Text -- Numbers 36:7-13 (NET)

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collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)
Wesley -> Num 36:8
Wesley: Num 36:8 - -- This law was not general to forbid every woman to marry into another tribe, as may be reasonably concluded from the practice of so many patriarchs, ki...
This law was not general to forbid every woman to marry into another tribe, as may be reasonably concluded from the practice of so many patriarchs, kings, priests, and other holy men, who have married women of other tribes, yea sometimes of other nations, but restrained to heiresses, or such as were likely to be so. But if they had brethren, they were free to marry into any tribe, yet so that, if their brethren died, the inheritance went from them to the next a - kin of their father's tribe and family. And the principal reason why God was solicitous to preserve tribes and families unmixed was, that the tribe and family too, out of which the Messiah was to come, and by which he should be known, might be evident and unquestionable.
JFB -> Num 36:5-12; Num 36:13
JFB: Num 36:5-12 - -- The plea appeared just and reasonable; and, accordingly an enactment was made by which the daughters of Zelophehad, while left to the free choice of t...
The plea appeared just and reasonable; and, accordingly an enactment was made by which the daughters of Zelophehad, while left to the free choice of their husbands, were restricted to marry not only within their own tribe, but within the family of their father's tribe--that is, one of their cousins. This restriction, however, was imposed only on those who were heiresses. The law was not applicable to daughters in different circumstances (1Ch 23:22) --for they might marry into another tribe; but if they did so, they were liable to forfeit their patrimonial inheritance, which, on the death of their father or brothers, went to the nearest of the family kinsmen. Here was an instance of progressive legislation (see also Exo 18:27) in Israel, the enactments made being suggested by circumstances. But it is deserving of special notice that those additions to, or modifications of, the law were confined to civil affairs; while the slightest change was inadmissible in the laws relating to worship or the maintenance of religion.

JFB: Num 36:13 - -- The Israelitish encampment was on an extensive plateau north of the Arnon, which, though wrested from the Moabites by Sihon and Og, still retained the...
The Israelitish encampment was on an extensive plateau north of the Arnon, which, though wrested from the Moabites by Sihon and Og, still retained the name of its original possessors. The particular site, as indicated by the words "Jordan near Jericho," is now called El-Koura--a large plain lying not far from Nebo, between the Arnon and a small tributary stream, the Wael [BURCKHARDT]. It was a desert plain on the eastern bank, and marked only by groves of the wild, thorny acacia tree.
Clarke: Num 36:8 - -- Every daughter that possesseth an inheritance - This law affected none but heiresses; all others were at liberty to marry into any of the other trib...
Every daughter that possesseth an inheritance - This law affected none but heiresses; all others were at liberty to marry into any of the other tribes. The priests and Levites, who could have no inheritance, were exempt from the operation of this law. Jehoiada had the king of Judah’ s daughter to wife, 2Ch 22:11. And another priest had for wife one of the daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite, Ezr 2:61. "By reason of such marriages,"says Mr. Ainsworth, "there might be kindred between Elisabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, who was of the daughters of Aaron, and Mary the virgin, the mother of our Lord, who was of the lineage of David, and tribe of Judah;"Luk 1:5, Luk 1:36; Luk 3:23-31.

Clarke: Num 36:11 - -- Mahlah, Tirza, etc. - For a curious account of these names, see the notes on Num 27:7.
Mahlah, Tirza, etc. - For a curious account of these names, see the notes on Num 27:7.

Clarke: Num 36:12 - -- And their inheritance remained in - the family - "By this example, and the law of inheritances in the Holy Land, the people of God,"says Ainsworth, ...
And their inheritance remained in - the family - "By this example, and the law of inheritances in the Holy Land, the people of God,"says Ainsworth, "are taught to hold fast their inheritance in his promises, and their right in Christ, which they hold by faith; that as the Father hath made them meet to be partakers of the inheritance among the saints in light, Col 1:12, so they may keep the faith and grace which they have received to the end."

Clarke: Num 36:13 - -- These are the commandments, etc. - See these different terms analyzed and explained, Lev 26:15 (note)
Thus ends the book of Numbers, containing a se...
These are the commandments, etc. - See these different terms analyzed and explained, Lev 26:15 (note)
Thus ends the book of Numbers, containing a series of astonishing providences and events. Scarcely any piece of history in the sacred writings is better calculated to impress the mind of a serious reader with a sense of the goodness and severity of God. In every transaction his holiness and justice appear in closest union with his benevolence and mercy. From such a Being what have the wicked not to fear! From such a Father and Friend what have the upright not to hope! His justice requires him to punish iniquity, but his mercy inclines him to pardon all who truly repent and believe in the Son of his love
The journeyings of this people, from the time they left Egypt, exhibit a series of providential wonders. Every where, and in every circumstance, God appears: and yet there is no circumstance or occasion that does not justify those signal displays of his Grace and his Justice. The genuine history of God’ s providence must be sought for in this book alone; and as every occurrence happened as an example, we have authority to conclude that in every case where his own glory and the salvation of man are interested, he will interfere and give the fullest proofs that he is the same to-day that he was yesterday, and will continue unchangeable for ever and ever. Reader, are these matters ensamples to thee? Art thou, like the Israelites, come into the plains of Moab, on the very verge of the promised land? Jordan alone separates thee from the promised inheritance. O, watch and pray, that thou come not short of the glory of God. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death; see then that the sting of death, which is sin, be extracted from thy soul, that, being justified by Christ’ s blood, thou mayest be made an heir according to the hope of an eternal life. Amen, amen
"I will bring you into the Wilderness of the people, and there will I plead with you face to face, like as I pleaded with your fathers in the Wilderness of the land of Egypt. And I will cause you to pass under the rod, and bring you into the bond of the covenant,"Eze 20:35-37
"He (Christ) is the Mediator of the New Testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance,"Heb 9:15
Sections In the Book of Numbers, carried on from Leviticus, which ends with the Thirty-Third
The Thirty-Fourth, called
The Thirty-Fifth, called
The Thirty-Sixth, called
The Thirty-Seventh, called
The Thirty-Eighth, called
The Thirty-Ninth, called
The Fortieth, called
The Forty-First, called
The Forty-Second, called
The Forty-Third, called
TSK: Num 36:7 - -- for every one : That is, he shall not endeavour to obtain any part of the inheritance of another tribe by marrying an heiress.
keep himself : Heb. cle...

TSK: Num 36:13 - -- the commandments : Lev 7:37, Lev 7:38, Lev 11:46, Lev 13:59, Lev 14:54-57, Lev 15:32, Lev 15:33, Lev 27:34
in the plains of Moab : Num 26:3, Num 33:50...

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes -> Num 36:1-13
Barnes: Num 36:1-13 - -- The daughters of Zelophehad had obtained an ordinance Num 28:6-11 which permitted the daughters of an Israelite dying without male issue to inherit ...
The daughters of Zelophehad had obtained an ordinance Num 28:6-11 which permitted the daughters of an Israelite dying without male issue to inherit their father’ s property. The chiefs of the Machirites, of whom Zelophehad had been one, now obtain a supplemental enactment, directing that heiresses should marry within their own tribe.
Be taken away - i. e. be permanently taken away. The jubilee year, by not restoring the estate to the tribe to which it originally belonged, would in effect confirm the alienation.
Unto their father’ s brothers’ sons - Or more generally, "unto the sons of their kinsmen."
rdrb \brdrs \brdrw30 \brsp20
Poole: Num 36:8 - -- By which clause it seems that this law was not general to forbid every woman to marry into another tribe, (as may be reasonably concluded from the p...
By which clause it seems that this law was not general to forbid every woman to marry into another tribe, (as may be reasonably concluded from the practice of so many patriarchs, kings, priests, and other holy men, who have married women of other tribes, yea, sometimes of other nations, which it is not likely they would have done, if this had been a transgression of God’ s law,) but restrained to heiresses, or such as were likely to be so. See 1Ch 23:22 . But if they had brethren, it is probable they were free to marry into any tribe, yet so that, if their brethren died, their punishment was, that the inheritance went from them to the next akin of their father’ s tribe and family. And the principal reason why God was solicitous to preserve tribes and families unmixed was, that the tribe and family too out of which the Messiah was to come, and by which he should be known, might be evident and unquestionable.

Poole: Num 36:11 - -- It is certain whether brothers or sons be taken strictly and properly, or more large, as those words are oft used in Scripture.
It is certain whether brothers or sons be taken strictly and properly, or more large, as those words are oft used in Scripture.
Haydock: Num 36:7 - -- Wives. Hebrew, "shall keep to the inheritance of the tribe of his fathers." Those who marry heiresses must be of the same family: but others may ta...
Wives. Hebrew, "shall keep to the inheritance of the tribe of his fathers." Those who marry heiresses must be of the same family: but others may take wives from any of the tribes of Israel, as the most holy did without scruple. (St. Jerome in Jer. xxxii.) (Tirinus) (Estius) ---
The Rabbins extend this law to all, with the Vulgate: but only during the time that the land of Chanaan remained undivided. (Selden, Succ. c. xviii.)

Haydock: Num 36:8 - -- Women. Hebrew, "every daughter that possesseth an inheritance....shall be wife to one of the family of the tribe of her father." Commonly the femal...
Women. Hebrew, "every daughter that possesseth an inheritance....shall be wife to one of the family of the tribe of her father." Commonly the females were debarred from inheriting land, when they had any brothers. The Levites were not concerned in these regulations, as they had no inheritance; and hence, we need not be surprised to find that St. Elizabeth, of the daughters of Aaron, (Luke i. 26,) was related to the blessed Virgin, who was of the family of David. The mother of St. Elizabeth might be of the tribe of Juda; or a maternal ancestor of the blessed Virgin might spring from the tribe of Levi. (Calmet) ---
Tradition determined the lawfulness of such marriages, and in this case, St. Augustine (Consens. Ev. ii. 23) admires the providence of God, in causing his beloved Son, the great anointed, to be born both of the regal and priestly tribes, in which an unction was required, before the priests and kings were put in possession of their respective offices. Thus Christ was both priest and king, and such were anointed in the law of Moses. (Worthington)

Haydock: Num 36:11 - -- Father. They married their cousin-germans. The original is rather undecisive, as Dod may signify, "an uncle, great uncle, or cousin;" and a son,...
Father. They married their cousin-germans. The original is rather undecisive, as Dod may signify, "an uncle, great uncle, or cousin;" and a son, in Scripture, is often put for any descendant. The marriages of cousins were not expressly forbidden by the law, and if they had, they might have been dispensed with on this occasion, as well as when a brother died without issue. (Calmet) ---
Claudius was the first of the Romans who obtained leave of the senate to marry his brother's daughter. (Suetonius) (Du Hamel)
Gill: Num 36:7 - -- So shall not the inheritance of the children of Israel remove from tribe to tribe,.... Which shows that this concerns all the tribes of Israel, though...
So shall not the inheritance of the children of Israel remove from tribe to tribe,.... Which shows that this concerns all the tribes of Israel, though yet not fully expressed, as it is afterwards:
for everyone of the children of Israel shall keep himself to the inheritance of the tribe of his fathers; or cleave a to a wife in that tribe for marriage; this word is used in the original institution of it, Gen 2:24 though they were not strictly obliged to marry in their own tribe; and frequently they did intermarry with other tribes, which, had it been unlawful, would not have been done, as it was by kings, and priests, and others; nor was there any danger of an inheritance going into another tribe by a man's marrying into it; wherefore this signifies only, that they were to be careful to keep their inheritances in their tribe; and therefore if any of them had no sons, only daughters, he was to marry them in his own tribe and family, that the inheritance might not remove, as follows

Gill: Num 36:8 - -- And every daughter that possesseth an inheritance in any tribe if the children of Israel,.... For the same law which gave the daughters of Zelophehad ...
And every daughter that possesseth an inheritance in any tribe if the children of Israel,.... For the same law which gave the daughters of Zelophehad right to their father's inheritance, gave every other daughter in Israel a right to inherit where there were no sons, Num 27:8 and every such daughter, according to this law:
shall be wife unto one of the family of the tribe of her father; marry into her father's tribe and family; by which it appears that such who were not heiresses might marry persons of another family, and even of another tribe:
that the children of Israel may enjoy every man the inheritance of his fathers; of his father's brethren, or of those that are near akin to him.

Gill: Num 36:9 - -- Neither shall the inheritance remove from one tribe to another,.... Which was one end of the year of jubilee, but that did not sufficiently secure it ...
Neither shall the inheritance remove from one tribe to another,.... Which was one end of the year of jubilee, but that did not sufficiently secure it without this law, as this case shows:
but everyone of the tribes of Israel shall keep himself to his own inheritance; the chief view of which was, that it might clearly appear of what tribe and family the Messiah sprang when he came.

Gill: Num 36:10 - -- Even as the Lord commanded Moses, so did the daughters of Zelophehad. They married into, the family of their father's tribe, according to the followin...
Even as the Lord commanded Moses, so did the daughters of Zelophehad. They married into, the family of their father's tribe, according to the following account.

Gill: Num 36:11 - -- For Mahlah, Tirzah, and Hoglah, and Milcah, and Noah,.... The names of the daughters of Zelophehad, and the same as in Num 26:33, only the order a lit...
For Mahlah, Tirzah, and Hoglah, and Milcah, and Noah,.... The names of the daughters of Zelophehad, and the same as in Num 26:33, only the order a little varied, Tirzah and Noah here changing places; there they are according to their birth, here they are according to their marriage, as Aben Ezra thinks; though Jarchi is of opinion, that being thus differently placed shows that they were equal to one another, and one was not preferred to the other:
these were married unto their father's brothers' sons; so that they were first cousins.

Gill: Num 36:12 - -- And they were married into the families of the sons of Manasseh, the son of Joseph,.... The family of the Hepherites, of which they were. Aben Ezra ob...
And they were married into the families of the sons of Manasseh, the son of Joseph,.... The family of the Hepherites, of which they were. Aben Ezra observes, that their being married into families, and not a family, is a sign that their uncles' sons were not all of them brethren, or the sons of one man, but of more, though all sons of one or other of their father's, brethren:
and their inheritance remained in the tribe of the family of their father; by means of these marriages, even both in their father's tribe and family.

Gill: Num 36:13 - -- These are the commandments and the judgments,.... The judicial laws concerning the division of the land of Canaan, the case of inheritances in it, and...
These are the commandments and the judgments,.... The judicial laws concerning the division of the land of Canaan, the case of inheritances in it, and the cities of refuge:
which the Lord commanded by, the hand of Moses unto the children of Israel, in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho; where the Israelites had been ever since they were first observed by Balak king of Moab, and where the various things had been done recorded in the preceding chapters from that time.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Num 36:8 The subject is “Israelites” and the verb is plural to agree with it, but the idea is collective as the word for “man” indicate...

NET Notes: Num 36:11 They married in the family as they were instructed. But the meaning of דּוֹד (dod) is not necessarily restricted to R...

NET Notes: Num 36:13 For the location of Jericho see Map5 B2; Map6 E1; Map7 E1; Map8 E3; Map10 A2; Map11 A1.
Geneva Bible: Num 36:8 And every daughter, that possesseth an ( e ) inheritance in any tribe of the children of Israel, shall be wife unto one of the family of the tribe of ...

Geneva Bible: Num 36:13 These [are] the ( f ) commandments and the judgments, which the LORD commanded by the hand of Moses unto the children of Israel in the plains of Moab ...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Num 36:1-13
TSK Synopsis: Num 36:1-13 - --1 The inconvenience of the inheritance of daughters is remedied by marrying in their own tribes,7 lest the inheritance should be removed from the trib...
MHCC -> Num 36:5-12; Num 36:13
MHCC: Num 36:5-12 - --Those who consult the oracles of God, concerning the making of their heavenly inheritance sure, shall not only be directed what to do, but their inqui...

MHCC: Num 36:13 - --These are the judgments the Lord commanded in the plains of Moab. Most of them related to the settlement in Canaan, into which the Israelites were now...
Matthew Henry -> Num 36:5-13
Matthew Henry: Num 36:5-13 - -- Here is, I. The matter settled by express order from God between the daughters of Zelophehad and the rest of the tribe of Manasseh. The petition is ...
Keil-Delitzsch: Num 36:5-9 - --
Moses declared that what they had affirmed was right ( כּן ), and then, by command of Jehovah, he told the daughters of Zelophehad that they might...

Keil-Delitzsch: Num 36:10-12 - --
In Num 36:10-12 it is related that, in accordance with these instructions, the five daughters of Zelophehad, whose names are repeated from Num 26:33...

Keil-Delitzsch: Num 36:13 - --
The conclusion refers not merely to the laws and rights contained in Num 33:50-36:13, but includes the rest of the laws given in the steppes of Moab...
Constable: Num 26:1--36:13 - --II. Prospects of the younger generation in the land chs. 26--36
The focus of Numbers now changes from the older ...

Constable: Num 33:1--36:13 - --B. Warning and encouragement of the younger generation chs. 33-36
God gave the final laws governing Isra...

Constable: Num 33:50--Deu 1:1 - --2. Anticipation of the Promised Land 33:50-36:13
"The section breaks down into two groups of thr...