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Text -- Joshua 19:36-51 (NET)

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19:36 Adamah, Ramah, Hazor, 19:37 Kedesh, Edrei, En Hazor, 19:38 Yiron, Migdal El, Horem, Beth Anath, and Beth Shemesh. In all they had nineteen cities and their towns. 19:39 This was the land assigned to the tribe of Naphtali by its clans, including the cities and their towns.
Dan’s Tribal Lands
19:40 The seventh lot belonged to the tribe of Dan by its clans. 19:41 Their assigned land included Zorah, Eshtaol, Ir Shemesh, 19:42 Shaalabbin, Aijalon, Ithlah, 19:43 Elon, Timnah, Ekron, 19:44 Eltekeh, Gibbethon, Baalath, 19:45 Jehud, Bene Berak, Gath Rimmon, 19:46 the waters of Jarkon, and Rakkon, including the territory in front of Joppa. 19:47 (The Danites failed to conquer their territory, so they went up and fought with Leshem and captured it. They put the sword to it, took possession of it, and lived in it. They renamed it Dan after their ancestor.) 19:48 This was the land assigned to the tribe of Dan by its clans, including these cities and their towns.
Joshua Receives Land
19:49 When they finished dividing the land into its regions, the Israelites gave Joshua son of Nun some land. 19:50 As the Lord had instructed, they gave him the city he requested– Timnath Serah in the Ephraimite hill country. He built up the city and lived in it. 19:51 These are the land assignments which Eleazar the priest, Joshua son of Nun, and the Israelite tribal leaders made by drawing lots in Shiloh before the Lord at the entrance of the tent of meeting. So they finished dividing up the land.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Adamah a town in Naphtali (OS)
 · Aijalon a town 19 km WNW of Jerusalem,a town in the land of Zebulun some 90 km north of Jerusalem
 · Baalath a town in the original territory of Dan
 · Bene-berak a town in Dan. 8 km SE of Joppa (OS)
 · Bene-Berak a town in Dan. 8 km SE of Joppa (OS)
 · Beth-anath a town of Naphtali in upper Galilee
 · Beth-Anath a town of Naphtali in upper Galilee
 · Beth-Shemesh a town marking the northern boarder of Judah (YC),a town of Issachar in lower Galilee by the boarder of Naphtali,a town of Naphtali in upper Galilee perhaps 25 km west of Hazor
 · Beth-shemesh a town marking the northern boarder of Judah (YC),a town of Issachar in lower Galilee by the boarder of Naphtali,a town of Naphtali in upper Galilee perhaps 25 km west of Hazor
 · Dan residents of the town of Dan; members of the tribe of Dan,the tribe of Dan as a whole; the descendants of Dan in Israel
 · Danites residents of the town of Dan; members of the tribe of Dan,the tribe of Dan as a whole; the descendants of Dan in Israel
 · Edrei a town about 50 km east of the Sea of Galilee (ZD),a town of Naphtali north or west of the Sea of Galilee
 · Ekron a town in the western foothills of Judah,residents of the town of Ekron
 · Eleazar a son of Eliud; the father of Matthan; an ancestor of Jesus.,a chief priest; son of Aaron,son of Abinadab; caretaker of the Ark at Kiriath-Jearim,son of Dodo the Ahohite; one of David's military elite,son of Mahli the Levite,a priest who participated in the dedication of the wall,a priest under Ezra; son of Phinehas,a layman of the Parosh clan who put away his heathen wife
 · Elon father of Basemath/Adah, the Hittite wife of Esau,son of Zebulun son of Israel,a town in the territory of Dan somewhere west of Jerusalem,a judge of Israel of the tribe of Zebulun
 · Elteke a town of the original territory of Dan given to the Kohathites
 · En-Hazor a town in Naphtali
 · En-hazor a town in Naphtali
 · Ephraim the tribe of Ephraim as a whole,the northern kingdom of Israel
 · Eshtaol a town in the western foothills of Judah
 · Gath-Rimmon a town of Dan and the Kohathites probably a few km north of Joppa,a town of Manasseh given to the Kohathites
 · Gath-rimmon a town of Dan and the Kohathites probably a few km north of Joppa,a town of Manasseh given to the Kohathites
 · Gibbethon a Philistine town in Dan, given to the Kohathite (OS)
 · Hazor a town 15 km north of Chinnereth, the NW shore of Galilee,a town of south-eastern Judah,a town of south-eastern Judah 20 km south of Hebron (OS),a town of Ephraim 25 km north of Jerusalem,a collective name for some semi-namadic Arabs as distinct from the bedoin of the desert (OS)
 · Horem a town in the territory of Naphtali (OS)
 · Ir-Shemesh a town in the lowlands on the border between Judah and Dan
 · Ir-shemesh a town in the lowlands on the border between Judah and Dan
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · Ithlah a town of Dan associated with Aijalon (OS)
 · Jehud a town in Dan. 13 km east of Joppa
 · Joppa a seaport town on the Mediterranean coast about 35 miles northwest of Jerusalem,a town and seaport 55 km NW of Jerusalem & 85 km south of Mt. Carmel
 · more...

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Dan | Joshua | Israel | JOSHUA (2) | Naphtali | Beth-shemesh | Hazor | Adamah | JIRJATHAIM | Gibbethon | Naphtali, Tribe of | Horem | Eshtaol | Zorah | ADAMI-NEKEB | Jehud | Rakkon | Thimnathah | TIMNAH | Timnath-serah | more
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Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Jos 19:36 For location see Map1 D2; Map2 D3; Map3 A2; Map4 C1.

NET Notes: Jos 19:38 The words “in all they had” are supplied in the translation for clarification.

NET Notes: Jos 19:39 Heb “this was the inheritance of the tribe of the sons of Naphtali.”

NET Notes: Jos 19:40 Heb “the seventh lot came out for the sons of Dan.”

NET Notes: Jos 19:47 Heb “according to the name of their father.”

NET Notes: Jos 19:48 Heb “this was the inheritance of the tribe of the sons of Dan.”

NET Notes: Jos 19:49 Heb “an inheritance in their midst.”

NET Notes: Jos 19:51 On the tent of meeting see Exod 33:7-11.

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