Text -- Malachi 2:4 (NET)

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Wesley -> Mal 2:4
Wesley: Mal 2:4 - -- If you will not confirm, and keep Levi's covenant among you, I will make it firm on my part, by punishing the violators of it.
If you will not confirm, and keep Levi's covenant among you, I will make it firm on my part, by punishing the violators of it.
JFB -> Mal 2:4
JFB: Mal 2:4 - -- By bitter experience of consequences, that it was with this design I admonished you, in order "that My covenant with Levi might be" maintained; that i...
By bitter experience of consequences, that it was with this design I admonished you, in order "that My covenant with Levi might be" maintained; that is, that it was for your own good (which would be ensured by your maintaining the Levitical command) I admonished you, that ye should return to your duty [MAURER] (compare Mal 2:5-6). Malachi's function was that of a reformer, leading back the priests and people to the law (Mal 4:4).
Clarke: Mal 2:4 - -- This commandment - That in the first verse; to drive such priests from his presence and his service
This commandment - That in the first verse; to drive such priests from his presence and his service

Clarke: Mal 2:4 - -- That my covenant might be with Levi - I gave the priesthood and the service of my altar to that tribe.
That my covenant might be with Levi - I gave the priesthood and the service of my altar to that tribe.
Calvin -> Mal 2:4
Calvin: Mal 2:4 - -- Here he addresses in particular the priests; for though the whole people with great haughtiness resisted God, yet the priests surpassed them. And we ...
Here he addresses in particular the priests; for though the whole people with great haughtiness resisted God, yet the priests surpassed them. And we know how ready men are to turn to evil whatever benefits God may bestow on them. It has been then a common evil in men from the beginning of the world, to exalt themselves and to raise their crests against God, when they found themselves adorned with his benefits: but we know that the more any one is bound to God the more thankful he ought to be, for our gifts are not our own, but the benefits by which God binds us to himself.
“What best thou as thine own?” says Paul, “thou best then no reason to glory.”
(1Co 4:7)
This evil however has ever prevailed among men — that they have defrauded God of his glory, and have turned to an occasion of pride the favors received from him. But it is an evil which is very commonly seen in all governors; for they who are raised to a high dignity, think no more that they are men, but take to themselves very great liberty when they find themselves so much exalted above others. Thus kings and those in authority seem to themselves to be above the common order of men, and presumptuously disregard all laws; they think that everything is lawful for them, as no one opposes their willfulness. The same thing is also to be seen in teachers. For when God favored the priests with the highest honor, they became blinded, as it will hereafter be seen, by that favor of God, that they thought themselves to be as it were semi-gods; and the same thing has taken place in the kingdom of Christ.
For how have arisen so great impieties under the Papacy, except that pastors have exercised tyranny and not just government? For they have not regarded the purpose for which they have been called into their office, but as the name of pastor is in itself honorable, they have dared to raise themselves above the clouds, and to assume to themselves the authority of God himself. Hence it has been, that they have dared to bind consciences by their own laws, to change the whole truth, and to corrupt the whole worship of God: and hence also followed the scandalous sale of justice. How have these things happened? Because priests were counted as angels come down from heaven; and this same danger is ever to be feared by us.
This then is the vice which the Prophet now refers to; and he shows that the priests had no reason to think that they could shake off the yoke, Ye shall know, he says, that to you belongs this command. We indeed see what they objected to Jeremiah,
“The law shall not depart from the priests nor counsel and wisdom from the elders.” (Jer 18:18.)
These are the weapons by which the Papists at this day defend themselves. When we allege against them plain proofs from Scripture, they find themselves clearly reproved and convicted by God’s word; but here is their Ajax’s shield, under which they hide all their wickedness, retailing as it were from the ungodly and wicked priests what is related by Jeremiah, “‘The law shall not depart from the priests;’ we are the Church, can it err? is not the Holy Spirit dwelling in the midst of us? ‘I am with you always to the end of the world,’ (Mat 28:20;) did Christ intend to deceive his Church when he said this to his Apostles? and we are their successors.” The Prophet now gives the answer, Ye shall know, he says, that to you, belongs this cornmand
And he adds, not without severity, that my covenant may be with Levi; 216 as though he had said, “On what account are ye thus elated? for God cannot get a hearing for himself, yet ye say that the covenant with Levi is not to be void, as though God had put Levi in his own place, and divested himself of all authority when he appointed that tribe, and made you ministers of the temple and teachers of the people; is he nothing? What was God’s purpose when he honored you with that dignity? He certainly did not mean to reduce himself to nothing, but, on the contrary, his will was, that his own right should remain entire and complete. When therefore I reprove your vices, and show that ye are become vile, and as it were dung, that ye are defiled by everything disgraceful, — when I make these things openly known, I do not violate the covenant made with Levi. God then justly summons you before his tribunal, and strips you of your honor, in order that the covenant he made with Levi may be confirmed and ratified.” This is, as I have said, a severe derision.
But we may hence learn a useful truth. The Prophet briefly teaches us that the priestly office takes away nothing from God’s authority, who requires a pure and holy worship, and that it lessens in nothing the authority of the law, for sound doctrine ought ever to prevail. So at this day, when we resist the Papal priests, we do not violate God’s covenant, that is, it is no departure from the order of the Church, which ought ever to remain sacred and inviolable. We do not then on account of men’s vices, subvert the pastoral office, and the preaching of the word; but we assail the men themselves, so that due order may be restored, that sound doctrine may obtain a hearing among men, that the worship of God may be pure, which these unprincipled men have violated. We therefore boldly attempt to subvert the whole of the Papacy, with this full confidence, that we lessen nothing from the authority of teaching, nor in any way defraud the pastoral office; nay, order in the Church, the preaching of the truth, and the very dignity of pastors, cannot exist, except the Church be purged from its defilements, and its filth removed. Thus must we say also of those unprincipled men, who are too nearly connected with us, or too near us, and I wish they were wholly extinct in the world: but how many pests conceal themselves under this covering, or under this mask — “What! are we not the ministers of the word?” So say you who are without any principle; I wish ye were in your dung, or in your cells, where formerly ye too much corrupted the world; but now the devil has brought you forth into the Church of God, that ye may corrupt whatever had hitherto remained sound. As then there are many at this day who boast of this honor — that they are ministers of the word, and pastors, and that they teach the gospel, they ought to be checked by this answer of the Prophet — that when all their corruptions are fully and really cleansed away, then confirmed and ratified will be the compact which God would have to be valid with his Church and with the ministers of his word. He then adds an explanation —
TSK -> Mal 2:4
TSK: Mal 2:4 - -- ye : 1Ki 22:25; Isa 26:11; Jer 28:9; Eze 33:33, Eze 38:23; Luk 10:11
that my : Isa 1:24-28, Isa 27:9; Eze 20:38-41, Eze 44:9-16; Mat 3:12; Joh 15:2
ye : 1Ki 22:25; Isa 26:11; Jer 28:9; Eze 33:33, Eze 38:23; Luk 10:11
that my : Isa 1:24-28, Isa 27:9; Eze 20:38-41, Eze 44:9-16; Mat 3:12; Joh 15:2

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes -> Mal 2:4
Barnes: Mal 2:4 - -- And ye shall know that I have sent this commandment unto you: - this, which He had just uttered. They who believe not God when threatening, kno...
And ye shall know that I have sent this commandment unto you: - this, which He had just uttered. They who believe not God when threatening, know that He is in earnest and not to be trifled with, through His punishing. "That My covenant might be with Levi."God willed to punish those who at that time rebelled against Him, that He might spare those who should come after them. He chastened the fathers, who showed their contempt toward Him, that their sons, taking warning thereby, might not be cut off. He continues to say, what the covenant was, which He willed still to be, if they would repent.
Poole -> Mal 2:4
Poole: Mal 2:4 - -- And ye O priests,
shall know by sense and feeling, by woeful experience; or, know ye, i.e. but what I speak now, and will do among you. I have sent...
And ye O priests,
shall know by sense and feeling, by woeful experience; or, know ye, i.e. but what I speak now, and will do among you. I have sent this commandment; admonition, reproof, and exhortation, to look more carefully for the future, that you do not dishonour me, and make mine altar and sacrifices contemptible; but repent of what is past, and for time to come amend all; this I call for at your hands.
That my covenant might be with Levi that you do not null the covenant of priesthood made with Levi, and which I would have continued in his posterity, in you, and yours after you, which I would not have your sins and high provocations should abrogate; but if you will not thus confirm, settle, and keep Levi’ s covenant among you, I will make it firm as to what is on my part to be done herein, to punish the violators of it.
Saith the Lord of hosts God Almighty, Lord of hosts, hath spoken this, and will do it.
Haydock -> Mal 2:4
Haydock: Mal 2:4 - -- Levi. When this tribe was chosen does not appear. Some think that he alludes to the renewing of the covenant under Nehemias, which seems best, 2 Es...
Levi. When this tribe was chosen does not appear. Some think that he alludes to the renewing of the covenant under Nehemias, which seems best, 2 Esdras ix. 1, 38. I then promised you life, &c. (Calmet)
Gill -> Mal 2:4
Gill: Mal 2:4 - -- And ye shall know that I have sent this commandment unto you,.... See Gill on Mal 2:1,
that my covenant might be with Levi, saith the Lord of hosts...
And ye shall know that I have sent this commandment unto you,.... See Gill on Mal 2:1,
that my covenant might be with Levi, saith the Lord of hosts; not that the ceremonial law might be confirmed and established, on which the Levitical priesthood was founded; for it was the will of God that that should be abolished, because of the weakness and unprofitableness of it; but that the covenant of grace made with Christ, the antitype of Levi, with whom the true Urim and Thummim are, Deu 33:8, who has a more excellent ministry and priesthood than his, might take place, be made manifest, and be exhibited under the Gospel dispensation; of which, and of the person with whom it is, an account is given in the following verses.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes -> Mal 2:4
NET Notes: Mal 2:4 My covenant refers to the priestly covenant through Aaron and his grandson Phinehas (see Exod 6:16-20; Num 25:10-13; Jer 33:21-22). The point here is ...
Geneva Bible -> Mal 2:4
Geneva Bible: Mal 2:4 And ye shall know that I have ( f ) sent this commandment unto you, that my covenant might be with Levi, saith the LORD of hosts.
( f ) The Priests o...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Mal 2:1-17
TSK Synopsis: Mal 2:1-17 - --1 He sharply reproves the priests for neglecting their covenant;10 and the people for marrying strange wives;13 and for putting away their former ones...
MHCC -> Mal 2:1-9
MHCC: Mal 2:1-9 - --What is here said of the covenant of priesthood, is true of the covenant of grace made with all believers, as spiritual priests. It is a covenant of l...
Matthew Henry -> Mal 2:1-9
Matthew Henry: Mal 2:1-9 - -- What was said in the foregoing chapter was directed to the priests (Mal 1:6): Thus saith the Lord of hosts to you, O priests! that despise my name....
Keil-Delitzsch -> Mal 2:1-4
Keil-Delitzsch: Mal 2:1-4 - --
The rebuke administered to the priests for their wicked doings is followed by an announcement of the punishment which they will bring upon themselve...
Constable -> Mal 1:6--2:10; Mal 2:1-9
Constable: Mal 1:6--2:10 - --III. Oracle two: the priests' Illicit practices and indifferent attitudes 1:6--2:9
The first oracle ended with a...