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Text -- Lamentations 3:37 (NET)

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3:37 מ(Mem) Whose command was ever fulfilled unless the Lord decreed it?
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Lam 3:37 - -- Nothing comes to pass in the world, but by the disposal of divine providence. This seems to be spoken in the name of the people of God, arguing themse...

Nothing comes to pass in the world, but by the disposal of divine providence. This seems to be spoken in the name of the people of God, arguing themselves into a quiet submission, to their afflictions, from the consideration of the hand of God in them.

JFB: Lam 3:37-39 - -- Who is it that can (as God, Psa 33:9) effect by a word anything, without the will of God?

Who is it that can (as God, Psa 33:9) effect by a word anything, without the will of God?

Calvin: Lam 3:37 - -- The Prophet, after having mentioned the blasphemy which prevailed everywhere at that time, strongly condemns so gross a stupidity. Who is this? he ...

The Prophet, after having mentioned the blasphemy which prevailed everywhere at that time, strongly condemns so gross a stupidity. Who is this? he says. He checks such madness by a sharp rebuke — for the question implies an astonishment, as though the Prophet had said, that it was like a prodigy to find men who imagined that God was content with his own leisure, and exercised no care over the world; for this was to annihilate him altogether. God is not a dead being, he is not a spectre; what then? God is the judge of the world. We hence see that it was a monstrous thing, when men entertained the notion that God is idle or forgetful, that he gives up the world to chance. This is the reason why the Prophet asks as of a thing absurd and extremely disgraceful. Who is this? he says; Could it be that men should give themselves up to such a degree of madness? for when they said, that anything could happen without God’s command, it was the same as if they denied his power; for what is God without his judgment?

The other verse may be explained in two ways; but as to the meaning, there is but little difference. It may, then, be read as a question, “Cannot good and evil proceed from the mouth of the most High?” or it may be rendered thus, “As though good and evil should not proceed from the mouth of God.” As to the substance of what is said, we see that there is no need of disputing, for the Prophet confirms what he had said, that men are to be abhorred who imagine God to be as it were dead, and thus rob him of his power and of his office as a judge. And, doubtless, except we hold this truth, no true religion can exist in us; for except all the sayings and doings of men come to an account before the tribunal of God, and also their motives and thoughts, there will be first. no faith and, secondly, there will be no integrity, and all prayer to God will be extinguished. For if we believe that God does not regard what is done in the world, who will trust in him? and who will seek help from him? besides, who will hesitate to abandon himself to cruelty, or frauds, or plunder? Extinguished, then, is every sense of religion by this impious opinion, that God spends his time leisurely in heaven, and attends not to human affairs. This is the reason why the Prophet is so indignant against those who said, that anything could be done without the command of God.

Let us now see how God commands what is wrongly and foolishly done by men. Surely he does not command the ungodly to do what is wicked, for he would thus render them excusable; for where God’s authority interposes, there no blame can be. But God is said to command whatever he has decreed, according to his hidden counsel. There are, then, two kinds of commands; one belongs to doctrine, and the other to the hidden judgments of God. The command of doctrine, so to speak, is an evident approbation which acquits men; for when one obeys God, it is enough that he has God as his authority, though he were condemned by a hundred worlds. Let us, then, learn to be attentive to the commands of doctrine, by which we ought to regulate our life, for they make up the only true rule, from which it is not right to depart. But God is said to command according to his secret decrees what he does not approve, as far as men are concerned. So Shimei had a command to curse, and yet he was not exempt from blame; for it was not his purpose to obey God; nay, he thought that he had offended God no less than David. (2Sa 16:5.) Then this distinction ought to be understood, that some things are commanded by God, not that men may have it as a rule of action, but when God executes his secret judgments by ways unknown to us. Thus, then, ought this passage to be understood, even that nothing is carried on without God’s command, that is, without his decree, and, as they say, without his ordination.

It hence appears, that those things which seem contingent, are yet ruled by the certain providence of God, so that nothing is done at random. And what philosophers call accident, or contingent, (ἐνδεχόμενον) is necessary as to God; for God decreed before the world was made whatever he was to do; so that there is nothing now done in the world which is not directed by his counsel. And true is that saying in the Psalms, that our God is in heaven, and doeth whatsoever he pleaseth, (Psa 116:3;) but this would not be true, were not all things dependent on God’s counsel. We hence see that nothing is contingent, for everything that takes place flows from the eternal and immutable counsel of God. It. is indeed true, that those things which take place in this or that manner, are properly and naturally called contingencies, but what is naturally contingent, is necessary, as far as it is directed by God; nay, what is carried on by the counsel and will of men is necessary. Philosophers think that all things are contingent (ἐνδεχόμενα) and why? because the will of man may turn either way. They then, conclude, that whatever men do is contingent, because he who wills may change his will. These things are true, when we consider the will of man in itself, and the exercise of it; but when we raise our eyes to the secret providence of God, who turns and directs the counsels of men according to his own will, it is certain that how much soever men may change in their purposes, yet God never changes.

Let us then hold this doctrine, that nothing is done except by God’s command and ordination, and, with the Holy Spirit, regard with abhorrence those profane men who imagine that God sits idly as it were on his watch-tower and takes no notice of what is done in the world, and that human affairs change at random, and that men turn and change independently on any higher power. Nothing is more diabolical than this delirious impiety; for as I have said, it extinguishes all the acts and duties of religion; for there will be no faith, no prayer, no patience, in short;, no religion, except we believe and know that God exercises such care over the world, of which he is the Creator, that nothing happens except through his certain and unchangeable decree.

Now they who object, and say that God is thus made the author of evils, may be easily refuted; for nothing is more preposterous than to measure the incomprehensible judgment of God by our contracted minds. The Scripture cries aloud that the judgments of God are a great deep; it exhorts us to reverence and sobriety, and Paul does not in vain exclaim that the ways of God are unsearchable. (Rom 11:33.) As, then, God’s judgments in their height far surpass all our thoughts, we ought to beware of audacious presumption and curiosity; for the more audacious a man becomes, the farther God withdraws from him. This, then, is our wisdom, to embrace only what the Scripture teaches. Now, when it teaches us that nothing is done except through the will of God, it does not speak indiscriminately, as though God approved of murders, and thefts, and sorceries, and adulteries; what then? even that God by his just and righteous counsel so orders all things, that he still wills not iniquity and abhors all injustice. When, therefore, adulteries, and murders, and plunders are committed, God applies, as it were, a bridle to all those things, and how much soever the most; wicked may indulge themselves in their vices, he still rules them; this they themselves acknowledge; but for what end does he rule them? even that he may punish sins with sins, as Paul teaches us, for he says that; God gives up to a reprobate mind those who deserve such a punishment, that he gives them up to disgraceful lusts, that he blinds more and more the despisers of his word. (Rom 1:28; 2Th 2:10.) And then God has various ways, and those innumerable and unknown to us.

Let us then learn not to subject; God to our judgment, but adore his judgments, though they surpass our comprehension; and since the cause of them is hid from us, our highest wisdom is modesty and sobriety.

Thus we see that God is not the author of evils, though nothing happens but by his nod and through his will, — for far different is his design from that of wicked men. Then absurd would it be to implicate him as all associate ill the same crime, when a murderer, or a thief, or an adulterer is condemned, — and why? because God has no participation in thefts and adulteries; but the vices of men are in a way wonderful and incomprehensible as his judgments. In a word, as far as the heavens are from the earth, so great is the difference between the works of God and the deeds of men, for the ends, as I have said, are altogether different. 192

TSK: Lam 3:37 - -- saith : Psa 33:9-11; Pro 16:9, Pro 19:21, Pro 21:30; Isa 46:10; Dan 4:35; Rom 9:15; Eph 1:11; Jam 4:13-15

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Lam 3:37-39 - -- Why then does a loving God, who disapproves of suffering when inflicted by man upon man, Himself send sorrow and misery? "Because of sins." Lam...

Why then does a loving God, who disapproves of suffering when inflicted by man upon man, Himself send sorrow and misery? "Because of sins."

Lam 3:37

Literally, "Who is this that spake and it was done, though אדני 'ădonāy commanded it not?"

Lam 3:39

So long as God spares a man’ s life, why does he complain? The chastisement is really for his good; only let him use it aright, and he will be thankful for it in the end.

A man for the punishment of his sins - Translate: Let "each man sigh for,"i. e. because of, "his sins."Instead of complaining because God sends him sorrow, let him rather mourn over the sins which have made punishment necessary. The sense of the King James Version is, Why does a man ... complain "for his sins?"i. e. for the necessary results of them in chastisement.

Poole: Lam 3:37 - -- The sense of these words is doubted by none, that nothing cometh to pass in the world but by the disposal of Divine Providence, either effecting it ...

The sense of these words is doubted by none, that nothing cometh to pass in the world but by the disposal of Divine Providence, either effecting it by an immediate influence, or permitting it; but to what end these words are brought in in this place is not so generally agreed. Some think they are brought in to check the blasphemy of some that spake of what had befallen the Jews as a thing which God had no hand in. Others think they are brought in as expounding that term that went before, The Lord seeth not . Though God doth not approve of sinful actions, nor incline any man’ s heart or will to them, yet God hath a hand in the permission of the most cruel and unjust actions, which he could easily hinder. I should rather incline to interpret them as an argument brought by the prophet in the name of the people of God, arguing themselves into a quiet submission to the afflictive providences under which they laboured from the consideration of the superior hand of God in them; as Christ told Pilate, Thou couldst not have had any power against me, if it had not been given thee from above. Shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it ? Amo 3:6 .

Haydock: Lam 3:37 - -- Commanded. Hebrew, "said: It cometh to pass," as if by chance. There have always been Epicureans, Ezechiel viii. 12., and Psalm xciii. 7. (Calmet)...

Commanded. Hebrew, "said: It cometh to pass," as if by chance. There have always been Epicureans, Ezechiel viii. 12., and Psalm xciii. 7. (Calmet) ---

Those who deny Providence speak, ver. 30. (Worthington)

Gill: Lam 3:37 - -- Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass?.... Or, "who that says this shall be, and it cometh to pass?" or, "who is he that saith this shall...

Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass?.... Or, "who that says this shall be, and it cometh to pass?" or, "who is he that saith this shall come to pass?" i this, or that, or the other thing, he wills and desires, and his heart is set upon:

when the Lord commandeth it not? has not willed and decreed it, but determined the contrary; for nothing escapes his knowledge and foreknowledge; or can resist his will; or control his power; or frustrate his councils, and counterwork his designs; whatever schemes men form to get riches, obtain honour, do mischief to others, prolong life to themselves, and perpetuate their names to posterity, being contrary to the purpose of God, never succeed; whenever they do succeed in any of the above instances, it is because God has commanded, or he has determined, it should be so; as in the instances of Joseph's brethren, in their usage of him; and of the Jews, in the crucifixion of Christ, Pro 16:9. The Targum is,

"who is the man that saith, and evil is done in the world; but because they have done what was not commanded from the mouth of the Lord?''

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Lam 3:37 The MT reads אֲדֹנָי (’adonay, “the Lord”) here rather than יהוה (...

Geneva Bible: Lam 3:37 Who [is] he [that] saith, and it cometh to pass, [when] the Lord ( r ) commandeth [it] not? ( r ) He shows that nothing is done without God's provide...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Lam 3:1-66 - --1 The prophet bewails his own calamities.22 By the mercies of God, he nourishes his hope.37 He acknowledges God's justice.55 He prays for deliverance,...

MHCC: Lam 3:37-41 - --While there is life there is hope; and instead of complaining that things are bad, we should encourage ourselves with the hope they will be better. We...

Matthew Henry: Lam 3:37-41 - -- That we may be entitled to the comforts administered to the afflicted in the foregoing verses, and may taste the sweetness of them, we have here the...

Keil-Delitzsch: Lam 3:19-39 - -- Consideration of God's compassion and His omnipotence as displayed at critical junctures in the affairs of men. C. B. Michaelis has correctly percei...

Constable: Lam 3:1-66 - --III. The prophet's response to divine judgment (the third lament) ch. 3 As mentioned previously, this lament is ...

Constable: Lam 3:19-40 - --B. Jeremiah's hope 3:19-40 3:19 Jeremiah prayed that the Lord would remember his affliction and bitterness (cf. Job 13:15). 3:20-21 He himself rememb...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Lamentations (Book Introduction) In the Hebrew Bible these Elegies of Jeremiah, five in number, are placed among the Chetuvim, or "Holy Writings" ("the Psalms," &c., Luk 24:44), betwe...


TSK: Lamentations 3 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Lam 3:1, The prophet bewails his own calamities; Lam 3:22, By the mercies of God, he nourishes his hope; Lam 3:37, He acknowledges God’...

Poole: Lamentations (Book Introduction) LAMENTATIONS OF JEREMIAH THE ARGUMENT This book in Greek, Latin, and English hath its name from the subject matter of it, which is lamentation; s...

Poole: Lamentations 3 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 3 The faithful bewail their misery and contempt, Lam 3:1-21 . They nourish their hope by consideration of the justice, providence, and merc...

MHCC: Lamentations (Book Introduction) It is evident that Jeremiah was the author of the Lamentations which bear his name. The book was not written till after the destruction of Jerusalem b...

MHCC: Lamentations 3 (Chapter Introduction) The faithful lament their calamities, and hope in God's mercies.

Matthew Henry: Lamentations (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Lamentations of Jeremiah Since what Solomon says, though contrary to the common opinion of the worl...

Matthew Henry: Lamentations 3 (Chapter Introduction) The scope of this chapter is the same with that of the two foregoing chapters, but the composition is somewhat different; that was in long verse, t...

Constable: Lamentations (Book Introduction) Introduction Title and Position The English title of this book comes from the Talmud (...

Constable: Lamentations (Outline) Outline I. The destruction and misery of Jerusalem (the first lament) ch. 1 A. An observer's...

Constable: Lamentations Lamentations Bibliography Archer, Gleason L., Jr. A Survey of Old Testament Introduction. Revised ed. Chicago: ...

Haydock: Lamentations (Book Introduction) THE LAMENTATIONS OF JEREMIAS. INTRODUCTION. In these Jeremias laments in a most pathetic manner the miseries of his people, and the destructio...

Gill: Lamentations (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO LAMENTATIONS This book very properly follows the prophecy of Jeremiah, not only because wrote by him, but because of the subject ma...

Gill: Lamentations 3 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO LAMENTATIONS 3 This chapter is a complaint and lamentation like the former, and on the same subject, only the prophet mixes his own...

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