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Text -- Leviticus 13:1-16 (NET)

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Infections on the Skin
13:1 The Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron: 13:2 “When someone has a swelling or a scab or a bright spot on the skin of his body that may become a diseased infection, he must be brought to Aaron the priest or one of his sons, the priests. 13:3 The priest must then examine the infection on the skin of the body, and if the hair in the infection has turned white and the infection appears to be deeper than the skin of the body, then it is a diseased infection, so when the priest examines it he must pronounce the person unclean.
A Bright Spot on the Skin
13:4 “If it is a white bright spot on the skin of his body, but it does not appear to be deeper than the skin, and the hair has not turned white, then the priest is to quarantine the person with the infection for seven days. 13:5 The priest must then examine it on the seventh day, and if, as far as he can see, the infection has stayed the same and has not spread on the skin, then the priest is to quarantine the person for another seven days. 13:6 The priest must then examine it again on the seventh day, and if the infection has faded and has not spread on the skin, then the priest is to pronounce the person clean. It is a scab, so he must wash his clothes and be clean. 13:7 If, however, the scab is spreading further on the skin after he has shown himself to the priest for his purification, then he must show himself to the priest a second time. 13:8 The priest must then examine it, and if the scab has spread on the skin, then the priest is to pronounce the person unclean. It is a disease.
A Swelling on the Skin
13:9 “When someone has a diseased infection, he must be brought to the priest. 13:10 The priest will then examine it, and if a white swelling is on the skin, it has turned the hair white, and there is raw flesh in the swelling, 13:11 it is a chronic disease on the skin of his body, so the priest is to pronounce him unclean. The priest must not merely quarantine him, for he is unclean. 13:12 If, however, the disease breaks out on the skin so that the disease covers all the skin of the person with the infection from his head to his feet, as far as the priest can see, 13:13 the priest must then examine it, and if the disease covers his whole body, he is to pronounce the person with the infection clean. He has turned all white, so he is clean. 13:14 But whenever raw flesh appears in it he will be unclean, 13:15 so the priest is to examine the raw flesh and pronounce him unclean– it is diseased. 13:16 If, however, however, the raw flesh once again turns white, then he must come to the priest.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Aaron a son of Amram; brother of Moses,son of Amram (Kohath Levi); patriarch of Israel's priests,the clan or priestly line founded by Aaron
 · Moses a son of Amram; the Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them The Law of Moses,a Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them the law

Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik


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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Lev 13:2 - -- For there is the first seat of the leprosy, the bright spot shining like the scale of a fish, as it is in the beginning of a leprosy.

For there is the first seat of the leprosy, the bright spot shining like the scale of a fish, as it is in the beginning of a leprosy.

Wesley: Lev 13:2 - -- The priest was to admit to, or exclude from, the sanctuary, and therefore to examine who were to be excluded.

The priest was to admit to, or exclude from, the sanctuary, and therefore to examine who were to be excluded.

Wesley: Lev 13:3 - -- This change of colour was an evidence both of the abundance of excrementious humours, and of the weakness of nature, as we see in old and sick persons...

This change of colour was an evidence both of the abundance of excrementious humours, and of the weakness of nature, as we see in old and sick persons.

Wesley: Lev 13:3 - -- For the leprosy consumed both the skin and the flesh.

For the leprosy consumed both the skin and the flesh.

Wesley: Lev 13:4 - -- For greater assurance; to teach ministers not to be hasty in their judgments, but diligently to search and examine all things before - hand. The plagu...

For greater assurance; to teach ministers not to be hasty in their judgments, but diligently to search and examine all things before - hand. The plague is here put for the man that hath the plague.

Wesley: Lev 13:6 - -- Contrary to the white colour of the leprosy. But the word may be rendered, have contracted itself, and thus the opposition seems to be most clear as t...

Contrary to the white colour of the leprosy. But the word may be rendered, have contracted itself, and thus the opposition seems to be most clear as the spreading of itself.

Wesley: Lev 13:6 - -- Though it was no leprosy, to teach us, that no sin is so small as not to need to be washed by the blood of Christ, which was the thing designed by all...

Though it was no leprosy, to teach us, that no sin is so small as not to need to be washed by the blood of Christ, which was the thing designed by all these washings.

Wesley: Lev 13:10 - -- With a preternatural and extraordinary whiteness.

With a preternatural and extraordinary whiteness.

Wesley: Lev 13:10 - -- This shewed it was not a superficial leprosy but one of a deeper and more malignant nature, that had eaten into the very flesh, for which cause it is ...

This shewed it was not a superficial leprosy but one of a deeper and more malignant nature, that had eaten into the very flesh, for which cause it is in the next verse called an old or inveterate leprosy.

Wesley: Lev 13:13 - -- When it appeared in some one part it discovered the ill humour which lurked within, and withal the inability of nature to expel it; but when it oversp...

When it appeared in some one part it discovered the ill humour which lurked within, and withal the inability of nature to expel it; but when it overspread all, it manifested the strength of nature conquering the distemper, and purging out the ill humours into the outward parts.

Wesley: Lev 13:14 - -- That is in the place where the appearance of leprosy was, when the flesh was partly changed into a whiter colour, and partly kept its natural colour, ...

That is in the place where the appearance of leprosy was, when the flesh was partly changed into a whiter colour, and partly kept its natural colour, this variety of colours was an evidence of the leprosy, as one and the same colour continuing, was a sign of soundness.

Wesley: Lev 13:15 - -- This is repeated again and again, because raw or living flesh might rather seem a sign of soundness, and the priest might easily be deceived by it, an...

This is repeated again and again, because raw or living flesh might rather seem a sign of soundness, and the priest might easily be deceived by it, and therefore he was more narrowly to look into it.

Wesley: Lev 13:16 - -- As it is usual with sores, when they begin to be healed, the skin which is white, coming upon the flesh.

As it is usual with sores, when they begin to be healed, the skin which is white, coming upon the flesh.

JFB: Lev 13:2 - -- The fact of the following rules for distinguishing the plague of leprosy being incorporated with the Hebrew code of laws, proves the existence of the ...

The fact of the following rules for distinguishing the plague of leprosy being incorporated with the Hebrew code of laws, proves the existence of the odious disease among that people. But a short time, little more than a year (if so long a period had elapsed since the exodus) when symptoms of leprosy seem extensively to have appeared among them; and as they could not be very liable to such a cutaneous disorder amid their active journeyings and in the dry open air of Arabia, the seeds of the disorder must have been laid in Egypt, where it has always been endemic. There is every reason to believe that this was the case: that the leprosy was not a family complaint, hereditary among the Hebrews, but that they got it from intercourse with the Egyptians and from the unfavorable circumstances of their condition in the house of bondage. The great excitement and irritability of the skin in the hot and sandy regions of the East produce a far greater predisposition to leprosy of all kinds than in cooler temperatures; and cracks or blotches, inflammations or even contusions of the skin, very often lead to these in Arabia and Palestine, to some extent, but particularly in Egypt. Besides, the subjugated and distressed state of the Hebrews in the latter country, and the nature of their employment, must have rendered them very liable to this as well as to various other blemishes and misaffections of the skin; in the production of which there are no causes more active or powerful than a depressed state of body and mind, hard labor under a burning sun, the body constantly covered with the excoriating dust of brick fields, and an impoverished diet--to all of which the Israelites were exposed while under the Egyptian bondage. It appears that, in consequence of these hardships, there was, even after they had left Egypt, a general predisposition among the Hebrews to the contagious forms of leprosy--so that it often occurred as a consequence of various other affections of the skin. And hence all cutaneous blemishes or blains--especially such as had a tendency to terminate in leprosy--were watched with a jealous eye from the first [GOOD, Study of Medicine]. A swelling, a pimple, or bright spot on the skin, created a strong ground of suspicion of a man's being attacked by the dreaded disease.

JFB: Lev 13:2 - -- Like the Egyptian priests, the Levites united the character of physician with that of the sacred office; and on the appearance of any suspicious erupt...

Like the Egyptian priests, the Levites united the character of physician with that of the sacred office; and on the appearance of any suspicious eruptions on the skin, the person having these was brought before the priest--not, however, to receive medical treatment, though it is not improbable that some purifying remedies might be prescribed, but to be examined with a view to those sanitary precautions which it belonged to legislation to adopt.

JFB: Lev 13:3-6 - -- The leprosy, as covering the person with a white, scaly scurf, has always been accounted an offensive blemish rather than a serious malady in the East...

The leprosy, as covering the person with a white, scaly scurf, has always been accounted an offensive blemish rather than a serious malady in the East, unless when it assumed its less common and malignant forms. When a Hebrew priest, after a careful inspection, discovered under the cutaneous blemish the distinctive signs of contagious leprosy, the person was immediately pronounced unclean, and is supposed to have been sent out of the camp to a lazaretto provided for that purpose. If the symptoms appeared to be doubtful, he ordered the person to be kept in domestic confinement for seven days, when he was subjected to a second examination; and if during the previous week the eruption had subsided or appeared to be harmless, he was instantly discharged. But if the eruption continued unabated and still doubtful, he was put under surveillance another week; at the end of which the character of the disorder never failed to manifest itself, and he was either doomed to perpetual exclusion from society or allowed to go at large. A person who had thus been detained on suspicion, when at length set at liberty, was obliged to "wash his clothes," as having been tainted by ceremonial pollution; and the purification through which he was required to go was, in the spirit of the Mosaic dispensation, symbolical of that inward purity it was instituted to promote.

JFB: Lev 13:7-8 - -- Those doubtful cases, when they assumed a malignant character, appeared in one of two forms, apparently according to the particular constitution of th...

Those doubtful cases, when they assumed a malignant character, appeared in one of two forms, apparently according to the particular constitution of the skin or of the habit generally. The one was "somewhat dark" [Lev 13:6] --that is, the obscure or dusky leprosy, in which the natural color of the hair (which in Egypt and Palestine is black) is not changed, as is repeatedly said in the sacred code, nor is there any depression in the dusky spot, while the patches, instead of keeping stationary to their first size, are perpetually enlarging their boundary. The patient laboring under this form was pronounced unclean by the Hebrew priest or physician, and hereby sentenced to a separation from his family and friends--a decisive proof of its being contagious.|| 03062||1||29||0||@if the rising be white==--This BRIGHT WHITE leprosy is the most malignant and inveterate of all the varieties the disease exhibits, and it was marked by the following distinctive signs: A glossy white and spreading scale, upon an elevated base, the elevation depressed in the middle, but without a change of color; the black hair on the patches participating in the whiteness, and the scaly patches themselves perpetually enlarging their boundary. Several of these characteristics, taken separately, belong to other blemishes of the skin as well; so that none of them was to be taken alone, and it was only when the whole of them concurred that the Jewish priest, in his capacity of physician, was to pronounce the disease a malignant leprosy. If it spread over the entire frame without producing any ulceration, it lost its contagious power by degrees; or, in other words, it ran through its course and exhausted itself. In that case, there being no longer any fear of further evil, either to the individual himself or to the community, the patient was declared clean by the priest, while the dry scales were yet upon him, and restored to society. If, on the contrary, the patches ulcerated and quick or fungous flesh sprang up in them, the purulent matter of which, if brought into contact with the skin of other persons, would be taken into the constitution by means of absorbent vessels, the priest was at once to pronounce it an inveterate leprosy. A temporary confinement was them declared to be totally unnecessary, and he was regarded as unclean for life [DR. GOOD]. Other skin affections, which had a tendency to terminate in leprosy, though they were not decided symptoms when alone, were: "a boil" (Lev 13:18-23); "a hot burning,"--that is, a fiery inflammation or carbuncle (Lev 13:24-28); and "a dry scall" (Lev 13:29-37), when the leprosy was distinguished by being deeper than the skin and the hair became thin and yellow.

Clarke: Lev 13:2 - -- The plague of leprosy - This dreadful disorder has its name leprosy, from the Greek λεποα, from λεπις, a scale, because in this disease ...

The plague of leprosy - This dreadful disorder has its name leprosy, from the Greek λεποα, from λεπις, a scale, because in this disease the body was often covered with thin white scales, so as to give it the appearance of snow. Hence it is said of the hand of Moses, Exo 4:6, that it was leprous as snow; and of Miriam, Num 12:10, that she became leprous, as white as snow; and of Gehazi, 2Ki 5:27, that, being judicially struck with the disease of Naaman, he went out from Elisha’ s presence a leper as white as snow. See Clarke’ s note on Exo 4:6. In Hebrew this disease is termed צרעת tsaraath , from צרע mor tsara , to smite or strike; but the root in Arabic signifies to cast down or prostrate, and in Ethiopian, to cause to cease, because, says Stockius, "it prostrates the strength of man, and obliges him to cease from all work and labor."There were three signs by which the leprosy was known

1.    A bright spot

2.    A rising (enamelling) of the surface

3.    A scab; the enamelled place producing a variety of layers, or stratum super stratum, of these scales

The account given by Mr. Maundrell of the appearance of several persons whom he saw infected with this disorder in Palestine, will serve to show, in the clearest light, its horrible nature and tendency. "When I was in the Holy Land,"says he, in his letter to the Rev. Mr. Osborn, Fellow of Exeter College, "I saw several that labored under Gehazi’ s distemper; particularly at Sichem, (now Naplosu), there were no less than ten that came begging to us at one time. Their manner is to come with small buckets in their hands, to receive the alms of the charitable; their touch being still held infectious, or at least unclean. The distemper, as I saw it on them, was quite different from what I have seen it in England; for it not only defiles the whole surface of the body with a foul scurf, but also deforms the joints of the body, particularly those of the wrists and ankles, making them swell with a gouty scrofulous substance, very loathsome to look on. I thought their legs like those of old battered horses, such as are often seen in drays in England. The whole distemper, indeed, as it there appeared, was so noisome, that it might well pass for the utmost corruption of the human body on this side the grave. And certainly the inspired penman could not have found out a fitter emblem, whereby to express the uncleanness and odiousness of vice."- Maundrell’ s Travels. Letters at the end. The reader will do well to collate this account with that given from Dr. Mead; see the note on Exo 4:6 (note).

Clarke: Lev 13:3 - -- The priest shall - pronounce him unclean - וטמא אתו vetimme otho ; literally, shall pollute him, i. e., in the Hebrew idiom, shall declare ...

The priest shall - pronounce him unclean - וטמא אתו vetimme otho ; literally, shall pollute him, i. e., in the Hebrew idiom, shall declare or pronounce him polluted; and in Lev 13:23, it is said, the priest shall pronounce him clean, וטהרו הכהן vetiharo haccohen , the priest shall cleanse him, i. e., declare him clean. In this phrase we have the proper meaning of Mat 16:19 : Whatsoever ye bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. By which our Lord intimates that the disciples, from having the keys, i. e., the true knowledge of the doctrine, of the kingdom of heaven, should, from particular evidences, be at all times able to distinguish between the clean and the unclean, the sincere and the hypocrite; and pronounce a judgment as infallible as the priest did in the case of the leprosy, from the tokens already specified. And as this binding and loosing, or pronouncing fit or unfit for fellowship with the members of Christ, must in the case of the disciples be always according to the doctrine of the kingdom of heaven, the sentence should be considered as proceeding immediately from thence, and consequently as Divinely ratified. The priest polluted or cleansed, i. e., declared the man clean or unclean, according to signs well known and infallible. The disciples or ministers of Christ bind or loose, declare to be fit or unfit for Church fellowship, according to unequivocal evidences of innocence or guilt. In the former case, the priest declared the person fit or unfit for civil society; in the latter, the ministers of Christ declare the person against whom the suspicion of guilt is laid, fit or unfit for continued association with the Church of God. The office was the same in both, a declaration of the truth, not from any power that they possessed of cleansing or polluting, of binding or of loosing, but by the knowledge they gained from the infallible signs and evidences produced on the respective cases.

Clarke: Lev 13:13 - -- If the leprosy have covered all his flesh, he shall pronounce him clean - Why is it that the partial leper was pronounced unclean, and the person to...

If the leprosy have covered all his flesh, he shall pronounce him clean - Why is it that the partial leper was pronounced unclean, and the person totally covered with the disease clean? This was probably owing to a different species or stage of the disease; the partial disease was contagious, the total not contagious. That there are two different species or degrees of the same disease described here, is sufficiently evident. In one, the body was all covered with a white enamelled scurf; in the other, there was a quick raw flesh in the risings. On this account the one might be deemed unclean, i. e., contagious, the other not; for contact with the quick raw flesh would be more likely to communicate the disease than the touch of the hard dry scurf. The ichor proceeding from the former, when brought into contact with the flesh of another, would soon be taken into the constitution by means of the absorbent vessels; but where the whole surface was perfectly dry, the absorbent vessels of another person coming in contact with the diseased man could imbibe nothing, and therefore there was comparatively no danger of infection. Hence that species or stage of the disease that exhibited the quick raw rising was capable of conveying the infection for the reasons already assigned, when the other was not. Dr. Mead thus accounts for the circumstance mentioned in the text. See on Lev 13:18 (note). As the leprosy infected bodies, clothes, and even the walls of houses, is it not rational to suppose that it was occasioned by a species of animalcula or vermin burrowing under the skin? Of this opinion there are some learned supporters.

Calvin: Lev 13:2 - -- 2.When a man shall have in the skin Since every eruption was not the leprosy, and did not render a man unclean, when God appoints the priests to be t...

2.When a man shall have in the skin Since every eruption was not the leprosy, and did not render a man unclean, when God appoints the priests to be the judges, He distinguishes by certain marks a common eruption from the leprosy; and then subjoins the difference between the various kinds of leprosy. For the disease was not always incurable; but, only when the blood was altogether corrupted, so that the skin itself had become hardened by its corrosion, or swollen by its diseased state. This, then, must be observed in the first place, that the Greek and Latin word lepra, and the Hebrew צרעת tzaragmath, extend further than to the incurable disease, which medical men call elephantiasis 4 both on account of the hardness of the skin, and also its mottled color; not, however, that there is an entire agreement between the thickness of the man’s skin and that of an elephant, but because this disease produces insensibility of the skin. This the Greeks call Ψώρα, and if it be not a kind of leprosy, it is nearly allied to it. Thus we see that there was a distinction between the scab and leprosy; just as now-a-days, if it were necessary to judge respecting the itch, (which is commonly called the disease of St. Menanus, 5 the marks must be observed, which distinguish it from leprosy. But, as to the various kinds of leprosy, I confess that I am not a physician, so as to discuss them accurately, and I purposely abstain from close inquiry about them, because I am persuaded that the disease here treated of affected the Israelites in an extraordinary manner, which we are now unacquainted with; for what do we now know of a leprous house? Indeed it is probable that, since heathen writers knew that the Jewish people suffered from this disease, they laid hold of it as the ground of their falsehood, that all the descendants of Abraham were infected with the itch, and were driven away from Egypt, lest others should catch it from them. That 6 this was an ancient calumny appears from Josephus, both in the ninth book of his Antiquities, and in his Treatise against Apion; and it is repeated both by C. Tacitus and Justin. Yet I make no doubt that the Egyptians, a very proud nation, in order to efface the memory of their own disgrace, and of the vengeance inflicted upon them by God, invented this lie, and thus grossly turned against this innocent people what had happened to themselves, when they were smitten with boils and blains. But we shall see hereafter, amongst God’s curses, that He chastised His people with the same plagues as He had inflicted on the Egyptians:

"The Lord will smite thee with the botch of Egypt, and with the emerods, and with the scab,” etc. (Deu 28:27.)

Whence it may be probably inferred, that God avenged the crimes of His ancient people with special judgments, which are now unknown to us; just as afterwards new diseases arose, from which those in old times were free. At any rate, Josephus, by clear and solid arguments, exposes the absurdity of this accusation, that Moses was driven from Egypt with a crowd of exiles, lest they should infect the country with their disease; because, if they had been universally affected with this malady, he never would have imposed such severe laws for separating the lepers from general society.

God first commands that, whenever a suspicion of leprosy arose, the man was to present himself to the priest; if any symptom of leprosy appeared, He commands him to be shut up for a period of seven days, until it should appear from the progress of the disease that it was incurable leprosy. That God should have appointed the priests to be judges, and those, too, only of the highest order, is a proof that His spiritual service was rather regarded than mere bodily health. If any shall inquire whether leprosy is not a contagious disease, and whether it be not therefore expedient that all who were affected by it should be removed from intercourse with others, I admit, indeed, that such is the case, but I deny that this was the main object in view. For, in process of time, physicians would have been better able to decide by their art and skill: whereas God enjoined this decision upon the priests alone, and gave them the rule whereby they were to judge. Nor did He appoint the Levites indiscriminately, but only the sons of Aaron, who were the highest order, in order that the authority of the decision might be greater. It was, then, by a gross error, or rather impudence, that the Papal priests ( sacrifici) assumed to themselves this jurisdiction. It was (they say) the office of the chief priests under the Law to distinguish between the kinds of leprosy; and, therefore, the same right is transferred to the bishops. But they carry the mockery still further: the official 7 the bishop’s representative, sits as the legitimate judge; he calls in physicians and surgeons, from whose answers he pronounces what he confesses he is ignorant of himself. Behold how cleverly they accommodate a legal rite to our times! The mockery, however, is still more disgusting, when in another sense they extend to the whole tribe of priests what they have said to belong solely to the bishops; for, since the sin under which all labor is a spiritual leprosy, they thence infer that all are excluded from the congregation of the faithful until they shall have been purged and received by absolution, which they hold to be the common office of all the priests. They afterwards add, that judgment cannot be pronounced till the cause is heard, and so conclude that confession is necessary. But, if they choose to have recourse to subtleties, reason would rather conduct us to the opposite conclusion; for God did not desire the priests to take cognizance of a hidden disease, but only after the manifest symptoms had appeared: hence it will follow, that it is preposterous to bring secret sins to judgment, and that wretched men are dragged to their confession contrary to all law and justice. But, setting aside all these absurdities, an analogy must be observed between us and God’s ancient people. He of old forbade the external uncleanness of the flesh to be tolerated in His people. By Christ’s coming, the typical. figure has ceased; but we are taught that all uncleanness, whereby the purity of His services is defiled, is not to be cherished, or borne with amongst us. And surely excommunication answers to this ceremony; since by it the Church is purified, lest corruptions should everywhere assail it, if wicked and guilty persons occupied a place in it promiscuously with the good. The command of God that, whilst the disease was obscure and questionable, the infected person should be shut up for seven days, recommends moderation to us, lest any, who is still curable, should be condemned before his time. In fact, this medium is to be observed, that the judge should not be too remiss and hasty in pardoning, and still that he should temper severity by justice; and especially that he should not be too precipitate in his judgment. What we translate “shall pronounce him clean, or unclean,” is in Hebrew, “shall clean, or unclean him;” thus the dignity of the judgment is more fully established, as though it had proceeded from God Himself; and assuredly no medical skill could declare on the seventh day a leprosy to be incurable, respecting which there was doubt so short a time before, unless God should in some special manner discover the uncleanness, and guide the eyes of the priests by His Spirit.

Defender: Lev 13:2 - -- The dread disease of leprosy in ancient times was not only loathsome, but contagious and incurable. Therefore, the seemingly cruel isolation of the le...

The dread disease of leprosy in ancient times was not only loathsome, but contagious and incurable. Therefore, the seemingly cruel isolation of the leper was necessary for the survival of the tribe. Because of the malady's character, the Scriptures make it to be a type of the dread disease of sin, which also is humanly contagious and incurable, eventually becoming loathsome and lethal (Psa 38:3-11; Isa 1:6; Jam 1:15)."

TSK: Lev 13:2 - -- rising : or, swelling a scab : Lev 14:56; Deu 28:27; Isa 3:17 the plague of leprosy : Tzaraâth , the Leprosy, from the Greek λεπρα , from ...

rising : or, swelling

a scab : Lev 14:56; Deu 28:27; Isa 3:17

the plague of leprosy : Tzaraâth , the Leprosy, from the Greek λεπρα , from λεπις , a scale; so called, because in this disease the body is covered with thin white scales, so as to give it the appearance of snow. The leprosy is a dreadful, contagious disorder, common in Egypt and Syria, and generally manifests itself at first in the manner described in the text. Its commencement is imperceptible; there appearing only a few reddish spots on the skin, which are not attended with pain or any other symptom, but cannot be removed. It increases imperceptibly, and continues for some years to be more and more manifest. The spots become larger, spread over the whole skin, and are sometimes rather raised, though generally flat. When it increases the upper part of the nose swells, the nostrils distend, the nose becomes soft, swellings appear on the under jaws, the eyebrows are elevated, the ears grow thick, the ends of the fingers, feet, and toes, swell, the nails grow scaly, the joints of the hands and feet separate, the palms of hands and soles of the feet are ulcerated, and in its last stage the patient becomes horrible, and falls to pieces. Lev 14:3, Lev 14:35; Exo 4:6, Exo 4:7; Num 12:10, Num 12:12; 2Sa 3:29; 2Ki 5:1, 2Ki 5:27; 2Ch 26:19-21; Isa 1:6

he shall : Deu 17:8, Deu 17:9, Deu 24:8; Mal 2:7; Mat 8:4; Mar 1:44; Luk 5:14, Luk 17:14

TSK: Lev 13:3 - -- shall look : Lev 13:2, Lev 10:10; Eze 44:23; Hag 2:11; Mal 2:7; Act 20:28; Rom 3:19, Rom 3:20, Rom 7:7; Heb 13:7; Rev 2:23 turned : Eze 16:30; Hos 7:9...

TSK: Lev 13:4 - -- shut up : Num 12:15; Deu 13:14; Eze 44:10; 1Co 4:5; 1Ti 5:24

TSK: Lev 13:6 - -- pronounce : Isa 11:3, Isa 11:4, Isa 42:3; Rom 14:1; Jud 1:22, Jud 1:23 a scab : Lev 13:2; Deu 32:5; Jam 3:2 wash : Lev 11:25, Lev 11:28, Lev 11:40, Le...

TSK: Lev 13:7 - -- Lev 13:27, Lev 13:35, Lev 13:36; Psa 38:3; Isa 1:5, Isa 1:6; Rom 6:12-14; 2Ti 2:16, 2Ti 2:17

TSK: Lev 13:8 - -- Lev 13:3; Mat 15:7, Mat 15:8; Act 8:21; Phi 3:18, Phi 3:19; 2Pe 2:19

TSK: Lev 13:10 - -- shall see him : Lev 13:3, Lev 13:4; Num 12:10-12; 2Ki 5:27; 2Ch 26:19, 2Ch 26:20 quick raw flesh : Heb. the quickening of living flesh, Lev 13:14, Lev...

shall see him : Lev 13:3, Lev 13:4; Num 12:10-12; 2Ki 5:27; 2Ch 26:19, 2Ch 26:20

quick raw flesh : Heb. the quickening of living flesh, Lev 13:14, Lev 13:15, Lev 13:24; Pro 12:1; Amo 5:10; Joh 3:19, Joh 3:20, Joh 7:7

TSK: Lev 13:12 - -- cover all : 1Ki 8:38; Job 40:4, Job 42:6; Isa 64:6; Joh 16:8, Joh 16:9; Rom 7:14; 1Jo 1:8-10

TSK: Lev 13:13 - -- if the leprosy : It may seem strange that the partial leper should be pronounced unclean, and the person totally covered with the disease clean. This...

if the leprosy : It may seem strange that the partial leper should be pronounced unclean, and the person totally covered with the disease clean. This was probably owing to a different species or stage of the disease; the partial being contagious, the total not. That there are two different species, or degrees, of the disease described here, is sufficiently evidentcaps1 . icaps0 n one, the person was all covered with a white enamelled scurf; in the other, there was a quick raw flesh in the risings. On this account, the one was deemed unclean, or contagious, the other not; for contact with the quick raw flesh would be more likely to communicate the disease, than the touch of the hard dry scurf. The ichor proceeding from the former, when brought into contact with the flesh of another, would soon be taken into constitution by means of the absorbent vessels; but where the surface was perfectly dry; the absorbent vessels of another, coming in contact with the diseased man, could imbibe nothing, and there was consequently but little or no danger of infection. This is the learned Dr. Mead’ s view of the subject; who thus accounts for the circumstances mentioned in the text.

he is clean : Isa 64:6; Joh 9:41

TSK: Lev 13:14 - -- Lev 13:10

TSK: Lev 13:16 - -- Rom 7:14-24; Gal 1:14-16; Phi 3:6-8; 1Ti 1:13-15

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Lev 13:2 - -- The skin of his flesh - An expression found nowhere but in this chapter. It probably denotes the cuticle or scarf skin, as distinguished from t...

The skin of his flesh - An expression found nowhere but in this chapter. It probably denotes the cuticle or scarf skin, as distinguished from the curls or true skin.

Rising ... scab ... bright spot - The Hebrew words are the technical names applied to the common external signs of incipient elephantiasis.

Like the plague of leprosy - Like a stroke of leprosy.

Barnes: Lev 13:3 - -- The hair in the plague is turned white - The sparing growth of very fine whitish hair on leprous spots in the place of the natural hair, appear...

The hair in the plague is turned white - The sparing growth of very fine whitish hair on leprous spots in the place of the natural hair, appears to have been always regarded as a characteristic symptom.

the plague in sight be deeper than the skin of his flesh - Rather The stroke appears to be deeper than the scarf skin. The bright spot changed to a brownish color with a metallic or oily luster, and with a clearly-defined edge. This symptom, along with the whitish hair, at once decided the case to be one of leprosy.

Barnes: Lev 13:5 - -- And the plague spread not - Rather, advance not, so as to show that the disease is under the cuticle and assuming the symptoms of Lev 13:3.

And the plague spread not - Rather, advance not, so as to show that the disease is under the cuticle and assuming the symptoms of Lev 13:3.

Barnes: Lev 13:6 - -- Somewhat dark - Rather, somewhat dim: that is, if the spot is dying away.

Somewhat dark - Rather, somewhat dim: that is, if the spot is dying away.

Barnes: Lev 13:7 - -- Seen of the priest for his cleansing - The purport of these words is doubtful. They probably mean "seen by the priest and pronounced clean,"and...

Seen of the priest for his cleansing - The purport of these words is doubtful. They probably mean "seen by the priest and pronounced clean,"and refer to the visit of the suspected leper to the priest at the end of the second week. But some have taken the words to mean "seen by the priest with a view to be pronounced clean,"and regard the sentence of the priest as provisional, holding good only until the symptoms may appear to resume their progress. Compare Lev 13:35.

Barnes: Lev 13:10 - -- If the rising be white - Or, If there be a white rising. The term very probably denotes the white Bulla or patch of Anaesthetic elephantiasis w...

If the rising be white - Or, If there be a white rising. The term very probably denotes the white Bulla or patch of Anaesthetic elephantiasis when it has re-appeared.

Quick raw flesh in the rising - The margin gives the literal rendering. The symptom here noted exhibits a more advanced stage of the disease. The expression might denote an ulcer or open sore with "proud flesh"appearing in it.

Barnes: Lev 13:12-17 - -- The disease here indicated appears to be that now known as Lepra commonis, the common White Leprosy, or Dry Tetter. It first shows itself in reddish...

The disease here indicated appears to be that now known as Lepra commonis, the common White Leprosy, or Dry Tetter. It first shows itself in reddish pimples, the surface of which becomes white and scaly, spreading in a circular form until they meet each other and cover large patches of the body. It scarcely affects the general health, and for the most part disappears of itself, though it often lasts for years.

From his head even to his foot, wheresoever. the priest looketh - The first appearance of the Lepra Commonis may take place in any part of the body, especially, however, at the larger joints of the limbs; but the spots of elephantiasis are almost always first seen, on those parts which are habitually exposed, the face, ears and hands.

Lev 13:14

Raw flesh - See Lev 13:10.

Lev 13:15

Boil - Probably ulcer. In Job 2:7, and Deu 28:27, Deu 28:35, it would seem highly probable that the word expresses the ulcers of elephantiasis.

Poole: Lev 13:2 - -- In the skin for there was the seat of the leprosy. Bright spot shining like the scale of a fish, as it is in the beginning of a leprosy. Leprosy ...

In the skin for there was the seat of the leprosy.

Bright spot shining like the scale of a fish, as it is in the beginning of a leprosy.

Leprosy was a distemper most frequent in Egypt and Syria, &c., known also among the Greeks, who note that it was not so properly a disease as a defilement or distemper in the skin, whence Christ is not said to heal, but to cleanse the lepers that came to him. And this distemper is here provided against, not because it was worse than others, but because it was externally and visibly filthy, and because of its infectious nature, that hereby we might be instructed to avoid converse with such vicious persons who were likely to infect us.

He shall be brought unto Aaron the priest not to the physician, because, as was now said, it needed not so much healing as cleansing, and was rather a ceremonial pollution than a disease; and because it belonged to the priest to cleanse him, and therefore to search and discover whether he was defiled and needed cleansing. The priest also was to admit to, or exclude from, the sanctuary, and therefore to examine who were to be excluded. And the discovery of this distemper was not so difficult that it required the physician’ s art, but the priest, by experience, and the observation of those rules, might easily make it.

Poole: Lev 13:3 - -- On the plague i.e. the sign or appearance of the plague of leprosy. And it is observable, that the same signs of it are given by Moses here, and by t...

On the plague i.e. the sign or appearance of the plague of leprosy. And it is observable, that the same signs of it are given by Moses here, and by the learned physicians in their works. And when the leprosy came to its height, not the hair only, but also the skin was turned white, as Exo 4:6 Num 12:10 . And this change of colour was an evidence both of the abundance of excrementitious humours, and of the weakness of nature, as we see in old and sick persons. Deeper than the skin; for the leprosy did consume both the skin and the flesh, as appears from 2Ki 5:14 .

Pronounce him unclean Heb. make him unclean , i. e ministerially and declaratively, in which sense ministers are said to remit sins , Mat 16:19 , and to destroy nations, Jer 1:10 .

Poole: Lev 13:4 - -- For greater assurance; to teach ministers not to be rash nor hasty in their judgments and censures, but diligently to search and examine all things ...

For greater assurance; to teach ministers not to be rash nor hasty in their judgments and censures, but diligently to search and examine all things beforehand.

The plague is here put for the man that hath the plague , as pride is put for a proud man, Jer 50:31 , and dreams for the dreamers , Jer 27:9 .

Poole: Lev 13:5 - -- If the plague be at a stay: this translation is justified by the following clause, which is added to explain it. Otherwise the words are and may be r...

If the plague be at a stay: this translation is justified by the following clause, which is added to explain it. Otherwise the words are and may be rendered thus, stand or abide in its own colour ; the Hebrew word being used for colour as well as for sight .

Poole: Lev 13:6 - -- If the plague be somewhat dark which is opposed to the white colour of the leprosy. But the word may be rendered, have contracted itself , or, be r...

If the plague be somewhat dark which is opposed to the white colour of the leprosy. But the word may be rendered, have contracted itself , or, be restrained or confined to its former place and bigness; and thus the opposition seems to be most clear to the spreading of itself, mentioned both in the foregoing verse, and in the following clause.

He shall wash his clothes though it was no leprosy, but a scab only; to teach us, that no sin was so small which did not need to be washed by the blood of Christ, which was the thing designed by all these washings.

Poole: Lev 13:10 - -- If the rising be white to wit, with a preternatural and extraordinary whiteness, as Num 12:10 . And there be ; or rather, or, the copulative put for...

If the rising be white to wit, with a preternatural and extraordinary whiteness, as Num 12:10 . And there be ; or rather, or, the copulative put for the disjunctive, as hath been noted before; for either of these were signs of a leprosy, and one of these may seem inconsistent with the other; the former sign of white hair supposing the skin in which the hair was to remain, and the latter of live flesh supposing the skin to be consumed by the leprosy.

Quick raw flesh showed that this was not a superficial leprosy, but one of a deeper and more malignant nature, that had eaten into the very flesh, for which cause it is in the next verse called an old, or inveterate, or grown leprosy .

Poole: Lev 13:13 - -- If the leprosy i.e. the sign or appearance of the leprosy; or the scab is called a leprosy , because at first view it seemed to be so to the priest,...

If the leprosy i.e. the sign or appearance of the leprosy; or the scab is called a leprosy , because at first view it seemed to be so to the priest, and to other beholders.

Have covered all his flesh: when it appeared in some one part, it discovered the ill humour which lurked within, and withal the inability of nature to expel it; but when it overspread all, it manifested the strength of nature conquering the distemper, and purging out the ill humours into the outward parts.

Poole: Lev 13:14 - -- In him or rather, in it, i.e. in the place where the sign or appearance of leprosy was, when the flesh was partly changed into a whiter colour, and p...

In him or rather, in it, i.e. in the place where the sign or appearance of leprosy was, when the flesh was partly changed into a whiter colour, and partly kept its natural colour; this variety of colours was an evidence of the leprosy, as one and the same colour continuing was a sign of soundness.

Poole: Lev 13:15 - -- The raw flesh is unclean: this is repeated again and again, because raw or living flesh might rather seem a sign of soundness, and the priest might e...

The raw flesh is unclean: this is repeated again and again, because raw or living flesh might rather seem a sign of soundness, and the priest might easily be deceived by it, and therefore he was more narrowly to look into it, and to observe the place and manner and other circumstances in which it appeared.

Poole: Lev 13:16 - -- Be changed unto white it is usual with sores, when they begin to be healed, the skin, which is white, coming upon the flesh.

Be changed unto white it is usual with sores, when they begin to be healed, the skin, which is white, coming upon the flesh.

Haydock: Lev 13:1 - -- Uncleanness, or permanent leprosy.

Uncleanness, or permanent leprosy.

Haydock: Lev 13:2 - -- Colour, &c. Hebrew, "a tumour, abscess, or white spot," which are the three marks of leprosy. (Calmet) --- Leprosy. The leprosy was a figure of ...

Colour, &c. Hebrew, "a tumour, abscess, or white spot," which are the three marks of leprosy. (Calmet) ---

Leprosy. The leprosy was a figure of sin: and the observances prescribed in this and the following chapter, intimate what ought spiritually to be done, in order to be delivered from so great an evil, or preserved from it. (Challoner) ---

The authority of the priests in the new law to bind or loose sins, was hereby prefigured. (St. Chrysostom, de Sacerd. 3.) (Worthington)

Haydock: Lev 13:3 - -- Flesh. These two signs indicated the species of leprosy called volatile, or impetigo, (Menochius) resembling a scab, which did not penetrate the f...

Flesh. These two signs indicated the species of leprosy called volatile, or impetigo, (Menochius) resembling a scab, which did not penetrate the flesh or bones, as our leprosy or elephantiasis does. (Vales.; Chap. xix.) ---

Separated from society. Hebrew, "he shall contaminate him." See ver. 11. (Haydock) ---

Some assert, that the physician was first to be consulted. But none but the priests could declare them unclean, or set them at liberty. After they had pronounced sentence, the lepers might apply for medicines to others.

Haydock: Lev 13:6 - -- Obscure. Some translate the Hebrew "retired," with the Syriac and Arabic versions. --- Scab, "an ebullition," or pustule. (Theodoret; St. Jerome ...

Obscure. Some translate the Hebrew "retired," with the Syriac and Arabic versions. ---

Scab, "an ebullition," or pustule. (Theodoret; St. Jerome in Nah. ii.) ---

Clothes, and himself. See Chap. xi. 40.

Haydock: Lev 13:10 - -- Living flesh. The leprosy is caused by immense numbers of worms, which crawl between the skin and the flesh, and sometimes infect the latter, and th...

Living flesh. The leprosy is caused by immense numbers of worms, which crawl between the skin and the flesh, and sometimes infect the latter, and they very bones, garments, &c. Hence the flesh seems all in motion, and living. (Haydock) ---

The different spots in the skin represent heretical opinions obscuring the true faith, of which priests are the judges. (Deuteronomy xvii.; St. Augustine, q. Evang. ii. 40.) (Worthington)

Haydock: Lev 13:11 - -- Inveterate. Celsus says, this sort of leprosy is hardly ever cured. --- Up. But, as the Roman Septuagint reads, "shall separate him," from the pe...

Inveterate. Celsus says, this sort of leprosy is hardly ever cured. ---

Up. But, as the Roman Septuagint reads, "shall separate him," from the people.

Haydock: Lev 13:13 - -- Clean. The white leprosy causeth no itching. (Gorrheus.; Celsus, v. 28.) Theodoret (q. 16,) says, it is incurable; and therefore, the person infec...

Clean. The white leprosy causeth no itching. (Gorrheus.; Celsus, v. 28.) Theodoret (q. 16,) says, it is incurable; and therefore, the person infected is not shut up, out of pity. So St. Paul (1 Corinthians v. 11,) forbids us to eat with a dissolute Christian, while he allows us to have commerce with infidels, though they be wholly corrupt. But others assert, it is not so difficult to cure as that which is partial, ver. 14. The hand of Moses was stricken with this white leprosy, Exodus iv. 6. (Calmet) ---

This species is not so contagious. (Menochius)

Haydock: Lev 13:14 - -- Live flesh, raw, the skin being consumed in various parts.

Live flesh, raw, the skin being consumed in various parts.

Haydock: Lev 13:16 - -- Whiteness, after the red flesh is covered with skin as usual.

Whiteness, after the red flesh is covered with skin as usual.

Gill: Lev 13:1 - -- And the Lord spake unto Moses and unto Aaron,.... Aaron is addressed again, though left out in the preceding law, because the laws concerning leprosy ...

And the Lord spake unto Moses and unto Aaron,.... Aaron is addressed again, though left out in the preceding law, because the laws concerning leprosy chiefly concerned the priests, whose business it was to judge of it, and cleanse from it; and so Ben Gersom observes, mention is made of Aaron here, because to him and his sons belonged the affair of leprosies, to pronounce unclean or clean, to shut up or set free, and, as Aben Ezra says, according to his determination were all the plagues or strokes of a man, who should be declared clean or unclean:

saying; as follows.

Gill: Lev 13:2 - -- When a man shall have in the skin of his flesh,.... Rules are here given, by which a leprosy might be judged of; which, as a disease, was frequent in ...

When a man shall have in the skin of his flesh,.... Rules are here given, by which a leprosy might be judged of; which, as a disease, was frequent in Egypt, where the Israelites had dwelt a long time, and from whence they were just come; and is doubtless the reason, as learned men have observed, that several Heathen writers make the cause of their expulsion from Egypt, as they choose to call it, though wrongly, their being infected with this distemper; whereas it was the reverse, not they, but the Egyptians, were incident to it z. Moreover, the leprosy here spoken of seems not to be the same with that disease, or what we now call so, though some have thought otherwise; it being rather an uncleanness than a disease, and the business of a priest, and not a physician to attend unto; and did not arise from natural causes, but was from the immediate hand of God, and was inflicted on men for their sins, as the cases of Miriam, Gehazi, and Uzziah show; and who by complying with the rites and ceremonies hereafter enjoined, their sins were pardoned, and they were cleansed; so that as their case was extraordinary and supernatural, their cure and cleansing were as remarkable: besides, this impurity being in garments and houses, shows it to be something out of the ordinary way. And this law concerning it did not extend to all men, only to the Israelites, and such as were in connection with them, such as proselytes. It is said a, all are defiled with the plague (of leprosy) except an idolater and a proselyte of the gate; and the commentators say b, even servants, and little ones though but a day old; that is, they are polluted with it, and so come under this law. Now the place where this disorder appears is "in the skin of the flesh"; that is, where there is a skin, and that is seen; for there are some places, the Jewish writers c say, are not reckoned the skin of the flesh, or where that is not seen, and such places are excepted, and they are these; the inside of the eye, of the ear, and of the nose: wrinkles in the neck, under the pap, and under the arm hole; the sole of the foot, the nail, the head and beard: and this phrase, "in the skin of his flesh", is always particularly mentioned; and when there appeared in it

a rising, scab, or bright spot; the scab that is placed between the rising or swelling, and the bright spot, belongs to them both, and is a kind of an accessory, or second to each of them: hence the Jews distinguish the scab of the swelling, and the scab of the bright spot; so that these make four in all, as they observe d. And to this agrees what Ben Gersom on this text remarks; the bright spot is, whose whiteness is as the snow; the rising or swelling is what is white, as the pure wool of a lamb of a day old; the scab is what is inferior in whiteness to the rising, and is as in the degree of the whiteness of the shell or film of an egg; and this is the order of these appearances, the most white is the bright spot, after that the rising, and after that the scab of the bright spot, and after that the scab of the rising or swelling; and, lo, what is in whiteness below the whiteness of this (the last) is not the plague of leprosy:

and it be in the skin of his flesh like the plague of leprosy; either of the above appearances in the skin, having somewhat in them similar to the leprosy, or which may justly raise a suspicion of it, though it is not clear and manifest:

then he shall be brought to Aaron the priest, or unto one of his sons the priests; for, as Jarchi notes, there was no pollution nor purification of the leprosy, but by the mouth or determination of a priest. And a good man that was desirous, and made conscience of observing the laws of God, when he observed anything of the above in him, and had any suspicion of his case, would of himself go, and show himself to the priest; but if a man did not do this, and any of his neighbours observed the appearances on him, brought him to the priest whether he would or not, according to the text:

he shall be brought: that is, as Aben Ezra explains it, whether with or without his will; for he that sees in him one of the signs, shall oblige him to come to the priest; and who observes, that by Aaron the priest is meant, the priest anointed in his room; and by his sons the priests, the common priests, who are found without the sanctuary; such as the priests of Anathoth, but who were not of those that were rejected.

Gill: Lev 13:3 - -- And the priest shall look on the plague in the skin of the flesh,.... Whether it be a swelling, scab, or a bright spot that appears, and judge of it b...

And the priest shall look on the plague in the skin of the flesh,.... Whether it be a swelling, scab, or a bright spot that appears, and judge of it by the following rules, and none but a priest might do this:

and when the hair in the plague is turned white; it arising in a place where hair grows, and which hair is not naturally white, but of another colour, but changed through the force of the plague; and there were to be two hairs at least, which were at first black, but turned white; so Jarchi and Ben Gersom: and these hairs, according to the Misnah e, must be white at bottom; if the root (or bottom) is black, and the head (or top) white, he is clean; if the root white, and the head black, he is defiled; for hairs turning white is a sign of a disorder, of weakness, of a decay of nature, as may be observed in ancient persons:

and the plague in sight be deeper than the skin of his flesh; appears plainly to view to be more than skin deep, to have corroded and eat into the flesh below the skin:

it is a plague of leprosy; when these two signs were observed, hair turned white, and the plague was more than skin deep, then it was a plain case that it was the leprosy of which See Gill on Mat 8:2, Mat 8:3, Luk 5:12. This was an emblem of sin, and the corruption of nature, which is an uncleanness, and with which every man is defiled, and which renders him infectious, nauseous, and abominable; and of which he is only to be cured and cleansed by Christ, the great High Priest, through his blood, which cleanses from all sin. The above signs and marks of leprosy may be observed in this; the white hair denoting a decay of strength, see Hos 7:9 may be seen in sinners, as in the leper, who are without moral and spiritual strength to keep the law of God, to do anything that is spiritually good, to regenerate, renew, convert, and sanctify themselves, or to bring themselves out of the state of pollution, bondage, and misery, in which they are; and, like the leprosy, sin lies deep in man; it is in his flesh, in which dwells no good thing, and in which there is no soundness; it does not lie merely in outward actions, but it is in the heart, which is desperately wicked; for the inward part of man is very wicked:

and the priest shall look on him, and pronounce him unclean; and so should be obliged to rend his clothes, make bare his head, put a covering on his upper lip, and cry, unclean, unclean; dwell alone without the camp, and at a proper time bring the offering for his cleansing, and submit to the several rites and ceremonies prescribed, Lev 13:45.

Gill: Lev 13:4 - -- If the bright spot be white in the skin of his flesh,.... The Targum of Jonathan is, white as chalk in the skin of his flesh; but other Jewish writers...

If the bright spot be white in the skin of his flesh,.... The Targum of Jonathan is, white as chalk in the skin of his flesh; but other Jewish writers make the whiteness of the bright spot to be the greatest of all, like that of snow; See Gill on Lev 13:2,

and in sight be not deeper than the skin, and the hair thereof be not turned white; though it be a bright spot, and be very white, yet these two marks not appearing, it cannot be judged a leprosy, at most it is only suspicious: wherefore

then the priest, shall shut up him that hath the plague seven days; in whom the bright spot is, and of whom there is a suspicion of the plague of leprosy, but it is not certain; and therefore, in order to take time, and get further knowledge, the person was to be shut up from all company and conversation for the space of seven days; by which time it might be supposed, as Ben Gersom observes, that the case and state of the leprosy (if it was one) would be altered; and Aben Ezra remarks, that most diseases change or alter on the seventh day.

Gill: Lev 13:5 - -- And the priest shall look on him the seventh day,.... In the day, and not in the night, as Maimonides, but not on the seventh day, if it happened to b...

And the priest shall look on him the seventh day,.... In the day, and not in the night, as Maimonides, but not on the seventh day, if it happened to be on the sabbath f, then it was put off till after it; and, according to the Jewish canons g, they do not look upon plagues in the morning, nor in the evening, nor in the middle of a house, nor on a cloudy day, nor at noon, but at the fourth, fifth, eighth, and ninth hours:

and, behold, if the plague in his sight be at a stay; it appears to the priest, according to the strictest view he can take of it, that it is in the same state and condition it was, neither better nor worse:

and the plague spread not in the skin: is not greater or larger than it was, though not less:

then the priest shall shut him up seven days more; such abundant care was taken, lest after all it should prove a leprosy.

Gill: Lev 13:6 - -- And the priest shall look on him again the seventh day,.... On the second seventh day, at the end of a fortnight from his being first presented to him...

And the priest shall look on him again the seventh day,.... On the second seventh day, at the end of a fortnight from his being first presented to him, and shut up:

and, behold, if the plague be somewhat dark; the spot be not so bright, or so white as it was at first; though Aben Ezra observes, that indeed many wise men say, that כהה is as חשך, signifying dark, and the testimony or proof they bring is Gen 27:1 but according to my opinion, adds he, the word is the reverse of פשה, to spread; and the sense is, if the plague does not spread itself in another place; and so some translators render it "contracted", or "contracts itself" h: and this seems best to agree with what follows:

and the plague spread not in the skin; but is as it was when first viewed, after waiting fourteen days, and making observations on it:

the priest shall pronounce him clean; that is, from leprosy, otherwise there was an impure disorder on him, a scabious one:

it is but a scab; which is the name, Jarchi says, of a clean plague or stroke, that is, in comparison of the leprosy, otherwise such cannot be said with any propriety to be clean. Ben Gersom better explains it, it is a white scab, but not of the kind of leprosy, although it is found as the whiteness of the bright spot; but there are not seen in it the signs of leprosy, the hair is not turned white, nor has the plague increased:

and he shall wash his clothes, and be clean; for seeing he was obliged to be shut up, as Jarchi observes, he is called unclean, and stood in need of dipping, that is, his body and his clothes into water; so the people of God, though they are justified by the righteousness of Christ, and are pronounced clean through it, yet since they have their spots and scabs, they have need to have their conversation garments continually washed in the blood of the Lamb.

Gill: Lev 13:7 - -- But if the scab spread much abroad in the skin,.... Or "in spreading spread" k; spreads, and proceeds to spread more and more: after that he hath b...

But if the scab spread much abroad in the skin,.... Or "in spreading spread" k; spreads, and proceeds to spread more and more:

after that he hath been seen of the priest for his cleansing: even after he had been viewed upon the first presentation of him to him, and after he had been twice seen by him by the end of two weeks, in which he was shut up, and after he had been pronounced clean, and had washed his clothes for his purification:

he shall be seen of the priest again; either he shall go to him of himself, or be brought to him, to be reviewed and pass under afresh examination.

Gill: Lev 13:8 - -- And if the priest see that, behold, the scab spreadeth in the skin,.... Is not at a stay, as when he looked at it a second and third time: then th...

And if the priest see that, behold, the scab spreadeth in the skin,.... Is not at a stay, as when he looked at it a second and third time:

then the priest shall pronounce him unclean; a leprous person; to be absolutely so, as Jarchi expresses it; and so obliged to the birds (to bring birds for his cleansing), and to shaving, and to the offering spoken of in this section, as the same writer observes:

it is a leprosy: it is a clear and plain case that it was one, and no doubt is to be made of it, it is a spreading leprosy: as sin is; it spreads itself over all the powers and faculties of the soul, and over all the members of the body; and it spreads more and more in every stage of life, unless and until grace puts a stop to it.

Gill: Lev 13:9 - -- When the plague of leprosy is in a man,.... He has all the signs of it, and it is pretty manifest both to himself and others that it is upon him: t...

When the plague of leprosy is in a man,.... He has all the signs of it, and it is pretty manifest both to himself and others that it is upon him:

then he shall be brought unto the priest; by his friends and neighbours, if he is not willing to come of himself: a sinner insensible of the leprosy of sin, and of his unclean and miserable state through it, has no will to come to Christ the great High Priest for cleansing; but one that is sensible of it, and of Christ's ability to help and cleanse him, will come freely and gladly, and importunately seek to him for it; though indeed such an one is brought by powerful and efficacious grace to him, yet not against, but with his full will; see Joh 5:40; compare with this Mat 8:1.

Gill: Lev 13:10 - -- And the priest shall see him,.... Look at him, and closely and narrowly inspect and examine his case: and, behold, if the rising be white in the...

And the priest shall see him,.... Look at him, and closely and narrowly inspect and examine his case:

and, behold, if the rising be white in the skin; this is another appearance of the leprosy; the preceding were a bright spot, and the scab of it; but this a rising or white swelling in the skin, as white as pure wool, as the Targum of Jonathan:

and it have turned the hair white; to the whiteness of an egg shell, or the film of it, as the same Targum; that is, hath turned the hair of another colour, into white which was before black:

and there be quick raw flesh in the rising, or swelling; or "the quickening" or "quickness of live flesh" l either such as we call proud flesh, which looks raw and red; or sound flesh, live flesh being opposed to that which is mortified and putrid; and so Jarchi renders it by "saniment", a French word for "soundness": and the Septuagint version, in this and all other places where the word is used, renders it "sound": this clause may be considered disjunctively, as by Gersom, "or there be quick raw flesh"; for either the hair turning white, or quick raw flesh, one or the other, and one without the other was a sign of leprosy, so Jarchi observes; even this is a sign of uncleanness, the white hair without the quick flesh, and the quick flesh without the white hair: this may seem strange that quick and sound flesh should be a sign of the leprosy and its uncleanness; though it should be observed, it is such as is in the rising or swelling: and in things spiritual, it is a bad sign when men are proud of themselves and have confidence in the flesh; when in their own opinion they are whole and sound, and need no physician; when they trust in themselves that they are righteous, and boast of and have their dependence on their own works; he appears to be in the best state and frame that cried out as David did, that there is "no soundness in his flesh", Psa 38:3.

Gill: Lev 13:11 - -- It is an old leprosy in the skin of his flesh,.... An inveterate one, of long standing and continuance, an obstinate one, not to be cured by medicine...

It is an old leprosy in the skin of his flesh,.... An inveterate one, of long standing and continuance, an obstinate one, not to be cured by medicine; as this sort of leprosy was, and therefore the person was sent not to a physician, but to the priest: the leprosy of sin is an old disease, brought by man into the world with him, and continues with him from his youth upwards, and nothing but the grace of God and blood of Christ can remove it:

and the priest shall pronounce him unclean, and shall not shut him up; there being no doubt at all of it being a leprosy, and of his uncleanness, and therefore no need to shut him up for further examination, but to turn him out of the camp till his purification was over:

for he is unclean; in a ceremonial sense, and was obliged to the law for cleansing, such as after given.

Gill: Lev 13:12 - -- And if a leprosy break out abroad in the skin,.... Or, if flowering it flowers m; the man that has it on him looks like a plant or tree covered with w...

And if a leprosy break out abroad in the skin,.... Or, if flowering it flowers m; the man that has it on him looks like a plant or tree covered with white flowers, being spread all over him in white swellings, bright spots or scabs, as it follows:

and the leprosy cover all the skin of him that hath the plague, from his head even to his foot; such an one as the leper was that came to Christ for healing, said to be full of leprosy, Luk 5:12; and such in a mystical sense is every sinner, whether sensible of it or not, even from the Crown of the head to the sole of the foot, full of the wounds, bruises, and putrefying sores of sin, Isa 1:6,

wheresoever the priest looketh; that is, he cannot look any where upon any part of him but he sees the signs of the leprosy on him; and from whence the Jewish writers gather, that a priest that inspects leprous persons ought to have a clear sight, and to have both his eyes, and that the inspection should not be made in a dark house.

Gill: Lev 13:13 - -- Then the priest shall consider,.... Look wistly upon it, and well weigh the matter in his own mind, that he may make a true judgment and pronounce a r...

Then the priest shall consider,.... Look wistly upon it, and well weigh the matter in his own mind, that he may make a true judgment and pronounce a right sentence:

and, behold, if the leprosy have covered all his flesh; from head to foot, so that no quick, raw, or sound flesh appear in him:

he shall pronounce him clean that hath the plague; not clean from a leprosy he is covered with; but that he is free from pollution by it, and under no obligation to bring his offering, or to perform, or have performed on him any of the rites and ceremonies used in cleansing of the leper:

it is all turned white; his skin and flesh with white bright spots, scabs and swellings, and no raw and red flesh appears:

he is clean; in a ceremonial sense: this may seem strange, that one that had a bright spot, or a white swelling, or a scab that spreads, a single one of these, or here and there one, should be unclean, and yet, if covered over with them, should be clean; the reason in nature is, because this shows a good healthful inward constitution, which throws out all its ill humours externally, whereby health is preserved; as we see in persons that have the measles or smallpox, or such like distempers, if they stick in the skin, and only here and there one rises up in a tumour, and to an head, it is a bad sign; but if they come out kindly and well, though they cover the whole body, things are very promising: the mystical or spiritual meaning of this is, that when a man sees himself to be a sinful creature, all over covered with sin, and no part free, and disclaims all righteousness of his own to justify him before God, but wholly trusts to, and depends upon the grace of God for salvation, and the righteousness of Christ for his acceptance with God; he becomes clean through the grace of God and the blood and righteousness of Christ.

Gill: Lev 13:14 - -- But when raw flesh appeareth in him,.... Between the white spots, scabs, or swellings, or in the midst of them: he shall be unclean; be pronounced ...

But when raw flesh appeareth in him,.... Between the white spots, scabs, or swellings, or in the midst of them:

he shall be unclean; be pronounced unclean, and be subject to all the prescriptions of the law concerning lepers.

Gill: Lev 13:15 - -- And the priest shall see the raw flesh,.... Or when he sees it, the person being brought to him to be viewed: and pronounce him to be unclean; or s...

And the priest shall see the raw flesh,.... Or when he sees it, the person being brought to him to be viewed:

and pronounce him to be unclean; or shall pronounce him to be unclean:

for the raw flesh is unclean; made a man so in a ceremonial sense; See Gill on Lev 13:10,

it is a leprosy; wherever any quick raw flesh appears in a swelling.

Gill: Lev 13:16 - -- Or if the raw flesh turn again,.... Changes its colour, from redness, which is in raw flesh: and be changed unto white: and does not look ruddy as ...

Or if the raw flesh turn again,.... Changes its colour, from redness, which is in raw flesh:

and be changed unto white: and does not look ruddy as flesh in common does, nor red and fiery, as raw and proud flesh, but is white, of the same colour with the swelling or scab:

he shall come unto the priest; again, and show himself, even though he was before by him pronounced clean.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Lev 13:2 Or “it shall be reported to Aaron the priest.” This alternative rendering may be better in light of the parallel use of the same expressio...

NET Notes: Lev 13:3 Heb “he shall make him unclean.” The verb is the Piel of טָמֵא (tame’) “to be unclean.” He...

NET Notes: Lev 13:4 Heb “and the priest will shut up the infection seven days.”

NET Notes: Lev 13:5 Heb “a second seven days.”

NET Notes: Lev 13:6 Heb “and he shall wash his clothes.”

NET Notes: Lev 13:7 Heb “And if spreading [infinitive absolute] it spreads [finite verb].” For the infinitive absolute used to highlight contrast rather than ...

NET Notes: Lev 13:8 This is the declarative Piel of the verb טָמֵא (tame’, cf. the note on v. 3 above).

NET Notes: Lev 13:9 Heb “When there is an infection of disease in a man.” The term for “a man; a human being” (אָדָם...

NET Notes: Lev 13:10 Heb “and rawness [i.e., something living] of living flesh is in the swelling”; KJV, NASB, NRSV “quick raw flesh.”

NET Notes: Lev 13:11 Instead of just the normal quarantine isolation, this condition calls for the more drastic and enduring response stated in Lev 13:45-46. Raw flesh, of...

NET Notes: Lev 13:12 Heb “to all the appearance of the eyes of the priest.”

NET Notes: Lev 13:13 Heb “all of him has turned white, and he is clean.”

NET Notes: Lev 13:14 Heb “and in the day of there appears in it living flesh.” Some English versions render this as “open sores” (cf. NCV, TEV, NLT...

NET Notes: Lev 13:15 This is the declarative Piel of the verb טָמֵא (tame’; cf. the note on v. 3 above).

NET Notes: Lev 13:16 Heb “the living flesh returns and is turned/changed to white.” The Hebrew verb “returns” is שׁוּב...

Geneva Bible: Lev 13:2 When a man shall have in the skin of his flesh a rising, a scab, or bright spot, and it be in the skin of his flesh ( a ) [like] the plague of leprosy...

Geneva Bible: Lev 13:3 And the priest shall look on the plague in the skin of the flesh: and [when] the hair in the plague is turned white, and the plague in sight [be] ( b ...

Geneva Bible: Lev 13:6 And the priest shall look on him again the seventh day: and, behold, [if] the plague [be] somewhat ( c ) dark, [and] the plague spread not in the skin...

Geneva Bible: Lev 13:8 And [if] the priest see that, behold, the scab spreadeth in the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him ( d ) unclean: it [is] a leprosy. ( d ) Con...

Geneva Bible: Lev 13:13 Then the priest shall consider: and, behold, [if] the leprosy have covered all his flesh, he shall pronounce [him] ( e ) clean [that hath] the plague:...

Geneva Bible: Lev 13:15 And the priest shall see the raw flesh, and pronounce him to be unclean: [for] the raw flesh [is] ( f ) unclean: it [is] a leprosy. ( f ) That is, de...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Lev 13:1-59 - --1 The laws and tokens whereby the priest is to be guided in discerning the leprosy.

MHCC: Lev 13:1-17 - --The plague of leprosy was an uncleanness, rather than a disease. Christ is said to cleanse lepers, not to cure them. Common as the leprosy was among t...

Matthew Henry: Lev 13:1-17 - -- I. Concerning the plague of leprosy we may observe in general, 1. That it was rather an uncleanness than a disease; or, at least, so the law conside...

Keil-Delitzsch: Lev 13:1 - -- Leprosy. - The law for leprosy, the observance of which is urged upon the people again in Deu 24:8-9, treats, in the first place, of leprosy in men...

Keil-Delitzsch: Lev 13:2-28 - -- The symptoms of leprosy, whether proceeding directly from eruptions in the skin, or caused by a boil or burn . - Lev 13:2-8. The first case: "When...

Constable: Lev 1:1--16:34 - --I. The public worship of the Israelites chs. 1--16 Leviticus continues revelation concerning the second of three...

Constable: Lev 11:1--15:33 - --C. Laws relating to ritual cleanliness chs. 11-15 A change of subject matter indicates another major div...

Constable: Lev 13:1--14:57 - --3. Uncleanness due to skin and covering abnormalities chs. 13-14 Many translations and commentar...

Constable: Lev 13:1-59 - --The diagnosis and treatment of abnormalities in human skin and clothing ch. 13 We may fu...

Constable: Lev 13:1-46 - --Abnormalities in human skin 13:1-46 God dealt with 21 different cases of skin diseases in this pericope. Some of these may have included measles, smal...

Guzik: Lev 13:1-59 - --Leviticus 13 - The Diagnosis of Leprosy A. Instructions to the priests for diagnosing leprosy. 1. (1-8) The method of examination for leprosy. And...

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Commentary -- Other

Evidence: Lev 13:5 For fasccinating facts in the Bible see Psalm 38:11 comment

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Leviticus (Book Introduction) LEVITICUS. So called from its treating of the laws relating to the ritual, the services, and sacrifices of the Jewish religion, the superintendence of...


TSK: Leviticus (Book Introduction) Leviticus is a most interesting and important book; a book containing a code of sacrificial, ceremonial, civil, and judicial laws, which, for the puri...

TSK: Leviticus 13 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Lev 13:1, The laws and tokens whereby the priest is to be guided in discerning the leprosy.

Poole: Leviticus (Book Introduction) THIRD BOOK OF MOSES CALLED LEVITICUS THE ARGUMENT This Book, containing the actions of about one month’ s space, acquainteth us with the Lev...

Poole: Leviticus 13 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 13 Laws touching leprosies; its different kinds how to be known and judged of by the priest, Lev 13:1-8 . Of the swelling, Lev 13:9-17 . Of...

MHCC: Leviticus (Book Introduction) God ordained divers kinds of oblations and sacrifices, to assure his people of the forgiveness of their offences, if they offered them in true faith a...

MHCC: Leviticus 13 (Chapter Introduction) (v. 1-17) Directions to the priest to judge concerning leprosy. (v. 18-44) Further directions. (Lev 13:45, Lev 13:46) How the leper must be disposed...

Matthew Henry: Leviticus (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Third Book of Moses, Called Leviticus There is nothing historical in all this book of Leviticus exc...

Matthew Henry: Leviticus 13 (Chapter Introduction) The next ceremonial uncleanness is that of the leprosy, concerning which the law was very large and particular; we have the discovery of it in this...

Constable: Leviticus (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The Hebrews derived the title of this book from the first word in i...

Constable: Leviticus (Outline) Outline "At first sight the book of Leviticus might appear to be a haphazard, even repetitious arrangement of en...

Constable: Leviticus Leviticus Bibliography Aharoni, Yohanan, and Michael Avi-Yonah. The Macmillan Bible Atlas. Revised ed. New York...

Haydock: Leviticus (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION. The Book is called Leviticus : because it treats of the offices, ministries, rites and ceremonies of the Priests and Levites. The H...

Gill: Leviticus (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO LEVITICUS This book is commonly called by the Jews Vajikra, from the first word with which it begins, and sometimes תורת כהנ...

Gill: Leviticus 13 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO LEVITICUS 13 In this chapter an account is given of the various sorts of leprosy, and the rules by which they were to be judged of,...

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