Text -- Numbers 30:1-10 (NET)

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collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)
Wesley: Num 30:5 - -- Speedily, or without delay, allowing only convenient time for deliberation. And it is hereby intimated, that the day or time he had for disallowing he...
Speedily, or without delay, allowing only convenient time for deliberation. And it is hereby intimated, that the day or time he had for disallowing her vow, was not to be reckoned from her vowing, but from his knowledge of her vow.

Wesley: Num 30:5 - -- Or, will forgive her not performing it. But this should be understood only of vows which could not be performed without invading the father's right; f...
Or, will forgive her not performing it. But this should be understood only of vows which could not be performed without invading the father's right; for if one should vow to forbear such, or such a sin, and all occasions or means leading to it, and to perform such, or such duties, when he had opportunity, no father can discharge him from such vows. If this law does not extend to children's marrying without the parent's consent, so far as to put it in the power of the parent, to disannul the marriage, (which some think it does) yet certainly it proves the sinfulness of such marriages, and obliges those children to repent and humble themselves before God and their parents.

Though she be in her father's house, whither such persons often returned.

Wesley: Num 30:10 - -- If she that now a widow, or divorced, made that vow while her husband lived with her; as suppose she then vowed, that if she was a widow, she would gi...
If she that now a widow, or divorced, made that vow while her husband lived with her; as suppose she then vowed, that if she was a widow, she would give such a proportion of her estate to pious or charitable uses, of which vow she might repent when she came to be a widow, and might believe or repented she was free from it, because that vow was made in her husband's lifetime; this is granted, in case her husband then disallowed it; but denied, in case by silence, or otherwise he consented to it.
JFB: Num 30:1 - -- The subject of this chapter relates to vowing, which seems to have been an ancient usage, allowed by the law to remain, and by which some people decla...
The subject of this chapter relates to vowing, which seems to have been an ancient usage, allowed by the law to remain, and by which some people declared their intention of offering some gift on the altar or abstaining from particular articles of meat or drink, of observing a private fast, or doing something to the honor or in the service of God, over and above what was authoritatively required. In Num 29:39, mention was made of "vows and freewill offerings," and it is probable, from the explanatory nature of the rules laid down in this chapter, that these were given for the removal of doubts and difficulties which conscientious persons had felt about their obligation to perform their vows in certain circumstances that had arisen.

JFB: Num 30:2 - -- A mere secret purpose of the mind was not enough to constitute a vow; it had to be actually expressed in words; and though a purely voluntary act, yet...
A mere secret purpose of the mind was not enough to constitute a vow; it had to be actually expressed in words; and though a purely voluntary act, yet when once the vow was made, the performance of it, like that of every other promise, became an indispensable duty--all the more because, referring to a sacred thing, it could not be neglected without the guilt of prevarication and unfaithfulness to God.

JFB: Num 30:2 - -- Literally, "profane his word"--render it vain and contemptible (Psa 55:20; Psa 89:34). But as it would frequently happen that parties would vow to do ...
Literally, "profane his word"--render it vain and contemptible (Psa 55:20; Psa 89:34). But as it would frequently happen that parties would vow to do things which were neither good in themselves nor in their power to perform, the law ordained that their natural superiors should have the right of judging as to the propriety of those vows, with discretionary power to sanction or interdict their fulfilment. Parents were to determine in the case of their children, and husbands in that of their wives--being, however, allowed only a day for deliberation after the matter became known to them; and their judgment, if unfavorable, released the devotee from all obligation [Num 30:3-8].

JFB: Num 30:3 - -- Girls only are specified; but minors of the other sex, who resided under the parental roof, were included, according to Jewish writers, who also consi...
Girls only are specified; but minors of the other sex, who resided under the parental roof, were included, according to Jewish writers, who also consider the name "father" as comprehending all guardians of youth. We are also told that the age at which young people were deemed capable of vowing was thirteen for boys and twelve for girls. The judgment of a father or guardian on the vow of any under his charge might be given either by an expressed approval or by silence, which was to be construed as approval. But in the case of a husband who, after silence from day to day, should ultimately disapprove or hinder his wife's vow, the sin of non-performance was to be imputed to him and not to her [Num 30:15].

JFB: Num 30:9 - -- In the case of a married woman, who, in the event of a separation from her husband, or of his death, returned, as was not uncommon, to her father's ho...
In the case of a married woman, who, in the event of a separation from her husband, or of his death, returned, as was not uncommon, to her father's house, a doubt might have been entertained whether she was not, as before, subject to paternal jurisdiction and obliged to act with the paternal consent. The law ordained that the vow was binding if it had been made in her husband's lifetime, and he, on being made aware of it, had not interposed his veto [Num 30:10-11]; as, for instance, she might have vowed, when not a widow, that she would assign a portion of her income to pious and charitable uses, of which she might repent when actually a widow; but by this statute she was required to fulfil the obligation, provided her circumstances enabled her to redeem the pledge. The rules laid down must have been exceedingly useful for the prevention or cancelling of rash vows, as well as for giving a proper sanction to such as were legitimate in their nature, and made in a devout, reflecting spirit.
Clarke: Num 30:2 - -- If a man vow a vow - A vow is a religious promise made to God. Vows were of several kinds: -
1. Of abstinence or humiliation, see ...
If a man vow a vow - A vow is a religious promise made to God. Vows were of several kinds: -
1. Of abstinence or humiliation, see Num 30:13
2. Of the Nazarite, see Numbers 6
3. Of giving certain things or sacrifices to the Lord, Lev 7:16
4. Of alms given to the poor, see Deu 23:21
The law in this chapter must have been very useful, as it both prevented and annulled rash vows, and provided a proper sanction for the support and performance of those that were rationally and piously made. Besides, this law must have acted as a great preventive of lying and hypocrisy. If a vow was properly made, a man or woman was bound, under penalty of the displeasure of God, to fulfill it.

Clarke: Num 30:3 - -- In her youth - That is, say the rabbins, under twelve years of age; and under thirteen in case of a young man. Young persons of this age were consid...
In her youth - That is, say the rabbins, under twelve years of age; and under thirteen in case of a young man. Young persons of this age were considered to be under the authority of their parents, and had consequently no power to vow away the property of another. A married woman was in the same circumstances, because she was under the authority of her husband. If however the parents or the husband heard of the vow, and objected to it in the same day in which they heard of it, (Num 30:5), then the vow was annulled; or, if having heard of it, they held their peace, this was considered a ratification of the vow
A rash vow was never to be kept; "for,"says Philo, and common sense and justice say the same, "he who commits an unjust action because of his vow adds one crime to another
1. By making an unlawful vow
2. By doing an unlawful action."
Calvin: Num 30:1 - -- 1.And Moses spake Moses teaches in this chapter that the vows which were made by persons who were not free, were not held good before God; and althou...
1.And Moses spake Moses teaches in this chapter that the vows which were made by persons who were not free, were not held good before God; and although no mention is made of male children, still, as their condition was the same, it seems that by synecdoche they must be included with the daughters and wives, unless perhaps God chose to pay regard to the weaker sex. But since He permits females, who were not under their father’s power, to make vows in spite of their sex, nor does He make it to be an excuse for levity or thoughtlessness, it seems that the object proposed was, that the right of the father over his children as well as of the husband over the wife, should be maintained inviolate.

Calvin: Num 30:2 - -- 2.If a man vow a vow Wishing to modify the general law, lest any one should think that there was any contradiction in this exception, he begins by re...
2.If a man vow a vow Wishing to modify the general law, lest any one should think that there was any contradiction in this exception, he begins by repeating the law itself, that every one should faithfully pay whatever he had vowed; as much as to say, that this stands good, but that he only refers to such as are their own masters; and that women or girls who are under the power of another, were not free to make vows without the concurrence of their fathers’ or husbands’ consent. This preface, however, must be understood, as I have already pointed out, of lawful vows, whereby neither is religion corrupted nor the holiness of God’s name profaned. And assuredly, unless what we offer is acceptable to God, there can be no obligation on the conscience. Moreover, since there is here a distinction made between males and females, it may be probably conjectured that boys of ten years old, although still united with their family, are bound by their promises; and therefore I will not pertinaciously contend about this, because it is better to leave undecided whatever is doubtful, and disputable, as it is commonly called, on either side.

Calvin: Num 30:3 - -- 3.If a woman also vow He now proceeds to the point of which he proposed to treat, i.e., that vows made by persons who are not their own masters do ...
3.If a woman also vow He now proceeds to the point of which he proposed to treat, i.e., that vows made by persons who are not their own masters do not hold good; and he mentions two cases. For, in the first place, he teaches that if a daughter, whilst living with her father, has vowed anything without his knowledge, it is of no force. He lays down the same rule, if the father, hearing the vow, has disallowed it; but if he has held his peace, it is declared that his silence is equivalent to consent. Hence we gather that all those who are possessed of power do not do their duty unless they frankly and discreetly express their opposition whenever anything displeases them; since their connivance is a kind of tacit approbation. In the second place, he treats of married women, whose vows, made in the absence or with the disapproval of their husbands, he commands to be of none effect; but if the husbands have known of them, and been silent, he obliges their performance. For many deceptions might have thus arisen; since it is usual with many when they wish to gratify their wives, to conceal their opinion for the time, but, when the period of actual performance arrives, to elude what may have been promised. But unless they use their privilege in proper time, God would have them bear the punishment of their servile indulgence and dissimulation; but because women are often urged to deceive by their levity and inconstancy, this danger is also anticipated. It may also happen 326 that a woman, when subject to her husband, may make a vow in the precipitate fervor of her zeal, and when he is dead, may retract it under the specious pretext that she was not then free and her own mistress; the same thing may occur when a divorced woman shall bind herself, and then when she has married, shall appear to herself to be released. Since instances of this wicked change of mind are too frequent, no wonder that this special precaution should be added, to prevent frauds. Wherefore God declares that the period when the vow was made is to be considered, so that they are no less liable than as if their condition had remained the same. He therefore condemns to the performance of their vow those women who have been emancipated from their fathers’ authority by marriage, and also who have been set free by death or divorce; yet it appears from the last verse of the chapter, that two exceptions, modifying the general law, are here peculiarly treated of.

Calvin: Num 30:5 - -- 5.But if her father disallow her The expression is remarkable, “And the Lord shall forgive her,” whereby Moses gently reproves the foolish though...
5.But if her father disallow her The expression is remarkable, “And the Lord shall forgive her,” whereby Moses gently reproves the foolish thoughtlessness of the girl; and soon afterwards the same thing is spoken of married women. And surely their rashness is worthy of reprehension, if unmindful of their condition, they, as it were, shake off the yoke and hastily commit themselves. God therefore hints that they are not without blame; but lest they should be tormented by secret remorse, He removes every scruple, declaring that He will forgive, if the performance of the vow shall have been prevented in any other quarter. When the dissent of the father or the husband is required on the same day, it is tantamount to saying that what they have once approved of cannot be disallowed. Further, to “hold his peace” to a wife or daughter, signifies that he does not oppose, but give by silence a token of consent.

Calvin: Num 30:9 - -- 9.But every vow of a widow I have stated why widows are expressly named, viz., lest a woman should think that by a second marriage she would escape, ...
9.But every vow of a widow I have stated why widows are expressly named, viz., lest a woman should think that by a second marriage she would escape, as being no longer free, and again under the yoke; since by such subtle excuses people often extricate themselves. No other subject is referred to down to the end of the last verse but one; for they have made a very gross mistake, who interpret it as applying to a family and its master. 327 The subject itself certainly does not admit of such an explanation; and the words of Moses forbid it: so that it is the more surprising that persons skilled in the Hebrew language have not seen the matter clearly.

TSK: Num 30:2 - -- If a man : The preceding chapters had treated of sacrifices required by law; and in the laws here delivered in respect to vows must have been very use...
If a man : The preceding chapters had treated of sacrifices required by law; and in the laws here delivered in respect to vows must have been very useful, as they both prevented and annulled rash vows, and provided a proper sanction for the support and performance of those which were rationally made, and which were made to the Lord.
vow a vow : Num 21:2; Gen 28:20-22; Lev. 27:2-34; Deu 23:21, Deu 23:22; Jdg 11:11, Jdg 11:30, Jdg 11:31, Jdg 11:35, Jdg 11:36; Jdg 11:39; Psa 15:3, Psa 56:12, Psa 76:11, Psa 119:106; Pro 20:25
swear : Exo 20:7; Lev 5:4; Mat 5:33, Mat 5:34, Mat 14:7-9; Act 23:12; 2Co 1:23, 2Co 9:9-11
to bind : Num 30:3, Num 30:4, Num 30:10; Mat 23:16, Mat 23:18 *Gr: Act 23:12, Act 23:14, Act 23:21
break : Heb. profane, Psa 55:20 *marg.
he shall do : Job 22:27; Psa 22:25, Psa 50:14, Psa 66:13, Psa 66:14, Psa 116:14, Psa 116:18; Ecc 5:4, Ecc 5:5; Nah 1:15

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes: Num 30:1 - -- The regulations respecting vows appropriately follow those given respecting sacrifices, since a large proportion of vows would always relate to the ...
The regulations respecting vows appropriately follow those given respecting sacrifices, since a large proportion of vows would always relate to the presentation of such offerings. Rules had already been given Lev. 27 for the estimation of things vowed to God. It is probable that this fresh legislation dealing especially with vows made by persons in a state of tutelage, was occasioned by some case of practical difficulty that had recently arisen; and it is addressed by Moses to "the heads of the tribes"Num 30:1, who would in their judicial capacity have to determine questions on these subjects.
There is no provision in the chapter for annulling vows made by boys and young men; from which it has been inferred that the vows of males were in all cases and circumstances binding.

Barnes: Num 30:2 - -- The "vow"was positive; the "bond"negative or restrictive. By a vow a man engaged to dedicate something to God, or to accomplish some work for Him: b...
The "vow"was positive; the "bond"negative or restrictive. By a vow a man engaged to dedicate something to God, or to accomplish some work for Him: by a bond he debarred himself from some privilege or enjoyment. A vow involved an obligation to do: a bond, an obligation to forbear doing.

Barnes: Num 30:3 - -- Being in her father’ s house in her youth - It was not ordinarily until her betrothal or marriage, that the female passed (some suppose by...
Being in her father’ s house in her youth - It was not ordinarily until her betrothal or marriage, that the female passed (some suppose by purchase) from the power of her father to that of her husband.

Barnes: Num 30:5 - -- The Lord shall forgive her - i. e., shall remit the obligation. (Compare 2Ki 5:18.)
The Lord shall forgive her - i. e., shall remit the obligation. (Compare 2Ki 5:18.)

Barnes: Num 30:6 - -- Rather, And if she shall at all be an husband’ s, and her vows shall be upon her, or a rash utterance of her lips, wherewith she hath bound her...
Rather, And if she shall at all be an husband’ s, and her vows shall be upon her, or a rash utterance of her lips, wherewith she hath bound her soul, etc. The "at all"intimates that the case of a girl betrothed but not yet actually married is here especially contemplated. After betrothal, a woman continued to reside, until the period of her marriage arrived, in her father’ s house; but her property was from that time forward vested in her husband, and she was so far regarded as personally his, that an act of faithlessness to him was, like adultery, punishable with death Deu 22:23-24. Hence, his right to control her vows even before he actually took her home as his wife.
Poole: Num 30:1 - -- The heads of the tribes the chief rulers of each tribe, who were to communicate it to the rest.
The heads of the tribes the chief rulers of each tribe, who were to communicate it to the rest.

Poole: Num 30:2 - -- A man which notes both the sex, as appears by Num 30:3 , and the age, that he be grown up; for none can be so weak as to think the vow of a young chi...
A man which notes both the sex, as appears by Num 30:3 , and the age, that he be grown up; for none can be so weak as to think the vow of a young child would bind it.
A vow i.e. a simple Vow to do something possible and lawful.
Unto the Lord to the honour and service of God.
Or swear an oath confirm his vow by an oath.
To bind his soul with a bond to restrain himself from something otherwise lawful, as suppose from such a sort of meat or drink; or to oblige himself to the performance of something otherwise not necessary, is to observe a private day of fasting.
He shall not break his word Heb. not pollute or profane his word , as the same phrase is used, Psa 55:20 89:34 , i.e. not render his word, and consequently himself, profane, or vile and contemptible in the eyes of others.
According to all that proceedeth out of his own mouth and that without delay, Deu 23:21 Ecc 5:4 , provided the thing be not unlawful and forbidden by God, Act 23:14 ; for it is an idle conceit that a man can give away God’ s right, or that he can make void God’ s commands by his own vows, which was the dotage of the Pharisees, Mar 6:23,26 .

Poole: Num 30:3 - -- If a woman or a man in the same circumstances, a son or a servant, as plainly appears from hence, because the reason of this law is perfectly the sam...
If a woman or a man in the same circumstances, a son or a servant, as plainly appears from hence, because the reason of this law is perfectly the same in both sexes, which is, that such persons have given away what was not their own, but another’ s, even their superior’ s right, which is against the rule and law of natural reason, and against the word of God, which binds all persons to give to every one their due. He instanceth only in the woman, because that sex is both by creation and sin put into a state of subjection, but under the chief and most unquestionable kind all other subjects in like circumstances are comprehended, as is very usual.
Being in her father’ s house i.e. under his care, power, and government, which she is whilst she continues in her father’ s house , being a virgin, as appears by the opposition of a married woman, Num 30:6 , and of a widow, and divorced woman, Num 30:9 , and by this phrase of being in her father’ s house , for when she marries, she is removed into her husband’ s house, Rth 1:9 . Or, being in , or of her father’ s family , the word house being commonly used for family; for when she marries, she is translated and removed into another family.
In her youth when not only her sex, but her age, disenables her for vowing; and this clause is added not by way of restriction, as if’ virgins in their riper years were freed from their parents’ jurisdiction, and at their own disposal, (which undoubtedly they are not,) but by way of addition, or amplification, q.d. especially (which particle is here to be understood, such defects of particles being frequent in the Hebrew tongue) in her youth , which is commonly reckoned about her twelfth or thirteenth year.

Poole: Num 30:4 - -- Her father under which title seem to be comprehended, as in other places of Scripture, masters, magistrates, and all other superiors, in such cases w...
Her father under which title seem to be comprehended, as in other places of Scripture, masters, magistrates, and all other superiors, in such cases wherein their right is given away by the inferior’ s vow; as for instance, when a servant vows to go a long journey for his friend, and his master will not permit him to do so; but not in other cases; as if a servant vows to do something for another in that time which his master alloweth to his own use and disposal, in this case his vow binds him, but not in the former.
And her father shall hold his peace his silence being an interpretative consent, and much more if he declares his approbation of it.
Shall stand i.e. be established, or confirmed, or be in force.

Poole: Num 30:5 - -- In the day that he heareth i.e. speedily, or without delay, allowing’ only necessary and convenient time for deliberation. And it is hereby int...
In the day that he heareth i.e. speedily, or without delay, allowing’ only necessary and convenient time for deliberation. And it is hereby intimated, that the day or time he had for disallowing her vow was not to be reckoned from her vowing, but from his hearing or knowledge of her vow.
Shall forgive her or, will forgive either her rashness of making such vows, or rather her not performing of it. But this is to be understood only of such vows which could not be performed without invading the father’ s or superior’ s right; for if one should vow to forbear such or such a sin, and all unnecessary occasions or means leading to it, and to perform such or such duties, when he had opportunity, no father nor superior can discharge him from such vows.

Poole: Num 30:6 - -- An husband to whose will and authority she was thereby made subject.
When she vowed to wit, when she was in her father’ s house, as is evident...
An husband to whose will and authority she was thereby made subject.
When she vowed to wit, when she was in her father’ s house, as is evident by comparing Num 30:10 ; and this clause seems to be added by way of exception to that which was said Num 30:3,4 , to signify, that though she were in her father’ s house, yet if she were married, her husband only, and not her father, could disoblige her from her vow.
Or uttered ought either,
1. By way of vow, and so this clause explains and determines the former, i.e. if she express her vow in words. Or,
2. By way of oath, concerning which this same phrase is used Lev 5:4 , and so this clause is distinct from the former, which the disjunctive particle or implies.

Poole: Num 30:9 - -- Though she be in her father’ s house, whither such persons oft returned; which limitation may be gathered both from the opposition of her being...
Though she be in her father’ s house, whither such persons oft returned; which limitation may be gathered both from the opposition of her being
in her husband’ s house Num 30:10 , and from hence, that this was the only doubtful cast for if such a person was not in her father’ s house, she was unquestionably bound by it, but being now freed from her husband, and returned to her father, it was doubtful whether she was not returned to the same state of subjection in which she was before, and consequently unable to make or perform a vow without her father’ s consent, as she was before, which is here denied.

Poole: Num 30:10 - -- In her husband’ s house i.e. if she that now is a widow, or divorced, made that vow whilst her husband lived with her; as suppose she then vowed...
In her husband’ s house i.e. if she that now is a widow, or divorced, made that vow whilst her husband lived with her; as suppose she then vowed, that if she was a widow, she would give such a proportion of her estate to pious or charitable uses, of which vow she might repent when she came to be a widow, and might believe or pretend she was free from it, because that vow was made in her husband’ s lifetime, which is here granted, in case her husband then disallowed it, but denied, in case by silence or otherwise he consented to it. And thus this law is sufficiently distinguished from that above, Num 30:6-8 .
Haydock: Num 30:3 - -- Oath, to do something commendable, shall observe his promise, whether any body has heard him or not. The Rabbins pretend, that if the vow be not expr...
Oath, to do something commendable, shall observe his promise, whether any body has heard him or not. The Rabbins pretend, that if the vow be not expressed in words, it is not obligatory. But this is only true before men, who cannot subject their fellow creatures to punishment for internal faults. (Haydock) ---
The obligation of a vow or oath is founded upon common honesty, which requires that we should comply with our lawful promises; and, though all properly belong to God, yet, as he does not strictly require us to do every good work which may be in our power, we may, by vow, testify our desire to please and honour him the more. Some of the Rabbins have very loose sentiments with respect to vows, which they look upon as no better than building an altar, or immolating a victim upon the high places. It is sufficient, they say, to observe the law, apud Fagium. (Calmet) ---
Luther was desirous of introducing the same loose morality among Christians. But we need not ask, what the Rabbins said, or Luther, &c. But what does God and his Church assert? The Scripture repeatedly commends prudent vows; and those who can persuade themselves that they can infringe such solemn promises without offence, will be little solicitous about keeping their word to a fellow creature, unless when interest, or fear of shame, force them to do it. (Haydock) ---
He who makes a vow to abstain from any thing lawful, would be guilty of sin if he should observe it afterwards. (St. Augustine, q. 56.) (Worthington)

Haydock: Num 30:4 - -- Girl in age, not 12; or, if more, at least not married, nor out of her father's house, ver. 17. For either of these conditions rendered a girl incap...
Girl in age, not 12; or, if more, at least not married, nor out of her father's house, ver. 17. For either of these conditions rendered a girl incapable of binding herself irrevocably. The father, or all who had the care of her, might rescind her vow, provided they did it as soon as it came to their knowledge, or on the same day, ver. 15. Boys under 13, were under similar restrictions. (Grotius) ---
Wives, and, in general, all who are under subjection, could not dispose of themselves without the consent of their superiors, as their want of prudence, &c., might have otherwise injured what belonged, in some measure, to another. (Haydock) ---
The law, therefore, submits their case to the decision of their immediate judges. (Calmet) ---
But if the thing, which a person vowed, was already of strict obligation, as to fast on the day of expiation, (Leviticus xxiii. 29,) no one could presume to hinder his wife from complying with this double duty. (Worthington)

Haydock: Num 30:7 - -- Husband, whether she live with him, or with her father; whether she be only espoused, or the marriage be consummated. Women often staid for some tim...
Husband, whether she live with him, or with her father; whether she be only espoused, or the marriage be consummated. Women often staid for some time at their father's house after they were married; and, in this case, some people say that either her father or her husband might disannul her vow. But others allow this right only to her husband. (Bonfrere) See ver. 11. (Calmet)
Gill: Num 30:1 - -- And Moses spake unto the heads of the tribes,.... Or the princes of them, who could more easily be convened, and who used to meet on certain occasions...
And Moses spake unto the heads of the tribes,.... Or the princes of them, who could more easily be convened, and who used to meet on certain occasions, and on whom it lay to see various laws put in execution:
concerning the children of Israel; how they ought to conduct and behave in the following case, it being an affair which concerned them all:
saying, this is the thing which the Lord hath commanded; relating to vows. Aben Ezra is of opinion that this was delivered after the battle with Midian, of which there is an account in the following chapter, and is occasioned by what was said, to the tribes of Gad and Reuben, Num 32:24.
do that which hath proceeded out of your mouth; to which they replied:
thy servants will do as my lord commandeth; upon which the nature of a vow, and the manner of keeping it, are observed; but the occasion of it rather seems to be what is said towards the close of the foregoing chapter, Num 29:39, that the various sacrifices there directed were to be offered in their season, besides the vows and freewill offerings; and when these were ratified and confirmed, and when null and void, and to be fulfilled or neglected, is the principal business of this chapter.

Gill: Num 30:2 - -- If a man vow a vow unto the Lord,.... Which must be in a thing that is lawful to be done, which is not contrary to the revealed will and mind of God, ...
If a man vow a vow unto the Lord,.... Which must be in a thing that is lawful to be done, which is not contrary to the revealed will and mind of God, and which may tend to the glory of God, the honour of religion, the service of the sanctuary, the good of a man's self or of his neighbour; or in things purely indifferent, which may, or may not be done, without offence to God or man; as that he will not eat such a thing for such a time, or he will do this or the other thing, as Jarchi observes; who moreover says, that he may forbid himself what is forbidden, and forbid what is free and lawful; but he may not make free or lawful what is forbidden, that is, he may not vow to do a thing which is contrary to the law of God, such a vow will not stand: and he was to be of such an age before he could make a vow that would be valid; according to the Targum of Jonathan, he must be thirteen years of age; it is said in the Misnah p,"a son of twelve years and one day, his vows are examined; a son of thirteen years and one day, his vows are firm, and they examine the whole thirteenth year before that time; although they say we know to whose name (or on whose account) we vow or consecrate, their vow is no vow, nor their consecration no consecration; but after that time, though they say we know not to whose name (or, on whose account) we vow or consecrate, their vow is a vow, and their consecration a consecration:"
or swear an oath to bind his soul with a bond; to his vow adds an oath for the greater confirmation of it, and to lay himself under the greater obligation to perform it:
he shall not break his word; or profane it q but punctually perform it; men should be careful how they vow, and not rashly do it; but when they have vowed, they ought to perform; see Ecc 5:4,
he shall do according to all that proceedeth out of his mouth; it is not in his power to revoke his vow or make it null: the Misnic doctors r say, a man can loose all vows, excepting his own. R. Judah says, not the vows of his wife, nor those which are between her and others; that is, as one of the commentators s explains it, such vows which are not made to afflict, or respect not fasting; but according to the Targum of Jonathan, though a man cannot loose his vows, or free himself from them, yet the sanhedrim, or court of judicature, can, or a wise man that is authenticated thereby, as Jarchi says, or three private persons; but these are such traditions; which make void the commandment of God, as our Lord complains, Mat 15:1.

Gill: Num 30:3 - -- If a woman also vow a vow unto the Lord,.... Who has not passed thirteen years, as the Targum of Jonathan:
and bind herself by a bond; lay hersel...
If a woman also vow a vow unto the Lord,.... Who has not passed thirteen years, as the Targum of Jonathan:
and bind herself by a bond; lay herself under obligation to perform her vow by an oath: being in her father's house; unto the twelfth year, as the same Targum; that is, that is under his care, tuition, and jurisdiction, whether she literally, or properly speaking, is in the house or no at the time she vows; so Jarchi interprets it of her being in the power of her father, though not in his house, she being not at age to be at her own disposal, but at his: wherefore it is added:
in her youth; which, as the same writer explains it, signifies that she is"neither a little one, nor at age; for a little one's vow is no vow, and one at age is not in the power of her father to make void her vow: who is a little one? our Rabbins say, one of eleven years of age and one day, her vows are examined, whether she knows on whose account she vows and consecrates, or devotes anything; one vows a vow that is twelve years and one day old, there is no need to examine them.''He seems to refer to a passage in the Misnah t,"a daughter of eleven years and one day, her vows are examined; a daughter of twelve years and one day, her vows are firm, but they are to be examined through the whole twelfth year.''

Gill: Num 30:4 - -- And her father hear her vow, and her bond wherewith she hath bound her soul,.... Her vow, which is binding upon her, or her vow and an oath annexed to...
And her father hear her vow, and her bond wherewith she hath bound her soul,.... Her vow, which is binding upon her, or her vow and an oath annexed to it; which makes it still more strongly binding; and this he hears himself, or it is reported to him by others: and her father shall hold his peace at her; shall not reprove her for it, nor contradict her in it: then all her vows shall stand; be they what, or as many as they may:
and every bond wherewith she hath bound her soul shall stand; his silence being to be interpreted as approving of them, and consenting to them.

Gill: Num 30:5 - -- But if her father disallow her in the day that he heareth,.... Disapproves of her vow, and expresses his dislike of it, and declares it null and void;...
But if her father disallow her in the day that he heareth,.... Disapproves of her vow, and expresses his dislike of it, and declares it null and void; which, if done at all, is to be done on the same day he hears it, and not on another day, as Aben Ezra observes; not the day following, and much less on a third or fourth day, &c. and it might be done on a sabbath day u:
not any of her vows, or of her bonds wherewith she bound her soul,
shall stand; but become null and void, she being at the control of her father, and having nothing in her own power, and at her own disposal, to vow or consecrate, but wholly in the power and at the disposal of her father:
and the Lord shall forgive her; the breach of her vow, it shall not be imputed to her as a sin:
because her father disallowed her; so that it was no fault of hers that it was not fulfilled; though she might be blameworthy to make one, without previously obtaining his consent, and making it rashly without his previous knowledge, she not being at her own hands; and in this respect may be said to be forgiven by the Lord, which supposes some fault committed.

Gill: Num 30:6 - -- And if she had at all an husband with whom she vowed,.... Or "when her vows were upon her" w, was either betrothed or married to a man:
or uttered ...
And if she had at all an husband with whom she vowed,.... Or "when her vows were upon her" w, was either betrothed or married to a man:
or uttered ought out of her lips, wherewith she bound her soul; uttered anything, either with or without premeditation, either with thought and deliberation, or rashly and imprudently, as the word signifies, yet in such a manner that it was binding upon her.

Gill: Num 30:7 - -- And her husband heard it, and held his peace at her in the day that he heard it,.... The vow she made, and by his silence consented to it:
then her...
And her husband heard it, and held his peace at her in the day that he heard it,.... The vow she made, and by his silence consented to it:
then her vows shall stand, and her bonds wherewith she bound her soul shall stand; or she be under obligation to perform them.

Gill: Num 30:8 - -- But if her husband disallow her on the day that he heard it,.... Expresses his dislike of it; and this he does as soon as he hears it, at least that s...
But if her husband disallow her on the day that he heard it,.... Expresses his dislike of it; and this he does as soon as he hears it, at least that same day; according to the Jews x, within the space of twenty four hours:
then he shall make her vow which she vowed, and that which she uttered with her lips, wherewith she bound her soul, of none effect; by contradicting it, and forbidding the performance of it; or however by declaring to her, or to others, that it is not agreeable to his mind and will that it should be fulfilled:
and the Lord shall forgive her; excuse her performance of the vow, and not impute sin to her on that account, nor punish for the breach of it, she being under the cover of her husband, and obliged to submit to his will. According to Jarchi, the Scripture speaks of a woman that vows to be a Nazarite; her husband hears and makes it void; but she does not know it, and transgresses her vow, and drinks wine, and is defiled with the dead, so that she has need of forgiveness, though it is made void; and if vows made void, he adds, have need of pardon, much more those that are not.

Gill: Num 30:9 - -- But every vow of a widow,.... The Scripture speaks, as Jarchi says, of a widow from marriage, or that has been married, but a widow from espousals (or...
But every vow of a widow,.... The Scripture speaks, as Jarchi says, of a widow from marriage, or that has been married, but a widow from espousals (or that has been only espoused), the husband dead, the power is transmitted, and returns to the father; and with respect to such a case, it is said in the Misnah y"if the father (of such a betrothed person) dies, the power is not transmitted to the husband; but if the husband dies, the power is transmitted to the father; in this case, greater is the power of a father than of an husband; in others, greater is the power of an husband than of a father, because an husband makes void (the vow of) one at age, but a father does not make void (the vow of) such an one:"
and of her that is divorced: from her husband on some account or another; now in each of these cases, the one being loosed from the law of her husband by death, and the other by a bill of divorce, if they vowed:
the vows wherewith they have bound their souls shall stand against her; against either of them, they having none over them to disapprove of, contradict, and make void their vows.

Gill: Num 30:10 - -- And if she vowed in her husband's house,.... Before his death, in his lifetime, or before divorced: the Targum of Jonathan adds, by way of explanation...
And if she vowed in her husband's house,.... Before his death, in his lifetime, or before divorced: the Targum of Jonathan adds, by way of explanation, "and not at age for marriage", understanding it of a betrothed, and not a married person; but Jarchi says, the Scripture speaks of a married one, which seems most likely:
or bound her soul by a bond with an oath; to fulfil her vow, to abstain from this, or to do that or the other thing.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Num 30:3 The Hebrew text just has “in her father’s house” and not “who is still living,” but that is the meaning of the line.

NET Notes: Num 30:4 The verb קוּם (qum) is best translated “stand” here, but the idea with it is that what she vows is established as ...

NET Notes: Num 30:5 The verb has often been translated “forgive” (cf. KJV, ASV, NASB, NRSV, NLT), but that would suggest a sin that needed forgiving. The idea...

NET Notes: Num 30:6 The Hebrew text indicates that this would be some impetuous vow that she uttered with her lips, a vow that her husband, whether new or existing, would...

NET Notes: Num 30:9 The Hebrew text says her vow “shall stand against her.” In other words, she must fulfill, or bear the consequences of, whatever she vowed.
Geneva Bible: Num 30:1 And Moses spake unto the heads of the tribes ( a ) concerning the children of Israel, saying, This [is] the thing which the LORD hath commanded.
( a ...

Geneva Bible: Num 30:4 And her father hear her vow, and her bond wherewith she hath bound her soul, and her father shall hold his ( b ) peace at her: then all her vows shall...

Geneva Bible: Num 30:5 But if her ( c ) father disallow her in the day that he heareth; not any of her vows, or of her bonds wherewith she hath bound her soul, shall stand: ...

Geneva Bible: Num 30:6 And if she had at all an husband, when she vowed, or ( d ) uttered ought out of her lips, wherewith she bound her soul;
( d ) Either by oath, or sole...

Geneva Bible: Num 30:8 But if her husband disallowed her on the day that he heard [it]; then he shall make her vow which she vowed, and that which she uttered with her lips,...

Geneva Bible: Num 30:9 But every vow of a widow, and of her that is divorced, wherewith they have bound their souls, shall stand ( f ) against her.
( f ) For they are not u...

Geneva Bible: Num 30:10 And if she vowed in her husband's ( h ) house, or bound her soul by a bond with an oath;
( h ) Her husband being alive.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Num 30:1-16
TSK Synopsis: Num 30:1-16 - --1 Vows are not to be broken.3 The exceptions of a maid's vows;6 of a wife's;9 of a widow's; or her that is divorced.
MHCC -> Num 30:1-2; Num 30:3-16
MHCC: Num 30:1-2 - --No man can be bound by his own promise to do what he is already, by the Divine precept, forbidden to do. In other matters the command is, that he shal...

MHCC: Num 30:3-16 - --Two cases of vows are determined. The case of a daughter in her father's house. When her vow comes to his knowledge, it is in his power either to conf...
Matthew Henry -> Num 30:1-2; Num 30:3-16
Matthew Henry: Num 30:1-2 - -- This law was delivered to the heads of the tribes that they might instruct those who were under their charge, explain the law to them, give then nec...

Matthew Henry: Num 30:3-16 - -- It is here taken for granted that all such persons as are sui juris - at their own disposal, and are likewise of sound understanding and memory...
Keil-Delitzsch: Num 30:1 - --
The rules by which vows were to be legally regulated, so far as their objects and their discharge were concerned, has been already laid down in Lev;...

Keil-Delitzsch: Num 30:2 - --
At the head there stands the general rule, " If any one vow a vow to Jehovah, or swear an oath, to bind his soul to abstinence, he shall not break h...

Keil-Delitzsch: Num 30:3-15 - --
Num 30:3-15 contain the rules relating to positive and negative vows made by a woman, and four different examples are given. The first case (Num 30:...
Constable: Num 26:1--36:13 - --II. Prospects of the younger generation in the land chs. 26--36
The focus of Numbers now changes from the older ...

Constable: Num 26:1--32:42 - --A. Preparations for entering the Promised Land from the east chs. 26-32
The first section of this second...

Constable: Num 27:1--30:16 - --2. Provisions and commands to observe in preparation for entering the land chs. 27-30
"Just as t...