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Text -- Malachi 2:1 (NET)

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The Sacrilege of the Priestly Message
2:1 “Now, you priests, this commandment is for you.
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
JFB , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
, Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

JFB: Mal 2:1 - -- The priests in particular are reproved, as their part was to have led the people aright, and reproved sin, whereas they encouraged and led them into s...

The priests in particular are reproved, as their part was to have led the people aright, and reproved sin, whereas they encouraged and led them into sin. Ministers cannot sin or suffer alone. They drag down others with them if they fall [MOORE].

Calvin: Mal 2:1 - -- Though the priests did not sin alone, yet it is not without reason, as we have said, that they were regarded as the first in wickedness; for it was t...

Though the priests did not sin alone, yet it is not without reason, as we have said, that they were regarded as the first in wickedness; for it was their office to correct what the people did amiss. Their dissimulation had the effect of encouraging the common people to sin: hence the Prophet accuses them especially as the authors of impiety; and this is what the words intimate, if they are rightly considered.

To you, he says, O priests. They might have indeed exonerated themselves, or at least transferred a part of their guilt to others: “Oh! what can we do? for we see that the people are growing cold in God’s worship; it is better that imperfect sacrifices should be offered than none at all.” As then they might by evasion have somewhat extenuated their guilt, the Prophet the more sharply reproves them and says, To you especially is addressed this command, as they ought to have shown to others the right way; for when they dissembled, their connivance was nothing else but a consent; and thus they divested the people of God’s fear, and allowed them to corrupt the whole of religion by offering spurious sacrifices. To you then, he says, that is, “Though the whole people is guilty before God, think not that ye are on this account excused; for it behoves you to check this wickedness, for God has set you over the people as their teachers and guides: as then ye have neglected your duty, whatever others have done amiss, falls justly on your heads. For how has it happened that the people have dared to proceed so far in impiety? even because you have no concern for religion; for God has promoted you to the priesthood for this end — to preserve in integrity the worship of his name; but ye know of all the prevailing profanations, and ye hold your peace: To you then is this command. ”

TSK: Mal 2:1 - -- Mal 1:6; Jer 13:13; Lam 4:13; Hos 5:1

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Mal 2:1 - -- And now this is My commandment unto you - , not a commandment, which He gave them, but a commandment in regard to them. As God said of old, upo...

And now this is My commandment unto you - , not a commandment, which He gave them, but a commandment in regard to them. As God said of old, upon obedience , "I will command My blessing unto you,"so now He would command what should reach them, but a curse. "He returns from the people to the priests, as the fountain of the evil, whose carelessness about things sacred he had rebuked before. Let the priests of the new law hear this rebuke of God, and conceive it dictated to them by the Holy Spirit to hear, from whom God rightly requires greater holiness, and so will punish them more grievously, if careless or scandalous in their office."All Christians are, in some sense 1Pe 2:9, "a royal, holy priesthood,"over and above the special "Christian priesthood;"as the Jews, over and above the special priesthood of Aaron, were a Exo 19:6, "kingdom of priests."What follows then belongs, in their degree, to them and their duties.

Poole: Mal 2:1 - -- This commandment either this which he had already minded them of about the sacrifices, what ought to be offered and what refused; if the people brou...

This commandment either this which he had already minded them of about the sacrifices, what ought to be offered and what refused; if the people brought defective sheep or oxen, they who were priests ought not to have admitted, they ought not to have offered them upon God’ s altar: or this commandment he now brings from God to them, and which is contained in this chapter.

Is for you by especial direction it is sent to you, and look to it that you obey it.

Haydock: Mal 2:1 - -- Covenant. The order established at first, Genesis ii. 24., and Proverbs ii. 17. The parties promised fidelity to each other.

Covenant. The order established at first, Genesis ii. 24., and Proverbs ii. 17. The parties promised fidelity to each other.

Haydock: Mal 2:1 - -- Priests. Such, hoarding up riches, dishonour God and his sacraments, as if they were temporal things to be purchased, and so they scandalize the wea...

Priests. Such, hoarding up riches, dishonour God and his sacraments, as if they were temporal things to be purchased, and so they scandalize the weak. It would be well for them if they were reduced to poverty, (ver. 2.) and would repent, as they will otherwise be deprived of eternal goods, having received their wages in this world, like hirelings, John x. (Worthington)

Gill: Mal 2:1 - -- And now, O ye priests,.... That despised and profaned the name of the Lord; that suffered such corrupt and illegal sacrifices to be brought and offere...

And now, O ye priests,.... That despised and profaned the name of the Lord; that suffered such corrupt and illegal sacrifices to be brought and offered up:

this commandment is for you: of giving glory to the name of God; of taking care of his worship; of teaching the people knowledge, and directing them in the way in which they should walk; as follows:

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

Geneva Bible: Mal 2:1 And now, O ye ( a ) priests, this commandment [is] for you. ( a ) He speaks mainly to them, but under them he includes the people also.

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Mal 2:1-17 - --1 He sharply reproves the priests for neglecting their covenant;10 and the people for marrying strange wives;13 and for putting away their former ones...

MHCC: Mal 2:1-9 - --What is here said of the covenant of priesthood, is true of the covenant of grace made with all believers, as spiritual priests. It is a covenant of l...

Matthew Henry: Mal 2:1-9 - -- What was said in the foregoing chapter was directed to the priests (Mal 1:6): Thus saith the Lord of hosts to you, O priests! that despise my name....

Keil-Delitzsch: Mal 2:1-4 - -- The rebuke administered to the priests for their wicked doings is followed by an announcement of the punishment which they will bring upon themselve...

Constable: Mal 1:6--2:10 - --III. Oracle two: the priests' Illicit practices and indifferent attitudes 1:6--2:9 The first oracle ended with a...

Constable: Mal 2:1-9 - --B. The priests' warning 2:1-9 Whereas the emphasis in Malachi's argument shifts at this point somewhat from the sins of the priests to their possible ...

Guzik: Mal 2:1-17 - --Malachi 2 - Unfaithful Priests and Broken Marriages A. God exposes and condemns the unfaithful priesthood of Israel. 1. (1-4) God threatens to sever...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Malachi (Book Introduction) MALACHI forms the transition link between the two dispensations, the Old and the New, "the skirt and boundary of Christianity" [TERTULLIAN], to which ...


TSK: Malachi 2 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Mal 2:1, He sharply reproves the priests for neglecting their covenant; Mal 2:10, and the people for marrying strange wives; Mal 2:13, an...

Poole: Malachi (Book Introduction) THE ARGUMENT Concerning this prophet, some have thought (but without good and sufficient ground) that he was an angel in the form of a man; others ...

Poole: Malachi 2 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 2 The priests are sharply reproved for profaning the covenant which was given them, Mal 2:1-9 ; and the people for marrying strange wives, ...

MHCC: Malachi (Book Introduction) Malachi was the last of the prophets, and is supposed to have prophesied B.C. 420. He reproves the priests and the people for the evil practices into ...

MHCC: Malachi 2 (Chapter Introduction) (Mal 2:1-9) The priests reproved for neglecting their covenant. (Mal 2:10-17) The people reproved for their evil practices.

Matthew Henry: Malachi (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Prophecy of Malachi God's prophets were his witnesses to his church, each in his day, for several a...

Matthew Henry: Malachi 2 (Chapter Introduction) There are two great ordinances which divine wisdom has instituted, the wretched profanation of both of which is complained of and sharply reproved ...

Constable: Malachi (Book Introduction) Introduction Title and Writer The name of the writer is the title of this book. ...

Constable: Malachi (Outline) Outline I. Heading 1:1 II. Oracle one: Yahweh's love for Israel 1:2-5 II...

Constable: Malachi Malachi Bibliography Alden, Robert L. "Malachi." In Daniel-Minor Prophets. Vol. 7 of The Expositor's Bible Comm...

Haydock: Malachi (Book Introduction) THE PROPHECY OF MALACHIAS. INTRODUCTION. Malachias, whose name signifies "the angel of the Lord," was contemporary with Nehemias, and by some ...

Gill: Malachi (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO MALACHI This book, in the Hebrew copies, is called "Sepher Malachi", the Book of Malachi; in the Vulgate Latin version, "the Prophe...

Gill: Malachi 2 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO MALACHI 2 This chapter contains a reproof both of priests and people for their sins. It begins with the priests, Mal 2:1 and threat...

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