Text -- Lamentations 1:1 (NET)

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collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)
Wesley -> Lam 1:1
Wesley: Lam 1:1 - -- She that had a king, or rather a God, that was an husband to her, now was forsaken of God, and her king taken from her.
She that had a king, or rather a God, that was an husband to her, now was forsaken of God, and her king taken from her.
(Lam. 1:1-22)

JFB: Lam 1:1 - -- English Version is according to the accents. But the members of each sentence are better balanced in antithesis, thus, "how is she that was great amon...
English Version is according to the accents. But the members of each sentence are better balanced in antithesis, thus, "how is she that was great among the nations become as a widow! (how) she who was princess among the provinces (that is, she who ruled over the surrounding provinces from the Nile to the Euphrates, Gen 15:18; 1Ki 4:21; 2Ch 9:26; Ezr 4:20) become tributary!" [MAURER].

JFB: Lam 1:1 - -- On the ground; the posture of mourners (Lam 2:10; Ezr 9:3). The coin struck on the taking of Jerusalem by Titus, representing Judea as a female sittin...
On the ground; the posture of mourners (Lam 2:10; Ezr 9:3). The coin struck on the taking of Jerusalem by Titus, representing Judea as a female sitting solitary under a palm tree, with the inscription, Judæa Capta, singularly corresponds to the image here; the language therefore must be prophetical of her state subsequent to Titus, as well as referring retrospectively to her Babylonian captivity.
Clarke: Lam 1:1 - -- How doth the city sit solitary - Sitting down, with the elbow on the knee, and the head supported by the hand, without any company, unless an oppres...
How doth the city sit solitary - Sitting down, with the elbow on the knee, and the head supported by the hand, without any company, unless an oppressor near, - all these were signs of mourning and distress. The coin struck by Vespasian on the capture of Jerusalem, on the obverse of which there is a palm-tree, the emblem of Judea, and under it a woman, the emblem of Jerusalem, sitting, leaning as before described, with the legend Judea capta , illustrates this expression as well as that in Isa 47:1. See the note on Isa 3:26 (note), where the subject is farther explained

Clarke: Lam 1:1 - -- Become as a widow - Having lost her king. Cities are commonly described as the mothers of their inhabitants, the kings as husbands, and the princes ...
Become as a widow - Having lost her king. Cities are commonly described as the mothers of their inhabitants, the kings as husbands, and the princes as children. When therefore they are bereaved of these, they are represented as widows, and childless
The Hindoo widow, as well as the Jewish, is considered the most destitute and wretched of all human beings. She has her hair cut short, throws off all ornaments, eats the coarsest food, fasts often, and is all but an outcast in the family of her late husband

Clarke: Lam 1:1 - -- Is she become tributary! - Having no longer the political form of a nation; and the remnant that is left paying tribute to a foreign and heathen con...
Is she become tributary! - Having no longer the political form of a nation; and the remnant that is left paying tribute to a foreign and heathen conqueror.
Calvin -> Lam 1:1
Calvin: Lam 1:1 - -- The Prophet could not sufficiently express the greatness of the calamity, except by expressing his astonishment. He then assumes the person of one wh...
The Prophet could not sufficiently express the greatness of the calamity, except by expressing his astonishment. He then assumes the person of one who on seeing something new and unexpected is filled with amazement. It was indeed a thing incredible; for as it was a place chosen for God to dwell in, and as the city Jerusalem was not only the royal throne of God, but also as it were his earthly sanctuary, the city might have been thought exempted from all danger. Since it had been said,
“Here is my rest for ever, here will I dwell,”
(Psa 132:14,)
God seemed to have raised that city above the clouds, and to have rendered it free from all earthly changes. We indeed know that there is nothing fixed and certain in the world, and that the greatest empires have been reduced to nothing; but, the state of Jerusalem did not depend on human protection, nor on the extent of its dominion, nor on the abundance of men, nor on any other defenses whatever, but it was founded by a celestial decree, by the promise of God, which is not subject to any mutations. When, therefore, the city fell, uprooted from its foundations, so that nothing remained, when the Temple was disgracefully plundered and then burnt by enemies, and further, when the king was driven into exile, his children slain in his presence, and also the princes, and when the people were scattered here and there, exposed to every contumely and reproach, was it not, a horrible and monstrous thing?
It was not, then, without reason that the Prophet exclaimed, How! for no one could have ever thought that such a thing would have happened; and then, after the event, no one with a calm mind could have looked on such a spectacle, for innumerable temptations must have come to their minds; and this thought especially must have upset the faith of all — “What does God mean? How is it that, he has promised that this city would be perpetual? and now there is no appearance of a city, and no hope of restoration in future.” As, then, this so sad a spectacle might not only disturb pious minds, but also upset them and sink them in the depths of despair, the Prophet exclaims, How! and then says, How sits the city solitary, which had much people! Here, by a comparison, he amplifies the indignity of the fact; for, on the one hand, he refers to the flourishing state of Jerusalem before the calamity, and, on the other hand, he shews how the place had in a manner been turned into darkness. For this change, as I have said, was as though the sun had fallen from heaven; for the sun has no firmer standing in heaven than Jerusalem had on earth, since its preservation was connected with the eternal truth of God. He then says that this city had many people, but that now it was sitting solitary. The verb to sit, is taken in Hebrew in a good and in a bad sense. Kings are said to sit on their thrones; but to sit means sometimes to lie prostrate, as we have before seen in many places. Then he says that Jerusalem was lying solitary, because it was desolate and forsaken, though it had before a vast number of people.
He adds, How is she become, etc.; for the word how,
We now then see the meaning of the Prophet. He wonders at the destruction of the city Jerusalem, and regarded it as a prodigy, which not only disturbed the minds of men, but in a manner confounded them. And by this mode of speaking he shews something of human infirmity; for they must be void of all feeling who are not seized with amazement at such a mournful sight. The Prophet then spoke not only according to his own feelings, but also according to those of all others; and he deplored that calamity as it were in the person of all. But he will hereafter apply a remedy to this astonishment For when we thus exaggerate evils, we at the same time sharpen our grief; and thus it happens that we at length become overwhelmed with despair; and despair kindles rage, so that men clamor against God. But the Prophet so mourned, and was in such a way amazed, that he did not yet indulge his grief nor cherish his amazement; but as we shall see, he restrained himself, lest the excess of his feelings should carry him beyond due bounds. It then follows, —
Defender -> Lam 1:1
Defender: Lam 1:1 - -- The book of Lamentations, written by the prophet Jeremiah, contains five poetic "laments," three of which (Lamentations 1, 2, 4) begin with the sad ex...
The book of Lamentations, written by the prophet Jeremiah, contains five poetic "laments," three of which (Lamentations 1, 2, 4) begin with the sad exclamation "How!" The theme of the book is the prophet's broken-hearted amazement at the terrible plight of the people who had been specially chosen and singularly blessed of God but who now had been judged severely for rejecting Him."
TSK -> Lam 1:1
TSK: Lam 1:1 - -- How doth : The LXX have the following words as an introduction: ""And it came to pass after Israel had been carried captive, and Jerusalem was become...
How doth : The LXX have the following words as an introduction: ""And it came to pass after Israel had been carried captive, and Jerusalem was become desolate, that Jeremiah sat weeping, and lamented with this lamentation over Jerusalem, and said.""Lam 2:1, Lam 4:1; Isa 14:12; Jer 50:23; Zep 2:15; Rev 18:16, Rev 18:17
sit : Lam 2:10; Isa 3:26, Isa 47:1-15, Isa 50:5, Isa 52:2, Isa 52:7; Jer 9:11; Eze 26:16
full : Psa 122:4; Isa 22:2; Zec 8:4, Zec 8:5
as a : Isa 47:8, Isa 47:9, Isa 54:4; Rev 18:7

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes -> Lam 1:1
Barnes: Lam 1:1 - -- In these two verses is the same sad image as appears in the well-known medal of Titus, struck to celebrate his triumph over Jerusalem. A woman sits ...
In these two verses is the same sad image as appears in the well-known medal of Titus, struck to celebrate his triumph over Jerusalem. A woman sits weeping beneath a palm-tree, and below is the legend "Judaea capta."
Translate Lam 1:1 :
How sitteth solitary the city that was full of people:
She is become as a widow that was great among the nations:
A princess among provinces she is become a vassal.
Tributary - In the sense of personal labor Jos 16:10.
Poole -> Lam 1:1
Poole: Lam 1:1 - -- how once expressed and twice more understood in this verse, doth not so much inquire the cause or reason of the effect, as express admiration or lame...
how once expressed and twice more understood in this verse, doth not so much inquire the cause or reason of the effect, as express admiration or lamentation. The prophet admires the miserable state of the city, which was full of people beyond the proportion of other cities, and now was solitary, so thin of people that scarce any could be seen in her streets. She that had a king, or rather a god, that was a husband to her, now was forsaken of God, her king taken from her, and she like a poor widow. She that was like a princess amongst the nations, that sometimes (as in David’ s time) had the Moabites, Ammonites, &c. tributaries to her, was now a tributary herself.
Haydock: Lam 1:1 - -- [Preface] And, &c. This preface was not written by Jeremias, but added by the seventy interpreters, to give the reader to understand upon what o...
[Preface] And, &c. This preface was not written by Jeremias, but added by the seventy interpreters, to give the reader to understand upon what occasion the Lamentations were published. (Challoner) ---
The author is not known, (Worthington) and few assert with Gretser that it is canonical; as it is only a title, (Calmet) like those prefixed to the Psalms. (Haydock) ---
It is not found in Hebrew, Chaldean, Syriac, or St. Jerome. (Calmet)

Haydock: Lam 1:1 - -- City. David had conquered many. Jerusalem was long considered as the finest city in those parts. ---
Tributary. It had been so to the Assyrians,...
City. David had conquered many. Jerusalem was long considered as the finest city in those parts. ---
Tributary. It had been so to the Assyrians, Egyptians, and Chaldeans, 4 Kings xxiv. 1. From this and similar passages, it would seem that the city was still existing: yet in others it appears to have been demolished. Here then the prophet declares what it had been: (Calmet) unless he wrote part after the death of Josias. (Haydock) ---
The beholders are astonished at the change and misery of the city. (Worthington)
Gill -> Lam 1:1
Gill: Lam 1:1 - -- How doth the city sit solitary, that was full of people!.... These are the words of Jeremiah; so the Targum introduces them,
"Jeremiah the prophet ...
How doth the city sit solitary, that was full of people!.... These are the words of Jeremiah; so the Targum introduces them,
"Jeremiah the prophet and high priest said;''
and began thus, "how"; not inquiring the reasons of this distress and ruin; but as amazed and astonished at it; and commiserating the sad case of the city of Jerusalem, which a little time ago was exceeding populous; had thousands of inhabitants in it; besides those that came from other parts to see it, or trade with it: and especially when the king of Babylon had invaded the land, which drove vast numbers to Jerusalem for safety; and which was the case afterwards when besieged by the Romans; at which time, as Josephus f relates, there were eleven hundred thousand persons; and very probably a like number was in it before the destruction of it by the Chaldeans, who all perished through famine, pestilence, and the sword; or were carried captive; or made their escape; so that the city, as was foretold it should, came to be without any inhabitant; and therefore is represented as "sitting", which is the posture of mourners; and as "solitary", or "alone" g, like a menstruous woman in her separation, to which it is compared, Lam 1:17; or as a leper removed from the society of men; so the Targum,
"as a man that has the plague of leprosy on his flesh, that dwells alone;''
or rather as a woman deprived of her husband and children; as follows:
how is she become as a widow! her king, that was her head and husband, being taken from her, and carried captive; and God, who was the husband also of the Jewish people, having departed from them, and so left in a state of widowhood. Jarchi h observes, that it is not said a widow simply, but as a widow, because her husband would return again; and therefore only during this state of captivity she was like one; but Broughton takes the "caph" not to be a note of similitude, but of reality; and renders it, "she is become a very widow". Vespasian, when he had conquered Judea, struck a medal, on one side of which was a woman sitting under a palm tree in a plaintive and pensive posture, with this inscription, "Judea Capta", as Grotius observes:
she that was great among the nations, and princess among the provinces, how is she become tributary! that ruled over many nations, having subdued them, and to whom they paid tribute, as the Philistines, Moabites, Syrians, and Edomites, in the times of David and Solomon; but since obliged to pay tribute herself, first to Pharaohnecho, king of Egypt; then to the king of Babylon in the times of Jehoiakim; and last of all in the times of Zedekiah; so the Targum,
"she that was great among the people, and ruled over the provinces that paid tribute to her, returns to be depressed; and after this to give tribute to them.''

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes: Lam 1:1 The noun מַס (mas) means “forced labor, corveé slave, conscripted worker.” It refers to a subjugated population, su...
Geneva Bible -> Lam 1:1
Geneva Bible: Lam 1:1 How doth ( a ) the city sit desolate, [that was] full of people! [how] is she become as a widow! she [that was] great among the nations, ( b ) [and] p...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Lam 1:1-22
TSK Synopsis: Lam 1:1-22 - --1 The miseries of Jerusalem and of the Jews pathetically lamented, with confessions of their sins.12 The attention and compassion of beholders demande...
MHCC -> Lam 1:1-11
MHCC: Lam 1:1-11 - --The prophet sometimes speaks in his own person; at other times Jerusalem, as a distressed female, is the speaker, or some of the Jews. The description...
Matthew Henry -> Lam 1:1-11
Matthew Henry: Lam 1:1-11 - -- Those that have any disposition to weep with those that weep, one would think, should scarcely be able to refrain from tears at the reading of the...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Lam 1:1-11
Keil-Delitzsch: Lam 1:1-11 - --
Doleful consideration and description of the dishonour that has befallen Jerusalem. In these verses the prophet, in the name of the godly, pours out...
Constable -> Lam 1:1-22; Lam 1:1-11
Constable: Lam 1:1-22 - --I. The destruction and misery of Jerusalem (the first lament) ch. 1
This acrostic lament contains a variety of s...