty liberality of Joshua, the contempt thus expressed would only have proved them to be presumptuous scoffers. God at length evinced the firmness of his decree by the result, and Caleb, though he saw himself unable to obtain access to the mountain, testified that he was contented with the mere promise of God, the true exercise of faith, consisting in a willingness to remain without the fruition of things which have been promised till the period actually arrive. Moreover, this passage, and others similar to it, teach us that the giants who are usually called Enakim, were so named after their original progenitor, Enac, and that the word is hence of Gentile origin. The time when Caleb routed the sons of Enac we shall see in a short time. This passage also shows us that Caleb, when he brought forward the name of Moses, did not make a mere pretence, or utter anything that was not strictly true; for it is now plainly declared, that Moses had so appointed, in conformity with the command of God.

Calvin: Jos 15:14 - -- Here we have a narrative of what plainly appears from the book of Joshua to have taken place subsequent to the death of Joshua; but lest a question m...
Here we have a narrative of what plainly appears from the book of Joshua to have taken place subsequent to the death of Joshua; but lest a question might have been raised by the novelty of the procedure, in giving a fertile and well watered field as the patrimony of a woman, the writer of the book thought proper to insert a history of that which afterwards happened, in order that no ambiguity might remain in regard to the lot of the tribe of Judah. First, Caleb is said, after he had taken the city of Hebron, to have attacked Debir or Ciriath-sepher, and to have declared, that the person who should be the first to enter it, would be his son-in-law. And it appears, that when he held out this rare prize to his fellow-soldiers for taking the city, no small achievement was required. This confirms what formerly seemed to be the case, that it was a dangerous and difficult task which had been assigned him, when he obtained his conditional grant. Accordingly, with the view of urging the bravest to exert themselves, he promises his daughter in marriage as a reward to the valor of the man who should first scale the wall.
It is afterwards added that Othniel who was his nephew by a brother, gained the prize by his valor. I know not how it has crept into the common translation that he was a younger brother of Caleb; for nothing in the least degree plausible can be said in defense of the blunder. Hence some expositors perplex themselves very unnecessarily in endeavoring to explain how Othniel could have married his niece, since such marriage was forbidden by the law. It is easy to see that he was not the uncle, but the cousin of his wife.
But here another question arises, How did Caleb presume to bargain concerning his daughter until he was made acquainted with her inclinations? 146 Although it is the office of parents to settle their daughters in life, they are not permitted to exercise tyrannical power and assign them to whatever husbands they think fit without consulting them. For while all contracts ought to be voluntary, freedom ought to prevail especially in marriage that no one may pledge his faith against his will. But Caleb was probably influenced by the belief that his daughter would willingly give her consent, as she could not modestly reject such honorable terms; 147 for the husband to be given her was no common man, but one who should excel all others in warlike prowess. It is quite possible, however, that Caleb in the heat of battle inconsiderately promised what it was not in his power to perform. It seems to me, however, that according to common law, the agreement implied the daughter’s consent, and was only to take effect if it was obtained. 148 God certainly heard the prayer of Caleb, when he gave him a son-in-law exactly to his mind. For had the free choice been given him, there was none whom he would have preferred.

Calvin: Jos 15:18 - -- 18.And it came to pass as she came unto him, etc Although we may conjecture that the damsel Acsa was of excellent morals and well brought up, as marr...
18.And it came to pass as she came unto him, etc Although we may conjecture that the damsel Acsa was of excellent morals and well brought up, as marriage with her had been held forth as the special reward 149 of victory, yet perverse cupidity on her part is here disclosed. She knew that by the divine law women were specially excluded from hereditary lands, but she nevertheless covets the possession of them, and stimulates her husband by unjust expostulation. In this way ambitious and covetous wives cease not to molest their husbands until they force them to forget shame, modesty, and equity. For although the avarice of men also is insatiable, yet women are apt to be much more precipitate. The more carefully ought husbands to be on their guard against being set as it were on flame by the blast of such importunate counsels. 150
But a greater degree of intemperance is displayed when she acquires additional boldness from the facility of her husband and the indulgence of her father. Not contented with the field given to her, she demands for herself a well-watered district. And thus it is when a person has once overleaped the bounds of rectitude and honesty, the fault is forthwith followed up by impudence. Moreover, her father in refusing her nothing gives proof of his singular affection for her. But it does not therefore follow that the wicked thirst of gain which blinds the mind and perverts right judgment is the less hateful. In regard to Acsa’s dismounting from the ass, some interpreters ascribe it to dissimulation and craft, as if she were pretending inability to retain her seat from grief. In this way her dismounting or falling off is made an indication of criminality and defective character. It is more simple, however, to suppose that she placed herself at her father’s feet with the view of accosting him as a suppliant. Be this as it may, by her craft and flattery she gained his consent, and in so far diminished the portion of her brothers. 151

Calvin: Jos 15:20 - -- 20.This is the inheritance, etc He had formerly, indeed, traced out the boundaries of the children of Judah; but it is now shown for a different reas...
20.This is the inheritance, etc He had formerly, indeed, traced out the boundaries of the children of Judah; but it is now shown for a different reason how large and fertile the territory was which the Lord in his great liberality had bestowed upon them. One hundred and thirteen cities with their towns and villages are enumerated. The number attests not only the populousness, but also the fertility of the country. And there cannot be a doubt that by the divine blessing a new degree of fertility was imparted to it. The goodness of God was, however, manifested in the very nature of the land selected for his people, a land abounding in all kinds of advantages. If we attend to the number of souls in the tribe, we shall find that one half of the country would have been amply sufficient for their habitation. For when eight hundred were allocated in each of the cities, the remainder had the towns and the villages. It is no doubt true that a portion was afterwards withdrawn and given to the tribe of Simeon. For in this was accomplished the dispersion of which Jacob had prophesied,
“I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel.”
(Gen 49:7)
They were accordingly admitted by the children of Judah as a kind of guests.
Defender -> Jos 15:32
Defender: Jos 15:32 - -- There are evidently listed in Jos 15:21-32 a total of thirty-six "cities ... with their villages." Apparently Joshua included the names of seven "vill...
There are evidently listed in Jos 15:21-32 a total of thirty-six "cities ... with their villages." Apparently Joshua included the names of seven "villages" as well as the twenty-nine "cities" (note "Hazor" is also mentioned three times)."
TSK -> Jos 15:1; Jos 15:2; Jos 15:3; Jos 15:4; Jos 15:5; Jos 15:6; Jos 15:7; Jos 15:8; Jos 15:9; Jos 15:10; Jos 15:11; Jos 15:12; Jos 15:13; Jos 15:14; Jos 15:15; Jos 15:16; Jos 15:17; Jos 15:18; Jos 15:19; Jos 15:20; Jos 15:21; Jos 15:23; Jos 15:24; Jos 15:25; Jos 15:26; Jos 15:27; Jos 15:28; Jos 15:29; Jos 15:30; Jos 15:31; Jos 15:32
TSK: Jos 15:1 - -- am 2561, bc 1443, An, Ex, Is, 48
This then was the lot : The geography of the sacred writings presents many difficulties, occasioned by the changes wh...
am 2561, bc 1443, An, Ex, Is, 48
This then was the lot : The geography of the sacred writings presents many difficulties, occasioned by the changes which Canaan has undergone, especially for the last 2,000 years. Many of the ancient towns and villages have had their names so totally changed that their former appellations are no longer discernible; several lie buried under their own ruins, and others have been so long destroyed that not a vestige of them remains. On these accounts it is very difficult to ascertain the precise situation of many places mentioned in these chapters; but this cannot in any measure affect the truth of the narrative. Jos 14:2; Num 26:55, Num 26:56
even to the : Num 33:36, Num 33:37, Num 34:3-5; Eze 47:19

TSK: Jos 15:2 - -- the salt sea : Jos 3:16; Gen 14:3; Num 34:3; Eze 47:8, Eze 47:18
bay : Heb. tongue, Isa 11:15

TSK: Jos 15:3 - -- Maalehacrabbim : or, the going up to Acrabbim, Num 34:4; Jdg 1:36
Zin : Gen 14:7; Num 20:1, Num 32:8
Adar : Probably the same as Hazar-addar, Num 34:4...
Maalehacrabbim : or, the going up to Acrabbim, Num 34:4; Jdg 1:36
Zin : Gen 14:7; Num 20:1, Num 32:8
Adar : Probably the same as Hazar-addar, Num 34:4.
Karkaa : Supposed to be the Coracea of Ptolemy, in Arabia Petrea Eusebius places a castle called Carcaria at the distance of a day’ s journey from Petra.

TSK: Jos 15:4 - -- Azmon : The last city they possessed towards Egypt; east of the River of Egypt or Rhinocorura. Num 34:5
river : Jos 13:3; Exo 23:31

TSK: Jos 15:6 - -- Bethhogla : Probably the Bethagla mentioned by Jerome is the same as the ""threshing-floor of Atad,""(Gen 50:10), situated three miles from Jericho, a...
Bethhogla : Probably the Bethagla mentioned by Jerome is the same as the ""threshing-floor of Atad,""(Gen 50:10), situated three miles from Jericho, and two from Jordan; and belonging to the tribe of Benjamin, though serving as a frontier to the tribe of Judah. Jos 18:19, Jos 18:20
the stone : Jos 18:17

TSK: Jos 15:7 - -- Debir : Jos 15:15, Jos 10:38, Jos 10:39
the valley : Jos 7:26; Isa 65:10; Hos 2:5
Gilgal : Jos 4:19, Jos 5:9, Jos 5:10, Jos 10:43
Adummim : A town and...
Debir : Jos 15:15, Jos 10:38, Jos 10:39
the valley : Jos 7:26; Isa 65:10; Hos 2:5
Gilgal : Jos 4:19, Jos 5:9, Jos 5:10, Jos 10:43
Adummim : A town and mountain of Benjamin (Jos 18:17), near Jericho, towards Jerusalem.
Enshemesh : Situated east of Jerusalem, on the confines of Judah and Benjamin.
Enrogel : Supposed to be the same as the fountain of Siloam, east of Jerusalem, at the foot of mount Zion. 2Sa 17:17; 1Ki 1:9

TSK: Jos 15:8 - -- valley of the son : A valley near to Jerusalem. Jos 18:16; 2Ki 23:10; 2Ch 28:3; Jer 7:31, Jer 7:32, Jer 19:2, Jer 19:6, Jer 19:14
the Jebusite : Jos 1...
valley of the son : A valley near to Jerusalem. Jos 18:16; 2Ki 23:10; 2Ch 28:3; Jer 7:31, Jer 7:32, Jer 19:2, Jer 19:6, Jer 19:14
the Jebusite : Jos 15:63, Jos 18:28; Jdg 1:8, Jdg 1:21, Jdg 19:10
valley of the giants : Situated apparently west of Jerusalem and mount Moriah. Jos 18:16; 2Sa 5:18, 2Sa 5:22; Isa 17:5, the valley of Rephaim

TSK: Jos 15:9 - -- Nephtoah : Jos 18:15
Baalah : A city near Bethshemesh, and, according to Eusebius, nine miles from Jerusalem, in going towards Diospolis. 2Sa 6:2; 1Ch...

TSK: Jos 15:10 - -- Bethshemesh : Placed by Eusebius ten miles east from Eleutheropolis, towards Nicopolis. 1Sa 6:12-21
Timnah : Jos 15:57; Gen 38:13; Jdg 14:1, Jdg 14:5
Bethshemesh : Placed by Eusebius ten miles east from Eleutheropolis, towards Nicopolis. 1Sa 6:12-21

TSK: Jos 15:11 - -- Ekron : Jos 15:45, Jos 19:43; 1Sa 5:10, 1Sa 7:14; 2Ki 1:2, 2Ki 1:3, 2Ki 1:6, 2Ki 1:16
mount Baalah : Jos 19:44

TSK: Jos 15:13 - -- Caleb : Jos 14:6-15; Num 13:30, Num 14:23, Num 14:24; Deu 1:34-36
the city of Arba : or, Kirjath-arba, Jos 14:15
Caleb : Jos 14:6-15; Num 13:30, Num 14:23, Num 14:24; Deu 1:34-36
the city of Arba : or, Kirjath-arba, Jos 14:15

TSK: Jos 15:17 - -- Othniel : Jdg 1:13, Jdg 3:9, Jdg 3:11
Kenaz : Jos 14:6; Num 32:12
Achsah : 1Ch 2:49

TSK: Jos 15:19 - -- Give me : Jdg 1:14, Jdg 1:15
a blessing : Gen 33:11; Deu 33:7; 1Sa 25:27; 2Co 9:5 *marg.

TSK: Jos 15:23 - -- Kedesh : Jos 12:22; Num 33:37; Deu 1:19
Hazor : The LXX read Ασοριωναιν , for Hazar-Ithnan, regarding these two as one city.

TSK: Jos 15:24 - -- Ziph : Eusebius and Jerome say, that Ziph was a village in their time eight miles east from Hebron. 1Sa 23:14, 1Sa 23:19, 1Sa 23:24; Psa 54:1 *title

TSK: Jos 15:25 - -- Hazor : Or, rather, Hazar-hadattah, or, as the LXX, Alexandrian, and Vulgate render Ασωρ η καινη , Asor nova , ""New Hazor,""to distin...
Hazor : Or, rather, Hazar-hadattah, or, as the LXX, Alexandrian, and Vulgate render
Kerioth : Or, rather, Kerioth-Hezron: LXX

TSK: Jos 15:26 - -- Moladah : Probably the same as Malatha, a city frequently mentioned by Eusebius; from whom it appears to have been situated in the southern border of ...
Moladah : Probably the same as Malatha, a city frequently mentioned by Eusebius; from whom it appears to have been situated in the southern border of Judah, about twenty miles from Hebron. 1Ch 4:28

TSK: Jos 15:27 - -- Hazargaddah : This is apparently the city which Eusebius calls Ασερ ; which he says, was, in his time, a town situated between Askalon and Ashdo...
Hazargaddah : This is apparently the city which Eusebius calls
Bethpalet : Neh 11:26

TSK: Jos 15:28 - -- Hazarshual : Jos 19:3; 1Ch 4:28
Beersheba : Jos 19:2; Gen 21:14, Gen 21:31-33, Gen 26:33
Bizjothjah : Instead of Bizjothjah, the LXX read, ""and their...

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes: Jos 15:1 - -- The inheritance of the tribe of Judah is described first by its general boundaries on all four sides Jos 15:1-12; then reference is again made, for ...
The inheritance of the tribe of Judah is described first by its general boundaries on all four sides Jos 15:1-12; then reference is again made, for the sake of completeness, to the special inheritance of Caleb which lay within these boundaries Jos 15:13-20; and lastly a list of the towns is given Josh. 15:21-63. Consult the marginal references.

Barnes: Jos 15:6 - -- The stone of Bohan - This stone perhaps commemorated some deed of valor belonging to the wars of Joshua (compare 1Sa 7:12). The stone was erect...
The stone of Bohan - This stone perhaps commemorated some deed of valor belonging to the wars of Joshua (compare 1Sa 7:12). The stone was erected on the slope of a hill (see the marginal reference), no doubt one of the range which hounds the Jordan valley on the west. But its exact site is wholly uncertain.

Barnes: Jos 15:7 - -- The going up to Adummim - Rather, "the ascent or pass of Adummim"(compare Jos 15:3, margin), on the road from Jerusalem to Jericho. Its name si...
The going up to Adummim - Rather, "the ascent or pass of Adummim"(compare Jos 15:3, margin), on the road from Jerusalem to Jericho. Its name signifies "red"and is explained by Jerome as given because of the frequent bloodshed there by robbers. This road is the scene of the parable of the Good Samaritan. Possibly the name may be due to some aboriginal tribe of "red men,"who held their ground in these fastnesses after the invaders had driven them from the face of the country elsewhere.
En-shemesh - i. e. "fountain of the sun;"no doubt that now called "the Fountain of the Apostles,"about two miles from Jerusalem, and the only well on the road to Jericho.
En-rogel - i. e. "fountain of the fullers"near the walls of Jerusalem. It was here that Jonathan and Ahimaaz concealed themselves after the rebellion of Absalom, in order to procure tidings for David, and here Adonijah gave a feast to his adherents preparatory to making an attempt on the crown (compare the marginal references). It is probably the modern "Fountain of the Virgin,"the only real spring near Jerusalem, from which the Pool of Siloam is supplied. Others identify it, less probably, with the "Well of Job,"situated where the valleys of Kedron and Hinnom unite.

Barnes: Jos 15:8 - -- The valley of the son of Hinnom - This valley begins on the west of Jerusalem at the road to Joppa, and turning southeastward round the foot of...
The valley of the son of Hinnom - This valley begins on the west of Jerusalem at the road to Joppa, and turning southeastward round the foot of Mount Zion joins the deeper valley of Kedron on the south of the city. It was in this ravine, more particularly at Tophet in the more wild and precipitous part of it toward the east, that the later kings of Judah offered the sacrifices of children to Moloch (2Ch 28:3; 2Ch 33:6, etc.). After these places had been defiled by Josiah, Tophet and the whole valley of Hinnom were held in abomination by the Jews, and the name of the latter was used to denote the place of eternal torment Mat 5:22. The Greek term Gehenna (
The valley of the giants - Rather "the plain of Rephaim."This plain, named after an ancient and gigantic tribe of the land Gen 14:5, lies southwestward of Jerusalem, and is terminated by a slight rocky ridge forming the brow of the valley of Hinnom. The valley is fertile Isa 17:5 and broad, and has been on more than one occasion the camping ground for armies operating against Jerusalem 2Sa 5:18, 2Sa 5:22; 2Sa 23:13.

Barnes: Jos 15:9 - -- Nephtoab is probably the modern "Ain Lifta", two miles and a half northwestward of Jerusalem: and Mount Ephron is conjecturally connected with the c...

Barnes: Jos 15:10 - -- Mount Seir is not the well-known range of Edom. The name ( "shaggy mountain") is applicable to any rugged or well-wooded hill. Here it probably deno...
Mount Seir is not the well-known range of Edom. The name ( "shaggy mountain") is applicable to any rugged or well-wooded hill. Here it probably denotes the range which runs southwestward from Kirjath-jearim to the Wady Surar. Mount Jearim, i. e. "woody mountain,"is through its other name, Chesalon, identified with the modern "Kesla".
Beth-shemesh - i. e. "house of the sun,"called "Ir-shemesh"or "city of the sun"(Jos 19:41; Compare 1Ki 4:9), a place assigned to Dan, and one of the cities which fell by lot to the Levites Jos 21:16. Beth-shemesh was the first place at which the ark rested after its return from the hands of the Philistines 1Sa 6:12. It was the residence of one of Solomon’ s purveyors 1Ki 4:9, and was the spot where at a later date Amaziah was defeated and slain by Jehoash (2Ki 14:11 ff). It is no doubt the modern "Ain Shems".
Timnah, called also Timnath, and Timnathah, belonged likewise to Dan, and is to be distinguished from other places of like name Gen 38:12; Jos 24:30. Timnah ( "portion") was evidently, like Gilgal, Ramah, Kirjath, and several other towns, of frequent use in Canaanite topography.

Barnes: Jos 15:11 - -- Jabneel - The modern "Yebna", about three miles from the coast and twelve miles south of Joppa. It is called Jabneh in 2Ch 26:6, where Uzziah i...
Jabneel - The modern "Yebna", about three miles from the coast and twelve miles south of Joppa. It is called Jabneh in 2Ch 26:6, where Uzziah is recorded to have taken it from the Philistines and destroyed its fortifications. The town is repeatedly mentioned with its haven in the wars of the Maccabees (1 Macc. 4:15; 2 Macc. 12:8), and by Josephus under the name of Jamnia. It is described by Philo as a very populous town; and after the destruction of Jerusalem was, for a long time, the seat of the Sanhedrin, and was a famous school of Jewish learning. Its ruins, which are still considerable, stand on the brink of the "Wady Rubin".

Barnes: Jos 15:15 - -- The name Debir belonged to two other places; namely,, that named in Jos 15:7, between Jerusalem and Jericho, and the Gadite town mentioned in Jos 13...
The name Debir belonged to two other places; namely,, that named in Jos 15:7, between Jerusalem and Jericho, and the Gadite town mentioned in Jos 13:26. The Debir here meant appears (and its site has been conjecturally placed at Dhaheriyeh (Conder)) to have been situated in the mountain district south of Hebron. It was one of the towns afterward assigned to the Levites. Its other name Jos 15:49, "Kirjath-sannah", i. e. perhaps, "city of palm branches,"or "city of law, or sacred learning,"no less than the two given in the text, would indicate that Debir was an ancient seat of Canaanite learning, for Debir probably is equivalent to "oracle,"and Kirjath-sepher means "city of books."This plurality of names marks the importance of the town, as the inducement held out in Jos 15:16, by Caleb, to secure its capture (compare 1Sa 17:25; 1Sa 18:17), points to its strength.

Barnes: Jos 15:17 - -- Othniel was probably Caleb’ s younger brother; the expression "son of Kenaz"being only an equivalent for the "Kenezite"Jos 14:6.
Othniel was probably Caleb’ s younger brother; the expression "son of Kenaz"being only an equivalent for the "Kenezite"Jos 14:6.

Barnes: Jos 15:18 - -- Afield - In Jdg 1:14, "the field,"i. e. the well-known field asked by Achsah and given by Caleb as a "blessing,"i. e. as a token of goodwill, w...
Afield - In Jdg 1:14, "the field,"i. e. the well-known field asked by Achsah and given by Caleb as a "blessing,"i. e. as a token of goodwill, which when the Book of Judges was written had become historical. The "field"in question was doubtless in the neighborhood of Debir, and was especially valuable because of its copious springs. Achsah’ s dismounting was a sign of reverence.

Barnes: Jos 15:19 - -- A south land - This term ("negeb") which is often equivalent to a proper name Jos 15:21, importing the well-defined district which formed the s...
A south land - This term ("negeb") which is often equivalent to a proper name Jos 15:21, importing the well-defined district which formed the south of the promised land (Num 13:17 note), seems here used in its more general sense Psa 126:4, for a dry or barren land. The rendering of this passage adopted by Septuagint, several versions, and Commentators, etc., "thou hast given me into a south land,"i. e. "hast given me in marriage into a south land"is forced; the construction of the verb "to give,"with two accusatives, is natural and common to many languages.
Springs of water - The Hebrew words

Barnes: Jos 15:21-63 - -- List of the towns of the tribe of Judah. These are arranged in four divisions, according to the natural features of the district; namely,, those of ...
List of the towns of the tribe of Judah. These are arranged in four divisions, according to the natural features of the district; namely,, those of the Negeb or south country Jos 15:21-32; of "the valley,"or "the plain"("Shephelah", Jos 15:33-47); of "the mountains"Jos 15:48-60; and of "the wilderness"Jos 15:61-62. Many of the identifications are still conjectural only.
Jos 15:21-32. The Negeb was for the most part rocky and arid, and cannot have been at any time very thickly populated.
Kabzeel was the native place of Benaiah 2Sa 23:20, who was famous as a slayer of lions. The Negeb was a principal haunt of these beasts.
Telem may be the Telaim of 1Sa 15:4, where Saul mustered his army for the expedition against the Amalekites. It is possibly to be looked for at "El-Kuseir", a spot where the various routes toward different parts of the Negeb converge, and which is occupied by the Arab tribe the "Dhullam", a word identical with Telem in its consonants. Bealoth is probably the "Baalath-beer - Ramath of the south"Jos 19:8, and was one of the towns afterward assigned to the Simeonites. It is identified with the modern Kurnub.
And Hezron which is Hazor - In this verse are the names of two towns only, not of four. Two places bearing the common topographical appellation, Hazor ("enclosure") are here mentioned and distinguished as "Hazor Hadattah"and "Kerioth-Hezron,"otherwise termed Hazor, simply: the former has been identified by some with "El-Hudhera"; the latter is probably the modern "El-Kuryetein". Kerioth, prefixed to a name, bespeaks military occupation, as Hazor points to pastoral pursuits. The place would therefore seem to be an ancient pastoral settlement which had been fortified by the Anakims, and called accordingly Kerioth; to which name the men of Judah, after they had captured it, added that of Hezron, in honor of one of their leading ancestors (compare Gen 46:12; Rth 4:18). Kerioth was the home of Judas the traitor, if the ordinary derivation of Iscariot (=
Moladah is probably the modern "El-Milh", and like Hazar-shual ("Berrishail"near Gaza) ( "enclosure of foxes") occurs Jos 19:2-3; 1Ch 4:28, as a town belonging to Simeon, and Neh 11:26-27 as a place occupied by Jews after the captivity.
Baalah Jos 19:3 is found in the modern "Deir-el-Belah", near Gaza. Iim, i. e. "ruinous heaps"or "conical hills"(Num 21:11 note) is by some connected with Azem; and the compound name, "Ije Azem", is traced in El-Aujeh, in the country of the Azazimeh Arabs, in whose name the ancient Azem may perhaps be traced. Eltolad is connected with "Wady-el-Thoula", in the extreme south of the Negeb. Chesil appears to be the town called Bethul Jos 19:4, and probably the Bethel 1Sa 30:27 situated not far from Ziklag. The name Chesil ( "fool") was most likely bestowed by way of opprobrium (compare the change of Bethel, house of God, into Bethaven, house of vanity, Hos 4:15). As Chesil signifies the group of stars known as Orion (compare Job 38:31; Amo 5:8), probably it was the worship of the heavenly bodies in particular that was carried on here. Bethel may have been the ancient name, and the spot was perhaps the very one near Beer-sheba where Abraham planted a tamarisk tree Gen 21:33.
The place is probably "El Khulasah", the Elusa of ecclesiastical writers, situated some fifteen miles southwest of Beer-sheba. Jerome testifies to the fact, that the worship of Venus as the morning star was practiced there, and Sozomen appears to be speaking of this place, when he mentions a Bethel
Twenty and nine - The King James Version gives 34 names. The difference is due either to the confusion by an early copyist of letters similar in form which were used as numerals; or to the separation in the King James Version of names which in the original were one (e. g. Jos 15:25).
"The valley"or the Shephelah, is bounded on the south by the Negeb, on the west by the Mediterranean, on the north by the plain of Sharon, on the east by "the mountains"Jos 15:48. It is a well-defined district, of an undulating surface and highly fertile character, thickly dotted, even at the present time, with villages, which are for the most part situated on the different hills. The towns in this district, like those in the Negeb, are classed in four groups.
First group of fourteen towns: these belong to the northeastern portion of the Shephelah. Eshtaol and Zoreah were afterward assigned to the tribe of Dan, and inhabited by Danites Jdg 13:25; Jdg 18:2, Jdg 18:8,Jdg 18:11. The latter place was the home of Samson Jdg 13:2. It was one of the cities fortified by Rehoboam 2Ch 11:10, and was re-occupied by the Jews after the captivity Neh 11:29. It is probably the modern Surah. (Eshtaol has been identified with Eshua (Conder)). Both places were in later times partly populated by Judahites from Kirjath-jearim; perhaps after the departure of the colony of Danites for Dan-Laish. Zanoah is the present "Zanna", not far from Surah. Socoh is the modern "Shuweikah". Sharaim is perhaps to be sought in the modern "Zakariya". Gederah ("wall"or "fortress") was a name borne with various terminations by several places.
Second group of towns, containing those in the middle portion of the Shephelah, and of which some only Jos 10:3, Jos 10:10 can be identified.
Third group; towns in the south of the Shephelah. For Libnah see Jos 10:29. Mareshah is believed to be near Beit-jibrin, the ancient "Eleutheropolis."
Fourth group: the towns of the Philistine seacoast: see Jos 13:3.
This highland district extends from the Negeb on the south to Jerusalem, and is bounded by the Shephelah on the west, and the "wilderness"Jos 15:61-62 on the east. The mountains, which are of limestone, rise to a height of near 3,000 feet. At present, the highlands of Judah present a somewhat dreary and monotonous aspect. The peaks are for the most part barren, though crowned almost everywhere with the ruins of ancient towns, and bearing on their sides marks of former cultivation. Many of the valleys, especially toward the south, are, however, still very productive. The towns here enumerated are given in six groups.
First group: towns on the southwest. Dannah (is identified with "Idnah"(Conder)). Jattir ("Attir"), and Eshtemoh ("Semua") were priestly cities Jos 21:14; 1Ch 6:57, and the place to which David, after routing the Amalekites, sent presents 1Sa 30:27-28. Socoh is "Suweikeh."
Second group of nine towns, situated somewhat to the north of the last mentioned. Of these Dumah is perhaps the ruined village "Ed Daumeh,"in the neighborhood of Hebron; and Beth-tappuah, i. e. "house of apples,""Teffuh,"a place which has still a good number of inhabitants, is conspicuous for its olive groves and vineyards, and bears on every side the traces of industry and thrift.
Third group; lying eastward of the towns named in the last two, and next to "the wilderness."
The four towns retain their ancient names with but little change. Maon 1Sa 23:24; 1Sa 25:2, the home of Nabal, is to be looked for in the conical hill, "Main,"the top of which is covered with ruins. It lies eight or nine miles southeast of Hebron Carmel 1Sa 25:2, the modern "Kurmul,"is a little to the north of "Main."The name belongs to more than one place Jos 12:22. Ziph gave its name to "the wilderness"into which David fled from Saul 1Sa 23:14.
Fourth group. Towns north of the last mentioned, of which Beth-zur and Gedor are represented by "Beit-sur"and "Jedur."
After Jos 15:59 follows in the Greek version a fifth group of eleven towns, which appears to have dropped in very ancient times out of the Hebrew text, probably because some transcriber passed unawares from the word "villages"at the end of Jos 15:59, to the same word at the end of the missing passage. The omitted group contains the towns of an important, well-known, and populous district lying immediately south of Jerusalem, and containing such towns as Tekoah 2Sa 14:2; Neh 3:5, Neh 3:27; Amo 1:1; Bethlehem, the native town of David and of Christ Gen 35:19; and Aetan, a Grecised form of Etam 2Ch 11:6.
This district, including the towns in "the wilderness,"the scene of David’ s wanderings (1Sa 23:24; Psa 63:1-11 title), and of the preaching of the Baptist Mat 3:1, and perhaps of our Lord’ s temptation Matt. 4, extended from the northern limit of Judah along the Dead Sea to the Negeb; it was bounded on the west by that part of "the mountains"or highlands of Judah, which adjoined Bethlehem and Maon. It abounds in limestone rocks, perforated by numerous caverns, and often of fantastic shapes. It is badly supplied with water, and hence, is for the most part barren, though affording in many parts, now quite desolate, clear tokens of former cultivation. It contained only a thin population in the days of Joshua.
"The city of Salt"is not mentioned elsewhere, but was no doubt connected with "the valley of salt"2Sa 8:13. The name itself, and the mention of En-gedi (Gen 14:7 note) suggest that its site must be looked for near the Dead Sea.
Poole: Jos 15:2 - -- The bay Heb. the tongue ; by which he understands either a creek or arm of that sea; or a promontory, which by learned authors is sometimes called a...
The bay Heb. the tongue ; by which he understands either a creek or arm of that sea; or a promontory, which by learned authors is sometimes called a tongue ; it is not material to know which of these it was.

The end of Jordan i.e. the place where Jordan runs into the Salt Sea.

Poole: Jos 15:6 - -- By the north of Beth-arabah or, on the north , or northward to Beth-arabah ; which place is attributed to Judah here, Jos 15:61 ; and to Benjamin, ...
By the north of Beth-arabah or, on the north , or northward to Beth-arabah ; which place is attributed to Judah here, Jos 15:61 ; and to Benjamin, Jos 18:22 ; because it was a frontier town in the borders of Judah and Benjamin, and therefore promiscuously belonging to both; which also was the case of some other places: and this cohabitation was convenient to maintain brotherly love and union between the several tribes, especially in the borders, where differences oft arise.
The stone of Bohan a place so called, not from Bohan’ s dwelling there, (for the Reubenites had no portion on this side Jordan,) but from some notable exploit which he did there, though it be not recorded in Scripture.

Poole: Jos 15:7 - -- Debir a differing place from that Debir , Num 15:15 , which was near Hebron, and remote from Judah’ s border; as also from that
Debir Jos 13:2...
Debir a differing place from that Debir , Num 15:15 , which was near Hebron, and remote from Judah’ s border; as also from that
Debir Jos 13:26 , which was beyond Jordan.
Gilgal either that Gilgal nigh Jordan, Jos 4:19 , or another place of that name. On the south side of the river, or brook, or valley .

Poole: Jos 15:8 - -- The border went up properly, for the line went from Jordan and the Salt Sea, to the higher grounds nigh Jerusalem; and therefore the line is said to ...
The border went up properly, for the line went from Jordan and the Salt Sea, to the higher grounds nigh Jerusalem; and therefore the line is said to go down , Jos 18:16 , because there it takes a contrary course, and goes downwards to Jordan and the sea.
Hinnom a very pleasant place, but afterwards made infamous, 2Ki 23:10 .
Of the Jebusite i.e. of the city of the Jebusites , which was anciently called Jebusi , Jos 18:28 Jud 19:10 .
The same is Jerusalem: it may seem hence, and from Deu 33:12 Jos 18:28 Jud 1:21 , that Jerusalem, properly, or at least principally, belonged to Benjamin; and yet it is ascribed to Judah also here, Jos 15:63 , and elsewhere, either because a part of the city was allotted to Judah; or because the Benjamites needed or desired the help and conjunction of this powerful tribe of Judah, for the getting and keeping of this most important place. And when the Benjamites had in vain attempted to drive out the Jebusites, this work was at last done by the tribe of Judah, who therefore had an interest in it by the right of war; as Ziklag, which belonged to the tribe of Simeon, being gotten from the Philistines by David, was adjoined by him to his tribe of Judah, 1Sa 27:6 .

Poole: Jos 15:9 - -- Of Mount Ephron i.e. belonging to or bordering upon Mount Ephron.
Kirjath-jearim called Kirjath-baal , Jos 15:60 Jos 18:14 .

Poole: Jos 15:10 - -- Mount Seir not that of Edom, but another so called from some resemblance it had with that in quality.
Bethshemesh: there were divers cities of this...
Mount Seir not that of Edom, but another so called from some resemblance it had with that in quality.
Bethshemesh: there were divers cities of this name; this in Judah here, and Jos 21:16 2Ki 14:11 , another in Issachar, and a third in Naphtali, Jos 19:22,38 .

Poole: Jos 15:13 - -- He gave i.e. Joshua, as appears by comparing this with Jos 14:6,12,13 .
Arba or Kirjath-arba ; not the city, which was the Levites’ , but the...
He gave i.e. Joshua, as appears by comparing this with Jos 14:6,12,13 .
Arba or Kirjath-arba ; not the city, which was the Levites’ , but the territory of it, Jos 21:13 .

Poole: Jos 15:14 - -- Thence i.e. from the said territory, from their caves and and forts in it: compare Jos 14:12 . This and the following work was done either in Joshua&...
Thence i.e. from the said territory, from their caves and and forts in it: compare Jos 14:12 . This and the following work was done either in Joshua’ s life-time, as may seem from Jos 11:21 , or after his death, as is related Jud 1:10 ; these giants having either recovered their cities or defended themselves in the mountains.
Sheshai, and Ahiman, and Talmai either the same who are mentioned Num 13:33 , and so they were long-lived men, such as many were in those times and places; or their sons, called by their fathers’ names, which is very usual.

Poole: Jos 15:15 - -- Debir the same mentioned above, Jos 15:7 . The name of Debir before was
Kirjath-sepher: this clause seems to be added to distinguish this from th...
Debir the same mentioned above, Jos 15:7 . The name of Debir before was
Kirjath-sepher: this clause seems to be added to distinguish this from the other Debir subdued by Joshua, Jos 10:38,39 .

Poole: Jos 15:16 - -- Which is to be understood with some conditions, as, if he were one who could marry her by God’ s law; for every promise contrary to that is voi...
Which is to be understood with some conditions, as, if he were one who could marry her by God’ s law; for every promise contrary to that is void; and if she were willing; for though parents had a great power over their children, they could not force them to marry any person against their own wills. He might otherwise be an unfit and unworthy person: but this was no ordinary motion propounded to the imitation of others, but a Divine impulse, that Othniel’ s valour might be more manifest, and so the way prepared for his future government of the people, Jud 3:9 .

Poole: Jos 15:17 - -- Object This marriage was unlawful.
Answ No; for it was not Othniel, but Kenaz, who was Caleb’ s brother; and besides, the word brother is co...
Object This marriage was unlawful.
Answ No; for it was not Othniel, but Kenaz, who was Caleb’ s brother; and besides, the word brother is commonly used for any kinsman; and that Caleb was not properly Othniel’ s brother sufficiently appears, because Caleb is constantly called the son of Jephunneh; and Othniel, the son of Kenaz here, and 1Ch 4:13 .

Poole: Jos 15:18 - -- As she came unto him or, as she went, to wit, from her father’ s house to her husband’ s, as the manner was: See Poole "Mat 1:18" .
She m...
As she came unto him or, as she went, to wit, from her father’ s house to her husband’ s, as the manner was: See Poole "Mat 1:18" .
She moved him to ask she persuaded her husband; either,
1. That he would ask; or rather,
2. That he would suffer her to ask, as she did.
She lighted off her ass that she might address herself to her father in a humble posture, and as a suppliant, which he understood by her gesture.

Poole: Jos 15:19 - -- Give me a blessing i.e. a gift, as that word signifies, Gen 33:11 .
A south land i.e. a dry land, which was much exposed to the south wind, which i...
Give me a blessing i.e. a gift, as that word signifies, Gen 33:11 .
A south land i.e. a dry land, which was much exposed to the south wind, which in those parts was very hot and drying, as coming from the deserts of Arabia.
Springs of water i.e. a.field, as she desired, Jos 15:18 , wherein are springs of water , which in that country were of great price; for it is not probable that he would give her the springs, and give to another the grounds in which the springs were, who could thereby at their pleasure deprive her of the use and benefit of her springs: so she begs a well-moistened field, which also might give some relief to that which was dry and barren.
The upper springs, and the nether springs i.e. springs both in the higher and in the lower grounds; or two fields, one in high, another in low grounds; or rather, one above, and the other below, that south and dry ground which she complained of, that by this means it might be watered on both sides.

Poole: Jos 15:21 - -- The uttermost cities those which were on the borders of the land, not the midland cities. It is apparent that all the cities belonging to this tribe ...
The uttermost cities those which were on the borders of the land, not the midland cities. It is apparent that all the cities belonging to this tribe are not mentioned in this catalogue.
Kabzeel called Jekabzeel , Neh 11:25 .

Poole: Jos 15:25 - -- Hazor, Hadattah possibly it should be read as one word, Hazor-hadattah , as there is Hazar-gaddah , Jos 15:27 , and Hazar-shual , Jos 15:28 , such...
Hazor, Hadattah possibly it should be read as one word, Hazor-hadattah , as there is Hazar-gaddah , Jos 15:27 , and Hazar-shual , Jos 15:28 , such compounded proper names being usual; and this may seem the more probable, because if Hazor and Hadattah were two different cities, the conjunction and would have been put between them, as it is generally in the rest.
Which is Hazor or, which also is called Hazor ; but to distinguish it from the other Hazor , Jos 15:23 , this was called also Hezron .

Poole: Jos 15:32 - -- Object Here are thirty-seven or thirty-eight cities named before; how then are they only reckoned twenty-nine?
Answ There were only twenty-nine of ...
Object Here are thirty-seven or thirty-eight cities named before; how then are they only reckoned twenty-nine?
Answ There were only twenty-nine of them, which either,
1. Properly belonged to Judah; the rest fell to Simeon’ s lot; or,
2. Were cities properly so called, i.e. walled cities, or such as had villages under them, as it here follows, the rest being great but unwalled towns, or such as had no villages under them.
Haydock: Jos 15:1 - -- Letters, as the Septuagint render it. St. Jerome adds this interpretation. (Haydock) ---
It means literally "the city of the book." Senna, may ...
Letters, as the Septuagint render it. St. Jerome adds this interpretation. (Haydock) ---
It means literally "the city of the book." Senna, may also mean "instruction," ver. 49. Here probably a famous school was kept, before the arrival of the Israelites; or the archive of the nation might be deposited among these giants, as the Chaldean Kiriat-arche, "the city of the library, or archives," insinuates. (Bochart, Phaleg. ii. 17.)

Haydock: Jos 15:1 - -- Sin, or Sina, (ver. 3,) bordering upon Idumea, where the city of Cades-barne was situated, Numbers xiii. 22. It is now impossible to ascertain the...
Sin, or Sina, (ver. 3,) bordering upon Idumea, where the city of Cades-barne was situated, Numbers xiii. 22. It is now impossible to ascertain the precise situation of all the place mentioned in Scripture, as the land of Chanaan has been subject to so many changes. But this inconvenience attends all ancient geography. If those who attempt to unravel such labyrinths in profane authors, deserve praise, much more do those who do their utmost to explain the difficulties of sacred history. It was once very necessary to have the limits of the tribes marked out with precision, that, at the return from captivity, they might occupy their own. Now we may be satisfied if we can point out some of the places of the greatest importance. The limits of the tribe of Juda are specified with particular care, on account of the dignity and power of that tribe, which was to give kings to all the land, and a Messias to the world, as well as to preserve the true religion. The greatest part of the southern regions of Chanaan fell to their share, from the Dead Sea, by Idumea, to the Nile, and as far north as Jerusalem and the torrent of Cedron. (Calmet)

Haydock: Jos 15:2 - -- Bay, ( lingua, ) tongue. Chaldean, "a promontory," or rather a gulf. (Calmet)
Bay, ( lingua, ) tongue. Chaldean, "a promontory," or rather a gulf. (Calmet)

Haydock: Jos 15:3 - -- Scorpion. A mountain infested with those creatures, by which people travelled from Idumea into Chanaan, leaving Sina on the left.
Scorpion. A mountain infested with those creatures, by which people travelled from Idumea into Chanaan, leaving Sina on the left.

Haydock: Jos 15:4 - -- Asemona, which lies nearest to the river of Egypt of all the cities of Juda, Numbers xxxiv. 4., chap. xiii. 3.
Asemona, which lies nearest to the river of Egypt of all the cities of Juda, Numbers xxxiv. 4., chap. xiii. 3.

Haydock: Jos 15:5 - -- Jordan, where it discharges itself into the Dead Sea, or mixes its waters with the latter; which, as we observe, (chap. v. 16,) does not take place f...
Jordan, where it discharges itself into the Dead Sea, or mixes its waters with the latter; which, as we observe, (chap. v. 16,) does not take place for three miles. (Haydock) ---
the north-western part of this sea belonged to Benjamin.

Stone. It is not certain that this was a city.

Haydock: Jos 15:7 - -- Galgal. Hebrew Gilgal, may designate "the limits." The valley of Achor lay south of Galgal. ---
Sun. Hebrew, "Hen-Shemesh." It was not "a cit...
Galgal. Hebrew Gilgal, may designate "the limits." The valley of Achor lay south of Galgal. ---
Sun. Hebrew, "Hen-Shemesh." It was not "a city." ---
Rogel, "of the fuller." This fountain was in the king's gardens, running eastward from Sion into the torrent of Cedron. (Josephus, [Antiquities?] vii. 11.) It was used to wash linen. Rogel, signifies "to trample on," as they formerly washed their linen with their feet. Nausicrae is represented in Homer doing so, in holes or basins, prepared for the purpose. (Odyssey Greek: S )

Haydock: Jos 15:8 - -- Ennom. Hebrew, Ge-ben-Hinnom, or simply Ge-ennom, whence Gehanan has probably been formed. In this vale, children were immolated to Moloc: the beat...
Ennom. Hebrew, Ge-ben-Hinnom, or simply Ge-ennom, whence Gehanan has probably been formed. In this vale, children were immolated to Moloc: the beating of drums, to hinder their lamentations from being heard, caused it perhaps to be called Tophet. It was to the east of Jerusalem, (Calmet) inclining to the south. (Haydock) ---
Northward. The valley extends south to Bethlehem. (Josephus, [Antiquities?] vii. 10.) Her David gained a great victory, 2 Kings v. 23. (Calmet) ---
Woods. This explanation is added by St. Jerome. (Haydock) ---
The ark remained at this city for some time, 1 Kings xv. 6. It was 10 miles north of Jerusalem.

Haydock: Jos 15:10 - -- Bethsames, "the house of the sun," was at the same distance, westward. Here the sight of the ark proved so fatal to 50,070 of the inhabitants, 1 Kin...
Bethsames, "the house of the sun," was at the same distance, westward. Here the sight of the ark proved so fatal to 50,070 of the inhabitants, 1 Kings vi. 19. (Calmet)

Haydock: Jos 15:13 - -- Arbe, who was the father, and the greatest man of the race of Enac, chap. xiv. 15. (Haydock)
Arbe, who was the father, and the greatest man of the race of Enac, chap. xiv. 15. (Haydock)

Haydock: Jos 15:14 - -- Enac. These three giants were at Hebron when the spies came thither, Numbers xiii.
Enac. These three giants were at Hebron when the spies came thither, Numbers xiii.

Haydock: Jos 15:16 - -- Wife. Parents had full authority to do this. Saul promised his daughter to the person who should overcome Goliah[Goliath]. Something was required ...
Wife. Parents had full authority to do this. Saul promised his daughter to the person who should overcome Goliah[Goliath]. Something was required by way of dowry for the lady. (Grotius) (1 Kings xvii. 25.)

Haydock: Jos 15:17 - -- Brother. It is not clear in the original whether this relates to Cenez or to Othoniel, (Haydock) as younger is not found in [the] Hebrew but it is...
Brother. It is not clear in the original whether this relates to Cenez or to Othoniel, (Haydock) as younger is not found in [the] Hebrew but it is in the Syriac, Septuagint, and Judges i. 13. Many think that Cenez was the brother of Caleb. If Othoniel had been brother of the latter, they say he could not have legally married his niece. (Calmet) ---
But though Moses forbids a nephew to marry his aunt, it does not follow that uncles could not take their nieces to wife, as they would be still the head; (Worthington) whereas there would be a sort of indecency for a nephew to command his aunt. The Jews allow these marriages, while the Samaritans condemn them, Leviticus xviii. 14. In confirmation of the Vulgate, we may remark, that Cenez is never (Calmet) clearly (Haydock) represented as the brother of Caleb; and there is no inconvenience in asserting that Othoniel was the brother of the latter, whether we take this word to denote a near relation, or strictly. In the former supposition, Othoniel might marry his cousin, Axa, the daughter of Caleb, while he himself was descended from Cenez, the brother of Jephone. (Calmet) ---
But if we take the word strictly, as the remark of his being younger brother, both here and Judges i. 13., may seem to imply, we must then allow that Othoniel followed the custom of his nation, (Haydock) in marrying his niece. (Menochius) ---
Septuagint here make him "the younger son of Cenez, who was brother of Caleb;" and in the Book of Judges, they say, "Gothoniel, the son of Cenez, (and) the younger brother of Caleb, first made himself master of it, under him;" as if Othoniel and Caleb had been born of the same mother, but of a different father, unless we suppose that they were only nearly related, and the former much less advanced in years; so that he might will marry the daughter of Caleb and afterwards become a judge and deliverer of Israel, Judges iii. 9. See Masius; Bonfrere. (Haydock)

Haydock: Jos 15:18 - -- Was moved; as the Syriac, Arabic, Junius, &c., represent the matter. Others render the Hebrew in a different sense: "she moved him to ask of her fat...
Was moved; as the Syriac, Arabic, Junius, &c., represent the matter. Others render the Hebrew in a different sense: "she moved him to ask of her father a field, and she lighted off her ass, and Caleb said unto her," &c., which seems very abrupt, as she herself is represented as soliciting for the favour in the next verse, instead of her husband. The Chaldean supposes that she was restrained by natural modesty, from preferring the petition; but when Othoniel refused to do it, or was denied what he requested, she took courage and asked herself. The sense of the Vulgate seems more natural, (Calmet) as the husband might easily suppose that she would have greater influence with her father. (Haydock) ---
Sighed. The original term is found only in this history, and in that of the death of Sisara, Judges iv. 21. Septuagint, "she cried out." Others translate, "she remained fixed," (Menochius) or "she waited sitting on the ass," till she had obtained her request.

Haydock: Jos 15:19 - -- Blessing, or "favour, present," &c., 1 Kings xxv. 27. (Calmet) ---
And dry. This is a farther explanation of southern; as the lands in that sit...
Blessing, or "favour, present," &c., 1 Kings xxv. 27. (Calmet) ---
And dry. This is a farther explanation of southern; as the lands in that situation being exposed to the sun-beams, in Palestine, are often destitute of sufficient moisture, which is the cause of the sterility of Mount Hebal, &c. ---
Watery ground. Hebrew, "springs of water, and he gave her the upper springs and the lower springs." Aquila leaves springs untranslated. (Haydock) ---
Golgot. Septuagint, "Golathmaim, and the upper Golath," &c. Symmachus translates "possession on the high places," Judges i. (Calmet) ---
Caleb had probably given his daughter a part of the mountain. He now grants her also some field that lay lower down, and was better supplied with water on all sides (Haydock) by springs above, and cisterns below.

Haydock: Jos 15:25 - -- New Asor, to distinguish it from the capital of Jabin, in the north. This was dependent on Ascalon. (Eusebius) ---
Hebrew, "and Hazor, Hadatta, an...
New Asor, to distinguish it from the capital of Jabin, in the north. This was dependent on Ascalon. (Eusebius) ---
Hebrew, "and Hazor, Hadatta, and (or) Kerioth ("the towns") of Hezron, which is Hazor." The Septuagint only specify the same town of Asor by different names. There was one towards Arabia, Numbers xi. 35.

Haydock: Jos 15:28 - -- Bersabee, noted for the residence of Abraham, &c. It is attributed to Simeon, (chap. xix. 2,) with some other of these towns, as the two tribes live...
Bersabee, noted for the residence of Abraham, &c. It is attributed to Simeon, (chap. xix. 2,) with some other of these towns, as the two tribes lived intermixed, and some changes might be made in the first regulation, to bring things to a greater equality, and as circumstances might require.

Haydock: Jos 15:31 - -- Siceleg. The Philistines kept possession of it till king Achis gave it to David; and it continued afterwards the property of the kings of Juda.
Siceleg. The Philistines kept possession of it till king Achis gave it to David; and it continued afterwards the property of the kings of Juda.

Haydock: Jos 15:32 - -- Villages. Twenty-nine of the former cities were of greater note; the six, or taking in the three belonging to Caleb, the nine others which are menti...
Villages. Twenty-nine of the former cities were of greater note; the six, or taking in the three belonging to Caleb, the nine others which are mentioned, (Calmet) were only villages. (Menochius) ---
Others think that these nine towns are not numbered here, because they were allotted to the tribe of Simeon, chap. xix. 2, &c.
Gill -> Jos 15:1; Jos 15:2; Jos 15:3; Jos 15:4; Jos 15:5; Jos 15:6; Jos 15:7; Jos 15:8; Jos 15:9; Jos 15:10; Jos 15:11; Jos 15:12; Jos 15:13; Jos 15:14; Jos 15:15; Jos 15:16; Jos 15:17; Jos 15:18; Jos 15:19; Jos 15:20; Jos 15:21; Jos 15:22; Jos 15:23; Jos 15:24; Jos 15:25; Jos 15:26; Jos 15:27; Jos 15:28; Jos 15:29; Jos 15:30; Jos 15:31; Jos 15:32
Gill: Jos 15:1 - -- This then was the lot of the tribe of the children of Judah by their families,.... The land of Canaan was divided by lot to the several tribes, and th...
This then was the lot of the tribe of the children of Judah by their families,.... The land of Canaan was divided by lot to the several tribes, and the tribe of Judah had its lot first; of the manner of casting lots; see Gill on Num 26:55; It seems as if the lot was first cast for the tribes of Judah and Joseph, when the former had the southern, and the latter the northern part of the land for their portion, which was done in Gilgal; after this lots were cast in Shiloh for the other seven tribes, who had the land divided among them, which lay between Judah and Joseph, or between the southern and northern parts of the land, see Jos 18:1, &c. and it seems that not only the land was divided to the tribes by lot, but that the portion of land which belonged to each tribe was divided in the same way to the several families and households belonging thereunto; as is here suggested, with respect to the tribe of Judah, whose lot reached
even to the border of Edom; or Idumea, which lay to the south of the land of Canaan:
the wilderness of Zin southward was the uttermost part of the south coast; the same with Kadesh, and lay upon the borders of Edom; see Num 33:36.

Gill: Jos 15:2 - -- And their south border was from the shore of the salt sea,.... Sometimes called the dead sea, the sea of Sodom, and the lake Asphaltites, which, as Ja...
And their south border was from the shore of the salt sea,.... Sometimes called the dead sea, the sea of Sodom, and the lake Asphaltites, which, as Jarchi observes, was southeast of the land of Israel:
from the bay that looketh southward; or the "tongue", as the Hebrew, which the Targum and Kimchi interpret of a rock or promontory, the point that ran out into the sea, looking to the southeast.

Gill: Jos 15:3 - -- And it went out to the south side of Maalehacrabbim,.... Or the ascent of Akrabbim, as it is called; see Gill on Num 34:4,
and passed along to Zin,...
And it went out to the south side of Maalehacrabbim,.... Or the ascent of Akrabbim, as it is called; see Gill on Num 34:4,
and passed along to Zin, and ascended upon the south side unto Kadeshbarnea; which perfectly agrees with the southern border of the land, as described in Num 34:4,
and passed along to Hezron, and went up to Adar; which two places being near to one another, as is very likely, are put together, as if one place, and called Hazaraddar, Num 34:4; and mention is made of Hezron, which is Hazor, Jos 15:25; but not of Adar:
and fetched a compass to Karkaa; which Jerom w calls Acchara, a village in the wilderness; and if the same with Carcaria, it was according to him a day's journey from Petra in Idumea; but that is not likely; see Jdg 8:10.

Gill: Jos 15:4 - -- From thence it passed towards Azmon, and went out unto the river of Egypt,.... In like manner is this coast described, Num 34:5; it is called by Jero...
From thence it passed towards Azmon, and went out unto the river of Egypt,.... In like manner is this coast described, Num 34:5; it is called by Jerom x Asemona, and said to be a city in the desert, to the south of Judah, dividing Egypt, and the lot of the tribe of Judah, leading to the sea:
and the outgoings of that coast were at the sea; the Mediterranean sea; or to the west, as the Targum; this was the utmost border of the tribe of Judah this way:
this shall be your south coast; of the lot that fell to the tribe of Judah.

Gill: Jos 15:5 - -- And the east border was the salt sea, even unto the end of Jordan,.... To the place where Jordan fell into it; so that this border was the whole len...
And the east border was the salt sea, even unto the end of Jordan,.... To the place where Jordan fell into it; so that this border was the whole length of the salt sea, which Josephus says y was five hundred eighty furlongs; and, according to Pliny z, an hundred miles:
and their border in the north quarter was from the bay of the sea,
at the uttermost part of Jordan; this northern border began where the eastern ended, at the bay or creek of the sea, where Jordan fell into it.

Gill: Jos 15:6 - -- And the border went up to Bethhoglah,.... A place in the tribe of Benjamin, mentioned along with Jericho, and probably near it, Jos 18:21; Jerom a spe...
And the border went up to Bethhoglah,.... A place in the tribe of Benjamin, mentioned along with Jericho, and probably near it, Jos 18:21; Jerom a speaks of a place called Betagla, in his time, which was three miles from Jericho, and two from Jordan, and perhaps is this same place:
and passed along by the north of Betharabah; another city belonged to Benjamin, Jos 18:22; and lay in a as its name shows; or in a plain, as the Targum:
and the border went up to the stone of Bohan the son of Reuben; by whom, or on whose account, it was placed, either as a sepulchral stone, he being buried there, or in memory of some famous exploit done by him there, he being one of those of the tribe of Reuben, that came with Joshua to assist in the war against the Canaanites; or it was set for a sign of the border, as Kimchi thinks, it being the boundary between Judah and Benjamin, Jos 18:17. Bunting says b it is near Bahurim, in the valley just in the king's way, and is of an extraordinary greatness, shining like marble.

Gill: Jos 15:7 - -- And the border went up towards Debir,.... This was neither the Debir in the tribe of Gad, on the other side Jordan, Jos 13:26; nor that in the tribe o...
And the border went up towards Debir,.... This was neither the Debir in the tribe of Gad, on the other side Jordan, Jos 13:26; nor that in the tribe of Judah near Hebron, Jos 15:15; but a third city of that name, and was not far from Jericho:
from the valley of Achor; where Achan was put to death, and had its name from thence; which, according to Jarchi, lay between the stone of Bohan and Debir:
and so northward, looking towards Gilgal; not the place where Israel were encamped when this lot was made, but it seems to be the same that is called Geliloth, Jos 18:17,
that is, the going up to Adummim; which, Jerom says c, was formerly a little village, now in ruins, in the lot of the tribe of Judah, which place is called to this day Maledomim; and by the Greeks "the ascent of the red ones", because of the blood which was there frequently shed by thieves: it lies on the borders of Judah and Benjamin, as you go from Jerusalem to Jericho, where there is a garrison of soldiers for the help of travellers, and is supposed to be the place where the man fell among thieves in his way from the one to the other, Luk 10:30. It was four miles distant from Jericho to the west, according to Adrichomius d, and was a mountain, and part of the mountains of Engaddi:
which is on the south side of the river; which some take to be the brook Kidron; but that is not very likely, being too near Jerusalem for this place: it may be rendered "the valley", so Jarchi, either the valley of Achor, before mentioned, or however a valley that ran along by the mount or ascent of Adummim, which lay to the south of it:
and the border passed to the waters of Enshemesh: or the "fountain of the sun"; but of it we have no account what and where it was. It might be so called, because dedicated to the sun by the idolatrous Canaanites, or because of the sun's influence on the waters of it. Our city, Bath, is, by Antoninus e, called "aquae solis", the waters of the sun; though there is a fountain in Cyrene, so called, for a reason just the reverse, it being, as Mela f and Pliny g affirm, hottest the middle of the night, and then grows cooler by little and little; and when it is light is cold, and when the sun is risen is colder still, and at noon exceeding cold; and, according to Vossius h, it is the same with the fountain of Jupiter Ammon; and so it appears to be from Herodotus i, by whom it is also called the "fountain of the sun", and which he places in Thebes, though Pliny distinguishes them:
and the goings out thereof were at Enrogel; which signifies "the fountain of the fuller"; so the Targum renders it, and probably was a fountain where fullers cleansed their clothes; and was called Rogel, as Jarchi and Kimchi say, because they used to tread them with their feet when they washed them. This was a place near Jerusalem, as appears from 1Ki 1:9; near to which perhaps was the fuller's monument, at the corner tower of Jerusalem, Josephus k speaks of, as there was also a place not far from it called the fuller's field, Isa 7:3; according to Bunting l, it had its name from travellers washing their feet here.

Gill: Jos 15:8 - -- And the border went up by the valley of the son of Hinnom,.... Which belonged to a man of that name formerly; and was near Jerusalem, placed by Jerom ...
And the border went up by the valley of the son of Hinnom,.... Which belonged to a man of that name formerly; and was near Jerusalem, placed by Jerom l to the east of it; but Reland m rather thinks it is to the south. It was infamous for the sacrifices of children to Moloch in it, by burning them, or causing them to pass through fire: hence, in allusion to it, hell fire is often in the New Testament called "Geenna", Mat 5:22 Luk 12:5; this border from the salt sea, and from Jordan, is all along said to "go up", because from hence to Jerusalem was an ascent, that lying on higher ground:
unto the south side of the Jebusite; of the place the Jebusite inhabited:
the same is Jerusalem; which was formerly called Jebus, from the inhabitants of it; yea, Jebusi, as here, and so may intend not the inhabitants, but the place, see Jos 18:28; and here the Jebusites lived, at least in some part of it, until the time of David, 2Sa 5:6,
and the border went up to the top of the mountain that lieth before the valley of Hinnom westward: which is generally supposed to be the mount Moriah:
which is at the end of the valley of the giants, northward: the valley of Rephaim, as it is called 2Sa 5:18, and here Mount Moriah, as it was to the west of the valley of Hinnom, it was to the north of the valley of Rephaim; which valley, as Josephus n says, was not far from Jerusalem, twenty furlongs from it. Some late travellers o tell us it lies in the way from Jerusalem to Bethlehem, and is not above two hours' ride from the former. From this account it appears, as Jarchi remarks, that Jerusalem was not within the line, and was not in the border of Judah, but of Benjamin, which tribe lay to the north of Judah: it seems indeed to have been one part of it in the tribe of Judah, and the other in the tribe of Benjamin; though the Jews frequently say it did not belong to either tribe.

Gill: Jos 15:9 - -- And the border was drawn from the top of the hill,.... Mount Moriah, and went round in a circuit, so Jarchi and Kimchi:
unto the fountain of the wa...
And the border was drawn from the top of the hill,.... Mount Moriah, and went round in a circuit, so Jarchi and Kimchi:
unto the fountain of the water of Nephtoah; which lay at the bottom of it; which, according to the Jewish writers, is the same with the fountain of Etam, from whence a stream flowed to the dipping room in the water gate of the temple, where the high priest for the first time dipped himself on the day of atonement p:
and went out to the cities of Mount Ephron; Jerom q speaks of an Ephron in the tribe of Judah, which was a very large village in his time, and went by the name of Ephraea, and was twenty miles from Aelia or Jerusalem to the north; and which Eusebius better places eight miles from it; and Jarchi observes, that the line went to the north side, and the border enlarged to this place; near to this mountain were cities, and it is not improbable that one of them might have its name from it; but whether this, or what mountain is here meant, is uncertain: some have thought of Ephraim, with its towns, mentioned in 2Ch 13:19; which seems to have been in the tribe of Ephraim; though Reland r places it in the tribe of Benjamin:
and the border was drawn to Baalah, which is Kirjathjearim; called Kirjathbaal, or the city of Baal, Jos 15:60; where it is probable there was a temple of Baal; and when it came into the hands of the Israelites, they changed its name to Kirjathjearim, or the city of the woods, because of the great number of trees which grew about it; for which reason it might have been pitched upon by the Heathens for their idolatrous service; it was one of the cities of the Gibeonites, Jos 9:17; and, according to Eusebius and Jerom s, it was nine or ten miles from Jerusalem, as you go to Lydda; it is also called Baalah in 1Ch 13:6; and Baale of Judah, 2Sa 6:2.

Gill: Jos 15:10 - -- And the border compassed from Baalah westward unto Mount Seir,.... Not that in Idumea, so famous for its being the seat of Esau, which lay remote from...
And the border compassed from Baalah westward unto Mount Seir,.... Not that in Idumea, so famous for its being the seat of Esau, which lay remote from hence, but a third of that name near Kirjathjearim; and which Adrichomius t places on the borders of Azotus and Ashkelon: this compass is fetched from the north to the west:
and passed along unto the side of the mount Jearim, which is Chesalon, on the north side; that is, on the north side of the mount, which went by both those names; and which Jerom u places on the borders of Aelia or Jerusalem; but it seems to be at a distance from thence, and near to Kirjathjearim, and had its name, as that, from the multitude of trees that grow on it:
and went down to Bethshemesh; there were several cities of this name; but this, according to Jerom w, was a Levite's city in the tribe of Benjamin, and in his day was shown as you go from Eleutherepolis to Nicopolis or Emmaus, ten miles to the east; according to Burchard x, it was five miles from Kirjathjearim to the south; and Bunting y places it four miles from Jerusalem westward, taking it for a city in the tribe of Judah, Jos 21:16,
and passed on to Timnah; which, in Jerom's time, was a large village on the borders of Lydda, as you go to Jerusalem, in the tribe of Judah, or Dan z; his placed in the tribe of Judah, Jos 15:57; though thought to be afterwards given to Dan; here Judah sheared his sheep; see Gill on Gen 38:12.

Gill: Jos 15:11 - -- And the border went out unto the side of Ekron northward,.... Which was one of the principalities of the Philistines; and which, though it fell to the...
And the border went out unto the side of Ekron northward,.... Which was one of the principalities of the Philistines; and which, though it fell to the lot of Judah, Jos 15:45, was not possessed by them:
and the border was drawn to Shicron, and passed along to Mount Baalah; of which places we have no account elsewhere:
and went unto Jabneel; which Masius makes no doubt was one of the Jamnias, and particularly that which was a seaport; which Strabo says a was distant from Azotus and Ashkelon about two hundred furlongs, or twenty five miles:
and the goings out of the border were at the sea; the Mediterranean sea; here the northern border ended.

Gill: Jos 15:12 - -- And the west border was to the great sea, and the coast thereof,.... The western border of the tribe of Judah went along by the Mediterranean sea, w...
And the west border was to the great sea, and the coast thereof,.... The western border of the tribe of Judah went along by the Mediterranean sea, which lay west to the land of Canaan; and this border reached from Jabneel to the river of Egypt, where the southern border ended, Jos 15:4,
this is the coast of the children of Judah round about according to their families; but being too large, some part of it was afterwards given to Simeon, and some particular cities of it were given to Dan and Benjamin: it was bounded on the west by the tribes of Simeon and Dan towards the Mediterranean sea, and by the tribe of Benjamin on the north, and by the wilderness of Paran on the south, and by the dead sea and Jordan on the east.

Gill: Jos 15:13 - -- And unto Caleb the son of Jephunneh he gave a part among the children of Judah,.... That is, Joshua gave it to him. This account is inserted before th...
And unto Caleb the son of Jephunneh he gave a part among the children of Judah,.... That is, Joshua gave it to him. This account is inserted before the cities in the lot of the tribe of Judah were enumerated, to show what was to be excepted from them, and which had been given to Caleb previous to the lot:
according to the commandment of the Lord to Joshua; for as he had declared this to Moses, Deu 1:36; so it seems he also gave the same order to Joshua, who, it is not improbable, might consult the Lord about it when Caleb made his request, Jos 14:12,
even the city of Arba the father of Anak, which city is Hebron; See Gill on Jos 14:15.

Gill: Jos 15:14 - -- And Caleb drove thence the three sons of Anak,.... Some think this was after the death of Joshua, and is here inserted by some other person divinely i...
And Caleb drove thence the three sons of Anak,.... Some think this was after the death of Joshua, and is here inserted by some other person divinely inspired, and thoroughly acquainted with this fact, that the gift and the possession of this place might appear in one view; but it rather seems to be done before:
Sheshai, and Ahiman, and Talmai, the children of Anak; the very same giants Caleb saw at Hebron, when he was sent a spy into the land, Num 13:22; for these may as well be supposed to have lived to this time as himself, unless it can be thought that they were the sons of those men, called by their fathers' names; and though they were driven out when Joshua took Hebron, yet while he was engaged in making other conquests, or however before he died, they regained the possession of that city, and of the parts adjacent to it, from whence Caleb, with the help of his tribe, expelled them, conquered, and slew them, Jdg 1:10.

Gill: Jos 15:15 - -- And he went up from thence to the inhabitants of Debir,.... Having conquered Hebron, and got possession of that, Caleb marched to Debir, a city not ma...
And he went up from thence to the inhabitants of Debir,.... Having conquered Hebron, and got possession of that, Caleb marched to Debir, a city not many miles from Hebron, and seems to have been in the country, and part of the land, which was given him; of which See Gill on Jos 10:38,
and the name of Debir before was Kirjathsepher; or "the city of books"; either a place of literature, a sort of an academy, or where was a public library; the Targum calls it Kirjatharche, or the city of the archives, in which were laid up the public records of the Canaanites; the same is called Kirjathsannah for the like reason; see Gill on Jos 15:49.

Gill: Jos 15:16 - -- And Caleb said, he that smiteth Kirjathsepher, and taketh it,.... Which he ordered to be proclaimed through the army that was under his command; and w...
And Caleb said, he that smiteth Kirjathsepher, and taketh it,.... Which he ordered to be proclaimed through the army that was under his command; and which was done not so much on the account of the difficulty of taking the place, through the number of the inhabitants of it, and its fortifications, which it seems had fallen again into the hands of the Canaanites, since it was taken by Joshua; nor through inactivity, diffidence, and timorousness in himself; but that others, who were officers, and men of valour under him, might gather some laurels as well as himself; and chiefly being under a divine impulse, he ordered this declaration to be made, whereby his brother Othniel, who was to be a judge in Israel, might appear a great man, and fit for such an office; and as an encouragement, he promises as follows:
to him will I give Achsah my daughter to wife; and to be married into the family of the chief prince of the tribe of Judah was a very great honour, as well as no doubt a very large dowry might be expected, and was given with her, and very probably the city of Debir was promised that should be taken. This Achsah seems to be a daughter of Caleb by a concubine, 1Ch 2:48.

Gill: Jos 15:17 - -- And Othniel the son of Kenaz, the brother of Caleb, took it,.... The relation of Othniel to Caleb is a little intricate, and, as it is understood, occ...
And Othniel the son of Kenaz, the brother of Caleb, took it,.... The relation of Othniel to Caleb is a little intricate, and, as it is understood, occasions objections to the marriage of Caleb's daughter to him; it seems, at first sight, that he was Caleb's own brother, a younger brother, and so uncle to his daughter, and such marriages were forbidden, Lev 18:14. Jarchi thinks he was the brother of Caleb by his mother's side; Kimchi, both by father and mother's side; but not to observe, that besides the word "brother" sometimes signifies only a kinsman, or near relation, and not precisely a brother; it is not Othniel that is called the brother of Caleb, but Kenaz, who was the father of Othniel; so that Caleb was Othniel's uncle, and Achsah and Othniel were brothers' children, or first cousins, between whom marriage was allowed of:
and he gave him Achsah his daughter to wife; according to the tenor of his proclamation, and the promise he made.

Gill: Jos 15:18 - -- And it came to pass, as she came unto him,.... To her husband, being conducted from her father's house to his, in order to consummate the marriage, j...
And it came to pass, as she came unto him,.... To her husband, being conducted from her father's house to his, in order to consummate the marriage, just as we may suppose when she was got to her husband's house, before she lighted off the beast on which she rode:
that she moved him to ask of her father a field; or persuaded him to make such a request to him, or that he would give her leave to make it; that is, Achsah put Othniel her espoused husband upon it, to entreat her father Caleb, or suffer her to use her interest with him to obtain a field of him, over and above, and something better, than what he had already given:
and she lighted off her ass; she leaped or threw herself from it; or bowing herself, she fell off on her feet, as Jarchi interprets it, and in an humble manner made her obeisance to her father; though De Dieu, from the use of the word in the Ethiopic language, gives a different sense, as if she continued on her ass, and did not alight, waiting the success of her husband's request; or that her father, taking notice of this, might ask the reason of it, which would give her an opportunity of asking the favour of him, which she judged was a proper time of doing it; and there are some versions which seem to countenance this sense the Septuagint version is,"she cried from off the ass;''and the Vulgate Latin version,"she sighed as she sat upon the ass:"
and Caleb said unto her, what wouldest thou? what wouldest thou have? what is thy request for he perceived, by the posture she put herself in, that she had something to say to him.

Gill: Jos 15:19 - -- Who answered, give me a blessing,.... By which she meant not a paternal benediction, or that he would wish and pray for a blessing on her; nor food, o...
Who answered, give me a blessing,.... By which she meant not a paternal benediction, or that he would wish and pray for a blessing on her; nor food, or a maintenance, as Jarchi, that her husband would provide for her; but rather an inheritance or possession, as the Targum; or a gift, as Abendana, a present, or something over and above what he had already given her; or an addition to her portion, as Kimchi: the word is sometimes used for a fish pool, as well as a blessing, and so glances at what she had in view, pools of water, or a well watered land:
for thou hast given me a south land; a dry land, as the Jewish writers a generally interpret this word, otherwise all the land belonging to the tribe of Judah was south land, and Caleb could give her no other; but Debir, as Hebron was, was in the hill country, was mountainous and so dry, and wanted watering:
give me also springs of water; she means land in which there were springs of water; for unless she was possessed of the land in which they were, she would have no command of the springs, and so have little or no use of them:
and he gave her the upper springs, and the nether springs; such as were in the higher grounds, and such as were in the lower ones, that she might have a sufficiency to water all her lands and fields; or as she moved her husband to ask a field, and he put her on doing the same, Caleb gave her a field, in the upper part of which were springs, and also in the lower part; though he seems to have given more than she requested.

Gill: Jos 15:20 - -- This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Judah, according to their families. The general description of which is given in the precedin...
This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Judah, according to their families. The general description of which is given in the preceding part of the chapter, as the particular cities belonging to it are enumerated in the following part; the account of the gift of Hebron to Caleb, and the taking of Debir by Othniel, with the request of Achsah, and the grant of it, are inserted between them, and stand as it were in a parenthesis.

Gill: Jos 15:21 - -- And the uttermost cities of the tribe of the children of Judah,.... That is, those cities which were the outward part of the tribe of Judah, the south...
And the uttermost cities of the tribe of the children of Judah,.... That is, those cities which were the outward part of the tribe of Judah, the southern border of it; for the midland cities are not in this part, of the description reckoned, which reaches from hence to the end of Jos 15:32,
toward the coast of Edom southward: it begins about the dead sea, and goes on in that part of the land of Canaan which bordered on Idumea, and so proceeds on westward towards Gaza, and the Mediterranean sea: the cities in this part of the tribe
were Kabzeel, called Jekabzeel, Neh 11:25; and was the native place of Benaiah, one of David's mighty men, 2Sa 23:20,
and Eder and Jagur; of which we have no mention elsewhere.

Gill: Jos 15:22 - -- And Kinah,.... Of this city we read of nowhere else:
and Dimonah; the second city is thought to be the same with Dibon, Neh 11:25; and Jerom b obse...

Gill: Jos 15:23 - -- And Kedesh,.... The first of these cities seems to be Kadeshbarnea, which was to the south of the land, and on the borders of Edom, from whence the sp...
And Kedesh,.... The first of these cities seems to be Kadeshbarnea, which was to the south of the land, and on the borders of Edom, from whence the spies were sent, Num 32:8,
and Hazor is another city from that which is mentioned, Jos 11:1; and was in the tribe of Naphtali:
and Ithnan, which Jerom c calls Jedna, was, according to him, six miles from Eleutheropolis, as you go to Hebron; the Greek version joins this and the former city together, and makes them one.

Gill: Jos 15:24 - -- Ziph,.... Ziph was of the tribe of Judah in the south, on the borders of Eleutheropolis, as Jerom says d and was eight miles from Hebron to the east; ...
Ziph,.... Ziph was of the tribe of Judah in the south, on the borders of Eleutheropolis, as Jerom says d and was eight miles from Hebron to the east; and in his time a village was shown, where David was hid; but that Ziph seems to be in another part of this tribe near Carmel, and from whence a wilderness had its name; see Jos 15:55,
and Telem is supposed to be the same with Telaim, 1Sa 15:4,
and Bealoth; of this city we read nowhere else.

Gill: Jos 15:25 - -- And Hazor, Hadattah, and Kerioth, and Hezron, which is Hazor. According to the Targum, two cities only are here meant, which reads, "and Hazorhadatt...
And Hazor, Hadattah, and Kerioth, and Hezron, which is Hazor. According to the Targum, two cities only are here meant, which reads, "and Hazorhadattah, and Keriothhezron, which is Hazor"; and this reading seems to be right; there were three Hazors in this tribe, one in Jos 15:23, and two more here, which are distinguished; the first is called Hazorhadattah, or new Hazor; of which Jerom says e, there is a village at this day called Asor, in the borders of Ashkelon, to the east of it, which fell to the lot of the tribe of Judah; the Scripture makes mention of it, calling: it new Asor, to distinguish it from the old; and Keriothhezron is the same with Hezron, Jos 15:3; and had also the name of Hezron. From this place Judas Iscariot is thought to have his name, being Ishceriot, a man of Keriot.

Gill: Jos 15:26 - -- Amam,.... Of Amam we read nowhere else:
and Shema is thought by some to be the same with Sheba, though wrongly, given afterwards to the tribe of Si...
Amam,.... Of Amam we read nowhere else:
and Shema is thought by some to be the same with Sheba, though wrongly, given afterwards to the tribe of Simeon, as was also Moladah, mentioned with it, Jos 19:2,
and Moladah; it is also spoken of in 1Ch 4:28, and seems to be the same with Malathi or Malatis, about twenty miles from Hebron f.

Gill: Jos 15:27 - -- And Hazargaddah,.... The first of these, it is probable, is the same, Jerom g calls Gadda, in the tribe of Judah, which was in his day a village in th...
And Hazargaddah,.... The first of these, it is probable, is the same, Jerom g calls Gadda, in the tribe of Judah, which was in his day a village in the extreme borders of Daroma to the east, hanging over the dead sea:
and Heshmon is met with nowhere else:
and Bethpalet is in Neh 11:26, where it is called Bethphelet.

Gill: Jos 15:28 - -- And Hazarshual,.... The first of these seems to have its name from an haunt of foxes here, and was given to the tribe of Simeon, Jos 19:3; and is ment...
And Hazarshual,.... The first of these seems to have its name from an haunt of foxes here, and was given to the tribe of Simeon, Jos 19:3; and is mentioned as here with Beersheba, 1Ch 4:28 Neh 11:27,
and Beersheba was a city well known in the extreme border of the land of Canaan southward; hence the phrase "from Dan to Beersheba", Jdg 20:1, of which Jerom says h, Bersabee, in the tribe of Judah or Simeon, is at this day a large village, twenty miles from Hebron to the south, in which there is a Roman garrison; and from hence the borders of the land of Judea begin, and go on to Dan, which is by Paneas:
and Bizjothjah, of which mention is made elsewhere.

Gill: Jos 15:29 - -- Baalah,.... Baalah was given to the tribe of Simeon, Jos 19:3; for Baalah is the same with Balah there, as it is with Bilba, 1Ch 4:29; though accordin...
Baalah,.... Baalah was given to the tribe of Simeon, Jos 19:3; for Baalah is the same with Balah there, as it is with Bilba, 1Ch 4:29; though according to the Jerusalem Talmud i it is the same with Baalah, given to the tribe of Dan, Jos 19:44; and was one of those places whose houses were in Judah and their fields in Dan:
and Azem was also given to the tribe of Simeon, Jos 19:3; it is the same with Ezem, 1Ch 4:29,
and Iim, of which we read nowhere else.

Gill: Jos 15:30 - -- And Eltolad,.... The first of these cities is called Tolad, 1Ch 4:29,
and Chesil seems to be the same with Bethul and Bethuel, Jos 19:4 1Ch 4:30; a...
And Eltolad,.... The first of these cities is called Tolad, 1Ch 4:29,
and Chesil seems to be the same with Bethul and Bethuel, Jos 19:4 1Ch 4:30; and here the Greek version calls it Baithel:
and Hormah is the same with Zephath, Jdg 1:17. All these three cities were given to the tribe of Simeon, Jos 19:4.

Gill: Jos 15:31 - -- And Ziklag,.... Ziklag was also given to the tribe of Simeon, Jos 19:5, it was in the bands of the king of Gath, in the times of David, who gave it to...
And Ziklag,.... Ziklag was also given to the tribe of Simeon, Jos 19:5, it was in the bands of the king of Gath, in the times of David, who gave it to him; it bordered on the Amalekites, and is placed by Jerom c in Daroma, on the south of the lot of Judah or Simeon.
and Madmannah, according to the same writer d, was in his time called Menois, a town near the city Gaza:
and Sansannah, of which no mention is made elsewhere.

Gill: Jos 15:32 - -- And Lebaoth,.... Whether Lebaoth is the same with Bethlebaoth, given to the tribe of Simeon, Jos 19:6; is not certain:
and Shilhim is nowhere else ...
And Lebaoth,.... Whether Lebaoth is the same with Bethlebaoth, given to the tribe of Simeon, Jos 19:6; is not certain:
and Shilhim is nowhere else spoken of:
and Ain seems to be the same with that in Num 34:11; also See Gill on Num 34:11.
and Rimmon, the place Jerom e calls Eremmon, which he says was a large village of the Jews, sixteen miles from Eleutheropolis to the south, in Daroma; this and the preceding are joined together as one, and called Enrimmon, Neh 11:29. It is probable they were near to each other, and in process of time the buildings of each might increase, so as to meet and join each other:
all the cities are twenty and nine, with their villages; but according to our version, and as we point them, they are thirty eight; some make them thirty six, others thirty seven; the Jews generally make thirty eight of them, as we do, and account for the difference of number thus; that nine of these cities were given to the tribe of Simeon, Jos 19:1; and these being taken out of the thirty eight, there remain twenty nine; so Jarchi and Kimchi account for it; but as the number of the cities is uncertain, and this account is given before the separation of the nine, and they are all reckoned together, this does not seem to be satisfactory; rather, as Abarbinel observes, the twenty nine of the places enumerated were cities, and the other were villages, unwalled towns, or not of so much note as the twenty nine.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes: Jos 15:1 Heb “The lot was to the tribe of the sons of Judah by their clans to the border of Edom, the wilderness of Zin toward the south, southward.̶...

NET Notes: Jos 15:4 The translation follows the LXX at this point. The MT reads, “This will be your southern border.”

NET Notes: Jos 15:5 Heb “the border on the northern side was from the tongue of the sea, from the end of the Jordan.”

NET Notes: Jos 15:8 For location see Map5 B1; Map6 F3; Map7 E2; Map8 F2; Map10 B3; JP1 F4; JP2 F4; JP3 F4; JP4 F4.

NET Notes: Jos 15:13 Heb “To Caleb son of Jephunneh he gave a portion in the midst of the sons of Judah according to the mouth [i.e., command] of the Lord to Joshua,...

NET Notes: Jos 15:17 Heb “he”; the referent (Caleb) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

NET Notes: Jos 15:18 Heb “him.” The referent of the pronoun could be Othniel, in which case the translation would be, “she incited him [Othniel] to ask h...

NET Notes: Jos 15:19 Elsewhere this Hebrew word (בְּרָכָה, bÿrakhah) is often translated “blessing,” but h...

NET Notes: Jos 15:20 Heb “This is the inheritance of the tribe of the sons of Judah by their clans.”

NET Notes: Jos 15:21 Heb “and the cities were at the end of the tribe of the sons of Judah, at the border of Edom, to the south.”

NET Notes: Jos 15:32 The total number of names in the list is thirty-six, not twenty-nine. Perhaps (1) some of the names are alternatives (though the text appears to delin...
Geneva Bible: Jos 15:2 And their south border was from the shore of the salt sea, from the ( a ) bay that looketh southward:
( a ) The Hebrew word signifies tongue, by whic...

Geneva Bible: Jos 15:5 And the east border [was] the salt sea, [even] unto the ( b ) end of Jordan. And [their] border in the north quarter [was] from the bay of the sea at ...

Geneva Bible: Jos 15:6 And the border went up to Bethhogla, and passed along by the north of Betharabah; and the border went up to the ( c ) stone of Bohan the son of Reuben...

Geneva Bible: Jos 15:11 And the border went out unto the side of Ekron northward: and the border was drawn to Shicron, and passed along to mount Baalah, and went out unto Jab...

Geneva Bible: Jos 15:14 And Caleb ( e ) drove thence the three sons of Anak, Sheshai, and Ahiman, and Talmai, the children of Anak.
( e ) This was done after the death of Jo...

Geneva Bible: Jos 15:18 And it came to pass, as she came [unto him], that she moved him to ask of her father a field: ( f ) and she lighted off [her] ass; and Caleb said unto...

Geneva Bible: Jos 15:19 Who answered, Give me a blessing; for thou hast given me a south land; ( g ) give me also springs of water. And he gave her the upper springs, and the...

Geneva Bible: Jos 15:30 And Eltolad, and Chesil, and ( h ) Hormah,
( h ) Which before was called Zephath, (Jdg 1:17).

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Jos 15:1-63
TSK Synopsis: Jos 15:1-63 - --1 The borders of the lot Judah.13 Caleb's portion and conquest.16 Othniel, for his valour, hath Achsah, Caleb's daughter, to wife.18 She obtains a ble...
MHCC: Jos 15:1-12 - --Joshua allotted to Judah, Ephraim, and the half of Manasseh, their inheritances before they left Gilgal. Afterwards removing to Shiloh, another survey...

MHCC: Jos 15:13-19 - --Achsah obtained some land by Caleb's free grant. He gave her a south land. Land indeed, but a south land, dry and apt to be parched. She obtained more...

MHCC: Jos 15:20-63 - --Here is a list of the cities of Judah. But we do not here find Bethlehem, afterwards the city of David, and ennobled by the birth of our Lord Jesus in...
Matthew Henry: Jos 15:1-12 - -- Judah and Joseph were the two sons of Jacob on whom Reuben's forfeited birth-right devolved. Judah had the dominion entailed on him, and Joseph the ...

Matthew Henry: Jos 15:13-19 - -- The historian seems pleased with every occasion to make mention of Caleb and to do him honour, because he had honoured God in following him fully. O...

Matthew Henry: Jos 15:20-63 - -- We have here a list of the several cities that fell within the lot of the tribe of Judah, which are mentioned by name, that they might know their ow...
Keil-Delitzsch: Jos 15:1-12 - --
Boundaries of the inheritance of the tribe of Judah . - Jos 15:1. Its situation in the land. " And there was (i.e., fell, or came out; cf. Jos 16:1...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jos 15:13-19 - --
The account of the conquest of the inheritance, which Caleb asked for and received before the lots were cast for the land (Jos 14:6-15), by the exte...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jos 15:20 - --
Jos 15:20 contains the closing formula to vv. 1-19, i.e., to the description of the territory of Judah by its boundaries (vid., Jos 18:20).

Keil-Delitzsch: Jos 15:21-63 - --
In vv. 21-63 there follows a list of the towns of the tribe of Judah, arranged in the four districts into which the land was divided, according to ...
Constable: Jos 13:1--21:45 - --II. THE DIVISION OF THE LAND chs. 13--21
Chapters 13-24 describe how Joshua divided the land and the results of ...

Constable: Jos 15:1-63 - --3. Judah's inheritance ch. 15
The tribe of Judah probably received first consideration in the te...

Constable: Jos 15:1-20 - --Judah's boundaries and Caleb and Othniel's inheritances 15:1-20
15:1-12 The writer recorded the boundaries of the whole tribal territory first. The de...