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Text -- Matthew 5:3 (NET)

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5:3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Dictionary Themes and Topics: SPIRIT | SERMON ON THE MOUNT | REPENTANCE | Poor | NUMBER | Matthew, Gospel according to | JUSTIFICATION | JOY | JESUS CHRIST, 4C1 | Humility | Happiness | Graces | GOD, 3 | EBIONISM; EBIONITES | Church | Character | BLESSED | BEGGARLY | BEG; BEGGAR; BEGGING | BEATITUDES | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Lightfoot , PBC , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey , Lapide

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Mat 5:3 - -- Blessed ( makarioi ). The English word "blessed"is more exactly represented by the Greek verbal eulogētoi as in Luk 1:68 of God by Zacharias, or ...

Blessed ( makarioi ).

The English word "blessed"is more exactly represented by the Greek verbal eulogētoi as in Luk 1:68 of God by Zacharias, or the perfect passive participle eulogēmenos as in Luk 1:42 of Mary by Elizabeth and in Mat 21:9. Both forms come from eulogeō , to speak well of (eu , logos ). The Greek word here (makarioi ) is an adjective that means "happy"which in English etymology goes back to hap, chance, good-luck as seen in our words haply, hapless, happily, happiness. "Blessedness is, of course, an infinitely higher and better thing than mere happiness"(Weymouth). English has thus ennobled "blessed"to a higher rank than "happy."But "happy"is what Jesus said and the Braid Scots New Testament dares to say "Happy"each time here as does the Improved Edition of the American Bible Union Version. The Greek word is as old as Homer and Pindar and was used of the Greek gods and also of men, but largely of outward prosperity. Then it is applied to the dead who died in the Lord as in Rev 14:13. Already in the Old Testament the Septuagint uses it of moral quality. "Shaking itself loose from all thoughts of outward good, it becomes the express symbol of a happiness identified with pure character. Behind it lies the clear cognition of sin as the fountain-head of all misery, and of holiness as the final and effectual cure for every woe. For knowledge as the basis of virtue, and therefore of happiness, it substitutes faith and love"(Vincent). Jesus takes this word "happy"and puts it in this rich environment. "This is one of the words which have been transformed and ennobled by New Testament use; by association, as in the Beatitudes, with unusual conditions, accounted by the world miserable, or with rare and difficult"(Bruce). It is a pity that we have not kept the word "happy"to the high and holy plane where Jesus placed it. "If you know these things, happy (makarioi ) are you if you do them"(Joh 13:17). "Happy (makarioi ) are those who have not seen and yet have believed"(Joh 20:29). And Paul applies this adjective to God, "according to the gospel of the glory of the happy (makariou ) God"(1Ti 1:11. Cf. also Tit 2:13). The term "Beatitudes"(Latin beatus ) comes close to the meaning of Christ here by makarioi . It will repay one to make a careful study of all the "beatitudes"in the New Testament where this word is employed. It occurs nine times here (Mat 5:3-11), though the beatitudes in Mat 5:10 and Mat 5:11 are very much alike. The copula is not expressed in either of these nine beatitudes. In each case a reason is given for the beatitude, "for"(hoti ), that shows the spiritual quality involved. Some of the phrases employed by Jesus here occur in the Psalms, some even in the Talmud (itself later than the New Testament, though of separate origin). That is of small moment. "The originality of Jesus lies in putting the due value on these thoughts, collecting them, and making them as prominent as the Ten Commandments. No greater service can be rendered to mankind than to rescue from obscurity neglected moral commonplaces "(Bruce). Jesus repeated his sayings many times as all great teachers and preachers do, but this sermon has unity, progress, and consummation. It does not contain all that Jesus taught by any means, but it stands out as the greatest single sermon of all time, in its penetration, pungency, and power.

Robertson: Mat 5:3 - -- The poor in spirit ( hoi ptōchoi tōi pneumati ). Luke has only "the poor,"but he means the same by it as this form in Matthew, "the pious in Isra...

The poor in spirit ( hoi ptōchoi tōi pneumati ).

Luke has only "the poor,"but he means the same by it as this form in Matthew, "the pious in Israel, for the most part poor, whom the worldly rich despised and persecuted"(McNeile). The word used here (ptōchoi ) is applied to the beggar Lazarus in Luk 16:20, Luk 16:22 and suggests spiritual destitution (from ptōssō to crouch, to cower). The other word penēs is from penomai , to work for one’ s daily bread and so means one who works for his living. The word ptōchos is more frequent in the New Testament and implies deeper poverty than penēs . "The kingdom of heaven"here means the reign of God in the heart and life. This is the summum bonum and is what matters most.

Vincent: Mat 5:3 - -- Blessed ( μακάριοι ) As this word and its cognates occur at least fifty-five times in the New Testament, it is important to understand ...

Blessed ( μακάριοι )

As this word and its cognates occur at least fifty-five times in the New Testament, it is important to understand its history, which is interesting because it is one of those numerous words which exhibit the influence of Christian association and usage in enlarging and dignifying their meaning. It is commonly rendered blessed, both in the A. V. and Rev., and that rendering might properly be given it in every instance.

Its root is supposed to be a word meaning great, and its earlier meaning appears to be limited to outward prosperity; so that it is used at times as synonymous with rich. It scarcely varies from this meaning in its frequent applications to the Grecian gods, since the popular Greek ideal of divine blessedness was not essentially moral. The gods were blessed because of their power and dignity, not because of their holiness. " In general," says Mr. Gladstone (" Homer and the Homeric Age" ) " the chief note of deity with Homer is emancipation from the restraints of moral law. Though the Homeric gods have not yet ceased to be the vindicators of morality upon earth, they have personally ceased to observe its rules, either for or among themselves. As compared with men, in conduct they are generally characterized by superior force and intellect, but by inferior morality."

In its peculiar application to the dead, there is indicated the despair of earthly happiness underlying the thought of even the cheerful and mercurial Greek. Hence the word was used as synonymous with dead. Only the dead could be called truly blessed. Thus Sophocles (" Oedipus Tyrannus" ):

" From hence the lesson learn ye

To reckon no man happy till ye witness

The closing day; until he pass the border

Which severs life from death, unscathed by sorrow."

And again (" Oedipus at Colonus" ):

" Happiest beyond compare,

Never to taste of life:

Happiest in order next,

Being born, with quickest speed

Thither again to turn

From whence we came."

Nevertheless, even in its pagan use, the word was not altogether without a moral background. The Greeks recognized a prosperity which waited on the observance of the laws of natural morality, and an avenging Fate which pursued and punished their violation. This conception appears often in the works of the tragedians; for instance, in the " Oedipus Tyrannus" of Sophocles, where the main motive is the judgment which waits upon even unwitting violations of natural ties. Still, this prosperity is external, consisting either in wealth, or power, or exemption from calamity.

With the philosophers a moral element comes definitely into the word. The conception rises from outward propriety to inward correctness as the essence of happiness. But in all of them, from Socrates onward, virtue depends primarily upon knowledge; so that to be happy is, first of ail, to know. It is thus apparent that the Greek philosophy had no conception of sin in the Bible sense. As virtue depended on knowledge, sin was the outcome of ignorance, and virtue and its consequent happiness were therefore the prerogative of the few and the learned.

The biblical use of the word lifted it into the region of the spiritual, as distinguished from the merely intellectual, and besides, intrusted to it alone the task of representing this higher conception. The pagan word for happiness (εὐδαιμονία , under the protection of a good genius or daemon ) nowhere occurs in the New Testament nor in the Scriptures, having fallen into disrepute because the word daemon, which originally meant a deity, good or evil, had acquired among the Jews the bad sense which we attach to demon. Happiness, or better, blessedness, was therefore represented both in the Old and in the New Testament by this word μακάριος . In the Old Testament the idea involves more of outward prosperity than in the New Testament, yet it almost universally occurs in connections which emphasize, as its principal element, a sense of God's approval founded in righteousness which rests ultimately on love to God.

Thus the word passed up into the higher region of Christian thought, and was stamped with the gospel signet, and laden with all the rich significance of gospel blessedness. It now takes on a group of ideas strange to the best pagan morality, and contradictory of its fundamental positions. Shaking itself loose from all thoughts of outward good, it becomes the express symbol of a happiness identified with pure character. Behind it lies the clear cognition of sin as the fountain-head of all misery, and of holiness as the final and effectual cure for every woe. For knowledge as the basis of virtue, and therefore of happiness, it substitutes faith and love. For the aristocracy of the learned virtuous, it introduces the truth of the Fatherhood of God and the corollary of the family of believers. While the pagan word carries the isolation of the virtuous and the contraction of human sympathy, the Gospel pushes these out with an ideal of a world-wide sympathy and of a happiness realized in ministry. The vague outlines of an abstract good vanish from it, and give place to the pure heart's vision of God, and its personal communion with the Father in heaven. Where it told of the Stoic's self-sufficiency, it now tells of the Christian's poverty of spirit and meekness. Where it hinted at the Stoic's self-repression and strangling of emotion, it now throbs with a holy sensitiveness, and with a monition to rejoice with them that rejoice, and to weep with them that weep. From the pagan word the flavor of immortality is absent. No vision of abiding rest imparts patience and courage amid the bitterness and struggle of life; no menace of the destiny of evil imposes a check on human lusts. The Christian word blessed is full of the light of heaven. It sternly throws away from itself every hint of the Stoic's asserted right of suicide as a refuge from human ills, and emphasizes something which thrives on trial and persecution, which glories in tribulation, which not only endures but conquers the world, and expects its crown in heaven.

Vincent: Mat 5:3 - -- The poor ( οἱ πρωχιὸ ) Three words expressing poverty are found in the New Testament. Two of them, πὲνης and πενιχρο...

The poor ( οἱ πρωχιὸ )

Three words expressing poverty are found in the New Testament. Two of them, πὲνης and πενιχρός , are kindred terms, the latter being merely a poetic form of the other, and neither of these occurs more than once (Luk 21:2; 2Co 9:9). The word used in this verse is therefore the current word for poor , occurring thirty-four times, and covering every gradation of want; so that it is evident that the New Testament writers did not recognize any nice distinctions of meaning which called for the use of other terms. Luke, for instance (Luk 21:2, Luk 21:3), calls the widow who bestowed her two mites both πενιχρὰν and πρωχὴ . Nevertheless, there is a distinction, recognized by both classical and ecclesiastical writers. While ὁ πένης is of narrow means, one who " earns a scanty pittance," πρωχός is allied to the verb πτώσσειν , to crouch or cringe, and therefore conveys the idea of utter destitution, which abjectly solicits and lives by alms. Hence it is applied to Lazarus (Luk 16:20, Luk 16:22), and rendered beggar. Thus distinguished, it is very graphic and appropriate here, as denoting the utter spiritual destitution, the consciousness of which precedes the entrance into the kingdom of God, and which cannot be relieved by one's own efforts, but only by the free mercy of God. (See on 2Co 6:10; and see 2Co 8:9.)

Wesley: Mat 5:3 - -- In the following discourse there is, A sweet invitation to true holiness and happiness, Mat 5:3-12. A persuasive to impart it to others, Mat 5:13-16. ...

In the following discourse there is, A sweet invitation to true holiness and happiness, Mat 5:3-12. A persuasive to impart it to others, Mat 5:13-16. A description of true Christian holiness, Mat 5:17; Mat 7:12. (in which it is easy to observe, the latter part exactly answers the former.) The conclusion: giving a sure mark of the true way, warning against false prophets, exhorting to follow after holiness.

Wesley: Mat 5:3 - -- They who are unfeignedly penitent, they who are truly convinced of sin; who see and feel the state they are in by nature, being deeply sensible of the...

They who are unfeignedly penitent, they who are truly convinced of sin; who see and feel the state they are in by nature, being deeply sensible of their sinfulness, guiltiness, helplessness.

Wesley: Mat 5:3 - -- The present inward kingdom: righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost, as well as the eternal kingdom, if they endure to the end. Luk 6:20.

The present inward kingdom: righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost, as well as the eternal kingdom, if they endure to the end. Luk 6:20.

JFB: Mat 5:3 - -- Of the two words which our translators render "blessed," the one here used points more to what is inward, and so might be rendered "happy," in a lofty...

Of the two words which our translators render "blessed," the one here used points more to what is inward, and so might be rendered "happy," in a lofty sense; while the other denotes rather what comes to us from without (as Mat 25:34). But the distinction is not always clearly carried out. One Hebrew word expresses both. On these precious Beatitudes, observe that though eight in number, there are here but seven distinct features of character. The eighth one--the "persecuted for righteousness' sake"--denotes merely the possessors of the seven preceding features, on account of which it is that they are persecuted (2Ti 3:12). Accordingly, instead of any distinct promise to this class, we have merely a repetition of the first promise. This has been noticed by several critics, who by the sevenfold character thus set forth have rightly observed that a complete character is meant to be depicted, and by the sevenfold blessedness attached to it, a perfect blessedness is intended. Observe, again, that the language in which these Beatitudes are couched is purposely fetched from the Old Testament, to show that the new kingdom is but the old in a new form; while the characters described are but the varied forms of that spirituality which was the essence of real religion all along, but had well-nigh disappeared under corrupt teaching. Further, the things here promised, far from being mere arbitrary rewards, will be found in each case to grow out of the characters to which they are attached, and in their completed form are but the appropriate coronation of them. Once more, as "the kingdom of heaven," which is the first and the last thing here promised, has two stages--a present and a future, an initial and a consummate stage--so the fulfilment of each of these promises has two stages--a present and a future, a partial and a perfect stage.

JFB: Mat 5:3 - -- All familiar with Old Testament phraseology know how frequently God's true people are styled "the poor" (the "oppressed," "afflicted," "miserable") or...

All familiar with Old Testament phraseology know how frequently God's true people are styled "the poor" (the "oppressed," "afflicted," "miserable") or "the needy"--or both together (as in Psa 40:17; Isa 41:17). The explanation of this lies in the fact that it is generally "the poor of this world" who are "rich in faith" (Jam 2:5; compare 2Co 6:10; Rev 2:9); while it is often "the ungodly" who "prosper in the world" (Psa 73:12). Accordingly, in Luk 6:20-21, it seems to be this class--the literally "poor" and "hungry"--that are specially addressed. But since God's people are in so many places styled "the poor" and "the needy," with no evident reference to their temporal circumstances (as in Psa 68:10; Psa 69:29-33; Psa 132:15; Isa 61:1; Isa 66:2), it is plainly a frame of mind which those terms are meant to express. Accordingly, our translators sometimes render such words "the humble" (Psa 10:12, Psa 10:17), "the meek" (Psa 22:26), "the lowly" (Pro 3:34), as having no reference to outward circumstances. But here the explanatory words, "in spirit," fix the sense to "those who in their deepest consciousness realize their entire need" (compare the Greek of Luk 10:21; Joh 11:33; Joh 13:21; Act 20:22; Rom 12:11; 1Co 5:3; Phi 3:3). This self-emptying conviction, that "before God we are void of everything," lies at the foundation of all spiritual excellence, according to the teaching of Scripture. Without it we are inaccessible to the riches of Christ; with it we are in the fitting state for receiving all spiritual supplies (Rev 3:17-18; Mat 9:12-13).

JFB: Mat 5:3 - -- (See on Mat 3:2). The poor in spirit not only shall have--they already have--the kingdom. The very sense of their poverty is begun riches. While other...

(See on Mat 3:2). The poor in spirit not only shall have--they already have--the kingdom. The very sense of their poverty is begun riches. While others "walk in a vain show"--"in a shadow," "an image"--in an unreal world, taking a false view of themselves and all around them--the poor in spirit are rich in the knowledge of their real case. Having courage to look this in the face, and own it guilelessly, they feel strong in the assurance that "unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness" (Psa 112:4); and soon it breaks forth as the morning. God wants nothing from us as the price of His saving gifts; we have but to feel our universal destitution, and cast ourselves upon His compassion (Job 33:27-28; 1Jo 1:9). So the poor in spirit are enriched with the fulness of Christ, which is the kingdom in substance; and when He shall say to them from His great white throne, "Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you," He will invite them merely to the full enjoyment of an already possessed inheritance.

Clarke: Mat 5:3 - -- Blessed are the poor in spirit, etc. - Or, happy, μακαριοι from μα or μη, not, and κηρ, fate, or death: intimating, that such p...

Blessed are the poor in spirit, etc. - Or, happy, μακαριοι from μα or μη, not, and κηρ, fate, or death: intimating, that such persons were endued with immortality, and consequently were not liable to the caprices of fate. Homer, Iliad i, 330, calls the supreme gods, Θεων μακαρων, the ever happy and Immortal gods, and opposes them to θνητων ανθρωπων, mortal men

τω δ αυτω μαρτυροι εστων

Προς τε Θεων μακαρων, προς τε θνητων ανθροπων

"Be ye witnesses before the immortal gods, and before mortal men.

From this definition we may learn, that the person whom Christ terms happy is one who is not under the influence of fate or chance, but is governed by an all-wise providence, having every step directed to the attainment of immortal glory, being transformed by the power into the likeness of the ever-blessed God. Though some of the persons, whose states are mentioned in these verses, cannot be said to be as yet blessed or happy, in being made partakers of the Divine nature; yet they are termed happy by our Lord, because they are on the straight way to this blessedness

Taken in this light the meaning is similar to that expressed by the poet when describing a happy man

Felix, qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas: Atque metus omnes et inexorabile Fatu

Subjecit pedibus; strepitumque Acherontis avari

Virg. Geor. ii. v. 49

Which may be thus paraphrased: -

i720 "Happy is he who gains the knowledge of the first cause of all things; who can trample on every fear, and the doctrine of inexorable Fate; and who is not terrified by death, nor by the threatened torments of the invisible world!

Clarke: Mat 5:3 - -- Poor in spirit - One who is deeply sensible of his spiritual poverty and wretchedness. Πτωχος, a poor man, comes from πτωσσω, to tremb...

Poor in spirit - One who is deeply sensible of his spiritual poverty and wretchedness. Πτωχος, a poor man, comes from πτωσσω, to tremble, or shrink with fear. Being destitute of the true riches, he is tremblingly alive to the necessities of his soul, shrinking with fear lest he should perish without the salvation of God. Such Christ pronounces happy, because there is but a step between them and that kingdom which is here promised. Some contend, that μακαριοι should be referred to πνευματι, and the verse translated thus: Happy, or blessed in spirit, are the poor. But our Lord seems to have the humiliation of the spirit particularly in view

Clarke: Mat 5:3 - -- Kingdom of heaven - Or, των ουρανων, of the heavens. A participation of all the blessings of the new covenant here, and the blessings of ...

Kingdom of heaven - Or, των ουρανων, of the heavens. A participation of all the blessings of the new covenant here, and the blessings of glory above. See this phrase explained, Mat 3:2 (note). Blessed are the poor! This is God’ s word; but who believes it? Do we not say, Yea, rather, Blessed is the rich

The Jewish rabbins have many good sayings relative to that poverty and humility of spirit which Christ recommends in this verse. In the treatise called Bammidbar Rabbi, s. 20, we have these words: There were three (evils) in Balaam: the evil eye, (envy), the towering spirit, (pride), and the extensive mind (avarice)

Tanchum, fol. 84. The law does not abide with those who have the extensive mind, (avarice), but with him only who has a contrite heart

Rabbi Chanina said, "Why are the words of the law compared to water? Because as waters flow from heights, and settle in low places, so the words of the law rest only with him who is of an humble heart."See Schoettgen.

Calvin: Mat 5:3 - -- 3.Happy are the poor in spirit Luk 6:20. Happy (are ye) poor. Luke gives nothing more than a simple metaphor: but as the poverty of many is accurs...

3.Happy are the poor in spirit Luk 6:20. Happy (are ye) poor. Luke gives nothing more than a simple metaphor: but as the poverty of many is accursed and unhappy, Matthew expresses more clearly the intention of Christ. Many are pressed down by distresses, and yet continue to swell inwardly with pride and cruelty. But Christ pronounces those to be happy who, chastened and subdued by afflictions, submit themselves wholly to God, and, with inward humility, betake themselves to him for protection. Others explain the poor in spirit to be those who claim nothing for themselves, and are even so completely emptied of confidence in the flesh, that they acknowledge their poverty. But as the words of Luke and those of Matthew must have the same meaning, there can be no doubt that the appellation poor is here given to those who are pressed and afflicted by adversity. The only difference is, that Matthew, by adding an epithet, confines the happiness to those only who, under the discipline of the cross, have learned to be humble.

For theirs is the kingdom of heaven We see that Christ does not swell the minds of his own people by any unfounded belief, or harden them by unfeeling obstinacy, as the Stoics do, but leads them to entertain the hope of eternal life, and animates them to patience by assuring them, that in this way they will pass into the heavenly kingdom of God. It deserves our attention, that he only who is reduced to nothing in himself, and relies on the mercy of God, is poor in spirit: for they who are broken or overwhelmed by despair murmur against God, and this proves them to be of a proud and haughty spirit.

Defender: Mat 5:3 - -- The word "blessed" essentially means "happy." These nine beatitudes thus constitute the believer's guide lines, as it were, for the pursuit of (true) ...

The word "blessed" essentially means "happy." These nine beatitudes thus constitute the believer's guide lines, as it were, for the pursuit of (true) happiness. The qualities and attributes enumerated here are diametrically opposite to what the ungodly would prescribe for worldly happiness.

Defender: Mat 5:3 - -- On another occasion, Jesus said, simply: "Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God" (Luk 6:20). Thus material poverty can actually be a gre...

On another occasion, Jesus said, simply: "Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God" (Luk 6:20). Thus material poverty can actually be a greater blessing to the believer than riches, as he learns to draw more and more on his heavenly resources (Isa 66:2; Psa 109:21-27; Jam 2:5)."

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Mat 5:3 - -- Blessed are the poor in spirit - The word "blessed"means "happy,"referring to that which produces felicity, from whatever quarter it may come. ...

Blessed are the poor in spirit - The word "blessed"means "happy,"referring to that which produces felicity, from whatever quarter it may come.

Poor in spirit - Luke says simply, Blessed are the poor. It has been disputed whether Christ meant the poor in reference to the things of this life, or to the humble. The gospel is said to be preached to the poor, Luk 4:18; Mat 11:5. It was predicted that the Messiah would preach to the poor, Isa 61:1. It is said that they have special facilities for being saved, Mat 19:23; Luk 18:24. The state of such persons is therefore comparatively blessed, or happy. Riches produce care, anxiety, and dangers, and not the least is the danger of losing heaven by them. To be poor in spirit is to have a humble opinion of ourselves; to be sensible that we are sinners, and have no righteousness of our own; to be willing to be saved only by the rich grace and mercy of God; to be willing to be where God places us, to bear what he lays on us, to go where he bids us, and to die when he commands; to be willing to be in his hands, and to feel that we deserve no favor from him. It is opposed to pride, and vanity, and ambition. Such are happy:

1.    Because there is more real enjoyment in thinking of ourselves as we are, than in being filled with pride and vanity.

2.    Because such Jesus chooses to bless, and on them he confers his favors here.

3.    Because theirs will be the kingdom of heaven hereafter.

It is remarkable that Jesus began his ministry in this manner, so unlike all others. Other teachers had taught that happiness was to be found in honor, or riches, or splendor, or sensual pleasure. Jesus overlooked all those things, and fixed his eye on the poor and the humble, and said that happiness was to be found in the lowly vale of poverty more than in the pomp and splendors of life.

Theirs is the kingdom of heaven - That is, either they have special facilities for entering the kingdom of heaven, and of becoming Christians here, or they shall enter heaven hereafter. Both these ideas are probably included. A state of poverty a state where we are despised or unhonored by people is a state where people are most ready to seek the comforts of religion here, and a home in the heavens hereafter. See the notes at Mat 2:2.

Poole: Mat 5:3 - -- Happy are they, who, though they be not rich in this world’ s goods, yet have a spirit suited to their state and condition, not looking for the...

Happy are they, who, though they be not rich in this world’ s goods, yet have a spirit suited to their state and condition, not looking for their consolation here, but, having a poor and low opinion of the world and all that is therein, looking after more excellent riches; and, in order to it, are of broken and contrite spirits for their manifold sins, and cannot entertain any proud opinion of their own righteousness, but flee unto the free grace of God, and the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Not the great, and rich, and proud men of the world are happy, but these are the blessed men; for true happiness lieth not in worldly possessions, but in the favour of God, and a right to the kingdom of heaven, and that these men have, Psa 34:18 51:17 Isa 66:2 .

Lightfoot: Mat 5:3-5 - -- 1Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 2Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. 3Blessed are ...

1Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 2Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. 3Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.   

[Blessed, blessed, etc.] it is commanded, Deuteronomy_27, that, upon the entrance of the people into the promised land, blessings and curses should be denounced from the mounts Gerizim and Ebal: the curses being particularly reckoned up, but the blessings not so. Which seems not to be without a mystery, since the law brought the curse with it; but Christ, who should bring the blessing, was yet to come a great while hence. Now he is present pronouncing the blessings, and that on a mountain. The Jewish writers do thus relate that matter:   

"Six tribes went up to the top of mount Gerizim, and six to the top of mount Ebal. But the priests and the Levites stood below with the ark of the covenant. The priests compassed the ark; the Levites compassed the priests; and the whole people of Israel stood on one side and on that other: as it is said, 'All Israel and the elders,' etc. (Jos 8:33). Turning their faces to mouth Gerizim, they began with the blessing, 'Blessed is the man that shall make no idol, or molten image,' etc. And both the one and the other answered, Amen. Turning their faces to mount Ebal, they pronounced the curse, 'Cursed is the man who shall make an idol, or molten image': and both the one and the other answered, Amen. And so of the rest. And at last, turning their faces to Gerizim, they began with the blessing, 'Blessed is the man who shall continue in all the words of the law'; and the answer on both sides is, Amen. Turning their faces to Ebal, they pronounce the curse, 'Cursed is every one that shall not continue in all the words of the law': and the answer from both sides is, Amen," etc.   

In like manner Christ here, having begun with blessings, "Blessed, blessed," thundereth out curses, "Woe, woe," Luk 6:24-26.   

That which many do comment concerning the octonary number of beatitudes hath too much curiosity, and little benefit. It hath that which is like it among the Jews: for thus they write; "There is a tradition from the school of R. Esaiah Ben Korcha, that twenty blessings are pronounced in the Book of the Psalms, and in like manner twenty woes in the Book of Isaiah. 'But I say,' saith Rabbi, 'that there are two-and-twenty blessings, according to the number of the two-and-twenty letters.' "   

"Abraham was blessed with seven blessings."   

"These six are blessed, every one with six blessings, David, Daniel, and his three companions, and king Messias."

PBC: Mat 5:3 - -- See PB: Ga 5:22

See PB: Ga 5:22

Haydock: Mat 5:3 - -- The poor in spirit; [1] which, according to the common exposition, signifies the humble of mind and heart. Yet some understand it of such as are tr...

The poor in spirit; [1] which, according to the common exposition, signifies the humble of mind and heart. Yet some understand it of such as are truly in poverty and want, and who bear their indigent condition with patience and resignation. (Witham) ---

That is, the humble; and they whose spirit is not set upon riches. (Challoner) ---

It is not without reason that the beatitudes are disposed of in this order. Each preceding one prepares the way for what immediately follows, furnishing us in particular with spiritual arms of such graces as are necessary for obtaining the virtue of the subsequent beatitude. Thus the poor in spirit, i.e. the truly humble, will mourn for their transgressions, and whoever is filled with sorrow and confusion for his own sins, cannot but be just, and behave to others with meekness and clemency; when possessed of these virtues, he then becomes pure and clean of heart. Peace of conscience reigns in this assemblage of virtues, and cannot be expelled the soul by any tribulations, persecutions, or injustices of men. (St. John Chrysostom, hom. xv.) What is this poverty of spirit, but humility and contrition? This virtue of humility is placed in the first place, because it is the parent of every other virtue, as pride is the mother of every vice. Pride deprived our first parents of their original innocence, and nothing but humility can restore us to our former purity. We may pray and fast, we may be possessed of mercy, chastity, or any virtues, if humility do not accompany them, they will be like the virtue of the Pharisee, without foundation, without fruit. (Hom. xv.)



The humble. See St. John Chrysostom hom. xv. in Matt. St. Jerome on this place in his Commentary on St. Matt. St. Augustine, Serm. Domini in Monte. tom. iii, part 2 p. 166, &c.

Gill: Mat 5:3 - -- Blessed are the poor in spirit,.... Not the poor in purse, or who are so with respect to things temporal: for though God has chosen and called many, w...

Blessed are the poor in spirit,.... Not the poor in purse, or who are so with respect to things temporal: for though God has chosen and called many, who are in such a condition of life, yet not all; the kingdom of heaven cannot be said to belong to them all, or only; but such as are poor in a spiritual sense. All mankind are spiritually poor; they have nothing to eat that is fit and proper; nor any clothes to wear, but rags; nor are they able to purchase either; they have no money to buy with; they are in debt, owe ten thousand talents, and have nothing to pay; and in such a condition, that they are not able to help themselves. The greater part of mankind are insensible of this their condition; but think themselves rich, and increased with goods: there are some who are sensible of it, who see their poverty and want, freely acknowledge it, bewail it, and mourn over it; are humbled for it, and are broken under a sense of it; entertain low and mean thoughts of themselves; seek after the true riches, both of grace and glory; and frankly acknowledge, that all they have, or hope to have, is owing to the free grace of God. Now these are the persons intended in this place; who are not only "poor", but are poor "in spirit"; in their own spirits, in their own sense, apprehension, and judgment: and may even be called "beggars", as the word may be rendered; for being sensible of their poverty, they place themselves at the door of mercy, and knock there; their language is, "God be merciful"; their posture is standing, watching, and waiting, at wisdom's gates, and at the posts of her door; they are importunate, will have no denial, yet receive the least favour with thankfulness. Now these are pronounced "blessed", for this reason,

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven; not only the Gospel, and the ministration of it, which belongs to them. "The poor have the Gospel preached": it not only reaches their ears, but their hearts; it enters into them, is applied unto them, they receive and embrace it with the utmost joy and gladness; but eternal glory, this is prepared for them, and given to them; they are born heirs of it, have a right unto it, are making meet for it, and shall enjoy it.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Mat 5:3 The present tense (belongs) here is significant. Jesus makes the kingdom and its blessings currently available. This phrase is unlike the others in th...

Geneva Bible: Mat 5:3 Blessed [are] the ( a ) poor in ( b ) spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. ( a ) Under the name of poverty are meant all the miseries, that a...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Mat 5:1-48 - --1 Christ's sermon on the mount.3 Who are blessed;13 the salt of the earth;14 the light of the world.17 He came to fulfil the law.21 What it is to kill...

Maclaren: Mat 5:1-16 - --The New Sinai And seeing the multitudes, He went up into a mountain: and when He was set, His disciples came unto Him: 2. And He opened his mouth, an...

MHCC: Mat 5:3-12 - --Our Saviour here gives eight characters of blessed people, which represent to us the principal graces of a Christian. 1. The poor in spirit are happy....

Matthew Henry: Mat 5:3-12 - -- Christ begins his sermon with blessings, for he came into the world to bless us (Act 3:26), as the great High Priest of our profession; as the ...

Barclay: Mat 5:3 - --Before we study each of the beatitudes in detail there are two general facts which we must note. (i) It can be seen that every one of the beatitudes h...

Constable: Mat 5:1--8:1 - --B. Jesus' revelations concerning participation in His kingdom 5:1-7:29 The Sermon on the Mount is the fi...

Constable: Mat 5:3-10 - --Their condition 5:3-10 (cf. Luke 6:20-26) This pericope describes the character of the kingdom's subjects and their rewards in the kingdom.236 "Looked...

College: Mat 5:1-48 - --MATTHEW 5 D. SERMON ON THE MOUNT: MINISTRY IN WORD (5:1-7:29) The Sermon on the Mount (= SM ) is the first of five major discourses in Matthew, each...

McGarvey: Mat 5:3-12 - -- XLII. THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT. (A Mountain Plateau not far from Capernaum.) Subdivision B. BEATITUDES: PROMISES TO MESSIAH'S SUBJECTS. aMATT. V. 3-12...

Lapide: Mat 5:1-48 - --CHAPTER 5 Went up into a mountain. Let us inquire what mountain this was? "Some simple brethren," says S. Jerome, "think that Christ taught the Beat...

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Commentary -- Other

Critics Ask: Mat 5:3 LUKE 6:20 (cf. MATT. 5:3 )—Why does Luke’s version of the Beatitudes differ from those in Matthew? PROBLEM: Luke’s version of the first bea...

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Introduction / Outline

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TSK: Matthew 5 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Mat 5:1, Christ’s sermon on the mount; Mat 5:3, Who are blessed; Mat 5:13, the salt of the earth; Mat 5:14, the light of the world; Mat...

Poole: Matthew 5 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 5

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MHCC: Matthew 5 (Chapter Introduction) (Mat 5:1, Mat 5:2) Christ's sermon on the mount. (Mat 5:3-12) Who are blessed. (Mat 5:13-16) Exhortations and warnings. (Mat 5:17-20) Christ came t...

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