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Text -- Luke 6:33 (NET)

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6:33 And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do the same.
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey , Lapide

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Luk 6:33 - -- Do good ( agathopoiēte ). Third-class condition, ean and present subjunctive. This verb not in old Greek, but in lxx.

Do good ( agathopoiēte ).

Third-class condition, ean and present subjunctive. This verb not in old Greek, but in lxx.

Robertson: Luk 6:33 - -- Even sinners ( kai hoi hamartōloi ). Even the sinners, the article distinguishing the class. Mat 5:46 has "even the publicans"and Mat 5:47"even the...

Even sinners ( kai hoi hamartōloi ).

Even the sinners, the article distinguishing the class. Mat 5:46 has "even the publicans"and Mat 5:47"even the Gentiles."That completes the list of the outcasts for "sinners"includes "harlots"and all the rest.

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Luk 6:20-49 - -- See this passage fully illustrated in the sermon on the mount, in Matt. 5\endash 7. Luk 6:21 That hunger now - Matthew has it, "that hung...

See this passage fully illustrated in the sermon on the mount, in Matt. 5\endash 7.

Luk 6:21

That hunger now - Matthew has it, "that hunger and thirst after righteousness."Matthew has expressed more fully what Luke has briefly, but there is no contradiction.

Luk 6:24-26

These verses have been omitted by Matthew. They seem to have been spoken to the Pharisees.

Who are rich - In this world’ s goods. They loved them; they had sought for them; they found their consolation in them. It implies, farther, that they would not seek or receive consolation from the gospel. They were proud, and would not seek it; satisfied, and did not desire it; filled with cares, and had no time or disposition to attend to it. All the consolation which they had reason to expect they had received. Alas! how poor and worthless is such consolation, compared with that which the gospel would give!

Woe unto you that are full! - Not hungry. Satisfied with their wealth, and not feeling their need of anything better than earthly wealth can give. Many, alas! are thus "full."They profess to be satisfied. They desire nothing but wealth, and a sufficiency to satisfy the wants of the body. They have no anxiety for the riches that shall endure forever.

Ye shall hunger - Your property shall be taken away, or you shall see that it is of little value; and then you shall see the need of something better. You shall feel your want and wretchedness, and shall "hunger"for something to satisfy the desires of a dying, sinful soul.

That laugh now - Are happy, or thoughtless, or joyful, or filled with levity.

Shall mourn and weep - The time is coming when you shall sorrow deeply. In sickness, in calamity, in the prospect of death, in the fear of eternity, your laughter shall be turned into sorrow. "There is"a place where you cannot laugh, and there you will see the folly of having passed the "proper time"of preparing for such scenes in levity and folly. Alas! how many thus spend their youth! and how many weep when it is too late! God gives them over, and "laughs"at their "calamity,"and mocks when their fear comes, Pro 1:26. To be happy in "such scenes,"it is necessary to be sober, humble, pious in early life. "Then"we need not weep in the day of calamity; then there will be no terror in death; then there will be nothing to fear in the grave.

Luk 6:26

When all men shall speak well of you - When they shall praise or applaud you. The people of the world will not praise or applaud "my"doctrine; they are "opposed"to it, and therefore, if they speak well of "you"and of "your teachings,"it is proof that you do not teach the true doctrine. If you do "not"do this, then there will be woe upon you. If men teach false doctrines for true; if they declare that God has spoken that which he has not spoken, and if they oppose what he "has"delivered, then heavy punishments will await them.

For so did their fathers - The fathers or ancestors of this people; the ancient Jews.

To the false prophets - Men who pretended to be of God - who delivered their "own"doctrines as the truth of God, and who accommodated themselves to the desires of the people. Of this number were the prophets of Baal, the false prophets who appeared in the time of Jeremiah, etc.

Luk 6:27, Luk 6:28

See Mat 5:44-45.

Luk 6:29

See Mat 5:39-40.

Luk 6:30

See Mat 5:42.

Luk 6:31

See Mat 7:12.

Luk 6:32-36

See Mat 5:46-48.

Luk 6:37-42

See Mat 7:1-9.

Luk 6:38

Good measure - They shall give you good measure, or "full"measure.

Pressed down - As figs or grapes might be, and thus many more might be put into the measure.

Shaken together - To make it more compact, and thus to give more.

Running over - So full that the measure would overflow.

Shall men give - This is said to be the reward of "giving"to the poor and needy; and the meaning is that the man who is liberal will find others liberal to him in dealing with them, and when he is also in circumstances of want. A man who is himself kind to the poor - who has that "character"established - will find many who are ready to help "him"abundantly when he is in want. He that is parsimonious, close, niggardly, will find few or none who will aid him.

Into your bosom - That is, to you. The word "bosom"here has reference to a custom among Oriental nations of making the bosom or front part of their garments large, so that articles could be carried in them, answering the purpose of our pockets. Compare Exo 4:6-7; Pro 6:27; Rth 3:15.

Luk 6:39

A parable - A proverb or similitude.

Can the blind lead the blind? - See the notes at Mat 15:14.

Luk 6:40

The disciple is not ... - The learner is not above his teacher, does not know more, and must expect to fare no better. This seems to have been spoken to show them that they were not to expect that their disciples would go "beyond them"in attainments; that if they were blind, their followers would be also; and that therefore it was important for them to understand fully the doctrines of the gospel, and not to be blind leaders of the blind.

Every one that is perfect - The word rendered "is perfect"means sometimes to repair or mend, and is thus applied to mending nets, Mat 4:21; Mar 1:19. Hence, it means to repair or amend in a moral sense, or to make whole or complete. Here it means, evidently, "thoroughly instructed"or "informed."The Christian should be like his Master - holy, harmless, and undefiled, and separate from sinners. He should copy his example, and grow into the likeness of his Redeemer. Nor can any other be a Christian.

Luk 6:41, Luk 6:42

See the notes at Mat 7:3-5.

Luk 6:43, Luk 6:44

See the notes at Mat 7:16-18.

Luk 6:45

This verse is not found in the sermon on the mount as recorded by Matthew, but is recorded by him in Mat 12:35. See the notes at that passage.

Luk 6:46-49

See the notes at Mat 7:21-27.

Poole: Luk 6:32-34 - -- Ver. 32-34. See Poole on "Mat 5:46" . See Poole on "Mat 5:47" . The strength of our Saviour’ s argument lieth in this, That God expects that t...

Ver. 32-34. See Poole on "Mat 5:46" . See Poole on "Mat 5:47" . The strength of our Saviour’ s argument lieth in this, That God expects that those who have received more grace and favour from God than others, and who make a higher profession than others, should do more in obedience to the positive commands of God, and the revelations of his will in his word, than they who live merely by the light of nature, and live up merely to the law of nature.

Gill: Luk 6:33 - -- And if ye do good to them which do good to you,.... As one good turn deserves another: what thank have ye? what grace or goodness is there in such ...

And if ye do good to them which do good to you,.... As one good turn deserves another:

what thank have ye? what grace or goodness is there in such an action? what glory or merit is there in it?

for sinners also do even the same: wherefore no man should conclude himself a righteous man, or better than sinners, on such an account: this is to be found among the worst of men, and is natural to them, unless they are brutes indeed, to be kind to such as are kind to them. And yet, this was the whole of the doctrine of the Jews about doing good to men: for so they say u,

"an Israelite is obliged to do good to an Israelite his companion, and to lend without usury: this is kindness and goodness, and a greater good it is than a gift; for many men are ashamed to take a gift, and are not ashamed to take a loan: but not so an Israelite to a Gentile; for he is not bound to do good, or show kindness to him, or to lend him his money freely; for many of them hate the Israelites; but it must be owned, that if a Gentile does a kindness, or good, to an Israelite; the Israelite is also bound to show kindness to him, and do him good.''

In direct opposition to such narrow sentiments does our Lord deliver himself in this, and the following verses.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Luk 6:33 See the note on the word sinners in v. 32.

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Luk 6:1-49 - --1 Christ reproves the Pharisees;12 chooses apostles;17 heals the diseased;20 preaches to his disciples before the people.

MHCC: Luk 6:27-36 - --These are hard lessons to flesh and blood. But if we are thoroughly grounded in the faith of Christ's love, this will make his commands easy to us. Ev...

Matthew Henry: Luk 6:27-36 - -- These verses agree with Mat 5:38, to the end of that chapter: I say unto you that hear (Luk 6:27), to all you that hear, and not to disciples only...

Barclay: Luk 6:27-38 - --There is no commandment of Jesus which has caused so much discussion and debate as the commandment to love our enemies. Before we can obey it we must...

Constable: Luk 4:14--9:51 - --IV. Jesus' ministry in and around Galilee 4:14--9:50 Luke commenced Jesus' public ministry with His return to Ga...

Constable: Luk 6:12-49 - --C. Jesus' teaching of His disciples 6:12-49 Luke gave his readers an overview of Jesus' ministry (4:14-5...

Constable: Luk 6:20-49 - --3. The Sermon on the Mount 6:20-49 Luke's version of this important address, primarily aimed at ...

Constable: Luk 6:27-38 - --The conduct of disciples 6:27-38 (cf. Matt. 5:43-48; 7:1-2) Jesus' explanation of the importance of true righteousness was the heart of the Sermon on ...

College: Luk 6:1-49 - --LUKE 6 4. Lord of the Sabbath (6:1-11) 1 One sabbath Jesus was going through the grainfields, and his disciples began to pick some heads of grain, r...

McGarvey: Luk 6:27-36 - -- XLII. THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT. (A Mountain Plateau not far from Capernaum.) Subdivision D. RELATION OF MESSIANIC TEACHING TO OLD TESTAMENT AND TRADIT...

Lapide: Luk 6:1-49 - --CHAPTER 6 Ver. 1.— And it came to pass on the second Sabbath after the first.—On the second Sabbath. The Arabic version. What was this Sabbath?...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Luke (Book Introduction) THE GOSPEL OF LUKE By Way of Introduction There is not room here for a full discussion of all the interesting problems raised by Luke as the autho...

JFB: Luke (Book Introduction) THE writer of this Gospel is universally allowed to have been Lucas (an abbreviated form of Lucanus, as Silas of Silvanus), though he is not expressly...


TSK: Luke (Book Introduction) Luke, to whom this Gospel has been uniformly attributed from the earliest ages of the Christian church, is generally allowed to have been " the belove...

TSK: Luke 6 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Luk 6:1, Christ reproves the Pharisees; Luk 6:12, chooses apostles; Luk 6:17, heals the diseased; Luk 6:20, preaches to his disciples bef...

Poole: Luke 6 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 6

MHCC: Luke (Book Introduction) This evangelist is generally supposed to have been a physician, and a companion of the apostle Paul. The style of his writings, and his acquaintance w...

MHCC: Luke 6 (Chapter Introduction) (Luk 6:1-5) The disciples pluck corn on the sabbath. (Luk 6:6-11) Works of mercy suitable to the sabbath day. (Luk 6:12-19) The apostles chosen. (L...

Matthew Henry: Luke (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Gospel According to St. Luke We are now entering into the labours of another evangelist; his name ...

Matthew Henry: Luke 6 (Chapter Introduction) In this chapter we have Christ's exposition of the moral law, which he came not to destroy, but to fulfil, and to fill up, by his gospel. I. Here ...

Barclay: Luke (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SAINT LUKE A Lovely Book And Its Author The gospel according to St. Luke has been called the loveliest book ...

Barclay: Luke 6 (Chapter Introduction) The Increasing Opposition (Luk_6:1-5) The Defiance Of Jesus (Luk_6:6-11) Jesus Chooses His Men (Luk_6:12-19) The End Of The World's Values (Luk_6...

Constable: Luke (Book Introduction) Introduction Writer Several factors indicate that the writer of this Gospel was the sa...

Constable: Luke (Outline) Outline I. Introduction 1:1-4 II. The birth and childhood of Jesus 1:5-2:52 ...

Constable: Luke Luke Bibliography Alford, Henry. The Greek Testament. New ed. 4 vols. London: Rivingtons, 1880. ...

Haydock: Luke (Book Introduction) THE HOLY GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST, ACCORDING TO ST. LUKE. INTRODUCTION St. Luke was a physician, a native of Antioch, the metropolis of Syria, a...

Gill: Luke (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO LUKE The writer of this Gospel, Luke, has been, by some, thought, as Origen a relates, to be the same with Lucius, mentioned in Ro...

College: Luke (Book Introduction) FOREWORD "Many have undertaken" to write commentaries on the Gospel of Luke, and a large number of these are very good. "It seemed good also to me" t...

College: Luke (Outline) OUTLINE There is general agreement among serious students of Luke's Gospel regarding its structure. I. Prologue Luke 1:1-4 II. Infancy Narrative...

Lapide: Luke (Book Introduction) S. LUKE'S GOSPEL Third Edition JOHN HODGES, AGAR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON. 1892. INTRODUCTION. ——o—— THE Holy Gospel of Jesus Ch...

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