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Text -- Numbers 12:10 (NET)

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12:10 When the cloud departed from above the tent, Miriam became leprous as snow. Then Aaron looked at Miriam, and she was leprous!
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Aaron a son of Amram; brother of Moses,son of Amram (Kohath Levi); patriarch of Israel's priests,the clan or priestly line founded by Aaron
 · Miriam daughter of Amram the Levite; sister of Moses and Aaron,child of Mered (Judah) and wife Bithiah (Pharaoh's daughter)

Dictionary Themes and Topics: WITCH; WITCHCRAFT | SNOW | PENTATEUCH, 2B | Murmuring | Moses | Miriam | Leprosy | LEPER; LEPROSY | LEPER, LEPROSY | Hazeroth | GENEALOGY, 8 part 2 | Exodus | Envy | DARK SAYINGS | Conspiracy | Cloud | Citizenship | COLOR; COLORS | Ambition | AARON | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Num 12:10 - -- Not from the whole tabernacle, but from that part, whither it was come, to that part which was directly over the mercy - seat, where it constantly abo...

Not from the whole tabernacle, but from that part, whither it was come, to that part which was directly over the mercy - seat, where it constantly abode.

Wesley: Num 12:10 - -- She, and not Aaron, either because she was chief in the transgression or because God would not have his worship interrupted or dishonoured, which it m...

She, and not Aaron, either because she was chief in the transgression or because God would not have his worship interrupted or dishonoured, which it must have been if Aaron had been leprous.

Wesley: Num 12:10 - -- This kind of leprosy was the most virulent and incurable of all. It is true, when the leprosy began in a particular part, and thence spread itself ove...

This kind of leprosy was the most virulent and incurable of all. It is true, when the leprosy began in a particular part, and thence spread itself over all the flesh by degrees, and at last made it all white, that was an evidence of the cure of the leprosy, Lev 13:12-13. But it was otherwise when one was suddenly smitten with this universal whiteness.

JFB: Num 12:10 - -- That is, from the door to resume its permanent position over the mercy seat.

That is, from the door to resume its permanent position over the mercy seat.

JFB: Num 12:10 - -- This malady in its most malignant form (Exo 4:6; 2Ki 5:27) as its color, combined with its sudden appearance, proved, was inflicted as a divine judgme...

This malady in its most malignant form (Exo 4:6; 2Ki 5:27) as its color, combined with its sudden appearance, proved, was inflicted as a divine judgment; and she was made the victim, either because of her extreme violence or because the leprosy on Aaron would have interrupted or dishonored the holy service.

Clarke: Num 12:10 - -- Miriam became leprous - It is likely Miriam was chief in this mutiny; and it is probable that it was on this ground she is mentioned first, (see Num...

Miriam became leprous - It is likely Miriam was chief in this mutiny; and it is probable that it was on this ground she is mentioned first, (see Num 12:1), and punished here, while Aaron is spared. Had he been smitten with the leprosy, his sacred character must have greatly suffered, and perhaps the priesthood itself have fallen into contempt. How many priests and preachers who deserved to be exposed to reproach and infamy, have been spared for the sake of the holy character they bore, that the ministry might not be blamed! But the just God will visit their transgressions in some other way, if they do not deeply deplore them and find mercy through Christ. Nothing tends to discredit the work of God so much as the transgressions and miscarriages of those who minister in holy things.

Defender: Num 12:10 - -- There may be an ironic note in this judgment, with Miriam's sudden "whiteness" contrasting with the dark-skinned woman she had criticized. More likely...

There may be an ironic note in this judgment, with Miriam's sudden "whiteness" contrasting with the dark-skinned woman she had criticized. More likely, however, her complaint was that Moses had married outside the nation of Israel, and she was trying to use this as an excuse to usurp Moses' place of leadership."

TSK: Num 12:10 - -- the cloud : Exo 33:7-10; Eze 10:4, Eze 10:5, Eze 10:18, Eze 10:19; Hos 9:12; Mat 25:41 behold : Deu 24:9 leprous : Lev 13:2, 3-46; 2Ki 5:27, 2Ki 15:5;...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Num 12:1-15 - -- Miriam, as a prophetess (compare Exo 15:20-21) no less than as the sister of Moses and Aaron, took the first rank among the women of Israel; and Aar...

Miriam, as a prophetess (compare Exo 15:20-21) no less than as the sister of Moses and Aaron, took the first rank among the women of Israel; and Aaron may be regarded as the ecclesiastical head of the whole nation. But instead of being grateful for these high dignities they challenged the special vocation of Moses and the exclusive authority which God had assigned to him. Miriam was the instigator, from the fact that her name stands conspicuously first Num 12:1, and that the punishment Num 12:10 fell on her alone. She probably considered herself as supplanted, and that too by a foreigner. Aaron was misled this time by the urgency of his sister, as once before Exo. 32 by that of the people.

Num 12:1

The Ethiopian woman whom he had married - (Hebrew, "Cushite,"compare Gen 2:13; Gen 10:6) It is likely that Zipporah Exo 2:21 was dead, and that Miriam in consequence expected to have greater influence than ever with Moses. Her disappointment at his second marriage would consequently be very great.

The marriage of Moses with a woman descended from Ham was not prohibited, so long as she was not of the stock of Canaan (compare Exo 34:11-16); but it would at any time have been offensive to that intense nationality which characterized the Jews. The Christian fathers note in the successive marriage of Moses with a Midianite and an Ethiopian a foreshadowing of the future extension to the Gentiles of God’ s covenant and its promises (compare Psa 45:9 ff; Son 1:4 ff); and in the complaining of Miriam and Aaron a type of the discontent of the Jews because of such extension: compare Luk 15:29-30.

Num 12:2

Hath the Lord ... - i. e. Is it merely, after all, by Moses that the Lord hath spoken?

Num 12:3

The man Moses was very meek - In this and in other passages in which Moses no less unequivocally records his own faults (compare Num 20:12 ff; Exo 4:24 ff; Deu 1:37), there is the simplicity of one who bare witness of himself, but not to himself (compare Mat 11:28-29). The words are inserted to explain how it was that Moses took no steps to vindicate himself, and why consequently the Lord so promptly intervened.

Num 12:8

Mouth to mouth - i. e. without the intervention of any third person or thing: compare the marginal references.

Even apparently - Moses received the word of God direct from Him and plainly, not through the medium of dream, vision, parable, dark saying, or such like; compare the marginal references.

The similitude of the Lord shall he behold - But, "No man hath seen God at any time,"says John (Joh 1:18 : compare 1Ti 6:16, and especially Exo 33:20 ff). It was not therefore the Beatific Vision, the unveiled essence of the Deity, which Moses saw on the one hand. Nor was it, on the other hand, a mere emblematic representation (as in Eze 1:26 ff, Dan 7:9), or an Angel sent as a messenger. It was the Deity Himself manifesting Himself so as to be cognizable to mortal eye. The special footing on which Moses stood as regards God is here laid down in detail, because it at once demonstrates that the supremacy of Moses rested on the distinct appointment of God, and also that Miriam in contravening that supremacy had incurred the penalty proper to sins against the theocracy.

Num 12:12

As one dead - leprosy was nothing short of a living death, a poisoning of the springs, a corrupting of all the humors, of life; a dissolution little by little of the whole body, so that one limb after another actually decayed and fell away. Compare the notes at Lev. 13.

Num 12:13

Heal her now, O God, I beseech thee - Others render these words: "Oh not so; heal her now, I beseech Thee."

Num 12:14

If her father ... - i. e. If her earthly parent had treated her with contumely (compare Deu 25:9) she would feel for a time humiliated, how much more when God has visited her thus?

Poole: Num 12:10 - -- From off the tabernacle not from the whole tabernacle, for then they must have removed, but from that part of the tabernacle whither it was come, to ...

From off the tabernacle not from the whole tabernacle, for then they must have removed, but from that part of the tabernacle whither it was come, to that part which was directly over the mercy-seat, where it constantly abode.

Miriam became leprous she, and not Aaron, either because she was first or chief in the transgression, or because God would not have his worship either interrupted or dishonoured, which it must have been if Aaron had been leprous.

White as snow: this kind of leprosy was the most virulent and incurable of all. See Exo 4:6 2Ki 5:27 . It is true, when the leprosy began in a particular part, and thence spread itself over all the flesh by degrees, and at last made it all white, that was an evidence. of the cure of the leprosy, Lev 13:12,13 ; but it was otherwise when one was suddenly and extraordinarily smitten with this universal whiteness, which showed the great corruption of the whole mass of blood, as it was here.

Haydock: Num 12:10 - -- Departed from the door to its former place, (Calmet) as if in abhorrence of Mary's leprosy, (Hiscuni) and still more of the sin, which had brought up...

Departed from the door to its former place, (Calmet) as if in abhorrence of Mary's leprosy, (Hiscuni) and still more of the sin, which had brought upon her that punishment. (Calmet) ---

Perhaps the cloud was raised higher in the air than usual, but did not proceed forward; (Menochius) otherwise the Israelites would have decamped. They remained at Haseroth till Mary was returned into the camp, ver. 15. (Haydock) ---

Leprosy, of an incurable kind, like that of Gieze, 4 Kings v. 27. It covers the whole skin with a white scurf, Leviticus xiii. 10. Aaron is spared, either because he had sided with his sister only out of complaisance, without any formal malice against his brother; or because God, in consideration for his priestly character, would not render him contemptible in the eyes of the all people, intending to punish him in a more secret manner: for was are not always to judge of the grievousness of a fault, by its present punishment. Perhaps Aaron obtained pardon by his speedy repentance, ver. 11. (Calmet)

Gill: Num 12:10 - -- And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle,.... Not from off the door of the tabernacle, as Aben Ezra, for that is implied in the last clause of N...

And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle,.... Not from off the door of the tabernacle, as Aben Ezra, for that is implied in the last clause of Num 12:9, but from off that part of the tabernacle, the most holy place, where it had used to abide; but now it went up higher in the air, or removed at some distance from thence, which was a further indication of the sore displeasure of God; that as he would not stay with Aaron and Miriam at the door of the tabernacle, so neither would he suffer the cloud to continue over it, as it was wont to do, so long as they were there:

and, behold, Miriam became leprous, white as snow; was smote immediately with a leprosy by the Lord, as the hand of Moses was in a miraculous way, Exo 4:6; and as Gehazi was, who was smitten of God in like manner, 2Ki 5:27; in an ordinary and gradual leprosy, when it was all white, the man was clean, Lev 13:13; but in an extraordinary one, and which was immediately from God, and at once, in this case it was a sign it was incurable. Miriam only, and not Aaron, was smitten with a leprosy; though Chaskuni says, that some of their Rabbins were of opinion, that Aaron was; but this does not appear, nor is it likely that he should be thus defiled and dishonoured, being the priest of the Lord, and since he was not so deep in the transgression as Miriam, and was drawn into it by her, and also repented of it:

and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and, behold, she was leprous; he not only cast his eye upon her, as it were accidentally, and saw what was her case; but, as the priest of the Lord, looked upon her, as it was the business of his office to do, and perceived she was leprous, and was obliged to pronounce her so; and perhaps she was the first, after the law of the leprosy, that he was called to look upon, and pronounced her unclean, which must be a great mortification to him.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Num 12:10 Heb “turned to.”

Geneva Bible: Num 12:10 And the cloud departed from off the ( f ) tabernacle; and, behold, Miriam [became] leprous, [white] as snow: and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and, behold...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Num 12:1-16 - --1 God rebukes the sedition of Miriam and Aaron.11 Miriam's leprosy is healed at the prayer of Moses.14 God commands her to be shut out of the host.16 ...

MHCC: Num 12:10-16 - --The cloud departed, and Miriam became leprous. When God goes, evil comes: expect no good when God departs. Her foul tongue, as Bishop Hall says, was j...

Matthew Henry: Num 12:10-16 - -- Here is, I. God's judgment upon Miriam (Num 12:10): The cloud departed from off that part of the tabernacle, in token of God's displeasure, and ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Num 12:4-10 - -- Jehovah summoned the opponents of His servant to come at once before His judgment-seat. He commanded Moses, Aaron, and Miriam suddenly to come out o...

Constable: Num 11:1--20:29 - --1. The cycle of rebellion, atonement, and death chs. 11-20 The end of chapter 10 is the high poi...

Constable: Num 12:1-16 - --The rebellion of Miriam and Aaron ch. 12 Perhaps it was God's exaltation of Moses by bestowing the gift of prophecy on the elders that provoked the en...

Guzik: Num 12:1-16 - --Numbers 12 - The Dissension of Aaron and Miriam A. Miriam and Aaron bring an accusation against Moses. 1. (1) Miriam and Aaron criticize Moses' wife...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Numbers (Book Introduction) NUMBERS. This book is so called because it contains an account of the enumeration and arrangement of the Israelites. The early part of it, from the fi...


TSK: Numbers (Book Introduction) The book of Numbers is a book containing a series of the most astonishing providences and events. Every where and in every circumstance God appears; ...

TSK: Numbers 12 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Num 12:1, God rebukes the sedition of Miriam and Aaron; Num 12:11, Miriam’s leprosy is healed at the prayer of Moses; Num 12:14, God co...

Poole: Numbers (Book Introduction) FOURTH BOOK OF MOSES, CALLED NUMBERS THE ARGUMENT This Book giveth us a history of almost forty years travel of the children of Israel through th...

Poole: Numbers 12 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 12 Miriam and Aaron murmur against Moses, Num 12:1-3 . God commandeth him, Aaron, and Miriam to come to the tabernacle, which they did, Num...

MHCC: Numbers (Book Introduction) This book is called NUMBERS from the several numberings of the people contained in it. It extends from the giving of the law at Sinai, till their arri...

MHCC: Numbers 12 (Chapter Introduction) (Num 12:1-9) God rebukes the murmuring of Aaron and Miriam. (Num 12:10-16) Miriam struck with leprosy, and healed at the prayer of Moses.

Matthew Henry: Numbers (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Fourth Book of Moses, Called Numbers The titles of the five books of Moses, which we use in our Bib...

Matthew Henry: Numbers 12 (Chapter Introduction) In the foregoing chapter we had the vexation which the people gave to Moses; in this we have his patience tried by his own relations. I. Miriam an...

Constable: Numbers (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title the Jews used in their Hebrew Old Testament for this book...

Constable: Numbers (Outline) Outline I. Experiences of the older generation in the wilderness chs. 1-25 A. Preparations f...

Constable: Numbers Numbers Bibliography Aharoni, Yohanan. The Land of the Bible. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1979. ...

Haydock: Numbers (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION. This fourth Book of Moses is called Numbers , because it begins with the numbering of the people. The Hebrews, from its first words...

Gill: Numbers (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO NUMBERS This book has its name from the account it gives of the "numbers" of the children of Israel, twice taken particularly; whic...

Gill: Numbers 12 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO NUMBERS 12 In this chapter we have an account of Aaron and Miriam speaking against Moses, and for what reason, whose amiable charac...

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