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Text -- Leviticus 13:38-59 (NET)

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Bright White Spots on the Skin
13:38 “When a man or a woman has bright spots– white bright spots– on the skin of their body, 13:39 the priest is to examine them, and if the bright spots on the skin of their body are faded white, it is a harmless rash that has broken out on the skin. The person is clean.
Baldness on the Head
13:40 “When a man’s head is bare so that he is balding in back, he is clean. 13:41 If his head is bare on the forehead so that he is balding in front, he is clean. 13:42 But if there is a reddish white infection in the back or front bald area, it is a disease breaking out in his back or front bald area. 13:43 The priest is to examine it, and if the swelling of the infection is reddish white in the back or front bald area like the appearance of a disease on the skin of the body, 13:44 he is a diseased man. He is unclean. The priest must surely pronounce him unclean because of his infection on his head.
The Life of the Person with Skin Disease
13:45 “As for the diseased person who has the infection, his clothes must be torn, the hair of his head must be unbound, he must cover his mustache, and he must call out ‘Unclean! Unclean!’ 13:46 The whole time he has the infection he will be continually unclean. He must live in isolation, and his place of residence must be outside the camp.
Infections in Garments, Cloth, or Leather
13:47 “When a garment has a diseased infection in it, whether a wool or linen garment, 13:48 or in the warp or woof of the linen or the wool, or in leather or anything made of leather, 13:49 if the infection in the garment or leather or warp or woof or any article of leather is yellowish green or reddish, it is a diseased infection and it must be shown to the priest. 13:50 The priest is to examine and then quarantine the article with the infection for seven days. 13:51 He must then examine the infection on the seventh day. If the infection has spread in the garment, or in the warp, or in the woof, or in the leather– whatever the article into which the leather was made– the infection is a malignant disease. It is unclean. 13:52 He must burn the garment or the warp or the woof, whether wool or linen, or any article of leather which has the infection in it. Because it is a malignant disease it must be burned up in the fire. 13:53 But if the priest examines it and the infection has not spread in the garment or in the warp or in the woof or in any article of leather, 13:54 the priest is to command that they wash whatever has the infection and quarantine it for another seven days. 13:55 The priest must then examine it after the infection has been washed out, and if the infection has not changed its appearance even though the infection has not spread, it is unclean. You must burn it up in the fire. It is a fungus, whether on the back side or front side of the article. 13:56 But if the priest has examined it and the infection has faded after it has been washed, he is to tear it out of the garment or the leather or the warp or the woof. 13:57 Then if it still appears again in the garment or the warp or the woof, or in any article of leather, it is an outbreak. Whatever has the infection in it you must burn up in the fire. 13:58 But the garment or the warp or the woof or any article of leather which you wash and infection disappears from it is to be washed a second time and it will be clean.”
Summary of Infection Regulations
13:59 This is the law of the diseased infection in the garment of wool or linen, or the warp or woof, or any article of leather, for pronouncing it clean or unclean.
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Dictionary Themes and Topics: Leprosy | CLEAN | LEVITICUS, 1 | LEPER; LEPROSY | SPOT; SPOTTED | TALMUD | LEVITICUS, 2 | Ablution | PRIESTS AND LEVITES | PRIEST, HIGH | PLAGUE | UNCLEANNESS | COLOR; COLORS | Sanitation | RIGHTEOUSNESS | Purification | Israel | Dress | Wool | WARP | more
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Verse Notes / Footnotes
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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Lev 13:39 Heb “he,” but the regulation applies to a man or a woman (v. 38a). In the translation “the person” is used to specify the refe...

NET Notes: Lev 13:40 Heb “And a man, when his head is rubbed bare, he is bald-headed.” The translation offered here, referring to the back of the head (i.e., t...

NET Notes: Lev 13:41 The rendering “balding in front” corresponds to the location of the bareness at the beginning of the verse.

NET Notes: Lev 13:43 Heb “like appearance of disease of skin of flesh.”

NET Notes: Lev 13:44 Or perhaps translate, “His infection [is] on his head,” as a separate independent sentence (cf. KJV, ASV, NASB, NRSV). There is no causal ...

NET Notes: Lev 13:45 Heb “and his head shall be unbound, and he shall cover on [his] mustache.” Tearing one’s clothing, allowing the hair to hang loose r...

NET Notes: Lev 13:46 Heb “All the days which the infection is in him.”

NET Notes: Lev 13:47 Heb “in a wool garment or in a linen garment.”

NET Notes: Lev 13:48 Heb “in any handiwork of skin” (cf. KJV, ASV, NRSV); most other modern English versions have “leather.”

NET Notes: Lev 13:49 Heb “and the infection is.” This clause is conditional in force, and is translated as such by almost all English versions.

NET Notes: Lev 13:50 Heb “And the priest shall see the infection and he shall shut up the infection seven days.”

NET Notes: Lev 13:51 Heb “to all which the leather was made into a handiwork.”

NET Notes: Lev 13:53 Heb “And if the priest sees and behold”; NASB “and indeed.”

NET Notes: Lev 13:54 Heb “a second seven days.”

NET Notes: Lev 13:55 The terms “back side” and “front side” are the same as those used in v. 42 for the “back or front bald area” of a ...

NET Notes: Lev 13:56 Heb “and he shall tear it from.”

NET Notes: Lev 13:57 Heb “And if”; NIV, NCV “But if”; NAB “If, however.”

NET Notes: Lev 13:58 Heb “and the infection turns aside from them.”

NET Notes: Lev 13:59 These are declarative Piel forms of the verbs טָהֵר (taher) and טָמֵא (tame’) respec...

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