Text -- Lamentations 2:14 (NET)

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False prophets told you vain stories.

Wesley: Lam 2:14 - -- Whereas they ought to have made you sensible of your sins, and this might have prevented your captivity.
Whereas they ought to have made you sensible of your sins, and this might have prevented your captivity.

False stories to encourage you in sin, and so cause your banishment.

To gratify thy appetite, not for truth, but for false things.

JFB: Lam 2:14 - -- In opposition to God's command to the true prophets (Isa 58:1). Literally, "They have not taken off (the veil) which was on thine iniquity, so as to s...
In opposition to God's command to the true prophets (Isa 58:1). Literally, "They have not taken off (the veil) which was on thine iniquity, so as to set it before thee."

JFB: Lam 2:14 - -- Their prophecies were soothing and flattering; but the result of them was heavy calamities to the people, worse than even what the prophecies of Jerem...
Their prophecies were soothing and flattering; but the result of them was heavy calamities to the people, worse than even what the prophecies of Jeremiah, which they in derision called "burdens," threatened. Hence he terms their pretended prophecies "false burdens," which proved to the Jews "causes of their banishment" [CALVIN].
Clarke -> Lam 2:14
Clarke: Lam 2:14 - -- They have not discovered thine iniquity - They did not reprove for sin, they flattered them in their transgressions; and instead of turning away thy...
They have not discovered thine iniquity - They did not reprove for sin, they flattered them in their transgressions; and instead of turning away thy captivity, by turning thee from thy sins, they have pretended visions of good in thy favor, and false burdens for thy enemies.
Calvin -> Lam 2:14
Calvin: Lam 2:14 - -- Here the Prophet condemns the Jews for that wantonness by which they had, as it were, designedly destroyed themselves, as though they had willfully d...
Here the Prophet condemns the Jews for that wantonness by which they had, as it were, designedly destroyed themselves, as though they had willfully drunk sweet poison. They had been inebriated with those fallacies which we have seen, when impostors promised them a prosperous condition; for we have seen that false prophets often boldly declared that whatever Jeremiah threatened was of no account. Since, then, the Jews were inebriated with such flatteries, and disregarded God’s judgment, and freely indulged themselves in their vices, the effect was, that God’s wrath had been always and continually kindled by them. Now, then, Jeremiah reproves them for such wantonness, even because they willfully sought to be deceived, and with avidity cast themselves into snares, by seeking for themselves flatterers as teachers. Micah also reproves them for the same thing, that they sought prophets who promised them a fruitful vintage and an abundant harvest. (Mic 2:10.) The meaning of Jeremiah is the same.
He says that prophets had prophesied, or had seen vanity for them; but the verb refers to prophecies, as prophets are called seers. He then says that the prophets had seen vanity and insipidity 162 This availed not to extenuate the fault of the people; and Jeremiah does not here flatter the people, as though they had perished through the fault of others; and yet this was a common excuse, for most, when they had been deceived, complained that they had fallen through being led astray, and also that they had not been sufficiently cautious when subtle men were laying snares for them. But the Prophet here condemns the Jews, because they had been deceived by false prophets, as it was a just reward for their vainglory and ambition. For they had very delicate ears, and free reproofs could not be endured by them; in a word, when they rejected all sound doctrine, the devil must have necessarily succeeded in the place of God, as also Paul says,
“that those were justly punished who were blinded by God so as to believe a lie, because they received not the truth.”
(2Th 2:11.)
We now perceive the design of the Prophet: he says that the Jews had indeed been deceived by the false prophets; but this had happened through their own fault, because they had not submitted to obey God, because they had rejected sound doctrine, because they had been rebellious against all his counsels. At the same time, not only their crime seems to have been thus exaggerated, but also their shame was brought before them, — because they had dared to set up these impostors against Jeremiah as well as other servants of God; for they had boasted greatly of these their false prophets whenever they sought to exult against God. How great was this presumption! When the false prophets had promised them security, they immediately triumphed in an insolent manner over Jeremiah, as though they were victorious. As, then, their wickedness and arrogance had been such against God, the Prophet justly retorts upon them, “Behold now as to your false prophets; for when they lately promised to you prosperity of every kind, I was inhumanly treated, and my calling was disdainfully repudiated by you; let now your false prophets come forward: be wise at length through your evils, and acknowledge what it is to have acted so haughtily against God and against his servants.” We now understand why the Prophet says, “They have seen for you vanity and insipidity.”
He adds, they have not opened, or revealed, &c. The preposition
Now, this passage ought to be carefully noticed: Jeremiah spoke of the fallacies of the false prophets, which he said were insipid: he now expresses how they had deceived the people, even because they disclosed not their iniquities. Let us then know that there is nothing more necessary than to be warned, that being conscious of our iniquities we may repent. And this was the chief benefit to be derived from the teaching of the prophets. For the other part, the foretelling of future things would have had but little effect had not the prophets preached respecting the vengeance of God, — had they not exhorted the people to repentance, — had they not bidden them by faith to embrace the mercy of God. Then Jeremiah in a manner detects the false doctrines of those who had corrupted the prophetic doctrine, by saying that they had not disclosed iniquities. Let us then learn by this mark how to distinguish between the faithful servants of God and impostors. For the Lord by his word summons us before his tribunal, and would have our iniquities discovered, that we may loathe ourselves, and thus open an entrance for mercy. But when what is brought before us only tickles our ears and feeds our curiosity, and, at the same time, buries all our iniquities, let us then know that the refined things which vastly please men are insipid and useless. Let, then, the doctrine of repentance be approved by us, the doctrine which leads us to God’s tribunal, so that being cast down in ourselves we may flee to his mercy.
He afterwards adds, that they might turn back thy captivity; some prefer, “thy defection” — and this meaning is not unsuitable; but the Prophet, I have no doubt, refers to punishment rather than to a crime. Then the captivity of the people would have been reversed had the people in time repented; for we obviate God’s wrath by repentance: “If we judge ourselves,” says Paul, “we shall not be judged.” (1Co 11:31.) As, then, miserable men anticipate God’s judgment when they become judges of themselves, the Prophet does not without reason say that the false prophets had not disclosed their iniquities, so that they might remain quiet in their own country, and never be driven into exile. How so? for God would have been thus pacified, that is, had the people willingly turned to him, as it is said in Isaiah,
“And be converted, and I should heal them.” (Isa 6:10.)
Conversion, then, is said there to lead to healing; for as fire when fuel is withdrawn is extinguished, so also when we cease to sin fuel is not supplied to God’s wrath. We now, then, perceive the meaning of the Prophet; he, in short, intimates that people had been destroyed because they sought falsehoods, while the false prophets vainly flattered them; for they would have in due time escaped so great evils, had the prophets boldly exhorted the people to repentance. 163
He then adds, And they saw for thee prophecies of vanity and expulsions. Though the word
While, then, the false prophets promised impunity to the people, they were flatterers, and no burden appeared, that is, no trouble; but these prophecies became at length much more grievous than all the threatenings with which Jeremiah had terrified them; and corresponding with this view is what immediately follows, expulsions. For the Prophet, I doubt not, shews here what fruit the vain flatteries by which the people had chosen to be deluded had produced: for hence it happened, that they had been expelled from their country and driven into exile. For if the reason was asked, why the people had been deprived of their own inheritance, the obvious answer would have been this, because they had chosen to be deceived, because they had hardened themselves in obstinacy by means of falsehoods and vain promises. Since, then, their exile was the fruit of false doctrine, Jeremiah says now that these impostors saw burdens of vanity, but which at length brought burdens; and then they saw,
TSK -> Lam 2:14
TSK: Lam 2:14 - -- prophets : Isa 9:15, Isa 9:16; Jer 2:8, Jer 5:31, Jer 6:13, Jer 6:14, Jer 8:10,Jer 8:11, Jer 14:13-15, Jer 23:11-17; Jer 27:14-16, Jer 28:15, Jer 29:8...
prophets : Isa 9:15, Isa 9:16; Jer 2:8, Jer 5:31, Jer 6:13, Jer 6:14, Jer 8:10,Jer 8:11, Jer 14:13-15, Jer 23:11-17; Jer 27:14-16, Jer 28:15, Jer 29:8, Jer 29:9, Jer 37:19; Eze 13:2-16; Mic 2:11, Mic 3:5-7; 2Pe 2:1-3
they have : Isa 58:1; Jer 23:22; Eze 13:22
false : Jer 23:14-17, Jer 23:31, Jer 23:32, Jer 27:9, Jer 27:10; Eze 22:25, Eze 22:28; Mic 3:5; Zep 3:4

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes -> Lam 2:14
Barnes: Lam 2:14 - -- Thy prophets have seen vain and foolish things for thee - The Septuagint and Vulgate give the true meaning, "stupidity"(see Jer 23:13 note). ...
Thy prophets have seen vain and foolish things for thee - The Septuagint and Vulgate give the true meaning, "stupidity"(see Jer 23:13 note).
To turn away thy captivity - The right sense is, "They have not disclosed to thee thy sins, that so thou mightest repent, and I might have turned away thy captivity."
Burdens - Applied contemptuously to predictions which proved "false"or "empty,"i. e. failed of accomplishment. On the deduction to be drawn from this, see Jer 28:9.
Causes of banishment - The result of the teaching of the false prophets would be that God would "drive out"the Jews from their land.
Some render the words "false ... banishment"by "oracles of falsehood and seduction."
Poole -> Lam 2:14
Poole: Lam 2:14 - -- Not the Lord’ s prophets in thee, but those prophets to whom you chose rather to hearken, and whom you believed rather than me and others sent ...
Not the Lord’ s prophets in thee, but those prophets to whom you chose rather to hearken, and whom you believed rather than me and others sent by God to reveal his will unto you, came and told you idle and vain stories, that those who were carried into captivity should after two years return, &c. And by telling you such smooth and pleasant things, tickled your humours instead of discovering your sins, which were bringing these judgments upon you; whereas they ought to have dealt freely and faithfully with you, and have made you sensible of your sins, and this might have prevented your miserable captivity. But they rather spent their breath in telling you false stories to encourage you in your sinful courses, and so proved to you the causes of your banishment; or else they told you false stories, which they pretended to be the causes of the captivity of your brethren, in the mean time concealing the true causes, and suffering you to run on in the same errors, till you came to be more miserable than those that went into captivity before you.
Haydock -> Lam 2:14
Haydock: Lam 2:14 - -- Revelations. Hebrew Masoth, "burdens" for the enemy. This sentence ought to come before and they, &c., as it is in the Vulgate. (Haydock)
Revelations. Hebrew Masoth, "burdens" for the enemy. This sentence ought to come before and they, &c., as it is in the Vulgate. (Haydock)
Gill -> Lam 2:14
Gill: Lam 2:14 - -- Thy prophets have seen vain and foolish things for thee,.... Not the prophets of the Lord; but false prophets, as the Targum; which were of the people...
Thy prophets have seen vain and foolish things for thee,.... Not the prophets of the Lord; but false prophets, as the Targum; which were of the people's choosing, and were acceptable to them; prophets after their own hearts, because they prophesied smooth things, such as they liked; though in the issue they proved "vain" and "foolish", idle stories, impertinent talk, the fictions of their own brains; and yet they pretended to have visions of them from the Lord; as that within two years Jeconiah, and all the vessels of the temple carried away by the king of Babylon, should be returned; and that he would not come against Jerusalem, nor should it be delivered into his hands; see Jer 28:2;
and they have not discovered thine iniquity: they did not tell them of their sins; they took no pains to convince them of them, but connived at them; instead of reproving them for them, they soothed them in them; they did not "remove" the covering that was "over their iniquity" u, as it might be rendered; which they might easily have done, and laid their sirs to open view: whereby they might have been ashamed of them, and brought to repentance for them. The Targum is,
"neither have they manifested the punishment that should come upon thee for thy sins;''
but, on the contrary, told them it should not come upon them; had they dealt faithfully with them, by showing them their transgressions, and the consequences of them, they might have been a means of preventing their ruin: and, as it here follows,
to turn away thy captivity; either to turn them from their backslidings and wanderings about, as Jarchi; or to turn them by repentance, as the Targum; or to prevent their going into captivity:
but have seen for thee false burdens, and causes of banishment; that is, false prophecies against Babylon, and in favour of the Jews; prophecies, even those that are true, being often called "burdens", as the "burden of Egypt", and "the burden of Damascus", &c. and the rather this name is here given to those false prophecies because the prophecies of Jeremiah were reproached by them with it, Jer 23:33, &c. and because these proved in the issue burdensome, sad, and sorrowful ones though they once tickled and pleased; and were the cause of the people's going into exile and captivity they listening to them: or they were "depulsions" or "expulsions" w; drivings, that drove them from the right way; from God and his worship; from his word and prophets; and, at last, the means of driving them out of their own land; of impelling them to sin, and so of expelling them from their own country. The Targum renders it,
"words of error.''

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TSK Synopsis -> Lam 2:1-22
TSK Synopsis: Lam 2:1-22 - --1 Jeremiah laments the misery of Jerusalem.20 He complains thereof to God.
MHCC -> Lam 2:10-22
MHCC: Lam 2:10-22 - --Causes for lamentation are described. Multitudes perished by famine. Even little children were slain by their mother's hands, and eaten, according to ...
Matthew Henry -> Lam 2:10-22
Matthew Henry: Lam 2:10-22 - -- Justly are these called Lamentations, and they are very pathetic ones, the expressions of grief in perfection, mourning and woe, and nothing else,...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Lam 2:14
Keil-Delitzsch: Lam 2:14 - --
From her prophets, Jerusalem can expect neither comfort nor healing. For they have brought this calamity upon her through their careless and foolish...
Constable -> Lam 2:1-22; Lam 2:11-19
Constable: Lam 2:1-22 - --II. The divine punishment of Jerusalem (the second lament) ch. 2
One of the striking features of this lament is ...