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Text -- Lamentations 2:21-22 (NET)

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2:21 ש(Sin/Shin) The young boys and old men lie dead on the ground in the streets. My young women and my young men have fallen by the sword. You killed them when you were angry; you slaughtered them without mercy. 2:22 ת(Tav) As if it were a feast day, you call enemies to terrify me on every side. On the day of the Lord’s anger no one escaped or survived. My enemy has finished off those healthy infants whom I bore and raised.
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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Lam 2:21 The MT reads לֹא חָמָלְתָּ (lo’ khamalta, “You showed no mercyR...

NET Notes: Lam 2:22 This entire line is an accusative noun clause, functioning as the direct object of the following line: “my enemy has destroyed the perfectly hea...

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